What are dental fillings? What are fillings? Types of fillings in dentistry. Plastic, metal and ceramic compounds

Often patients are not even interested in what filling the doctor puts. This is a big mistake. A significant number of various dental materials allow you to make a choice in favor of value for money. However, it is easy to get confused in a large number of funds.

It is necessary to know at least approximately what a particular material is. After all, their classification is based precisely on durability, strength and aesthetic qualities. It is usually believed that if the cost of the work is higher, then the filling is of better quality. However quality materials today can be used for free admission.

Often patients are interested in which doctor puts fillings? This is done by a dentist-therapist, dentist or pediatric dentist. Filling is very responsible and delicate process requiring high professionalism of the doctor.

What fillings are placed for free?

Typically, such procedures are carried out according to the mandatory minimum of medical care for the population or according to insurance medicine. Of course, the quality of these materials is largely different from those used as paid services. But until some time, these same tools were used everywhere, since there were no more modern ones.
Basically, cement fillings are installed free of charge. Silicate and silicophosphate dental cements are used. After such treatment, caries recurrence often occurs, these cements have too weak adhesion. They are quite dangerous when placed in a deep carious cavity, as they are capable of releasing toxic substances.

Silicate cements are placed on the front teeth. They are more suitable in color to natural tissues, have a certain transparency and are well processed. Silicophosphate materials are designed to close cavities in chewing teeth.

AT recent times In some public clinics chemically cured composites began to be used. You can often find Evikrol, Composite, Crystalline. These funds are much better than any cements, although they are far from positive properties more expensive fillings.

Types of fillings

They can be conditionally divided according to the material of manufacture and purpose. So, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

Temporary fillings

They are used as fillings at intermediate stages of dental treatment. For example, in the treatment of apical periodontitis, when it is necessary to check the sealing. They are also indispensable in the treatment of pulpitis in a devital way, when they are placed under the pad medicinal substance.

Such material is easily removed if necessary. It has low strength but sufficient adhesion to temporarily close problem area. Its composition is absolutely harmless if swallowed by the patient.

cement fillings

Cement fillings. Advantages - due to stickiness and the possession of certain chemical properties, they find their application. Disadvantages - low aesthetics and abrasion over time.

This type of filling has been used for a long time, but even today it has not lost its relevance. There are three types of materials used:

  • silicate. They contain special glass and orthophosphoric acids. After polymerization, silicates are able to release fluorine to a certain extent. Therefore, they are quite relevant in the acute course of caries. However, they are not used in milk occlusion due to the rather large release of phosphoric acid. Weak enamel can become impregnated with this substance and occur chemical burn pulp.
  • Phosphate. These are low-quality products that dentists are gradually abandoning. For a long time they have been used as insulating pads in the treatment of uncomplicated caries. Until now, phosphate cements are used under the crown during prosthetics of the dentition.
  • Glass ionomer. They have a chemical composition very similar to the natural tissues of the tooth. As a result, they have excellent adhesion. Polymerization occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The doctor manages to completely form the material under the anatomical shape of the tooth. Glass ionomers have some modifications that are characterized by increased strength. So they include ceramics or even metal in their composition. This property allows you to successfully put them on chewing teeth. Glass ionomer cements are successfully used in milk bite. They highlight a large number of fluorine, at the same time, without providing toxic effect on the pulp. A high degree of adhesion allows you to place a seal even in a humid environment. Unfortunately, they are devoid of aesthetics. But in modern dentistry, glass ionomers are already being produced in which photocuring is added, which makes it possible to achieve sufficiently high aesthetic performance.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings are made of hard plastic, making them very safe and strong. The main advantage is the color that matches the teeth, and the disadvantage is the short service life (5 years).

These are relatively new technologies in the treatment of complicated and uncomplicated dental caries. But in a short period of use, they have already earned the trust of many patients and dentists. This type of material also has its own subgroups, which mainly include the following:

  • Acrylic compounds. They are one of the first composite compounds. They have sufficient strength and resistance to abrasion. However, they have more negative qualities than positive ones. The main disadvantage is high toxicity. They are categorically not recommended to be placed on non-pulpless teeth. There are cases when acrylic-containing materials had a toxic effect on adjacent healthy teeth and contributed to the development of caries. At the same time, they are successfully used in pulpless chewing teeth. The service life of the material is up to 5 years.
  • Epoxy compounds. Made from epoxy resins. They are stronger than acrylic fillings, but are quite fragile. In addition, they darken after a few years. Epoxides are less toxic. When setting, they perfectly fill the cavity and are evenly distributed. Their rapid solidification can prevent the dentist from forming a filling in a timely manner. The service life of the material, like that of acrylic, is up to 5 years.

A product made from the materials listed above is the so-called chemical filling. That is, its hardening occurs by itself due to certain processes occurring by composition and contact with environment. Other representatives of composites are compounds that harden only under the influence of a special lamp.

  • Light curing fillings. They are a high quality material in terms of aesthetic and physical properties. They are successfully placed both in the chewing and in the frontal part of the jaw. For the best contrast, match the color to the tissues of the tooth. The package can contain up to 12 tubes with different color markings. Polymerization occurs only from exposure ultraviolet lamp and then only by 70-80%. To give strength to the surface of the seal after hardening, it is necessary to carefully grind and finely polish.

The service life of composites is from 5 to 10 years. In modern dentistry, the use of hybrid composites and nanocomposites is practiced. These compounds have very small particles in their composition. Namely, they provide ultra-reliable adhesion to natural tissues. it the best option in matters of treatment chewing teeth. However, dentists tend to consider the material universal and use it in all cases.

Compomer compounds (compomers)

Compomer fillings are a combination of glass ionomer and composite materials. They absorbed the reliable fixation of the former and the aesthetic characteristics of the latter. But they also inherited disadvantages, so they usually wear out faster than even composite ones.

The first compomer fillings began to be used in the early 1990s, representing a hybrid of composites and glass ionomers. They have both positive and some negative properties of both types of these materials.

Their complex composition includes benzoin and amine peroxides, monomer, various resins and polyacrylic acid. Polymerization takes place evenly, without the formation of pores, which gives the seal additional strength. This light seal is placed mainly on the canines and incisors, that is, in places of the least load. However, it has been proven in practice that compomers are able to withstand any chewing load. An important disadvantage is enough high price and fragility, as in composite materials.

Filling materials for milk teeth

Colored fillings for children are made of composite materials. But instead of choosing the natural color of the tooth by a specialist, the choice of color is left to the child. The main thing here is the psychological factor. The short service life of such a filling is usually sufficient for milk tooth.

For a long time, dentists were content with only glass ionomer cements. But they did not quite meet all the requirements. Today it is proposed to carry out sealing with special children's colored materials based on composite resins. This highly unusual approach has been used recently and has gained popularity among children and dentists. These tools, in addition to the color appearance, have a number of advantages over conventional fillings:

  • They combine the properties of glass ionomers and photopolymers.
  • They have high plasticity, which allows the dentist to easily work with them and achieve the best placement in the carious cavity.
  • They have a high degree of adhesion to milk tissues.
  • It is installed on milk teeth, and is held on them for up to 3-4 years. This is enough to pass normal process bite changes.
  • The material is able to accumulate fluoride from toothpaste and food during chewing.
  • On bright fillings, areas of abrasion are more noticeable, which can be eliminated in a timely manner.
  • Affordable price.
  • Psychological factor. From the first visit to the dentist, the child begins to show interest in colored fillings. Thanks to this, stress relief during treatment is ensured, the habit of oral care is instilled faster. The child visits the dentist again with pleasure.

Amalgam fillings

The amalgam or "silver" filling has been the most popular and effective filling in dentistry for the past 150 years. The advantages are durability, affordability and the ability to install in one visit. Disadvantages - unaesthetic, sometimes it is necessary to remove healthy tooth tissues for installation in order to make room for filling, over time it can fade or crack with temperature changes.

Such fillings are also called silver. This is outdated material. It is an alloy of mercury, silver, tin or copper. The filling is very hard, durable, but aesthetic qualities are completely absent. There is evidence that the material lasted in the oral cavity for more than 20 years.

A big disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity and heat capacity. In addition, there are suggestions that particles of mercury may be released from the amalgam. As you know, this is a very harmful substance that can cause some mutations in the body and cancerous tumors. But this fact remains unproven and it is believed that its amount entering the body is extremely small. To date, amalgam is practically not used.

The choice of one or another filling material remains with the patient. The doctor can only recommend which one to choose, after an adequate examination and diagnosis. The patient has the right to refuse the imposed material, but he must take into account the consequences of his choice. If you ask a doctor, he can always talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular material, so which seal is better - only the dentist knows.

For most people, dental fillings are the first step. dental procedure. It allows you to save the body, its aesthetics and functionality. The latter is especially important for molars. The inability to properly chew food affects general well-being person, not to mention the probable diseases gastrointestinal tract. This means that fillings for molars should be presented with special requirements. To from several proposed modern dentistry materials to choose the most suitable for them, it is worth knowing the types of seals, as well as the qualities they need.


What are fillings

At the disposal of dentists there are several materials of different properties, quality and price. Which one to use for chewing teeth is determined by many circumstances, including the size of the cavity to be filled.

Sometimes it makes sense to set a tab. But if it is possible to get by with filling, then the choice is made among cement and composite materials, which also come in several types.


Such fillings have been used for a long time, since there are three subspecies of them, in varying degrees meeting the requirements of modern dentistry:


Relatively new filling materials have already received their share of acceptance from dentists and patients.

There are also several subspecies of them, each of which has advantages and disadvantages:

Acrylic. They contain a toxic compound, which is why they are not suitable for everyone. This feature becomes common cause pulpitis, since acrylic has a very negative effect on this part of the tooth. The material is quite durable, wears out slowly, but absorbs everything that happens in the oral cavity. This increases the risk of caries not only of the filled tooth, but also standing nearby. Acrylic fillings tend to quickly deform and “eat”;

Epoxy. Less poisonous and just as resistant to abrasion, but break quite easily. The advantage of such fillings is their fast and uniform hardening, which allows them to be filled large cavities in the teeth. But the same quality can be considered as negative if an inexperienced dentist does not have time to correctly install it in a certain time. In addition, an epoxy-based filling releases substances that can destroy the pulp. Enough for 3-4 years, provided there is no strong load on the tooth;

Light cured. Sturdy enough due to final view acquired as a result of polymerization under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. They tend to shrink over time, although not as much as other composite fillings. Harden only 70%. In order for them to serve longer than 5 years, careful grinding and polishing is necessary during installation.

There is an even more modern subspecies - nanocomposites. The material consists of the smallest particles, providing reliable adhesion to the tissues of the tooth, the strength of the filling itself. This is the most suitable option for the treatment of molars of chewing teeth. Dentists consider it universal.


This material took all the best from composite compounds and glass ionomer cements from which it got its name. Compomers are made up of monomer, resin and polyacrylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and amine. When installing such a seal polymerizes evenly, which gives it density and provides uniformity regardless of size.

Despite this, compomers are mainly used for filling anterior teeth. The load falling on the chewing gums is too great for them. Therefore, dentists are confident that this filling material is not suitable for molars.

What is important for filling molars

To decide how to heal chewing teeth, it is necessary to highlight what qualities fillings for them should have:

Strength. We are talking about resistance to fracture, minimal deformation over time and low abrasion. The mechanical load on the molars is high, so the listed properties are of paramount importance;
Tight fit. The presence of this quality will ensure the safety of the tooth, since it is almost impossible for it to get an infection, food debris and the development of secondary caries;
Unaffected by saliva. The filling should not be easily soluble;
material neutrality. Chewing teeth dentists prefer not to depulp if possible in order to save them longer. A filling that releases harmful compounds for nerve endings nullifies these efforts.

Is it worth it to get dental fillings for free?

It is believed to receive decent dental care on compulsory medical insurance policy it is impossible neither in the state, nor even more so in private clinic. Sometimes this is true. But in fact, in the “List medicines providing free outpatient dental care” there are several names composite and cement filling materials , which may well be applied in the treatment of chewing teeth.

The first ones include:

These are the materials light curing, characterized by small abrasion and shrinkage. Properly installed photocomposite filling last up to 10 years. In addition, its aesthetic qualities are beyond praise: there is a large selection of shades, the structure after polishing is similar to enamel.

To appearance fillings remained the same, this procedure is recommended to be done every six months. But since we are talking about molars, for which aesthetics of great importance does not have, it is optional.

The list of filling preparations that medical institutions should provide to patients free of charge includes glass ionomer cements:

  • Akvion;
  • Celion;
  • Celilite;
  • Kavalight;
  • Vitremer.

Such materials are good adhere to cavity walls, not susceptible to fast erasing, are not afraid of a humid environment. Among the disadvantages are external unattractiveness, but for molars, this is not so important.

Unfortunately, among free drugs there are no reinforced glass ionomer cements, as well as nanocomposites. But if the patient does not have the opportunity to pay for filling from his own pocket, it makes sense to choose one of the listed materials for the treatment of molars of chewing teeth.

In the list of drugs for dental treatment, for which the MHIF pays, there are also silicate cements Silicin and Silidont. In the absence of other possibilities, it is permissible to use them in filling milk chewing teeth in children. For adults, it is better not to put such a filling. Even if it lasts longer than 3 years, caries will certainly occur under it.

Filling is a common treatment used during carious lesion or if there are chipped pieces of enamel or dentin from the tooth. During this process, different types of fillings can be used, so do not be surprised when the dentist asks the question - What kind of filling will we put? Types of dental fillings differ in their composition, structure, curing speed and, of course, strength. Therefore, before rushing to put this or that material, it is worth considering everything well and choosing the most suitable one.

Probably, every person at least once in his life had to resort to treatment and installation of a filling on a tooth. But rarely does anyone think about what material these products are made of, as well as what types of seals currently exist. But in vain, knowing these features will help you choose the most suitable filling that will last long time, and sometimes it can completely imitate dental tissue. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the process of installing a filling is a rather laborious process that requires increased professionalism from the doctor so that the material stands for a long time and does not fall out of the tooth a few days after installation.

black carious formations provoke - pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve), this occurs as a result of infection in the tooth cavity, where the neurovascular bundle is located. But inflammation of the nerve in the tooth does not develop immediately, but only when the carious cavity becomes deep enough.

In the dental field, a filling is a special material that has increased viscosity, but at the same time it freezes quite quickly. Using this material, the doctor fills in the area of ​​​​the tooth cleared of carious or pulpitis. In addition to filling holes, this material is often used to hide damaged enamel or other defects. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the more reliable the structure of the filling, the better the tooth will perform its natural functions.
Now there is a wide variety of materials that are used for filling teeth. Dentists use metal, plastic, ceramic bases as fillings, and fillings from different types of cement are also often used. In addition, they are divided into temporary and permanent fillings.

Types of seals by service life

If we consider seals by service life, they are divided into temporary and permanent. Permanent products are products that are designed for a long service life. The process of installing this type of filling usually takes a long time. In addition, the base chosen for permanent filling must have high strength, have high aesthetic qualities and meet all safety requirements. But temporary fillings are used only for treatment and are usually installed for a short time. Most often, these products are based on various medicinal additives.


Temporary products have a second name - diagnostic. This type of filling is often used to identify the main symptoms that will help identify a specific disease.

A temporary filling is a hardening material that is applied to the part of the tooth affected by caries. It is installed for further treatment caries, canal or pulpitis, after removal of the nerve of the tooth.

For example, during caries, not only damage to the enamel structure can be observed, but also deeper dentin layers, and sometimes even the tooth pulp. If, after the material is installed in the tooth cavity, the patient experiences pain, this will indicate that he has the development of pulpitis. As a result, it is necessary to remove the affected soft tissues. In addition, during pulpitis, a temporary filling acts as a sealing agent, it prevents the drug from entering the tooth cavity.

What characteristics should

Temporary fillings must necessarily have important characteristics that meet all requirements. These features include the following:

  • Reliable degree of tightness and stability medicinal product during its application to the area under the filling;
  • Easy introduction and removal of the substance;
  • It is important that upon contact with the tooth, soft tissues, and the mucous layer of the oral cavity, no allergic reactions and irritation;
  • The filling mass must have a fast degree of hardening.


Permanent fillings are very different from temporary fillings. First of all, this type of filling is used for completely different purposes, therefore, the quality of the basis for these products has significant differences.

Filling - necessary measure, it serves to isolate sensitive tooth tissues and prevent microbes from entering the formed cavity.

Permanent filling is used for permanent wear. In addition, it has various intended purposes:

  1. In most cases, permanent products are used to carefully and tightly seal the opening of the tooth, which appeared as a result of cured caries or depulpation. At the same time, the material should protect the tooth from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into its cavity;
  2. Used to provide tooth structure natural qualities. Depending on this, the type of material is selected, with the help of which it will be possible to bite off and chew food in the future;
  3. Another last purpose of permanent products is for aesthetic functions. If, for example, for chewing teeth that are invisible in front of the dentition, apply different kinds cement material, then a light filling is usually used for the anterior teeth. At the same time, it is carefully selected to match the natural color of the dental tissue, so that in the future there are no visible differences.

Types of seals according to the materials used

Depending on the material, the fillings can be different. To date, there are a large number of types of filling material, which differ in composition, strength, consistency and setting speed. In addition, a huge variety of fillings allows you to match them to the color of the tooth enamel, which as a result allows you to return the tooth structure to its original appearance.

Based on cement

This type of filling is quite common in dentistry, it is associated with a high degree of adhesion or adhesion of the cement material. Cement elements have high strength, wear resistance, which can stand for a long period.

Cement fillings are combinations of powder and liquid. They are short-lived due to the fragility of the material, but they create counteract the formation of repeated caries.

However, this material has one negative quality- cement fillings have a density index higher compared to the density of dental tissue. For this reason, after a certain time, wear of the tooth tissue that is around the filling is observed. As a result, a vulnerable area is formed along the edges of the filling material, which leads to the appearance of secondary caries.
For cement fillings, several types of compositions are used:

  • Phosphate cements. The composition of this material includes almost 90% zinc oxide, as well as magnesium oxide, silica, phosphoric acid;
  • Mixtures with a silicate-containing structure. These mixtures include aluminosilicates and phosphoric acid.

It should be noted that phosphatment fillings are not used for surface work. They are mainly used to close channels, put in the area under the crowns, as well as under the top layer.

But silicate cements are similar in structure and color to bone tissue. This material has a shiny surface, has transparency. Structurally, this is sufficient. solid material and it is suitable for filling the anterior dentition.
For deep filling, silicate material is not used, because it has negative impact to the pulp area.


Plastic fillings are quite popular in dentistry. This is due to their positive qualities:

  • Fast degree of hardening;
  • They have a high degree of hardness;
  • Have increased strength characteristics;
  • The composition of the material has chemical resistance;
  • The basis of the plastic material does not irritate the tissues of the oral cavity.

Carbodent is the basis for making plastic fillings. Dentists rarely use this type of fillings, as they have toxic damage and are not strong enough.

However, this material has one significant negative factor - over time, plastic fillings sag and decrease in size. Man through certain period may note that the filling becomes smaller over time. This all leads to the gradual destruction of dental tissue.
In addition, plastic materials become colored over time, quickly lose their original color.
At the core plastic products two components can go - acryloxide and carbodent.

Important! Acrylic oxide-containing plastics have increased strength, but they have several disadvantages. They have increased chemical toxicity and after a certain period cause inflammatory process in the area under the filling.

Carbodent products have a porous structure, and they also have a low degree of toxicity. However, this material has low strength and after a certain period the filling becomes darker than the tooth.


Amalgam filling material has high quality and durability. This is due to the basis of these products. It is based on an alloy of mercury and metals.

Amalgam filling used to be very popular, but various metal alloys are now practically not used, as they have disadvantages: high thermal conductivity, low aesthetic effect.

Attention! The composition of amalgam products can include different types of metals and alloys - silver, mercury, zinc, gold, tin. The basis of these products has increased plasticity, good adhesion or adhesion.

The strength of this type of material is quite high, products can last for several decades.
The only negative quality of amalgam fillings is that they have a characteristic metallic color. For this reason, they are used for inconspicuous places.


Fillings from ceramic material has a number of advantages:

  • High hardness and strength;
  • Increased wear resistance;
  • Do not shrink over time;
  • There is no color change over time. Ceramic fillings do not darken, and various spots do not appear on them.

Ceramics is closest in its properties to tooth enamel: strength, color, light reflection. Ceramic inlays are installed where large cavities of the teeth are damaged by caries, but the removal of the pulp did not occur.

A ceramic filling is made in the form of an inlay on a cast of a disinfected, treated tooth. Due to the fact that the masonry is obtained by a similar copy of the structure of the tooth, during installation, the entire load during chewing is evenly distributed. In addition, it is quite firmly attached to the tooth.

Light curing composites

Sealing products, which are made of light-hardening composites, also have the second name light. The process of polymerization reactions in the elements that are part of such filling products are carried out as a result of the influence ultraviolet irradiation. At the same time, the healed teeth undergo shrinkage after a certain period. But at first, these materials look just perfect.

Light-hardening composites are by far the most modern, beautiful, strong and durable. They have excellent colors, which will help you choose the desired color for the overall color of your teeth.

This type of material is highly polished. Microphiles are used for the anterior units, while macrophiles are used for the more massive posterior molars.
A special material that has a self-hardening base, containing particles of silicon and zirconium, is used in the process of restoring the surface of chewing-type units. But for hard-to-reach areas, composites with a fluid structure are used.

Glass ionomer cement material

The group of materials of this type includes high level fluorine, which ensures the prevention of recurrent carious lesions. This material is an ideal basis for dental treatment in children.

Glass ionomer cement is an excellent insulating lining under the filling, which perfectly prevents the aggressive action of the filling material on the dentin. Glass ionomer cement is used to restore teeth and fill canals.

But this type of filling material has one drawback - high fragility.
Glass ionomer cement material can be of two types:

  • Self-hardening;
  • Light curing.

However, glass ionomer fillings do not always match the natural color of the dental tissue. Therefore, after their installation, it is often necessary to close them with composite materials.

Composites of the chemically cured type

Porcelain is the main component of these filling materials. Thanks to this component, high hardening and durability of the installed filling products are ensured.
However, this type has one drawback - polymerization shrinkage. But this quality is compensated by additional adhesive preparations. Thanks to the presence of these agents, adhesion to the tissue is improved and the recurrence of caries is prevented.

How is the installation

In addition to choosing the necessary material for filling the tooth, it is worth knowing the features of installing these products. This process has certain features on which the service life of a particular filling product depends.
Features of installing seals:

  1. First of all, an examination of the diseased tooth is carried out and an accurate diagnosis of the lesion is established, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage is determined;
  2. Next, the tooth is treated with special preparations, the cavity and the surface of the tooth are cleaned from damaged tissues;
  3. Usually, when processing and cleansing, the doctor does local anesthesia with various anesthetics. The choice of anesthetic depends on the strength of action and on individual features the patient's body;
  4. During deep defeat a special pad with calcium is placed, it will speed up the process of removing the inflammatory process;
  5. Under the aesthetic part of the filling material, an insulating type gasket is placed, which is made of high quality materials with a high degree of adhesion;
  6. The next step is to install the filling material;
  7. If a material is installed from a light-hardening base, then each layer of the filling product shines.

This photo shows a tooth at the time of carious destruction, and also shows the final result of the treatment. The doctor performed an examination, anesthesia, cleaning the cavity from the affected tissues, installing special medical pads, aesthetic restoration of the appearance of the tooth.

What does the cost depend on?

Everyone probably knows that the treatment and installation of a seal is quite expensive. It depends on many factors that are taken into account by the doctor when compiling the total cost. Usually, the following important components are used in the treatment and installation of a filling product:

  • Expensive medical materials;
  • High-quality compositions for filling;
  • The use of expensive equipment;
  • High professionalism of the dentist.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that comfortable treatment, infection and filling of teeth will cost a round sum. However, the cost may vary each time. Sometimes you can cure a tooth in just one visit, and sometimes it may take several visits, respectively, and the cost will vary significantly.
In addition, the cost depends on the stages of treatment. Usually, all dental clinics have a standard list of stages of treatment, which includes the following services:

  1. Primary inspection;
  2. Cleansing the affected area;
  3. The introduction of the drug;
  4. If the need suddenly arises, an X-ray examination is mandatory, in which a picture of the roots of the tooth is taken;
  5. Carrying out cleaning and formation of channels;
  6. Removal of nerves;
  7. Canal filling;
  8. Installing a permanent filling.

The cost of all these services can be found in the price lists of clinics.
In addition, the cost may vary depending on the type of filling. Fillings made of composite or light material will be much more expensive than simple products made of cement or plastic.

What is the price

The cost of filling depends on the type of material. The average prices for filling products in Moscow are as follows:

  • The installation of composite fillings without the use of tooth treatment and the installation of gaskets on average costs from 3,000 rubles;
  • The price of fillings from glass ionomer cement material - from 4000 rubles;
  • A ceramic inlay, excluding work, costs from 3,500 rubles;
  • Sealing from a metal base costs from 1500 rubles.

At the same time, children's dental treatment and the installation of fillings differ significantly from that of an adult. The process of installing seals for children is much faster and, on average, costs from 2,000 rubles.
Removing the old filling material will cost from 700 rubles. Installation of insulating and therapeutic (temporary fillings) will cost from 1000 rubles.
The process of restoration in the presence of a deep lesion depends on many conditions and criteria. And the installation of a light seal will cost from 5,000 rubles. Anesthesia from 500 rubles.
Filling is important process, because it is used for a long period. Therefore, it is better to choose a high-quality filling that will last a long period and be able to fully replace the tooth tissue. At the same time, it should not inconvenience, both from the physical and from the aesthetic side.

© Sebastian Kaulitzki / Fotolia

No dental treatment is complete without a filling. Today it is one of the most affordable and effective methods restoration of the integrity of the crown part of the tooth.

If a few decades ago, single types of materials were used for these purposes, today they surprise with their diversity. Materials differ not only in their physical characteristics, but also in cost.

What does the cost depend on?

The cost of dental filling services will depend on several factors:


All materials used for the restoration of teeth are divided into two groups according to their temporary purpose: permanent and temporary. Each of them has its own characteristics, differing in composition and purpose.


Temporary refers to materials that are installed for a limited period. The service life of the seal will depend on its composition.

Most often, materials are used that allow fillings to be placed. for 2–5 days. But, such specimens are also used that can be in the tooth for 3 or 6 months.

Temporary fillings are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • cyst;
  • granuloma.

The main role of a temporary type of restoration is to create a barrier that prevents the penetration of saliva, food debris and bacterial deposits into the inflamed pulp cavity or root canals.

They cover medicamentous tabs with anti-inflammatory action, ensuring the penetration of the drug into the internal dental tissues. Sometimes they are used to install them to diagnose the condition of the pulp after partial extirpation and during the period of prosthetics during the manufacture of dental inlays.

To temporarily close the cavity, the material used must be resistant to moisture and not disintegrate from saliva, provide tightness and be plastic, and also be easily removed from the dental cavity.

The following materials meet these requirements:

  1. Zinc sulfate cement (artificial dentin). It is a powder consisting of sulfate and zinc oxide, as well as kaolin. This combination of components makes it possible to place a strong seal for up to 3 days. Its cost is approximately 150 rubles.
  2. Dentin paste. It is based on artificial dentine in combination with petroleum jelly and glycerin, which increases the plasticity of the material. Its warranty period is at least 7 days. The cost will be approx. 200 rubles.
  3. Vinoxol. Is combined material, consisting of calcium, zinc, polystyrene. It has excellent adhesion and does not irritate the tissues of the pulp chamber.

    Due to the high mechanical strength, the material can stay in the tooth for 6 months. The price for it is more than that of the previous options and, on average, is 400 rubles.

  4. Zinc-eugenol cement. Consists of zinc and eugenol, which are mixed immediately before laying in the tooth cavity. The cement hardens within 8 hours, forming an elastic tab, installed for no more than 5 days. In this case, the cost will be 120 rubles.
  5. Polycarboxylate cement. The material is characterized by high biological compatibility with dental tissues. In addition, it does not allow acids and monomers to penetrate inside.

    It is used for the restoration of canals of permanent and milk teeth, up to 3 months. Restoration price in this case will be within 300 rubles.

Materials are selected individually in each case, depending on the type dental disease and age of the patient.


Permanent fillings are materials that differ increased strength, shock absorption and high aesthetic qualities.

Their main task is to recreate the anatomical shape of the tooth with full color reproduction and as close physical characteristics as possible.

The following materials are used as permanent fillings:


Is the cheapest option, which ensures the strength of the restored area, but is characterized by low aesthetics. The most commonly used filling material is an amalgam, an alloy of silver and mercury. can last more than 10 years.

Today, this option is not popular, as it has Negative influence on the oral cavity and requires detailed painstaking work. The cost of installing such a seal will cost about 500 rubles. But the price may increase if a more expensive metal is used instead of silver.

Light-cured composite

It is a material based on an adhesive structure. Due to this, the material quickly adheres to the dental surface.

It is mainly used for the restoration of chipped parts of the anterior row of teeth, as it is highly aesthetic. Service life of light-cured fillings from 5 years and more, with an average cost of 1500 rubles.

A filling placed under a crown can be inserted for about 600 rubles.

Glass ionomer cement

Unlike the previous version, this material is more durable and resistant to mechanical stress. It tolerates temperature changes well and adheres tightly to various dental surfaces. In addition, it contains fluorine, which remineralizes the tissues of the tooth.

A filling from it under the crown will cost 1000 rubles, and the restoration of part of the tooth - from 1700 rubles. The service life of the glass ionomer is at least 5 years.

Nanocomposites (microhybrids)

Used to restore both front and chewing teeth. Materials are distinguished by reliability, increased resistance to aggressive media and mechanical stress. They accurately convey the shade of natural enamel and its natural transparency.

The service life of the restored area from the nanocomposite at least 5 years. Its cost is higher than its predecessors and starts from 2000 rubles.

Seals from the listed materials are able to stand for a guaranteed service life only if the technology of their installation is observed. With insufficient professionalism of the dentist, the filling may fall out after a few months, regardless of the cost and modernity of the material.

How to install them - see the following video:

Use in children

Separately considered filling in childhood, since for temporary teeth it is necessary to select sparing technologies and safe materials that are able to adhere to the surface of the teeth due to mechanical forces.

These requirements are met zinc eugenol cement used as temporary fillings. The material does not require a dry environment, which is important in the treatment of the teeth of young children. It freezes even when interacting with saliva.

Mainly used as a permanent filling polycarboxylate cement. The material is distinguished by analgesic, aseptic and regenerating effects, as well as a slight sedative effect.

One of the restoration options is light seal, which does not harm the tissues of the tooth and periodontium, but requires good perseverance from the child.

An example of its installation in the following video:

The cost of filling children's teeth starts from 2500 rubles. The cost of the service includes mandatory injection and treatment of dental tissues on 3 surfaces and their restoration with cement or composite.

If a colored photopolymer was used for filling, then the price of the service will increase by 500 rubles or more. When treating pulpitis, the price for filling for each canal will be added to the final cost, which starts from 500 rubles.

Signs of quality

© Tyler Olson / Fotolia

The main features of a high quality filling include:

  • accurate transmission anatomically shaped in compliance with chewing tubercles;
  • smoothness of the transition, which is not noticeable even with instrumental examination;
  • high aesthetic values. The filling should have a smooth glossy surface with a shade and transparency that completely coincides with natural part enamels;
  • increased resistance to chips and abrasion, due to the density of the material;
  • uniformity of the filling;
  • tight fit to the walls of the formed cavity.

Installation steps

The installation of a seal takes place in several stages, each of which is considered mandatory:

  • Stage 1. The first step is grinding carious tissue tooth.
  • Stage 2. If the infection has penetrated into the pulp, then its chamber is opened and expanded, and then the canals are treated.

    In this case, the procedure will cost more than with the usual superficial caries, since the cost will include canal filling, which varies from 600 to 1500 rubles.

  • Stage 3. Restoration of the anatomical shape. This stage will also affect the final cost of the procedure. The price will depend on the amount of material used.

    The more you need, the higher the cost of the service. For example, restoration of 3 sides of a molar begins from 2500 rubles. Restoration of anterior incisors can cost 3,000–5,000 rubles.

In addition, depending on the material used, sealing may require a special shock-absorbing pad and other additions, which slightly, but still affect the cost.

When is anesthesia required?

© elainenadiv / Fotolia

As a rule, anesthesia is carried out during any dental interventions. With a slight impact on dental tissues, use application anesthesia, which allows you to anesthetize the tooth 3 mm in depth.

The cost of one application is about 150 rubles. With more extensive interventions, involving the pulp, they resort to infiltration or, the price of which varies from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the status of the clinic and the drugs used.

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A tooth filling is the most common service in dentistry. It is a material that fills an open root canal and serves to protect soft tissues and consoles from physical impact and the spread of infection. Fillings are used in the treatment of caries, pulpitis and many other infectious diseases of the root canals.

Types of fillings depending on the material

There are about a dozen different filling materials. Some of them are used less frequently, others are gradually gaining more and more polarity.

Specialists often call such a product an almagam filling. Almagama is a medical metal, an alloy of mercury, silver, tin and zinc.

Such products are durable and at the same time plastic. They are not subject to abrasion and physical defects. They can last more than ten years without changing their specifications.
The disadvantages of such a product include a contrasting appearance to natural teeth, which is why they can only be placed on chewing teeth. Also, such material is inconvenient to use: it is difficult to carefully place and fix it in the root canal.

Oddly enough, the presence of mercury in the composition does not harm the patient in any way. It is used only as a solvent and connects other metals. The concentration of mercury in the filling is so low that even if all 32 teeth are filled in this way, the dose of mercury will not exceed the maximum allowable. Danger can arise only for a specialist, therefore, when working, all safety rules must be observed.

Plastic is often hidden under the sonorous name "acrylic tooth filling." They are very cheap and therefore still quite popular. In this case, the price corresponds to the quality: plastic tabs are quickly erased, settle, lose their original shade.

Due to the porous texture, food debris and other contaminants accumulate faster on its surface. Thus, any roughness becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
The recurrence of caries after treatment with such fillings is not uncommon, so specialists try not to use this type of filling.
In addition, plastic is toxic and can cause much harm to the body. more harm than when using a mercury-containing composition. The chance of inflammation of the nerve endings (pulpitis) doubles.

Ceramic fillings

This type of filling can be more attributed to microprosthetics. Ceramic fillings are more commonly referred to as inlays. Such material is not poured into the root canal, but is made in advance according to the impression made.

Ceramics ideally repeats the color and texture of teeth and can last for decades. No one will even guess about the presence of an inlay, so you can even put such a design on the front teeth: incisors and canines.
Inlays are still not very popular, many are afraid of the price of a filling, and the price of the product itself in this case is only a small part. The rest is the cost of manufacturing and installation.
Inlays not only play the role of filling root canals, they can sometimes be used as a support for bridges.

cement fillings

Cements is a group of filling materials, which is very actively used in dentistry. The peculiarity of this type of material is that they are applied in liquid form to the root canal and solidify already inside it. Any types of cements are very stable, they do not settle and do not change their shade. Average term service for about 5 years, and sometimes more.

The cements include composite, light-polymer, glass ionomer and combined compositions.
by the most modern fillings are light. They harden only under the action of the light of a special lamp, they are applied to the channel in layers, thereby reducing the chance of possible shrinkage.

Types of fillings depending on the period of wearing

It is not always immediately possible to install a permanent seal. In some cases, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body after treatment. For this purpose, temporary fillings are used.

Temporary fillings

For temporary fillings, less durable, but at the same time plastic, water-insoluble materials are used. Recently, non-permanent inlays are necessary only in the treatment of teeth from caries or pulpitis in a fluffy degree. Relatively recently, temporary fillings were also needed to remove the nerves of the tooth. The root canal was filled with arsenic - a poison whose action was aimed at destroying all nerve endings. To prevent arsenic from entering the oral cavity, the tooth was covered with a temporary filling. Today, anesthesia with arsenic is used less and less, and with it such products.

Permanent fillings

Permanent - this is the filling that is placed for several years, and sometimes for decades. How much it costs to put a filling on a tooth depends primarily on the material used.
Permanent filling is the final step in the treatment of many root canal diseases.

Installation of a seal

The installation is divided into three stages:
- Removal of infected areas of hard tissue.
- Expansion and processing of the channel.
- Application of the composition or the manufacture of a prosthesis in the case of ceramic inlays.
First, using a conventional drill, the specialist removes inner part tooth - dentin. Most often, with caries and other infectious diseases, it is this part of the hard tissue that primarily suffers. The problem of infection can be solved only by completely removing the infected area. This stage of filling can be carried out without the help of anesthetics. Qualified specialist can completely free the channel without touching nerve endings. With excessive sensitivity of the gums or enamel, an anesthetic injection is still recommended.
Next, the specialist expands the hole made. This is necessary in order to close the canal or remove the nerves of the tooth. Depulpation (removal of nerves) is necessary in case of severe damage to hard tissue, if this is not done, the patient will be accompanied by severe toothache. After such a procedure, the tooth becomes more fragile, because it loses nourishment from the body. At this stage, all the rules of disinfection must be strictly observed, otherwise an infection may get into the damaged part of the tooth.
In conclusion, the specialist applies a filling composition inside the root canal. In some cases, it may be necessary to install a kind of pillow inside the channel. It will prevent shrinkage of the material.
The first two hours the patient is not allowed to eat, drink and smoke, touch the tooth.

Filling price

What material a tooth filling is made of and its cost are very interconnected. In most cases, the neglect of the case, the time of the procedure, anesthesia and other frauds do not even play a role.
The average prices in Russia are as follows:
Temporary filling - 420 rubles.
Ceramic inlay- 1950 rubles.
Reflective seal - from 2750 to 5000 rubles.
Composite filling- 2700 rubles.
Metal filling - 1560 rubles (in state clinics such filling is free).

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