Affective respiratory attack in infants. Affective-respiratory attacks. Breath holding attacks - causes, treatment

Unfortunately, parents cannot protect their child from all troubles and illnesses, no matter how hard they try to take care of him with maximum care, protect him from all sorts of threats and risks. Affective-respiratory attacks in a child cause severe anxiety, and sometimes a real shock in adults. The baby begins to turn blue or turn pale, go numb, suffocate, what are the reasons for this condition and what to do is unknown.

Affective-respiratory attacks in children is a condition in which, after a strong emotional stress, fright, anger, resentment, uncontrolled respiratory arrest occurs. This usually happens on the maximum inspiration.

To understand the causes of such a condition in a child, you just need to listen carefully and think about the name of the pathology. A state of passion is an emotional outburst of any nature, which a person cannot control.

"Respiratory" - means respiratory. That is, the problem affects not only emotions, but also the respiratory organs. Well, what are seizures, no need to explain. In adults similar condition it is observed very rarely, it is much more common in young children. Treatment of the child is necessary, what are the dangers of ARP, we will consider in more detail below.

Attacks accompanied by respiratory arrest in a child can occur not only with hysteria, there are other provoking factors:

  • the fall;
  • strong pain;
  • surprise, fright.

Adults are required to pay attention to the condition of the baby in time and help him - often parents believe that the child is pretending, scold him and leave him alone with a terrible pathology.

How to recognize pathology

Similar attacks at the child almost always begin with crying. More precisely, at first a scene is played out during which something unacceptable and intolerable for the baby occurs. He begins to cry, scream, can stomp his feet, throw small objects away from him and push adults away.

Such seizures in a child are not yet frightening in themselves, the common reaction of adults in this case is to spank an intractable, naughty and ill-mannered baby.

And this is where ARP happens most often:

  1. Having gained full lungs of air for the next call of hysterical crying, the baby suddenly becomes silent and freezes.
  2. The baby's mouth can open and close, but no sound is made.
  3. Such attacks can last up to one minute, while the baby's face turns pale or blue - the color skin determine the reasons why the seizure occurred. With fear or pain, the skin turns pale, with rage and anger, it turns blue.

Sometimes during a seizure, the child's body becomes very tense, literally arching. And sometimes the baby goes limp and just “slides” into the arms of adults. Such symptoms bring parents to hysterics. Although the baby often recovers on his own after a while.


All people are divided by temperament and emotional make-up into different types. Someone remains cold-blooded and apathetic even in emergency situations, for others, a little is enough to flare up like a match and get out of balance. In a child, all emotions and experiences are expressed more vividly than in adults. You can judge the character of a person by his behavior in infancy.

If the child has an impulsive, quick-tempered character, if he reacts violently to a dropped nipple, an untimely bottle of food or a late diaper change, parents should be very careful and careful. Respiratory attacks usually occur in those children aged 1 month to two years who are spoiled and easily excitable. For adults, a children's tantrum without any particular reason should become alarm bell- the child has a tendency to ARP.

This is not to say that treatment should be started immediately. But if the baby does not learn to control himself, put up with the refusal of adults to buy candy or the unwillingness of a friend in the sandbox to share a toy, treatment will be necessary very soon - such attacks can lead to very serious consequences for a child.

Basic Treatments

Drug treatment, despite the fact that adults are child condition very intimidating, only required if ARP is disturbed every 5-7 days. Then the seizures are considered a pathology and require observation by a neurologist.

But the little capricious needs emergency treatment if there was a strong, prolonged attack. Parents can help the baby in this way:

  • take the baby in your arms, put it on your lap;
  • pat him on the cheeks, lightly blow on his face;
  • gently and lightly tickle the child along the body;
  • splash it cool water- do not pour over so that it flows like a stream.

It is important to stir up the child, bring him to his senses, to prevent a protracted seizure. And then, when he can again inhale and exhale air, you need to gently talk to him, calm him down, caress him. In no case should you tell the baby how much he scares you, and, moreover, scold him and scream.

Medical treatment is required if attacks become very frequent and breathing stops for more than one minute. In this case, due to oxygen starvation of the brain, the child first faints. This is terribly scary for parents, but in fact, in this way the body is trying to protect itself and protect itself.

When a person loses consciousness, all his organs and tissues consume much less oxygen. Therefore, during hypoxia, fainting often occurs - doctors in this case diagnose an atonic seizure of a non-epileptic nature, special treatment which is not required.

After some time, the atonic state becomes tonic. That is all muscle tissues tense up. The body of the child is pulled out by a string, and then the limbs begin to contract convulsively. The child's condition is very reminiscent of an epileptic seizure, but this is not it - according to statistics, only in 7% of cases of ARP in early age leads to the development of epilepsy in schoolchildren.

At the same time, carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in the blood. It triggers a reflex that relaxes smooth muscle larynx, which is in a state of spasm during ARP. The child unconsciously takes a breath - and comes to his senses. It is noteworthy that after an affective-reflex attack, the baby almost immediately falls asleep and sleeps soundly for at least an hour.

Also treatment medicines and physiotherapy is required if, with frequent ARP, any pathology was detected on the part of nervous system. In any case, consultation and examination by a neurologist is necessary.

Traditional medicine in ARP

It must be said right away - treatment folk remedies with such a pathology is ineffective. Some pediatricians and herbalists recommend a course for babies homeopathic medicines sedative action. Home medicines are also suitable - for example, decoctions of valerian, lemon balm, motherwort. But, as practice shows, treatment by a psychotherapist and correct behavior parents in this situation much more effective.

Preventive actions

Attacks will not recur and treatment with medicines or folk remedies will not be needed if the parents realize that in most cases the cause of ARP in a child lies in his dissatisfaction with the emotional situation in the family. Conflicts between parents, constant punishment from mom or dad, or, conversely, excessive guardianship and permissiveness - these are the factors that cause the unstable state of the crumbs and his inadequate behavior in a non-standard situation that goes beyond the usual.

Many parents sometimes noticed that during a strong tantrum, the child begins to scream and for a moment (or maybe for a longer period of time) he falls silent, as if he begins to dial more air, for an even stronger scream. Indeed, in most cases, the child "gains strength" to give out another loud cry, but it happens that affective respiratory attacks in children are to blame. It's kind of childish manifestation that appears in adults.

Affective respiratory attack in a child (ARP) is not dangerous and should not cause concern to parents (only if the child is not older than 3 years). This is a condition characterized by delayed or unnatural breathing and, in some cases, convulsions.

What happens to the baby? Since the nervous system of young children is unstable, they are very easily overexcited, loading themselves emotionally and psychologically.

At a certain moment of screaming or hysteria, the baby freezes, his breathing seems to suddenly break off, and this causes cause for concern.

Inside the body, a laryngeal spasm begins to occur, which is not visible from the outside. Such spasm causes discomfort and even pain to the child.

In addition to internal discomfort, an attack is also manifested by vegetative changes, namely a change in skin tone. After all, the body does not receive oxygen, and it is forced to react.

The duration of the attack varies from a few seconds to one minute, but no more.

The frequency of manifestation of this phenomenon is purely individual, since each child is an individual and has peculiarities of behavior. For example, children with increased nervous excitability may experience RDA more often than their calmer peers.

Do not think that ARP is ubiquitous, not at all. These attacks may not appear in the most restless children, and vice versa, develop in calm ones.

With age this pathology passes without a trace. There is no evidence for affective respiratory attacks in adults. However, if the baby continues to choke after three years, this is a cause for concern and a more in-depth examination.


The classification of ARP includes two subspecies of the disease:

  1. Pale type.
  2. Blue type (with cyanosis).
  3. Mixed type.

These names characterize the children's skin color, which the child acquires during an attack. And pale color happens much less frequently than blue and indicates pain inflicted on the child (prick, blow, bruise, etc.). Perhaps the overflow of the pale type into loss of consciousness, due to an overabundance carbon dioxide in the body

The blue color, in turn, manifests itself during a serious emotional overstrain (the inability to get what you want or the fear of being with a stranger or unfamiliar terrain).

The psyche of a child, especially a newborn, is rather fragile and requires total control by the parents, precisely because of such unpleasant and to some extent dangerous manifestations.

Although ARP does not cause developmental delays, there is a risk of respiratory system baby.

The reasons

affectively respiratory syndrome in children it manifests itself not just like that, but for a specific reason. In particular, babies are at risk, which are influenced by the following factors:

  • heredity (if one of the parents suffered in childhood similar ailment, with a probability of up to 35%, the child will inherit this syndrome);
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • iron deficiency;
  • the epileptic component (the presence of a patient's history of epilepsy increases the risk of developing this syndrome).

From the side of the nervous system, provoking factors can be:

  • intense irritation or anger;
  • feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • fear, panic state;
  • resentment;
  • overwork;
  • overexcitation.

An important role in the occurrence of such attacks is played by the behavior of parents and the general atmosphere in the house.


The main symptom of the manifestation of ARP is a short-term breath holding on inspiration. That is, the patient exhaled, but could not inhale and seemed to freeze in this state.

The blue type of the disease develops according to the following scenario:

The child cries a lot or just screams, he develops hysterical fit. During the cry, he involuntarily exhales air from the lungs and at this moment there is an involuntary cessation of breathing.

It looks like this:
  • open mouth;
  • the crying stops;
  • a bluish tint of the face, lips begins to appear;
  • complete absence of breathing, but not more than a minute.

By the way, ARP can also develop in infants.

After the attack has stopped, the child may become limp and fall asleep. This sleep lasts up to 2 hours, depending on the intensity of the seizure.

In the event that the breath is held for more than one minute, the child may begin to have convulsions. In medicine, there is such a thing as a clinical spasm (occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supply to the body).

As for the pale type of the disease, it manifests itself a little differently. When strong fear before an injection or something else that he is afraid of, when causing him pain, the child calms down (in most cases), turns pale and loses consciousness.

Most early sign impending affective attack- pallor of the skin. It is also possible that there is no pulse short span time.

The child seems to be in a state of passion and cannot control his fear. In the most severe cases may happen involuntary urination.


Affective syndrome in babies is easy to diagnose. The main role in determining the disease is played by the anamnesis. The doctor interrogates the parents and finds out what preceded such a manifestation (trauma, serious unequal overstrain, etc.).

To instrumental method diagnostics include:

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  2. Electroencephalogram (EEG).


As a rule, such a condition does not require treatment by doctors, since it is not pathological.

Attacks pass on their own when the baby reaches three years old, but in most cases even earlier in a year or two years.

There is no point in treating ARP, the only thing a doctor can prescribe is non-specific treatment, which will be aimed at bringing the baby's nervous system back to normal, improving metabolic processes in the brain. Such treatment includes:

  • nootropics;
  • sedative herbal medicines;
  • B vitamins;
  • physiotherapy.

Specific treatment may include preventive talks with a child psychologist and directly with parents

Proper Parental Behavior

What should parents do if they discover the presence of seizures in their child.

  • do not give in to a panic state;
  • try to bring the child to his senses (blow sharply on him, splash water in the face, lightly pat on the cheek);
  • do not draw the attention of the child to the presence of a similar problem;
  • engage with the baby, teach him to control his emotions;
  • notify educators kindergarten about the features of the baby, and tell them how to act in a similar situation.

Prevention and consequences

Usually the consequences this disease unlikely and occur in extreme cases. The most negative of those that can develop in 10-15% of cases are coma and cessation of cardiac activity.

For the entire time of the existence of the ARP, the lethal outcome was noted only a few times.

Prevention of affective-respiratory attacks exists and it includes:
  • limiting situations that can lead to the development of a tantrum or strong crying, fear;
  • feed the baby in a timely manner, as hunger provokes ARP;
  • do not overwork the child;
  • to listen to the child in any situation not to bring to tantrums;
  • teach your child how to behave various places(learn to control your emotions);
  • with the development of hysteria, switch the child's attention to positive moments.

So, affective-respiratory attacks in children are unpleasant, but not dangerous manifestations. Despite the fact that the prognosis of this disease is favorable, it must be taken into account that we are talking about the child. Don't hesitate to see a doctor, it's better to control this process together with a specialist than on your own. Take care of your children and don't get sick!

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☼ This is the territory of healthy nerves and calm brains! Necessary information for parents first-hand, works on the principles evidence-based medicine and common sense

Did you know that??“Among preschool children, mental anomalies of development - 60% of total number students, schoolchildren - 70-80%, "- from the speech of the director of the Center for Psychiatry and Narcology. Serbian Zurab Kekelidze at a press conference dedicated to world day mental health October 9, 2015 (TASS and RIA Novosti)


Affective-respiratory attacks Medicamente non medicamentis

One of the most "adored" topics for conversation in the office pediatric neurologist. There are times when a wonderful and obedient baby, due to the failure of his desire, anger or discontent, suddenly begins to cry bitterly, screaming, sobbing and rolling. During strong crying, at the height of the strongest negative emotions (affect), his breathing suddenly stops at the moment of inhalation, the child “turns off the sound”, although the mouth is open, it becomes like a “rag”, becomes soft, turns pale, or even turns blue. Naturally, a loving mother "goes limp" and almost faints after him. And if, at the same time, the child arches and a “stone” tension of the muscles of the body, arms, legs or twitches (tonic or clonic convulsions), impaired consciousness, involuntary urination - even harsh men, dads and grandfathers, fall into a slight panic!
Again, the sight is often frightening, not for the faint of heart. Usually, this state does not last long, more often, after a few seconds, breathing is restored, the child comes to his senses. But believe me - these seconds seem like an eternity to mom! Sometimes it may seem that the child makes such “rolling” with a stoppage of breathing consciously, but this is most likely not the case. Plays the main role here reflex mechanism, respiratory arrest occurs at the moment of almost complete exhalation of air from the lungs at the beginning of the intended inhalation.
According to various sources, affective-respiratory seizures are recorded in approximately 10-15% of all seizures in children from 6-12 months to 3-4 years old, mainly in smart and cunning, hyperexcitable and capricious babies. Most experts believe that affective-respiratory attacks refer to the expression of hysterical symptoms or "neurotic" syncope of early childhood. Translated into normal human language, affective-respiratory attacks sound like sudden stops in breathing, sometimes with impaired consciousness, against the backdrop of a powerful, uncontrollable emotion.
For example, if the desire of a beloved one-year-old remains without
instantperformance, before the “main performance”, an indignant baby can fall to the floor, violently beat his hands and feet on the floor, yell, sob, trying to reach desired result- such a hurricane of protests is quite similar to the typical hysteria of older children.
In the old fashioned way, attacks with a change in complexion of bluish-blue-violet hues are sometimes referred to as "blue" fainting spells. This is just the most common variant of the mechanism of hysterical manifestations.
"Pale" syncope is much less common, mainly associated with an emotional-vegetative reaction to pain, while there may be violations heart rate, even a short-term stop, and severe vascular disorders. This type attacks on the mechanism of action is similar to the most famous trivial syncope in adults.
Most often, the prognosis of affective-respiratory convulsions is completely favorable. However, in the future, it wrong actions"loving" parents play leading role in child development neurotic disorders. “Just don’t cry and don’t roll! Everything will be as you want! ”: these actions - the best food for future childhood neuropathy.
As in other areas of child neurology, in our country, there is still a huge range of directly opposite opinions and methods for correcting these conditions. Some experts authoritatively state: “This is complete nonsense, it will pass by itself, it is necessary to leave the child alone, and there is no need to fool anyone.” Others intensely frighten parents with the insidious consequences of such seizures and prescribe a serious drug treatment. The truth, as usual, is in the middle ... somewhere nearby. Without a doubt, you can not do without a psychologist. Sometimes you need a neurologist, less often a psychiatrist.

What should parents do before and after an attack?

An attack is easier to prevent! Plan your actions, predict the baby's reactions, avoid situations with a possible provocation of an explosion of emotions - you can almost always understand: the child is hungry, tired, something bothers or hurts him ...
The sooner you react to the development of the situation, the greater the effect of actions. Actively use the simplest "grandmother's" methods of switching attention, distracting or surprising the baby, turn on your acting talents! Much faster baby will react to your bright playful request to do something or look somewhere, than to a strict order to "stop sobbing and calm down."
Consult with a child psychologist, read the relevant literature, turn on the search. Sometimes even the Internet is useful.
As a rule, there is no need to follow the child's lead just because of your unreasonable fear before a relapse.
If necessary, consult the child with a pediatric neurologist. Unfortunately, there are not so rare cases when much more serious troubles are hidden under the guise of affective-respiratory attacks. Then the doctor prescribes additional studies.

What should parents do during an attack?

Do not panic! Do not fall into a stupor! Don't fuss! Do not engage in amateur inept "resuscitation"! This type of attack is not life-threatening and ends quickly.

Affective-respiratory attacks (ARP) are conditions of involuntary respiratory arrest, which are often accompanied by convulsions. They occur in children under 5 years of age, and usually disappear with age. And although such attacks are not related to diseases, their symptoms seriously scare parents. The frequency and strength of seizures is sometimes so high that physicians speak of a paroxysm. So what are the causes of such conditions and how to deal with them?

In most cases, seizures are divided into 2 types:
blue and pale. These names are determined by the color of the skin that the child acquires during ARP. However, other conditions are also possible, so when diagnosing, doctors rely on an extended classification:

  1. Simple ARP:
    • slight breath holding;
    • blood flow does not change;
    • convulsions are absent;
    • skin color stays the same.
  2. Blue type:
    • the child breaks into hysterical sobs;
    • breathing stops;
    • the skin turns blue;
    • muscle tone weakens;
    • possible loss of consciousness and convulsions.
  3. Pale type:
    • crying may be small or completely absent;
    • the skin turns pale;
    • the rest of the symptoms are similar to seizures in the blue type.
  4. Complex type:
    • the initial stage does not differ from other states;
    • escalates to the point of an epileptic seizure.

When identifying similar symptoms don't panic right away. Usually the attack passes without any intervention, but if it lasts longer than 1 minute, then call " ambulance» is a must. And even in the case of a short-term seizure (30-40 seconds) You should at least see a doctor for advice.

AT medical practice no evidence of serious complications as a result of such paroxysms. In addition, after 5 years in children, affective-respiratory syndrome practically does not occur in its classical form. However, at an older age, epilepsy attacks are possible, which, despite the similarity with ARP, still have differences.

What is the difference between epilepsy and ARP?

At the first case of an affective-respiratory attack, parents begin to suspect that the child has epilepsy. These are very hasty conclusions. Do not confuse these concepts, because the difference between them is obvious:

In addition, a study of the brain of children suffering from affective-respiratory attacks did not show any changes in it. But in the case of epilepsy EEG demonstrates epistatus, i.e., the frequently repeated collective activity of neurons.

The reasons

Doctors focus on the fact that affective-respiratory attacks are neurological in nature. Seizures are sometimes considered precursors of hysteria and syncope in adulthood.

Such statements are not without foundation! Young children often get what they want with the help of sobbing, and if the situation is not corrected, then an adult will also resort to similar methods. And this will usually happen unconsciously.

However, there is some difference between such paroxysms. For example, blue type ARP occurs just in the case crying, anger or simple displeasure.

And holding the breath with blanching usually acts as a reaction to physical pain(fall, blow, injection, etc.). In addition, in excitable and capricious children, such paroxysms are much more common, so the cause of the disorder must be sought primarily in psychological environment within the family. After all, excessive indulgence of the child, increased guardianship, scandals between parents - all this creates unfavourable conditions for normal development the psyche of the baby and the formation of his character.

Neurological nature of affective-respiratory attacks is a common but not the only reason. Respiratory failure may indicate bronchial asthma or the presence of a foreign body in respiratory tract. The loss muscle tone, in which the baby's body literally goes limp, can develop both in the event of a heart rhythm failure, and as a reaction to medications, and during normal overheating of the body.

And one more point requires attention: in many children suffering from such paroxysms, a blood test often shows reduced level hemoglobin. The result is usually anemia, which leads to hypoxia - oxygen starvation of tissues.

And one of the signs of this condition is blanching or blue skin. If the child is sick bronchial asthma, then the symptoms may well be confused with ARP. However, interviewing eyewitnesses of the attack and examining the baby will allow the doctor to specify the diagnosis.

ARP and seizures

Seizures in children are often accompanied by convulsions. Although the mechanism of their occurrence is quite complex, doctors agree that psychogenic factors play a major role in this case. But hypoxia should not be written off. Usually events develop according to the following scenario:

Some people believe that splashing water or tickling will bring the baby to life. This is a wrong belief. Convulsions occur at an unconscious level, so it is better to wait for them to stop on their own.

The positive point is that they are short in time (about 1 minute). However, this fact does not detract from the experiences of parents who see this with their child.


Regular affective-respiratory attacks are increasingly inclining adults to think about treating the baby. And although seizures are not considered a disease, you can get rid of them or reduce the likelihood of occurrence with both medication and folk remedies. Critical importance has the creation of favorable relationships within the family, with which it is necessary to begin consideration of methods of treatment.


ARP arise on nervous ground. And the baby is not able to resist the seizures on his own. In addition, the child does not have social skills, so it is pointless to demand understanding from him. At the age of 2-3 years, children are very receptive to the environment, because they are just beginning to explore the world. And parents are role models.

How often does it happen that the hysterical behavior of adults is copied by the child at an unconscious level. For example, parents swear, proving their point of view.

But no one wants to hear each other. As a result, the baby will also not perceive the words, but will immediately throw a tantrum.

So who needs psychotherapy in the first place? Of course, mom and dad should learn how to talk normally so that the child also receives the necessary skills.

However, this is not the only scenario. After all, it also happens that parents a good relationship among themselves: love reigns in the family! And this love leads to excessive indulgence of the desires of the child. The result is usually tantrums for any reason (toys, sweets, cartoons, etc.), which most often cause blue-type ARP.

Bans are perceived by many as an educational process. You can’t do without them, otherwise the baby will not learn elementary rules behavior. You can forbid in different ways: with a threatening cry or affectionate and kind, but hard word. At an early age, instincts prevail, so even a sense of danger from parents can cause a tantrum. Those people from whom the danger should not come, especially in the first years of life. However, these questions directly relate to the psychology of education, therefore, with frequent affective-respiratory attacks, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor will assess the situation, help find the right solution to the problem, and refer you to a neurologist or psychotherapist if necessary.


One of the options for getting rid of seizures is medication. And for this purpose, nootropic and sedatives, which increase the resistance of the brain to hypoxia, reduce psycho-emotional stress and aggressiveness:

  • Pantogam;
  • Glycine;
  • Pantocalcin;
  • Phenibut etc.

Drink medicines usually within 2 months. And although such drugs are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, it is still necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise, instead of improving the condition, complications can be earned.


Affective-respiratory seizures occur with different frequency, but in each case, parents are frightened by such conditions of the child. And although nothing can help the baby at the time of the attack, there are still ways to prevent tantrums and convulsions.

Doctors do not see ARP as a special reason for unrest and recommend, first of all, to normalize the emotional background in the family. In addition, seizures usually disappear after 5 years of age, so a little parental patience and good word save the child from suffering in most cases.

Respiratory attacks in children are a condition characterized by abnormal breathing and sometimes seizures. Such a violation is paroxysmal in nature and can seriously frighten parents.

Often in various sources you can find the abbreviation ARP - affective-respiratory attack. Pathology is characterized by paroxysms and sudden stop breathing.

An attack of ARP occurs at the moment of psycho-emotional arousal. When a child starts crying, at the height of inhalation, breathing stops for 10-15 seconds. This may be accompanied by a change in complexion or sudden disruption motility.

Stopping breathing during an attack is a reflex reaction of the body to the strong emotions experienced by the infant. Such an attack occurs in several cases:

  • while crying;
  • when frightened;
  • if the baby hurts.

Parents are very frightened when they first encounter this disorder. At the moment of crying, the child suddenly calms down abruptly, his skin turns pale or turns blue, while he opens his mouth, but cannot make a sound. As a rule, this state lasts no more than 40 seconds.

There is a relationship between a change in the color of a child's skin and the emotions experienced at that moment. Skin blanching is observed in the following cases:

  • the fall;
  • injury;
  • fear;
  • hit.

Often, the child does not have time to respond by crying to the pain experienced, as soon as an affective attack begins. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that parents may not notice the traumatic effect and not understand why the child's skin turns pale, and he cannot breathe.

Another type of ARP is accompanied by cyanosis of the baby's skin during an attack. The reason for such a reaction is often bright emotions - the child may be dissatisfied or annoyed. Not getting what he wants, the baby begins to cry a lot. At the moment when it is necessary to take a breath in order to continue crying, there is a sudden cessation of breathing. At this time, the skin of the face acquires a bluish tint.

During an attack, it is possible to increase the tone of the muscles of the body. The child may suddenly arch as if he had a cramp. As a rule, this condition goes away on its own and lasts no more than a few minutes.

What you need to know about ARP

The children's nervous system reacts sharply to any stressful situations therefore, ARP in children is not uncommon and not a cause for panic. Violation at least once in a lifetime occurs in every fourth child under the age of four years.

If the violation is not associated with organic pathologies, brain diseases or lack of important trace elements parents don't have to worry. You can get rid of the disorder on your own, without the use of drug therapy however, this requires patience.

Having understood the mechanism of the development of seizures, in no case should you scold the child or ask him to stop. Breathing stops reflexively, in response to crying, and the baby himself cannot do anything about it.

Despite the frightening symptoms, seizures are not harmful to health. With age, the human nervous system becomes stronger and affective attacks disappear without a trace.

Why do seizures occur with ARP?

Convulsive states during an affective attack are rare. Typically, these symptoms accompany a breath hold of more than 40 seconds. The child suddenly goes limp, loses consciousness and falls to the floor. At the same time, his body begins to move convulsively.

Often, parents, not knowing about the causes of the seizure, begin to suspect epilepsy. However, such seizures are non-epileptic in nature, and arise due to a lack of oxygen supplied to the brain.

Seizures in ARP occur as defensive reaction nervous system to the tested oxygen starvation brain, as in an unconscious state, the need for oxygen is greatly reduced.

Holding your breath causes carbon dioxide to build up. This, in turn, causes the child to reflexively take a breath, after which the attack stops and the baby regains consciousness.

Since during an attack the body experiences a strong load, usually, after the baby has come to his senses, he plunges into deep sleep for 2-3 hours.

Are seizures dangerous?

By themselves, seizures that develop against the background of emotional stress do not pose a danger. However, parents need to consult a pediatric neurologist to rule out the epileptic nature of seizures.

It is imperative to consult a pediatrician, since in some cases attacks may indicate a deficiency of certain trace elements and vitamins.

How to treat

Treatment of the disorder is based on minimizing stressful situations to which the child is exposed.

If seizures recur frequently, a neurologist should be consulted. Although ARP is treated in a non-drug way, in some cases, the child may be recommended lungs sedatives. If a deficiency of vitamins and microelements is detected, the treatment is supplemented with special preparations.

Parents themselves play an important role in getting rid of seizures. According to statistics, overprotective children or babies experiencing attention deficits are susceptible to affective-respiratory attacks.

Parents should be supportive of their child, but not overprotective. If a child, accustomed to getting everything on demand, does not receive proper attention at a certain moment, he begins to have an attack. To avoid this, you should properly engage in education.

The kid must accurately understand the boundaries of what is permitted. Explaining this is the primary task of parents faced with ARP.

One more probable cause Violations are frequent stressful situations that arise due to a lack of understanding in the family. In this case, psychotherapy for parents will help get rid of an attack in a baby.

An important role for the prevention and treatment of ARP is played by the daily routine of the child. It is necessary to strictly follow the schedule and ensure that the child has a healthy leisure time. Children suffering from recurrent seizures should avoid watching TV and cartoons for a long time.


ARP and paroxysms during an attack are one of the first manifestations of hysteria in a child. Parents should remember - no one is born hysterical, children become so because of the emotional atmosphere in the family.

To avoid the development of seizures, you must:

  • clearly outline the boundaries of what is permitted for the child;
  • do not scream or punish the baby;
  • give the child enough attention, but avoid overprotection;
  • treat the child like an adult.

If love and mutual understanding reign in the family, children do not throw tantrums for the slightest reason. the main task parents is to do everything so that the child in the family feels loved and protected.

Apnea in infants

Apnea is a sudden stoppage of breathing that is not associated with emotional load. Infants and newborns are susceptible to the disease. In adults, apnea can occur during times of severe skin irritation.

Of particular danger is the sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep apnea. In this case, breathing stops for more than 25 seconds, which may have Negative consequences for a child. The disorder should be treated, otherwise a number of neurological pathologies, up to the violation of the development of the baby.

Sudden disruption of breathing during sleep is a cause for concern. In infants, a violation can develop for the following reasons:

  • trauma during childbirth;
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx with colds and viral diseases;
  • severe obesity.

At an older age, such disorders are rare. Respiratory arrests in children over 8 months of age are directly related to emotional state child and, according to many experts, are the first harbingers of neurosis and hysteria in the future.

What to do with apnea

Sleep apnea in a newborn serious danger for good health. Upon noticing the symptoms of sudden respiratory arrest in an infant, parents should immediately call for emergency medical care.

First of all, you need to wake up the baby. Parents should then lightly massage the limbs and earlobes to restore normal blood circulation. If after 20 seconds after stopping breathing the child could not take a breath, you should carefully make several exhalations of artificial respiration. Be sure to remember that the lungs of the baby are small, and exhalation when artificial respiration should be quite small.

In addition, you need to make sure that the cause of respiratory arrest is not foreign objects in the baby's throat. For this, the baby should be picked up, his head carefully tilted back and his throat carefully examined.

Apnea, unlike ARP, is very dangerous violation, which requires careful diagnosis by a neurologist and treatment. Faced with a sudden cessation of breathing in a dream, it is urgent to call an ambulance, and then go through all the necessary examinations.

If the attack does not pose a serious health hazard and is successfully treated by normalizing family relations, apnea must be diagnosed in a timely manner in order to avoid aggravating the disease.

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