The son of Mizulina and Fursenko got married. "I will not return to Raska": children and grandchildren of the most patriotic Russian officials who have long been living abroad. The son of State Duma deputy Elena Mizulina, Nikolai, married a man in the United States last year and is not going to

On the eve it became known that the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism, Rakhman Yansukov, sent a proposal to the State Duma to legally ban the children of officials from studying abroad. In his opinion, the training of these young people in Russia will contribute to the fact that civil servants will begin to better understand the problems of domestic education. Yansukov also fears that "there" teenagers can be recruited. Whether the parliamentarians will approve this initiative is difficult to say, since sending a child to study abroad is a common thing among the Russian ruling elite. Whose children studied or are still studying abroad - in the material "FederalPress".

1. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak, daughters Ekaterina, Anastasia

Ekaterina studies at an elite school in Switzerland. According to rumors, training there costs 2.4 million rubles. per year - from 6th to 12th grade. Anastasia entered Queen Mary, University of London. The youngest daughter Lisa is still studying in Moscow, Zheleznyak himself reported, but there is information on the Web that she also moved to London.

Zheleznyak commented this information and noted that the daughters themselves chose where to study. “They will get an education, come home and serve the country in whatever capacity they want,” he said.

At the same time, Zheleznyak himself is known for promoting patriotism. So, he participated in the creation of an amendment banning the adoption of Russian orphans by Americans.

2. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov, son Peter

Petr Zhukov worked and, according to some reports, studied in London and even managed to get a prison term there. In 2007, he was sentenced to 14 months in prison and fined £7,500 for brutally beating British banker Ben Ramsey. The victim had a broken cheekbone, a cut on the back of his head, two broken ribs, numerous bruises and abrasions. Doctors put five stitches on his cheek and twenty on his lower lip.

Artyom Dashko, the owner of the apartment where he lived with the victim, also participated in the beating. He pleaded guilty before trial and received 18 months in prison.

The severity of Zhukov's sentence was explained by the fact that a month before this incident, he received an official warning from the police for drunkenly attacking a taxi driver who tried to pull him out of the car.

In the apparatus of Alexander Zhukov, Peter's involvement in these incidents was denied, however, as the press found out, the hero of the publications turned out to be not only the full namesake of the son of the deputy chairman of the State Duma, but was also born on the same day with him.

3. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Khloponin, daughter Lyubov

Lyubov, the daughter of Alexander Khloponin, after graduating from school, entered the London School of Economics, majoring in Economics and Politics. However, after the first year, she returned to Russia and entered the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, where her parents studied.

4. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, daughter Ekaterina

The daughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, graduated from the London School of Economics. This was first reported by the British newspaper The Guardian. In addition, it is known that while her father worked in New York as the Russian representative to the UN, Ekaterina studied at a school in Manhattan and at Columbia University.

In 2014, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny Fedorov, spoke about Lavrov: “He moved his daughter from New York. She lived there and even forgot the Russian language. She had not been in Russia for a long time, and he decided to transport her so that there would be no vulnerability. He's great."

5. Ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, son Yuri

The eldest son of the former governor of the Kirov region, Yuri Belykh, studied at a boarding school in England. Before sending his son to study abroad, Nikita Belykh wrote about his motives in a blog. He explained that he could not devote enough time to the child, as he was busy with work.

“As many people know, my eldest son Yura lived with me in Kirov during the academic year 2008-2009 and went to the preparatory class of the Vyatka humanitarian gymnasium. I thought that on September 1 this year he would go to the first grade of the VGG. But, as the past year has shown, I simply do not physically have enough time to raise my son, ”he wrote.

In addition, Belykh explained that he wants his son to grow up as a normal child, without the status of a governor's son.

“In Russia, unfortunately, there are no full-fledged boarding schools (except for institutions for socially vulnerable children) that ensure the comprehensive development and upbringing of the child, where he would be in the center of attention around the clock. Therefore, I decided to send my son to a boarding school in England,” summed up Nikita Belykh.

6. Senator Elena Mizulina, son Nikolai

Elena Mizulina is known as an ardent defender of traditional family values ​​and patriotic sentiments. At the same time, her son Nikolai graduated from Berne and Oxford universities, after which he married a Spaniard and settled in Belgium, loyal to homosexuals. Moreover, in 2013, bloggers found Nikolai Mizulin among the partners of the large international law firm Mayer Brown, which is officially a sponsor of the LGBT network.

In fairness, it should be noted that he received his first education at MGIMO, the university of his mother's dream.

7. Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrey Fursenko, son Alexander

The former Minister of Education of Russia, who actively promoted the introduction of the Unified State Examination, let his son Alexander go to study in the USA, bloggers found out. He received his bachelor's degree in 2001 from New York University, one of the best private universities in the United States. Alexander Fursenko received his second higher education at the Faculty of Law at Stanford University. He graduated from this university in 2005. After graduating from Stanford University, Alexander Fursenko received a license to practice law.

8. Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, daughters Elena (Alena) and Olga

In 2011, on the year of his 75th birthday, Yuri Luzhkov gave an interview in which he told why his daughters study abroad. The ex-mayor explained that he and his wife Elena Baturina always wanted their daughters to "study here, get a higher education and go through a period of personality formation in Russia."

However, the situation that developed after Luzhkov's resignation did not allow them to do so. Alena was removed from the third year of Moscow State University, Olga - from the first and sent to England. Olga chose economics, and Alena chose ecology.

9. Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov, son Anton

Astakhov's eldest son Anton studied at Oxford College and the New York School of Economics.

“Our sons have never received any excessive benefits. The only thing we spare no expense for is education. Anton graduated from school with a medal and, secretly from us, sent documents to Oxford College. I already put it before the fact when the message came that it had been accepted. Naturally, we gave the green light - please, go ahead," Astakhov said.

“And he, a 17-year-old boy, went to study in England. Do not mess around, wasting daddy's money, but get a good education,” the commissioner emphasized.

By the time Anton left to study in the USA, he was already earning money by playing successfully on the stock exchange.

10. Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov, daughter Liza

The daughter of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, Lisa, is studying at the French Institute of Marketing and Business. In the spring of 2016, she entered the Russian education system with an impressive post on Instagram. The publication of Lisa caused a wide public outcry.

“I was preparing now for the marketing exam and remembered how I arrived 3 years ago in Russia (not the USSR) in order to pass two in a year and pass the exam. Honestly, it was some kind of hell, ”wrote Elizaveta Peskova.

In particular, the girl does not like that in Russia she has to try to "shove all the information that exists in this world into herself."

Peskova also criticized the practice of holding the Unified State Exam: “Why make the USE so difficult, knowing anyway that the answers to it can be found in any way, or that many “pass” it with money?”

The daughter of Dmitry Peskov admitted that she learned more in a year of study at a French university than "in a year at school and at Moscow State University in Russia." In conclusion, she wrote: “It seems to me that the education system has been killed, but it can be resurrected.”

Recently, Lisa's mother Ekaterina said in an interview that she was offended when her daughter was mistaken for a "stupid blonde": "In addition to the inherent innate abilities, my daughter's success largely depends on her diligence and perseverance: she will never go to have fun until she has all tasks will be completed and what should be learned is not learned. Therefore, I laugh at the accusations that from time to time appear on the Internet from narrow-minded personalities that she is a “stupid blonde”! Already someone, but you definitely can’t call her stupid. ”

The material was prepared on the basis of data from open sources

Elena Borisovna Mizulina is a parliamentarian who has become famous in recent years thanks to a number of high-profile and controversial legislative initiatives.

Childhood and family of Elena Mizulina

The future politician was born in the family of an employee of the district committee of the Communist Party in the city of Bui, Kostroma Region.

After attending school, she entered Yaroslavl State University in 1972, graduating five years later with a degree in law. Until 1984, she worked as a consultant in the regional court of Yaroslavl. Then she went to work at the local pedagogical institute. K.D.Ushinsky as an assistant.

The husband of Elena Borisovna, being at that time the head of the department of the regional committee of the CPSU, helped her to move to the position of senior researcher at the mentioned educational institution (according to him). Since 1987, the future politician has held the position of head of the department of Russian history at this university. In 1992, she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science in Law.

Elena Mizulina - politician

In 1993, with the support of her husband, Mikhail Yuryevich, who helped her organize the election campaign, Mizulina was elected to the Federation Council - the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, where she served as deputy chairman of the Committee on constitutional legislation and judicial and legal issues. From 1995 to 2003 - a deputy of the State Duma of the II and III convocations from Yabloko. In 2001 she joined the Union of Right Forces.

In 2004, she was appointed to the post of representative of the State Duma in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. She combined her activities in the judiciary with the work of the deputy head of the legal department of the State Duma apparatus. In 2007, she was elected to the State Duma of the 5th convocation.

In the period from 2011 to the present, Elena Mizulina is a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation, heads the Committee on Family, Women and Children, a member of the left-wing political party A Just Russia.

Some political scientists (for example, Alexander Kynev) at the same time believe that her work in the State Duma causes great harm to the image of this political force in the public opinion of its target - cultured and enlightened - voter.

Lawmaking by Elena Mizulina

The most famous Duma initiative of Mizulina was the normative act of 28.07.2012. No. 139-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of restricting access to illegal information on the Internet”. He legalized the creation of a list of sites with prohibited information and the legitimacy of their judicial blocking.

The adoption of the document caused a lot of criticism from representatives of the Runet and human rights activists. In their opinion, it can provoke abuses by officials when compiling a "black list" of sites, and will be used to put pressure on resources objectionable to the authorities. The Russian-language Wikipedia, as a sign of disagreement, stopped its work for a day. The social network "Vkontakte", "LiveJournal", the search engine "Yandex" joined her protest. Mizulina reacted to the opposition of the Internet community by stating that some kind of “pedophile lobby” is behind it.

The openly discriminatory, according to opponents, Mizulina's legislative proposals to combat the formation of a positive idea of ​​homosexuality, speeches on the removal of children from non-traditional families were the subject of public outrage. Among them, Mizulina triumphantly brought to approval a project that enshrined in the administrative code punishment in the form of monetary penalties for "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors." The document caused such a resonance in the world that it jeopardized the prospect of holding the Sochi Winter Olympics.

Criticism of surrogacy

In her statements on the most acute and urgent problems, she repeatedly opposed the propaganda of surrogate motherhood. The deputy is convinced of the need to form among Russians a negative attitude towards this reproductive technology. She seeks its strict regulation, but does not require a ban at the level of laws.

Elena Mizulina against abortion

As an adherent of repressive laws, Elena Mizulina considers it necessary to restrict access and the rights of citizens to terminate pregnancy. She is confident in the expediency of abortions only in exceptional cases: when pregnancy occurs after rape or for medical reasons. In her opinion, abortions should be paid, and the free sale of medications for abortion is prohibited. The politician also spoke in favor of adopting, as a restrictive measure, the requirement to obtain prior permission to conduct this operation: for women - from their husbands, for underage girls - from their parents.

To implement these norms, Mizulina, as part of a group of deputies who shared her convictions, proposed for consideration by the State Duma draft laws on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, providing for the imposition of penalties on women, doctors, medical institutions for violating the conditions and terms of abortion.

Elena Mizulina about adoption

The deputy advocated a ban on Americans adopting orphans of the Russian Federation, which was subsequently introduced by law No. 272-FZ of December 28, 2012 “On measures to influence persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.”

The “Concept of State Family Policy until 2025” proposed by the Committee headed by Mizulina was also approved. It proposes the introduction of an additional state duty for divorce, establishes restrictive requirements for abortions, makes proposals to strengthen the role of the church in family policy, and recommends promoting large families.

Personal life of Elena Mizulina

She got married while studying at the institute (before the fifth year). With the future spouse, with whom they were in love, according to Elena Borisovna, all the girls at their faculty, they studied in the same institute group. Today Mikhail Yuryevich is an associate professor of the Department of Political Science and Political Administration of the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

The couple has two adult children. Daughter Ekaterina (born 1984) runs the Legal Capital foundation for social and legal initiatives, lives in Moscow separately from her parents, has no children. Son Nikolay (born 1978) is a successful lawyer, lives and works in Brussels, is a partner in the law firm Mayer Brown, is married to a Spanish citizen and has two children.

For outstanding services, Mizulina was awarded a number of state awards, among the latest in a number of which were the medal "For assistance to drug control authorities" (2013) and the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For the return of Crimea" (2014).

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In the early 1980s, at a military training camp, I had the opportunity to meet the son of the Minister of Health. Unexpectedly, in the conversation it turned out that he was flying to Vienna to treat his teeth. That is, the student's father, the Soviet Minister of Health, did not really trust Soviet health care. Soon L.I. Brezhnev died, and a couple of years later I met Andryusha Brezhnev, his grandson. Andryusha told me that the death of his grandfather found him in London, where he, a student, studied. “They called, he says, on November 10 to the embassy, ​​without explaining why, they put him on a plane and sent him to Moscow. In the middle of the school year, bastards. They didn’t let me finish my studies,” he said indignantly. Well, I finished my studies at MGIMO, it happens.

So all these ironworkers, Astakhovs and other werewolves, convincing us from TV screens: "Where I was born, it came in handy there," and they themselves sent their wives to give birth to France, and their children to study in England, they did not appear from scratch. This is that ugly cancerous tumor on the body of society, which originated in the Soviet era and was called "Nomenklatura".

President Putin has such an assistant in his administration who oversees Russian education. Everyone knows him. His name is Andrei Alexandrovich Fursenko. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Andrei Alexandrovich's father taught with Vladimir Vladimirovich, and his son became a direct neighbor of Putin's summer resident in the Ozero cooperative. At the beginning of 2000, Vladimir Vladimirovich was elected president, and soon he dragged his neighbor to Moscow. Andrei Alexandrovich first became Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, then First Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, and then. about. Minister of Industry, Science and Technology. After that, Vladimir Vladimirovich entrusted him with the responsible post of Minister of Education and Science, in which Andrei Alexandrovich was for more than eight long years. As we know, during this period, Russian education and science fell into complete disrepair, and Andrei Alexandrovich Fursenko left the most unkind memory of himself.

So. Andrei Alexandrovich has a son. Named after grandfather Alexander. After high school, he went to study in the USA. He received his bachelor's degree in 2001 from New York University, one of the best private universities in the USA (SCAN). It is known that he studied there for four years. The cost of education between 1997 and 2001 averaged $22,000 per year, excluding the cost of living in New York.

Sasha Fursenko was in no hurry to return to his homeland. He decided to get a second degree in law at Stanford University. Sasha Snanford graduated in 2005. In the 2005 list of Stanford law alumni, we find him on page five (bottom left). It cost $30,000 a year at the time (excluding living expenses).

After graduating from Stanford University, Alexander Fursenko received licenses to practice law:

A licensed attorney in the United States must provide accurate information about his place of work and address in the licensing organization of each state in which he is admitted to practice law. When changing the address or place of work, he is obliged to report this within 30 days. If we assume that the lawyer Alexander Fursenko does not violate these rules, then the information in three licenses that he works as a lawyer in a large American law firm in the United States must be considered reliable.

In each state, admission to the state bar requires an oath of office. For example, when becoming a lawyer in the State of New York, Sasha Fursenko had to solemnly declare: "I solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and to faithfully perform the duties of an attorney to the best of my ability."

It is, of course, just wonderful that the son, while dad worked in the field of Russian education, at that time received two expensive higher education in the United States and became an American lawyer. Moreover, he received American citizenship, started a family and, according to the American database of addresses, lived in three places:

Two years ago, when asked why Russia occupies a shamefully low position in The Times Higher Education university rankings, Fursenko Sr. said that these rankings cannot be trusted, you need to create your own. Indeed, in February 2011, V. Putin instructed Minister Fursenko to develop his own Russian ranking of foreign universities. It's funny that a message about this appeared, including on the website of the very university that Fursenko's son graduated from ().

Well, this is understandable: for the population we will have one ranking of universities. But for the children of the nomenklatura - another. It's a special kind of people. They can't be with everyone. (

Original taken from v_n_zb they will fasten them together ... The sons of the deputy of the State Duma Mizulina and the ex-Minister of Education Fursenko got married

Thanks to a new law adopted in the United States that allows same-sex couples to marry, the son of State Duma deputy Elena Mizulina, Nikolai, and the son of the former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, Andrei Fursenko, Alexander, were legally married in the city hall of Seattle.

Happy parents were not present at the wedding ceremony.

Well, first of all, advice and love. Found each other - already good.

Secondly, it is wonderful that they will not breed.

Thirdly, to the tantrums of Mizulina's supporters "this one is not him!" I will answer - read the available biography of Kolenka Mizulin and look at his photo.

Having left prosperous Russia for decaying Europe, Kolya became a partner of the large international law firm Mayer Brown (Brussels), which not only does not hide its support for the LGBT movement, but also advertises it, actively providing material and legal assistance. Mayer Brown is known in Europe for being "the best place to employ LGBT lawyers" and is also one of the top sponsors of the LGBT movement.

How are things with Shura Fursenko - xs. But this is a purely personal matter of the newlyweds.

The main thing is that they will not breed ...

- I don’t understand why the question of pedophilia always arises as soon as they talk about LGBT people. If you look at the criminal statistics for the United States (but what's the difference, people are the same everywhere, the sample is the same), the vast majority of detained pedophiles are heterosexual. I refuse to discuss LGBT issues in any way related to pedophilia. What logical reasoning or scientific research supports this? - Have you studied the amendments to the bill that Elena Mizulina and her comrades have now prepared? What do you think of this law? - The law, in my opinion, simply violates the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to self-expression, self-determination, interferes with their personal lives. I think that it will lead to a wave of hate crimes, and as we can see, this has already begun. And also to a large number of suicides, especially among teenagers. This too has already begun. When such figures as Mizulina and Milonov talk about this on TV in a certain tone, this leads the criminals to think that they can justify themselves later, that it seemed to them that the person they killed was gay, and they allegedly committed a patriotic act . This happened in Volgograd and Kamchatka. These are the first results of this law. It is clear that hiding behind good intentions such as increasing the birth rate is at least strange. The majority of the population was, is and will be heterosexual, and demographic problems are much deeper in Russia. It seems that if Russia gets rid of gays, then things will immediately go uphill. Of course, gays or Jews or Gypsies are easier to fight than alcoholism, drug addiction, unemployment and other social problems that really lead to a demographic problem. It is easier to find scapegoats and distract the population with far-fetched problems. – You said that you deal with refugees from Russia. Are there more applications from Russian gays seeking asylum in the United States? - Yes, and sharply. We are amazed by what is happening in Russia and do not know how to understand it. We have never considered Russia to be a third world country with an appropriate mentality and order. And now you will not understand what you are reading: whether it is news from the Middle East, or from Russia. Accordingly, people feel it and apply. The number of appeals has increased by at least two to three times compared to last year. People certainly want to leave. - Do the Americans themselves know enough about the surge of homophobia in Russia and does it attract the attention of large human rights organizations? Do you intend to campaign against Mizulina's bill and similar initiatives? – We work with Amnesty International, with Human Rights Watch and Freedom House. Americans who work in the field of public organizations and within the LGBT community in the United States know what is happening, they are very supportive of us, and we expect this support to increase. Actions, of course, will be held. Another thing is that human rights work is more important in terms of holding educational events, disseminating information, helping specific people. These, in my opinion, are much more important aspects of human rights activities than just rallies. Rallies are also needed, but it seems to me that this is not the most important thing. – America also has its own homophobes. A very curious story happened the other day when an 11-year-old boy challenged a well-known homophobe in the state of Tennessee. Could you tell what happened? – Of course, there are many problems in America, we are working with them. Here they are. What strikes me the most is the difference when I read comments on related articles. Anton Krasovsky wrote an article, it was translated by InoSMI, for interest I compared the comments in Russian and in English. Still, in our country, homophobes behave in a completely different way, and most importantly, there is no such feeling of state support. And in general, at some subconscious level, they understand that they are behaving, to put it mildly, indecently. Therefore, the phrases, and turns, and approaches are appropriate, they are trying to disguise all this. But in Russia they don’t, it’s frantic there, they express what they really think in the forehead. As for this boy, he was bullied at school due to his non-traditional orientation, so his parents were forced to educate him at home. At some point, Marcel even considered suicide. The state of Tennessee is very conservative; in 2012, the Don "t Say Gay bill was considered there, if adopted, teachers in schools could not cover gay issues. Moreover, they would have to inform parents if they considered that a student or schoolgirl show signs of "different" orientation.The bill was initiated by Republican John Regan, but did not pass on the vote.In 2012, Regan somehow managed to win an award from the public organization StudentsFirst, advocating for children in public schools.He was given the award as "School reformer Education". Marcel Nigad felt that this politician did not deserve such a title, and collected more than 50,000 signatures on a petition. StudentsFirst, of course, stripped Regan of his earlier title and, moreover, declared that they had never supported his bills. This is a good indicator of civic responsibility and shows that any citizen, even an 11-year-old, has the right to be heard, has the right to express himself, has the right to create a civil initiative openly and change the mentality of his fellow citizens in the state where he lives. - It is unlikely that anything like this can happen in Russia ... - It is a pity that there is no way to hang a poster on the door of every Russian citizen with the words of Mark Twain, that politicians are like diapers, and they need to be changed just as often. And also, that power should not be respected. They work for you. They should respect you and be accountable to you. I don't know how to hammer it into the heads of the Russians that they don't need any kind father-tsar and that they can and should make their own future and be responsible for it. Dmitry Volchek

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