List foods that contain only proteins. Basic rules of dietary nutrition. Protein diet: mechanisms of action

Proteins are those substances without which it is impossible normal functioning most processes in the body. In addition, they are involved in the construction of many connective tissues.

Why proteins are especially useful for humans, what foods are rich in protein, how to use protein products for weight loss and much more, we will analyze in detail.

Sufficient protein intake immediately affects the life and appearance of a person. Energy increases, tone rises, weight loss is easier and faster. Proteins perform significant functions in the body.

  • Many cells in our body contain proteins. Therefore, the state of the cells directly depends on how much of this substance is in the food consumed. With enough protein, cells remain elastic and healthy.
  • Protein enzymes help break down food into simpler ones. constituent elements and therefore help to generate energy to a greater extent.
  • Proteins are directly responsible for the transport function. Thanks to them, oxygen freely moves through the blood to the organs.
  • Proteins protect and strengthen the immune system.
  • The well-coordinated work of the human muscle structure is impossible without foods containing a lot of protein.

If you consume little protein, then you will not be able to avoid the deterioration of health. The lack of this element provokes all kinds of deficiencies, stunted growth and development (this is especially dangerous for children), causes pathological changes in the body.

We get proteins only from food. Therefore, it is extremely important to compose your diet in such a way that it contains a lot of proteins. So what foods are high in protein?

First, this meat products that are high in protein.

  • Beef. One of the richest in quality and quantity of protein product. For the best assimilation of the protein found in beef, it is recommended to boil or stew it.
  • Pork. Especially a lot of protein in low-fat, dry parts of the carcass. The more fat and fat, the less protein content.
  • Bird. Chicken and turkey also contain enough squirrel.

Meat is an excellent source of protein, as it also contains beneficial amino acids and protein compounds that make the product easy to digest. Among other things, meat quickly and permanently satisfies hunger.

There is also a lot of protein in the liver - beef, chicken, turkey, etc. Liver dishes, pâtés, mousses are excellent, easily digestible meals rich in protein and iron. They are very useful for anemia.

Fish and seafood are also useful for replenishing the lack of protein. At the same time, having almost the same amount of this useful element compared to meat, fish is still dietary product. It is lighter, more tender, but at the same time very tasty and healthy.

Most protein in salmon, tuna, mullet, lobster, anchovies. Fish fibers contain many amino acids and minerals that are so important for our body - iodine, potassium, magnesium, etc.

But not only in meat delicacies can be found so healthy protein. A lot of products plant origin also rich in this substance - dried fruits, legumes, nuts.

Fruits and vegetables come to mind first. Of course, there is protein in fresh fruits, but its content is small. To get your daily dose protein, you will have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables at a time, which is not always possible.

So which plant foods are high in protein? Let's consider in detail.

Legumes are one of the main plant sources of protein. Given their low cost, we can say that they are ideal protein products. List of leaders of legumes, by protein content:

  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • green fresh peas;
  • string beans.

In addition to protein, legumes are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the body. From the listed products, you can prepare great amount delicious and healthy meals. Legumes are the best sources of protein besides meat. They are ideal option for weight loss or a vegetarian diet.

Nuts are incredibly high in protein. They contain many useful elements, but they are also high in fat and calories. This should be taken into account, since nuts are unlikely to be suitable for weight loss. So, nuts in which the largest number squirrel is:

  • peanut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • pistachios;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts.

In this order, from largest to smallest, nuts are listed by protein content.

Milk proteins

Not only meat and legumes are rich in protein. Dairy and sour-milk products also boast a high protein content. These products contain beneficial casein, which contributes to satiety and a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Dairy products are great for weight loss.

So what are the products contain a lot of casein?

  • Cottage cheese. Moreover, in low-fat cottage cheese there is more protein than in fat.
  • Cheese. And especially such types of cheeses as Cheddar, Parmesan, Brie, Feta.
  • Serum. Especially its concentrate is the richest source protein and beneficial amino acids.

It should be noted that fresh milk, curdled milk and smoked cheeses boast large quantity protein per 100 grams of product cannot.

Protein, in addition to the main useful properties, has another excellent quality - it promotes saturation. ate not a large number of food with a high protein content, you satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. For losing weight, protein foods are a really important nutritional element.

If you want to lose weight then You should include the following foods in your diet:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • soy cheese;
  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes.

For best results weight loss should also adhere to a certain lifestyle, including sufficient physical activity. You don't have to rely entirely on proteins.


Proteins are amazingly useful substances for our body. On the one hand, they saturate us, form muscle mass, increase energy, and, on the other hand, burn fats and promote purification. At the same time, it is not necessary to calculate in which products maximum amount protein and carbohydrates, and eat only them.

Nutrition should be balanced, varied. Eating cashew nuts and Parmesan cheese alone is wrong. Everything should be in moderation. Although there are few proteins in fruits and vegetables, they contain other elements that are useful for our body.

protein diet can be useful not only for losing weight, but also, for example, for athletes. Probably, many have heard such words as "protein shake". Indeed, for the formation of a large amount of energy and muscle mass the amount of protein consumed should be very high.

A slim figure is the cherished dream of every woman, regardless of age. It is no coincidence that French makeup artists recommend: "Take care of your figure - we will make your face!". As you know, a figure can be "saved" if you perform a series useful tips: observe correct mode rest and wakefulness, eat right, think positively and maintain the tone of the body with physical activity appropriate for age and health.

If sports and daily routine do not always depend only on us (sometimes external circumstances can change personal plans), then the organization rational nutrition It is purely a personal prerogative. Only we ourselves are responsible for what the blood is saturated with, the organs of digestion and filtration of the body. The less waste, the longer the life.

Protein products for weight loss

Proteins start the following processes in the body:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • promote the production of beneficial enzymes;
  • maintain an optimal balance of fluid in the body;
  • provide an effective acid-base balance;
  • positively affect the condition of the skin and the "youth" of the body.

If you regularly eat protein foods, the cardiovascular system will work like a clock, the blood sugar level will decrease, the body's defenses will be strengthened. This is especially important for a person during the off-season, when the body is exposed to colds and viruses.

Protein products: list, protein content per 100 product

Of those products that are usually on the table, a lot of protein is found in seafood and fish (15 - 25 grams per 100 grams of seafood), rabbit meat (21 grams) and beef (20 grams) are in second place. A lot of protein is found in white meat chicken (18 gr.), Lamb (16 gr.) And liver (17 gr.). Taking into account the grade and types, cheeses can contain from 9 to 30 gr. protein compounds. From products of plant origin from 6 to 21 gr. protein is contained in 100 gr. nuts; 8 gr. - in peas; and 5 - 9 gr. in potatoes, cereals and bread products. Vegetables and fruits can "give" our body from 0.4 to 1.8 grams. protein from 100 gr. product, respectively.

Protein food table, protein content

  • Pork - 12 g
  • Rabbit - 21 g
  • Beef - 20 g
  • Lamb - 16 g
  • Liver - 17 g
  • Chicken - 18 g
  • Eggs - 13 g
  • Fish - from 15 to 25 g
  • Cheeses - from 9 to 30 g
  • Nuts - from 6 to 21 g
  • Beans - 8 g
  • Vegetables and fruits - up to 1.8 g
  • Bread, cereals - up to 9 g

Chicken breast. This product is dietary, because it contains only 2 grams. fat and as much as 40 gr. protein, which corresponds to 200 kilocalories. Eating boiled (not fried!) chicken breast, you can enjoy tasty meat and get the protein you need. Beef is also high in protein, but it contains more fat.

Chicken eggs should be on your table every day. By eating 4 eggs every day, you will be able to enrich the body with protein and treat yourself to a fresh, tasty product. If you want to lose weight for sure, eat 2 yolks and 3-4 proteins, this is the optimal ratio recommended by nutritionists.

Be sure to make it a rule to eat good food. sea ​​fish(no matter how much it costs). Salmon fillet, for example, which contains not only protein, but also useful omega-3 acids. They help the body to strengthen the immune system and resist serious illnesses. Read more about this unique Omega-3 supplement. It is noteworthy that it is better to eat salmon in the evening, for dinner, at least 1 - 2 times a week.

If you systematically go in for sports and strive to build muscle, then protein should be used to keep the body in good shape. Two scoops of powder contain the daily amount of protein, and, unlike eggs, are absorbed instantly!

And where without water?

Doctors say that you need to drink about two liters per day pure water. It helps to cleanse the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines. But with an excess of fluid in the body, the metabolic process becomes more complicated, therefore excess water need to be removed - eat less salt so that the water leaves quickly.

In addition to pure water, it is useful to drink lime juice mixed with a little honey, green tea, natural cabbage or celery juice. These drinks will help to cope with the physiological and emotional depression if you suddenly feel short-term discomfort associated with a change in nutrition. Try to start the day with proper breakfast containing enough protein to effectively put the body to work.

Protein diet: products and menu for the week

Nutritionists have developed a unique diet - now it is not necessary to deprive yourself of your favorite foods, wanting to lose weight. We will eat fish, eggs and meat, but we will have to give up flour and sweets. You can dilute the diet with dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, milk, seafood, soybeans, nuts and buckwheat). Low-calorie protein diets do not contain many vegetables, but they contain plenty of seafood. This is probably why such a diet is chosen not only by women, but also by men.

Table 1. The first day of the diet

Table 2. The second day of the diet

IN THE MORNING Weight, gr.
Boiled beef. 150
fresh grated carrot 100
Green tea 200 ml (1 cup)
Boiled fish. 200
banana 1 PC.
Natural apple. juice 200 ml (1 cup)
Boiled fish 100
fresh apple 1 PC.
Black bread 1 slice

Table 3. Third day

Table 4. Fourth day

Table 5. Fifth day

IN THE MORNING Weight, gr.
Low-fat cottage cheese 100
Green. tea 200 ml (1 cup)
Boiled fish 100
Buckwheat porridge with grows. oil painting 100
Pork stew with carrots 100
Tomato with herbs 100

Table 6. Sixth day

Table 7. Seventh day

A protein diet will allow you to lose at least 3 kilograms in just one week. For the body, this will not be stressful, since all the useful nutrients(proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are included in the diet in optimal ratio. It is important to understand that a lack of protein in the body leads to a weakened immune system, depressive state and loss physical activity.

rationality plays an important role in human life balanced diet, which includes in the daily diet the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are very important for proper life. For weight loss, the human body needs amino acids - strong structures concentrated in protein. Through the digestive system, the body breaks down a chain of amino acids for absorption into the blood. At this time, our body is working on digestion, which means that the metabolism does not slow down. That's why protein food in the list of products for weight loss must be present.

What are proteins

Proteins are the most important material that the body needs to build new cells. Also, proteins the only source of amino acids for humans. All human cells are made up of protein, they are part of enzymes and DNA.

Significance for the body

Proteins are main part cells of all organs and tissues. Protein is associated with such vital processes as metabolism, irritability, growth, reproduction, and even thinking.


A lack of protein will lead to a deterioration in the state of the body, which is manifested in reduced protection against infections and performance, a drop in immunity, sharp deterioration condition of nails, skin, hair, disruption of the liver, small intestine, nervous and endocrine system.

For children and adolescents, a deficiency in the body leads to a slowdown in growth and mental development. Therefore, each person needs to know which foods are the most protein in order to control the level of the component in the body.


However, an excess of protein will also not bring anything good, since the accumulation of protein in the body without a lack of exercise leads to a loss of calcium.

Fast and slow squirrels

Depending on the rate of digestion and assimilation, it is customary to isolate fast and slow proteins.


Slow proteins are called, which are broken down by the body for a long time, help to lose weight and stay in a full state for a long time. It is imperative to remember what long proteins contain, the list of products is really very large, but below are the most basic ones.

Slow proteins break down to amino acids in about 6 hours, because they contain fewer calories, and much more energy is needed for their breakdown. Therefore, long proteins are often consumed for dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, then the body will have enough time during the night to digest food, while the muscles are fully enriched with amino acids.

List of slow proteins in food in the table:

fast squirrels

Fast protein is very useful for athletes, as it restores strength and energy, helps to feel more alert, and also helps to gain muscle mass. The body needs only 60-80 minutes to digest fast proteins.

List of fast protein foods in the table:

Protein Source

Amount of protein

in 100 g

split ratio

pink salmon fish

Lean beef

Kefir, milk

How to combine them

When consuming protein of different origin at the same time, digestive secretions need to secrete gastric juice different kind With different period.

If at dinner, for example, you eat meat, milk and eggs that have different splitting times, the digestion time of the egg will slow down, although it itself splits in 1 hour.

Protein digestion is most efficient when each protein product is digested separately.

Types of proteins

Proteins have 2 sources of origin and, according to this criterion, are divided into:

  1. Animals- the most valuable for the body, since in addition to a large amount of protein they contain several elements that cannot be replaced by anything. Animal protein on the food list plays essential role and is found in meat, offal, fish, seafood, eggs, caviar, dairy products.
  2. vegetable- sources of only protein, important for the construction of tissues, cells. Much of what is related to plant protein foods (the list is summarized) is consumed by people as often as foods of animal origin: legumes (peas, chickpeas, lentils, green beans and red beans), various varieties flour, nuts. This also includes cereals, green vegetables, pumpkins, algae and seaweed.

Do not forget that among the products that include a lot of protein, there are those that are also rich in fat, and this fact can be a significant barrier to losing weight. To avoid this, you must carefully read the composition of the purchased product.

The list of protein products for weight loss is given in the table, given the amount of protein and fat per 100 g:

protein product

Proteins, g

Fats, g


rabbit meat


halibut fish

The healthiest protein foods

There are many protein products available today. However, it is still possible to identify the most useful protein food, the product list consists of 4 main sources:

  1. Chicken breast. For an athlete and any person who monitors their weight, this is an integral part of the diet. In 190 grams of breast, there are only 200 kcal, 40 g of protein, and only 2 g of fat. For getting the greatest benefit from the product, it is necessary to boil or grill the breast, excluding the use of oil.
  2. Beef meat. On one breast, a person will not be able to exist for a long time, so beef is a great alternative that also does not hurt the figure. There are 340 kcal per 200 grams, about 40 g of protein, 15 g of fat.
  3. Chicken eggs. To out chicken eggs to get 40 g of protein, you need to eat 7 eggs, in which 520 kcal and 35 g of fat. Beneficial for the body to a greater extent chicken proteins, but yolks are also necessary for better assimilation the purest protein.
  4. Salmon fillets- a storehouse of healthy Omega 3 fats. 200 g of salmon contains 368 kcal, 40 g of protein and 28 g of fat. The fillet of this rather expensive fish can be replaced with hake or pollock.

Foods high in protein

Extended list high protein foods shown in the table, based on 100 g.



Beef liver

Powdered milk

Pork fat

low fat yogurt

Lean pork

Dutch cheese

Poshekhonskiy cheese

Pollack caviar

Sturgeon caviar


Here are a few tips to help you get the right diet:

  1. If you have a hard day, a good option- have breakfast with cottage cheese or a yogurt-based cocktail, because these are foods with a lot of protein.
  2. It is advisable to have dinner with products with slow steamed proteins of animal origin.
  3. After physical exertion, a sufficient amount of fast protein is essential.
  4. Don't skip meals, but if you do, stock up on slow protein energy.
  5. To invigorate the body and set it up for fast work, use before mental load fast protein foods.

Cooking methods

Be sure to remember to get the most out of the product useful substances, vitamins and the maximum amount of digestible protein, you need the right thermal effect when cooking.

Faithful friend for people who are losing weight or trying to eat protein-rich foods for correct operation organism, will become a double boiler. It will provide a gentle mode for cooking products, and this will save the maximum useful components:

  1. For cereals, the option with pre-soaking in water is suitable. With such soaking, for example, buckwheat overnight, the thermal effect is minimized. So, the person will be sure that with this unique product for weight loss, he will receive all those trace elements and enzymes that buckwheat is so rich in.
  2. To speed up the absorption of protein, do not neglect the blender and meat grinder. If you eat foods in a crushed form, it will be easier for the body to break down protein foods into enzymes.

What products are combined with

  • fish and seafood are combined with vegetables (except potatoes), but absolutely not combined with bread;
  • meat is ideally combined with greens, but not with flour products;
  • eggs are compatible with buckwheat, but not with other cereals;
  • legumes are combined with fruits and dried fruits, but are incompatible with potatoes;
  • eggplants are well absorbed when consumed together with berries, but not when they are washed down with juice;
  • nuts are compatible with various oils, but do not tolerate combinations with sugar.

Remember, the wrong combination of products quite often leads to bloating and indigestion.

Purpose of use

Since proteins help form muscular framework, people who start tracking their levels do so for one of two main purposes.

For muscle building

A person who systematically engages in physical activity increases the need for certain substances, which refers mainly to proteins. This happens because the muscles need to recover after sports - therefore, you need to provide them with enough protein for “building”.

For weight loss

To lose weight, of course, more protein than when gaining mass. But protein should not be abused either.

Review of popular protein diets

Protein diets are very popular and quite effective, since the main food sources for this form of weight loss are dishes with high content m protein. This type of diet has many advantages and disadvantages.


  • protein is the best component for restoring energy if you combine diet with exercise;
  • protein diets are calculated for no more than 7 days, and this is quite quick reach result for short term;
  • protein food saturates the body for a long time, which means that this diet is not among the “hungry”.


  • with unlimited protein intake, the human body removes fluid and calcium reserves;
  • sports activities also provoke increased load on the kidneys, which will affect appearance: skin dries, hair loses color saturation, nails exfoliate;
  • with a protein diet, you need to alternate product categories so that allergies do not occur;
  • the amount of fat should be carefully monitored.

The list of foods that you can eat on a protein diet is in the table:



Chicken breast

beef cutlet


beef liver

Lamb liver


Soy milk

Ducan's diet

This diet is the most popular weight loss system in the world. The author identifies 4 stages:

  1. Attack- the main weight loss lasting about five days.
  2. alternation– continued weight loss, lasting up to several months.
  3. Anchoring– setting the results at the same level, the duration of the stage can be found by multiplying by ten each lost kilogram weight.
  4. Stabilization- maintaining results throughout life.

Each stage requires a unique list of products.

The Atkins diet was the first low-carbohydrate diet. The reduction in carbohydrates means that on this diet they mainly consume what belongs to protein foods, the list of which is very wide.

Basic Rules:

  1. Reduce carbohydrate intake.
  2. Eat according to appetite.
  3. Take multivitamins.
  4. Practice physical activity.
  5. Drink enough water.

This diet forms eating habits, while the results appear over time, but are fixed for a long time if you follow the recommendations.

The Haley Pomeroy weight loss system has five basic principles:

  1. No stress and positive attitude.
  2. Do not remove food that brings pleasure from the diet.
  3. Refuse strict rules nutrition.
  4. Don't count calories.
  5. Try to build a diet so as not to experience hunger.

The diet of Monday and Tuesday on such a diet consists of cereals, fruits, vegetables and protein. From Wednesday to Friday - protein and vegetables. Saturday, Sunday - protein, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats.

Healthy protein recipes

AT modern world it is very easy to find recipes for protein dishes for weight loss.

A quick broccoli protein pie with turkey (you can replace chicken) with cheese will be a great dinner.

We prepare it like this:

  1. It is necessary to boil broccoli - about 200-300 g - and chop it in a blender.
  2. Cut the bird's breast into thin pieces and lightly beat off.
  3. Grate cheese (choose low-fat), 100 g is enough.
  4. Lubricate the baking dish with a small amount of oil and lay out the layers in this order: pieces of poultry, broccoli (mashed potatoes), cheese. Layers can be continued until the products run out.
  5. Bake such a cake at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Healthy fish salad

The next recipe will be one of the protein salads for weight loss with slightly salted salmon.

For cooking you will need:

  • several lettuce leaves;
  • a few pieces of tomato;
  • slightly salted salmon - 30 g;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut salmon into cubes, tomatoes in half.
  2. Tear lettuce leaves into pieces.
  3. Add finely chopped onion.
  4. Drizzle with oil and your favorite spices. Ready!

We will complete the selection of recipes with soup-puree with green beans and chicken.

You will need:

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the breast.
  2. We take out the bird, add chopped tomatoes and peppers.
  3. Boil vegetables for 10 minutes, grind with a blender.
  4. Add to the resulting mixture green beans.
  5. We chop up the chicken.
  6. We add spices.

Mistakes and misconceptions

Many people think that everyone can lose weight, but this is absolutely not true. To lose weight, you need a balance of both fats and calories consumed, because you can not only not lose weight, but also get better with the wrong combination. This is especially true for lovers of sausages - they are fatty, but with low content squirrel.

It is better to accompany protein-rich meals with fiber in the form of vegetables, this combination is difficult to get better. It is worth remembering that the body cannot long time do without carbohydrates, this will definitely affect the appearance, mental capacity and metabolic disorders.

How to calculate the daily rate

For women:

  • for women aged 18 to 30:× 240;
  • for women aged 31 to 60:× 240;
  • for women over 60:× 240.

For men:

  • for men aged 18 to 30:× 240;
  • for men over 60: [ 0.05 * weight (kg) + 2.46] × 240.

Calculate daily calories. Scientists have deduced some coefficients:

  • We multiply by 1.1, with a sufficiently low physical activity.
  • Multiply by 1.3, with moderate activity, which includes sedentary work and several hours of sports per week.
  • We multiply by 1.5, with high activity, which includes systematic classes in the gym.

To get the daily rate, we multiply the metabolic value from the first paragraph by the coefficient corresponding to the activity.

  1. Nutritionists have calculated that 1 g of carbohydrates = 4 kcal, 1 g of protein = 4 kcal, and 1 g of fat = 9 kcal.

For a person, for example, daily calorie content 1800 kcal, the number obtained as a daily energy volume must be divided into 6 parts (1 part protein + 1 part fat + 4 parts carbohydrates). Part of fats and proteins is 300 kcal, therefore, with carbohydrates - 4 parts of 300 kcal each, that is, 1200 kcal.

  • required amount proteins per day - 300 kcal: 4 kcal = 75 g;
  • the required amount of fat per day is 300 kcal: 9 kcal = 33 g;
  • the required amount of carbohydrates per day is 1200 kcal: 4 kcal = 300 g.


From this video you will learn the opinion of experts about the protein diet for weight loss.

Protein products are essential for human nutrition and healthy body. Protein products can be of animal or vegetable origin, but the ratio of proteins to other food elements is preferably at least 25-30%.

Proteins are involved in building muscle, bone and connective tissue, provide timely regeneration, that is, tissue repair, carry oxygen and lipids with blood, support immunity and are simply necessary for a healthy and full life. It is important to note that the absence, as well as an excess of proteins, negatively affects the nutritional balance and human health. Nutritionists recommend 25-30% protein in a typical diet. daily diet adult healthy person. At the same time, it is permissible for this balance to change during the week, but it is unacceptable if during the week and more protein food is not enough or its excess persists. The typical norm of proteins of a modern city dweller should be in the amount of 1 g per kilogram of weight, with a strong physical activity 2 g is recommended for every kilogram of body weight. So, an adult man weighing 70-80 kg should receive at least 70-80 g of pure protein per day. If we take into account that the champions in protein content contain only about 20-25 g of protein per 100 g of their weight, then to replenish proteins, you need to eat about 400 g of meat, 5 eggs, 500 g of cottage cheese, 600 g of oatmeal or 1 kg 200 per day. g beans.

Of course, there is no point in eating the same protein foods, just diversify your diet and include in your diet small amounts of a wide variety of foods that contain proteins. For breakfast, you can eat scrambled eggs with beans or oatmeal with banana and cottage cheese, have a snack with a vegetable salad with lentil sprouts, a cheese sandwich and a milkshake or milkshake during the day, and in the evening it’s good to have a meat or fish dish for dinner, or maybe Indian-style lentil dal. A rich selection of protein products in modern stores allows you to diversify your diet as much as possible and not get hung up on meat or cottage cheese.

Protein deficiency

The most common problem for residents of megacities is the lack of protein or its poor quality. Quality should be understood as a combination of protein with a large or predominant proportion of fat, such as sausage, proteins with difficult digestibility, such as legumes or fresh milk, canned food.

What contains protein

. Seafood
. Milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir)
. Legumes


The simplest and effective source protein is milk. It is with mother's milk that the baby receives the necessary proteins and grows very quickly. An adult person needs less milk, and many simply cannot digest it. The point is that as an adult human body deprived of those necessary enzymes that effectively break down milk protein in childhood. So, if you feel heaviness in your stomach after a glass of milk, then it is most likely logical to replace fresh milk. fermented milk products. In this case, cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurt, kefir and others help. fermented milk drinks. Do not forget that in addition to high protein content, dairy products are also high in fat content. For example, in cheese and even more so in butter. Dairy products should not be avoided due to their fat content, normal moderation is sufficient.

Do not forget that powdered milk, which is widely used in Food Industry, as well as butter substitutes or low-calorie cheese products from vegetable fats, outwardly resembling dairy products due to the action of emulsifiers, are not related to milk, are not useful and do not contain valuable milk protein. Be careful not to let the packaging fool your mind. Eat only natural!


Meat is a very efficient and affordable source of protein. Meat contains 22 amino acids, of which 8 are not synthesized in the human body and are essential. There is only one in the world herbal product that successfully competes with meat in terms of the quantity and quality of protein and amino acids is quinoa. But more about quinoa later.

The largest amount of protein is found in veal, venison, horse meat, buffalo and beef. Very high-quality protein in turkey meat and a little less in chicken.

Meat is easy to cook, highly digestible, and you need significantly less meat to get a serving of protein than legumes or cereals. best method cooking meat can be considered roasting or frying.

Whole pieces of meat (steaks) should be baked in an oven heated to 270-300 degrees for about 10-15 minutes, pouring fat and juices. If you are cooking a stew or baking meat with vegetables, lower the heating temperature to 220 degrees and increase the baking time to 70-80 minutes. A whole chicken or chicken should be baked for 60-90 minutes at 190-200 degrees, a duck for 120 minutes at 200 degrees or 180 minutes (3 hours) at 180 degrees. At high temperature cook the meat for a short time, when the temperature drops, increase the cooking time of the meat - this way all the tasty and healthy juices and the meat won't burn.

Roasting meat

The meat should be fried in a 1 cm layer of hot fat. The temperature of the fat is very high, and upon contact with the meat, it forms a thin crust on it, preventing the juices from flowing out of the meat. At the same time, the meat is fried evenly, remains juicy and tasty.

Meat cooking

Cooking - the least effective method cooking meat. In the process of cooking, meat comes out into the broth most of nutrients, so the most useful thing in boiled meat is the broth. However, you can cook in another way: lower small pieces of meat in a small amount water (about 1-1.5 liters per 1 kg of meat) with spices over high heat under the lid. 15 minutes of cooking in this style is enough for the meat to be cooked, but not boiled.


Fish is an excellent source of protein. Fish meat protein is perfectly digestible, and high-quality fish fat much healthier than fat let's say pork. In countries where they eat more fish, they suffer less from cardiovascular diseases, and the elderly live to a ripe old age active and in their right mind.


Mussels, crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, squids, octopuses and other scaleless marine edible animals are very rich in protein. The rules for selection and preparation are the same as for fish, with the difference that many seafood cook even faster - 2-3 minutes and you're done. Say, if you digest squid or mussels, they will look like rubber. Caviar can be included in the same category. Caviar is very rich in protein and other useful substances. The disadvantage of caviar is one - the high price.

An excellent source of protein. Each egg contains 12-13 g of pure protein. The main thing - do not forget that the yolks contain a huge amount of fat and cholesterol. If you only need protein, separate it from the yolk and cook protein scrambled eggs or add liquid protein to soups.

Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cheese

The leaders in protein content among dairy products are cottage cheese and cheese. These products are easy to digest and very useful. Cottage cheese can be eaten without restrictions, but cheese is often high in fat and should be eaten in moderation. In the case of cheese, the good old rule applies: less is better. Eat quality cheese that is high in fat but in small portions. The fat content of real cheese from natural milk cannot be low due to the peculiarities of the production of this ancient dairy delicacy. But "low-calorie" cheese can become due to the use of milk powder and emulsifiers. In addition to the low price, there is also a low content of nutrients, including protein. Don't skimp on yourself and your family!

Sour cream, kefir, ayran, yogurt, buttermilk, kaymak, katyk, tan and other milk products also contain protein, but in a smaller amount due to the large volume of liquid. The fat content of the product does not affect the protein content, but low fat content often indicates the use of milk powder, in which the protein is of poor quality.

Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans

Most of the inhabitants of the Earth fill the need for proteins with the help of legumes. This is most of Asia, India, the Near and Middle East and African countries. Beans, in all their diversity, are the basis of the diet of billions of people who practice vegetarianism, and this fact simply cannot be ignored.

Legume protein is of lesser quality than animal protein, but if the diet is rich enough and includes milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, then legumes are enough for good nutrition. In Russia, peas have always been grown and cooked, which was one of the main sources of protein along with milk, cottage cheese, fish and oats.

Any legumes require simple, but binding rules cooking:
. Be sure to soak the beans in cold water. Beans and chickpeas - for 8-12 hours, peas for 6-8 hours, lentils and mung beans - for about an hour or you can not soak at all.
. After soaking, drain the remaining water and rinse the beans.
. Salt all beans at the end of cooking. If you salt them at the beginning of cooking, they will remain firm.

Legumes are ideally combined with vegetables, look good in soups, in meat and fish dishes. Cold beans with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast is a classic English breakfast. In India, dal is a spicy lentil soup with ghee and lots of spices. Dal in India is called several dozen varieties of lentils. different colors and properties. Dal is cooked for an hour or more, lentils are boiled into puree, carrots, onions, spices and tomatoes are added to it. This is a very beautiful bright and tasty satiating dish rich in protein.

You will be surprised, but buckwheat, oats and pearl barley also have protein. At the same time, the quality of the protein is excellent, but its content is lower than in meat, fish, milk or beans. However, if we eat a good portion of buckwheat porridge, we get 25 grams of pure protein, and this is not so little, say, in a glass of kefir the same protein is only 8-9 grams.

In addition to buckwheat, there is a lot of protein in oatmeal and quinoa. if you love cereals, then pay attention to the traditional ones, which require 15-20 minutes of cooking, in such flakes there is a minimal impact on the grain and a high protein content. And if you boil oatmeal in milk, you get a double serving of protein. Do not forget that oatmeal contains many useful trace elements. Oatmeal is considered one of the traditional English breakfasts and if you look at how the British play football, then the love of oatmeal will no longer seem strange. A powerful influx of proteins for breakfast before a physically intense day allows you to effectively build muscle mass or just be in shape. And if you choose between sweet bun with jam and coffee, then oatmeal and a glass of vegetable juice will be many times more effective.

The most interesting is the protein of the South American quinoa cereal. 100 g of quinoa contains almost 15 g of protein, which brings quinoa closer to meat. In addition to a large amount of protein, quinoa contains all essential amino acids found in meat and fish. It is the only non-animal-based food with complete proteins, making quinoa a unique plant-based protein source. Quinoa is cooked just like any other grain. Salt the water as little as possible. Quinoa tastes slightly salty. Quinoa can be eaten as a side dish or used in warm salads and stews.

Protein is also found in barley (barley), wheat, rye, rice and other cereals in different proportions, but in smaller quantities than in meat, fish, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and legumes. Unfortunately, the least amount of protein is found in fruits and vegetables.

Protein delusions

A typical example is sausage. In addition to meat, sausage contains fat, milk, soy and water. To get 20 grams of pure protein, you will have to eat 200 grams of smoked or half a kilo of boiled sausage, while the amount of fat will be critically high or even dangerous for the health of blood vessels and the heart. The same goes for substitute products. These can be milk drinks, curds, sweet yoghurts, mayonnaises and sauces that are not directly related to the products they imitate. Accordingly, the protein in them is critically small or not at all.

The choice of protein products is great, and its variety will allow you to indulge in good nutrition. More protein sources will protect against deficiency important elements contained in various food, be it meat, fish, milk, cereals or beans. Eat quality fresh protein foods and be healthy!

Alexey Borodin

You write us a lot of letters asking for a list of high protein foods, their properties and their role in building muscle mass. Someone is wondering how you can lose weight with the help of food with a lot of protein. Well, since we are asked, we will tell. First, let's figure out what protein is, and then we'll go over the list of foods with a lot of protein.

Protein, to say the least scientific language, these are macromolecular substances that consist of amino acids united by a special bond. Protein is the main part of human nutrition, in whose body those same amino acids cannot be synthesized on their own, and in order for them to enter our body, it is necessary that in your daily diet there was a sufficient amount of protein food.

Protein plays a big role in maintaining and building muscle mass, so it is very important for athletes to consume as much protein as possible. Most experts advise to use people leading healthy lifestyle life, about 2 grams of protein per kilogram of their own weight. In their opinion, it is this number that is enough to maintain the current amount of muscle mass and build a new one. Also, experts say that the diet of any person should consist of 40% of protein foods.

Animal products contain the most quality proteins. Animal products include: meat, dairy products, fish, eggs. These products contain all the essential amino acids necessary for humans, and their quantity is balanced. Well, to finally clarify, let's look at the most popular foods that contain the highest amount of protein.

Protein food - food list

To make our article informative and useful for you, we have compiled a list of products consisting of protein foods. What are these products?

Chicken breast

The famous chicken breast, the main source of protein for bodybuilders and just people leading a healthy lifestyle. One hundred grams of breast contains 24 grams of protein, and only 2 grams of fat, eating even 200 grams of this meat, you will get half daily allowance squirrel. Chicken breast is easy to cook, it just needs to be boiled. But when boiled, it is tasteless, so we recommend that you cook it on the grill or in the oven. You can also make everyone's favorite barbecue out of it.

Turkey fillet

Another product that is high in protein and low in fat. A turkey breast contains about 25 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. Unfortunately, one of the main disadvantages of turkey meat is that the meat is too dry, and it is almost impossible to eat it boiled. Therefore, we recommend marinating turkey meat and cooking it on a grill or open fire.


Beef, unlike its predecessors, on the contrary, is very tasty when boiled. And most importantly soft, you do not have to chew a small piece twice. In 100 grams of beef tenderloin, almost 30 grams of quality proteins who are begging for you. Of the minuses, this is a high price of meat per kilogram, we prefer poultry meat.

Cottage cheese

In our humble opinion, cottage cheese is the king among all protein products. Just think, one package of cottage cheese, weighing 200 grams and priced at 26 rubles, contains 34 grams of protein. Moreover, cottage cheese contains the so-called casein, slow protein, the assimilation of which the body takes more energy than usual. So, after eating a pack of cottage cheese at night, you will know that your muscles will have something to eat during the night.

Canned tuna

Another product from the category of "royal". In one can of tuna, weighing 180 grams, 46 grams of protein and a few grams of fat, mostly from the oil in which the tuna is preserved. Tuna is tasty enough that you don't need to cook it. We did not find any significant cons. The price of one can of tuna is about 50 rubles, you can safely buy 3-4 cans a week and enjoy almost 200 grams of the purest protein.

Pink salmon

Another canned fish on our list. In one hundred grams of pink salmon about 20 grams of protein and about 5 grams of fat. Like tuna, pink salmon contains fats called Omega-3, which are extremely beneficial for the body. Therefore, we recommend that you consume either pink salmon or tuna at least 2 times a week.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are one solid protein, in one egg almost 8 grams of protein, as well as a few grams of fat. Many are afraid to use the yolk because of cholesterol, which, by the way, was invented by pharmaceutical companies in order to sell their miracle pills, but we hasten to reassure you: use the yolk as much as you like, it contains the lion's share of protein, almost 5 grams. Do not be afraid of cholesterol, it is better not to eat chips and do not wash them down with beer.


Another seafood product with a lot of protein. For one hundred grams there are about 22 grams of protein and not a single gram of fat. But shrimps are quite expensive, so we recommend using them when preparing salads.

Here is a simple salad recipe for you. Take 600 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of rice, 4 boiled eggs, a jar of green peas, onions, soy sauce - 100 ml, greens to taste.

Method of preparation: boil shrimp and rice, onion and egg white finely chop, and mix the yolk with soy sauce. We mix all the ingredients, add greens and enjoy delicious, and most importantly, healthy food.

This is where we stop. Of course, there are still a lot of products in which protein is present, we just gave, so to speak, a list of the most protein products, that is, products that contain a large amount of back per 100 grams. Also, all these products are available to almost everyone, they are easy to find in any supermarket or market, and the second option is preferable.

Protein food for weight loss

Losing weight with protein foods is a great way. The essence of the protein diet is that you need to increase your protein intake and reduce your carbohydrate and fat intake. It is not worth completely abandoning carbohydrates, as our body needs them as energy. Also, carbohydrates should be consumed with such a diet only in the morning and it is better that they are slow carbohydrates, for example, buckwheat or oatmeal.

In this article, we will tell you. You will learn what to eat and how to exercise.

You will be able to find out more information about protein powder. You will finally understand whether it is harmful or useful.

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