Dangerous pneumonia in dogs: how not to confuse it with a cold and provide timely assistance. Aspiration pneumonia in dogs

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) occurs in all animal species. depending on the reasons and clinical signs There are two forms of pneumonia: catarrhal and croupous, or fibrinous. In most cases, catarrhal pneumonia develops on the basis of microbronchitis. It is one of the most common animal diseases, especially in young animals (calves and piglets).
Croupous pneumonia is most often infectious.
The reasons. Catarrhal pneumonia can be due to a variety of reasons. First of all, these include colds due to drafts, keeping animals in wet and cold weather on pastures, watering hot animals cold water, bathing and staying uncovered for a long time in the cold or in the wind.
One of the very common causes disease that deserves serious attention is the inept, forcible giving to animals medicines, as well as the ingress of foreign bodies into the bronchi in case of disorders of the act of swallowing and vomiting. In these cases, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs occurs, called aspiration bronchopneumonia. When pyogenic and putrefactive microbes enter the lungs, pneumonia is often complicated and ends with purulent-putrefactive decay. lung tissue. This process is called gangrene of the lungs.
In young animals, the cause of pneumonia is various errors and violations of the conditions of its maintenance, namely: the maintenance of young animals in disadvantaged, dirty, damp, stuffy rooms, insecurity of young animals with good, dry bedding, complete feed and mineral supplements.
Excessively high air humidity in combination with sharp fluctuations temperature. Inhalation of such air leads to disruption of gas exchange in the lungs and oxygen starvation body, hypothermia of the body, alternating with overheating, leads to various colds including the respiratory organs. The cause of pneumonia can also be a long-term lying of young animals on cold, damp soil during walks and grazing animals, as well as on damp, cold floors and wet bedding.
In the occurrence of pneumonia in young animals, vitamin starvation also plays an important role, especially hypo- and avitaminosis A, the lack of walks in the fresh air and the partially practiced watering of calves from a bucket (pneumonia due to inhalation and ingestion of milk into the lungs).
Croupous, or fibrinous, pneumonia is often observed in contagious diseases (contagious pleuropneumonia, epidemic pneumonia, swine fever, hemorrhagic septicemia, etc.). Sometimes croupous pneumonia also occurs due to the introduction of mold fungi and certain types of worms (dictyocaulosis, etc.) into the lungs.
Signs. With catarrhal inflammation of the lungs, the main signs of the disease are: general depression, decrease or complete absence appetite, high body temperature, thirst, rapid and difficult painful breathing and increasing shortness of breath, sometimes accompanied by stoma, weak, rapid pulse, increasing general loss of strength. There are also rapid emaciation of the animal, cyanosis of visible mucous membranes, profuse serous-mucous or muco-purulent bilateral discharge from the nose and a short, painful cough. When listening in the affected areas of the lungs, there is a weakening of breathing and wheezing, and later - complete cessation breath sounds; with percussion, dullness of percussion sound in the lesions is noted.
Croupous pneumonia, in contrast to catarrhal inflammation of the lungs, develops faster, proceeds more severely, with a constant high body temperature and increasing cardiac weakness. Croupous inflammation of the lungs is sometimes accompanied by the expiration of saffron-yellow, rusty discharge from the nose, which is characteristic of it, and very often leads to the death of animals. Croupous pneumonia must be regarded as a contagious disease.
Main hallmarks gangrene of the lungs are: putrefactive, fetid odor exhaled air and nasal discharge, painful cough, rapidly increasing great weakness animal and shortness of breath. When listening to the lungs, splashing and gurgling noises are noted.
Treatment. Regardless of the form of the disease, the animal must be released from work and given complete rest in a warm, spacious and clean room. It is necessary to improve nutrition, care and living conditions, and when weak pulse- support the work of the heart by giving the animal alcohol or vodka, diluted in 2-4 parts of water (for large animals - 50-100 ml, for small animals - 10-20 ml per dose). With catarrhal inflammation of the lungs, jars and mustard plasters are very useful, rubbing the chest with turpentine with vegetable oil or ammonia mixed with water, warm wraps, as well as inhalation of water vapor with creolin or turpentine.
It must be remembered that in cold weather, in an unheated room, it is impossible to prescribe vapor inhalation, since a cold and a worsening of the painful process are possible, and not an improvement in it.
Turpentine as an expectorant can be sprinkled in the stable without heating. Large animals are given inside 10-15 g of streptocide 2 times a day, 5-10 g of ammonia with powder from anise seeds, etc. As directed veterinarian appoint also intravenous injections sodium sulfathiazole at a dose of 0.02-0.03 g per 1 kg of animal weight in the form of 10% aqueous solution; 300-400 ml of 20% alcohol; 120 ml of a solution of rivanol in a dilution of 1: 1000 with 40 ml of alcohol; 400 ml of a 1% solution of streptocide; intramuscularly for 2-4 days, penicillin is injected at a dose of 300-600 thousand units of action (ED) every 6 hours.
In the treatment of pneumonia in young animals (calves and piglets), especially importance have the elimination of zoohygienic errors that caused the disease, and Attentive attitude to sick animals. Young animals are also recommended to give expectorants inside, periodically lightly rubbing into chest camphor alcohol or turpentine with oil (1 part turpentine to 9 parts vegetable oil), as well as mustard plasters with subsequent warm wrapping of the chest.
A beneficial effect is provided by giving acidophilus and lysozyme inside, which is used for 2-4 days, 0.5-1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Good therapeutic effect have sulfazol, norsulfazol, ftalazol, administered orally at 0.01-0.02 g per 1 kg of animal weight 3-4 times a day.
In addition, antibiotics (streptomycin, penicillin, etc.) are widely used in the treatment of pneumonia in young animals. Streptomycin is administered intramuscularly: calves - 30-50 thousand units every 4-6 hours for 6-7 days, piglets - 20 thousand units per 1 kg of animal weight 3 times a day; bicillin or biomycin - calves once at a dose of 300-500 thousand to 1 million units; penicillin for calves - 2-4 thousand units, for piglets - 3-5 thousand units per 1 kg of animal weight for 2-4 days.
It is recommended to give calves inside with milk 800 units of vitamin A per 1 kg of animal weight per day, vitamin D - 50 thousand units per calf and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - from 50 to 250 mg.
In croupous inflammation of the lungs, in particular in horses, as a specific remedy it is recommended to inject 3 g of novarsenol diluted in 60 ml of distilled water into a vein after preliminary subcutaneous injection heart funds. Otherwise for treatment lobar pneumonia use the same methods and means that are used for catarrhal pneumonia.
Prevention. It is necessary to protect animals from colds, as the main predisposing cause of pneumonia, and also to observe the rules of zoohygiene in terms of keeping, feeding and exploiting animals. Bearing in mind that inflammation of the lungs is very often accompanied by various contagious diseases, precautions must be taken with regard to patients: until the arrival of a veterinarian, they must be isolated from healthy animals, especially with lobar pneumonia.
To prevent pneumonia in young animals, it is necessary to create proper conditions for them and provide them with adequate feeding and nutrition. good care. To do this, young animals should be placed in comfortable, dry and bright rooms. In these rooms, it is systematically necessary to remove manure and slurry, to monitor the health of ventilation and sewage systems in order to prevent dampness and high humidity in them. Young animals should be regularly provided with walks in the fresh air, and in the summer they should be kept in camps.
Important in the prevention of pneumonia correct mode drinking milk, giving a clean drinking water after drinking milk, top dressing minerals (salt, bone meal, chalk, etc.) and foods rich in vitamins (green grass, etc.).
In order to prevent pneumonia, it is also recommended to give acidophilus to young animals, which can replace up to half daily ration milk.

Inflammation of the lungs and bronchi of a lobular nature, which occurs when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.

E t i o l o g and i

Violation of the act of swallowing with pharyngitis, intoxication, vomiting, tympania of the proventriculus.

In newborn animals, aspiration pneumonia can occur when amniotic fluid enters the trachea, which often happens during prolonged labor.

The disease can be observed as a result of medicines entering the lungs through the trachea with the inept introduction of a nasoesophageal or gastric tube into animals, as well as with improper, forcible giving of drugs and irritating medicines. Aspiration pneumonia may be caused by swallowing disorders when animals are fed uncooled liquid feed especially after long breaks in feeding.


In cases of ingestion of a large amount of liquid food or a highly irritating mass, especially in weakened animals, catarrhal or catarrhal-purulent inflammatory diseases develop in the bronchi and lungs, which can later be complicated by a purulent-necrotic process. If urgent medical care is not provided, pneumonia progresses greatly, which can lead to death from asphyxia or sepsis; sometimes the process is complicated by gangrene of the lungs.

S ymptoms

It is characterized by an acute course and a rapid increase in signs of bronchitis and pneumonia. Immediately after aspiration into the respiratory tract of a foreign mass, the animals develop a cough.

Within a few hours, breathing is rapid and tense, the general condition deteriorates sharply, appetite disappears. Wet rales are heard in the lungs. In a severe course of the disease in animals, the general condition progressively worsens, asphyxia, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, and cardiovascular insufficiency develop.

D i a g n o z

Put on the basis of anamnesis (the onset of the disease immediately after gastric lavage, esophagus sanding, forced giving of medicines, etc.) and clinical symptoms.

AT differential diagnosis rule out poisoning infectious diseases with violation of the act of swallowing (rabies), acute expansion of the stomach, tympanum of the proventriculus of cattle.


Eliminate the cause of the disease, with a sudden appearance deep cough and presence in sputum foreign masses washed oral cavity clean warm water or disinfectant solutions: sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate, ethacridine lactate, boric acid and etc.). Administer a course of antibiotics to maximum doses, as in croupous pneumonia, cardiac agents (caffeine, cordiamine, corazol, etc.), intravenous solutions of glucose, calcium chloride. Shown oxygen therapy.

P r o f i l a k t i c a

Compliance with the rules of administering medicines, sanding the esophagus, washing the proventriculus and stomach. Protect from inhalation of dust, avoid feeding with dry loose feed.

Pneumonia and its complications in dogs

bacterial pneumonia . Occurs in debilitated animals sharp decline natural resistance of the organism. It is especially severe in young and old dogs. The causative agents of the disease are the same as in bronchitis. The secondary occurrence of bronchopneumonia is characteristic of plague (in the second stage).

Symptoms lobar pneumonia are general weakness, fever. Above 39 ° C, shortness of breath, cyanosis. Over the affected lobe of the lung, dullness of percussion sound is canceled, bronchial breathing, crepitus, pleural friction noise are heard. Focal bronchopneumonia is characterized by a sluggish, wet, painful cough, easily provoked by percussion of the chest. In the lung fields, foci of dullness of the percussion sound are revealed, bronchovesicular breathing and moist fine bubbling sonorous rales are heard.

Radiologically, massive lobar or lobular spotty opacities are found mainly in the cranial or middle lobes of the lungs. Typical aerobronchography.

Treatment. Effective symptomatic remedies, as in bronchitis, for a period of 7 days, but it is necessary to immediately administer broad-spectrum antibiotics in high doses. With viral infections, this is only as an addition to the treatment of the underlying disease. In the case of a severe course of the disease, glucocorticoids, cardiac glycosides and agents that improve blood circulation are also prescribed.

Aspiration pneumonia . Inflammation of the lungs resulting from inhalation of water, food, vomit. Aspiration occurs in drowning animals, in diseases of the central nervous system, obturation by a foreign body of the esophagus, loss of consciousness, anesthesia with a full stomach, at the time of swallowing. Severe aspiration pneumonia is rare. A severe course of the disease occurs with high acidity of the aspirated masses.

Symptoms. At the first moment, the phenomena of hemodynamic shock rapidly increase in the animal, but then, upon release, respiratory tract condition is improving. Further, the picture becomes similar to ordinary bronchopneumonia. The localization of radiographic opacities in the lungs is determined by the position of the dog's body at the time of aspiration. The most typical are caudoventral opacities.

Treatment. The listed phenomena always occur urgently, therefore, if possible, the doctor himself performs emergency measures or instructs the wearer on the telephone about first aid. At the first moment, the animal is placed in a head-down position, and 2-3 minutes after the main mass of the foreign body drains, 3 sharp lateral compressions of the chest are performed to push out the remnants. With deep aspiration, the aspirated masses are aspirated from the trachea and main bronchi using a probe. Then a 4.2% solution of sodium bicarbonate is injected there, thus washing the airways twice. In addition, broad-spectrum antibiotics, bronchospasmolytics and glucocorticoids are prescribed. With the phenomena of intractable shock, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Septic and thromboembolic pneumonia . There are rarely. Hematogenous spread of microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, etc.) against the background of a decrease in the body's natural resistance (overload, operations, therapy with glucocorticoids or cytostatics) determines the development of the disease.

The phenomena of septicopyemia come to the fore: high body temperature, general weakness, anorexia, shortness of breath (may be severe), cough (mildly expressed). The phenomena of endo- and myocarditis, polyarthritis, etc. join. Auscultation does not give definite data. On the radiograph in the diaphragmatic lobes, disseminated multiple unsharp spotty foci of darkening. Treatment is carried out for 10-14 days with broad-spectrum antibiotics and agents that improve blood circulation.

The diagnosis is confirmed by the study of sputum and feces for eggs and worm larvae.

Mycotic pneumonia . Rarely registered. They occur in certain regions of the country and are caused by pathogenic fungi such as proactinomycetes. Mycotic pneumonia may occur secondary to long-term use aminoglycoside antibiotics. The presence of symptoms indicates mycotic pneumonia chronic inflammation respiratory organs simultaneously with damage to the skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, central nervous system and bones. At the same time, a whitish coating is sometimes found on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. X-ray examination reveals changes only in primary mycoses. Histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis and nocardiosis are accompanied by a strong increase in bronchial lymph nodes and darkening in the region of the roots of the lungs. Primary foci with blastomycosis and histoplasmosis, they give round shadows in the lungs, resembling tumor metastases. Nocardiosis and actinomycosis are almost always accompanied by purulent pleurisy. The diagnosis is established by examining samples of pleural exudate or bronchial secretions. Filamentous fungi are found. An additional indication may be the resistance of a sick animal to traditional therapy. But a cure is possible. Effective use of amphotericin B for 4 weeks. and more (to avoid relapse). In the process of treatment, the mucous membranes are additionally treated with Lugol's solution.

Uremic pneumonia . Inflammation of the lungs associated with uremia, since the latter predisposes to pulmonary edema and the development of a bacterial infection.

Treatment: prescribe antibiotics and anti-uremia drugs.

lung abscess . Purulent fusion of lung tissue in the form of a limited focus, surrounded by an inflammatory roller. Most often, a purulent process in the lungs develops as an outcome of lobar pneumonia or a complication of bronchiectasis. Primary abscesses in the lungs occur with chest injuries, aspiration of foreign bodies, after surgery on the upper respiratory tract. It is also possible to develop an abscess by the hematogenous or lymphogenous route.

Symptoms. There are two periods. The period of abscess formation on average lasts 5-10 days. They note the general weakness of the animal, a stable temperature of 40-41 ° C, cough with scanty sputum, shortness of breath. On palpation of the chest, in some cases, there is pain along the intercostal space on sick side, percussion causes coughing. There may be a lag in the act of breathing of one half of the chest, inflamed. Percussion provokes new attacks of coughing, sometimes you can determine the tympanic sound over the focus of inflammation. X-ray picture lung abscess is no different from ordinary pneumonia: a large-focal circular darkening with jagged edges and fuzzy contours is determined. Sometimes it is an annular shadow with a diameter of 1-3 cm.

The second period of a lung abscess begins with a breakthrough of the abscess in the bronchi. Before this, the main symptoms intensify (temperature rises again, coughing, shortness of breath intensify). The breakthrough of the abscess into the drainage bronchus is accompanied by a sudden profuse discharge foul-smelling sputum which the dog coughs up and swallows back. X-ray examination after emptying the cavity gives a characteristic enlightenment in the lung with an unevenly limited thick-walled annular shadow. In most cases, with abscesses, recovery occurs with the formation of focal pneumosclerosis. With the aim of medical care prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, agents that promote expectoration and liquefaction of sputum, and bronchodilators. In rare cases, an abscess breakthrough occurs in the pleural cavity with the development of pyopneumothorax and pleurisy.

Pleurisy . Inflammation of the costal and pulmonary pleura. Almost always caused bacterial infection in the pleural cavity. Pleurisy occurs most often as a complication of pneumonia, when inflammatory process passes to the pleura or the focus of inflammation abscesses into the pleural cavity. Much less often, pleurisy is caused by the influence of a specific pathogen (nocardiosis, actinomycosis) and, as a casuistic case, it can be with perforation of the thoracic esophagus by a foreign body. There are dry and exudative pleurisy, but more often these are only stages of the process. With dry pleurisy, the pleura thickens and fibrin is deposited on it. Exudative pleurisy is characterized by the presence of effusion in the pleural cavity.

Symptoms. Dry pleurisy is accompanied by a painful cough, fever, soreness of the chest, pronounced abdominal breathing, pleural friction noises that occur synchronously with breathing.

With exudative pleurisy, the phenomena of purulent-resorptive fever come to the fore. Along with this, the animal noted a decrease in pain and the cessation of coughing. Then, with a large accumulation of exudate, shallow breathing develops, the chest seems enlarged, the dog no longer lies down, stands or freezes in sitting position until it collapses from exhaustion. Resorption of toxic products leads to sharp increase temperature and deterioration general condition animal. The mucous membranes are dirty red or cyanotic, heart sounds and breath sounds are very muffled, percussion reveals an absolutely dull sound over the exudate.

Diagnosis. Radiologically, exudative pleurisy is characterized by peripheral, mainly caudoventral darkening in the chest cavity, as well as immobility of the shadow of the exudate during the act of breathing or when changing the position of the body. Evidence of pleurisy is the aspiration of exudate from the pleural cavity. This also allows differentiating the disease from hydrothorax (hemothorax, chylothorax), tumor pleurisy. Aspiration of a thick exudate containing gray-yellow grains is characteristic of pleurisy with myocardiosis.

Treatment. Once a diagnosis has been made, one can effective treatment. AT initial stage analgesics, cough suppressants, and antibiotics are prescribed. With a large accumulation of exudate, in order to facilitate breathing, remove bacteria and toxins, apply antibiotics and enzymes locally, thoracocentesis is necessary. Thoracocentesis is performed only 3-5 times a day. Antibiotics and streptokinase are administered intrapleurally to improve fibrinolysis. Treatment is necessary for a long time, at least 14 days, especially with nocardiosis and actinomycosis (4-8 weeks). After the elimination of inflammation, the exudate usually resolves, but the pleura remains thickened, adhesions form between its sheets, and sometimes complete obliteration of the pleural cavity occurs.

Foreign body granulomas conservative treatment Unresponsive, a thoracotomy is required.

Atelectasis . The collapse of individual lobes of the lung or both lungs due to the equalization of intrapleural pressure with atmospheric pressure. In connection with a disease of the respiratory system, atelectasis occurs when the bronchial lumen is obstructed by highly edematous mucous membranes, bronchial secretions, or aspirated vomit. In addition, atelectasis can be caused by compression of the lung by intrapleural effusion, atmospheric air in pneumothorax, or a tumor. The most common cause of atelectasis are obstructive forms of bronchitis, aspiration pneumonia, pleurisy. In this case, individual lobes of the lung are more often affected. In the collapsed alveoli, gas exchange does not occur, therefore, the atelectatic organ performs only the role of a blood shunt. The formation of atelectasis is main reason shortness of breath and cyanosis in lung disease. In areas of the lung, switched off from breathing, secondary pneumonia develops.

Symptoms. The picture of the disease is mixed, characteristic of pneumonia. Atelectatic lobes of the lung or the whole lung on the radiograph can be distinguished by the following three features: darkening and reduction in the size of the affected part of the organ; displacement of the heart and mediastinum towards the shadow; cranial displacement of the dome of the diaphragm to blackout.

Treatment. First of all, they give a recommendation to the owner that it is necessary to provoke a cough in a dog by patting on chest wall, lay it on a healthy side and do general massage. Drug therapy is reduced to the treatment of pneumonia. Usually lung lobe, prone to atelectasis for a long time, eventually abscesses or fibroses.

Volvulus of a lung lobe . A rare disease, but dogs of dolichomorphic breeds (Afghan hound, collie, Russian greyhound) are clearly predisposed to it; their lung lobes are elongated. The disease occurs against the background of previous intrapleural effusions (chylothorax), with diaphragmatic hernia, after past injuries chest or operations on it. The frequency of damage to the lobes of the lungs in descending order is as follows: right middle, right anterior, left anterior and diaphragmatic. Clinically, the disease proceeds either acutely - with rapidly onset dyspnea, chest pain, deterioration of peripheral circulation and cough, or subacute, moderate dyspnea, loss of appetite and slightly impaired general well-being. In both cases, x-rays reveal a dense uniform darkening of the affected lobe of the lung with barely visible pneumobronchography against the background of darkening and intrapleural fluid accumulation. If the volvulus is complicated by rupture of the bronchi, a pneumomediastinum develops: against the background of resorbed air, individual structures of the mediastinum and neck become radiologically distinguishable. Can only be treated with lobectomy prompt removal lobe of the lung).

In medicine, aspiration refers to the inhalation of foreign substances into the respiratory tract. Aspiration pneumonia is pneumonia caused by the inhalation of foreign substances, most often the contents gastrointestinal tract. Aspiration leads to infection and inflammation of the lungs up to the development of necrosis of individual areas.

Causes of aspiration

Reasons that can lead to the entry of foreign substances into the lungs:

  • state of anesthesia and early postoperative period;
  • vomit;
  • underlying disease suggesting aspiration.

Paralysis of the larynx, megaesophagus, gastrointestinal diseases most often involve aspiration of stomach contents into the lungs. Various types of disturbances of consciousness are also a predisposing factor. One of the reasons for the development of aspiration is the introduction of drugs through the mouth.


Symptoms of the disease are typical for pneumonia. These are fever, cough, shortness of breath, lethargy. Moist rales are often heard on auscultation. The mucous membranes become bluish.


For the diagnosis of the disease, an important factor is previous episodes of vomiting or regurgitation - the reverse movement of food from the stomach and esophagus without symptoms of active contraction of the abdominal muscles.

The main reason for the loss of dairy cow productivity, along with poor nutrition and management, are respiratory diseases in winter period. The treatment of catarrhal pneumonia and bronchopneumonia requires large material costs and, depending on the nature of the course, alienates the animal from its healthy relatives for a long time. At acute course may result in the death of the animal.

The disease is characterized by catarrhal inflammation of the bronchi and individual sections of the lungs. The disease process usually spreads from the bronchi and is, as it were, a continuation of bronchitis, but this is not always the case. Sometimes inflammation begins with the alveoli, when the microflora has entered the lungs through the hematogenous route. Merging, inflamed foci can cover large areas of the lungs without losing their lobular character.


Predisposing factors are a cold, weakening of the body by some disease (anemia, rickets, metabolic disorders, indigestion), long-term content in poorly equipped and poorly ventilated rooms. This inflammation is often a companion of infectious diseases: infectious bronchopneumonia of horses, distemper in dogs, malignant fever C.R.S. and others. The causative agents of catarrhal inflammation of the lungs in most cases are conditionally pathogenic microflora respiratory tract.

Quite a few important role in the occurrence of bronchopneumonia play pulmonary helminths, mold fungi, inhalation of poisonous gases. Young and old animals are more likely to get sick. Penetration of foreign bodies during swallowing into the respiratory tract, into the lungs, bronchi and alveoli, cause special kind catarrhal pneumonia, the so-called aspiral pneumonia, characterized by its course and high mortality.

Pathological changes

Pathological and anatomical changes in catarrhal pneumonia are characterized by the fact that inflammatory changes arise in different parts lung at different times: in one area they can only begin, and in another place they can fade away. The inflammatory process captures individual lobules of the lung. These inflamed areas, varying in size, are scattered either over huge areas or over a large area. lung surface. But catarrhal pneumonias are always lobular, lobular.

When opening the chest, the lungs do not appear to be completely collapsed: they are light or dark red with a grayish-bluish tint, under the pleura and in the lung parenchyma there are hemorrhages in the affected areas. lung tissue compacted, airless, protrudes under neighboring areas. The cut surface of the lung is smooth, not granular, and when pressure is applied to it, a bloody or grayish liquid flows out. Along with inflammatory foci, with bronchopneumonia, wedge-shaped atelectatic sunken foci of a meat-like consistency are always found. In addition to these changes, the development of dry or exudative pleurisy is often found, as well as an increase in bronchial lymph nodes.


With anamnesis, they often indicate the possibility of a cold of the animal or one of the predisposing factors, the appearance of a cough. Cough at first dry, then wet. With bronchopneumonia, a severe general condition of the animal is noted: the animal is drowsy, pays little attention to external influences, the head and neck are weakly lowered, the front legs are somewhat apart, the appetite is reduced or absent. The temperature reaction has a remitting character and its fluctuations are not of a certain type. Development of each new inflammatory focus in the lungs is accompanied by a jump in temperature. Mucous membranes are usually interemated, cyanotic, profuse mucous, mucopurulent discharge is released from the nostrils, sometimes with an admixture of blood, but there are no outflows of a rusty color.

Breathing is labored and labored. Percussion, in accordance with the size of the inflammation, almost always sets a dull percussion sound with a slight sensation of a tympanic sound. Auscultation in places where percussion establishes dullness of sound, wet rales are heard, they are different. Special meaning for the diagnosis have sonorous crepe and fine wheezing.

Course of the disease

Due to the variety of causes that cause bronchopneumonia and due to the development of the inflammatory process, the course of the disease is different. With bronchopneumonia, the inflammatory process can “freeze” and resurface with new force. Sometimes the process spreads over large areas within a few days (with infectious etiology), and sometimes lasts for months, affecting one lobule after another (creeping bronchopneumonia). In cases favorable course inflammation can end in 2-3 weeks.


The prognosis depends on the underlying disease, the general condition and age of the sick animal: the younger or older the animal, the less favorable the prognosis. In aspiration pneumonia, the prognosis is almost always poor.

The prognosis also depends on the time when the animal fell ill, on the conditions of detention and on the time when treatment was started: the earlier the disease is noticed, the more favorable the prognosis. In general, the forecast should be somewhat doubtful.


First of all, a sick animal is kept in a moderately warm, without drafts, but with good ventilation, a bright room, under a canopy. Easily digestible food, such as bran mash or ground oats, root vegetables, and more water to drink. In the treatment of bronchopneumonia, the veterinarian should pursue several goals. They are as follows.

Increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors and cell viability. To activate protective equipment, mustard plasters are placed on the chest, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs and hold it for 2-3 hours, so that after it there is swelling in subcutaneous tissue. Carry out autohemotherapy.

The second goal is contribute to the dissolution and liquefaction of exudate and the accelerated release of the secret to the outside. This is achieved by giving the animal carbonic soda, ether-aromatic preparations (cumin, dill), inhalation of water vapor with turpentine and soda.

The third goal is maintaining defensive forces sick. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the peculiarities of the treatment of young, very old and weakened animals, with weakness of the heart. In such patients, the work of the heart should be constantly monitored and, if indicated, maintained with caffeine.

The fourth goal is fight against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. From the very beginning of treatment, antibiotics are used with a wide range actions or their choice is carried out after subtitration for sensitivity of the microflora of the respiratory tract to them. Used concomitantly with antibiotics sulfa drugs. Hypoavitaminosis is eliminated by the appointment of vitamin preparations. It should be borne in mind that the veterinarian must conduct full course treatment.


It is necessary to harden the body of animals with early age and not pamper them cold method keeping calves). A particularly important role in the prevention of respiratory diseases is played by the timely feeding of a newborn with colostrum in sufficient quantities. It is necessary to keep animals in clean, bright, well-ventilated rooms, sheds on deep litter. Particular attention is paid to animal feeding. The diet should be balanced in all respects, taking into account the productivity of the animal and age.

Pneumonia in calves

Pneumonia is the second most common disease after diarrhea in young calves.

In general, respiratory infections include all diseases affecting respiratory organs. On the other hand, the term "pneumonia" describes inflammation of the lungs only. Pneumonia is a disease whose stages can vary from subclinical to acute and even fatal. Depending on the severity of the infection, lung damage can be temporary or permanent. Calves with chronic pneumonia rarely fully recover and their use as replacement heifers is not recommended.

Majority respiratory diseases occur when calves are between six and eight weeks old. The result of the onset of the disease may be the interaction of several microorganisms, exacerbated by the stressful situation (for example, during transportation), housing conditions (for example, ventilation) and nutrition of the calf. The incidence rate (the number of diseases that occur) is usually high, but the mortality rate varies. Table 1 summarizes the main organisms that cause pneumonia.


Pneumonia often follows others infectious diseases. Organisms associated with disease often do not cause symptoms themselves. clinical disease without the presence of predisposing factors. In other words, a healthy calf rarely becomes sick if it is infected with any one microorganism. However, microorganisms of one species can enhance the influence of others (synergistic effect). For example, the disease is more severe if calves are infected with mycoplasma (eg M. bovis) and a bacterium (eg P. haemolytica) than if they are infected with only one of these bacteria. Occasionally, infection with one agent can weaken a calf's resistance. For example. infection with bovine syncytase virus (BSV) predisposes to

secondary infection. BSV virus destroys epithelial cells, the role of which is to cleanse the lungs of foreign agents.

Calves with chronic pneumonia rarely recover completely and their use as replacement heifers not recommended.

Per viral infection secondary bacterial infection usually follows (especially P. haemolytica and C. fpyogenes). BSV virus and adenovirus mainly infect the lower respiratory tract (lobes of the lungs). However, numerous microorganisms also colonize the upper respiratory tract (nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi).

Clinical signs

Although calves may not show acute signs pneumoniae before reaching the age of one month, they can be infected and carry microorganisms even at the age of 1 to 3 weeks. The manifestation of clinical signs is variable and varies in

various combinations:

1) nasal discharge (liquid and watery or thick and purulent);

2) dry cough, especially noticeable after exercise (cough can be observed even after the calf has recovered from the disease);

3) the temperature in the rectum is above 41°C (normal = 38.6°C);

4) damage to the lungs;

5) respiratory disorders(difficulty breathing or shortness of breath);

Predisposing factors

Nutrition with colostrum (i.e., passive immunity) serves as a good protection against pneumonia in calves during the first month after birth, as only a small number of cases of the disease are known during this period. The peak of the disease falls on the 40th-50th day after birth, which corresponds to the period of the minimum concentration of antibodies in the blood of the calf (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Calves are more susceptible to pneumonia between 4 and 6 weeks of age.

In healthy calves, immunoglobin A (IgA) has the highest disease resistance concentration in the upper respiratory tract and lungs (respiratory mycosis). However, immunoglobin G (IgG) dominates in the lungs of infected animals. A serum IgG level of more than 15 g/l is adequate to protect calves from pneumonia. Calves with reduced immune resistance or exposed to a large number of microorganisms are more susceptible to pneumonia. With inadequate feeding, housing and management techniques, the calf's immune resistance can be significantly reduced.

Poor ventilation and associated high humidity are often associated with pneumonia outbreaks. However, other environmental factors can also Negative influence. For example, concentrations of ammonia and other gases from manure and bedding decomposition can irritate a calf's lungs. Calves are more prone to contracting pneumonia if they are kept under the following conditions:

  • poorly ventilated room in which gases and microorganisms accumulate;
  • high ambient humidity combined with low temperature (cold moist air), and to a lesser extent low humidity combined with high temperature environment (hot dry air);
  • large fluctuations in daily temperature.


The following factors increase susceptibility to pneumonia:

  • calves are organized into groups too early and therefore healthy animals are exposed to microorganisms coming from sick animals with chronic or subclinical pneumonia;
  • calves are weaned too early, when they do not yet consume enough solid feed;
  • calves purchased from other farms are mixed together for long distance transport (stress).


Calves consuming large quantities of milk or milk substitutes with high concentration dry matter, can achieve high growth rates, but at the same time are more susceptible to pneumonia. This observation may be due to increased urine output, which makes the task of keeping the calf dry much more difficult, or due to stress resulting from rapid growth, which in turn reduces the immune resistance of the calf.

Selenium deficiency may be associated with high susceptibility to pneumonia; however, the experimental data are contradictory.

Prevention of pneumonia

Partially reducing or eliminating predisposing factors and correcting mishandling practices will greatly reduce the incidence of pneumonia. Adequate intake of colostrum, avoidance of nutritional stress, adequate maintenance and good natural ventilation are effective ways reduce the incidence of pneumonia. A number of vaccines are available to control many micro-organisms, but they should only be used when the name of the infectious agent is known. The immunization program against infections that are dominant in the area should be carried out with the help of a veterinarian.

Treatment of pneumonia

If a calf is sick, early recognition of the signs of the disease is important.

Adequate intake of colostrum, avoidance of nutritional stress, adequate housing and good natural ventilation are effective ways to reduce the incidence of pneumonia, factors in improving its survival.

The calf should be placed in a dry, well-ventilated room (with fresh air) in a warm room (or in the sun). Organization of fluid intake helps in cases of diarrhea and dehydration. In general, antibiotic treatment is aimed at reducing the effect of re-infection.

Bizplan.uz refrains from expressing certainty and / or guarantees (written or interpreted) regarding: the completeness, authenticity and accuracy of the information contained in this document. This document does not claim to be an exhaustive presentation and content of the full amount of information necessary to make a decision on the treatment and maintenance of animals. For professional diagnostics and treatment of animals Bizplan.uz STRONGLY RECOMMENDS TO APPLY TO PROFESSIONAL VETERINARY.

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