Stump metal tabs. Stump tab - what is it and what is it used for. What material to choose

Quite often there is a need for a single restoration of the tooth. In this case, while maintaining the roots, there is no need to install bridges, it is enough to install a crown.

However, the crown is a hollow structure and requires some filling to properly distribute the load and extend its life. Now quite often special tabs are used as such filling.

What is it and why is it necessary?

The tabs are one-piece construction, consisting of two parts. Upper resembles a tooth stump, which has already been previously ground for the installation of a crown.

That is why they can be called cult. The lower or root part acts as a pin and looks like a rod.

The crown part can be of any shape, as it is made in dental laboratories according to individual casts. It can completely repeat the original shape of the tooth and even be used separately, without a crown.

The lower part is made depending on the characteristics of the tooth and can be double or even triple. In this case, the design may not be solid, but collapsible.

Only some pins are removable, this is necessary to facilitate installation in the case of a complex shape of a multi-channel tooth, an extraordinary arrangement of channels, and so on.

To make it more clear what will be discussed in the article - watch the following video:

What are used for

Typically, such designs are used in cases where it is impossible to install a filling or a conventional pin, that is, there are not enough remaining tooth tissues for the devices.

Most often, inlays are used when only roots remain or there is no internal filling, and only thin walls remain from the tooth, which can collapse very easily.

Also tabs do not shrink over time, this makes the installation of the crown even better and prevents it from loosening, breaking, etc.

In addition, these designs allow you to completely remove all tissues infected with caries, which prevents its reappearance and occurrence. pain under crowns.

Advantages over other methods

Of course, installing an inlay and a crown on top is not the only way restoration of chewing and aesthetic function of teeth.


Crown inlays, also called core inlays, have a number of advantages that other techniques, such as standard pins, do not have.

  • Between crown and inside there are no chemical bonds, so they carry loads better due to the layering.
  • Cementing allows to achieve a minimum wedging effect. This is due to the distribution of chewing loads on the tab itself, the root and the crown over the entire surface.
  • Separation is excluded due to the integrity of the structure.
  • Extending the life of the crown.
  • The maximum area of ​​contact, both to the residual tissues of the tooth, and to the crown.
  • The ability to use not only as an integral part of the "ligament-crown" design, but also as an independent means of restoring the chewing surface.


Relatively negative properties are available for any orthopedic and dental structures. The same applies to inlays installed under the crown.

  • Slightly more than when using other methods forced preparation of the tooth.
  • There is a laboratory stage, so the duration of treatment increases - casts, model making, fitting, final casting and installation are needed. Therefore, in most cases, all this is done in two rather than one visit.
  • Enough high price, especially when used to make ceramic or gold alloy.


If we talk about the varieties of these structures, which are designed to restore the volume of the upper part of the tooth under the crown, then there are two main features in which they differ.

A few words have already been said about the first - this one-piece and collapsible devices. However, here the choice almost always depends on anatomical features tooth to be restored and specific needs.

The second sign is This is the material from which the structure will be made.. It is worth talking about it in more detail, since not only the properties of the tab depend on this, but also the service life of the product and its final cost.

Varieties according to the material used

  1. Composite. Quite popular, as they have sufficient strength, durability and the necessary adhesion to natural tissues.
  2. Ceramic. Best of all imitate natural enamel, durable and have high percent aesthetics.
  3. Made from zirconia. They have the strength of metal, and aesthetic qualities are equated to high-quality ceramics.
  4. metal. For the manufacture, not pure metals are used, but alloys that have various properties, as well as cost.

You can find more information about composite tabs in the following video:

Indications and contraindications

In fact, one indication can be distinguished, which is the main one - very deep caries, which led to severe destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth. The loss of 55-60% of the tooth can be attributed to such destruction.

Sometimes these destructions may not even reach such a level, however, they have a complex specific form, which results in the removal of affected tissues in several visits to the dentist. Then it is no longer possible to put a seal, as it simply will not hold, despite the quality of the materials used.


So, here is a list of possible indications:

  • the rapid development of damage, called;
  • injuries of the hard tissue of the tooth - chips, breaks and other mechanical damage;
  • dysplasia of the tooth tissue;
  • enamel hypoplasia;
  • support for the subsequent installation of bridges;
  • part of a complex structure with a crown.


Like most dental structures, inlays installed under crowns also have a small list of contraindications:

  • strong activation of carious processes;
  • small depth or volume of the cavity;
  • a cavity deep into the dentin, which is in contact with the adjacent tooth - approximal;
  • the presence of bruxism -;
  • insufficient hygiene measures oral cavity.

How to install - description of the procedure

The installation process in all cases takes place in several mandatory steps. Accurate adherence to the technique is necessary to ensure maximum effect and longer service life.

  • Performing various preparatory work. This includes various activities a dentist-therapist to eliminate tissues infected with caries, as well as treating the cavity formed after that with antiseptic preparations.
  • Taking impressions. After completing the preparatory measures, the doctor takes a cast from the damaged tooth, as well as from the neighboring ones. This is necessary for accurate positioning of the future structure.
  • Installation of a temporary filling. At the time necessary to restore the tooth, it is advisable to close formed cavity and protect the tooth from aggressive external factors. To do this, use temporary fillings from the simplest materials, while the tab is being made in the laboratory.
  • Direct installation. After all the steps have been completed, the doctor removes the temporary filling and fixes the tab on a special solution, made exactly according to the size of the cavity.

In fact, the installation of an inlay belongs to the category of so-called independent micro-prosthetics, or is an important step in dental prosthetics.

Life time

Photo: Prosthetics with a metal-ceramic crown using a metal tab

Despite the fact that the tabs are much stronger than ordinary ones, even modern fillings, they also have their service life. Made from the most simple materials they will last at least 4-5 years.
This period can be extended if the work of the orthopedist and the dental technician is well coordinated and very accurate. Then time reaches 8–10 years.

The better the design is tailored to the anatomical features in each case, the longer it will last.

Also, the time that the tab will last without changing its original properties is highly dependent on the material of manufacture - silver, zirconium, etc. The longest this moment serve gold structures are about 15 or 20 years old.

Due to its anti-corrosion properties, this material does not react to external factors, and its relative softness allows you to reduce the load on nearby tissues and distribute it correctly.


The cost depends on several factors, including the type, material of manufacture, a particular clinic, and some others. The first two factors are critical to the final price.

First of all, it is "size". Here approximate cost different inlays using the same most inexpensive materials (metal alloy):

  • one-root- from 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • two-root- 3.5 thousand;
  • three-root- from 4.5 thousand;

The use of improved materials immediately increases the cost. For example, a single-root structure made of zirconium dioxide will cost at least 8 thousand rubles, but this is in a clinic with low level prices.

And in an expensive dental center a complex structure made of this material can cost up to 25 thousand. The same applies to ceramic materials. Their cost is not less than 20 thousand.

In the event of dental problems, most of us expect to quickly receive qualified assistance by going to the dentist. Today, there are such technologies, the use of which allows the dentist to restore and preserve practically destroyed teeth. One of the main ones is an inlay on the tooth under the crown.

Modern dentistry has orthopedic reliable and aesthetically attractive devices that meet the highest requirements - dental inlays for crowns. The reliability of the designs is due to their increasing popularity among patients and dentists.

A stump tab for a crown is a specially designed device that is used to install prostheses on it. It is used in case of complete or almost complete destruction of the patient's tooth.

Types of dental inlays are divided according to the material and method of manufacture. Depending on the type of manufacture, the tabs are divided into two types:

  1. Folding - are characterized by the complexity of selection and installation, reliability. This type of design provides the ability to add / remove the desired pins, and is used for the restoration of teeth with multiple roots;
  2. Cast - are made under the influence of high temperatures and pressure: the lower (root) part is a fastening in the dentition and looks like a rod, and the upper part is the restored shape of the crown. It looks like the stump of a tooth that has been ground to install a crown, which is why this inlay is also called a stump inlay.

The upper part can be of any shape as it is made in laboratory conditions by individual cast: can repeat former form tooth, can be used even without a crown. The lower one is made taking into account the characteristics of the root system of the tooth (there are double and even triple). The design in such cases will be collapsible. Individual pins are made removable to facilitate installation with complex shapes of multi-canal teeth, non-standard canal arrangement, etc.

According to the criteria of reliability and practicality, this method is considered the best when installing crowns.

This inlay design makes it possible to significantly extend the life of patients' teeth even in the most advanced cases. It can be used as a support for both a single prosthesis and a bridge prosthesis included in the design, and can become a fixing element for a removable product.

Tab types

They are made from different materials, which determine the cost and quality of the inlay for the teeth:

  • Composite - the most popular, have high level strength and good adhesion to the tissues of the jaw, durable.
  • Metal - made of cobalt-chromium, gold-bearing and silver-palladium alloys, which have different properties, so they have different cost. Ceramics are bypassed in popularity, manufacturing technology is simpler, and the finished product comes out cheaper with the same high strength, quality and durability.
  • Ceramic - the best imitation of natural tooth enamel, durable and have a high degree of aesthetics.
  • Zirconia (made from zirconium dioxide) are distinguished by the strength of metal inlays and the aesthetics of high-quality ceramics, maximum bioinertness, but they are also not cheap.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dental inlays under the crown differ from other methods of restoration in a number of advantages:

  • suitability for restoring the most damaged teeth;
  • the possibility of precise adjustment of the crown to the tab;
  • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • a significant reduction in the load on the jaw apparatus;
  • possibility of installation on multi-rooted teeth;
  • structural strength achieved by precise selection of shapes and materials;
  • the possibility of creating bridge structures for prosthetics;
  • barrier to entry harmful bacteria into the cavity of the restored tooth;
  • if the crown is damaged, the tab does not need to be replaced - they simply make a new crown;
  • no effect on the condition of adjacent teeth;
  • do not shrink over time;
  • make it possible to completely remove tissues damaged by caries, which eliminates the appearance of pain under the crown.

Like any mechanical design, the tabs have several disadvantages, which are associated, in most cases, with manufacturing difficulties:

  • the duration of the installation process (performed in several stages);
  • high cost of the tooth restoration process;
  • only an experienced prosthetist can make the installation correctly.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Tabbed installation is best solution with these indications:

  • complete or very severe destruction of the visible (crown) part of the tooth, which cannot be restored with a crown;
  • when restoring teeth, of which only the root part has survived;
  • in the manufacture of crowns on intact, healthy teeth- this is done when a broken bite does not allow the placement of a prosthesis due to lack of space. At the same time, it is necessary to sharpen outer part tooth, remove the nerves and, as a result, the strength of the remaining tooth base is not enough to install the crown.

Larisa Kopylova


Inserting a core inlay on teeth with thin root walls or crooked roots is possible, but must be done with great care.

Despite the high manufacturability, such an insert on a tooth under a crown is not suitable for everyone, since it has a number of contraindications for installation:

Metal tab.

  • severe damage to the root system;
  • the active phase of the development of carious processes;
  • proximal cavity (deep contact with adjacent teeth);
  • bruxism (teeth grinding);
  • soft tissue diseases in the installation area (presence of foreign body contributes to the deterioration of the inflamed area);
  • an allergic reaction to the materials from which the structural elements are made;
  • individual pathologies, for example, mobility neighboring teeth(the design will not only work correctly, but may be hazardous to dental system generally).
  • restoration of carious milk teeth (the period of its operation is much longer than the existence of the latter).

Before installing a dental inlay, the doctor must make sure that all the contraindications described above are absent.

Larisa Kopylova


It is especially important to pay attention to the possible allergic reactions on individual elements of the device, especially alloys.

Installation Features

An inlay is installed in the tooth under the crown always in several stages, the exact observance of which is a guarantee maximum effect and long service life. Installation can be an independent micro-restoration, or one of the important stages in prosthetics. For each specific case, a optimal type and the shape of the dental inlay, and then it is installed.

The video below shows the complete installation process of the tab:

Installation of the structure on one tooth is performed in the following order:

  • visual examination of the dentist,
  • x-ray;
  • conducting complex treatment(in case of significant destruction, the tooth is first treated according to the traditional scheme, including filling the root canals, after which they are cleaned by 1/3–1/2 of the length to form a cavity under the tab);
  • impressions are taken twice (first, an impression of the sealed and neighboring teeth is made with the base mass, then an impression is made with the help of a corrective mass inner surface cavities and the contours of the previous impression are specified);
  • installation of a temporary tab, since the creation of the main structure can last for 1-2 weeks;
  • production by dental technicians of a crown that will fit as closely as possible to adjacent teeth and to opposite surfaces of the jaw;
  • for multi-rooted teeth, a folding device is made, which is installed in dental cavity, where there is already a special hole for introducing an additional one, then the finished structure is fixed with special cement, resulting in a monolithic insert;
  • Fitting a crown made for this design onto a fixed insert results in an inlay with a metal base and a ceramic veneer.

The above stages can be adjusted by a specialist: the sequence is selected individually for each patient, taking into account individual features. During installation, local anesthesia is used.

Service life and cost

Such structures can serve up to 10 years, depending on the material from which they are made: from the simplest materials, they serve an average of 4-5 years. Gold tabs have the longest service life today: 15–20 years. They have anti-corrosion properties and are not susceptible to the damaging effects of external factors. And the softness of this material helps to reduce the load on nearby tissues and its proper distribution. The period of operation of the structure also depends on the accuracy of taking into account the anatomical features in each specific case.

The price range of the stump insert depends on many factors: appearance, material of manufacture, clinic, region and others. The size and material of the device are decisive for reducing the cost of construction. For example, different tabs from the same cheapest material (alloy) will differ in price:

  • from 2000 rub. - single root;
  • from 3000 rub. - two-root;
  • from 4500 rub. - triangular.

Making a structure from improved materials significantly increases its cost. A single-root dental inlay for a zirconium crown, for example, will cost you up to 8,000 rubles, and in an inexpensive clinic. And in a prestigious dental center, such a design can cost about 24,000, this also applies to ceramics - its minimum price is from 20,000. The cost also varies depending on the region.

The stump tab is orthopedic construction from a pin and a stump, installed in the dental canal. It is used to restore teeth with a high degree of damage and serve as the basis for a crown.

Indications for tooth restoration with a stump tab

Microprosthetics using such pin structures is recommended for patients who:

  • the crown is destroyed to the level of the gums and filling is impossible (only the walls of the tooth remain or only the root is necessarily healthy);
  • the damaged tooth is located next to healthy ones, which are not advisable to grind for installing a bridge;
  • teeth have defects in shape or position.

The price of manufacturing a pin stump tab

The average price of microprosthetics with stump tabs in Moscow is 6,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 3,600 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 2,900 rubles. The cost varies depending on the materials and designs used.

Stages of installation of stump tabs

Tooth restoration takes place in several steps:

  1. Preparation for microprosthetics. Mandatory conditions for the procedure are reliable roots and the absence of inflammatory processes. If there is periodontal disease, the patient is referred for treatment. In some cases, cutting or coagulation of the gums is indicated to expose the subgingival part of the root.
  2. Treatment root canal. If there are no contraindications to the procedure, the doctor proceeds to excise the affected tissues, remove the nerve and expand the canal with its subsequent filling.
  3. Modeling of a microprosthesis. It can occur by direct method (using wax or ashless plastic, the doctor creates a template for the stump insert directly in the oral cavity, then transfers it to dental technicians) or laboratory (the doctor makes an impression, according to which the technician models the template).
  4. Making a stump tab according to a template.
  5. Fitting and fixation of the micro prosthesis. If the design is suitable, it is fixed with a special cement.
  6. Crown installation.

As a rule, to restore a tooth, the dentist's office needs to be visited three times.

Types of dental inlays: design, materials

Ideally, microprostheses and crowns put on them are made of identical materials. Depending on the raw materials for the production of such microprostheses, there are:

  • Metal tabs. They are made from noble (gold, platinum, silver, silver-palladium alloy) and base (cxc, nxc, titanium, steel) metals. Extremely strong and reliable, but unaesthetic. Metal inlays are suitable for restoring chewing teeth.
  • Ceramic tabs. Structures made of zirconia and pressed ceramic are in no way inferior in strength to metal ones. Outwardly, they look like porcelain, and therefore ceramic inlays are suitable for the restoration of front teeth.
  • Metal-ceramic tabs. Not as durable and aesthetic as metal and ceramic inlays. Most often used for microprosthetics of posterior teeth.

According to the installation method, the tabs are classified into:

  • Cast. One-piece structures, manufactured in conditions high temperature and under pressure. Suitable for single and double root teeth.
  • Collapsible. They have additional removable pins and are used to restore teeth with three or four channels.

Removal of stump inlays

Molded micro prostheses can be removed, and demountable are installed with a lifetime warranty. It is impossible to remove such a structure.

Crowns fixed on stump tabs can be changed in the same way as ordinary ones.

Pros and cons of installing dental inlays under the crown



  • To install the stump, a volumetric preparation of the tooth is required - excision of almost all of its living tissues.
  • For the manufacture of a prosthesis, one visit to the doctor is not enough.

An example of the use of a stump tab

The photo shows the work on the restoration of the tooth with a gold stump inlay in combination with a metal-ceramic crown.

The effectiveness of microprosthetics using dental inlays depends not only on the materials used, but also on the experience and professionalism of the orthopedic dentist. Our website contains all the information about clinics that successfully practice restoration damaged teeth with the most modern methods.

The stump tab is an orthopedic structure that is a support for the installation artificial crown on a badly damaged tooth. This element of prosthetics is also called a pin stump tab, since its root part resembles a dental pin. It is inserted into the root canal, and a crown is put on directly on the coronal top of the tab, similar to the stump of a prepared tooth. Do not confuse a post-stump tab with a regular dental tab, which is used as an alternative to fillings.

Advantages of using stump tabs

  • The stump tab is made according to individual casts of the patient and completely reproduces the space of the canals of the tooth to be restored with a crown.
  • The stump tab also has top part- in the form of a tooth turned under the crown. This structure of the microprosthesis ensures uniform distribution of the load even when strong pressure while chewing food.
  • The core tab may have several pins to restore a multi-rooted tooth.

Types of materials for stump inlays

According to their structure, stump tabs in dentistry are divided into cast stump tabs and collapsible stump tabs. Non-separable stump inlays consist of a stump part and 1-2 pins, therefore they are used for prosthetics of teeth that have no more than two channels. Collapsible post stump inlays differ from cast stump post inlays in that they are used for teeth that have 3-4 canals, and are equipped with an appropriate number of root pins, which are specially made removable, since otherwise it will not be possible to insert them into the root canals. Depending on the materials of the stump inlays, the following types of these microprostheses are distinguished, described in the table below.

Metal stump tab The metal stump inlay can be made from an alloy of chromium and cobalt, there are also silver stump inlays and gold stump inlays. They are reliable, but not aesthetic, therefore, in modern dentistry gold stump tabs and silver microprostheses are used quite rarely and only for prosthetics of chewing teeth.
Metal-ceramic stump tab The metal-ceramic core inlay is quite strong, but its quality is worse than that of inlays made of other materials, due to the difference in thermal expansion of metal and ceramic. Therefore, such microprostheses often fall out.
Ceramic post inlay A ceramic stump inlay best preserves the aesthetics of a smile, since ceramics, due to their properties and appearance as close as possible to natural tooth enamel. In this regard, the stump tab on anterior tooth made from this material.
Zirconium stump inlay The advantage of such structures is not only their high strength, but also White color a stump inlay made of zirconium dioxide, which does not shine through the crown. Therefore, as an answer to the question “Which stump inlays are better?” along with ceramic inlay can safely be called a pin-stump tab made of oxide or zirconium dioxide. Thus, the stump tab on the front tooth can also be made from zirconium.
Composite core inlay Type of stump inlays with a pin, which adheres better than others to the tissues of the tooth, but is not strong enough compared to inlays from other materials.

Indications for the installation of a stump pin tab

In modern dentistry, there are the following indications for stump tabs:

  • creation reliable support for artificial crowns or bridges;
  • splinting of mobile teeth in diseases of periodontal tissues;
  • elimination of supragingival defects;
  • correction of the irregular shape and position of the teeth.

Making a stump tab for a crown

For the manufacture of stump pin tabs, direct and indirect methods are used. At direct method manufacturing a stump tab, the steps are as follows.

  1. After preliminary treatment of the canals of the tooth and its preparation under the stump tab, the cavity is treated with petroleum jelly.

  2. The plastic heated to a viscous state is poured into a syringe and squeezed out through a wide needle into the cavity to form an insert.

  3. The pin is treated with the same material and inserted into the canal.

  4. After the plastic structure hardens, the finished inlay model is removed from the cavity and sent to dental laboratory for the manufacture of a micro-prosthesis from a material chosen by the patient.

The indirect method includes the following steps for making a stump inlay:

  • After preliminary preparation of the tooth and canals, the doctor takes an impression and sends it to the dental laboratory.
  • The technician casts the plaster model and prototypes the wax inlay.
  • Based on the wax sample, a metal stump tab is made.

If we talk about stump inlays made of zirconium or ceramics, then CAD / CAM technologies are used for their production, providing for computer modeling of a microprosthesis, transferring the model to a milling machine and subsequent “cutting out” of an inlay from a workpiece.

Installation of the stump tab

Before prosthetics with stump tabs, it is necessary to remove the nerve and carry out endodontic treatment of the canals in order to exclude their inflammation and fill them with high quality. After that, the tooth is prepared for an inlay, the canals are sealed to 1/3 or 2/3 of their length, they are made wider and cone-shaped, and then procedures are carried out that are characteristic of the direct or indirect method of manufacturing a microprosthesis.

Stages of installation of the stump tab

  • All teeth are disinfected with alcohol and dried.
  • The stump tab is degreased and covered with cement along with the pins.
  • The holes in the channels are filled with a solution, a microprosthesis is installed in them.
  • For the final fixation of the stump tab, the doctor makes a strong pressure on it.

After that, it remains to take an impression from the stump tab installed in the tooth to make a crown from the material chosen by the patient.

How long will the stump tab last?

Some patients find the bridge stump inlay to be short-lived. This is not true. The service life of the stump tab in the tooth depends on the material of its manufacture and averages 8-10 years. Gold microprostheses are considered the most durable; they can stand for 20-25 years. An important factor affecting the service life of the stump insert is strict observance all technical requirements to its manufacture and installation.

What is the difference between a pin and a stump tab?

The fundamental difference between the pin and the stump tab is that it is placed under the filling. Previously, a similar technique was used to treat severely damaged teeth, when it was not possible to install a crown. Subsequently, this method discredited itself. large quantity complications in the form of secondary caries. Moreover, discover carious process under an extensive filling on the pin was quite problematic. Often similar treatment led to severe damage to the tooth by caries and, as a result, to its removal.

Let's compare the disadvantages and advantages of the pin stump tab and the pin, presented below:

Pros and Cons of a Stump Pros and Cons of a Post

  • tight fit protects the tooth from hitting pathogenic bacteria and development of secondary caries;
  • withstands significant chewing loads;
  • It has long term services;
  • does not require replacement in case of wear of the artificial crown.
  • established in two visits to the doctor;
  • involves a significant turning of the living tissues of the tooth;
  • costs more than a regular pin.
  • costs less than stump tabs;
  • installed in one visit;
  • involves a smaller volume of preparation of living tissues of the tooth;
  • unable to withstand the usual chewing load, over time, the seal on the pin begins to collapse;
  • the pin can be installed in only one dental canal;
  • loose fit opens access to bacteria inside the tooth cavity, which provokes the appearance of secondary caries;
  • serve no more than 2-3 years.

Answering the question "Which is better - a stump tab or a fiberglass pin", most experts tend to favor dental inlays. Given the unreliability of installing a seal on a pin, in modern dentistry such a service can be found extremely rarely. Most the right option there will be the use of a stump tab with the subsequent installation of a crown on it. The choice is due to the fact that this micro-prosthesis not only strengthens the crown, but also protects the tooth from further destruction throughout life.

How much does it cost to fix a stump tab?

The price of a stump tab in Moscow depends on the material of manufacture, its size, type and number of pins. A single-root stump tab made of an alloy of chromium and cobalt will cost from 2,000 rubles. And when the tooth has several roots, the cost of a cast stump tab on a metal tooth can increase to 5,000 rubles. The price of a stump pin tab made of composite is approximately 6,000 rubles, of ceramic - about 12,000 rubles. The cost of zirconium stump inlays starts from 15,000 rubles. If at the same time we are talking about the collapsible design, the price of the stump tab for the crown will be slightly higher than that of the solid stump tab.

Greetings, dear readers! The review topic we have chosen today is the stump inlay.

What are stump tabs

Many people face problems when trying to repair a decayed tooth. On the one hand, there are many techniques, on the other hand, they have certain disadvantages. In some cases, you are offered to put and grind healthy teeth, in others there is nothing to cling to the bridge, because on neighboring teeth there are fillings, etc. In fact, for a tooth that has lost 50-70% of its volume, there are not many options. Trying to restore it with a photopolymer filling? The remaining walls simply can not withstand the load. As a result, the rest of the tooth will break and fall off along with the filling. As a result, you will have one root and sharp edges. Not the most pleasant prospects for the development of events, which is why it is recommended to use this option.

The stump tab consists of two parts. One is immersed in the root, the second is on the surface and a crown is mounted on it with the help of special cement. This is one of the many devices used to successfully restore teeth destroyed by caries or trauma.

In what cases is the use of tabs shown?

Installation indications are as follows:

  • the need to build a "bridge";
  • the need to strengthen the tooth on which it is planned to install the crown;
  • a healthy root canal;
  • destruction of more than 2/3 of the tooth.

So, let's imagine a situation that you want to put, but the teeth for which it should be attached are badly damaged. Place implants? Wait 3-6 months and all this time walk with toothless mouth? This option will not suit everyone. For similar situations and the installation of a stump tab under the crown is used.

Main contraindications

There are situations when the use of this method is impossible or temporarily not recommended. For example, if the tooth has not been treated or there is inflammation in the root area, the tab cannot be installed until these problems are eliminated. If the tab is metal, it should not be installed by people with allergies.

At advanced stages periodontal disease with tooth mobility should also be completed first, and then proceed to restore the tooth.

What materials are stump-type tabs made of?

In modern dentistry, different materials from which tabs are made. What does the choice depend on?

  1. position in the dentition. For example, a metal tab is not suitable for prosthetics of the front teeth included in the smile zone. It will be too well visible under the crown.
  2. Client's budget. Not every person can afford an alloy of precious metals.
  3. Having an allergy to metals.

In some cases, a ceramic stump insert is used. The main advantage of ceramics is an excellent imitation of a real tooth. The main disadvantage is low strength. That is, the risk of breaking a tooth is much higher than in normal conditions.

For this reason, more reliable cermets are usually recommended to patients. It is based on a popular material - zirconium dioxide. They serve up to 10 years. Installed in 2 visits. Your tooth will be restored in 5-7 days. The material does not change color over time. Therefore, your tooth will not darken over the years. Zirconium does not cause allergic reactions, unlike metal.

According to many experts, one of the best options when choosing a metal / alloy for stump inlays is gold. Moreover, this is not at all the alloy of 585 samples from which rings and earrings are made. AT this case we are talking about 750 samples and above, with the addition of 10% platinum. This makes it possible to process the material much more precisely, resulting in an excellent marginal fit. Silver and silver-palladium alloys are also used. The gold tab will last 15 years or more.

Of the inexpensive metal options, chromium-cobalt and chromium-nickel alloys, titanium and surgical steel are popular.

On the one hand, doctors recommend materials based on silver, because it has bactericidal properties. On the other hand, it has one drawback, which is expressed in the staining of the gums. Pigmentation is noticeable enough to cause anxiety and dissatisfaction in patients.

Alloy with nickel shrinks and is harmful to health. Cobalt-chromium is better, but harder to process. Titanium is more convenient in this regard, but in some cases it turns out to be too fragile. After all, usually more massive products are made from it.

The simplest and cheapest is the composite tab. In fact, this is the same photopolymer filling, which differs only in that it is not formed right in your tooth, but in advance, in a dental laboratory. The disadvantages are the same - low strength and durability. If dropped, then no warranty obligations with a free replacement is usually not. And it can fall out pretty quickly. Statistics show that for many people such a tab falls out after a year or two. That is, it makes no sense to install it. Composites are used under restoration tabs. Photopolymer materials are not suitable for stump inlays at all.

Video - Stump tab for crown and filling

Inlays for chewing and front teeth

If you need to restore a 50-70% destroyed molar that does not fall into the smile zone, it makes no sense to spend money on expensive metal-free products. It is much easier to use CCS (cobalt-chromium alloy). It is much cheaper, durable and reliable. The only option when it does not fit is an allergy to metal.

If you are going to bet, any metal will shine through. In this case, the optimal solution is zirconium dioxide. If you are persuaded to put a crown with a fiberglass pin, do not agree. The durability of this design is questionable. There is a high chance that you will forget about maximum load and break a tooth.

Pros and cons of stump tabs

This method has many advantages. For example, the tab is much better than the pins, fixed inside the channel. The load on the teeth (especially chewing ones) is uniform and natural. If you damage the crown, the inlay does not need to be changed. You will simply be made a new one according to an existing cast.

Tabs are one-stop solution. They can be used for complex shape and obstruction of root canals. The product is cast, i.e. the crown and root parts will not split in half, and the upper part will not fall out.

The disadvantages include prices and terms. Although the second point is debatable. Two visits within a week is, of course, longer than a single filling, but much faster than half a year of torment. Also, some people believe that too much dentin has to be removed to install such an inlay. But we all understand perfectly well that they install it with a significant destruction of the tooth crown, when other methods are not effective.

Are complications possible? Theoretically possible if the tab was placed in a tooth that was not depulped. Possible it secondary caries and . Sometimes patients complain that they have a toothache. If there are similar symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. You may need to take a picture to determine what caused these symptoms.

Video - Preparing a tooth for a stump tab

Stump tab or pin?

Why do people often put pins right away, without even offering the option of making an inlay? Surprisingly, the layman will think, because the tab is more expensive and the doctor could earn more. The only problem is that many dentists believe that it is better to take a lot of patients and put pins in them than to mess around with each one for longer, and even for two visits. Companies that produce prefabricated pins also go out of their way to promote the idea that their products are the answer to everything.

Comparisons, pros and cons of a stump tab and a pin:


Positive properties

Negative sides

Positive properties

Negative sides

When cementing an inlay, there is virtually no pressure on the root of the toothhigher costGentle preparation of the tooth cavityWhen the pin is screwed in, a wedging effect occurs that damages bone tissue.
The pressure during chewing is transmitted not only to the pin and the root, but also passes along the axis of the root due to the larger area of ​​​​contact of the insert and the surface of the transverse section of the rootMore extensive preparation of the tooth for the crown, as it is necessary to thoroughly clean its inside, which leads to tooth destructionHave a low costIn the absence of a support platform or poor fit of the pin on it, under heavy loads, the rod can deform the root and lead to necrosis of adjacent tissues
Since the pin and stump are cast from a single strong material (most often cobalt-chrome, gold-containing alloys or zirconium oxide), their separation is impossible, which makes the structure extremely durableIt is not possible to make a prosthesis in 1 session - 2 visits to the clinic are required (since the prosthesis is made in the laboratory)Treatment can be carried out during one sessionThere is no chemical bond between the root and coronal part, so they can easily separate

Orthopedic dentists are well acquainted with the statistics of the use of pin restorations. They know that service life rarely exceeds 3 years. Why do they continue to make a mistake, obviously knowing about it? Because no guarantee for a seal on a pin exceeds its service life. They have nothing to fear. The warranty period has ended, and then it is no longer their problem. Then people come to their colleagues whose tooth, restored in this way, simply fell apart. Everything would be fine if we were talking about single teeth, but often these are impressive bridges that have lost one of the important supports.

Composite on a pair anchor pins cannot guarantee the reliability of the design.

Manufacturing process

The procedure is quite complicated and is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare the tooth itself. Excess tissue is removed from it. Then, if required, each channel is processed to achieve a parallel run. Prepared surfaces are treated with petroleum jelly. The liquid modeling resin is now poured into the tooth. After that, special ashless pins are installed in each channel.

Next, the tooth is limited with a matrix so that plastics can be added in height. Now the model freezes, it is removed and checked for defects. If they are not there, or their elimination is possible, the cast is brought to the ideal. A temporary filling is placed in the tooth at this time. The impression is sent to the dental laboratory, where an inlay is made on its basis.

It is necessary to install the root part of the tab at a third of the depth of the root canal, otherwise the root may split, start inflammatory process and the patient is guaranteed to lose a tooth.

Tabs are installed directly and indirect method. Direct is the easiest. The doctor makes an impression, and then an inlay is made. With indirect, the patient's bite is taken into account, so an impression is made from both jaws. It's more expensive, but more reliable. It is also possible to use computer technology. Specialists create a 3D model of the jaws to calculate how comfortable it will be for the patient. After all, an error of a few tenths or even hundredths of a millimeter significantly affects the bite.

Single-channel and multi-channel tabs

If the tooth is multi-rooted, then the question arises - to make a one-piece cast stump tab or a collapsible one? If the channels run in parallel, one-piece blanks can be used. It is possible to determine how to proceed further only if the doctor has pictures of your tooth in his hands and he sees how the channels pass. Some experts besides standard methods diagnosis, a CT scan is recommended. With help computed tomography can see:

  • state of the root part;
  • the shape of the root canals;
  • the presence of periodontal and bone pathologies that require treatment. After all, you may have a cyst under the root that you were not aware of.

In general, a multi-rooted stump tab - perfect solution. Being held in several channels at once, it creates a uniform load on the entire tooth, is securely held and ensures that the root does not break. On a crown based on such an inlay, you can put a bridge mount without fear of damage and destruction.

It is not so easy to restore a tooth for 3-4 roots. But the reliability of the tab is significantly higher. If the canals cannot be made parallel, a collapsible design is used, consisting of several single-root stump tabs.

Prices for stump tabs

You are all interested in the cost of this method of restoring teeth. Here are the prices in major cities of Russia:

  • for example, the price of a stump insert made of zirconium dioxide is on average 8-15 thousand rubles per tooth;
  • a metal stump tab for 1 tooth costs 2,000 thousand, and a multi-root one costs 300 or more;
  • for pressed ceramics, the patient will pay 10-12 thousand rubles.

Compare with the prices in the Kyiv clinic:

  • steel stump tab for 1 root with pressed ceramics - 700 UAH;
  • stump inlay made of zirconium dioxide, single root - 800 UAH.

The cheapest options cost 200-350 UAH. Collapsible - 550-600 UAH.

Features of caring for stump tabs on teeth

Let's make a reservation right away that hygienic care for this kind of tabs implies regular and high-quality brushing of the teeth, as well as rinsing the mouth after each meal. Characteristically, it is recommended to limit the load on the stump tabs, especially at the first time after installation.

If dental crown drops out along with the tab, we can safely say that the installation technology has been violated. In accordance with the instructions, after the stump tab has been installed, you should take a break for 24 hours to correct the results. After all, if you use a drill within 30 minutes after fixing the tab, not fully hardened cement can simply collapse under the influence of vibration. If this happens, the patient should see a doctor as soon as possible in order to re-install the dental crown.

Note! If after you have installed a stump tab, you began to suffer from a toothache, similar to unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to high sensitivity teeth. But if your body did not have time to adapt in a few days, and at the same time toothache does not pass, it means that it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that he takes an x-ray!

We also note that stump inlays, being an effective and relatively inexpensive method of restoring teeth, can be used both independently and in tandem with other methods of prosthetics.

Stump tab - reviews

The next point of interest to customers is the feedback from people who have installed crowns on this type of tabs. If you dig into review sites, you can easily find records of people who have had their teeth done this way. What do they write about their experiences? We came across a recording of a woman who restored two teeth in this way. She underwent one procedure seven years ago, the second about twelve.

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