Removal of a polyp in the cervical canal methods. If the presence of a cervical polyp is found in a pregnant woman? Price for removal of a polyp of the cervical canal

Quite often, polyps are diagnosed in women. This applies to older women. If no action is taken, then everything can go to cancer or other complication.

If you start diagnosing at a given time and stop the polyp in the uterus in time, you can avoid the oncological process.

Polyp cervical canal does it need to be removed? Many doctors and gynecologists believe that any polyps need to be removed quickly. Any neoplasm in the uterus must be stopped immediately. In any case, it is up to the patient to decide whether to remove the polyp or not. Nobody has the right to force her. But in any case, you need to warn about further complications.

Should a polyp on the cervix be removed? There are some indications for surgery. These are:

  • The size of the polyps of the cervical canal is more than 10 millimeters.
  • Age limit, over 45 years old.
  • Inability to have children (infertility).
  • Absence positive effect from treatment conservative way.
  • Polyps of adenomatous origin.

Should a cervical polyp be removed? If a polyp is diagnosed more than 10 millimeters, then it should be removed immediately. Most often, if a polyp of 5-6-7 mm is detected, then it can be stopped in a conservative way. If a large polyp is not removed, a number of problems may arise. A woman with a large polyp may not have offspring, there is heavy bleeding or malignancy of the polyp - uterine cancer. It is better to remove the polyp of the cervical canal if it is large!

Can a cervical polyp be removed? Very typical is the fact that polyps appear in women after 42-44 years. The reason for this is some changes on the part hormonal background. This process leads to the appearance of polyps, which can turn into malignant neoplasms. Therefore, after such an age, it is necessary to quickly get rid of these neoplasms.

There is a condition where a woman cannot give birth to a child. The reason for this is sometimes the presence of a polyp in reproductive organ. To have a chance for a woman to become pregnant, it is necessary to remove the polyp surgically. Due to the large size of the polyp, the sperm cannot mechanically enter the uterine cavity. Even if, for surprising reasons, a woman was able to become pregnant with the presence of polyps, then in the future they can be the reason for her interruption.

If the patient is treated conservatively in every possible way and there is no effect, then one has to resort to the surgical method. It should be noted that a conservative treatment regimen in some cases helps to get rid of the polyp, but none of the doctors gives a 100% guarantee. Some hormonal drugs stop growth, but even this is not enough, it is necessary to stop it completely. Usually, when no effect is observed, in any case, the symptoms begin to gradually worsen (bleeding, pain syndrome, selection different nature). Cancer of the polyp of the cervical canal must be removed as soon as possible.

If, after diagnosing a woman, she has polyps of adenomatous origin, then this is a direct indication for surgical removal. These polyps must be urgently removed, as they can quickly turn into cancerous tumors.

Unfortunately, in order to achieve fast and good results it is necessary to remove the polyp immediately and radically. Conservative treatment can stop growth and in rare cases buy him.

Is it necessary to remove the polyp of the cervical canal, and by what method?

To stop a polyp surgically, there are several methods. But beloved and effective method polyp removal is hysteroscopy. Usually this method combined with curettage. After the surgical removal is completed, this material is sent to the laboratory for diagnostic histological examination.

Also, other techniques are able to remove the polyp: curettage, diathermocoagulation, conventional polypectomy or cryodestruction. But they are, according to doctors, less effective than hysteroscopy. But any doctor chooses a technique according to various age or clinical data of the patient.

Also clinical manifestations dictate further treatment. As soon as the polyp is removed, conservative treatment is prescribed. That is, certain hormone preparations are able to completely restore a woman. In some rare cases, it is necessary to remove the entire uterus along with the polyp. This is done when a woman is at risk (polyp growth, malignancy, metastases). It is bad when a malignant polyp in the uterus is detected - it is necessary to remove the uterus. A large cervical canal polyp needs to be stopped quickly.

Rehabilitation and postoperative period

If a polyp of the cervical canal is removed, what should I do? After the surgical removal of the polyp, some negative processes may appear. It does not depend on the removal method, but on the woman's body. Such side effects are:

  • risk of infertility.
  • Some discomfort after intimacy and sexual intercourse with a partner.
  • Bloody discharge, which can only be stopped with medication.
  • Reappearance of a polyp after a previous operation.
  • Incomplete removal of the polyp, most often a doctor's mistake. The remnants of the polyp can grow and turn into a cancerous tumor.
  • Perforation in the uterine cavity (very rare).
  • Adhesive disease, which is most often diagnosed after curettage. It is best to stop the adhesions with a laser.
  • Delayed menstruation, up to several months.
  • There may also be an increase in temperature, pain in other parts of the perineum. The appearance of infection in the urinary system.

It should be noted that complications and the above clinical manifestations do not always occur in a woman.

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Questions and answers on: treatment after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal

2011-11-30 13:31:12

Victoria asks:

I am 36 years old. 8 years ago I was operated on: removal submucous fibroids, cystodenoma of the ovary, polyp of the cervical canal, cauterization of foci of endometriosis (hysteroscopy at the same time as laparoscopy). After treatment, she underwent a course of Buserelin-Depot 3 injections, then pregnancy occurred. Nothing bothered for 3 years, then periodically there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, sharp, stabbing pains. I am constantly observed by a gynecologist, I pass all the tests, I control the level of hormones. 2 years ago, a polyp was found in the uterus, removed, drank Duphaston after the operation for 3 months. 3 months ago, spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, 2 uterine polyps on ultrasound. Three weeks later she was operated on (hysteroscopy), a glandular polyp. Otherwise, as the operating doctor said, the stage of remission. They prescribed to drink 6-9 months. either Jeanine or Yarin together with Epigalat Indinol. Please tell me what treatment is needed to stop the appearance of polyps and the progression of endometriosis. What drugs should be taken. And what tests need to be done before starting hormonal therapy. If possible, advise a clinic dealing with these problems.

Responsible Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

You have been prescribed the right hormonal treatment. Can you take it or eat more new drug- visan - also shown to you instead of janina - if you want. You don't need to take hormonal analgesics, because you have a biopsy - a glandular polyp - that's enough. Indinol is also very good for you to slow down your illness. Do an ultrasound every 3 months.

2010-09-12 18:34:54

Olga asks:

Hello! I'm Olga, 32 years old. Sorry for so many questions! My doctor is very silent, not a word can be pulled out. does this mean? that I had a curettage done? How traumatic was it, is the cervical canal mucosa recovering and can I get pregnant? (I don’t have children).
2) Histological examination of the polyp, the conclusion: "A glandular-fibrous polyp of the cervical canal with a pronounced lymphocytic infiltration" .. what does this pronounced lymphocytic infiltration mean??
3) A histological examination should only show which polyp: malignant or benign, or should it still reveal (show) the CAUSE of this polyp? Seeing the results of histology, the doctor for some reason could not say anything about the causes of my polyp.
4) I heard that the causes of polyps are mainly hormonal disorders. Why then didn’t my doctor prescribe any hormonal therapy to me, not before removal and not after it? Or is this therapy optional in my case? The polyp was removed for the first time in February and later 6 months of relapses are not observed. The treatment after removal was as follows: sumamed (500 mg), methyluracil suppositories, miramistin-douching, diazolin-7 days, ascorutin .. Do I need to take an ANALYSIS FOR HARMONES? Do I need hormone therapy in my case? .. Thanks in advance for your reply!

Responsible Samysko Alena Viktorovna:

Dear Olga, these questions must have been answered by your doctor.
!. Curettage is necessary, because each polyp has a stalk, so if it is good not to remove the bed from where it grew, then the recurrence is 90%.
2. The histology is good, but this term means that there is a slight inflammation of the tissue that needs to be treated.
3. The reason for the formation of polyps is a hormonal imbalance, with an excess of the hormonal estrogen background, which leads to the formation of plus tissue.
4. Treatment is based only on the histology of the polypectomy. Accordingly, you should have been given appropriate treatment to prevent relapse.
5. It is desirable to pass an analysis for hormones, this includes estriol, progesterone, LH, FSH, they are not given all at once, but in certain days cycle.
It is the responsibility of the doctor to correctly examine, identify and correctly prescribe treatment.
The fact that you received anti-inflammatory treatment after scraping. Which does not affect the cause.

2010-02-07 20:32:11

Allah asks:

Hello! I am 38 years old, menstruation since the age of 12, regular, painful, especially when I was young; in recent times soreness has decreased. There are no children, but she was not treated for infertility purposefully and did not try to get pregnant (sex life outside of marriage). Due to the pain of menstruation, endometriosis was suspected, but it was not confirmed by ultrasound, and laparoscopy was not performed.
2004 - CC polyp discovered during examination, polypectomy, according to histology - glandular-fibrous polyp of the cervical canal.
2007 - CC polyp, separate diagnostic curettage, according to histology - glandular-fibrous polyp of the cervical canal.
Between polyp removals in 2004 and 2007. it was found during examinations BEFORE menstruation, and at the beginning and middle of the cycle the polyp "disappeared". Six months after the polypectomy (2005), I even went to the hospital for a polypectomy, but during the examination, the polyp was not found and I was discharged.
In 2008 (associated with RFE ??? as one doctor told me, it could activate endometriosis) there was a premenstrual "daub" for 3-5 days, in March 2009 - an intermenstrual "daub" on the 10-11th day of the cycle in for 3-7 days (almost every cycle, there were only 2-3 cycles). When taking swabs sh.m. "blood".
STIs - negative: chlamydia by blood test using the ELISA method, urea- and mycoplasma - cultured by smear, HPV and CMV - by smear using the PCR method. I have herpes type 1 and 2, for several years it has practically not bothered me.
On colposcopy in December 2009, in the middle of the cycle, a "polyp in the depths of the c.c."
In January 2010, at 13 d.c. - hysteroscopy. Result: p.m. not deformed, pale pink mucosa, uneven thickness, vascular pattern is not pronounced, orifices fallopian tubes are free. The polyp was not found, although they searched very carefully; according to the doctor, visually everything looked good.
Histology: hyperplastic endometrium (and that's all, no details). The result is absolutely unexpected, since the endometrium on all ultrasounds corresponded to the day of m.c. For example, the last ultrasound on 7 d.c. - 5 mm, for 26 d.c. - 9 mm. And in previous observations more than 12 mm M-
echo never happened. Could there be an error in the histological result?
Treatment was prescribed: Norkolut 1t 2r per day - 3 cycles, 1t 1r per day - 3 cycles (reception from 16 to 25 days). I read the instructions, I'm afraid to take (I have a pronounced fibrocystic mastopathy, the oncologist shows alertness, chronic cholecystitis, low platelet count). Please advise, maybe it is acceptable to replace Norkolut with Duphaston as a lighter drug. I have never taken hormones before.

Responsible Zheleznaya Anna Alexandrovna:

Good afternoon, ultrasound is an additional research method, and histology is reliable, but if you have doubts, then reconsult the glasses. dufaston possible

2009-04-06 20:51:39

Galina asks:

Hello, please tell me how should I proceed. I am 30 years old, I am going to have a baby in the near future. In August, she passed tests for various infections, and ureaplasmosis was discovered. During the procedures for his treatment, the doctor also discovered a polyp of the cervical canal in me and recommended that it be removed. After the treatment of ureoplasmosis, I also discovered dysplasia, although about three years ago I did cryodestruction. Can a polyp cause it, is it necessary to remove it by surgical intervention? I tried to be treated with celandine juice, there was an effect, the polyp decreased, but I interrupted the treatment. I am not pregnant and I am afraid of this operation to remove the polyp, but the appearance of dysplasia also scares me. Thanks in advance for your help.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Good afternoon, Galina! Your question has been categorized as a FAQ in the Cervical Dysplasia and Polyposis, Hypoplasia, Hyperplasia, and Other Endometrial Conditions sections. Answers to questions can be found at the links:
Dysplasia Cervical dysplasia
Polyposis Polyposis, hypoplasia, hyperplasia and other conditions of the endometrium

2015-08-08 15:32:20

Sofia asks:

Hello! My name is Sofia. I'm 55 years old. Married. The last menstruation was exactly 9 years ago. Had 1 birth, 3 abortions. The birth was with complications - bleeding, manual examination p / m, infusion donated blood, after a few days scraping. Until recently, at regular examination, the gynecologist diagnosed - it is practically healthy. Complaints in the last few years were only about vaginal dryness. No treatment was given. In July of this year, there were spotting discharges for 10 days.
An ultrasound was ordered. Result from 07/23/15:
The size of the uterus is 4.5x3.1x4.2; cervix 3.2x2.9.
Myometrium: heterogeneous, with small fibromatous inclusions.
The endometrium is heterogeneous. M-echo: 0.67cm.
Left ovary: 1.8 x 1.6 cm with signs of atrophy, right ovary - 2.0 x 1.6 cm with signs of atrophy. Conclusion: Endometrial thickness is suspicious for menopause.
A diagnostic scraping was ordered in the hospital. The result of the PPP dated 03.08.15:
c / c - the epithelium of the cervical canal,
p/m - glandular-hysterological polyp of the endometrium.
According to the results of the scraping, the attending physician prescribed a “planned surgical treatment”. In words, she explained that it was necessary to remove the uterus in order to “live without problems and not risk life” in the future.
Today, 10 days after the scraping, there is a small, almost transparent discharge.
In addition, mastopathy recent years 10. Mammography dated 03/10/15 - fibro-fatty involution of the mammary glands. Ultrasound of the mammary glands from 14.03.15 - fibrous mastopathy with the presence of a cystic component in the left mammary gland without negative dynamics (in the region of the upper inner quadrant at 10-00, at a depth of 1.6 cm, from the areola 1.0 cm, an inclusion with ultrasound signs of a cyst Ø 0.4 cm).
My questions are: is such a radical treatment tactic as hysterectomy justified in my case? What to do with a cyst in the chest and with dryness (mucosal atrophy) of the vagina.

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Endometrial polyposis - subject to conservative treatment but treatment can be expensive. Control is needed: during treatment and after treatment. Surgical treatment may be recommended, especially if a family history of cancer is burdened - but the decision is made by the woman. Regarding the mammary gland, you need to contact a mammologist at the oncology dispensary, it is possible to prescribe drugs simultaneously for the treatment of hyperplastic processes in the uterus and mammary gland at the same time. Dryness in the vagina is associated with menopause i.e. a period of life when the hormones of youth disappear, unfortunately - drugs containing estrogens are contraindicated for you. You can use local creams, ointments or lactobacilli. Removal of the uterus and appendages will not solve the problem of menopausal manifestations and the problem of the mammary gland. if you decide on treatment, then you need to repeat the diagnostic curettage after 3 or 6 months during treatment, ultrasound should be performed every 3 months.

What is a cervical canal polyp?

Polyp of the cervical canal- this is benign education growing into the lumen of the cervix. Similar outgrowths are formed from connective tissue and may be covered by squamous stratified, high columnar, or immature epithelium of the endocervix. They are attached to with the help of a leg (thin or thick). The place of their localization is the depth of the external cervical os. If the cervical polyp is located on a long stalk, then it can protrude into the vaginal lumen, then the gynecologist is able to visualize it during a standard examination.

All polyps have blood vessels that grow into them as they form. It is their number that determines the color of education. The fewer of them, the paler the polyp. With a developed vascular network, it can have a rich burgundy color. The more fibrous cells in the structure of the polyp, the denser the outgrowth will be. The size of the tumors varies from very microscopic to very impressive. The bigger they are, the brighter Clinical signs pathology. The maximum size of the cervical polyp is 40 mm, although formations rarely grow to such volumes. The minimum diameter is 2 mm.

It is not uncommon for this disease to be detected during pregnancy - polyps are detected in 22% of women bearing a child. It is worth knowing about the existence of false cervical polyps or pseudopolyps. They are formed within a few weeks after conception, do not have legs. The structure of the cervical pseudopolyp is represented by a transformed endometrium. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with such an education, then she should be under special control by a gynecologist. When a pseudopolyp does not affect the process of bearing a fetus, it is simply observed. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, then the formation is subject to removal, which is carried out during gestation, without waiting for delivery. Polyps can be combined into groups, or they can grow singly.

According to available statistics, this pathology is quite common and is recorded in women at different ages. However, more often cervical polyps occur after 40 years. Among other neoplasms of the cervix, which are benign in nature, polyposis is diagnosed no more often than in 25% of cases. Doctors consider this pathology background. The presence of multiple cervical polyps increases the risk, therefore, requires regular monitoring by a doctor and timely treatment.

Symptoms of polyps of the cervical canal

Hidden current pathological process is a fairly common characteristic of polyps. Small formations with a wide leg almost do not betray themselves. They are diagnosed, as a rule, by chance, when a woman goes to the doctor about another disease of the genital area. It is worth noting that with polyposis of the cervical canal, 70% of women have concomitant gynecological diseases.

The fact that there is a polyp in the body can be suspected after its damage, infection, ulceration or inflammation.

In this case, the neoplasm manifests itself as follows:

    Bloody discharge, which can often be observed after intimacy or gynecological examination. Also, polyps are sometimes injured by sanitary tampons. This is especially true for tumors on a long stalk that extend beyond the boundaries of the external uterine os into the lumen of the vagina;

    If the polyp has undergone necrosis or become inflamed, then in the period between the woman may begin. In all other cases, this is not typical for polyps;

    When the formation is infected, a woman will find leucorrhoea that has a mucopurulent character. Large polyposis growths are more often subject to such a process;

    Drawing pains also occur with large polyps. They are due to the fact that, due to a large outgrowth, the pharynx of the cervix is ​​​​not able to close properly;

    Abundant mucous discharge appears when the polyp presses on the glands of the cervical canal;

    If a large formation is found in a pregnant woman, then this may threaten her with a miscarriage, starting from early term bearing a fetus. Such risks are due to the fact that the polyp causes reflex irritation of the uterus, which causes it to contract involuntarily.

The structure of the formations affects the symptoms of cervical polyposis.

Depending on the cellular composition of the tumor, a woman is dominated by certain signs:

    With fibrosis symptoms are extremely poor. This is due to the structural features of such a polyp. It has no glands, which means it does not secrete mucus. The fibrous stroma is dense and weakly penetrated by blood vessels, which reduces the possibility of injury to the polyp and the risk of bleeding;

    glandular polyps produce large quantity mucus, which can increase intermenstrual flow. But there will not be too many of them, since fibrous formations most often have small size(up to 10mm);

    Glandular fibrous tumors are education mixed type, they give the most pronounced symptoms. More bright clinical picture disease is due to dimensions that can reach 25 mm or more. In this case, the woman complains of pain, notes contact bleeding and increased discharge between cycles.

Doctors are inclined to believe that the formations localized in the cervical canal are formed under the influence of a number of provoking factors:

    Canal injury. Various damages adversely affect the structural state of the epithelium lining the cervical canal. Of particular danger are diagnostic curettage, abortion, aspiration biopsy, hysteroscopy. Often the cervical canal suffers due to an incorrectly installed intrauterine device. In addition, it can be damaged during childbirth, especially if they were accompanied by traumatic obstetric manipulations. After an injury, the epithelium starts the healing process, it is regeneration that causes the growth of polyps. New mucous cells may divide too actively. Moreover, the injury does not have to be extensive at all, sometimes a microscopic wound is enough;

    Structural changes in the surface of the cervix. Often the formation of polyps is preceded by such pathologies as true and false erosions, as well as leukoplakia;

    Sexual infections. When immune defense women is reduced, the threat to the cervical canal is represented by such diseases of the vaginal epithelium as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and many others. Rising from the vagina, microorganisms begin to infect the cervical canal, disrupting the natural composition of the mucus located there. Arises local inflammation, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes looser and more easily injured. Reciprocal defensive reaction cervical epithelium - an increase in its own area due to cell division. As a result of this process, a polyp or a group of them is formed;

    Nonspecific infection. The growth of a neoplasm can be stimulated by such pathologies as vulvovaginitis, endomyometritis;

    Violations of the microflora of the vagina. The longer an imbalance of bacteria is observed in the vagina and the more often fluctuations in the level of acidity occur, the more favorable the environment becomes for the growth of the epithelial layer of the cervical canal;

    Disorders of the ovaries. It is with ovarian dysfunction in women that polyps in the cervical canal are most often detected. They are accompanied by diagnoses such as endometrial polyposis,. Therefore, doctors suggest that excess estrogen is a powerful stimulator of the growth of the epithelium lining the cervical zone;

    Physiological processes. Hormonal surges in a woman's body occur constantly. Except for menstruation, they fall on the period adolescence, at the time of bearing a child and at the time of a woman's entry into.

    Unexplained etiology. It is worth noting that polyps are not always formed under the influence of provoking factors. Sometimes the occurrence of such neoplasms cannot be explained by one reason or another. In this case, indicate cervical polyposis of unknown etiology.

An outgrowth localized in the cervical canal, despite mild symptoms, poses a threat to a woman's health.

The danger lies in the following:

    Polyps can transform into a malignant tumor causing cervical cancer. Although such changes occur infrequently, nevertheless, the risk of rebirth exists. Therefore, doctors recommend removing such formations, regardless of their size and structure;

    The risk of developing uterine bleeding increases. This threat is due to the fact that the polyp has its own blood vessels, and it can reach 30 mm in size. When its wall is damaged, blood loss often occurs. Almost always, it ends on its own, however, regular repetitions lead to anemia. The level of red blood cells and hemoglobin falls, which negatively affects the woman's well-being;

    The presence of a polyp can affect the course of pregnancy extremely negatively, up to spontaneous abortion. Among other threats during gestation against the background of cervical polyposis, isthmic-cervical insufficiency can be distinguished, as well as low position placenta;

    Tumor necrosis in case of failure medical care, which consists in surgical intervention, can cause the death of nearby tissues, blood poisoning and the death of a woman;

    Hematometra is another danger of a cervical polyp. Due to the fact that the tumor has a large size and the ability to move, as well as its inflammation, the cervical canal can be blocked. As a result menstrual blood will begin to accumulate in the uterine cavity, as its natural outflow will be disturbed. A complication can be suspected by the absence menstrual bleeding in due time, blood may seep out, but will have an unpleasant odor and its volume will be much less than it should be. In addition, the woman will experience pain in the lower abdomen, and the uterus will stretch and increase in size. In case of failure timely assistance an inflammatory process can begin, up to sepsis and death.

In connection with such serious threats to the health and even life of a woman, polyps must be removed as soon as possible after they are discovered.

Diagnosis of polyps of the cervical canal

In order to detect the presence of such formations, sometimes only a standard gynecological examination is enough. During its conduct, the doctor detects thickened and hypertrophied walls of the cervix. Outgrowths protrude from the cervical canal, having characteristic shape and color.

To confirm the diagnosis, a woman needs to undergo a cervicoscopy. In fact, this is a normal examination of the mucous part of the cervical canal. For better view the doctor uses a mirror or expander, as well as binocular optics. The shade of the polyp is important diagnostic value. So, its bluish or purple indicates the blockage of blood flow in certain vessels and oxygen starvation tumors. If the polyp is white, then this is a sign of keratinization. Such a neoplasm acquires greater strength and elasticity.

Cervicoscopy allows you to visualize not only large, but also small polyps. The technique provides information about their structure, possible inflammation, necrosis or ulcerative processes. In addition, a targeted biopsy can be performed during the procedure. The resulting material is then sent to histological examination.

When tumors are found in the cervical canal, it is imperative to conduct ultrasound, which allows you to determine their presence in the uterine cavity. Due to the fact that the treatment of such formations is always operational, a preliminary examination of the smear using the methods of bacterial culture and PCR is necessary. If a woman has infections, they are first eliminated from the body.

Answers to popular questions

    Should a cervical polyp be removed? Education found in the cervical canal is subject to mandatory removal. You should not refuse the operation, even if the polyp has a very small size. The need for resection is due to the tense oncological situation in the world.

    Can a cervical canal polyp disappear on its own? The formation cannot self-destruct, which is why there are no drug treatment schemes for such tumors.

    How long does bleeding last after removal of a cervical canal polyp? If a low-traumatic method of getting rid of the neoplasm was chosen, then spotting may not be observed at all. Sometimes spotting may continue for up to 48 hours. Gradually, they become less and less, and after three days they completely disappear.

    What does heavy menstruation mean after removal of a polyp of the cervical canal? When the formation is removed from the body, menstruation should return to normal. Her character can additionally be affected by the age of the woman and the number of removed polyps. Menstruation after surgery should normally become less abundant and less painful. If, on the contrary, their volume has increased or the cycle has broken, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

Removal of polyps of the cervical canal - 5 methods

When a woman decides on the choice of a surgical technique, it is important for her to remember that after any operation she will have to undergo a curettage procedure for the entire cervical canal. Only in this way will it be possible to get rid of pathological cells that can lead to a relapse of the pathology. There are several methods aimed at removing cervical growths.


This method has been around for quite some time. During the procedure, excision occurs, as well as cauterization of the polyp. For this purpose, the doctor uses an electroknife. A high-frequency current passes through the device. As a result, the polyp cells get burned and die. At the place of its attachment, a wound is formed, which is covered with a crust from above. It is an additional protection against infection and bleeding. However, this method has certain contraindications. The operation is not prescribed to a woman if she is carrying a child, has not given birth before, and also suffers from a bleeding disorder.

However, diathermocoagulation has undoubted advantage, which lies in the widespread prevalence of the technique, which makes it accessible to every woman.

However, giving preference to such an intervention, it is worth remembering its shortcomings:

    After cauterization, a polyp will remain in place, which can complicate future childbirth;

    The recovery process can take several months;

    With incorrect rejection of the resulting crust, bleeding may open;

    The procedure is quite painful.

However, the procedure is used everywhere, as it is not only affordable, but also makes it possible to get rid of polyps attached to the cervical canal with a wide stem.


To implement this intervention, low temperatures which can reach minus 80 degrees. The polyp itself is exposed to liquid nitrogen. The affected area is frozen, after which it is cut off. In place of the former polyp, a healthy epithelial tissue cervical canal. Cryodestruction is a modern way to get rid of polyposis growths, so it has a number of advantages, including the absence of bleeding and pain. In addition, this method is suitable for women who do not have children, since after the intervention there will be no scar on the cervical canal, which means that there will be no complications during childbirth.

The only significant drawback of the procedure can be called a long tissue recovery time. It can take up to two months. Also, a woman who decides to undergo cryodestruction may face the fact that in small towns there is no possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Laser polypectomy

The doctor has the opportunity to use a laser to remove a cervical polyp when it is single and not too large. During the procedure, the doctor monitors its progress with the help of a hysteroscope. A significant disadvantage of this technique is that it cannot be used to remove several formations. In addition, the cost laser cautery is quite high, and there is no guarantee that a relapse will not occur in the near future.

However, surgical intervention using a laser beam has its advantages. Firstly, the risk of perforation of the wall of the cervical canal is significantly reduced, since the doctor independently regulates the intensity of the laser exposure and the depth of its penetration into the tissues. Secondly, there will be no bleeding during the procedure, as the blood vessels instantly coagulate. Thirdly, the recovery period is very short, and after a few days the woman will stop any discharge, and menstruation will begin without delay.

Amputation of the cervix

The indication for removal of the cervix, together with the polyps present in it, is a recurrent pathology. In addition, the cervical canal is removed if it is found that the neoplasm has already been malignantly degenerated or has atypical cells. You can perform the procedure in all of the above ways, the doctor gets access to the cervix using a laparoscope. In this case, the cone-shaped part of the neck is removed, as well as the mucous membrane lining the cervical canal. At the same time, the uterus itself does not suffer, but in cervical canal the intact mucosa begins to form again.

Hysteroscopic method

This method of removing cervical formations is the safest, most modern and painless for a woman. To carry out the procedure, a special instrument is required - a hysteroscope. The doctor introduces it into the vaginal cavity, into the desired area of ​​the cervical canal. Having examined each neoplasm with the help of an existing camera, the surgeon removes them using miniature scissors (resectoscope) or a loop for this. She throws herself on the leg of the polyp and unscrews it at the very base. If a resectoscope is used, the polyp is simply cut off. The choice of instrumentation depends on the size of the cervical formation. To minimize the possibility of relapse, the place where the leg was attached is cauterized.

The time that is optimal for performing hysteroscopy is the end menstrual cycle. The operation is not carried out later than 10 days from the end of the last menstruation.

Despite the advantages of the procedure, which are its safety, painlessness, and the ability to carry out a thorough curettage, hysteroscopy can not be used in every case. For example, it is not performed if a woman is carrying a child, if she has a pathological narrowing of the cervical canal, infectious, or inflammatory processes.

After the removal of the cervical polyp has been carried out, the treatment does not end there.

    It is forbidden to visit baths, saunas, steam rooms for two months, as excessive overheating of the body can cause bleeding;

    You should not lift weights, you must abandon physical exertion;

    A visit to the doctor should be regular, which is associated with the possibility of recurrence of polyps and the risk of their malignancy;

    Sexual life is banned for the next half a month. You should also avoid swimming in open water to minimize the risk of infection;

    The use of tampons during menstruation is prohibited. Within two months it is worth using sanitary pads;

    Intimate hygiene should be especially thorough, which will also avoid infection and infection of the wound. For washing in the first days after the intervention, you can use antiseptics, for example, Miramistin or potassium permanganate solution;

    Pregnancy planning should be postponed for the period recommended by the doctor. Most often, the break does not exceed six months, although sometimes it can be somewhat shorter;

    Sometimes, in order to avoid infection after the operation (especially after amputation of the cervix), the doctor recommends taking antibacterial drugs for several days;

    Upon detection of any pathological discharge from the vagina or heavy blood loss a medical examination is required.

After the removal of polyps, the woman continues to be registered with the gynecologist, since the formations can recur. For this reason, she should be examined every six months, keeping in mind the asymptomatic course of the disease.

In terms of prognosis, cervical polyps recur in about 30% of cases. Any specific preventive measures does not exist. It is only important to exclude any traumatic situations for the cervix and to get rid of endocrine and gynecological pathologies in a timely manner.

With regard to effective drug therapy cervical polyp, then it does not exist. To date, there is not a single remedy that can eliminate such a neoplasm from the body or reduce the severity of the pathological process.

Therefore, if a woman is offered to take medicines with a diagnosis of "cervical canal polyp", then it will be directed only to treatment. comorbidities, which became provocateurs of tumor growth:

    Thus, hormonal therapy contributes to the establishment hormonal balance, reducing the number of circulating estrogens, increasing the amount of progesterone. This will help reduce the risk of recurrence of polyps after their removal. Doctors appoint either oral contraceptives combined type (Zhanin, Regulon, etc.), or gestagens (Utrozhestan, Norkolut, etc.). Should be tuned in long-term use hormonal drugs, since they are not able to have a significant effect on the body at one time. The minimum course takes three months;

    Antibacterial therapy is indicated when polyps develop against the background of infection or inflammation of the genital organs. Drugs are selected on an individual basis, it depends on the specific disease;

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for such background infections as adnexitis or cervicitis;

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

The operation to remove polyps of the cervical canal today is carried out under video surveillance, which can significantly reduce the risk of injury and recurrence. Another thing is that such equipment is not available in all regional clinics. Therefore, today we will consider the methods of surgical intervention for cervix formations.

Polyps in the cervical canal

Drop-shaped or mushroom-shaped growths can form on any mucous membrane. Yes, in the format female body they are found in the uterus, vagina and cervical canal. Moreover, the first and last visual inspection can be confused if the polyp has reached a size of several centimeters. In this case, having a base in the uterine cavity, it hangs down into the lumen of the cervix. Precise localization helps to establish ultrasound.

It is difficult to say what led to the emergence similar pathology. But, in general, the reasons are called:

  • Injuries during childbirth and during operations;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Infections of the reproductive system;
  • Endocrine failures;
  • Inherited predisposition.

Even excess weight and vascular diseases, for example, with hypertension, can become a provocateur of formations in the cervical canal. More often, several causes work against the patient in the aggregate.

Clinic of polyps in the cervix

The symptoms of the pathology are not unique and only speak of a problem in the female reproductive system:

  • Pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, and sometimes in the lower back;
  • Blood after exercise, sexual intercourse or gynecological examination;
  • Frequent inflammation with infected yellow discharge;
  • Abundant and painful periods;
  • Problems with conception and pregnancy.

Attention! Small formations of a few millimeters do not cause negative symptoms Therefore, they are found by chance during routine examinations.

Why do cervical polyps need to be removed?

There must be good reasons for any operation. Such a pathology is reasonably solved in such a radical way:

  1. Often growths become the culprits of infertility. They purely mechanically prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. In addition, as a foreign body, the polyp leads to spasmodic contractions of the myometrium, which causes the fetus to fall off.
  2. Adenomatous, and some other types of formations can degenerate into a cancerous tumor of the cervical canal. It is believed that this is only a matter of time and circumstances.
  3. The polyp is easily damaged, which is manifested by spotting spotting red, brown and pink. This is not only an inconvenience for the patient, but also high risk infections. pathogenic microorganisms even normally present in the vagina. Their reproduction and penetration into the wound can lead to tissue abscess, sepsis. AT severe cases the issue is resolved by amputation of the cervix, uterus, and sometimes all female organs.
  4. In the presence of a polyp, the surrounding tissues are in a state of permanent inflammation. Over time, they lose elasticity, which can lead to severe injuries of the cervical canal and cervix during childbirth.

Attention! Small single formations up to 5-10 mm in the absence of rapid growth are not an indication for removal.

How to prepare for the operation?

If surgery is necessary, the doctor will prescribe some examinations:

  1. Vaginal smear. It is studied not only in a simple microscopic way, but also PCR method to identify all viruses, bacteria, fungi that are present in the microflora of the genital organs.
  2. Ultrasound is performed immediately after menstruation. This is necessary for better visualization of the uterine cavity, where the base of the polyp or other formations may be located additionally. At this time of the cycle, the endometrium is smaller and does not hide anything from the doctor's eyes. It is important to determine the localization, where is its base, in the uterus or in the cervical canal, as well as the size. Sometimes a series of studies is carried out to evaluate the dynamics. If the polyp grows rapidly, then the operation is prescribed immediately.
  3. According to the protocol, before removal, an assessment of the general state of health is carried out, an ECG is done, and the last fluorography is applied.
  4. Women with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins should visit a phlebologist. They have a high risk of detachment or advancement of blood clots. It is usually recommended to wear compression stockings for the operation.
  5. If ultrasound does not give a clear picture, it can be prescribed diagnostic hysteroscopy. The same procedure, only for inspection without removal.
  6. General blood and urine tests, biochemistry, tests for HIV, CSR, hepatitis are standard studies before the operation.

  • If an infection is detected, a full course of treatment is carried out, followed by control tests;
  • Vaginal sanitation is prescribed for a week antibacterial suppositories, for example, Terzhinan;
  • 3 days before removal, do not take blood-thinning drugs. This effect has acetylsalicylic acid;
  • The day before the operation, remove the hair in the genital area;
  • For 12 hours, if anesthesia is supposed to be used, you can not eat or drink.

Attention! Surgical intervention in the female genital area is usually prescribed in the first half of the cycle, immediately after menstruation. But it is possible to remove polyps on any day, except for menstruation.

General description of the procedure

This operation is called hysteroscopy by the name of the equipment. The difference between all methods is only in the tool that is used to directly separate the polyp from the wall of the cervical canal. Otherwise, all manipulations are the same:

  1. Depending on the severity of the case, the operation is performed either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. This is determined by the surgeon-gynecologist.
  2. The patient is placed on the gynecological chair and, if necessary, anesthesia is administered, which we will discuss later.
  3. The external genitalia are treated with antiseptics, the vagina is sanitized.
  4. The neck is opened and fixed with a special device. In some cases, drugs are used to relieve spasm so that the expansion of the canal goes better.
  5. Insert a hysteroscope. This is a complex device equipped with a camera to monitor the progress of the operation, and also allows you to insert tools to remove the polyp.
  6. During manipulations in the uterine cavity, it is filled with saline to straighten the folds. This is not required for cervical canal surgery.
  7. Removal of education is carried out in the chosen way.
  8. Examine the entire cervix mucosa for the presence of other polyps.
  9. In most cases, a complete curettage of the surface layer is performed to prevent recurrence.
  10. All removed materials are sent for histology.
  11. The operating field is re-treated with antiseptics.
  12. Instruments are removed from the cervical canal.
  13. The patient is sent to the intensive care unit until awakening from anesthesia.
  14. In a satisfactory condition, after 2-4 hours, the woman is allowed to go home.

Interesting fact! The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes, and the excision of the polyp itself is about 30-60 seconds.

Methods for removing polyps inside the cervical canal

Today, all such operations are carried out under the control of a video camera. Old-fashioned methods with complete curettage of the cervix blindly are used only in very remote corners of the country, where there is no modern equipment. In this case, the probability of recurrence of polyps is 70-80%. In addition, cervical injuries, bleeding and infection are possible. But fortunately, there are modern methods of removal with a hysteroscope, which are available in all regional and district centers, both in private and public clinics:

  1. Classic polypectomy. Education twist to separation from the wall of the cervical canal. The base is cleaned with a curette or cauterized by current. This method is used for polyps up to 30 mm in size.
  2. by the most best effect has laser removal. The leg tissues are evaporated until the polyp body is completely separated. The vessels are sealed at the same time, so no bleeding occurs. The advantage of this method is that during healing after surgery, there is no scarring that can interfere with normal childbirth later.
  3. The radio waves of the Surgitron device are not inferior to the laser in all characteristics. A special scalpel does not cut, but melts tissue with radiation. Surgeons consider such equipment the safest and most convenient to use, in addition, scars after healing also do not form.
  4. Cryodestruction. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the base, which destroys tissues and promotes the separation of the polyp body. Only suitable for small formations. A high level of professionalism is required to calculate the amount of nitrogen and not damage the healthy tissues of the cervical canal.
  5. Diathermocoagulation or diathermoexcision is a method in which a loop is put on the polyp, tightened and current is applied. As a result of cauterization, the growth falls off. The equipment is available in almost every clinic. But during healing, scars form, which is undesirable for women who plan to give birth again.

Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

A competent doctor himself will tell you which method of removal is suitable in your case. And also explain where nearby you can carry it out. But often self-interest leads to unreliable recommendations, so when in doubt, it is better to consult with several specialists. Although laser and radiosurgical removal of cervical polyps is suitable for everyone.

Is anesthesia necessary?

Despite the fact that the law Russian Federation medical workers are obliged to apply anesthesia by all available means, it often happens that such operations are carried out “on the live”. Of course, in a paid clinic, the patient will be provided with the best anesthesia. AT public institution this possibility should be discussed in advance. Usually, short-term general anesthesia is used to remove polyps in the uterus or cervical canal. It lasts about 30 minutes, the patient quickly comes to her senses and almost does not feel side effects in the form of nausea, confusion, dizziness, etc. outpatient settings perform local anesthesia.

According to the reviews of patients who underwent surgery under short-term general anesthesia they didn't feel anything. Women who survived the removal of polyps live say that only the opening of the cervix hurts, and the removal of the formation itself is practically not felt. Those who went through the removal with local anesthesia also experienced discomfort during the installation of the equipment.

Attention! For some patients, anesthesia is contraindicated, so a consultation with an anesthesiologist is required.

What happens after polyps are removed?

The recovery period usually lasts up to next menstruation, it's about 4-5 weeks. To prevent relapses and complications, the following measures are taken:

  1. Immediately after the operation, vaginal sanitation is prescribed with antibacterial suppositories of complex action. The course depends on the drug from 5 to 7 days.
  2. If, according to the results of histology, an adenomatous or glandular type of polyp is detected, then a plan is developed hormonal treatment. It can last from 3 to 12 months. The medicine is chosen according to the age and plans for pregnancy in a woman.
  3. Upon detection cancer cells in a polyp, an oncologist's consultation is required.

Also, for the patient, some restrictions are set for the period of rehabilitation after removal. Prohibited:

  • Sex;
  • Tampons;
  • douching;
  • Carrying weights;
  • Intensive physical exercise;
  • High temperatures. For example, sauna;
  • Immersion in water;
  • A lot of ultraviolet radiation from both the natural sun and in the solarium.

Water diving and sauna prohibited

Attention! At the end of rehabilitation, control examinations are carried out every month for six months.

When is the operation not allowed?

There are certain restrictions and prohibitions on the removal of polyps:

  • Menstruation. The intervention is prescribed for 1-2 days after it;
  • Pregnancy. In some cases, expectant mothers undergo elimination of formations in the cervical canal after the end of the 1st trimester;
  • When oncology of the female genital area is detected, the issue with a cancerous tumor is first resolved;
  • Bleeding from the uterus must be eliminated before surgery;
  • infections in without fail treated before removal;
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitals of a woman also need to be eliminated before the intervention;
  • Severe damage to the liver, kidneys, heart and other common diseases require a special approach. In this case, the decision to remove polyps in the cervical canal is made not only by the gynecologist, but also by another specialized specialist.

Cost of the procedure

The compulsory medical insurance policy entitles the patient to receive a service for the removal of polyps in the cervical canal for free. Another thing is what equipment is available in the institution to which the woman is attached. If everything is in order with this, then it should be clarified whether the procedure will be performed with anesthesia. Which is also included in the scope of free medical care.

Otherwise, you can find private clinic and choose the method of removal and the option of anesthesia as you wish. Electrocoagulation is the cheapest and costs about 2000-3000 rubles, radiosurgery with the Surgitron apparatus - 5000-7000, laser removal is available only in a few clinics and will cost 15-20 thousand, and in difficult cases even more expensive.

Attention! Please note that the cost of treatment will include consultations, tests, postoperative follow-up and not just the removal of polyps. So how much you have to spend depends on many factors.

What complications arise when removing polyps?

Such operations in the cervical canal are carried out strictly according to the protocol, which avoids severe consequences. But there is still a small chance of a problematic outcome of the removal. This might happen:

  1. Adhesions and scars. Occur during cauterization by current or mechanical excision. Dangerous narrowing of the cervical canal, up to complete blockage of the lumen. The connective tissue is not elastic, therefore, during childbirth, severe ruptures occur in such a place, which is dangerous for bleeding.
  2. Infection. When sanitizing before, during and after the operation, this possibility should be reduced to zero, but there are cases. Usually this happens when hygiene and other recommendations are not followed by a woman after the removal of formations.
  3. Bleeding. Even when expanding, the lumen of the cervical canal does not give room for manipulation, so it is easy to damage the delicate mucosa during the operation, which will lead to heavy bleeding, as there are many small and large vessels.
  4. Allergic reaction to anesthesia. Such a risk is prevented by observation after removal in the intensive care unit under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. The problem is quickly stopped by antihistamines.
  5. Hemometer is a complex postoperative condition, when the cervix spasms and blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. There is pain when moving, infection with a high temperature may occur. Urgent medical attention required.
  6. Relapse. With the use of modern methods, the risk of recurrence of polyps is significantly reduced and depends on the case and the chosen method of removal.
  7. Oncology. The operation may cause growth cancerous tumor in the cervical canal. This happens extremely rarely if atypical cells were already present in the formation itself. Therefore, for reinsurance, doctors scrape the entire inner layer of the cervix.

Attention! Bleeding often occurs from physical exertion, sexual dysfunction, overheating, so you need to follow the recommendations of the rehabilitation period.


A polyp in the cervical region is a fairly common problem. Patients often face this diagnosis. gynecological departments. That is why questions about what constitutes the removal of a cervical canal polyp are becoming more and more relevant. What methods of treatment does modern medicine offer? What are the complications associated with the removal procedure?

What is a polyp?

A polyp is a benign formation of a small size. It is characterized by a tree-like shape and the presence of a leg, with which it is attached to the tissues of the cervical canal (the leg can be either wide or thin).

In most cases, polyps form in the outer part of the cervical canal, on its border with the external pharynx. On the other hand, such neoplasms can germinate in any part of the cervix. Polyps may have different sizes and form. In about 25% of cases, neoplasms in the cervical canal are precisely polyps.

The main reasons for the formation of polyps

Today, many people are interested in why a cervical canal polyp is formed. The reasons for the emergence of such a structure may be different. In most cases, the formation of a polyp is associated with violations of the normal hormonal background. For example, such structures are often found in women in menopause. In addition, risk factors include diseases, malfunctions of the immune system, as well as constant stress that affects hormone levels.

There is also a connection between the formation of polyps and the penetration of infection into the organs of the reproductive system. Such structures can form against the background of genital herpes, human papillomavirus, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Of course, these are not all the factors under the influence of which a polyp of the cervical canal is formed. The causes may also lie in various ailments reproductive system. Risk factors include diseases such as fibroids, cervical erosion, endometriosis, atrophic colpitis, ovarian cystosis and some others.

The main types of polyps

To date, there are many systems for classifying such neoplasms. For example, if we take into account the histological characteristics, we can distinguish the following types of these structures:

  • The cervical canal is formed from the tissues of the endometrium, in which such neoplasms are randomly located, as a rule, are small in size. After removing them complementary therapy not required.
  • More dangerous is the fibrous polyp of the cervical canal, which is formed from dense fibrous tissues. In the presence of such a neoplasm, patients require hormonal therapy, since there is a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. By the way, most often such polyps are found in elderly patients.
  • There is also a mixed (glandular-fibrous) form of neoplasm. Such a polyp consists of both endometrial cells and connective tissue elements. By the way, it can grow and reach a relatively large size.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The clinical picture with such a pathology depends on the number and size of polyps. For example, small, single neoplasms rarely cause any significant deterioration in a woman's condition. In most cases, all symptoms are associated with trauma or inflammation of the polyp. In such cases, patients complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Sometimes there is the appearance of mucous or mucopurulent secretions, which are associated mainly with the inflammatory process. With trauma to the neoplasms, the appearance of bloody or sanious discharge is possible.

But, according to statistics, in most cases the disease is diagnosed by chance during an ultrasound or gynecological examination.

Basic diagnostic measures

As already mentioned, the formation and growth of polyps often occur without any physical symptoms. And most often, a neoplasm is detected during a routine gynecological examination using mirrors. In the future, the patient is recommended to undergo a series of additional studies.

For example, procedures such as cervicoscopy and colposcopy are quite informative. The doctor has the opportunity to examine the structure of polyps, as well as to detect the presence of ulcers, areas of inflammation or necrosis. Additionally, a gynecological ultrasound is performed, which makes it possible to establish the presence or absence of polyps directly in the uterine cavity.

In the future, a biopsy of the polyp or curettage of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bperformed. The material obtained during the procedure is sent to the laboratory for histological examination - its results allow us to judge whether the neoplasm is benign.

In addition, patients undergo additional tests. In particular, it is important to undergo an examination by an endocrinologist, do a biochemical blood test, determine the level of hormones in the blood, and also take a smear for bacterial culture. All these studies help to find out the cause of the formation of a polyp, which is also very important.

Why are polyps of the cervical canal dangerous?

Before considering the main methods for removing a polyp of the cervical canal, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the information about why such neoplasms are dangerous. As already mentioned, a polyp is a benign structure. However, tissue degeneration is possible in some cases. That is why in no case should you ignore the doctor's instructions or self-medicate before the procedure. complete diagnosis- various traditional medicines or even medical preparations at misuse can provoke the process of cell transformation into malignant neoplasms.

How is a polyp removed?

How is a cervical canal polyp removed? The method of carrying out the procedure here depends on where exactly the neoplasm is located. The operation is performed under During the procedure, the doctor “unscrews” the polyp with the help of surgical instruments, cauterizing after that the place of attachment of his legs.

If the polyp grows too close to the external pharynx of the canal, then its leg is completely excised, after which the procedure for scraping the cervical canal, and sometimes the uterus, is performed. A hysteroscope is used to remove deeply located polyps.

Polyp of the cervical canal: treatment

During surgical operation the polyp is removed. But you still need to process its bed - the place where the stem of the neoplasm was attached. Only this can prevent recurrence of the disease in the future.

For the purpose of processing, various methods are used. In particular, to cauterize the legs of a small polyp, a special medicinal product under the name "Solkagin". A crust forms at the treatment site, which itself is rejected after a few days.

In addition, quite often doctors use liquid nitrogen to treat the bed. Pathological tissues are exposed to ultra-low temperatures - this disrupts and leads to their death. But in this case it is very important to correctly calculate the depth of tissue processing.

In some cases, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200btissues is cauterized using high-frequency electric current. Radio wave treatment is considered more gentle and effective today.

This is how a polyp of the cervical canal is removed. The operation, however, is associated with the risk of tissue infection. That is why the patient is prescribed antibiotics before and after the procedure.

Removal of a polyp using laser therapy methods

Today, laser therapy methods are becoming more and more popular, which allow you to quickly get rid of such an unpleasant and dangerous problem like a cervical polyp. Laser removal has its advantages. The essence of the procedure remains the same, but better and more modern equipment is used. For example, the use of a special camera allows the doctor to examine more widely.

How is a cervical canal polyp removed with a laser? In fact, the tissues evaporate in layers under the influence of a laser beam. Moreover, there is an instant cauterization blood vessels which minimizes the risk of tissue infection. In addition, this technique does not cause scarring of tissues. The procedure lasts no more than 3-4 hours and does not require subsequent hospitalization.

Recovery period

If the removal of the cervical canal polyp is left behind, this does not mean that the treatment is completely finished. The rehabilitation period lasts 3-4 weeks and requires compliance with certain rules. Of course, at first, a woman is faced with postoperative discomfort, in particular, abundant mucous secretions (sometimes with blood impurities), as well as mild pulling pains lower abdomen.

In the first month after removal of the neoplasm, you can not have sex. In addition, during this period, any physical activity is contraindicated, including weight lifting and training in the gym. During menstruation, you need to use pads - you will have to forget about tampons for a while. Also, do not arbitrarily carry out douching - if there is a need for such a procedure, the doctor will definitely inform you. And, of course, you should refuse to visit baths and saunas, as well as taking hot baths - you need to wash only in the shower.

Sometimes during the procedure it is not possible to completely remove the leg of the polyp. In such cases, the likelihood of relapse is high. That is why it is extremely important to find out what exactly caused the appearance of the polyp and provide the patient with appropriate preventive therapy. For example, if the neoplasm was the result endocrine disorders, then women are prescribed hormonal drugs. Depending on the primary cause of polyp growth, therapy during the rehabilitation period can be supplemented with antibacterial or antiviral agents.

Polyp of the cervical canal: removal, patient feedback on the procedure

Of course, many women have already gone through similar procedures. And today, patients are interested in questions about what constitutes a polyp of the cervical canal (removal, they are also interested in reviews). According to statistics, using methods modern medicine it is quite easy to eliminate such neoplasms. Reviews about the procedure are mostly positive character. It does not take much time and does not require long-term hospitalization. Of course, in the first few days there is a slight discomfort, and even soreness, which, however, is easily stopped by painkillers. The main thing, the patients say, is to carefully follow the doctor's recommendations after the procedure and undergo regular preventive examinations.

Preventive actions

Unfortunately, drugs that can permanently eliminate the risk of neoplasms in reproductive system, does not exist. However, sometimes it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to agree to the removal of a cervical canal polyp later. First of all, women are advised to carefully monitor personal hygiene. In addition, do not miss scheduled preventive examinations at the gynecologist - this will give the doctor the opportunity to diagnose the present violations in time. And, of course, all diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems should be treated on time.

Alternative methods of treatment of polyps

Undoubtedly, ethnoscience offers a lot of its own remedies that can get rid of such a problem as a cervical canal polyp. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of tools that can be found in every home. For example, swabs with garlic are considered quite effective. First you need to chop a few cloves of garlic, wrap the resulting slurry in gauze, forming a swab. Attach to one end long thread. Insert the swab deep into the vagina and leave overnight. But do not forget that garlic juice can damage the vaginal mucosa. Therefore, before starting such treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

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