How and how to treat green snot in children? Quick treatment of snot for a one-year-old child

To find out how to treat green snot in a child, you need to understand the root cause of this phenomenon. Many mothers begin to sound the alarm even when the baby has transparent discharge, but this situation does not pose a threat to life. Another thing is the formation of thick mucus with green or yellow patches. A similar symptom indicates that an infection has "settled" in the child's body. To get rid of unpleasant discharge from the nasal sinuses and their congestion, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the bacterial microflora.

Pharmaceutical remedies to combat purulent discharge from the nose

Thick snot in a child with yellow or green patches requires treatment with antibacterial agents. To relieve nasal congestion, your doctor may recommend antihistamine medications, which will relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. For example, such drugs include Fenistil drops. An anti-inflammatory effect can be achieved by taking Sinupret tablets based on herbal ingredients.

Today, pharmacies sell a number of medicines suitable for the treatment of a runny nose with green mucus in young children:

  • "Sialor" (analogous to protorgol). The composition of the drug contains silver ions, so the product is excellent for the rehabilitation of the paranasal sinuses at any age;
  • Spray "Rinofluimucil". It has a mucolytic and vasoconstrictive effect, due to which it facilitates breathing and removes accumulated mucus;
  • Drops with essential oils in the composition, for example, "Pinosol";
  • Nasal spray "Polydex" (assigned to children from 2.5 years). It is a topical antibiotic. Active against a wide range of microbes, since the composition is represented by a combination of Neomycin, Phenylephrine, Dexamethasone and Polymyxin B;
  • Drops "Vibrocil". Can be assigned to babies after the 1st year of life. Useful not only when a vasoconstrictor is required, but also when an antihistamine action is needed;
  • Nasal spray "Isofra". Suitable for the treatment of children of any age and does not have the effect of vasoconstriction. It has a broad antimicrobial effect due to the antibacterial component present in the composition - Framycetin sulfate.

Is it possible to get rid of stagnation of mucus without using pharmaceutical drugs?

Thinking about how to treat green snot in a child, many mothers prefer to look for folk ways to fix the problem, because chemicals are not always safe for the baby's body. It is important to understand that by forcing a child to drink herbal decoctions, it will not be possible to block the vital activity of microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. Thick yellow and green discharge from the nasal passages is a clear sign of an infection in the maxillary sinuses, which must be fought using antibacterial agents. Using decoctions and infusions of various herbs for the treatment of rhinitis, you need to understand that plants will not cure a runny nose caused by bacterial activity.

Regular washing of the paranasal sinuses with solutions bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home helps to cure green snot. There are cleaning solutions based on sea water on sale, for example, Aqualor or Aquamaris, but you can also prepare a cleaning liquid yourself. To do this, dissolve a pinch of table salt in a glass of warm water. Sea salt is also suitable for this purpose (1 tsp is dissolved in 1 liter of pure liquid).

If the child is less than 2 years old, it is better to use a pharmacy solution to remove mucus

In order for the cleansing to be effective, and mucus with the presence of pathogenic microflora does not get into the auditory tube, washing the nasal passages must be done under the supervision of an adult. To save the baby from the accumulation of mucus, you must first lay it on one side and drip 2-4 drops of the solution, then turn it over to the other side and repeat the procedure. After each manipulation of the discharge, you need to blow your nose, then you can drip the drops recommended by the doctor.

To clear the sinuses of an older child, salt water is drawn into a syringe without a needle and each nostril is washed in turn. To thin the stagnation of yellow-green mucus, you can also use a pipette (instill 3 drops of the solution into each nasal passage). The recommended frequency of washing is at least 2 times a day.

How to alleviate the condition of a sick child

The formation of yellow-green mucus in the nose is often accompanied by general malaise. The baby may have a fever and a headache. To alleviate the condition of a sick person in this case, some recommendations will help:

  • In the room where the child is located, it is necessary to install a humidifier. This measure helps to thin the mucus in the paranasal sinuses, as a result of which its stagnation is prevented. Such secretions are easier to blow out, thereby getting rid of the waste products of bacteria.
  • The room where the patient sleeps and plays should be thoroughly ventilated in his absence several times a day.
  • You need to increase your fluid intake. It is best to give your baby warm tea with the addition of rose hips or a slice of lemon, home-cooked compotes, decoctions or fruit drinks.
  • Inhalations with the addition of various herbs are an effective way to fight bacteria that cause congestion of yellow-green mucus in the nose. If the child is not too small, you can buy a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer.
  • The patient's feet should be kept warm. Woolen socks and warm foot baths will help to avoid hypothermia.
  • A large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet, as a weakened body needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

If the baby has green thick snot and the body temperature rises, it is absolutely impossible to postpone a visit to the pediatrician. An untreated infection can lead to complications such as meningitis.

Read about the best way to treat green snot.

What to do if a baby is sick?

Treatment of children of the first year of life should be carried out with extreme caution. Therapy should be gentle and agreed with the attending physician.

If a physiological runny nose is diagnosed in the first month of life, but the child has a normal appetite and body temperature does not rise, no special treatment is required. To facilitate breathing, excess mucus from the nasal passages is removed using a rubber pear. The room where the newborn sleeps should be thoroughly ventilated in his absence. Such a measure will provide sufficient moisture for the speedy cure of a runny nose.

  • At the age of two months, the baby spends most of the time in a horizontal position, so the mucus from the nasal passages often drains into the throat, causing significant discomfort to the child. To prevent this situation, the doctor may prescribe a flush with isotonic solutions based on sea water. If green mucus persists, antiviral treatment or antibiotic therapy may be needed.
  • In the third and fourth months of development, the baby's nose can be cleaned with a special aspirator - a device for sucking mucus from the sinuses. In the absence of such, a cleansing procedure can be done using a small rubber bulb - a douche. For the best removal of mucus, 2 drops of saline solution can be dripped into each nostril. After the manipulations, you need to use a drug that relieves a runny nose, for example, Nazivin 0.01% (based on oxymetazoline).
  • The Otrivin Baby system can be used to cleanse and irrigate the nasal cavity of a five-month-old baby. With the help of a solution, replaceable nozzles and an aspirator, mucus with yellow or green patches is removed from the nose much faster. After the procedure, you need to instill drops selected by the doctor that provide a vasoconstrictor effect, for example, Xilen or Vibrocil. The latter have not only decongestant, but also antihistamine action.
  • The sixth month of a child's life is the time when the body's immune defenses are imperfect. A common runny nose during this period can develop into sinusitis, as evidenced by the appearance of green mucus in the nose. The best thing a mother can do is to seek help from a doctor and regularly flush the baby's sinuses with isotonic saline.
  • If green snot is observed in a seven-month-old baby, you can use the medicine "Interferon". Such a tool blocks the vital activity and reproduction of viruses on the mucous membrane. To remove mucus and decay products from the nasal passages, the mother must still use an aspirator or syringe, because the baby cannot blow its nose on its own.
  • A baby who has crossed the eight-month mark is not yet an adult, so it is forbidden to use home methods of treatment (for example, instillation of Kalanchoe juice) at this age. It is best to clean the sinuses with saline and relieve swelling of the mucosa by irrigating it with drops recommended by the pediatrician. The use of Asterisk balm is not recommended. The wings of the stuffy nose and the temple area can be lubricated with more gentle warming agents selected by the doctor.
  • From the ninth month of life, acupressure can be included in therapy. It should be done carefully, with your fingertips clockwise. The masseur's hands should be warm. The impact is carried out on the wings of the nose and points in the eye sockets. In order to avoid complications, you must first familiarize yourself with how a specialist performs such a massage.
  • Treatment of a ten-month-old baby can be supplemented with inhalations. To do this, you can buy a nebulizer or use a deep bowl of hot water and brewed herbs (such as chamomile and sage). Such procedures require special care - the mother must completely keep the situation under control so that the child does not burn herself.

With a strong inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, when the discharge is very thick, with bright green or yellow patches, applying a warming ointment is strictly prohibited


The use of modern pharmacy products will help to quickly eliminate green discharge from the child's nose. An important point of therapy is the timely removal of stagnation of mucus from the maxillary sinuses. In order not to harm the child, especially the infant, by self-medication, it is necessary to call a doctor and make sure that the runny nose is not caused by a serious infectious agent.

G oral green snot in a child always appears due to the presence of an infection in the body. Accordingly, the treatment of this symptom should not be limited to the knowledge of the parents. A similar sign indicates that you need to contact a therapist to determine the infectious agent, as well as prescribe antibiotic therapy.

The runny nose itself is treated with washing or drops, with the permission of the doctor, you can use traditional medicine recipes. In addition, therapeutic measures must be carried out in conjunction with the normalization of the baby's sleep and rest regimen, otherwise the infection can give a complication to the bronchopulmonary system.

If a child has green thick snot, this is an indication that the body cannot cope with a respiratory infection on its own.

The thicker the consistency and the brighter the color of the mucus, the more acute the disease.

In most cases, such a runny nose appears in small patients with an exacerbation of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses or in the chronic form of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The symptom may appear if the child has:

  • ARVI, which occurs in severe form;
  • flu;
  • rhinitis of viral, fungal, bacteriological etiology;
  • sinusitis;
  • ethmoiditis (inflammation of the lining of the ethmoid sinus, which is located at the base of the nose);
  • frontitis.

To find out the exact cause of the disease, it is necessary to take a swab from the nose to sow the pathogen.

The danger of this condition lies in the development of serious chronic complications up to meningitis. Therefore, parents must necessarily show the baby to the therapist and otorhinolaryngologist.

Additional symptoms

When a child's snot is thick, viscous and yellowish-greenish in color, other signs of the disease develop. An infectious lesion always proceeds with a general deterioration in the condition, if this is not observed, we can talk about the chronicity of the pathology and the weakness of the immune system.

What symptoms to look out for:

  • Pain sensations. Often it appears in the region of the maxillary sinuses, forehead. Gives to the upper jaw, whiskey. Increased pain is observed when the head is tilted down, talking.
  • Temperature. Purulent inflammation, as evidenced by the green color of nasal discharge, almost always occurs against the background of elevated body temperature. It does not rise above 39 degrees in the evening, during the day the mark on the thermometer. The chronic form proceeds sluggishly and can develop without fever.

Due to infectious intoxication, a general deterioration in the condition develops. The child becomes lethargic and capricious, refuses to eat, sleeps a lot. The danger lies in the fact that children do not know how to endure the disease in bed, preferring physical activity. Parents should try to captivate the baby as much as possible so that he is in bed most of the time.

Medical treatment

How to treat thick green snot will depend on the cause that caused them. Otherwise, if you use nasal drops without affecting the root cause, you can achieve the rapid development of a chronic form, which is much more difficult to cure.

The child's body is distinguished by the immaturity of the immune system, so purulent inflammation from the nasal cavity rapidly passes to the bronchopulmonary system. Subsequently, bronchitis, pneumonia and other complications are diagnosed.

Initially, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic that helps stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the body. Nasal drops and rinsing solutions help to remove thick snot from the nose, that is, they act on the symptom.

Therapy is appropriate if the complex of drugs is selected based on the history of a particular child.


The younger the baby, the more natural compounds are used for washing. The pharmacy market offers many products that are approved for the treatment of thickened nasal mucus in a child from infancy.

The most effective of them:

  • Furacilin.

The drug is an antimicrobial agent, suitable for the local treatment of purulent diseases. Available in yellow tablets. For use, one of them should be dissolved in 100 gr. warm, preferably boiled, water. Stir thoroughly, if there are grains - strain. Rinse the baby's nose with a special teapot or syringe. It is used according to the prescription of an ENT doctor.

  • Miramistin.

Antiseptic drug, available in a package with a dispenser. Effective against bacteria and fungi. Suitable for complex treatment of sinusitis or complicated rhinitis. It has no taste and smell, does not cause discomfort to the inflamed mucosa. It is allowed for use from the age of three as directed by a doctor.

  • Aqua Maris.

It is a natural medicine based on sea water. It has no color, smell or taste. Designed specifically for the treatment and prevention of rhinitis in children from the first day of life in the form of drops and 1 year in the form of a spray. Rinse the nasal cavity should be at least 4 times a day, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor.

  • Aqualor.

The preparation is a natural isotonic sea water without any additives. The instruction allows the treatment of a runny nose in babies from the age of six months.

  • Quicks.

This spray is also a kind of sea water medicine for washing the nose in children. According to the instructions, it is allowed for use from the age of three months.

  • Saline.

In the absence of any drugs at hand or unwillingness to use them, you can use an ordinary physiological solution of sodium chloride. It is identical to human biological fluids, absolutely harmless when used correctly. You can rinse your nose with saline, replacing nasal drops. The drug is not suitable as a single component of treatment, the therapeutic effect is achieved only in combination with antibiotics.


Medicines based on sea water and having a natural composition can easily cope with the removal of viscous green snot from the nasal cavity.

However, to prevent the recurrence of purulent rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drops should be used. Sometimes a specialist may prescribe a drug with the addition of an antibiotic.

Nasal drops for children (in parentheses is the age at which the drug is allowed):

  • Nazol (6 years);
  • Rinostop (6 years);
  • Nazivin (from the 1st month of life - according to the recommendations of a specialist);
  • Sialor (from 2 years old, earlier - as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Isofra (from 2 years old);
  • Polydex (2.5 years);
  • Pinosol (2 years).

Antibacterial drops from green snot are prescribed by a specialist for complicated respiratory diseases. The dosage is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the child, his history and aggravating factors.


Traditional medicine is not always as harmless as it seems at first glance. The main danger is that parents prefer home treatment instead of medication. This approach is not entirely correct.

Of course, some medicines can be replaced with natural products, but before treating a child in this way, it is necessary to consult a doctor for possible allergic reactions.

Basic principles of therapy:

  1. The presence of purulent and green snot in a baby prohibits warming procedures. Thermal exposure promotes the spread of bacteria through the upper respiratory tract in a short time.
  2. Some drugs can provoke an allergic reaction. If after using a home remedy the condition of the crumbs worsens, it is necessary to stop such treatment and seek the advice of specialists.
  3. The smaller the child, the weaker the concentration of the solution for rinsing the nasal cavity should be.

In order to use drops and a homemade solution for the treatment of viscous snot, you must first conduct a test. That is, the minimum amount of the product should be used, and if there are no signs of allergy, therapy can be started.


Cut off one leaf of aloe, squeeze out the juice, then use a pipette to instill a few drops into each nostril.

If the child can already explain the course of manipulation, instillation is allowed to be carried out by squeezing the juice directly from the leaf into the nose. Here you need to be careful so that the pulp does not get into the nasal passages.

As soon as you notice green snot in the baby, you should know that bacteria have settled in the nasopharynx of the little one, and the body is trying to fight them. That is, you have already missed the very beginning of the infection.

Green snot in children - what medications are allowed for children?

    • Protorgol. Means with silver ions for sanitation of the nose. It is usually prepared in a pharmacy, and if stored incorrectly, it can cause allergies.
    • Isofra. This antibiotic is used in a course - 1 week, three times a day.
    • Sulfacyl sodium. This option is for antibacterial therapy in crumbs up to 1 year old.
    • Rinofluimucil. From 2 years old. An effective spray that is very successful in coping with green snot.
    • Polydex.
    • Vibrocil.
    • Rhinopront - from 1 year old.
    • Vasoconstrictor drugs. They are used limitedly - with difficulty breathing and before feeding (otrivin and nazivin, sanorin or oxymetazoline, xylometazoline). Course - no more than a week.
    • Pinosol and various mixtures of essential oils.
    • Aquamaris, quicksand, aqualor - pharmacy solutions (sea water).

I would especially like to note the safety of solutions based on sea water. For washing the nasal cavity in young children, solutions in the form of drops and sprays with different types of spray are used. Sprays with continuous dispersed spray provide more uniform irrigation and, accordingly, cleansing of the walls of the baby's nasal cavity. Now in the pharmacy you can buy sprays specially designed for children's noses based on a solution of sea water with gentle spraying. For example, the Aqualor Baby spray with a “soft shower” spray system gently rinses the child’s nose and is approved for use even by infants from the first day of life.

  • Antibiotics.
  • Homeopathic remedies with anti-inflammatory action - sinupret and gelomirtol.
  • Antihistamines - to reduce swelling of the mucosa (claritin, suprastin, etc.).

How to treat them

Green snot must be treated. Green snot in a child is a runny nose, so the treatment will not be as fast and not as easy as we would like. But only purposefulness and fulfillment of all points hello to recovery.

First you need to create a comfortable microclimate in the children's room with cool, moist air; regularly, 5-12 times a day, clean and wash the child's nose from the accumulated thick green mucus; if there is no temperature, the child needs to walk more.

Treatment of green snot should begin with rinsing the nose with saline solutions. Salt solutions thin the mucus, facilitate its release, have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

For young children, we recommend using isotonic saline solutions - salt concentration 0.9%, in older children you can try hypertonic solutions - salt concentration up to 2.4%. Hypertonic solution separates sputum from the walls of the nose better, copes with nasal congestion faster. For washing, you can use saline or dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a liter of boiled water, you can add soda to better thin the mucus.

For children over 3 years old, the nose can be washed with antiseptics - a solution of Furacillin or Sulfacyl sodium.

Nose cleansing

After rinsing, the nose should be well cleaned of secretions. For newborns and toddlers, you can use a syringe, cotton flagellum, mechanical or automatic snot aspirators. Children over 2 years of age should be taught to blow their nose.

Pay attention when a child is sick and has a runny nose, a lot of earwax is released in the ears. It is impossible to clean the ears with a cotton swab, it can damage the eardrum. Therefore, ENT doctors recommend that ENT doctors clean their ears with hydrogen peroxide for a cold and often ill children during an illness. It is necessary to drip a few drops of the solution into each ear canal, then remove the remnants with a cotton ball.

To clear the nose and ears means to speed up the recovery by half.

Astringent drops

Very often, parents are faced with the difficulty of instilling medicines into their babies' noses and cleansing it of green snot - the children turn out and do not allow it to be cleaned. Astringent nose drops are the most reliable and effective remedy that helps to quickly cure a baby of viscous green snot.

This is, first of all, Protargol - a silver colloid dissolved in water. They are very cheap, they are made in a pharmacy - for newborns 1%, for older children - 2% solution.

Protargol has an astringent effect, silver ions penetrate bacteria and immediately destroy them, the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is also described. The drug narrows the blood vessels a little, so it immediately restores nasal breathing. Protargol is safer than antibiotics and can even replace them.

Analogues - Collargol, Sialor (tablets for solution preparation). Drip in the nose - 1 week.

Vasoconstrictor drops

These drops can be dripped only if the nose is blocked. For children under one year old, drops containing Xylometazoline can be used from 6 months Phenylephrine. After a year, you can add Naphazoline drops, from 3 years of age, drops containing Oxymetazoline are allowed. Vasoconstrictor drops constrict blood vessels and relieve swelling, nasal congestion is removed quickly, immediately after instillation.

Why is it important to get rid of edema - swollen mucosa blocks the fistula of the sinuses with the nasal cavity, which can lead to sinusitis. Elimination of edema is the prevention of otitis media.


With sinusitis or another type of sinusitis, the appointment of an antibiotic is indicated, as the most reliable drug for the treatment of the common cold. In a mild form, the disease can be cured with Isofra nasal drops or Polydex combination spray.

In more severe situations, an antibiotic is indicated for oral administration - Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin-clavulonate, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, if the above treatment is ineffective, Sumamed is used. Sulfacyl sodium can be dripped into the nose of small children, it is a more harmless drug compared to antibiotics.

An ENT doctor can write a prescription for compound nasal drops. Complex drops are prepared in physiological saline and contain vasoconstrictor, antibacterial and hormonal/antihistamine components.

Homeopathic preparations

Unverified, but often highly effective means of treating and preventing green discharge are homeopathic remedies - Sinupret, Sinuforte, Euphorbium compositum, EDAS and others. They are created only from natural ingredients, so they have no contraindications, are completely safe, and do not have side effects.

It is not necessary to prescribe antiviral drugs to newborn children with green discharge from the nose. They are effective only against viruses, but do not have a positive effect on bacteria, so suppositories are placed on the child no later than 3 days from the onset of the disease.


It can be used to treat a runny nose if the child does not have a temperature and other contraindications. We recommend treating green snot in a child with the following physical procedures:

  • nose bioptron,
  • UV nose,
  • Electrophoresis with medicine
  • Inhalation over a salt lamp.

Folk methods of treatment

The children's body is very vulnerable and susceptible, so folk methods of treatment are not recommended. It is forbidden to treat allergic children suffering from bronchial asthma with folk methods.

The safest home remedies are inhalations over a decoction of chamomile with soda, boiled potatoes in their skins. Children of middle school age and older can drip aloe juice, Kalanchoe into their noses. Freshly squeezed carrot juice removes thick mucus from the nose well; children under 3 years old should be diluted twice with boiled water. The juice has an astringent and irritating effect, as a result, the child sneezes out all the accumulated mucus.

In order to prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary to treat a runny nose in time, not to start a cold. An important point is to rinse the nose with saline solution, we recommend doing this procedure for various forms of the common cold, at all its stages. Any complication of a cold, accompanied by a profuse runny nose, can easily become chronic. Treat your children and do not hope that they will cope with the disease themselves.

One of the most common problems for mothers is nasal congestion and the appearance of a runny nose in their child. When a little snot is released, this is not a pathology. This condition helps the body if the nasal mucosa is dry, and also when it is necessary to clean the nasal passages from dust. When the discharge changes its shade and consistency, parents should understand that the phenomenon is already beyond the norm. When the snot becomes dark, green and thick, bacteria has infected the nose. ⛅️ If a child has green snot, only a specialist will tell you how to treat them.

Doing therapy on your own is not worth it.

A runny nose in a child is one of the signs indicating the appearance of a cold or SARS. Often it begins during the period of beriberi, when the protective functions of the immune system are reduced in the baby, making him vulnerable to various diseases.

It is important to know if green snot is contagious in a child? Even if purulent snot is present in children without fever, they can be contagious to others.

When a virus enters the nasal passage, a clear, liquid discharge appears. In the absence of therapy, favorable conditions are created on the mucous membranes of the nose, in which pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply. In the future, the nature of the secretions changes, they become green and viscous, so it becomes difficult to breathe through the nose. The richer the color of the snot, the more serious the inflammation in the nasal cavity.

Purulent ethmoiditis

Children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky claims that green snot in infants, and in older children, can signal the presence of:

  • rhinitis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • complicated allergic rhinitis.

It is important to observe the child. A doctor is required if the condition worsens or the nature of the nasal discharge changes. This will help avoid serious complications.

How to treat green snot in a child

Protracted runny nose in a child under 3 years old is a problem that needs to be solved only with the participation of an otolaryngologist. He will examine the child, take bakposev from the nasal cavity, thereby identifying the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

If the runny nose is not complicated, local treatment of green snot is prescribed:

  • stimulation of the outflow of mucus;
  • washing the nasal cavity;
  • use of antiseptics.

If snot appears in a one-year-old child or a newborn baby, parents should try to create favorable conditions in the room to alleviate his condition. It is important to adjust the temperature and humidity in the room where the child is located, regularly ventilate it, and carry out wet cleaning. It is also very important for the baby to get plenty of fluids. With normal health of the child, an effective and useful activity is walking in the fresh air. All this is necessary to thin the snot so that they actively flow out, and the child can breathe freely.


From green snot in children, washing the nasal cavity helps a lot. This can be done in the clinic and at home, if the doctor explains how to independently carry out this procedure. Failure to follow the rules can lead to the fact that the child will develop otitis media.

Until the age of 4, children mostly blow their nose incorrectly. To help them clean their nose from snot, you can use an aspirator or syringe.

Nose wash and snot suction

If the baby is still suckling on the nipple, the mouth should be freed before rinsing to avoid ear barotrauma. To rinse the nose, it is recommended to use a ready-made solution of sea water (Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.), or ordinary saline. The procedure is carried out three times a day. You can make your own nasal cleansing solution. To do this, dilute a third of a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water.

If the child is under 1 year old, or is breastfed or mixed-fed, a stuffy nose will prevent him from eating comfortably. It is better to rinse the nasal cavity immediately before feeding to give the baby the opportunity to eat in peace.

Many parents ask the doctor if it is possible to wash the nose with furatsilin.

Furacilin solution for washing

For children under three years old, this is a great way to cure green snot quickly and effectively. To prepare it, you need a glass of boiled water and one tablet of furacilin. Doing such procedures without urgent need is not worth it. The substances contained in furacilin, if used for prophylactic washings, can harm the healthy microflora of the nasal mucosa.


Thick green snot, puffiness, and inflammatory processes in the nose disappear if a person inhales vapors of medicinal herbs. Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is better to inhale over infusions containing essential oils of fir and eucalyptus. Since they are concentrated, it will be enough to add just one drop to the water.

Inhalations can be done using a nebulizer. With a prolonged runny nose in a baby, doctors recommend inhaling with saline, or adding medications to it. The duration of the procedure should not exceed five minutes.

Most of the diseases in which green snot appears are treated without inhalation. This helps to avoid the spread of infection beyond the nasal cavity, complicating the course of the disease.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

For children who cannot breathe through their nose, or do it with difficulty, vasoconstrictor drugs are included in the complex treatment. They should be dripped only when absolutely necessary in order to minimize the risk of adverse reactions of the body and complications. There are baby drops that are allowed to be used in the process of green snot therapy:

  • Sanorin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Farmazolin;
  • Nazol baby;
  • Nazol kids.

Medical therapy

If the child does not have a fever and other complications, nose drops are used to cure a runny nose. Without a doctor's prescription, you should not use a specific remedy. The most common of the drugs, in the form of nasal drops, is Protargol. A child up to a year is mainly prescribed Sulfacyl sodium - an antimicrobial drug. If the situation is complicated, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, or combined agents (Vibrocil, Rinofluimucil and others).

Preparations for children

Given the complexity of the disease, experts recommend the use of systemic drugs, which are divided into several groups:

  • Antibacterial - eliminate the causative agent of the common cold, which has an infectious nature;
  • Antihistamines - struggling with an allergic component that provokes green snot;
  • Homeopathic tablets - relieve inflammation in the sinuses (Sinupret, Gelomirtol).

The nature of the disease can be determined by passing a blood test, as well as bakposev from the nasal cavity. The results will help the specialist determine the most effective methods of treatment.


Often, antibiotics for green snot are an integral part of therapy. If you refuse to use them, you can get complications such as inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis, pharyngitis or meningitis.

There are nasal drops containing an antibiotic (Isofra, Polydex), as well as systemic drugs. They are used when local treatment does not bring visible results. Children are often prescribed Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Ofloxacin or Azitral, combining them with taking antihistamines that reduce nasal swelling and normalize breathing.

Systemic antibacterial drugs for a child should be selected only by a doctor. It is also important to follow the recommended dosage, calculated taking into account the weight and height of the baby, as well as the individual characteristics of his body. In parallel with taking antibiotics, in order not to harm the intestinal microflora, you need to take probiotics (for example, Linex).

Treatment with folk remedies

Drug treatment of green snot in children can be carried out in combination with the use of traditional medicine. Before starting such treatment, you also need to consult a specialist.

There are situations when folk remedies can only complicate the course of the disease, for example, if a runny nose is of an allergic nature.

  1. As an antiseptic, aloe juice or decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, agave, calendula, sage and eucalyptus) are instilled into the nasal passages. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to brew a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water. When the contents have cooled, it is filtered and used for therapeutic purposes.
  2. Potato, carrot and beet juice, diluted with boiled water, is considered natural antibiotics. They are also instilled into the nose to get rid of a prolonged runny nose.
  3. To strengthen the child's immune system, he is given warm milk or tea with the addition of honey, lemon, rosehip or currant decoction. They are rich in vitamins and minerals needed by a weakened body to overcome the disease.
  4. Warming procedures for green snot are also often used in the process of folk treatment. It can be hot baths for hands and feet, with the addition of mustard powder. If there is no inflammation in the nose, dry heat is applied to it.

Procedures in the children's clinic

Physiotherapy helps to get rid of green snot in a child more effectively. For this, there are certain procedures in the children's clinic:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • microwave and UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis, with the use of drugs;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • hardware drug inhalation.


If the baby has green snot, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, and carry out the treatment yourself. Properly selected therapy will help to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem, reducing the risk of complications.

If, while blowing your nose, you find yourself with mucus with a green tint, then this may indicate the presence of a cold. In this situation, it is simply necessary to immediately begin therapy and thus prevent the formation of serious consequences. In addition, green snot causes a lot of inconvenience, so it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. The question always arises in a child green snot than to treat?

Medical treatment

For washing, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Aqualor, Aquamaris, which contain sea water. Suitable even for babies.
  2. Dolphin is a drug that contains a complex of salts and microelements, plant extracts.
  3. Furacilin solution - it is sold ready-made or you can make it yourself: one tablet per glass of water.
  4. Dioxidine is a drug that has an antimicrobial effect and has a local effect.

But one wash will not eliminate green snot. After this procedure, it is necessary to drip the nose with special drops. The most popular are:

  1. Albucid is a drug that effectively eliminates the unpleasant manifestations of bacterial rhinitis. It has a wide spectrum of influence and has a more powerful effect than antibiotics. Read how to take Albucid for a runny nose in children.
  2. Antibacterial drugs in the form of drops - Isofra, Bioparox.
  3. Combined medicines, which include an antibiotic, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory component. It is such a drug.
  4. Medicines based on essential oils - and Kameton. They are characterized by the provision of an antiseptic effect, as a result of their influence, drops relieve nasal congestion. They are actively prescribed in the treatment of bacterial rhinitis.
  5. Vasoconstrictor - Naphthyzin, Galazolin. Thanks to them, it is possible to relieve nasal congestion, swelling, but not overdry the shell. But such drugs have a large number of side effects, are very addictive and cannot be used for a long time.
  6. Protargol is a silver medication that has an antimicrobial and astringent effect. It is prescribed when green snot is a sign of bacterial rhinitis. But it is necessary to use drops very carefully, since the silver contained in the composition has a negative effect on the body.

The use of folk remedies

When green snot arose as a result of a bacterial cold, then self-medication is not worth it. As for alternative treatment, it can have its effect, but subject to combined use with medications and after consultation with a specialist. Tui oil instructions for a runny nose in children can be found.

You might be interested in the reasons.

The most effective procedure is nasal lavage. For these purposes, the following recipes are provided in folk treatment:

  1. Infusion of marigolds and yarrow - we have a tissue of water for a tablespoon of each component.
  2. Onion juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. You can also use the juice of cranberries, blackcurrants, beets, carrots.
  3. Salt solution with the addition of propolis-based tincture - a dessert spoon of salt and 15 drops of tincture per glass of water.
  4. A solution of celandine - 2 drops of fresh plant juice in a glass of water. It is necessary to use such a medicine very carefully, since with an increase in the dosage of celandine it is very poisonous.
  5. Washing with saline - a dessert bed of salt in a glass of water.

In addition to washing the nose in folk medicine, there are other methods of dealing with green snot:

  1. Nasal drops. You can prepare them from the juice of Kalanchoe, aloe, parsley root. All of them should be used only after dilution with water.
  2. Tampons. Soak a cotton swab in beet juice, aloe and place in the nose for 25 minutes.
  3. Steam inhalation. It is necessary to inhale the medicinal vapors of a decoction of oregano, chamomile, eucalyptus. Vapors from jacket-cooked potatoes have a positive effect.
  4. Thermal baths. If there is no increase in temperature, then warm foot and hand baths using mustard powder can be used.

Find out why there is a cough during teething in children.

Help for babies

In infants, green mucus discharged from the nose is considered a very common occurrence. She says that the bacteria and leukocytes that arose in the clear mucus began to die, which contributed to the staining of the snot in green.

Most often, in such patients, the doctor makes a diagnosis - bacterial or viral rhinitis. Vasoconstrictor drugs, nasal sprays and flushing solutions are used to treat the disease. But it is forbidden to use them on their own.

The main goal of therapy is to clear the nose of accumulated mucus.

Help for children 1-2 years old

If sinusitis or frontal sinusitis was found in such patients, then radical measures will be taken in the course to eliminate the cause of the disease. Doctors in this case prescribe antibiotics. Therefore, it is important to know.

In medical practice, the following methods are used to treat green snot in one-year-old children:

  • frequent rinsing of the nasal passages;
  • instillation;
  • inhalation;
  • laser therapy;
  • the use of medications.

Very rarely, a puncture of the nasal sinus is prescribed with further washing of the nose with antibacterial solutions.

In addition to cleaning the nose, the doctor may prescribe drugs that have a local effect. The most effective include:

  1. Sulfacyl sodium- a drug that has an antibacterial effect
  2. Protargol- a medicine that contains silver ions, due to which nasal congestion is instantly eliminated.
  3. Vibrocil, Rinoflumicil, Polydex- drugs that have a combined effect.
  4. Aquamaris, Aqualor- preparations of isotic type.
  5. Naphthyzine, Sanorin, Phenylephrine- vasoconstrictor drops, which the doctor prescribes only in case of severe nasal congestion. You can use them for no more than 5 days.

Children after 3 years

For patients at this age, the list of permitted drugs is increasing. The doctor may include in the treatment regimen drugs that have a moisturizing, vasoconstrictive, cleansing effect. But it is forbidden to use them on their own. A feature of the treatment of green snot in children older than 3 years is the cleansing of the nasal cavity and the elimination of infection.

For washing the nose, pharmaceutical preparations can be used:

  • Quicks;
  • Aqualor Baby;
  • Physiomer;
  • Humer;
  • fisolution;
  • Furacilin solution;
  • Malavita;
  • Miramistin.

Also, the solution can be prepared at home. To do this, send a spoonful of salt to a liter of water. After cleansing the nose, it is necessary to irrigate the nasal mucosa with the following medicines:

  • Protargol;
  • Nazivin;
  • Isofra;
  • Fenistil.

To cure green snot that has arisen against the background of bacterial rhinitis, you need to use drugs in the form of an aerosol. Thanks to this, it is possible to evenly distribute all the particles of the drug over the mucosa.

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