How to teach a chihuahua voice command. Team "Voice!" How to teach a dog to bark on command. Pets do not want to bark and voice

). You must follow them no matter what command or trick you decide to work out. Today we will tell you how useful the ability of a pet to bark on demand, how to teach a dog the voice command and avoid mistakes.

Say "woof": why dogs bark

Wolves, the closest relatives of our tailed friends, are not talkative. Feral dogs hardly bark either. In the wild, extra noise can attract an enemy or scare off prey. Scholars agree that dogs use barking as a means of communicating with people. Several millennia of domestication have introduced other modes of communication into the repertoire of four-legged pets: moans, snorts, sniffles. But barking remains the king of communication, it has more than forty semantic meanings. An attentive owner is able to determine the cause of his pet's barking by intonation, volume and frequency of sound.

Dogs-talkers and silent

Not all dogs are equally talkative. In a number of breeds, a person deliberately sought characteristic acoustic qualities. Watchdogs should notify about the appearance of a stranger, hunting dogs should drive game. Rescue dogs (St. Bernards) only vote when necessary. But There are no dogs that cannot be taught to bark on command! When working with quiet people, it will just take more time and observation. The Basenji is the only breed in the world that cannot bark, replacing the classic "woof" with peculiar sounds. Therefore, forget about the myth about untrainable dogs, be patient, and everything will work out.

When and how to start teaching your dog the “voice” command

The “voice” command is included in the general training course (OKD), but is not mandatory when passing standards. Training should begin after mastering the basic commands:

  • "sit";
  • "to me";
  • "ugh".

At the age of 4-5 months, the puppy is already quite capable of learning to bark on demand. Toddlers are easily excitable, prone to noisy manifestations of feelings, so they learn science quickly enough. Remember: barking is closely related to the emotions of the animal. The main task is to find the right stimulus that causes the desired reaction. Indispensable assistants in the process will be stop words (no, that's enough) and reward markers (okay, good girl, yes). Training begins in the familiar environment for the pet (at home or in the yard). After the first successes, the task is complicated, the team is worked out during walks, in the presence of other people and animals.

How to teach a dog the “voice” command: basic methods and step-by-step instructions

Pointing method

The owner, by his actions, pushes the dog to the required behavior. The method is good in that it makes the skills being worked out necessary for the dog itself, quickly forms a logical chain between the command and the action being performed.

There are dogs who are ready to sell their soul for a piece of meat (taste reward) or a favorite toy (play reward). Watch your pet. What brings him into a state of joyful excitement? It is this object or treat that we will use in training as an irritant.

Taste Encouragement:

  1. Make sure the student's attention is entirely yours. To do this, you can perform a couple of already learned commands, for example, “give a paw” and “sit”. Remember to encourage obedience;
  2. sit the dog down and show him a treat;
  3. firmly, but without rudeness, stop the glutton's attempts to get a piece on his own. Use stop words or mechanical action. It is convenient when the dog is wearing a collar with a leash. You simply fix the length of the leash by stepping on it with your foot, thereby limiting the freedom of movement of the dog;
  4. clearly give the command “voice” and tease the dog a little with a piece. For most four-legged animals, such a vile provocation causes indignation: in order to get what they want, the dog begins to bark;
  5. Praise your pet enthusiastically immediately, repeat the command (okay, “voice”, ok) and give the coveted delicacy.

Gaming promotion

  1. Involve the pet in the game with the object, provoke him;
  2. young dogs, especially puppies, get tired quickly and lose interest. Here it is important to catch the peak of excitement: the moment when the dog is most passionate about the toy;
  3. pick up the item and give a command without stopping flirting;
  4. after the pet barks, praise and continue the game.

Important: To prevent wrong associations in the future, never encourage barking on your own as a demand for food, attention, or aggression. Praise your dog only for following your command!

In addition to the command, enter any gesture convenient for you (snap of fingers, movement of the hand). When the student begins to master the voice requirement, complete it with this gesture.

way of imitation.

How to teach a dog the "voice" command if he does not want to bark? Use the imitation method. Dogs are social animals, and the “do as I do” principle works flawlessly. Therefore, learning in a group is always faster and easier than in individual classes.

  • seat an already trained dog and a beginner next to each other;
  • say "voice" loudly;
  • praise and treat the "senior comrade" for the execution of the command;
  • it will take time before the undergrowth understands why it is not he who is being praised. As soon as the cherished “woof” sounds, immediately joyfully praise the dog and feed it with a treat.

Alternative Methods for Learning the "Voice" Command

Behavior selection method.

Did your dog bark? Give a command and after repeated barking encourage. And better catch the moment when he is just about to cast a vote. This method is also effective in the “reverse direction”, for weaning off excessive barking. With practice, the animal will learn that making noise on command is much more profitable than just doing it.

Method of defensive reactions.

Some sources advise, when teaching the "voice" command, to use the services of an assistant who will portray a robber or attacker. It is strictly forbidden to use this method for self-training! The slightest mistake will turn into a big disaster in the future: the dog may start barking and throwing himself at people who are just walking towards him or, conversely, become a coward. If this method “sunk into your soul” for you, contact a cynologist and continue training under the guidance of a professional.

Three "woof": why is it needed

"Voice" is considered one of the basic commands that a dog should know. True, if a four-legged friend is simply a pet, then learning to bark at the request of the owner is more entertainment than a mandatory requirement. However, this cannot be said about service and hunting dogs, for which the “Voice” command is a necessity for doing their job. Thanks to this skill, they can attract the attention of their owner in time by barking, for example, by attacking the trail of an animal, smelling a robber or finding a lost person, in case we are talking about rescue dogs.

Very often the question arises, is there a difference, for example, in how to teach a German Shepherd the command "Voice" or a Husky, or any other breed? Or are the rules the same for everyone?

There are no special differences. The only problem is that not all breeds are equally predisposed to barking, therefore, for example, when teaching a husky, basenji, akita inu and others, some difficulties may arise. But they can be dealt with with the right approach. The easiest way is to teach barking at the request of the owner:

  • german shepherd,
  • labrador,
  • Chihuahua and other common dog breeds.

By their nature, they willingly carry out the "Voice" command. How to teach this to your pet?

Where to start learning?

Before you start teaching your four-legged pet to bark on command, you need to find out what his temperament is. Depending on the personality of the dog it will be possible to choose exactly the method that suits her best. There are four psychotypes:

It's important to know, what is the fastest way to vote at the request of the owner choleric and sanguine types can be taught, since by their nature they are very fond of barking. However, unreasonable barking in four-legged "cholerics" is a sign of poor training. As for dogs of a melancholic or phlegmatic psychotype, if they do not see the point in training, it will be almost impossible to make them give a voice on command, especially for adult animals.

How to teach a puppy the voice command?

Experienced dog handlers are advised to start training a puppy at an early age - at about 2-4 months. This is the period when the dog is easiest to instill the need for training and show him the simplest commands. However, it is "Voice" considered one of the most difficult. If you say "Lie down", "Sit", "Stand" and so on, you can physically show what to do, then everything is a little different.

To start training, it is preferable to choose a deserted place so that it is quiet and that nothing distracts the four-legged student. Later, it is better to fix the team on the grounds where other dogs walk. So how should training take place? Here are some options.


You need to take your favorite treat or toy, call the puppy to you and show them to him. Then, if this is a toy, she needs to tease the pet a little, if it’s a treat, then give it a sniff or treat it with a small piece, and then show that there is more. It is important to remember that the new piece should be in the same hand from which the baby was fed for the first time.

After the puppy has shown interest in the food or toy, you will need to raise your hand with the object clamped in it over the head of a small pet and tease him a little. At the same time, you need to say “Voice” to him with excitement. The puppy will begin to bounce or even stand up on its hind legs, trying to get the desired object. Since he will not be able to do this, he will begin to bark . It is at this moment that you will need to treat him or give a toy and praise.

To consolidate the team, it will be necessary to immediately repeat these actions one or two more times, while not forgetting to vigorously praise the baby each time. It is not recommended to do more than three repetitions, as the puppy may get bored with this, and he will switch his attention to something else. It is better to train every day, then the baby will definitely remember what the owner requires of him.

Calling resentment

During the walk, we tie the pet to a post, tree, etc., after which we begin to slowly move away from it. Since he will not be able to follow you, he will begin to bark to attract the attention of the owner. It is at this moment that you need to clearly give the command "Voice" and then give a treat. After several repetitions, the puppy will have an association of this team with the requirement to vote.

How to teach an adult dog the voice command

Seizing the moment

We are waiting for the moment when the dog himself begins to bark, and it does not matter whether it is a perky canine voice or a threatening bark at a stranger. The main thing is to have time to say “Voice” in time and accompany the command with a snap of your fingers. After that, be sure to switch the pet's attention to yourself, praise him and give him a treat. In the next similar case, you should repeat the same steps so that the dog understands what they want from it. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the owner must definitely attract the attention of the animal, otherwise the dog may associate aggressive behavior with praise, and not barking.


To do this, we invite a friend for training, whose pet already knows how to bark at the request of the owner. The dogs must be seated next to each other, after which the appropriate command is pronounced to the animal, which has already been trained to voice. However, it must be accompanied by a mandatory gesture. After the correct execution, a treat is defiantly given. Then the same is repeated for the pet that needs to be trained. As a rule, he does not immediately understand what is being expected of him, but his learned friend will immediately begin to bark and receive a well-deserved encouragement for this.

Some trainers use their own example instead of another dog, teasing the animal with delicious food and eating it after the command. The dog is not allowed to run away, jump on the owner or lie down . As a result, she will be offended and start barking.. It is at this moment that she needs to be encouraged.

It is important to remember that until the pet begins to unquestioningly carry out the command, it must be constantly trained: during a walk, at home, in the presence of strangers and animals. Over time, it will be necessary to move away from performing it by voice and gesture and leaving only a gesture. This is usually done with a snap of the fingers or by raising the left hand to the level of the trainer's head and bending it at the elbow.

How to understand that the dog remembered the command?

Even if the pet fulfills the necessary requirement the first time, this does not mean that he has fully mastered this command. It may turn out that this is only a temporary phenomenon, and the next day the dog may not even remember it. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat it regularly., however, like all other commands, at the same time make sure that the requirement is fulfilled unquestioningly.

How to make sure that the desired result is achieved? If your dog follows the command at least fifteen meters away, in any order and without delay, then you can be congratulated, you have succeeded!

And finally: four-legged pets learn especially easily and quickly only when the learning process is a pleasure for both themselves and their owners. Therefore, it is very important to show enough patience and perseverance during training, then you can, without a doubt, get the desired result.

Attention, only TODAY!

How to teach a puppy the "voice" command? The process of training and raising a puppy must begin as soon as he moves to new owners. How small he is still does not matter, it is important to train him from the first days. And you need to start, of course, with basic commands, such as:

  • "sit";
  • "lie";
  • "place";
  • "give me a paw";
  • "ugh".

Up to a year, these teams can be well mastered and hone the skill. This will require a little more effort. The main thing is not to develop the habit of voicing just for the sake of encouragement. I. For "voice" there must be a reason, for example, to protect the owners, to scare the bandit.

With the help of barking, dogs call other dogs, express their emotions for other reasons. In some cases, it may seem that the ability to cast a voice gives solidity to the pet. However, this is not so, and the training of this team depends only on the decision of the owner. But still, training and raising a dog develops discipline in it.

puppies to teach and it is easier to educate, as they master commands better. You can start training already at the age of 2-4 months.

But when teaching the “voice” command, difficulties can arise. If after long and hard training there is no result, then it is better not to force the pet, not to show aggression and stop training. It is important to be patient and not injure the puppy. Not all dogs are able to learn this command.

Preparation for training

The “voice” command should be taught to the dog after he has already mastered some basic commands. The place of training should be quiet and calm, so that the dog is not distracted by anything. Training should be alternately carried out both at home and on the street. Then she will obey the owner in any place.

The frequency of training should be 2-3 times a week and for 30-40 minutes . No need to immediately load the dog and then learning will be easy. Gradually, the training time can be increased to an hour. Also, do not tire the dog by monotonously repeating the same thing. It is advisable to consolidate the lesson by repeating already mastered commands.

The pronunciation of the command should be clear and loud, but the voice should be calm and confident. No irritated notes should sound, the puppy will feel it. The command must be pronounced once, waiting for the results. Do not repeat several times.

When the dog begins to correctly execute the command, you should encourage it, give it a treat, stroke it, praise it.

It is important to train in a good mood. You need to set yourself up for success.

Teaching methods

There are many methods for teaching the "voice" command. Main methods:

  1. Call of interest;
  2. Call irritation;
  3. Challenge of resentment;
  4. Eavesdropping;
  5. Imitation.

Calling Interest

During training, a certain stimulus must be evoked in the dog, prompting him to execute the command. For example, dogs love delicious food especially if you show him. The dog will try for such a reward. The purpose of the training is to develop an association in the puppy that after a correctly executed command, encouragement will follow.

Demonstrating meat to the dog, one way or another, will provoke him to raise his voice. It is necessary to catch the moment of interest of the dog and give the command "voice". As soon as the dog reacts, you should immediately praise and encourage him. During training, the dog must be kept on a leash so as not to allow him to pick up a piece of meat himself. So he will not be distracted by extraneous stimuli. You can also arouse interest in a dog with the help of his toys.

Calling Annoyance

This method is more suitable for training guard dogs. You need to tie the dog and put an object next to it that it will guard. It is good if there is one more person with you at the training. He will need to distract the dog, thereby causing irritation. Only you don’t need to touch the protected object or the dog, just wave your arms, make any gestures. After a while, even the calmest dog will react and bark. You need to immediately command the "voice" and encourage the dog. And the assistant will need to calmly move away from the owner for some distance.

Calling resentment

Some dogs will bark before walking. The owner needs to get together at this time for a walk, show the pet a leash, and then pretend that he does not take the dog with him and will go alone. You need to do everything naturally, and at the last moment look at the pet and command the “voice”. The feelings experienced by the pet will burst out with barking. And then, of course, you need to praise, stroke him, and go for a walk together.

During a walk, you can tie the dog to a tree, for example, and slowly move away from it yourself. The beloved will certainly react and bark . At this point, you need to command "voice", immediately return to the dog and pet him.


This method is the simplest. It consists in the fact that you just need to watch your pet, waiting for it to bark. And at the right time to give the command "voice". After the dog responds to the command, reward him. Such an easy way it is required to repeat several times, and the pet will learn this command.


You can use this tricky method if you go for a walk with a friend who has a dog that has already mastered this skill. This dog follows the command and is rewarded with a treat. And the second dog is watching for all the actions, and after a while he himself will begin to imitate this dog in order to receive a tasty encouragement.

These methods are suitable for training dogs of any age. You just need to be patient when teaching your four-legged friend skills. It is worth watching your pet, and understand what provokes him to bark most often. This knowledge can be applied during training.

When a dog performs a command hesitantly or even fearfully, then most likely the owner at some point showed aggression, strictness or impatience. This can be remedied with a generous reward with good pet praise. For him, the approval of the owner is very important.

The training of the dog is carried out by its owner, but the dog must also understand other family members when it hears certain commands.

As a result of training the dog must respond to a command from a distance of 15 meters from the owner.

In some cases, a dog's loud barking can disturb the peaceful home environment, which can annoy family members. Salvation can be another “quiet” command, which is also worth teaching the dog.

When training a dog, you just need to remember that this is not a mindless robot, but a living being, and he feels the mood and attitude of the owner. That is why it is important when communicating with a four-legged friend to be in a good mood, to show patience and no aggression. The pet with joy and devotion will follow the commands of the owner, who treats his dog with care and respect. Don't hurt your dog, because the owner for him is always the best friend.

For a treat. Sit your dog in front of you with the "Sit" command and give him a treat. But do not give, but tease so that the animal reaches for it. Raising your hand with a treat up, say the command "Voice". Holding the leash with your foot or other hand, do not let it rise. Trying to reach for a tidbit, she usually starts barking. Approvingly encourage her with an exclamation of "Good" and give food.

You can teach your dog the “Voice” command with the help of an object. To do this, first you need to play with this object, at the moment of strong excitement of the animal, give the command “Aport”, but do not quit, but raise it as high as possible or take your hand to the side. The main thing is not to be able to grab it. This will make her bark. Confirm with the “Voice” command and give a treat.

Sometimes puppies bark when they see a stranger or hear a knock on the door. This can be used in dog training. If you try to give the command “Voice” at the time of the next bark, and then encourage the puppy with an affectionate exclamation “Good”, then gradually the dog will understand what they want from it. This dog training is convenient with an assistant.

The “Voice” command is considered completed when the dog responds quickly to it in any position and at any distance. Therefore, classes should be carried out regularly and gradually complicate the task by changing the distance and nature of the stimuli. In everything you need to know the measure, otherwise the dog will bark at every trifle. The "Voice" command must be given once. Repeated repetition will cause the stubbornness of the animal.


How to teach a dog to fetch. Puppies are accustomed to fetching at the command "fetch" or "bring" (grabbing and bringing fetching objects) from the age of 3 months. The fetching skill is the basis for the subsequent development of special skills (selection of things, search of the area, work on the trail, etc.).

Useful advice

It is necessary that the dog clearly learns the previous step, and only then proceed to the next. The first thing to do is to teach the dog to grab the fetch on command next to the owner and hold him for a while. It is more expedient to first teach the dog not to avoid the hands of a person, i.e. it is always very easy to give a thing in hand, and then teach to sit down with an aport. The fetching item will have to be made the most pleasant and favorite for the dog.

Many have seen funny videos where a dog howls to its owner playing the piano or flute, or tries to sing along to a famous musical composition. The "singing" dog is a favorite of the guests and can become the highlight of the evening. It remains only to teach your four-legged pet to sing.


Choose a musical instrument or song that your dog will like. After all, dogs have different tastes: someone will howl playing the harmonica, someone will be imbued with a guitar, someone will sing a modern dance tune, and someone will howl at the very first sounds of chanson. Experiment with different styles and directions, and in the end, you will find what you need.

Download simple melodies without polyphony to your mobile phone and turn them on to your dog. In this way, you can not only teach the dog to sing, but also somehow hit the notes.

However, some dogs are not so easy to train.
In ordinary life, it can be useful to scare away intruders, and for rescue or search dogs, it is necessary for the service.

What causes an animal to bark

The individual characteristics and temperament of different dogs can vary dramatically, so the owner should carefully look at the behavior of his pet.

Some puppies love to eat and are ready to change the world for a piece of cheese, others eat somehow and are not interested in fighting for food. Some dogs love to play with a ball, rubber squeaker, or plastic bottle, and bark when they can't get their favorite toy. Serious dogs bark at any outside noise, and small dogs get comically pissed off if you let them sniff a lemon peel.

The owner's observation allows you to find out what annoys or pleases the pet so much that it starts to make sounds.

How to teach in different ways

Several ways to teach an adult dog the "Voice" order:

  1. The most popular way is to use the puppy's reaction to a treat, a treat. To do this, the baby is shown a piece of his favorite product, brought to his nose, allowing him to smell, and then raised above his head, repeating in an encouraging tone: “voice!”. The task of the owner: do not let the dog reach for the treat. In the first few minutes, the baby will try to reach the piece, jump and rush about, but then sit down and bark or whine. Immediately after the publication of any sound, a tasty piece is given to the pet with stormy praise.
  2. Through imitation. For working out it is necessary, the presence of an already trained dog. Pets are taken on leashes, seated nearby, the owner shows them a treat and gives a command in a cheerful voice. A trained dog barks loudly, is given a tasty bite and praised, then the process is repeated. At the first command that they want from him, an untrained puppy does not understand, begins to reach out to the barking dog, to worry, and when he gets a treat, the puppy begins to get very nervous. For some pets, two repetitions are enough for them to start barking out of indignation.
  3. The use of a favorite toy or retrieval object for practicing is also effective. To arouse interest, they play with a ball for a few seconds, then throw the toy aside so that the pet cannot reach it, it is on a leash. The dog is torn for a while, trying to get the ball, then begins to whine or bark. Immediately, loudly and cheerfully, “voice!” is said, the puppy is treated and allowed to get a toy.
  4. With a clicker. A clicker is a simple, clothespin-like device that produces clicks. To practice "voice!", like the other, the animal must understand one initial principle: a click means approval for the action performed. To do this, any click is reinforced by giving treats or praise. The owner must wait until the animal gives a voice, the reason for barking can be any. As soon as the puppy made a sound, the owner clicks the clicker, gives the command “voice!”. After a few arbitrary repetitions, it is absorbed.

Working on command

It is necessary to consolidate the exercise in various conditions, by all means ensure that the animal barks from sitting and lying positions.

You can teach at home: in a room or in your own yard, the dog can accurately and quickly execute orders, and when guests or on the street completely ignore the calls of the owner. The presence of strangers, animals, different sounds and smells - all this greatly distracts the dog, and if you deal with him only on the site or at home, and not in street conditions, then the execution of orders will be unimportant.

Initially, training is carried out in conditions where no one bothers the puppy to focus on what the owner wants from him. An apartment or a quiet corner of the yard is suitable for this. As soon as the pet understands what is required of him, and the team is approved, the next stage begins.

Working off is transferred to the street, and each time changing the place of execution. Ideally, the owner should teach the “voice!” command by sitting the dog up to five times during the walk. A noisy intersection, a quiet alley, a private sector in which dogs bark behind every fence, or a park with many children - all this is suitable for confident execution of an order.

Differences in training methods if you are teaching an adult dog or puppy

For both small children and small puppies, the best way to teach this or that exercise is to play. In the game, commands are better remembered, the dog does not get tired, is not distracted, is passionate.

The frequency of repetition, sequence and manner of pronunciation is important: for kids it will be enough to execute the command “voice!” for the whole walk or waking time several times.

It's easier with older dogs. Pets are well aware that learning is not always an interesting, but necessary process, if you fulfill the requirements of the owner, then reward and praise will always follow.

Overly active, temperamental dogs can easily learn "Voice" during play, especially those breeds that love to bark.


Pets do not want to bark and voice

The reluctance of a dog to bark on command has several reasons:

  • Lack of motivation in the dog to fulfill the requirements of the owner. This important reason is common in dominating dogs who do not recognize the authority of the owner and do not consider it necessary to follow his orders. In such a situation, there may be people with a weak, gentle character, and the task of the owner is to show his pet that he is the leader, the head of the pack.
  • Natural feature (not a skill due to physical data). Some members of the canine tribe do not know how to bark, such as Malamute or Basenji, which show their emotions by howling loudly or making sounds that resemble laughter or crying. Do not be upset, because you can teach such a pet to howl on command, and if you get a completely unyielding silent, then this is much better than the incessant piercing bark that some breeds have.

Unworkable breed commands

There are breeds that have their own view of the unsuccessful and pathetic, in their opinion, attempts by the owner to train them at least a little. Most dogs are well aware that they want to be taught, but flatly refuse to succumb to training at home, pretending to be incomprehensible or exhausted. The owners are only surprised at how the tired, exhausted basset is instantly transformed after the command “walk!”. The animal is simply unrecognizable, it frolics merrily with a neighbor's dog and pretends to be tired immediately after the command to "engage".

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