Dealing with PMS. Five sure ways. Critical days are fully armed. Mood swings and how to deal with them

Why does my mood change before menstruation?

Premenstrual syndrome for many women is an unbearable period during which the thought appears - menstruation would begin faster. The reason for this is not just a deterioration in well-being before menstruation, but irritability, bad mood, in some cases aggressiveness and rage, which are not so easy to cope with on their own.

Moreover, with age, women who have, note an increase in their intensity - they become more pronounced.

  • Irritability during PMS time. How to fight?
  • What should men do?

Why does the mood change before menstruation?

A bad mood on critical days has long turned into an occasion for ridicule and jokes. The girls themselves joke about it. So what to do? It is not possible to overcome irritability - you need to ridicule it, it makes life easier.

Bad mood before menstruation and during menstruation is the result of physiological fluctuations hormonal background in blood. Analyze your relationship with a man. When do you most often "find out" relationships, and when do you have nervous breakdowns(large and small)? I can answer you - after, in a good and upbeat. You are ready to “move mountains”, work and bring beauty to the world. It takes only a few days - and everything changes dramatically. The slightest deviation from life plans causes aggression and the point here is not in character, but in hormones. Abrupt change mood and its swings are not observed in all girls.

The period when fluctuations in the state begin is different for everyone. Change vitality can occur a week before critical days, or 2-3 days.

Progesterone - stimulates the growth of the endometrium, preparing the uterus for fertilization. There is pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort, there may be difficulties with the act of defecation. Fluid is retained in the body, weight begins to increase, and the mood deteriorates. There is an increase in appetite.

In the ruptured follicle (in which the egg matured), cells grow that synthesize progesterone.

That is why during menstruation a bad mood. Yes, and menstruation itself is not a pleasant phenomenon. Nevertheless, the beginning of a new cycle - the first day or two eases the condition and the mood begins to level off.

Irritability before menstruation: how to cope and what to do?

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to have an understanding spouse who can make things easier. nervous state and overcome irritability during menstruation, protect from "female" troubles and avoid tearfulness.

How to help yourself? First of all, you need to learn to live with it, as, for example, people live with diabetes. They adapt, they just have a different way of life.

Those who have a disgusting mood with PMS need to take into account:

  • Every woman, girl knows the time when she starts having mood swings, so plan all responsible business and decision-making for other days of the cycle. You won’t be able to plan completely, but you will be able to complete some of the important things, avoiding possible conflicts with loved ones and others.
  • Admit to yourself (if you haven't already) that your period affects your mood. Tell this to someone you trust. Support doesn't hurt. A person will always treat with understanding and, perhaps, take some of the worries upon himself at “this time”. And you just relax.
  • To overcome fatigue and reduce the severity of symptoms of approaching menstruation for a long period, sign up for fitness. Training is a great opportunity to “pour out” aggression on a soulless iron, get a boost of energy and positive emotions, normalize metabolic processes. Regular exercise contributes to the release of “joy” hormones. In tandem with proper nutrition, this will help to cope with bad mood before menses. In addition, muscle load helps to get rid of fluid retention in the body.

  • Remove “evil” foods from the diet: salt, caffeine, hot spices, pickles and smoked meats. Eat foods before your period high content phytoestrogens: legumes and soy products, meat, fish, milk, flax seeds, red grapes.
  • Make an effort to talk to family members. First, they have the right to know what usually happens to you every month. Secondly, you have the right to understanding and support from them.
  • There are no pills for a good mood before menstruation. There is dark chocolate containing the "hormone of happiness" - serotonin and or lemon balm, which relieves irritability.

What is a man to do?

Try to accept the fact that a cute and beloved creature is not so cute after all. When they say that girls are hostages of hormones, it's true.

Aggressiveness, irascibility, tearfulness, nervousness, bitchiness are the hallmark of PMS. Therefore, do not let a woman spoil the relationship with you. Critical days- a difficult period, the girl's nervous state can be transmitted to everyone around. Pay a little more attention at this time to your beloved - she will appreciate, maybe not immediately, but she will definitely understand and be grateful to you.

Is a conflict brewing? Don't walk away as if you don't notice the change. So you will provoke a new portion of bad mood. Let her know that you are aware of the fact that she is having a hard time right now. If you have kids, go to the park, circus, etc. and leave your woman alone with a chocolate bar on the couch. Let her sleep longer than usual in the morning.

Tips for each case should be individual. Therefore, it is up to you to decide how to act in a particular situation and avoid a nervous breakdown.

Perhaps, almost every woman is familiar with the feeling of causeless dull irritability on the eve of those very critical days. Apparently, it is not for nothing that they are called "critical" - both emotional and physical state during this period leave much to be desired. You are angry with your husband, your children are tired, colleagues at work - everything causes irritability ... But even these temporary difficulties can be dealt with quite adequately

Irritability and insidious syndrome

As women have repeatedly noted to themselves, the peculiarity of premenstrual syndrome is that in ordinary life- you are one person (calm and balanced, who knows how to enjoy life), and with the onset of PMS, this is a completely different, extremely irritable person. Mood swings, irritability, resentment, tearfulness…. In other words, a whole gamut negative emotions which, naturally, you splash out on people close to you. And not because you are such a bad wife, mother, girlfriend, daughter ... But because you are simply torn apart and you are desperately waiting for this menstruation to finally come!

In addition, not all women leave irritability after the onset of menstruation, while others are forced to fight their irritability until the end of the cycle - another 5-6 days! Of course, irritability leaves its mark on the microclimate in the family, on relationships with the husband, children, parents, friends and employees. And this, in turn, cannot but upset the woman herself. But not everything is so scary - it is in your power to prevent irritability during PMS from becoming a cause of quarrels and conflicts with people dear to you.

The main thing is to realize your irritability

As soon as you honestly admit to yourself that premenstrual syndrome makes significant adjustments to your life plans, causes irritability and prevents you from building relationships with others, consider that the first step towards victory over irritability has been made.

Then have a confidential conversation with your husband and frankly explain to him the reason for the irritability. Explain that irritability and three days of dissatisfaction with everything and everything is, in fact, not you yourself, but PMS! You are good, it’s just that this period is special and you will need his help in the fight against irritability. Explain that you need attention and understanding, care and endless love. And so that there are fewer household chores, and taking a walk with the baby, doing homework with the elder is also not for you yet.

It is precisely because you value your relationship with your husband that you tell him such, in fact, things that are not very pleasant for every woman. After all, you don’t want conflicts in the family to occur because of a bad mood and irritability. And, as you know, they never go unnoticed.

Dealing with irritability and more

In addition, in order to cope with irritability, you will need to make small adjustments to your usual lifestyle that will help to significantly reduce the manifestations of irritability during PMS. In addition, when you know for sure that irritability is a temporary phenomenon, then it is much easier to deal with irritability.

Don't overstress.

In the second phase of the cycle, spare yourself: try to rest more, get enough sleep, do not plan any important and responsible meetings, long-distance business trips a week before your period.

Follow your diet.

Limit the use of too salty (delays the removal of fluid from the body and leads to swelling), spicy, sweet and fatty foods. Give up coffee and alcohol. Consume according to more vegetables and fruits. And if you can't live without sweets, eat honey instead of sugar and sweets.

Physical activity.

Everything should be in moderation - you should not puff to exhaustion in gym or aerobics. Replace your usual activities with walking - this is both an outlet for energy and lift your spirits by walking along your favorite streets of the city. As an option, do yoga - you will not even notice how your bad mood and irritability will go somewhere.


In a period when a woman is weakened not only physically, but also feels emotional exhaustion and irritability, it may be worth paying attention to the B vitamins - the complex of which is necessary to combat irritability and in general, normal operation nervous system.

Calming fees.

Tea from mint and lemon balm will help get rid of excessive irritability, a drink from chamomile and valerian leaves gives the same effect. Or buy a complex in a pharmacy sedative drug based on plant materials, for example - Persen (Persen), Nervoflux (Nervoflux), Novo-passit (Novo-passit).

Similar drugs released without a doctor's prescription, and subject to the dosage indicated in the instructions, it will not harm health.


In the morning, tangerine, green tea, and ginger oil will help you cheer up and tune in the right way. And in the evening, create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation at home: light an aroma lamp with ylang-ylang, patchouli or lavender oils, they help to calm down and thereby relieve irritability.

If you understand that you cannot cope with irritability during PMS on your own, that irritability significantly complicates your life, be sure to go for a consultation with a competent gynecologist. In some cases, increased irritability during PMS is associated with malfunctions in endocrine system during

In this case, not only will it not be possible to overcome irritability without the help of a doctor, but hormonal imbalances, if left untreated, can lead to the appearance

Many women the day before menstrual cycle suffer from bad mood, manifestations pain. What to do to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and not give up on your favorite things?

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. It occurs in any female representative. Most often, this is a mood swing in one direction or another. However, the symptoms of its manifestation can be much wider.

The behavior of the fairer sex changes a week before the start of the menstrual cycle. Absolutely calm before, she turns into an angry lioness. Romantically tuned in the evening, the next morning wakes up with a strong malaise. Bad mood, sudden depression talking about the onset of PMS.

Doctors unanimously state that the cause of mood swings is an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body. With a large number of the first, aggression is manifested. Bright selection the second affects the increase in fatigue, depression. At this time there is:

  • stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • body weight increases;
  • in the chest area, painful sensations appear, it swells.

Hence the irritability, insomnia. In some cases, doctors advise drinking pills aimed at relieving depression.

What are the mistakes of women

First of all, in malnutrition. You should limit the use of high-calorie foods. Jamming her bad mood is unacceptable. This will immediately affect the increase in body weight.

The second mistake is the rejection of a mobile lifestyle. Women believe that playing sports can hurt. This opinion is wrong. Time has shown that movement makes you feel better, so move more. Daily walks relieve stress, balance hormones, smooth out irritability.

Another mistake is the active struggle with excess weight. PMS is on the rise extra pounds. However, this phenomenon is temporary. No struggle is required here, especially do not take pills that burn fat.

How to tell if a woman has premenstrual syndrome

Each representative of the weaker sex is a personality with its own characteristics. Does PMS cause depression? Mood changes depend on age, character traits, external circumstances. To understand how the onset of PMS works and if it affects at all, analyze if you have the following symptoms:

If all or half of these symptoms are noticed, then there is certainly the presence of PMS. Bad mood will have to be pacified. Ask what to do for this? We must learn to live with this phenomenon.

Mood swings and how to deal with them

In the life of every woman there were moments of transition from sadness to joy and vice versa. Sometimes it seems that the mood is out of control during PMS. But is it really so? Scientists have proven that the instability of emotions is inherent in women equally as in men. However, this is especially pronounced before the start of the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon should not be taken for granted. If a pick up the right approach to solve the problem, the mood is quite controllable. First of all, it changes when there are no joy hormones. It takes time to replenish serotonin, and the drops will go away.

Very often a woman experiences mental fatigue. She receives a lot of information, conducts versatile activities, good rest missing. Where can it come from good mood? Often there are different fears, tormented by phobias. What to do in such a situation:

  • arrange a day of emotional unloading;
  • do not use tablets;
  • go out of town, turn off your phone, enjoy the natural environment.

Time will show that rest has a positive effect on mood, it becomes good and remains so for a long period.

What to do with the mood during PMS, if the stress takes on a protracted character? Such a situation cannot be brought up to. The mood can get out of control. Consult a doctor - he will prescribe pills from the category of antidepressants. Spend more time talking with friends.

Is mood variability treatable?

Some are of the opinion that a bad mood with PMS does not need to be special treatment. However, this assertion can be disputed. If the impact on PMS is complex, a whole group of measures will be required. Irritability occurs when some hormones are missing. Therefore, they need to be replenished immediately. In nutrition, emphasis is placed on vitamins A, E, magnesium, calcium. special diet not used, but you need to monitor the weight. Frequent walking, running, swimming regulate mood swings in PMS. Avoid drinking high caffeinated drinks.

What to do to recover quickly?

When menstruation has not yet come, a little more than a week remains before they begin, reduce salt intake. It should remain in the diet for about 3 g. The harm of salt is fluid retention in the body. It increases the sensitivity of the breast, adds excess weight. All of these nuances affect mood swings, increase irritability before menstruation, and increase depression.

There are a few more tips:

  1. Try to rest more when you feel unwell. Lie down with a book. Find something else that is more enjoyable.
  2. What to do if you are tired of mood swings? Drink a complex of vitamins.
  3. There are a number of herbs that can, when brewed properly, improve mood during PMS.
  4. Avoid alcohol completely. It aggravates the condition, affects the growth of negative thoughts.
  5. Don't eat a lot of chocolate. It destroys the vitamin that fights fatigue in the body.
  6. To prevent swelling, drink less fluid.

Try to rest more, walk on fresh air. Do not show everyone how PMS affects mood, do not get annoyed once again.

In contact with

Most women begin to experience seizures once a month. strong irritation, sudden outbursts of anger, mood swings and hypersensitivity. But these are not manifestations of character traits, as some men believe, but a condition that depends on the woman's menstrual cycle. Highly for a long time it was a mystery, but with the progress in the field of medicine, such a thing as PMS appeared and was explained.

PMS - what is it 1

So, what is PMS in women or premenstrual syndrome? This is a complex set of regularly recurring symptoms of a violation in the physical and psycho-emotional state women, occurring a few days before the onset of menstruation. Symptoms are present in more than 25-75% of women on the planet and disappear on the first day of menstruation. Most often, PMS occurs between the ages of 20-40 years and, as a rule, occurs in mild form that does not require a visit to a doctor. But sometimes the symptoms become severe and the situation worsens every month, requiring medical attention.

It is interesting to note that not a single crime committed in the "premenstrual twilight state of mind" has been described in the past century. However, the complaints of the women themselves and their entourage about the painful situation that develops every month in the family and at work continue and even grow. And, according to studies, PMS is most susceptible to residents of large cities and women involved in mental labor. Also, a few days before the start of menstruation, women have an increased craving for shopping, which often leads to unplanned and excessive spending during shopping.

Symptoms 2

The peculiarity of PMS is that the variety of its symptoms is so great that it is hardly possible to find two women with exactly the same picture of its course. There are approximately 150 different mental and physical signs. Symptoms of the premenstrual period can be divided into groups:

● Neuropsychiatric disorders: irritability, tearfulness, aggression, etc.

● Vegetative (nervous) disorders: headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dizziness blood pressure, heart palpitations, pain in the region of the heart, etc.

Hormonal disorders: breast engorgement, edema, fever, chills, increased content gases in the intestines, itching, shortness of breath, blurred vision, thirst, etc.

Usually, the symptoms of PMS do not appear separately, but in combination with each other. If we conditionally divide the variants of manifestations of PMS, then we can distinguish several forms of this condition, the knowledge of which makes it easier to determine ways to alleviate it. 3

PMS classification 4

According to belonging to a particular system of the body, there are several clinical forms implementation of premenstrual syndrome in women:

1. Neuropsychic (brain) form - includes disorders of the nervous system and emotional sphere. Patients complain of touchiness, tearfulness, irritability, hypersensitivity to sounds and smells, sleep problems, fatigue. Constipation, bloating may occur due to accumulation in the intestines excess gases. In adult women, a depressed state is noted, and in adolescents, attacks of aggression.

2. Edema form - occurs against the background of a temporary change in the functioning of the kidneys, when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body, including the mammary glands. Patients note weight gain, swelling on the face, in the area of ​​​​the hands and legs, as well as discomfort in the chest.

3. Crisis (suddenly aggravated) form - a complex complex of disorders of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as the work of the kidneys. Patients report pain in the area behind the sternum, palpitations, high blood pressure, panic attacks. Often this form of PMS occurs in women during premenopause (the end of the period of childbearing ability).

4. Cephalgic form (a form with a predominance of neurological and vascular symptoms) - characterized by headaches, dizziness with nausea and vomiting, migraines.

5. Atypical form– an unusual combination of symptoms, such as choking, vomiting, elevated temperature and migraines.

6. Mixed form - a simultaneous combination of several forms of PMS. Most often we are talking about emotional and edematous forms.

There are also several stages in the development of premenstrual syndrome: 4

● Compensated stage - PMS is slightly expressed, does not progress over the years, all symptoms disappear immediately after the onset of menstruation.

● Subcompensated stage - the symptoms are so pronounced that they limit the woman's ability to work and continue to worsen over the years.

● Decompensated stage - the extreme severity of PMS, the symptoms of which disappear only a few days after the end of menstruation.

Based on the number of symptoms that form premenstrual syndrome in women, there are mild and severe degree the severity of the disease. If there are three or four symptoms with a predominance of one of them, we are talking about a mild form of PMS. If from 5 to 12 symptoms constantly appear, of which several are most pronounced at once, they diagnose severe form diseases. Due to the variety of symptoms inherent in a number of pathologies of the neurological, hormonal and gynecological spectrum, the main and almost the only diagnostic criterion in the case of PMS, there is a clear connection between the existing symptoms and the approaching menstruation, as well as the cyclicity of repetition. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the emotional warehouse of a woman.

Risk factors for PMS 1

If a modern medicine it is already clear what PMS is in women, the reasons for its appearance still could not be established even as a result of numerous studies. There are many theories of its origin, but the most complete and closest to reality can be called hormonal theory. She attributes PMS symptoms to fluctuations in sex hormone levels during the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In order for the female body to work normally, a balance of female sex hormones is necessary: ​​progesterone (“pregnancy hormone” that helps to bear a fetus), estrogens (“femininity hormones” responsible for normal functioning female body) and androgens (" male hormones", which are produced in female body). In the second phase of the cycle, the hormonal background of a woman changes and, according to this theory, the body as a whole and certain parts of the brain do not respond to this quite adequately. This is how PMS comes about.

According to doctors, the most likely factors affecting the development of premenstrual syndrome are: 5

● Decreased serotonin levels (serotonin is a compound that controls the transmission of impulses from the brain to the body. Serotonin levels affect emotional states, such as a sense of well-being, self-esteem, fear, etc.) is possible cause emergence of mental signs of PMS(depression, apathy, tearfulness, melancholy, etc.);

● Lack of magnesium - can cause headaches, heart palpitations, dizziness;

● Vitamin B6 deficiency - leads to fatigue, swelling, mood changes and hypersensitivity mammary glands;

genetic factor- manifestations of PMS can be inherited;

Overweight- at particular risk, women with a body mass index greater than 30 (to calculate your body mass index, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared);

● Smoking - doubles the chances of PMS in women;

● Consequences of abortions and complicated childbirth, gynecological pathologies, stress.

It is necessary to consult a doctor about premenstrual syndrome if its manifestations are pronounced and significantly reduce the quality of life, affecting, among other things, working capacity. After the examination, the doctor will give everything necessary recommendations to alleviate this condition and prescribe to the patient drug therapy if there is a need for it.

How to deal with PMS 2

In most cases, doctors treat the symptoms of PMS, choosing treatment depending on the form and course of the syndrome. For example, psychotherapy sessions may be prescribed, consisting in methods of emotional unloading and behavior correction, as well as in prescribing the intake of certain sedatives. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for headaches and other pains. For breeding excess fluid diuretics are prescribed from the body. 6

If the test results show the insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the patient is prescribed hormone therapy. With many mental symptoms prescribe antidepressants and sedatives. In addition, due to the fact that women with PMS often have elevated level serotonin (a substance that transmits brain impulses between nerve cells and is responsible for good mood) and histamine (a compound involved in the regulation of vital important functions body), doctors may prescribe antihistamines(suppressing the production of histamine) of the second generation. Drugs can also be prescribed to improve blood circulation and normalize the transmission of impulses from nerve cells responsible for good mood and vital energy, in the central nervous system.

But you can try to cope with PMS without the help of a doctor, according to at least, in cases where its symptoms are not too pronounced. You can alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome with a full eight-hour sleep, which relieves irritability, anxiety and aggression, and also has a positive effect on the condition immune system. To get rid of insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep, you can try breathing techniques and walking before bed.

Regular physical activity increases the level of endorphin (a substance that has a calming effect on nervous system) and reduces the intensity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It can be hiking and running, yoga, pilates, dancing and any other type of training. The relaxation practices used in yoga can also help with PMS symptoms. Help reduce symptoms of PMS proper nutrition with the use a large number fiber-rich foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, greens. For a while, it is worth limiting the use of coffee and chocolate, because these products increase the mental symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: irritability, anxiety, frequent drops moods. It is also desirable to reduce the consumption of fats and red meat, completely abandon alcohol. helpful at this time herbal teas and juices. It is impossible not to say about the benefits of regular sex, which helps fight insomnia, bad mood and stress, and also increases the level of hormones of happiness and strengthens the immune system. At the same time, during PMS in women often increases sexual attraction, which can be in this case take it as a hint of the body. Thus, it can be said that the combination balanced nutrition regular and adequate physical activity, healthy sleep and constant sex, along with a positive attitude towards life, can help you forget what PMS is or at least reduce its manifestations. But with increased ailments, you should definitely consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

  • 1. Tatarchuk T. F., Ventskovskaya I. B., Shevchuk T. V. Premenstrual syndrome // Kyiv: Zapovit. - 2003. - S. 111-146.
  • 2. Sasunova R. A., Mezhevitinova E. A. Premenstrual syndrome // Gynecology. - 2010. - T. 6. - No. 12. - S. 34-8.
  • 3. Kovalenko A. A., Gasilina T. V., Belmer S. V. Flatulence: norm and pathology // Attending physician. - 2008. - no. 2. - S. 38-43.
  • 4. Smetnik V. P., Komarova Yu. A. Premenstrual syndrome // Obstetrician. and gin. - 1988. - no. 3. - S. 35-38.
  • 5. Yudin B. G. To make a fairy tale come true? (Human Construction) // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. - 2006. - T. 4. - No. 5. - S. 7-19.
  • 6. Demetskaya A. PMS: overcome small weaknesses //Pharmacist Practitioner. – 2015. – no. 7-8. - S. 16-17.

On the eve of menstruation, you turn into a living fury: everything infuriates, every little thing can upset and piss you off, make you cry. You offend loved ones and are offended yourself, constantly get annoyed and break into a cry with or without reason. Familiar? This is premenstrual syndrome. Most women treat it as a natural phenomenon or deny it altogether, but it is possible to defeat PMS. You just need to know which side to approach it from.

What is premenstrual syndrome

PMS is a rather complex phenomenon that occurs differently in women, hence the diversity of opinions on this matter. For some, it manifests itself in the form of a change in behavior (irritability, anger, aggression, fatigue, decreased performance, insomnia), for someone - in the form of physical ailments (migraines, constipation, allergies, acne, chest pain). Symptoms can appear both 2-3 days and 7-10 days before menstruation.

To defeat premenstrual syndrome, the "enemy" needs to be known better. The causes are:

. hormonal changes - can be caused by diseases, irregular rhythm of life, stress, surge due to ovarian activity;

. not healthy lifestyle life - lack of vitamins, lack of movement (congestion in the pelvic area), stress, bad habits(alcohol, smoking);

. heredity.

To get rid of this condition forever, it is necessary to work not on the symptoms, but on the causes.

How to beat premenstrual syndrome

See a doctor

The gynecologist will get acquainted with your women's calendar, be sure to ask about the condition before, during and after menstruation, what medications you take, what lifestyle you lead, whether there are sexual partners and whether they are constant, will analyze hormones. And after that, he will prescribe the appropriate drugs: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, hormones, sedatives, vitamins.

Revise your menu

Get rid of most classic PMS symptoms you can just remove it from your diet harmful products and adding useful ones:

. to get rid of irritability, you need to stop drinking alcohol, products with aromatic and flavoring additives, as well as tea and coffee;

. against puffiness and pain in the breasts, adding unsweetened and lightly salted dishes to the menu will help, sunflower oil, seeds, careful control of the amount of liquid you drink, as well as the exclusion of spicy, salty and pickled and fatty foods;

. the headache will disappear if you give up alcohol and eat more vegetables and fruits;

. foods containing vitamins of group A, as well as fiber, will prevent the development acne;

. irritability can be overcome by adding more bananas, apricots, and green and herbal teas to the diet.

Fall in love with sports

Moderate physical exercise, as well as a healthy lifestyle in general, help reduce the intensity of PMS symptoms until they disappear completely. In the fight against the syndrome will be useful:

. yoga as a means to relax and eliminate headaches;

. meditation as a way to relax and calm down;

. any sports load as a source of serotonin - the hormone of happiness;

. good dream 7-8 hours - reduces irritability;

In addition, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air, take breaks between work, sleep in a cool, correct mode day.

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