What do you need to do to make acclimatization easy? How to shorten the adaptation period. BezOkov recommends: additional means in the fight against the symptoms of acclimatization

Some people, especially children, endure adaptation to new conditions very acutely. One of the symptoms of this condition is elevated body temperature.

The temperature during acclimatization can be very high, up to thirty-nine degrees, and maybe a little higher - about thirty-seven degrees. It happens that with a breakdown, the temperature of a person’s body becomes not elevated, but lowered. Therefore, it is quite difficult to predict what will happen during adaptation once again.

At elevated temperatures, it is recommended to give antipyretic drugs. But before using them, you need to consult with the doctors of the country where the person lives permanently, as well as with those doctors who serve tourists at resorts. Among antipyretics, the use of Paracetamol, Nurofen, Eferalgan is recommended.

Diarrhea on acclimatization

Diarrhea during acclimatization can be a sign of maladaptation, or it can mean the presence of an intestinal infection in the body. In the first case, the unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own, although you can take care of taking various drugs, for example, Mezim, Smecta, Enterosgel, Ftalazol. You also need to limit yourself in taking exotic delicacies and eat only those foods that are similar to the usual. The same applies to water - you should not use local and from the tap. You need to buy bottled water, clean, non-carbonated, with low mineralization.

In the second case, it is important to stop the spread of the infection in time, and only a qualified specialist can do this after examining the patient and familiarizing himself with all the necessary laboratory tests.

Therefore, doctors do not advise risking their own health and self-medicating. It is important to contact the doctors at the place of stay in order to clarify the diagnosis and develop appropriate therapeutic measures.

Vomiting on acclimatization

Vomiting during acclimatization can serve as a symptom of maladjustment to new conditions, and can serve as a sign of poisoning or an intestinal infection introduced into the body.

With vomiting, which has become the cause of acclimatization, you need to temporarily limit yourself to food. It is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. The liquid should be taken in small sips, but often. Water can be slightly acidified with lemon juice.

It is also important to show a sick person to a doctor so that he excludes options for poisoning and infection of the digestive tract, and also prescribes appropriate therapy.

Acclimatization in adults

Acclimatization in adults is not as acute as in children. Although there are categories of the adult population who should carefully monitor their own well-being and make sure that adaptation takes place in the most gentle way.

The elderly, as well as those suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular spectrum, bronchi and lungs, as well as those of the musculoskeletal system, should be very attentive to their well-being. Climate change is not preferred by all of these categories. People after forty-five years of age are not at all recommended to change their usual climatic zone in order to relax.

It is also important to know about the problems of acclimatization for people with skin diseases - neurodermatitis and psoriasis, which can be aggravated by a large amount of direct sunlight. Moreover, such relapses happen at home, upon returning from exotic trips.

Acclimatization in women

Acclimatization in women is usually associated with changes in hormonal levels. And such changes affect both the mood of beautiful ladies and their well-being. Moreover, in some cases, women and their companions do not get off with the usual tantrums and whims. A lady may experience a banal, but not very suitable for relaxation, nervous breakdown. Such a high sensitivity of women turns into the susceptibility of their psyche and body to changes in the natural conditions of her residence.

It is also typical for the female body to “recoup” on its mistresses with interruptions in the menstrual cycle. And all other symptoms in women are manifested in the same way as in men.

Menstruation and acclimatization- an important topic that can cause women's concerns. Often, when returning from a trip to warmer climes or other resorts, ladies notice that for some reason the long-awaited menstruation does not occur. They can sin in free air and in the absence of the necessary contraceptives in their sexual relations with their partner. And there are thoughts that it is worth waiting for replenishment in the family. But going to the doctor does not confirm such a conclusion, but, on the contrary, a verdict is issued about a failure in the menstrual rhythm, the cause of which was a trip to rest.

Do not worry about this, and especially start taking any drugs. The main thing now is to calm down and allow yourself to exist in a psychological mode that is comfortable for you. The female psyche and hormones are closely interconnected, therefore, the calmer the woman, the faster the restoration of all important processes in the body for her will occur. Including the monthly cycle, which will improve when the woman's body gets used either to a new place of residence, or already upon returning home, when the reacclimatization processes are over.

Acclimatization in children

Children are very sensitive to climate change. Therefore, doctors advise not to take children who are not yet three years old with them to different resorts - sea, mountain, and so on. At the same time, children older than this age also vividly and strongly endure acclimatization in new conditions for themselves.

Parents, going on a trip to distant lands, need to study the climate and other features of the country. It is important to understand how the benefits of a trip can outweigh the disadvantages of temporary accommodation in a holiday destination. Experts do not recommend taking children to countries where the air temperature rises to forty or fifty degrees. Children with respiratory problems especially suffer in such places, where increased conditions of humidity and heat can even provoke the emergence of a new disease.

In addition, it is important for parents to know that many trips to unsuitable natural conditions can provoke a number of diseases in a child that no one even knew about. In this case, diseases can become chronic and not let go of the child for many years. And when changing climatic zones, it intensifies and does not allow the baby and parents to enjoy the rest. Therefore, acclimatization in children is an important process, the study of which will help parents make the right decision.

Acclimatization in the south

When traveling to the southern regions, it is important to know that the combination of high temperature and high humidity can play a trick on an unusual person. Acclimatization in the south requires the adoption of a number of measures that will help to transfer the time of adaptation to new conditions in the most gentle way.

  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, about three liters a day. It is worth stopping at clean water, and temporarily leaving other drinks out of the spotlight.
  • Clothing should be worn light, comfortable and loose, made of natural materials and light colors.
  • Fatty and salty foods should be reduced to a minimum.
  • Every day you need to take water procedures at a cool temperature, and best of all, do it in the mornings and evenings.
  • If the room has air conditioning, then with its help you can create the optimal temperature and humidity.
  • For two days it is best not to take any active actions, but to spend them indoors or nearby.
  • The first couple of days it is worth sleeping a lot, as well as resting often.
  • Before going to bed, it is best to take a walk in the fresh air.

Acclimatization in the north

Acclimatization in the north includes a number of measures that will allow you to adapt to low temperatures, magnetic storms and light starvation, which are typical for northern latitudes.

The specialist advises to listen to the following recommendations:

  • Eat high-calorie foods and meals. These include meat and fish foods, fatty, sweet and starchy foods, that is, those that provide high energy reserves. Nuts and dried fruits are also good - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs. Honey, as well as other bee products, is suitable as an immunomodulator.
  • It is important to use vitamin preparations, which, first of all, contain a large amount of vitamin C. Also, a wealth of vitamins can be found in food. It is important in the north to eat citrus fruits - lemons, tangerines, oranges. Dried herbs and vitamin preparations in the form of teas are also useful. It is worth remembering such a simple source of ascorbic acid as sauerkraut. Also useful are apples, which are the most affordable fruit. It is also necessary to remember carrots and beets as invaluable sources of vitamins and other useful substances.
  • If you touch clothes, then you need to choose the right one. First of all, the impermeability of clothing and its ability to retain heat is important. Well, you should always remember about the lightness and greater freedom of movement that clothes should have when going to the northern regions.
  • It is better to forget about drinking alcohol, because the consequences after taking it will only aggravate the problems of the body.

Altitude acclimatization

High-altitude acclimatization takes place in conditions of rarefied air and low pressure. To avoid a sharp deterioration in well-being, you should listen to the following tips:

  • During the day, you should not rise higher than five hundred meters from the previous milestone.
  • At the same time, having risen to the next height, it is worth staying in place for one or two days.
  • It is necessary to drink water twice as much as your usual norm. In this case, the water should be clean and not carbonated.
  • Mountain conditions suggest a deterioration in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the intake of food, and especially heavy and poorly digested foods. These include fatty, starchy, sweet foods, spicy, smoked and canned foods. It is worth focusing on taking the first courses in a very warm form, as well as light vegetable food, lean meat and fish, and cereals.
  • It is also important to eat food that is rich in vitamins and enzymes. Therefore, greens, vegetables, fruits, berries, honey, nuts are a very important addition to the diet of mountain lovers.
  • It is also possible to use drugs that have the effect of stimulating brain activity. But medicines must be selected strictly individually and on the recommendation of specialists.
  • If, following all the tips and precautions, the body does not want to adapt to new conditions for itself, then it is best to leave this height and go lower. At the same time, the body needs to be given time to rest: frequent daytime sleep, long night sleep, as well as a calm environment and lack of stress are shown. In this case, you can resort to such additional procedures as breathing with the help of carbogen or oxygen.

Acclimatization at sea

Acclimatization at sea involves the fulfillment of all conditions that are important for staying in countries with a hot and humid climate. This is discussed in detail in the relevant sections.

For sea resorts, of course, it is necessary to follow specific tips that are important in these conditions:

  • Swimming and sunbathing on the beach is better before noon and after four to five in the evening.
  • Before going out in the sun, it is important to treat the entire body and face with a sunscreen with a high degree of UV protection, such as No. 30 or No. 50.
  • It is important to reapply sunscreen to the body and face after each bath.
  • At the first sign of burns, it is necessary to use remedies for this problem, for example, Panthenol, Bepanthen, Rescuer and other first aid products.
  • The head, body and eyes must be protected by wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and long-sleeved clothing, a skirt or trousers while walking.
  1. Increase in body temperature. One of the most common symptoms. The use of an antipyretic agent up to a temperature of 38.5 is impractical. As a rule, the temperature during acclimatization passes within 2-3 days. Preparations for lowering the temperature, which can be taken without a doctor's prescription, should be with the active ingredient paracetamol, or ibuprofen.
  2. Loss of appetite. It is absolutely normal if a child immediately after the plane refuses the usual meal according to his regimen. The body is now spending energy on more pressing problems. If the child consumes canned food, then you can take it with you and offer it. It is more important during such a period not to eat, but to drink, and not cocktails, smoothies, juices, sodas, but ordinary water. Pay attention to the fact that the water in different countries is very different, and it is better for a child under 3 years old to take some water familiar to him, at least for the first stage of acclimatization.
  3. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to changes in nutrition, food quality and drinking regimen, the child may develop diarrhea or, conversely,. In the first case, it is worth soldering the child with an oral dehydration agent, as he loses a lot of fluid. In the second case, you can use candles with glycerin or mini enemas. They are the safest for the child. If a child suffers from disorders of the pancreas or liver, gallbladder, and so on, then before the trip it is worth taking specific medications prescribed by a doctor, for example, enzymes to improve digestion and reduce the load on the digestive tract. About that, we already wrote.
  4. Sleep disturbance during acclimatization. Very often, children can react in two ways: either they sleep very little and restlessly, or they are overcome by drowsiness, and the kids look tired and constantly try to take a nap. In the first case, it is worth limiting emotional stress, before going to bed - only calm games. In the second case, do not force the child to have fun, it is better to give him some time to relax. By comparison, for children, a change in the time zone is more dangerous than climatic conditions. It is with the first that sleep disorders are more clearly manifested. For children under 3 years old, it is better to choose resorts without changing the time zone.
  5. Decrease. During this period, the child's body is susceptible to various viral infectious diseases, which are easily confused with acclimatization. But, in any case, the virus requires only symptomatic adequate treatment and, if possible, a doctor's consultation.
    It is also necessary for parents to know the methods of first emergency aid when relaxing with a child at sea in order to prevent complications. For example, if a child bathed in plenty, but then complains very much about ear pain, it is worth dripping vasoconstrictor drops into the nose and thereby relieve pressure in the ear, preventing it.
    These symptoms are very common in children under 7 years of age, but manifestations are also possible at an older age.
    Read also about.
  6. Weakness in the body, increased fatigue.
  7. Changes in mood, and this can manifest itself quite abruptly.
  8. Presence of fear or anxiety.
  9. Decrease in physical and mental abilities (of course, temporary - due to stress. As soon as the child adapts to new conditions, all his skills and abilities will return to him)

According to statistics, more than 80% of Russians constantly dream of the sea. And the birth of a baby in the family is now practically no reason to postpone the long-awaited trip to the sea. If you are going to spend a holiday on the beach with your little one, there are many factors to take into account so that the little one can get through the difficult period of acclimatization on the sea coast as easily as possible.

Children who do not acclimatize do not exist in the world. But in some children, it goes unnoticed by parents in a way.

But everyone needs to know all its signs and how to help the baby cope with it.

Distinguishing signs and symptoms

The immunity of the baby after birth is still formed for quite a long time, and therefore it is more difficult for him to change the climate, time zones, long journeys and flights. What happens to the little one?

His immune defense, accustomed to a certain composition of air, water, temperature, which are characteristic of his permanent place of residence, when he enters new living conditions at sea, begins to work as if he were sick. In stress mode, the child's body reacts to external stimuli immediately.

The stronger the conditions in which the little one fell into differ from those familiar to him, the more aggressive the reaction of immunity to climate change. For example, if a child permanently lives in the northern region, and he was unexpectedly brought to the hot subtropics. Or, on the contrary, when a baby living in Sochi goes on a trip to Karelia or Siberia.

The severity of acclimatization depends on the general health of the baby, his age. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to get used to sudden changes in the environment.

And in the next video, we will find out what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about acclimatization and recreation with children in general.

For many babies, the first signs of beginning acclimatization appear already on the second day after arriving at the resort.

Outwardly, they will remind parents of the usual symptoms of a cold or SARS:

  • The temperature rises. Most often - up to average values ​​​​(37.0-37.5), but occasionally it can be higher - up to 38.0-38.5.
  • Respiratory symptoms appear. The child may have a reddened throat, runny nose, cough.
  • Digestion is disturbed. The baby may begin diarrhea, vomiting, in very young children gas formation increases, bouts of colic become more frequent.
  • Behavior is changing. Usually a mobile and inquisitive peanut may begin to mope, ceases to be interested in what is happening. A calm and balanced child suddenly becomes whiny and irritable. Some children with the onset of acclimatization begin to sleep poorly, others become lethargic and want to sleep almost constantly.

Acclimatization is most difficult in children aged 0 to 3 years. It is somewhat easier for preschoolers and younger students, especially if they have already traveled before. After all, each period of acclimatization is “deposited” in the memory of the immune system, it improves and becomes stronger, ready to quickly adapt to changing external conditions.

On average, acclimatization in children lasts from 4 to 7 days, in infants much longer - up to three weeks.

What to do?

There is no special treatment for acclimatization, however, in some cases, some symptomatic medicines (for cough or runny nose) can be used. You should not feed the baby with pills, because acclimatization is a completely natural process, and even necessary for the child's body.

Parents cannot influence the duration of the period of children's acclimatization, but they are obliged to try to make this period softer.

To make it easier for the baby to adapt to the new climate, it is necessary to prepare him for acclimatization in advance. If you know you're going to be jet lag, start shifting your bedtime and wake up time by 10-15 minutes every day a couple of months before your trip. So it will be easier for the baby to maintain the usual routine in a different daylight hours.

It will be great if the pediatrician a month before the vacation at sea prescribes the child a vitamin-mineral complex that is age-appropriate. This will help the child's body become stronger.

And in this video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell us whether it is worth going to the sea with a child or not, what age will be optimal and what difficulties may arise.

It is important to take into account the period of the child's getting used to the new conditions and the time of your vacation. If you decide to spend it at sea, remember that acclimatization will last up to a week, and for an infant - more than 20 days. At least another week must be added to this period so that the baby can get a healing effect from staying on the coast. Otherwise, a double shock awaits him - first acclimatization, and then, upon returning home, reacclimatization.


At first, the immunity of the little one was hardly rebuilt to the new environmental conditions, and then it was sharply returned back. There is a so-called reacclimatization, acclimatization after the sea.

Its symptoms are almost the same as during acclimatization, but often they are less pronounced and the period of "immune restructuring" is generally much easier.

To help the baby cope with this difficult task, you should not immediately return it to the usual rhythm of life. Let after arrival a good night's sleep, rest. It is advisable not to take him immediately to a kindergarten or educational institution. If the symptoms of reacclimatization drag on for three or more days, call a doctor, the baby may need to consult a specialist.

Choose a place and period of rest

In order for your child’s acclimatization not to be difficult and protracted, you should take into account as much as possible the characteristics of the baby’s health status, its immune status and age when planning a vacation at sea.

  • Choice of vacation spot. Babies are not recommended to go beyond their region. Their immunity is still very weak, for him a long journey and a new hot climate will be a severe test. Children from 1 to 3 years old will not be harmed by traveling to countries with a climate similar to theirs. It is better for preschoolers and younger students to stay away from exotic countries, during the acclimatization period their immunity is vulnerable, and tropical viruses and infections are not dormant. Teenagers can travel without restrictions.
  • Choice of rest period. We already know that for children to benefit, at least a week must be added to the average acclimatization period. Thus, with a baby, you need to go to the sea for 30 days, with children from 3 years and older - for 14-21 days. The smaller the child, the less crowded the sea beach should be. Therefore, with children of the first three years of life, it is advisable to travel to the sea in early June or in the first weeks of September.
  • Seasons that are "unpopular" with tourists are best suited for young parents. With a child, it is better to go to Turkey in late May - early June or September-early October. It is advisable to go to Thailand and Cyprus with a baby in April-May, October. Abkhazia, Crimea, resorts of the Krasnodar Territory are optimal for kids in June and September.
  • Choice of travel method. If a decision is made to go to the sea with a child, it is better to stop the choice by train or car. The journey will be longer, however, acclimatization will occur smoothly and gradually. Flying by plane is faster, and the baby’s immunity simply won’t have time to start taking adaptive measures in a few hours, as a result, the child may have to wait for a more difficult period of acclimatization.

It is absolutely undesirable to carry a child to the sea for the New Year holidays. For a baby, the jump from winter to hot summer is very harmful.

What to take in the first aid kit?

What is acclimatization?

Acclimatization is a natural but complex biological process that helps the body to adapt to new conditions. The reasons for acclimatization are a change in climate, daily routine, time zone, the use of unusual foods. Our body, not accustomed to new loads, begins to rebuild. Therefore, at first we may feel uncomfortable and even painful.

First signs and symptoms

The first signs of acclimatization in children appear on the second day. Moreover, children under the age of 3 years react especially sharply. Adults may experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, pressure problems, headache, chills. Many attribute these signs to a cold, you never know, it happens that you catch a cold at the airport.

The child becomes lethargic, indifferent to everything, he is clearly ill. Other children, on the contrary, are capricious, irritated with or without reason, scream, cannot fall asleep.

How long is this period

Adults cope with symptoms in a couple of days. Acclimatization in children can stretch up to 2 weeks (average 7-14 days). The younger the child, the worse he will feel. Children under the age of 3 should not be taken far away. Such trips with babies are more needed by parents, not children. They will not appreciate it and will not remember. And they can become seriously ill.

Stages of acclimatization

  1. Start. The first day may pass without any symptoms, but do not relax, everything is still ahead.
  2. Sharp exacerbation. It usually comes on the second day. It is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, nausea, possibly vomiting, headaches, and a general deterioration in well-being. This period lasts 2-4 days and is considered the most dangerous, especially for young children.
  3. Feeling better. On the 4-5th day, the symptoms gradually disappear, the mood improves.
  4. Acclimatization. This word also means the completion of the period of restructuring of the body. Now you and your child are ready to live in a new environment without any side symptoms.

Acclimatization in a child can be easy, and can cause a lot of complications. School-age children experience mild malaise that resolves in a few days. Babies have a hard time adjusting.

It is important to understand that the further you take the child away from his usual climate, the more difficult it will be for his body to acclimatize. A sudden transition to a new diet can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. After all, even adults are faced with indigestion, having tasted new fruits and vegetables.

Acclimatization in a child at sea

This question worries many parents, because they buy vouchers for 10-14 days and want their vacation to be a success. Given the relatively long period of acclimatization in children of 7-14 days, in the first week the baby's body will actively adapt to new conditions. The child will get sick. And only in the second week of rest, walks in the sea air and swimming will bring joy and benefit.

Given the acclimatization factor, it is better to plan longer trips for families with children. However, children do not always get sick. If you have already traveled with your child to a certain country and place and you know that everything was in order, you have nothing to worry about.

We also read: going to the sea with a child - practical advice

Acclimatization after the sea

After returning home, your child may feel sick again. This will be a signal that his acclimatization has begun again already to home conditions, from which his body managed to wean. This period is called reacclimatization. To help your child adapt, do not take him to kindergarten or school immediately after arrival. Let him sleep for a couple of days and rest.

Acclimatization in infants

Babies find it hardest to adapt to new conditions. All they need is warmth, safety, and a mom by their side. Small children live in a small world, they have enough space that they occupy next to their mother, they don’t even need a separate room.

And then immediately another country, a different climate, someone else's room in a hotel, and even a flight. All this scares babies, so acclimatization is especially difficult for them. Many people know that even the most banal diarrhea in infants can be fatal.

Understanding the causes that provoke diarrhea in a child after the sea and during the trip itself, you need to remember that:

  • The baby gets into new climatic conditions, and it takes a certain time for his body to be able to adapt to new conditions.
    Such a food delicacy in the form of the most diverse and unusual dishes in ordinary, everyday life does not happen, and few people can resist the temptation to try everything that local chefs offer. Adults try new foods for them and treat children without thinking about how the delicate digestive tract of the child will react to this. These stories don't always have happy endings.
  • Frequent and prolonged contact with sea water, in which there is a pathogenic microflora, threatens the child with an infectious infection.
  • Sometimes a new environment, a large number of strangers cause severe stress in the baby. This can also cause indigestion.

As a result of these reasons, the well-coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract in a baby can be disturbed and cause alarming symptoms.

Conditions dangerous to his health require an immediate response from adults.

bacterial infection

Acclimatization is the process of adapting an organism to a new environment, in particular, to new weather conditions. A person who changes one climatic zone for another has to rebuild both mentally and physically: get used to the new temperature, air, time difference (if any).

What can cause poisoning?

Most often, this process is especially pronounced in children with a change in climate and geographical conditions. This can be explained by the age characteristics of the body and unformed immunity. The reasons for acclimatization are a sharp change in environment, time zone and other factors.

Tasty and fragrant vegetables, delicious seafood dishes are tasted by both adults and children. Even if the products have undergone thorough heat treatment, the child's gastrointestinal tract may not accept one or another type of food, and the toxins contained in it cause poisoning.

This happens, as a rule, when “second” freshness products are used for cooking. Under conditions of hot climatic conditions, decomposition processes begin in food. Dishes prepared from spoiled animal products are especially hazardous to health.

It also happens that adults do not get acquainted with the information indicated on the packages. Expired food ends up in the stomachs of children and adults.

Under the influence of temperature conditions, with poor-quality pre-treatment in food, the terms of use of which have long passed, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply. It produces a huge amount of poisons and toxins. As a result, people who have tried them inevitably end up in the hospital with severe poisoning.

Food poisoning symptoms:

  1. Severe nausea and vomiting.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Increase in body temperature.
  4. Acute colic in the abdomen.

Symptoms develop rapidly and the condition can worsen rapidly and cause confusion and muscle cramps.

Distinguishing signs and symptoms

The stronger the conditions in which the little one fell into differ from those familiar to him, the more aggressive the reaction of immunity to climate change. For example, if a child permanently lives in the northern region, and he was unexpectedly brought to the hot subtropics. Or, on the contrary, when a baby living in Sochi goes on a trip to Karelia or Siberia.

Acclimatization has 3 stages of development

  1. The initial stage is when a child or an adult has just changed climatic conditions. Manifestations are not yet observed, as a rule, this stage lasts the first 1 - 2 days.
  2. The stage of high reactivity is an active manifestation of symptoms of acclimatization.
  3. The leveling stage is the normalization of the state of a child or an adult.

There is one more stage - full acclimatization. There is such a concept when changing the place of residence. Such acclimatization can take up to a year. Its manifestations after the second stage are insignificant.

So, "forewarned is forearmed".

Treatment of acclimatization in children

  1. Dizziness and fatigue are quite possible.
  2. Irritability, slowness and loss of appetite.
  3. Sore throat, chills, weakness. Sometimes the manifestations of the body's adaptation to a new climate really look like a cold: the temperature rises, a runny nose appears. Thus, acclimatization in hot climates can manifest itself. You will have to put up with unpleasant symptoms until the internal clock adjusts to the new rhythm. There is nothing to be done, acclimatization in a hot climate occurs in 80% of the world's population, and this is not treated. For a speedy adaptation, you can drink vitamin C.
  4. Insomnia . If you can’t fall asleep for a long time, try turning on the air conditioner and lie down for about five minutes, throwing off the covers. When you fall asleep, blood circulation slows down and body temperature drops. If you cool a little under the air conditioner, the body will perceive it as falling asleep. Just do not forget to cover yourself with a blanket again, otherwise you will catch a cold.
  5. Or vice versa, drowsiness may appear. The hardest thing to get in shape after air travel. Let me give you one piece of advice about this. Doctors recommend going on vacation so that the arrival falls in the evening. Then you will have at your disposal a night to recuperate and acclimatization will not be so painful. But if you arrive in the morning and then go to the beach or to see local attractions, then for the body, already exhausted by the flight, this will be an additional burden. Therefore, when you are going to fly on vacation, start living at a different time in advance: go to bed and get up “in the rhythm of rest”.
  6. Acclimatization may be accompanied weakened immunity and, as a result, exacerbation of chronic diseases. At a time when the body is rebuilding, the likelihood of heat stroke and overheating increases.
  7. Increased sweating is a typical sign that acclimatization is taking place in a hot climate. Trying to adapt to high temperature, the body increases heat transfer. You may feel that breathing has become harder and your heart has begun to beat faster. The blood vessels in the skin expand, the blood thickens, potassium and sodium ions leave it. In such a situation, you need to drink as much mineral water as possible.
  8. violated work of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Here, so to speak, there are two sides of the coin:

Well, you got used to the new climate, felt like a "fish in water" and had a wonderful rest. We returned home with new impressions, a beautiful tan and a bunch of plans for the near future.

But one not very pleasant thing awaits you, so to speak, the reverse turns on - reacclimatization, which is often much more difficult to survive, because the body, which has already tuned in to live in a new rhythm, again has to change the mode and get used to the home climate again.

Symptoms of reacclimatization may be sensations reminiscent of a cold. They are often accompanied by irritability, a complete breakdown, drowsiness, or, conversely, insomnia.

Returning home can end in a real depression if you immediately go to work after a vacation. Try to plan in such a way that before returning to the office you have a couple of days left to recover, rest, sleep and return to normal life.

It is also useful to drink 1-2 g of vitamin C for several days.

Acclimatization is most difficult in infants. Most often it lasts at least three weeks. The course of this process depends on many external factors, such as the state of the immune system, the presence of any diseases, and so on. Acclimatization in children at sea has pronounced symptoms, and much depends on the mother, since her psychological state affects the well-being of the baby.

Acclimatization is much easier if the baby is in the fresh air, so it is best to choose not noisy resort towns, but small villages as a vacation spot. Traveling to the sea with a baby who is not yet a year old is best done either in June or September.

The body's adaptation process to changing climatic conditions does not have a specific treatment algorithm, since this is not a disease, but a natural physiological process. It is impossible to cure it, you just need to wait until the body fully adapts. But in this case, treatment of symptoms should sometimes be applied.

Acclimatization in a child and temperature often accompany each other. In this case, it is imperative to give him antipyretic medications, which include Efferalgan or Panadol.

When coughing, the baby should take Ambrobene or Flavomed. If acclimatization is accompanied by a sore throat, then it is worth giving the child homeopathic medicines and herbal rinses, but you should not use sprays, as they can further undermine immunity.

Often, during the period of getting used to the new climate, children may complain of nasal congestion and runny nose. Then it is best to give them preparations based on natural oils or sea water. Digestive disorders, such as nausea or vomiting, require the use of antibacterial and antiemetic drugs, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Increase in body temperature. One of the most common symptoms. The use of an antipyretic agent up to a temperature of 38.5 is impractical. As a rule, the temperature during acclimatization passes within 2-3 days. Preparations for lowering the temperature, which can be taken without a doctor's prescription, should be with the active ingredient paracetamol, or ibuprofen.
  2. Loss of appetite. It is absolutely normal if a child immediately after the plane refuses the usual meal according to his regimen. The body is now spending energy on more pressing problems. If the child consumes canned food, then you can take it with you and offer it. It is more important during such a period not to eat, but to drink, and not cocktails, smoothies, juices, sodas, but ordinary water. Pay attention to the fact that the water in different countries is very different, and it is better for a child under 3 years old to take some water familiar to him, at least for the first stage of acclimatization.
  3. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to changes in nutrition, food quality and drinking regimen, the child may develop diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. In the first case, it is worth soldering the child with an oral dehydration agent, as he loses a lot of fluid. In the second case, you can use candles with glycerin or mini enemas. They are the safest for the child. If a child suffers from disorders of the pancreas or liver, gallbladder, and so on, then before the trip it is worth taking specific medications prescribed by a doctor, for example, enzymes to improve digestion and reduce the load on the digestive tract. About, how to pack a first aid kit on vacation with a child we already wrote.
  4. Sleep disturbance during acclimatization. Very often, children can react in two ways: either they sleep very little and restlessly, or they are overcome by drowsiness, and the kids look tired and constantly try to take a nap. In the first case, it is worth limiting emotional stress, before going to bed - only calm games. In the second case, do not force the child to have fun, it is better to give him some time to relax. By comparison, for children, a change in the time zone is more dangerous than climatic conditions. It is with the first that sleep disorders are more clearly manifested. For children under 3 years old, it is better to choose resorts without changing the time zone.
  5. Decreased immunity. During this period, the child's body is susceptible to various viral infectious diseases, which are easily confused with acclimatization. But, in any case, the virus requires only symptomatic adequate treatment and, if possible, a doctor's consultation.
    It is also necessary for parents to know the methods of first emergency aid when relaxing with a child at sea in order to prevent complications. For example, if a child bathed in plenty, but then complains very much about ear pain, it is worth dripping vasoconstrictor drops into the nose and thereby relieve pressure in the ear, preventing otitis media.
    These symptoms are very common in children under 7 years of age, but manifestations are also possible at an older age.
    Read also about what a mother needs to know before going to the sea with a small child.
  6. Weakness in the body, increased fatigue.
  7. Changes in mood, and this can manifest itself quite abruptly.
  8. Presence of fear or anxiety.
  9. Decrease in physical and mental abilities (of course, temporary - due to stress. As soon as the child adapts to new conditions, all his skills and abilities will return to him)
  1. At temperature - antipyretic (paracetamol, ibuprofen)
  2. With ENT manifestations: vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. Moreover, they are used not only when a child has snot, and it is necessary to stop them, but also when traveling by plane. It is worth dripping them in order for the child to more easily endure pressure drops when climbing and, especially, when descending. For sore throats and coughs, cough syrups or tablets are used (preferably after consulting a doctor).
  3. Indigestion (diarrhea, vomiting, constipation) - means for oral dehydration, suppositories with glycerin, mini-enemas.
  4. All other treatment is the calmness of the child, the restriction of emotional entertainment before a night's sleep.

In order for the symptoms of acclimatization to appear minimally in a child, it is worth following a few rules, then both you and the baby will receive only positive emotions on vacation.

Rules of conduct at sea:

  • The duration of a child's stay at a seaside resort should be at least 2 weeks, and for a positive effect and treatment with sea water, 3 weeks are generally recommended. No wonder the spa treatment lasts 21 days.
  • A child under three years of age is generally not recommended to change time zones, in extreme cases, with a shift of no more than three hours.
  • It is better to travel by train or car - so the body gets used to it gradually. But everyone can understand this point in two ways: bad conditions in a car or train are much worse than an airplane. Read also about how to feed a baby on the road.
  • If you plan a trip to the sea, be sure to do ahead of time to strengthen and harden the body of the child, it is better at least a month before the planned vacation, but in general this should happen all year round.
  • The nutrition of the child should be varied and vitamin.
  • Temperature fluctuations should be avoided.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen with SPF 50, limit the child's exposure to the sun from 11.00 to 16.00.
  • It is advisable to choose a resort in such a way that the arrival at the place is in the evening. So the body will be easier to adapt to new living conditions.

We want to warn you that upon returning home, the child will again get used to the conditions, and again acclimatization after the sea or re-acclimatization is possible. It is worth being ready for this, and the symptoms will not be so terrible.

And yet, trying your best to take a child to the sea for 2 weeks and be sure that you have healed him is a huge mistake. A summer spent in your own environment with grandparents in the village or in the country, where the child will be in the fresh air all the time, with a small pool, fruit, barefoot will bring much more benefit than time with snot and cough at the sea.

And be sure, there will be no question of acclimatization. Rest on the sea, first of all, is for parents an opportunity to change the situation and take a break from work, switch to new experiences.

And since the family should be together, it is clear that the children also end up on the sea coast. In general, children have nothing to rest from, they are always in the process of working - learning about the world.

Of course, not attending kindergarten or school for a while is a good change of scenery, and most children support it with a bang. So let this pastime be not only emotionally filled, but also safe.

Don't forget about the things you need to take with you.

We tried to explain what acclimatization is and how to deal with it. You don’t need to be afraid of it, you just need to ensure the child’s safe arrival and living in a place of rest. All in our hands. Have a nice rest!

What is acclimatization

A sharp jump in another season, as a rule, does not pass without a trace for a confused organism, accustomed to a certain length of the day, humidity and air temperature. Even strong and healthy people begin to feel unwell, lose their appetite and suffer from insomnia.

What can we say about those who are prone to any chronic diseases? With them, acclimatization, the symptoms of which will be discussed in detail below, turns into real flour.

How does acclimatization work?

Acclimatization in adults has very remarkable symptoms, and they are divided into several phases.

Signs of acclimatization

Acclimatization in children at sea and after the sea, especially under the age of three years, is more difficult and longer than in adults. This is explained by the fact that the baby's body is just adapting to the conditions of life and acutely perceives any changes. Let's look at the signs of acclimatization in children at sea. And we will find out what to do to alleviate the condition of the child.

Many of the symptoms are similar to those of a cold, SARS or flu. However, in the latter cases, they come gradually. Then, as during acclimatization, the symptoms appear simultaneously on the second or third day. Detailed symptoms and signs of SARS in infants, as well as treatment recommendations, can be found at http://vskormi.ru/children/orvi-u-grudnichka/.

Pediatricians are not advised to go on vacation to the sea with a baby who is not yet two or three years old. But with children over three years old, a visit to the sea is recommended. Such a trip will have a healing effect, increase and strengthen immunity, charge the body with strength and energy, fill it with useful elements and important vitamin D. This is especially important for kids who live in northern and cold regions, as well as for children with chronic diseases.

It should be noted that the Russian southern coast and the Crimea with a milder and more familiar climate will become safe and comfortable for kids. Moreover, it is better to go in the summer so that the temperature difference is minimal.

Choose a longer way to move, such as a train or bus, so that the child gets used to the climate change gradually. And it is better to plan holidays in Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey and other similar countries for early autumn, when the climate is milder and more comfortable.

Take into account the adaptation period, go on long trips of more than two weeks, so that the child can comfortably enjoy swimming and sunbathing. In a new place, be sure to observe the drinking regimen and do not leave the child for a long time in the sun. Observe protective measures to avoid overheating or sunburn.

Experts do not advise babies under two years of age to sunbathe, since the skin at this age practically does not produce melatonin, which protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. After two years, the child is allowed to sunbathe, but with strict consideration of the time spent in the sun. The first sunbathing is no more than ten minutes a day. Then the tanning time can be gradually increased up to 1-2 hours.

You can not sunbathe in the period from 11 am to 5 pm, as the sun is at its most active and dangerous at this time. The safest and most appropriate time for sunbathing is between 8 and 11 am. Do not leave the child in the water for a long time, so that he does not overheat. In addition, when in water, the risk of getting burned and getting severe burns increases.

Be sure to use a hat, cream from and after sunburn. How to choose cosmetics for children, read the article "Which sunscreen to choose for babies."

The main mistake of parents who planned to spend a vacation with children is the choice of exotic regions, in which the climate is significantly different from the usual.

There are many signs of such a phenomenon as acclimatization. It is quite difficult to recognize it, since the symptoms are outwardly similar to a cold, poisoning. Signs manifest themselves in different ways, and the strength of the impact on the body depends on the location, age of the baby.

Interesting! According to statistics, the acclimatization period is more difficult for children under the age of three. Their life has recently undergone a lot of changes: birth, and other cardinal changes. A weak organism is only accustomed to one change, and here are innovations.

Signs of the acclimatization period appear within a day, after a change in living conditions. You need to know how acclimatization goes in children before the trip.

Common symptoms include:

  • pain in the head;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • irritability, tearfulness;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakening of the immune system.

The duration of acclimatization in infants depends on the physical endurance of the child's body, the distance at which the child is removed from the usual area. In general, the process lasts from 7 to 14 days. In practice, there were cases when subfebrile temperature rose in children. Normally, the temperature stabilizes after a few days.

A temperature that lasts more than 2 days may be a sign of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections. Acclimatization provokes a decrease in immunity, and during this period the child is vulnerable to infectious diseases, viruses.

The situation is familiar to many parents - sea air, a trip to the sea, air baths, fruits and vegetables. Acclimatization after the sea in a child is diagnosed by a number of symptoms: malaise, unreasonable cold.

Each movement from one climatic zone to another is accompanied by an adaptation period of the child's body to the new environment. Thus, a trip to the sea, despite the clean air and sea breeze, is not complete without acclimatization.

After the rest is over, the body will have to undergo another restructuring, which involves a return to its former living conditions - reacclimatization. Often this period is more difficult than acclimatization itself. Symptoms of reacclimatization in children after the sea are similar to signs of the acclimatization period.

Important! Soviet pediatricians did not recommend trips to the sea with children under three years old. And mothers adhered to the same point of view, because acclimatization in a child after the south can be extremely difficult.

How acclimatization manifests itself in adults and children, its symptoms

In order to avoid dehydration during vomiting, you should try to drink boiled water at room temperature, at least a little. As soon as the attack is over, you need to wait a while and drink.

If the smells do not provoke a new attack, you can drink a little broth. It will not only give the body fluids, but also add strength, because the broth contains many useful substances.

Until everything passes, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, milk, juices and coffee. It's also best not to eat anything.

If the body requires food, you can afford a little porridge on the water or light soup, bananas, and best of all, broth with crackers. The main thing is to eat in small portions.

First symptoms and signs

It all depends on the age of the children, and on the state of health, and on the place where the family arrived.

It is the most difficult for small children - the first years of their life they have already come a long way, their body interacts with the world, learns to live in the proposed conditions. And then - a new change of conditions.

Acclimatization in children can manifest itself as follows:

  • headache;
  • a decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • sleep problems;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability, fear, anxiety.

This process lasts from five days to two weeks. An increase in temperature, if any, should pass by itself in one or two days.

If the temperature does not drop, and a runny nose and cough appear, it is possible that a weakened immune system has caught a virus or infection. Much depends on the initial health of the child, and how far you have moved away from your place of residence.

Acclimatization in children in most cases makes itself felt approximately on the second day after the change of conditions. It has been noticed that the smaller the child, the more difficult it is for him to experience this process. Often, parents take this phenomenon for a cold and treat their child incorrectly.

You need to know that acclimatization in babies can manifest itself:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • cough;
  • loss of appetite;
  • runny nose;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lethargy and irritability.

Cold symptoms and sleep disturbances

It has been observed that unenlightened people tend to ignore the phenomenon of acclimatization, interpreting ailments incorrectly: heat stroke, feeling unwell from a cold, or food poisoning. It should be noted that sometimes the adaptation of the body to an unfamiliar climate clearly resembles a cold in that there is an increase in temperature, mucus secretions from the nasal passages are detected, there is a tickle in the larynx, chills may be present, and general weakness worries.

It is possible that a person will be tormented by insomnia or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness, so on vacation you need to monitor your own condition and observe how children feel.

Increased fatigue and illness

Uncomfortable well-being can be caused by diseases or chronic fatigue. People who are in a state of acclimatization often complain of fatigue and bouts of dizziness. Against the background of a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, existing chronic diseases can naturally worsen.

Symptoms of poisoning and heat stroke

The normal functioning of the digestive system may be disturbed for no apparent reason. Usually there are ailments similar to those that a person suffers from poisoning. These are vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. In the process of restructuring the body, the predisposition to overheating of the body under intense ultraviolet rays increases markedly. Heatstroke is dangerous for the whole body.

Other health problems

The considered symptoms of acclimatization in adult travelers may be accompanied by other unpleasant moments. These include increased irritability, loss of appetite and slow reactions.


acclimatization symptoms

First of all, you need to understand that acclimatization can catch up not only in distant countries, but also in your native expanses. The farther you live from the place you want to visit, the more likely it is that your body will have a hard time.

Often, when faced with acclimatization, we do not understand what is happening and attribute our poor health to a cold, poisoning, or heat stroke. In order to recognize acclimatization "in person", you need to study its symptoms.

  1. Sometimes the manifestations of the body's adaptation to a new climate really look like a cold: the temperature rises, a runny nose appears, sore throat, chills, weakness.
  2. You are overcome by drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to any sleep disturbances.
  3. Dizziness and fatigue are quite possible.
  4. Acclimatization can be accompanied by a weakening of the immune system, and, as a result, an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  5. The work of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Vomiting, nausea, constipation and diarrhea are possible.
  6. At a time when the body is rebuilding, the likelihood of heat stroke and overheating increases.
  7. You may become irritable, slow, and lose your appetite.

How to reduce the negative effects of acclimatization

What do you need to do to protect yourself and fully relax?

In addition, it would be nice to be able to advance to the time of the country you plan to visit. Of course, it’s not so easy for a working person to do this, but you can shift the time a little: go to bed an hour later, get up an hour earlier, depending on what schedule you need to adjust to.

The anticipation of a pleasant holiday is not justified. After 2-3 days, someone from the family gets sick - and, most often, these are children. Adults also feel unwell, but they attribute this to excitement, fatigue, concern for children, and jet lag. Adults are perplexed, where did they manage to catch the infection? Meanwhile, this is not yet a disease. This is how acclimatization takes place - the body adapts to the new climate.

The symptoms of acclimatization do resemble the onset of a bacterial infection and are more pronounced in children than in adults.

Symptoms of adaptation largely depend on the immune status of a person, his age, general health, individual reactions of the body.

Adults and children need at least 10-14 days to get used to new conditions - unfortunately, there are none, since vouchers are usually purchased for 7-10 days. That is why doctors do not advise children under the age of 3 to “take off” from their place for a short time and take them to “swim” in a different climate. Adaptation in babies is difficult and the risk of catching a “local” infection in an organism weakened by adaptation increases.

Little kids don't care where to swim - in the sea or in a heated inflatable pool on the banks of a local river. If the voucher is designed for a short period, it is better not to take children with you.

Acclimatization symptoms in children and adults differ in many ways. In adults, after arriving at the place, temporary fatigue appears, digestion is upset.

After 1-2 days, the condition changes dramatically - there is a desire to move, while they begin to experience general malaise. In children, activity is manifested in the first 2 days - this is how the nervous system reacts to a change of scenery.

Children are interested in everything, and the worries that adults even subconsciously experience on the road do not concern them. They do not experience fatigue. An increase in motor activity in adults begins simultaneously with symptoms of malaise in children.

The children's body begins to adapt to new conditions, and the symptoms are the same as after road fatigue in adults.

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • Probably, there is no such person who would not wait for summer and vacation. After all, these two concepts are inseparable! For most of the population, holidays are always associated with the sea. However, often a pleasant journey ends with sad consequences, one of which is acclimatization after the sea.

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Runny nose.
  • Diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
  • Cough.
  • A disturbed dream.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • It must be remembered that each child shows the symptoms of acclimatization individually.

    As a rule, the following symptoms appear in young children - stupor, apathy, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, decreased immunity, blood pressure jumps. The baby has fear and anxiety, tearfulness, moodiness and irritability. Symptoms are similar to a cold - there is a sore throat, runny nose, fever.


    If the baby's health does not improve, then he is hospitalized and carefully examined in the hospital. The set of activities includes:

    • General and clinical analyzes of urine and blood.
    • Coprogram (examination of feces - pathogenic microflora can be detected in it).
    • Sowing feces for the detection of pathogens.
    • Rectal visual examination using special equipment, etc.

    A comprehensive, competent analysis of the data obtained helps to establish the true cause of the poor condition of the crumbs.


    Always have antipyretics with you - syrup is better than candles. Also in your first aid kit should be bags of rehydron if the child vomits and / or has diarrhea.

    You can take cough drops, valerian, plaster and bandage with you. The child's nose can be washed with saline.

    It is not worth feeding a child with medicines: if he feels worse, he needs fresh air (not dry), a regularly ventilated room, wet cleaning in the room twice a day.

    As well as meals on request, plenty of warm drinks, and a good mood.

    Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to try to alleviate the condition of the victim.

    Urgent help

    After it is fully confirmed that the symptoms were caused precisely by acclimatization in a child or adult, it is necessary to take some measures to alleviate the signs of this process. It is worth noting that in an adult, the symptoms go away on their own.

    When treating acclimatization in children, you should not immediately give medications - this can be done only after consulting a specialist. During therapy are prescribed:

    • antipyretic drugs - in the presence of high temperature;
    • cough syrups or tablets. It is best to refuse sprays, as they are too aggressive towards weak immunity in a child;
    • nasal drops with herbal ingredients;
    • antiemetic or antibacterial substances should be given only on prescription.

    With acclimatization therapy, you should not self-medicate.

  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • A disturbed dream.
  • What to take from medications

    If vomiting and diarrhea began in a child at sea, these are the first signs of food poisoning. It is necessary to take measures to remove the intoxication of the body and improve the condition of the baby. Doctors in this case suggest using the following medications:

      Sorbents. Activated charcoal works well.

      Preparations for dehydration. If there are none, ordinary mineral water without gas will do.

      Any antiviral agents.

      Drugs that stop vomiting and diarrhea, such as Smecta.

    In addition to these drugs, if the child has a fever, it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

    Still poisoning. First aid

    If a child vomits at sea, remember a few important rules:

      do not overload the stomach with fatty, heavy foods, offer only easily digestible foods;

      give the child as much liquid as possible;

      if you are sure that this is poisoning, rinse your stomach;

      follow the diet for a few days.

    Remember: if severe vomiting has opened in a child at sea, treatment should follow immediately so that dehydration does not occur.


    How to avoid acclimatization? If you are relaxing with kids under three, the time difference between your place of residence and the place of rest should not be more than three hours. Significant differences in climate for such babies are undesirable.

    Parents should also:

    Travel time - from two weeks or more. A short rest is stressful, all seven days of rest can fall on acclimatization. It is optimal if you go on vacation with a child for a whole month.

    A good rest is a prepared rest. Not only a first-aid kit with you, but also preparing the body for moving, hardening, vitamin course, awareness of the place where you are going.

    Have a healthy holiday!

    1. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
    2. Do not give your child unfamiliar food in large quantities.
    3. Do not allow the baby to eat goodies in unlimited quantities: popcorn, chocolate, ice cream. Everything is allowed only in moderation.
    4. Take care of your child's personal hygiene.
    5. Don't let swim in the sea for too long.

    If you are planning a trip to Turkey, keep in mind that this country has as many as five climate zones. If this is your baby's first trip to warmer climes, choose an area that is closest to the climate of your home region.

    Ideally, if the vacation is planned taking into account the age of the child. Doctors do not recommend infants to go further than the dacha and the forest located next to it.

    When choosing a hotel or hostel, you need to understand that a small child does not need loud music and crowds of tourists for successful acclimatization. He needs a quiet and peaceful place, remote from major cities, highways and noisy airports.

    When choosing a method of transportation, it is better to give preference to a train or a car. A longer journey helps the baby's body gradually begin to rebuild while on the road. The flight, of course, is more preferable for parents, but not for the child, whose immunity will be launched in emergency mode as soon as he, after rainy weather, which was at home in the morning, leaves the plane in a hot exotic country.

    If you like to travel, or are going on a long trip for the first time, acclimatization symptoms may well overtake you. Moreover, even a simple vacation, when you move from urban to rural areas, or move south, makes your body adapt to climate change.

    New food, different water, unusual conditions - all this is stress for our body, its task is to somehow adapt to the changes, that is, to acclimatize.

    Symptoms of acclimatization - how to adapt to change?

    Very often, a rise in temperature, sore throat after moving to a new place is perceived as a cold. The head begins to feel dizzy, they are tormented, sleep poorly, causeless weakness and apathy appear. And someone may not be lucky at all: the beginning up to vomiting, there were pains in the abdomen, indigestion.

    And you longingly think what you ate on the road while getting to the blessed place of rest. However, I can make you happy (or upset - this is from which side to look) - all this refers to the symptoms of acclimatization that overtook you

    Acclimatization in the mountains also has its signs: when you find yourself high above sea level, much less oxygen is a big concern. Altitude sickness may even develop, when a person weakens both physically and mentally. For an unadapted organism, acute mountain sickness, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, nausea, up to swelling of the brain and lungs are possible.

    Such symptoms usually appear 2-3 days after you have settled in a new place. At best, they will end in 2 days, at worst, they will last a week. Worst of all, the process of acclimatization occurs in the elderly and in children. Many doctors argue that if the child is not yet 3 years old, you should not take him to those countries where the climate is different from what he is used to.

    Of course, parents themselves decide when and where they go with their children. I know many families who often travel with very young children, you just need to know how to adapt the body to climate change.

    The very first recommendation to acclimatization for children passed easily - it's not to go to hot countries where the temperature reached 40-50 degrees. Such a hot trip will not bring you pleasure, and even more so for a child. You should also not go to countries with a hot and humid climate if your child has any problems with the respiratory system.

    Get ready for vacation in a week. No matter how much you want to do everything at the last minute, start resting and relaxing in advance, less physical exertion, go out into the sun now, let your skin get used to the sun's rays.

    It will also be great to prepare the immune system for climate change if you start taking a good vitamin C complex in advance.

    Do not try to sleep “in reserve” on vacation - this is of no use, it is best to just follow the usual daily routine: get up and go to bed at the same time. It will be especially difficult to acclimatize in countries where the time zone is different, so try to shift your sleep time for half an hour every day before your vacation.

    It is best if your arrival at the resting place will be in the evening, you will have an overnight acclimatization, and, perhaps, its symptoms will not appear or will appear at a minimum. It will be difficult if you arrived in the morning, immediately ran to the beach, sightseeing and so on. Especially if it was an air flight. 2-4-6 hours ago you were in some climatic conditions, but here you were in completely different ones. body in shock...

    As for the diet during the rest, it is important for your acclimatization to eat at the same time. Do not get carried away with exotic foods and dishes, at least at first.

    Eat a lot of vegetables, salads, fruits, do not drink tap water, otherwise intestinal upset can no longer be attributed to the symptoms of acclimatization ...

    This is all, of course, wonderful, but who adheres to all these recommendations when there is ... rest ?! Well, if you didn’t prepare for acclimatization in any way or thought that it wouldn’t affect you, and you were mistaken, here are some specific tips for getting rid of acclimatization symptoms.

    Hello, acclimatization and goodbye?

    • Have you had a bowel disorder?: in the first few days, eat less food, let the body expend energy on adaptation, and not on the digestion of exotic foods. If you don’t want intestinal problems, don’t buy food on the street - in hot countries there are microbes that our body is not familiar with. Why do you think Thailand has such spicy and spicy food? .. This is all protection from germs - in such a climate it is impossible otherwise.
    • You are constipated- the so-called traveler's constipation. Movement will help, especially swimming, because that's what you came here for?

    • The so-called cold of acclimatization happened to you: chills beats, itches in the throat, tormented by a runny nose. Unfortunately, in this case, you only need to wait until the body itself adapts to climate change. 80% of the people in the world suffer from acclimatization symptoms and there is nothing you can do about it. The only thing that can alleviate the condition is vitamin C, we have already talked about it above.
    • You have insomnia. Turn on the air conditioner, throw off the blanket and lie down like this for about 5 minutes. When we fall asleep, our body temperature decreases, blood circulation also slows down. The decrease in temperature and slowing of blood circulation created in such an artificial way will be perceived by the body as falling asleep. The main thing is to have time to cover yourself with a blanket in time so as not to freeze under the air conditioner.

    Traveler's First Aid Kit

    Be sure to take plenty of water, juice, tea with you. If you have an allergy to an insect bite, some food did not fit and caused skin rashes, or an overseas flower made you sneeze, antihistamines will come in handy. It is also worth putting headache pills, nitroglycerin, validol in the first aid kit. In addition to sunscreen with an SPF filter, take a cream for cuts, bruises, abrasions, burns.

    A month before the trip, you can take special adaptogens, preparations containing ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. And go in for sports, so you will enhance the effect.

    We coped with acclimatization, had a wonderful rest, returned home and ... hello, reacclimatization! Again climate and regime change. Again, headaches, cold symptoms, irritability and fatigue, or excessive sleepiness may appear.

    If you go straight to work after a vacation without being at home for a day, this can contribute to the development of depression! Therefore, your task is to organize your vacation in such a way that you have at least 2 days left to “rest” from rest, tune in to work, again take 1-2 g of vitamin C for several days and gradually get back on track.

    Let me share with you a very interesting video. See how beautiful our planet Earth is, and then you will certainly not be afraid of any acclimatization

    And how do you escape from the symptoms of acclimatization?

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