Does it hurt to put a filling on a tooth after. Use of polymers and composite materials. Installing a seal with your own hands - a sequence of actions

In those moments when a person begins to have a toothache, he finds himself in a hopeless situation. On the one hand, if you go to the dentist, then the pain will pass, and on the other hand, the question arises whether it hurts to put a filling on a tooth. After all, one can never exclude the possibility that the discomfort received during the filling process will be much worse than a toothache. To understand this situation, you should familiarize yourself with a number of nuances.

Fear of the dentist is associated with a fear of pain

Materials used for fillings

On the this stage time to treat teeth can be done by installing four types of fillings:

  • Cement. They are the cheapest. They practically cannot be polished, have an unnatural color and are able to activate the process of destruction of the teeth with which they interact in the bite. They are used quite rarely, mainly in the treatment of children with milk teeth.
  • Metal. Made from copper and silver alloys. They are quite durable, but, like the fillings presented above, they have an unnatural color. In most cases, they are installed on the teeth that are directly involved in the chewing process. Among the disadvantages of using such fillings is their high toxicity.
  • Composite. Created from a combination various substances, among which artificial resin and crushed glass predominate in a quantitative ratio. Previously, such materials were considered fragile, so they were installed only on the front teeth, but over time, the material was subject to a number of changes, so it is also used to fill other teeth. The imposition of such a seal is carried out in layers. Each layer is exposed to light for 30-40 seconds. A tooth filled with such material practically does not differ from others, therefore composite fillings are mainly used for the treatment of front teeth.
  • Inlays are fillings made of ceramic. In my own way appearance and the composition they are quite strongly reminiscent of tooth enamel. Creating one tab requires at least a week of time, so their installation on the tooth is carried out in several stages. A filling of this type perfectly tolerates hot and cold exposure; when eating food with dyes, it is not stained. The main advantage of inlays is their aesthetics.

Installing a light-curing filling

Stages and technological process of installing a seal

Gone are the days when the only possibility get rid of pain in the tooth, it was removed. Every year they come up with new methods of dental treatment and it is possible that in the future they will create a contactless disposal of discomfort in the area of ​​the teeth. But today the most popular and effective way get rid of toothache is filling.

Anesthesia before filling

With this procedure, the lifespan of the tooth directly depends on the quality of the material and the professionalism of the doctor.

But regardless of the material, the doctor fills the tooth using the following technology:

  1. The patient is given an anesthetic.
  2. After the onset of the drug, the doctor proceeds to clean the tooth cavity. main goal in this case, it is the removal of the dead tissues present and the complete cleaning of the tooth from dentin and darkened enamel. At this stage, the required shape and depth of the cavity is formed.
  3. The condition of the pulp is checked. If the pulp is intact, then the cavity is disinfected with antiseptic solution. But if the first signs of pulp inflammation are present, then the doctor removes it, and then proceeds to clean the root canals.
  4. After a complete cleaning of the tooth cavity and removal of all signs of inflammation, the doctor proceeds to dry it. Further, special antimicrobial pads are placed under the main filling material, which prevent entry into the tooth cavity. various kinds bacteria.
  5. Only after completing all the above steps, the doctor can start filling the teeth. After the filling is placed, it is polished and ground.

Pain in the filling process

Today a large number of adults are afraid to go to the dentist. This fear has been preserved since the times of the USSR and significantly spoils people's lives, forcing them to refuse to go to the doctor at a time when the tooth can still be saved.

It should be understood that in modern world medicine is already on the more high level therefore, all manipulations with the teeth are carried out only after an injection of an anesthetic. Even the presence allergic reaction on one of the components of the anesthetic is not a hindrance, since you can always pick up medicine similar action, but not containing allergic component.

If the patient was injected with an anesthetic, then no pain is observed during the installation of the seal.

It can be painful to put a filling only if there is severe inflammation and then, in this situation, it is recommended to simply increase the dosage of the anesthetic.

Already immediately after the installation of the filling, the patient may experience mild pain in the tooth, which is guaranteed to disappear in 1-2 days.

Possible complications after filling

Having received an answer to the question of whether it is painful to fill teeth, one should also consider possible complications that may occur after the installation of the seal.


If after the slightest freezing on a sealed tooth it is impossible to bite, and light pressure causes sharp pain, then this may symbolize that the removal of the nerve was not completed completely, and the tooth cavity began inflammatory process.

This manifestation is called periodontitis. Literally 10 years ago, disease-prone teeth were removed without hesitation, and today 60% of doctors will suggest removing a tooth, but it can be saved. To do this, you will need a fairly large amount of financial resources, time (may take several months) and, of course, a qualified doctor.

Such a disease can occur only if, after the filling procedure, the patient was not given a referral for an x-ray, or he himself ignored this procedure.

Pain after filling quickly passes if there are no complications

In such a situation, it all depends on the time of the start of treatment. The sooner you start treating the disease, the more likely you are to save the tooth. The development of periodontitis is the only case when the fight against the disease plays against the patient, since the manifestation of the first symptoms can occur at a time when it is already quite late.

As a result of the information received, it can be noted that the filling process itself is not painful, but in case of saving on the filling material or when visiting an unprofessional dentist, the manifestation of painful sensations after the filling is not excluded. If you find a real specialist in your field, and will not try to save money on your health, then filling the tooth will pass for you, not only painless, but almost imperceptible. Even in spite of bad experience, you should not be afraid of dentists, just find a professional, just ask your friends.

Until it was found suitable material, there was no way to restore the functions and external forms broken tooth. Our ancestors tried to use the resins of trees, pieces, parts of pebbles. But they did not hold well in places lost or partially damaged teeth. Therefore, until the middle of the 19th century, the main method of dental treatment was tooth extraction. Hairdressers did this, in the same place where they cut and shaved clients. Everything changed in 1948, when a certain physician Arculanus invented and first used a relatively durable and functional filling made of gold.


This method of restoring a partially destroyed tooth crown has become indispensable in saving teeth from caries. If not for him, the loss of teeth would be one hundred percent. Get rid of carious lesions can only be done in the following way.

  1. Remove caries-affected dental tissue.
  2. Scrub the infected area down to healthy tissue.
  3. Fill the empty space with a filling.

By the way. By clogging the areas through which bacteria can enter the tooth tissue, filling not only restores the shape of the tooth surface, restores the ability to fully chew, but also prevents the development of recurrent caries.

Today, the following materials are used for filling:

  • porcelain;
  • cement;
  • amalgam (alloys of non-ferrous and noble metals and mercury);
  • gold;
  • composites;
  • ceramics.

They may also be needed if, due to mechanical damage a piece of dental tissue was chipped off.

Which type is preferred?

There is no ideal type that suits everyone. The choice depends on four positions.

  1. The scale of the required restoration.
  2. The presence of an allergy to the incoming components.
  3. The location of the tooth to be filled in the mouth.
  4. The total cost.

When is it time to bet?

This can only be determined by a dentist, but it is necessary to go to his appointment at the first suspicion of caries (or regularly, once every six months, undergo a preventive examination).

What are the fillings

In addition to the types of filling components used, they are divided into two large groups- permanent and temporary.


It is installed during the treatment of the tooth, when it is not yet finished. The indication for installing a temporary filling is not accurate diagnosis. For example, a dentist assumes the presence of caries in the dental nerve, but cannot detect it without destroying the top of the dental crown. In this case, a filling is placed for the time it takes caries to manifest itself as pain. If the pain has not started, then the nerve is not affected by caries. You can leave a healthy nerve alone and close it with a permanent filling.

A temporary filling is necessary when a medicine is placed in the tooth. If the dentist decides to remove the nerve, arsenic is placed in the root canal for several days to "kill" the nerve. A temporary filling in this case is placed for one to two weeks. After fulfilling its function - protecting the medicine from falling out - it is replaced by a permanent one.

Table. Comparison of temporary fillings from different materials


Zinc sulfate powder mixed with zinc oxide powder, kaolin and distilled water. Cures quickly (about three minutes), but must be dried thoroughly.

This is a ready-made filling composition, which is a paste mixed with clove oil or sage oil. The paste is injected into the cavity of the dental tissue and compacted. It hardens for about two hours. It is not specifically necessary to dry the paste, but it is not used to close the liquid medicine in the cavity.

Consists of zinc oxide mixed with polystyrene solution. It is so durable that it can stay in the mouth without damage for up to six months. Hardens up to four hours.

Ready-made two-component filling composition, powder plus liquid. Zinc oxide, synthetic resins are used, eugenol is used as a liquid. Karyosan can not only make temporary fillings, but also fill canals. Cures in 45 minutes.

Ready-made three-component mixture of powders and liquids. It is a mixture of zinc and magnesium oxides with polyacrylic acid. Cures in 1.5 minutes. In addition to temporary, it is used for permanent fillings on milk teeth and for fixing prosthetic structures.


Classification of permanent seals is carried out according to the materials of manufacture.

Table. Comparison of permanent fillings from different materials


Made in laboratory conditions. Installation takes place in the dentist's office. The process stretches over several visits. For this reason, and because of the high cost, many consider this filling material to be not the best, although it is the most acceptable gum tissue and lasts for more than two decades.

Everything is perfect in these fillings: low price, great wear resistance, ease of installation. One drawback - dark color. For aesthetic reasons, most patients do not want to have an amalgam in their mouth in conspicuous places. In addition, this alloy is toxic.

This filling mixture of resin, glass and other components is prepared directly in dental office. The exact shade is selected to match the color of the tooth, applied to the damaged area. The cost is reasonable, the aesthetics are high. Among the disadvantages - you cannot cover most of the dental crown with a composite material. It wears out and wears out quickly. Over time, it can be stained with tea and coffee color, tobacco.

Dentists have practically abandoned the use of cement fillings, but since they are the cheapest, this filling material of their use has not completely disappeared. Today they are used, they are improved, but they are still quite rough and poorly polished.

Porcelain is comparable in price to gold. Manufactured in the laboratory. Resistant to staining. It can also be made in the color of the tooth. The material is durable, suitable for large coatings on chewing teeth.

Virtually invisible, as they precisely match the color of the enamel and have a structure similar to it. A ceramic filling is made in the laboratory for about a week. A phased installation is not the easiest option, but ceramics are not painted, are not afraid of temperatures and look very aesthetically pleasing.

By the way. If too damaged most of tooth surface tissue, the filling will not hold. You will have to install a crown. For both fillings and crowns, there are two treatment options. If the root nerve is affected by damage, it is removed. If healthy, kept under cover.

Sealing stages

The procedure, no matter what material will be used, begins with anesthesia.

Stage one - anesthesia

Using a syringe, an anesthetic is injected into the gum to anesthetize the periodontal tissue and temporarily remove sensitivity nerve endings. It will take some time for the painkiller to work.

Stage two - cleansing

When the freeze begins to take effect, the dentist proceeds to clean and prepare the cavity for filling. All remnants of dead or damaged, infected tissue are removed. The surface is completely cleaned from the darkened enamel, the remnants of the old filling material, if the previous filling fell out. To fill with filling material, a cavity of the required size is prepared.

Stage three - checking the pulp

The condition of the pulp is very important. If it is not affected by caries and has no signs of damage, case easy, you can disinfect your mouth special antiseptic and start filling. If the pulp is inflamed, it will have to be removed.

Important! Only after the complete extraction of the affected pulp from the body of the tooth and the cleaning of its remnants does the filling take place first. root canal, and then the cavity of the apex of the tooth.

Stage four - drying and disinfection

A fully cleaned and prepared tooth must be dried. An antimicrobial pad is placed in a dry cavity, which, being under the seal, will serve as a barrier to the penetration of bacteria.

Stage five - filling

After passing through all the previous stages, a filling material is placed in the tooth cavity, selected in accordance with the indications. If necessary, the canals are sealed first. Then, when the filled channel hardens, the composition is applied to the part of the crown to be filled.

Step six - polishing

It remains only to adjust the bite, grind, polish, give the patient instructions on the hardening time and use of the filled tooth.

Installation of various types of permanent fillings

Installation methods, as opposed to general description filling process, differ when using different filling materials.


Modern cement fillings make them special types this material - silicate cement, phosphate or glass ionomer. Their specificity during installation is that the cement filling does not harden by itself (this would be too long process), and as a result chemical reaction that occurs when cements are mixed with a liquid.

Important! When working with filling cement, the dentist does not have large quantity time for modeling the filling and its relief. The material quickly loses its plasticity, although the final hardening occurs after two hours.

Depending on which cement is used, the quality of the filling is higher or lower.


Metal alloy fillings have many advantages. Modern filling alloys (amalgam) are not subject to corrosive changes, are very durable, and are not afraid of moisture. However, the mixture of metals with mercury is toxic, so metal fillings are not suitable for everyone and are not completely harmless.

The second significant disadvantage of amalgam is its ability to expand. The expansion happens after installation. Before, at large cavity filling, there could even be a split in the dental tissue if the wall remains thin. Now the risk of this is minimized, but due to the ability to expand, patients often experience pain after filling for a long time.

The disadvantage is also that the color of the amalgam is very different from the tooth enamel. Most often, this filling material is used under crowns.

It is difficult to place an amalgam filling. She hardens for a long time. But the service life is several decades.

By the way. Gold, which is also a metal, is considered by many qualified dentists to be the ideal filling material. But, in addition to toxicity, it has all the disadvantages of fillings from other metals and alloys.


Not so long ago, this composition was recognized as a breakthrough in dentistry. Composite fillings are, as it were, glued into the tooth cavity, pre-treated with an adhesive, in layers. Each layer is cured with ultraviolet lamp within 20-30 seconds. After laying the last layer, the top is turned and polished.

Important! Sometimes setting composite filling leads to increased tooth sensitivity in patients.

Composites tend to change color (darken) under the influence of dyes contained in coffee and tea. But dentists have learned to protect patients from losing aesthetic characteristics by covering the surface with a special transparent film.


A real salvation in a situation where the tooth has large surface damage. In terms of color, characteristics, strength, texture, and light reflection indicators, ceramics are identical to natural tooth enamel.

They are made according to casts, in the laboratory, in the form of special tabs that almost completely imitate the restored tooth surface.

The tabs are attached to the cavity on special glue. Irregularities are ground and polished.


They are similar in terms of installation methods and time, as well as in their properties to ceramic ones. Ceramic lasts a little longer than porcelain. The dentist, after cleaning and preparing the cavity for a porcelain filling, takes an impression and sends it to the laboratory. Then the patient comes to try on the finished liner, which is finally adjusted and installed on the glue.

Video - Ceramic tabs

Everyone needs sooner or later dental treatment. Tooth filling is carried out when caries affects the surface layers of enamel and penetrates into the body of the tooth. There are three types of caries - this is the initial, medium and deep. With an average and deep form diseases, dental filling is mandatory, since these types of caries are accompanied by pain and progress, and this can lead to tooth loss.

Tooth filling: features of the procedure

In the process of filling a tooth, the doctor restores its shape and functionality.

Dental filling is medical procedure, which consists in closing carious cavity special dental materials to return the tooth to its original state. It is accompanied by the removal of dead tooth tissue using a drill or other special equipment, with the further use of medical, insulating gaskets and seals directly.

The treatment pad contains calcium and is necessary for the restoration of dentin. The insulating lining protects the deep layers of dentin. Well, the seal directly fills and closes the cavity formed due to the effects of caries and the removal of dead tooth tissue.

Types of filling materials

Filling materials in dentistry this moment have a huge range. However, until recently, cement fillings were most often used. The cost of installing such a filling is the lowest, especially with silicate cement and silicophosphate material. In a regular clinic, it will be installed absolutely free of charge, but it is worth remembering that it will last no more than two years. This material is quite fragile and quickly erased, and can also have a toxic effect on the healthy part of the tooth.

If the budget is small, and tooth treatment is necessary, it is better to put a filling made of glass ionomer material. The cost of such a seal will be small, but it will last much longer. The composition of this seal includes fluorine, which has therapeutic effect per tooth.

The best materials are considered to be composite, which are made from synthetic resin with glass filler. They are used both for the treatment of front teeth and for chewing. advantage composite materials is that for their installation, less processing of the tooth with a drill is possible, and the fillings last a very long time (up to 11 years).

This material has the most natural look that allows you to install it on the front teeth. Composite filling materials have a wide range of colors, so the doctor can choose. Also, composites can mimic the shine of a real tooth as much as possible. This is achieved by using very fine quartz particles that are part of the composite, their size varies from 0.08 to 0.01 microns.

Types of filling materials for canal treatment.

At the moment, none of the known materials for filling the root system can provide all the required properties, so their combination is often used in dentistry.

Does filling a tooth hurt?

Most people feel fear when they hear the word dentist. discomfort. These fears have been dragging on since Soviet times, when there was no modern technologies currently used in dentistry. in fact? Modern methods anesthesia allows you to completely anesthetize the process of filling teeth. However, do not forget that although anesthesia does not bring harm, it does not help at all. After the process of tooth treatment itself, it will last for several more hours, and cause discomfort when talking and eating.

Therefore, first of all, everything depends on the degree of neglect of caries. If the tooth has already begun to hurt, then this will entail the inevitable. This procedure is painful and the doctor will immediately advise you to do anesthesia. In addition, after the removal of the nerves, the tooth will sooner or later begin to crumble, which will require the installation of a special one.

If the hole is still small, it is advised not to give an injection, and once again not to injure the gum. The doctor gently and slowly clean the damaged cavity, trying not to cause pain, and put a seal. This procedure will be the shortest and after 20 minutes, you can already go home.

Don't put off going to the dentist long box. The longer you pull, the more pain you may experience, and the more more strength and money for treatment.

Filling - prompt restoration of the functions and appearance of a damaged tooth. The main causes of tooth decay are caries or the consequences of trauma from a fall or impact. The installation of a filling stops the destruction of the tooth and localizes the areas affected by bacteria.

What is a filling for?

An appeal to the dentist due to carious inflammation leads to the installation of a temporary, and then permanent filling. The degree of development of caries depends on the presence of factors favorable for the reproduction of bacteria.

  • ineffective oral hygiene.
  • unbalanced diet: excess carbohydrates and lack of vegetables;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • low saturation of water with fluorine, calcium, phosphorus;
  • a consequence of rickets suffered in childhood;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of these causes leads to the destruction of teeth affected by caries. The disease is treated by removing the affected areas and replacing the lost parts of the dental material with fillings.

Non-carious lesions

Non-carious destruction - a disease without symptoms of caries. In appearance, the disease resembles chipped enamel. The causes of non-carious destruction are not known and are being studied by scientists. The method of treatment is the same as in the treatment of caries - cleaning and filling the affected area.

Canal filling

Canal filling is practiced in the treatment of pulpitis, where the main task is absolutely hermetic blocking of the canal. Otherwise, the infection penetrates the canal, which leads to the resumption of the inflammatory process.

Installation process

The final stage treatment - polishing and fitting fillings

Any filling, regardless of the material, begins the same way - by introducing an anesthetic into the periodontal tissue.

After a few minutes, the freeze begins to take effect and the dentist starts cleaning.

Physician's task:

  1. remove dead tissue and darkened enamel;
  2. create a cavity;
  3. check the condition of the pulp.

If the condition of the pulp is satisfactory, the cavity is treated with an antiseptic. Otherwise, at the beginning of the inflammatory process, the removal of the nerve and filling of the root canals follows.

After cleaning the tooth cavity and in the absence of inflammation, the following is performed:

  1. Drying.
  2. Placement under the filling material of anesthetic and insulating tabs;
  3. Tab installation;

The final stage of treatment is polishing and fitting the filling.

Classification and installation features

In dentistry, dental fillings are classified as temporary and permanent.

Temporary task:

A popular material for temporary fillings is water-based dentin.

So, with the help of dentin, a paste with the addition of arsenic is fixed to destroy the nerve bundle of the tooth.

A permanent filling, made of durable material, is installed for years and even decades. Its purpose is to replace the lost part of the tooth.


Name of the seal Characteristic Installation Features


Material - silver amalgam: 60% - silver; 20% - copper; the remaining 20% ​​- mercury, tin, silicon, etc. metal tabs rarely used in dentistry. The reason is the emergence of new materials that are superior to metal in their qualities.
Advantages Flaws Metal tabs are placed on back teeth while maintaining thick walls.
  • moderate cost;
  • strength.
  • effect of galvanism;
  • long curing period;
  • expansion coefficient significantly different from similar indicators of the base material;
  • color contrasting with the color of the teeth.
  • silicate
  • phosphate
  • glass ionomer
  • release of fluorine ions counteracting caries;
  • choice of different shades.
Isolation of phosphoric acid that negatively affects the pulp.
low cost;
  • poorly fixed;
  • fragile;
glass ionomer
  • the composition is close in quality to the material of the tooth;
  • resistance to caries.
  • fragility;
  • unnatural color.
Composite (based on epoxy resins) Plastic mass with glass filler. Used on the front and chewing teeth, as well as cosmetic product to change the color and shape of the tooth. After preparation, the material is laid in layers, after which the filling is turned and polished.
  • long service life (8-10 years);
  • improved sensitivity after installation.
  • longer installation process compared to amalgam;
  • darkening, discoloration.
Compomer Used for restoration, filling small defects and creating inlays. Used for critical tooth decay. The inlay is made from a cast and inserted into the tooth as a finished structure.
  • strength;
  • protection against caries;
  • aesthetics.
high price.
plastic Most materials are based on acrylic acid Required condition- removal of the nerve. Otherwise, pulpitis may develop.
  • high strength;
  • the ability to choose the material by color.
  • the formation of micropores during polymerization, which leads to the return of caries;
  • the emergence of new diseases of the oral cavity;
  • darkening of the material (under the influence of nicotine);
  • acrylic toxicity.
Ceramic inlays Used for restoration, with a strong, more than 25%, destruction of dental material. They are made from molds in the laboratory. The finished tab is fixed with special glue.
  • strength, reliability
  • stable color;
  • structure matching.
  • high price;
  • lengthy installation process.

When is the nerve removed?

main reason removal of the neurovascular bundle - neglected, reaching the pulp, caries.

Important! Timely appeal the dentist will save the nerve, caries will be removed and the tooth will remain alive.

But, as a rule, patients wait until the last minute, trying to delay visiting the dentist. During this time, caries penetrates into the pulp chamber and causes inflammation - carious pulpitis, accompanied by severe pain. In such situations, the diagnosis of dentists is unambiguous - the removal (depulpation) of the tooth.

The nerve is also removed:

Don't put off your visit to the dentist.

The appearance of pain indicates the onset of an inflammatory process that will not go away on its own and can lead to serious complications, for example, to purulent (acute) pulpitis

Important! To avoid complications, avoid self-treatment - at the first pain, contact your dentist.

Installation of a photocomposite filling

Fillings made of light-cured (photopolymer) materials are a relatively new phenomenon in dentistry.

Their appearance is explained by the increased demands of patients for filling:

Today, the photocomposite tab is:

  • even distribution of the load on the teeth;
  • indistinguishable from natural material in any light;
  • reliability - tight overlapping of sensitive places.

Installation steps:

  • preparation: removal of soft, infected tissues;
  • washing the cavity;
  • treatment of the cavity to improve fixation;
  • grinding: surface adjustment and removal of excess;
  • polishing - rounding sharp edges and transitions.

The use of fillings made of photopolymer materials is convenient and beneficial despite the relatively high cost, since the period of operation of such products is at least 10 years.

How long does the installation take?

The time to install a photopolymer filling depends on the diagnosis of the dentist. If there is no need for root canal treatment, the procedure takes about an hour.

Which doctor is doing the installation?

Restoration of teeth by filling is the prerogative of a doctor called a dentist-therapist. In addition to therapists, treatment is carried out by: dental surgeons who restore teeth with complete destruction and the absence of a root, and orthopedic dentists involved in prosthetics.

Choice of fillings for chewing teeth

Chewing teeth are exposed maximum load Therefore, the material for fillings must have increased reliability.

Based on the ratio of price and quality, for chewing teeth, the best option - cheap and durable metal seals.

If the cost of products does not play a special role - install reliable composites.

For front teeth

The peculiarity of the front teeth is that they are constantly in sight, so if a composite is placed on the back chewing teeth, then tabs made of photopolymer material are placed on the front teeth.

Photopolymers quickly harden, serve for a long time and are invisible. In addition, the resin filling can be colored to match the color of the teeth.

Filling medication

The medicine is placed under a temporary tab in the following cases:

  • to influence the pulp nerve and its destruction;
  • to control the inflammatory process.

Previously, in dentistry, a paste with the addition of arsenic was used as a medicine. Now used more safe drugs containing paraformaldehyde, for example, Depulpin, which can be under a temporary filling for up to 2 weeks.

Removing a temporary filling and placing a permanent one

After installing a temporary filling, in the absence of pain, they proceed to a permanent filling

A temporary filling is installed at an intermediate stage of therapy, after the diagnosis of the disease. Cause of temporary filling - deep caries.

The product consists of inexpensive material, easy to install and remove.

The task of a temporary filling is to protect the sensitive area and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.

After installation, in the absence of pain, they proceed to permanent filling.

Removing the primary tab is as follows:

  • drug withdrawal;
  • treatment of the cavity with an antiseptic;
  • drying;
  • sealing with pins and sealer;
  • checking the correctness of the filling on the x-ray.

After completing the procedure, the dentist proceeds to install a permanent filling.

Installation cost

The cost of filling is determined after the diagnosis is established.

The treatment fee includes:

  • duration of therapy;
  • the complexity of the case;
  • material price;
  • additional services (X-ray, anesthesia, etc.)
  • type of teeth (anterior or root).

The region of the country plays an important role in determining the price. So, to establish a seal in the outback, you need 3-4 thousand rubles. while in Moscow and St. Petersburg this amount is likely to double.

Free sealing under the CHI policy

Public clinics practice the installation of light fillings only on the front teeth

By compulsory medical insurance policy free installation of cement fillings in all public clinics Russia.

Regarding the use of other materials for filling, the situation is controversial, since less materials are supplied to clinics.

As a result, a citizen theoretically has the right to install a photopolymer seal for free, but whether he will be able to realize the right is a big question.

Can I put a light seal for free?

The installation of photopolymers, according to the CHI policy, is real, but it is associated with certain difficulties. You may have to wait for some time, which is not acceptable for everyone.

Today, many public clinics, for coverage more patients practice the installation of light fillings only on the front teeth.

Popular questions

Does it hurt to put a filling? Is an injection necessary?

Most middle-aged and older people are afraid to visit the dentist, remembering Soviet dentistry. But modern dentistry is, first of all, powerful anesthetics, so the treatment, and a long period after therapy, are painless.

Pain possible: in an acute inflammatory process - this problem is solved by simply increasing the dose of the anesthetic.

Do they put a filling on baby tooth?

Milk teeth are treated without fail, as it prevents caries cutting permanent teeth. It is necessary to fill on milk teeth, preferably with polymeric, quickly hardening fillings that adhere well to the front and chewing teeth.

At what age to put?

In this situation, it is not the age that matters, but the condition of the child's teeth. If a child has caries, a toothache, contact pediatric dentist regardless of the age of the baby.

Should I put light seals for milk teeth?

If the cost of photopolymers does not matter to you, you can also install light ones. On the other hand, the aesthetics of milk teeth is not so important - these are extra costs, but it's up to the parents to decide.

The best option for a child - glass ionomer cements, in addition to the main functions, releasing fluorine - important element for erupted teeth.

Do I need to fill a wisdom tooth?

To remove or treat a wisdom tooth is a problem for patients and doctors; the eight has advantages and disadvantages. In general, the treatment of a wisdom tooth is no different from the treatment of the rest, the only problem- inconvenient arrangement of the eight, adding additional complexity to therapy.

  • in the absence of the seventh, or the seventh and sixth tooth;
  • the presence of an "antagonist" on the opposite jaw - the removal of one of these teeth will change the load and lead to a change in bite.

It should be noted that these reasons are relevant only with the normal arrangement and structure of the figure eight.

Are braces put on when there are fillings?

Yes, they do. It is important that the seals do not have chips and cracks. The exception is the tab located at the place where the bracket is attached.

The bracket installed on the filling will squeeze out the tab over time. The solution to this problem is purely personal - you may have to rearrange or redo the crumbling seal.

Are veneers put on fillings?

Yes, definitely, the installation of veneers on fillings in modern dentistry practiced constantly.

Are seals placed on seals?

Can I get a new filling without removing the old one? It is quite natural that the majority of patients in dental offices are not eager to pick open the old tab - the procedure is not pleasant and painful. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to do without it.

Dentists do not put a new filling on the old one, as it is not reliable and not aesthetically pleasing, besides, the old one can become infected, which will lead to serious complications.

Is it harmful to put a filling?

It is not harmful at all, but rather useful. A well-sealed tooth does not hurt or become inflamed, as the inlay securely covers sensitive tissues.

Why is a temporary filling placed after cleaning the canals?

Cleaning the canals of the tooth is necessary for the release of pus, so the canals are expanded and treated with an antiseptic. After the tooth is cleaned and removed from there pathogenic bacteria, you can install a medicine and a temporary filling.

Is it possible to fill teeth during pregnancy and during menstruation?

Pregnancy does not go well with bad teeth, so they are best treated before pregnancy. But this is not always possible, and it is not uncommon for pregnant women to have fillings, which leads to additional questions about the dangers of x-rays and anesthesia.

Do not be afraid - the radiation dose is minimal, and the beam is directed to the tooth, in addition, the patient is protected by a lead apron. Remember that a neglected inflammatory process is much more dangerous for a child, therefore, during pregnancy, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to treat teeth.

During menstruation, all dental procedures are carried out. Do not put off, even for a few days, a visit to the dentist, just warn the doctor about your condition.

Is it possible to put a filling with a cold?

Illness is a stress for the body, in which there is a serious weakening immune system. Dental treatment will additional load on the body, so if filling is not critical, it is better to wait a little while visiting the dentist's office.

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