Treatment with folk remedies. Sinusitis. Whoever undresses him forgets about diseases! Burnaki from sinusitis: a strong remedy and a strong allergen

Someone considers folk remedies to be relics of the past, and someone is sure that there is nothing better than them - natural ingredients and the wisdom of generations - what could be better? The truth is somewhere in the middle - folk remedies are an excellent help in the treatment of many diseases, but only when they are correctly combined with drug therapy and only with the approval of the attending physician.

In this article, we will deal with the most popular folk remedies recommended in the treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses or, more simply, sinusitis.

However, we note right away - no matter how popular the above recipes are, and even if they helped your neighbor (girlfriend, husband), you should not use them without consulting a specialist.

Honey and, indeed, everything's head in folk medicine. This product has hundreds useful properties and is used in almost every folk recipe. Of course, honey is also used in the treatment of sinusitis.

The most popular recipe is:

  • Prepare an ointment of honey and vaseline (if vaseline is not at hand, you can do with honey alone).
  • Take cotton swab, dip in the ointment and insert the stick into the nostril. It is necessary to hold it for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then take a new wand and repeat the procedure with the second nostril.
  • After completing the procedure, rinse the nose with a solution sea ​​water or just salty.

Judging by the reviews on the network, people who fell ill with sinusitis for the first time need a couple of procedures to complete healing, but in chronic cases, treatment takes longer.

There is another good recipe honey therapy, however, it requires a visit to the bath, but literally in 3-5 procedures you can even recover from chronic sinusitis. All you need to do is to steam in the bath and put candied honey in your nose - while throwing your head back and tucking your nose with a cotton swab so that the honey does not leak out.

And, finally, one more remedy that can save you when a doctor has already indicated surgery:

  • Mix honey and aloe juice in proportions 1:1.
  • Bury the resulting "drops" into the nose, several drops 2-3 times a day.

After a few days, you should feel much better and may not need surgery.

Whoever undresses him forgets about diseases!

Onions are another favorite ingredient in folk recipes. Onion with sinusitis perfectly helps, and cook from this vegetable healing mixture very simple:

  • Take a small onion, cut a quarter from it (or an eighth if large).
  • Wrap the bow with gauze.
  • Bring the "pouch" to each nostril in turn and do deep breath- You will feel a slight burning sensation, but you should not be afraid.

Treatment of sinusitis with onions using this method should be carried out 3-5 times a day, it is necessary to take a series of 10-20 breaths of each nostril.

Another good recipe is onion oil treatment:

  • Pour into any container 50 grams vegetable oil.
  • Bring it to a boil in a water bath and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Mix prepared oil with onion juice in a ratio of 1:1.
  • The resulting product is instilled into the nose. After instillation for 10-20 minutes, you can not blow your nose!

Garlic water - saves from puncture and chronic sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis with garlic is a common and effective practice. One of best recipes is:

  • Pour 1-2 cloves of garlic with 100 ml of water - leave to infuse for at least an hour.
  • After an hour, remove the garlic, and instill water in your nose.

The procedure must be repeated several times a day. it excellent tool in the event that you are faced with the disease for the first time.

You can also use garlic for chronic sinusitis, but it is better to use this recipe:

  • Crush 3-4 cloves of garlic under a press, add a teaspoon of honey, vegetable oil and baking soda.
  • Leave the resulting mixture for 5-10 minutes, and then pour a liter of boiling water and pour into a thermos.

You will be very effective remedy for inhalations - you need to breathe as follows: inhale through your mouth for two minutes, exhale through your nose; two minutes is the opposite.

Baking soda is another useful household product.

Baking soda is useful in cooking, and to wash the sink, and ... to cure sinusitis - that's really unique product. Treatment of sinusitis baking soda It works best if you combine this product with salt:

  • Half a teaspoon of salt and soda are added to a glass of water - the water should be boiled.
  • If the solution is cold, it must be warmed up to room temperature.
  • With the resulting medicine, the nose is washed with a syringe.

The procedure must be repeated at least 4 times a day.

Kalanchoe - the flower of our health

If you have Kalanchoe growing on your windowsill - you are lucky - this flower is used as a component in many folk recipes. The prescription for sinusitis from Kalanchoe is as follows:

  • We tear off a few leaves from the flower and chop them finely.
  • We put Kalanchoe in the nose, wrapping it with gauze beforehand.
  • Keep swabs in your nose until you want to sneeze.

The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day. After the nose clears, rinse it for a few more days with sea or salt water.

Beetroot juice - for a clean nose and rosy cheeks!

Beetroot juice treats many diseases, including sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis beetroot juice looks very simple:

  • Squeeze out the beetroot juice.
  • Mix in proportions 1:1 with water.
  • Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-5 times a day.

To increase the effectiveness of the drug, mix beetroot juice not with water, but with carrot juice in the same proportions.

Burnaki from sinusitis: a strong remedy and a strong allergen

Have you heard of such a plant as burnaki? In the people it is called more simply - a camel's thorn. On the net you can find a lot of laudatory reviews about the incredible effectiveness of this plant in the fight against sinusitis. And, true, camel thorn has a strong bactericidal effect, it is pointless to argue with this. However, burnaki is a rather allergenic plant, and therefore its use in treatment must be approached with special responsibility.

For treatment, the aerial part of the plant is usually used; a dry mixture of this part can be purchased at any pharmacy. The agent is taken orally or compresses are made. For oral administration, a teaspoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, the decoction is taken 50 ml twice a day before meals. For compresses, the decoction is made steeper - a tablespoon of camel thorn is poured into a glass of water.

Herbs, herbs, herbs...

However, we are sure that it is not necessary to use this rather exotic plant for us to treat sinusitis. After all, we know a lot of other effective herbs. Herbs for acute and chronic sinusitis are effective, even if they are simply taken orally in in large numbers- and often doctors recommend drinking absolutely any herbal teas, making it a rule to replace black tea and coffee with them. Such advice is quite understandable - herbal infusions perfectly support the immune system, and all the forces of the body rise to fight the disease.

Herbal compresses and drops, as well as inhalations, are also effective for sinusitis. For inhalation, chamomile, mint, calendula, St. John's wort are best suited. All infusions are prepared according to one recipe: 1-2 tablespoons are poured into a glass of boiling water. Slightly less steep infusions (1-2 teaspoons) can be instilled from the nose, as well as wet gauze with them and make compresses.

And 1000 more recipes of folk wisdom!

The topic of treating sinusitis on your own at home with folk remedies is certainly worthy of a separate book and the recipes we have given are just a drop in the ocean folk wisdom. We just wanted to say: yes, drug treatment- efficient and modern approach but forget about generous gifts nature is wrong.

Inflammation of the paranasal paranasal sinuses- a life-threatening disease that causes great discomfort to the patient. To treat this ailment, traditional medicine is often used as an adjuvant therapy. Burnaki from sinusitis has been proving its effectiveness for more than a dozen years. When using this plant, you need to be extremely careful, as there is a risk of developing a lightning-fast allergic reaction. All actions must be discussed with the attending physician.

Use to relieve sinusitis drug therapy. Replace it with traditional healers it is forbidden. If this is done, the course of the disease may worsen or it will turn into chronic form which cannot be completely cured.

As adjuvant therapy for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses have proven to be effective folk remedies, including products based on camel thorn. This plant is rich in vitamins of groups B and C, which helps the patient recover faster. It also includes tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, sugars, essential oils, resins.

Due to its rich composition, burnaki has a powerful bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating effect. Most effective against streptococcal and staphylococcal infection with sinusitis.

AT medicinal purposes Most often, the aerial part of the plant is used. Harvesting of raw materials falls on the end of summer, the beginning of autumn.

With inflammation in maxillary sinuses, camel thorn is effective, but also very dangerous. You can use burnaki-based medicines only with the permission of a doctor. Wrong dosage can provoke anaphylactic shock. Before you start treatment with a plant, you need to know exactly how to use and prepare it.

cooking recipes

For the treatment of sinusitis is taken only top part plants (leaves, thorns). Decoctions, compresses are made from burnaki, its seeds are inhaled.

The duration of treatment, dosage are selected individually, depending on the complexity of the course of sinusitis, comorbidities, age features organism.

Consider several recipes for the preparation of products based on camel thorn for the treatment of sinusitis, how to use them.


To prepare a decoction, one teaspoon of dried leaves should be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Let it brew, take a quarter cup twice a day before meals. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. Every day a new remedy is prepared.

The decoction has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, bactericidal action. When symptoms appear general malaise, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, treatment should be canceled.


The solution for external use of burnaki for a compress for sinusitis should be concentrated. For its preparation, 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is taken in a glass of boiling water. The ingredients are mixed, infused for an hour. After strain, pour the broth into an enamel bowl, put on water bath up to 60 degrees.

Next, you should take gauze or a bandage, fold it in several layers, get wet with a decoction and apply it to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. As soon as the lotion has cooled, it must be moistened again with a warm solution. The whole procedure lasts about 20 minutes. You can do compresses three times a day for ten days.

When discomfort stop manipulation immediately. A new decoction is prepared for each session.

This therapy will help eliminate pain, remove swelling from the tissues that occurs with sinusitis.


To carry out inhalations with burnaki, it is not necessary to prepare solutions. To do this, one dry thorn is taken, it should be thoroughly crushed, and the resulting powder should be inhaled.

(What the thorn looks like can be seen by looking at the photo)

Within a few minutes, the nose will show signs of irritation, followed by active mucus production, which can last up to several days. With the help of this procedure, the maxillary sinus and nasal passages are completely cleared of inflammatory exudate.

For people who have a deviated septum or have neoplasms of the upper respiratory tract, the procedure is contraindicated.

Application restrictions

In spite of wide range the action of burnaki, it is necessary to use this plant for sinusitis with great care and only with the permission of the attending physician. This is especially true for people with the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • liver pathology, including cholelithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes of the urinary system;
  • violation of sweating;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • constipation.

The main contraindication to the use of camel thorn is burdened allergic history. The components that make up the composition are very aggressive, getting into the body, they can cause a lightning reaction, including angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

Not to be used by children under 12 years of age.

The benefits and harms of treatment

Burnaki-based preparations have a wide spectrum of action and are used not only for sinusitis. Vitamins B and C strengthen protective function body, its susceptibility to infections. Alkaloids increase metabolism, healing processes are faster. Tannins have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, anti-edematous properties. Essential oils work like vasoconstrictors, they relieve swelling, providing a free outflow of inflammatory exudate from the maxillary sinuses.

I would like to note that camel thorn acts not only on the upper Airways It affects every process in the body. This must be taken into account when choosing this remedy for treatment.

Under the influence of burnaki, the activity of the food glands increases, including the secretion of bile. Therefore, people who have congestion in the liver, the presence of stones in gallbladder and pancreas, it can not be used. The use of drugs based on this plant can provoke an attack of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, obstructive jaundice.

In addition to the digestive system, under the influence of burnaki, the glands of the endocrine and sweat-excreting systems are also activated. Patients with diabetes and hydrosis, the use of the product is not recommended.

Towards urinary system, burnaki has a pronounced diuretic effect. In the presence of kidney stones and other inflammatory processes application is prohibited.

Camel thorn is also able to increase blood pressure its use in patients with hypertension is not recommended.

It is possible to treat sinusitis with preparations based on burnaki only with the permission of a doctor in the absence of contraindications. The plant is very useful, but at the same time aggressive.

Before taking drugs, you should purchase antihistamines, since the main side effect after use is allergic reaction. If dizziness, nausea appear after taking the medicine, therapy should be discontinued. When the use of the drug caused severe tickling in the throat, suffocation, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Every day you need to cook new drug. Raw materials for this can be bought at a pharmacy. If you harvest it yourself, then you need to do this at the end of summer and the first months of autumn, when a period will pass active flowering. Do not use fresh leaves, only dry.

Burnaki with sinusitis is a very effective remedy, you can use it only as supportive therapy. A comprehensive and responsible approach to treatment will help get rid of the disease forever, leaving no consequences for the body.

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Sinusitis - treatment at home and folk remedies.

A large number of diseases that can be cured with folk remedies, people are trying to cure with surgical intervention, or by using medical preparations, which in turn provide adverse effect on the body. Sinusitis refers to those types of ailments that you can get rid of grandmother's methods, and it is not worth excluding them from the treatment process.

So, what is sinusitis and how to deal with this disease?

Sinusitis is called inflammation of the adnexa maxillary sinus located in the nose area. acute form this disease in many cases begins to develop after past illnesses such as scarlet fever, influenza, measles and many other diseases infectious nature.
Often, sinusitis appears due to dental inflammatory diseases. But, according to experts, the most common reason is still hypothermia against the background of deteriorating immunity.
If we take into account chronic sinusitis, then it occurs due to acute inflammation, treatment which was carried out incorrectly and untimely. Most often, the disease becomes chronic in the absence of favorable conditions for outflows of pathological secrets that form in the sinuses. The appearance of chronic sinusitis also contributes to the curvature in the nasal septum.
Given the pathways of penetration of pathogens of the described disease, experts distinguish between sinusitis into several types:
- odontogenic;
- rhinogenic (usually observed in adults);
- traumatic;
- hematogenous (observed in children).

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How to treat sinusitis: antibiotics, homeopathy, procedures

Sinusitis or sinusitis is one of the most common diseases, so information about how to treat sinusitis is of interest to many. Even if you have already visited the doctor who diagnosed you, he is unlikely to be able to short reception explain all the features of drugs. Meanwhile, there are enough ways to treat sinusitis.


Since sinusitis is an inflammation that begins with a simple runny nose, many do not notice how the disease develops. That is why more often than not, doctors answer the question “how to cure sinusitis” with antibiotics or homeopathic preparations. Medicines is the simplest and effective method start fighting the infection.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

After a visit to a specialist, a patient with sinusitis, as a rule, leaves the office with a prescription on which the names of antibiotics are indicated. They are prescribed by a doctor who takes into account the following factors:

  • gender, age, physical state the patient;
  • The degree of development of the disease and its type;
  • Special moments (for example, the presence of pregnancy or chronic diseases).

In addition to the name of the drug, the course of its use is also determined. It is worth noting that the time of taking antibiotics is especially important: unreasonably long treatment can lead to bacteria becoming resistant to pills, and taking pills too short will not allow them to completely destroy the infection.

So, let's consider how sinusitis is most often treated, and what are the most popular antibiotics prescribed to patients, namely Macropen, Cefataxime, Sumamed and Augmentin.


Macropen is one of the relatively new drugs. The peculiarity of macrofoam is that it acts very quickly and eliminates the most unpleasant symptoms sinusitis - pain in the sinuses and constant fatigue. Also, thanks to the new formula, it allows you to get rid of those forms of sinusitis that have become resistant to other drugs.

Macropen is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children from three years of age. Contraindications are breastfeeding and pregnancy.

what kind of plant is burnaki and how do they hatch

gulzat shoibek Pupil (97), closed 5 years ago

Julia Vdovichenko Supreme Intelligence (209633) 5 years ago

Burnaki is vernacular name Central Asian plant, which in folk medicine is considered effective means against sinusitis.
For treatment, prickly spherical brown fruits resembling fruits are used. horse chestnut smaller than a walnut. Inside the ball is a white mass, similar to a washcloth or cobweb. When rubbed in a mortar, it turns into a powder that should be inhaled through the nose. At the same time, a strong reaction of the mucosa begins, the nose begins to frantically flow and flows for 2-3 days, thus the pus is thoroughly washed out, which is the meaning of such treatment of sinusitis.
On the forum in the topic Concha hypertrophy, crooked septum, sinusitis, the person who used this remedy describes the technology in detail and warns:
"When it is used for sinusitis, it's like an allergic reaction of the body, which contributes to the outflow of all the mucus. But you need to be VERY CAREFUL, because it is still poisonous."
On the forum [link blocked by the decision of the project administration], the doctor writes:
"I do not advise you to indulge in such drugs, and even more so to recommend it to anyone - it often gives Quincke's edema and others anaphylactic reactions! Allergy sufferers are especially susceptible to this phenomenon ... for last year There were 6 cases, one of which was right in front of my eyes. And all he inhaled was healing herbs, and after 2 hours he was in our bed. "
So think carefully before testing the effect of this drug on yourself or on your loved ones!
I really wanted to find the exact Latin name and a photo of this mysterious plant, but the only thing that could be found was such a mention in the source of ATTORS - PHARMACIES OF FOLK MEDICINE OF THE MUSLIM EAST. Author: V. L. Ogudin.
"Uzbek colloquial burnaki. Family Cucurbitaceae - gourd. Introduced from North America. Medicinal raw materials: fruits. Application: from sinusitis"

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which in 80% of cases occurs after a runny nose, colds, as a complication after SARS.

Conservative treatment sinusitis most often only facilitates the course of the disease. With an exacerbation of the disease, in order to prevent surgical intervention:

  • instill 3-5 drops of menthol oil into the nose, at the same time lubricate the forehead, temples, and nose with it.
  • Can menthol oil mix in half with camphor;
  • put a slice of dry bread on a hot stove. When the cracker begins to burn, inhale the smoke through the nostrils
  • within 3-5 minutes;
  • crushed propolis (1 tsp) mix with sunflower and softened butter
  • (3 teaspoons each). Soak with this mixture cotton swab and lay in the nose 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • do inhalations (breathe over the steam).
♦ Stop drinking milk and dairy products (according to some health professionals, chronic runny nose, turning into sinusitis, is the result of excessive consumption of milk, especially pasteurized, and food containing a lot of starch and sugar).
♦ If you lose your sense of smell, pour vinegar into a hot pan and inhale the vapors.
  • when blowing your nose, release each half of the nose separately, closing the other nostril so that the mucus in no case gets from the nose into auditory tube or middle ear;
  • you need to dig into the nose while sitting or lying on your back, tilting your head back a little and turning it in the direction from which the drops are instilled. In this position, the medicine will enter the middle nasal passage, which contributes to a better outflow of contents from the maxillary sinus.
If this is not observed simple rule drops will immediately fall into the nasopharynx and the treatment will be reduced to zero.

Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies:

Aloe, celandine and honey from sinusitis
Needed to prepare medicine Fresh Juice celandine. Of course, the easiest way to get it is in the summer, although some people preserve it. It is better to be treated in the summer. Skip fresh plant through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. In addition to celandine juice, aloe juice is needed. It is not necessary to turn it through a meat grinder. Aloe has very juicy leaves. It is only necessary to cut the thorns, remove the skin and squeeze the juice. The third component is honey. All these components are mixed in equal proportions. We collect medicine in a pipette and instill 5-10 drops into each nostril. Anything that gets into your mouth, spit it out immediately, in no case swallow it! You will do this 3-5 times a day. Bury for about 10 days. This is such a course of treatment. More sinusitis will not bother you.

Cyclamen from sinusitis
An excellent remedy for sinusitis is cyclamen root ( indoor plant). Grate the root on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, and then mix it with a 1: 4 solution of furacilin. Bury in the nose 2 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. More sinusitis will not bother you.

beeswax for sinusitis
Melt the wax over low heat. As it cools, form into thick loaves. Apply them to the maxillary sinuses for 20 minutes, covering the top with a scarf to keep warm. Do this in a day. The course of treatment is at least 15 procedures. Wax can be used 3 times. Procedures to do before going to bed. Here such warming up get rid of sinusitis.

Miracle ointment for sinusitis
Burdock root is an excellent remedy for runny nose and sinusitis.
In the fall, before frost, dig up the burdock root, clean it of dirt and chop (but not very finely). In a bottle of dark (brown) glass, pour chopped burdock roots and pour sunflower oil(only necessarily the one with the smell). Close it all tightly with a cork. Put the bottle in a dark place to infuse (about 2 weeks). Shake the mixture well before each use. Take cotton turundas, moisten with this mixture and insert into each nostril for 10-15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated up to five times a day. Even after the first procedure, you will notice an improvement in your condition. Runny nose, sinusitis are cured.

Black radish relieves sinusitis
Take a small black radish and wash it well hot water. No need to clean! The radish should be with skin. Grate it on a fine grater to make a gruel. Take about 2 tbsp. of this mass and lay out on a piece of cotton fabric. Roll up to make a bag. Now we need to get ready. The radish is quite caustic, so the skin can get burned or irritated. Lubricate the nose and the area around the nose with baby cream. You can take ordinary vegetable oil. After that, put a bag with grated radish, a piece of parchment paper on top and wrap it with a woolen scarf. The most important condition: after the procedure, you can not go out into the cold, you must stay warm all the time. So it's best to do it in the evening. It is necessary to keep the compress for 10 minutes, more and you can not stand it - it bakes. After that, the face will become red, but everything will pass overnight. Do such warming up for about 10 days, after which all the symptoms of sinusitis will stop!

Washing the nose with infusion of herbs will relieve sinusitis
Assure any herb with anti-inflammatory action: chamomile, sage, calendula (at the rate of 2 teaspoons of dry herbs for 2 tablespoons of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes). Strain the resulting infusion, squeeze, divide into 2 parts. We wash the right nostril with the first glass of infusion: pour it into a mug (for enemas), insert the tube into the right nostril, lie on the left side, close the nasopharynx with the tongue so that water comes out into the left nostril. Water will go through the sinuses of the nose, forehead and flow out. Then use the second glass of infusion also for washing the left nostril, lie down on the right side. After 3 such procedures, the purulent rod will fly out and the sinusitis will not.

Light beer is an excellent remedy for sinusitis
For sinusitis, heat light beer to 35-40 ° and instill 7 drops into both nostrils every 2 hours, the nose will clear in a week.

To get rid of sinusitis - propolis oil
Try making it at home: take a piece of propolis the size of Walnut, chop, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of boiling vegetable oil. Boil 2 minutes, cool and strain. Instill 1 drop into each nasal passage 3 times a day. When there is no aggravation, warm the maxillary sinuses with small bags filled with hot salt. But if with the help of these simple tips it is not possible to cope with the disease, go to the doctor.

Ointment for sinusitis
Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, milk, alcohol, onion juice, vegetable oil, grated laundry soap. Mix, melt in a water bath. Insert flagella with ointment into the nostrils 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Forget about your sinusitis!

Inhalations and washings from sinusitis
For 1.5-2 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of eucalyptus leaves, bring to a boil and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then bring to a boil again. Put the pan on the table, cover with a towel and breathe over the vapors. Also rinse the nose with salt water for 1 tbsp. water 1/2 tsp salt. The disease will recede.

Ledum marsh treats sinusitis
It is necessary to mix 100 ml of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of wild rosemary and insist in a warm dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain and instill into each nostril 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day. A few days after such treatment, you will feel relief, and then you will completely forget about your sinusitis.

Tincture of celandine will cure sinusitis
With a runny nose and sinusitis, you can lubricate the bridge of the nose and nasal sinuses with tincture of celandine. Prepare it like this. Take 1 tablespoon of finely chopped celandine (you can take dry pharmaceutical celandine - 1 tbsp with a slide). Add a few large aloe leaves (do not water the plant for a week before cutting). Grind 1 red pepper and add to the mixture. All pour 0.5 liters of vodka, put in a cool place for 10 days. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Washing from sinusitis
The following recipe will help get rid of sinusitis: Take 1 tsp. honey in 200 ml warm boiled water and rinse your nose with this solution, draw in the liquid from each nostril in turn, tilting your head towards the nostril you are working on so that the sinuses are filled medicinal infusion. Do this very slowly and carefully, or even better, use a nasal lavage device, which is sold in a pharmacy. These procedures very well thin the mucus that accumulates in the maxillary sinuses. Do washing 5-6 times a day. At the same time, it is better not to leave the house in order to be constantly warm. After a week, you will feel that you are breathing easily.

Bay leaf will help with sinusitis
30 g of crushed raw materials pour 1 tbsp. heated vegetable oil, insist five days, strain. Oil instilled into the nose 2-3 drops several times a day.

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