Spinal schmorl defect treatment. This includes the prescription of such drugs. Types of Schmorl's hernias - small, multiple, complicated, etc.

Schmorl defects in the vertebral bodies are a pathology characterized by structural changes in the spine. They are usually found only when x-ray examination because they don't show up outwardly. The pathology is also called Schmorl's hernia, because it is manifested by the fact that the endplates are pressed into the vertebral bodies intervertebral discs. The disk itself is not displaced, the vessels and nerve endings are not affected. Therefore, most often the Schmorl defect is not dangerous and does not cause pain. But it is still recommended to start therapy when it is detected in order to avoid possible complications.

What it is

The human spine is made up of individual vertebrae made up of spongy bone tissue. They are separated by intervertebral discs. Between the disc and the vertebrae is a hyaline endplate. cartilage tissue. It serves as a shock absorber, provides flexibility and mobility of the spine, and also protects the vertebrae from destruction.

Sometimes cavities are formed in the body of the vertebrae, into which the hyaline cartilage of the disc penetrates. Most often this happens with rapid growth in childhood or adolescence. Wherein bone lags behind in development from cartilaginous. Often a similar defect also forms in old age, when bone density decreases due to a lack of calcium.

Such defects in the structure of the vertebrae are most often congenital, but may appear during life. Teenagers are most predisposed to this during the rapid growth of the skeleton. In addition, injuries, increased loads, or mineral metabolism disorders can lead to the formation of a cavity in the vertebral body.

Schmorl's hernia is not a hernia in its classical sense. Cartilage protrusion occurs only in the vertebral body. The intervertebral disc itself does not move, but nerve fibers and vessels are not damaged. Therefore, pathology is most often called Schmorl's defect, and many doctors consider it not a disease, but only radiological sign indicating structural changes in the spine.

Such hernias can be solitary if they appear after an injury or spinal deformity. With congenital pathology, multiple small Schmorl's nodules occur, affecting several vertebrae. Most often, such defects are subject to the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Most often, such a defect occurs when congenital anomalies spine development

In addition, there are anterior, central, lateral and posterior Schmorl hernias. With their central or lateral location, there is no pain or other unpleasant symptoms since the nerve roots are not affected. Such a pathology is detected only during the examination, because it does not manifest itself with any symptoms. Pain and impaired mobility of the spine mainly occur with anterior Schmorl hernias, especially if there are several of them.

But not only in this case, it is necessary to start treatment upon detection of this pathology. After all, such a defect indicates the presence of violations in the structure of the bone tissue of the vertebrae. This can lead to the development of disc protrusion or herniation, the risk of a compression fracture, as well as other complications.

The reasons

The Schmorl defect is mainly congenital pathology. But sometimes it can appear during life. And most often this happens in adolescence or in older people - that is, at a time when bone density is reduced and there is a lack of calcium. Sometimes this happens when serious violations in metabolic processes or blood circulation.

The reasons provoking such a defect can also be:

  • spinal deformities - scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis;
  • compression fractures spine or bruises;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • osteoporosis;
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, causing an increased load on certain parts of the spine;
  • constant overload, leading to microtrauma of ligaments or discs;
  • a sharp lifting of weight or a simultaneous increase in the load on the back.


Most often, the Schmorl defect does not manifest itself in any way, but is detected by chance during the examination. On the x-ray at the same time, uneven edges of the vertebrae are visible, peculiar pockets that are transparent to x-rays. To clarify the diagnosis, an MRI is prescribed, which allows you to assess the condition endplates disks.

Schmorl's defect is considered a non-dangerous pathology, only in some cases the protrusion affects the nerve endings, which causes no severe pain. And this happens only in the later stages of the development of pathology. But such a violation of the structure of the vertebrae still requires treatment, as it can lead to serious complications. Most often, this is the formation of an intervertebral hernia or compression fractures of the vertebrae.

But the problem is that rarely any of the patients go to the doctor even in the presence of unpleasant symptoms. After all, the main manifestations of Schmorl's hernia are aching pains, which increase with physical exertion, and subside in the supine position. Many patients take this condition for overwork, so they are saved by painkillers or rest.

In addition, with Schmorl's hernia, there is fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in the back, sometimes - a pulsation in the muscles. Discomfort is felt during prolonged standing, during squats or bending over. characteristic feature Schmorl's defect is the subsidence of all unpleasant sensations when the patient lies down and relaxes.

Usually the pathology is asymptomatic, but there may be increased fatigue, pain and heaviness in the back.


Despite the fact that Schmorl's hernia is considered a non-dangerous pathology, when it is detected, complex treatment is mandatory. It is aimed at preventing further deformation of the vertebrae, as well as at relieving unpleasant symptoms. Before starting treatment, an examination is carried out to determine the causes of the pathology. This is needed for right choice therapeutic methods. In addition, the age of the patient, the state of his health, the location of the defect and the stage of its development also affect the characteristics of the treatment.

All medical measures are called upon to perform the following tasks:

  • improve blood supply to the affected area of ​​the spine;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • restore flexibility and mobility spinal column;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • remove pain and discomfort;
  • prevent the development of complications.

Back massage will help to avoid the progression of pathology

In the presence of pain and difficulties in moving, painkillers are prescribed to the patient. It can be Ketanov, Nimesil, Indomethacin and others. In addition, sometimes when similar pathology reactive inflammation or spasm of the back muscles develops. This requires the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen or Hydrocortisone. To relieve spasm, muscle relaxants can be used - Mydocalm, Sibazon, Sirdalud and others. But such drugs can be drunk only as directed by a doctor.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid lifting weights and increased loads on the spine, and in the presence of excess weight achieve its reduction. Proper nutrition is also very important, as it is necessary to provide bone tissue essential minerals. To do this, be sure to include dairy products, fish, greens in the diet. You need to exclude alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, which contribute to the leaching of calcium from the bones. You can additionally take vitamin complexes with calcium and vitamin D, for example, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcinova.

If a conservative treatment turns out to be ineffective, the patient suffers from severe pain, it is necessary surgery. An operation is prescribed for a compression fracture of the vertebrae, as well as in the presence of infringement nerve endings. The most commonly performed decompressive laminectomy. It stops the progression of pathology and relieves nerve compression.

Spinal traction with special devices allows you to increase the distance between the vertebrae

Physiotherapy treatment

In the case when the presence of a Schmorl defect is not accompanied by any discomfort, the treatment of pathology includes only physiotherapy procedures. They should be aimed at strengthening muscle- ligamentous apparatus, increasing the distance between the vertebrae, restoring the flexibility of the spine and improving the blood supply to the affected areas. Physiotherapy is also used in the presence of pain and inflammation, they help to quickly get rid of discomfort.

Coniferous or turpentine baths, hirudotherapy, apitherapy, acupuncture are effective for this. They improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the spine, relieve spasms and pain. Massage is useful for increasing elasticity and muscle tone. manual therapy. Often, traction of the spine is also used - stretching it with the help of special simulators. This achieves an increase in the distance between the vertebrae, which eliminates the compression of the nerve roots and improves tissue nutrition.


When Schmorl's hernia is detected, most patients are prescribed special exercises. They are aimed at stretching the muscles, strengthening the ligamentous apparatus, increasing the flexibility of the spine. Special gymnastics helps to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the spine. It is applied as part of complex treatment pathology and serves to prevent complications. Gymnastics is especially effective along with massage and breathing exercises.

In the presence of Schmorl defects, dosed physical exercise. It is important to avoid heavy lifting, as well as simultaneous strong tension in the back muscles. Forbidden strength exercises, running, jumping. Useful swimming, stretching exercises, strengthening the muscles of the back. It is very important that the necessary load is selected individually depending on the age and health of the patient.

Schmorl's defects are a benign pathology, it has no resemblance to an intervertebral hernia. But treatment is still needed. Timely therapy avoids the progression of bone tissue destruction, compression fracture, disc protrusion and other complications.

Summary:Schmorl's hernia is a defect in the vertebral body. Unlike, it is clearly visible on the x-ray. Schmorl's hernia almost never causes pain syndrome. In the presence of pain, it is necessary to do an MRI of the affected spine to exclude intervertebral hernia and other complications.

Keywords: Schmorl's hernia, spinal osteochondrosis, MRI, intervertebral hernia.

Schmorl's hernia is named after the German physician and pathologist Christian Georg Schmorl (1861-1932), who first described the condition in 1927. A pathologist is a specialist who interprets and diagnoses changes in the body caused by diseases of tissues and body fluids.

What is Schmorl's hernia?

To understand what a Schmorl's hernia is, you first need to know some basic facts about the structure of the spine. The spine is made up of small bones called vertebrae that sit on top of each other. The vertebral arches form a hollow vertical tube that runs through the entire spine. This tube contains the spinal cord and the spinal nerves. Intervertebral discs are located between the vertebrae, which prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other, and also give mobility to the spine. Gelatinous central part disks is called the nucleus pulposus, hard outer shell- fibrous ring. The main and largest part of a vertebra is called the vertebral body. Schmorl's hernia is a bulge intervertebral disc into the vertebral body due to damage to the endplates of the vertebral body.

Causes of Schmorl's hernia

Schmorl's hernia is an extremely common phenomenon (1/3 of the population, more often in men than in women), especially common in people over 40 years of age, because. at this time, degeneration of vertebral structures occurs due to aging. However, Schmorl's hernias can also occur in young people. Schmorl's hernias usually do not cause any symptoms, but are simply evidence that the spine is undergoing a process of degeneration. In addition, the presence of Schmorl's hernias may indicate that at some point there was a weakening of the bone, possibly due to a lack of vitamin D (although this theory has yet to be confirmed by research), or that at a young age, when the bones not yet fully ossified, the patient experienced strong physical exertion (for example, he helped his parents run a farm). Exists high probability inheritance of Schmorl's hernias (more than 70%).

A single spinal injury or repeated episodes of traumatization also leads to the formation of Schmorl's hernias. Despite the fact that Schmorl's hernias, as a rule, do not bother patients and do not cause complications, they often develop in cases where there is spinal deformity, as, for example, with. Schmorl's hernias in such cases are formed when the vertebra loses its functionality and stops moving, becomes inactive, subluxation of the vertebra occurs. At this time, the load that the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc usually takes on is concentrated in a certain area, which leads to deformation of the endplates of the vertebral body.

Symptoms of Schmorl's hernia

In fact, it has not yet been proven that Schmorl's hernias can be the cause, however, it is generally accepted in medicine that Schmorl's hernias can cause painful symptoms, as well as discomfort and a feeling of stiffness in the lumbar spine. Since pain is a subjective concept, it can be felt as mild, moderate, or severe. The most common pain in Schmorl's hernia occurs between the ages of 14 and 18, as a rule, in adolescents leading active image life. Such teenagers often go in for sports, and the pain prevents them from fully training, which is the reason for a visit to the doctor. The area in which the patient feels pain usually coincides with the localization of Schmorl's hernia.


Schmorl's hernia can be diagnosed with a conventional x-ray machine, although in some cases they cannot be seen on an x-ray. A more expensive study that does not use X-rays- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - more suitable for the diagnosis of Schmorl's hernias. On the pictures obtained with the help of X-ray equipment, you can determine the condition of the bone tissue.

The diagnosis of Schmorl's hernia, in this case, is made when there is a deformation of the endplate of the vertebral body. The method of magnetic resonance imaging uses a powerful magnet, which allows you to get high-quality detailed images of not only bone, but also soft tissues of the spine: muscles, ligaments, intervertebral discs, etc. An alternative to magnetic resonance imaging is computed tomography (CT), but the images obtained in this way are inferior in quality and detail to images obtained using MRI. Holding computed tomography justified in cases where the patient has contraindications to the use of MRI. Because the this study implies the action of sufficiently powerful magnetic radiation (which in itself is harmless to the human body), MRI is contraindicated in patients with metal implants or devices in the body (artificial joints, metal plates in the spine, pacemakers, etc.). Often, the presence of tattoos is a contraindication to an MRI. This is due to the fact that earlier, about 20 years ago, ink containing small doses of metals was used to create tattoos. Now such dyes are not used when creating tattoos.


If a Schmorl's hernia does not cause any symptoms in a patient, treatment is not required for such a patient. However, in the presence of Schmorl's hernia, prevention of complications of osteochondrosis is necessary, since the presence of Schmorl's hernia in a patient indicates problems with spinal mobility. The patient is recommended swimming lessons and special gymnastics.

In the presence of pain symptoms, discomfort and / or a feeling of stiffness in the spine, a conservative symptomatic treatment which may include physical therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, massage, etc. . Surgical intervention for the treatment of Schmorl's hernia is used extremely rarely. As mentioned above, the question of whether Schmorl's hernia itself can cause pain and discomfort in the spine is still controversial in medical circles. According to the NASS (North American Spine Society) study by Hamanishi et al., MRI Schmorl's hernias were present in 19% of 400 patients suffering from back pain and 9% in the control group. This study partly supports the hypothesis that Schmorl's hernia can cause painful symptoms, but this is not enough to draw any unambiguous conclusion. The study itself can hardly be called indicative, because. the size of the control group was almost 4 times lower than the main one. Therefore, in the event that a patient has back pain, it is desirable to exclude other causes of its presence, which will not necessarily be associated with damage to the vertebral structures. Problems with internal organs (intestines, prostate, uterus, bladder) can also cause discomfort in the back, in particular in the lower back.

Therefore, before dealing with the treatment of Schmorl's hernia, it is recommended to undergo magnetic resonance imaging, in the event that Schmorl's hernia was diagnosed by the results of a simple x-ray, in order not to miss more probable cause pain in the spine (for example, intervertebral hernia - protrusion of the material of the nucleus pulposus in spinal canal, which can lead to compression of the nearby nerve root and cause symptoms such as pain, discomfort, feeling of stiffness, numbness, weakness in the affected area and areas innervated by a compressed nerve (shoulder, arm, hand, shoulder blade, thigh, buttock, leg, foot)). Finally, in some situations it is useful to check the status internal organs by means of ultrasound abdominal cavity and small pelvis. It is not uncommon for back pain to hide a disease that has nothing to do with the spine. It is safe to assume Schmorl's hernia as the cause of back pain if other potential causes have been ruled out by appropriate examinations.

If a patient who does not know what a Schmorl's hernia is is diagnosed, he decides that he is ill with some rare disease. incurable disease. But in medical practice hernias of this type are not uncommon. On the early stage small Schmorl hernias are not even considered a disease, but only a slight change in the structure of the spine.

Intervertebral hernia of Schmorl or Schmorl's node - indentation of cartilage tissue intervertebral disc into the vertebral body. Since the bones do not have nerve endings, there will be no complaints from the patient.

When the density of cartilage tissue becomes higher than the density of the vertebrae, cartilage is forced into the bone tissue.

A person can live his whole life with multiple Schmorl's hernias and not be aware of it. But if during any examination a violation was revealed, it is imperative to start treatment.

Schmorl's nodes in the spine have a number of differences from simple vertebral hernias:

  • There is no compression of nerve endings;
  • There is no protrusion of the intervertebral disc outward;
  • The patient may either feel no pain or feel little;
  • Schmorl defects usually occur on early stages human life (childhood and youth).

What is the danger

Schmorl's hernia of the spine is not dangerous. The danger is posed by complications arising in the absence of treatment or too prolonged treatment. Much depends on nutrition, lifestyle, but in most cases, in the absence of the right therapy, arose serious complications Schmorl's hernia in the vertebral bodies:

  • A cavity is formed inside the vertebrae, which makes them weaker. At increased load trauma or vibration, there is a high risk of a vertebral fracture. Such a pathological change is very dangerous.
  • The intervertebral disc can completely fail inside the vertebral body, for this reason it becomes virtually disabled.
  • The joints of the spine wear out, become weaker, and pain occurs.
  • In many cases, Schmorl's hernia caused the development of a simple intervertebral hernia.


Schmorl's vertebral hernia can form one, sometimes there are 2, 3 or more such defects. Worst of all, when the Schmorl defect occurs above and below a certain vertebra. The vertebra becomes so thin and weakened that a compression fracture can occur at any time. Judging by the studies of Schmorl, hernias are divided into types, depending on the localization. Localization also affects the size of the defect.

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The Schmorl defect is most dangerous in the lumbar region. Here the vertebrae are the most massive and heavy. Yes, and the load on the lower back is the greatest (relative to other parts of the spine).

If multiple Schmorl's hernias occur in the lumbar region, things are bad.

Sometimes a person may feel tired in the lumbar region, but pain should not occur. With increased loads, sharp bending to the sides, the vertebra can burst or crack, and this is very serious condition. There is also a high risk of spinal hernia. If a pathology is detected on an x-ray, therapy should be started immediately.

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AT thoracic region of the spine, the load on the vertebrae is also significant, but less than in the lumbar. The pressure on the vertebrae is not very large, so the risk of complications with Schmorl's hernias is noticeably reduced. But as the hernia progresses, there may be pain in the thoracic spine, radiating to upper limbs. If detected, therapy should be started.


AT cervical region of the spine, Schmorl's hernias are more common than in other departments. Usually a person does not know about the defect until the appearance of pain, fatigue, fatigue. If Schmorl's hernias are found on an x-ray, treatment should be started.


Progressive central Schmorl's hernia can cause pain on movement, fatigue, and the spine becomes more constrained. Such a disease occurs without symptoms, they learn about it already during the examination. On the late stages has manifestations similar to those of osteochondrosis.

Schmorl's hernia during pregnancy

If a girl had Schmorl's hernia before pregnancy, measures are needed to protect the spine from excessive load. One of these measures can be considered supporting corsets.

During pregnancy, the body experiences an increased load, therefore, before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination, including for Schmorl's hernia.

Since numerous hernias can create disturbances in the structure of the spine during pregnancy, it is necessary to be under the constant supervision of a doctor.

The reasons

There are many reasons, some of which are known to medicine:

  • Genetic data of parents (features of the structure of the vertebrae);
  • Too much fast growth a child in height when growing up, the vertebrae become less solid than the annulus fibrosus;
  • Heavy sports;
  • Injuries associated with lifting heavy objects;
  • Severe pregnancy;
  • Osteoporosis during aging;
  • Constantly sedentary image life, impaired blood supply to the spine;
  • Deficiency of vitamins in the body.


Schmorl's hernias do not manifest themselves in any way for a very long time. Local pains are rarely noted even in advanced situations. When Schmorl's hernia of the spine increases in size, the structure of the vertebra begins to break down, protrusions or even hernia of the spine occur, and then the pain begins. There is one characteristic symptom such a defect is the stiffness of the spinal column.


With a prolonged course of Schmorl's hernia, a person has pain that worsens with increased load and subsides in the supine position. During the diagnosis, the doctor finds out some things from the patient: whether there were spinal injuries, whether the parents had Schmorl's hernia, complaints about the previously described pain. The next step in the diagnosis is to examine the patient's back with palpation of the spinal column with the hands. The doctor looks for any curvature. At the slightest suspicion, hardware examination: MRI, CT or x-ray.


If suddenly a Schmorl's hernia was found in a person during the examination, do not despair and panic. If doctors offer to cure this intervertebral defect with drugs, some of the drugs can be abandoned. At similar diseases a huge part drug treatment aimed at eliminating pain, and in this case it is not.

Treatment of Schmorl's hernia is carried out by combating the diseases that provoked this ailment. The complex of therapy also includes means that strengthen the body, including a weakened spine.


When choosing treatment methods, many features of a person are taken into account: age, lifestyle, daily stress, causes of Schmorl's hernias. At an early stage, when the disease has not yet progressed too much, possible complications are being fought.

Strengthening of the vertebrae all sorts of methods removed muscle spasms blood circulation is normalized.

The patient is also given special diets, procedures and a set of rules necessary for rehabilitation:

  • Proper nutrition with high level vitamins and microelements, ensuring the health of the musculoskeletal system;
  • You can not engage in sports that have a vertical load on the spinal column and those in which there are jerks. Vibration loads are also prohibited;
  • The use of spinal traction with the help of special devices;
  • Use of acupuncture procedure;
  • Procedures using leeches;
  • Procedures using bee stings;
  • The use of alcohol-containing tinctures for rubdowns.


If a person is diagnosed with Schmorl's hernia, treatment medications almost never used. Sometimes some drugs are taken if the patient suffers from constant pain. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed (Diclofenac, Voltaren, etc.)

Chondroprotectors are not effective in this disease. Calcium-based preparations that strengthen the vertebrae are needed.


Treatment of Schmorl's hernia with special exercises also has a right to exist. This does not give recovery, but stops the progression of the disease, alleviates the condition. You can use these exercises to strengthen muscle corset and reduce the load on the spinal column:

  • Hanging on a horizontal bar with elements of pull-ups - stretches the spine, slows down the progression of schmorl hernias and strengthens the back and arms.
  • Bench press on a flat bench without deflection in the lower back;
  • Wiring dumbbells in a sitting position;
  • Exercises for the press on the horizontal bar, helps to strengthen abdominal muscles, stretch lumbar spine;
  • - aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower back, the spine is stretched during execution.

Before performing these exercises, you need to warm up well. Performing exercises, breathing should be even, systematic. The set of exercises ends with a quality stretch.


Massage procedures are very effective for the treatment of Schmorl's hernias, but only a highly qualified specialist should carry them out so as not to aggravate the situation and get a therapeutic effect.


There is another way to treat Schmorl's hernia, this is an operation. This method is the most efficient and fastest. Many people are afraid to take such steps. But sometimes it's better to take a chance. In a good clinic, surgeons can easily remove a damaged intervertebral disc and replace it with an implant. The cavity in the vertebra is filled with a special substance that mimics the composition of bone tissue.


If Schmorl's hernias exist in the human spine for a long time, sooner or later their size increases, the spine wears out. With age, bone tissue weakens and some complications may appear:

  • Fluid loss (associated with aging) leads to the formation of simple intervertebral hernias which cause a lot of trouble and pain;
  • If there are several Schmorl's hernias within one vertebra, the intervertebral disc can completely go deep into the resulting cavity, this Right way to disability;
  • The most deplorable condition is when, under the influence of hernias from above and below the vertebra, its compression fracture occurs. This is possible with increased load in the form of weight lifting.


It is necessary to take breaks if the work is sedentary. Control of overweight- too important thing. Regular exercise will help to keep the body in good shape, not to suffer from excess weight. Exercise, exercise, eat right and stay healthy.

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Schmorl defects: symptoms and treatment

Doctor A. Deryushev

Schmorl's defects or Schmorl's nodules are herniated protrusions of the pulpous (or gelatinous) nucleus of the intervertebral disc.

For the first time, these defects were described and studied by the German pathologist, Professor Christian Schmorl, in connection with which they were named after him. The causes of the formation of the Schmorl defect can be curvature, compression fractures and bruises of the spine, ruptures of the intervertebral fibrous rings, as well as with various pathological processes affecting the vertebral bodies. In this case, a rupture of the hyaline cartilage plate occurs, which leads to prolapse of the nucleus of the intervertebral disc. Such changes in the cartilaginous part of the intervertebral disc as physiological resorption may also play a role in the formation of Schmorl's defects.

By the end of the first year of life, proliferative processes are noted in the plate of hyaline cartilage, which forms a support for the nucleus pulposus. Subsequently cellular elements in different departments intervertebral disc disappear. These changes lead to a decrease in the strength of the intervertebral disc, which may be a predisposing factor for the formation of Schmorl's nodules in childhood and adolescence.

Externally, Schmorl's nodules look like hernial protrusions of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc, directed into the spongy substance of the vertebral bodies, and in some cases into the spinal canal. The diagnosis is based mainly on a careful analysis of the results. x-ray examination, and at present it is primarily the use of the capabilities of a spiral computed tomograph, which makes it possible to more accurately determine all the details of this phenomenon.

Of great importance is the fact that the organizing mass of the nucleus pulposus, protruding into the spinal canal, can exert pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves.

Main clinical symptom is pain, which depends on the compression of the roots (this is the so-called radiculalgia) and on the injury of the fibrous ligamentous ring (this phenomenon is called dyscalgia). Patients complain of acute, sudden intense pain in the cervical spine or in the hand (like plexitis). When moving the head, the pain may increase and often depends on the posture of the patient. The irradiation of pain is quite extensive; it can spread along outer surface shoulder and sometimes forearm. In the thoracic region, these defects are less common and give the syndrome of ordinary thoracic sciatica.

Localization of defects in the lumbar spine is manifested by "classic" sciatica. Hernias, located at the level of 1 and 2 lumbar vertebrae, are manifested by pain along the anterior surface of the thigh, and at the level of L3 and L4, pain is localized on the anterior surface of the lower leg and inner ankle. There is a limitation of mobility of the spinal column, especially "back and forth".

If there is compression of the roots or the substance itself spinal cord, then, of course, the radical method is surgical intervention. The operation is indicated for prolonged radicular pain, which is accompanied by severe scoliosis and, of course, in the absence of effect from conservative methods treatment. Conservatively applied different kinds physiotherapy, dehydrating therapy, which helps to reduce hyperemia and edema in the area of ​​the nerve root, resorption and even the disappearance of adhesions. It is possible to use dosed traction, massage, exercise therapy, blockade.

Surgical intervention consists of decompressive laminectomy as well as dissection of the so-called odontoid ligaments.

Do they take Schmorl's hernia into the army?

Very often, a conscript and his parents are interested in the question: "Do they take Schmorl's hernia into the army?" Let's first understand what kind of disease it is and what symptoms accompany it. With Schmorl's hernia, cartilage is pressed into the vertebral body from the intervertebral disc. This ailment may be one of the syndromes of Scheuermann's disease - Mau. In addition, Schmorl's hernia often appears with kyphosis - a strong stoop.

Therapeutic exercises for Schmorl's hernia

One of the main pathological changes in the intervertebral discs, with which patients most often turn to traumatology departments due to permanent aching pains, is a disease such as Schmorl's hernia. This pathological (congenital) disease is a degenerative process in the intervertebral discs. Schmorl's hernia is mainly pathological disease, but in some cases it can be acquired, this most often occurs as a result of injuries or posture disorders.

Vertebral hernia of Schmorl

Schmorl's hernia is pathological condition due to changes in the spinal column of a degenerative nature. Pathological changes with Schmorl's hernia, they occur in the end plate of the intervertebral disc, as a result of which its cartilaginous part protrudes into the vertebral body located above or below.

Central hernia of Schmorl

Schmorl's hernia is a disease of the spine in which the intervertebral disc is pressed into the body of a higher or lower vertebra. This is due to the thinning of the bone plate that separates the vertebral body from the intervertebral disc. Most often, the lumbar spine is affected, since it bears the main load, however, Schmorl's hernia can appear in any part of the spine in the presence of predisposing factors.

Diet for diaphragmatic hernia

Diet recommended for diaphragmatic hernias, these are not just some tips on the use of certain products, but rather a set of measures that occupies an important place in the overall treatment plan for this disease. Like many diseases gastrointestinal tract, with diaphragmatic hernias, more frequent use food, but the portion size is reduced.

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