Healthy breakfast for weight loss. Proper breakfast for weight loss: recipes. Diet breakfast for every day. The most favorite recipes for weight loss

The "Minus 60" system of Ekaterina Mirimanova allows you to eat almost everything, but strictly regulates the time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It can hardly be called a diet - after all, there are completely non-dietary products on the menu, although the method of cooking matters. So, what awaits the one who has chosen to lose weight with the "Minus 60" system?

What to eat for breakfast

Ideally, breakfast should be one. But this does not mean that it can last from 8.00 to 11.59. Second breakfast is acceptable if:

  • the first breakfast is early;
  • in the morning food "does not climb";
  • there's too much time between breakfast and lunch, and you can't last.

Remember, if you eat twice in the morning, then there should not be two full breakfasts! By lunchtime, you should have an appetite!

If breakfast doesn’t fit in the morning, eat at least something - you can have a cracker with cheese, for example, and then have a full breakfast. But remember that by lunchtime you should be hungry!

If you work the night shift or "walk until the morning", it is better to have breakfast when you return home, then go to bed and, upon waking up, continue to follow the system.

I remind you once again that for breakfast you can eat absolutely everything, not counting calories and not thinking how harmful this product is. But that doesn't mean you always have to eat a hearty breakfast.

If you are already 100% following the system, there should be no problems with a hearty breakfast. As a rule, it is difficult for those people who have a heavy dinner. If your last meal was not particularly satisfying at 6 pm, you will most likely wake up hungry in the morning.

What can you eat for lunch

So what can you eat for lunch? Any raw, boiled, stewed or baked vegetables, including potatoes (but fried in butter or vegetable oil - in no case), meat (including boiled sausage and sausages), fish, poultry, cooked in the same ways. Bread during the day can only be eaten with rye, but it is better to replace it with diet crackers (in the lists of crisps, no other crackers can be used). As a dessert - fruits that belong to the group "allowed after 12". It is not necessary to drink all this with water or coffee / tea, a glass of freshly squeezed juice is quite welcome.

Cheese in an amount of up to 50 g per meal is not prohibited throughout the day. Kefir without additives belongs to the "under 6" products, but it is better to use it as an addition to the main meal, and not in between. For dessert, you can also eat plain yogurt with no additives.

I draw your attention to the fact that you should not eat canned foods like peas, eggplant caviar and the like, since you absolutely do not need an extra amount of salt, preservatives and sugar.

Mayonnaise and sour cream in large quantities for lunch are undesirable. What then to fill the salad? Try seasoned lemon juice or vinegar. A small amount of vegetable oil is also allowed (whether olive, sunflower or some other). Various sauces like ketchup, mustard and horseradish are not forbidden, but in small quantities, because. they contain sugar.

You need to have lunch during the day at a standard time, depending on your needs, from about 12 to 15. For lunch, you can afford both the first and the second, and a salad - in one meal. But all of them must be comparable to each other according to the product lists. For example, if the soup contains potatoes, pasta, legumes, couscous, corn, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, it must be boiled in water. The option that you catch "forbidden products" does not work. If the soup does not contain potatoes, pasta, legumes, couscous, corn, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, then it can be cooked on anything.

Personally, I am not a supporter of the daily use of soup, because it saturates well, but not for long. If you absolutely cannot do without it, I advise, firstly, to reduce the regularity of including it in the menu to 3-4 times a week, and secondly, give preference to soups made not on meat broth.

Since potatoes and pasta cannot be mixed with meat, fish, chicken and seafood, the choice of products must be taken very carefully.

How do you determine if you can mix dishes for lunch or dinner?

Lunch example: vinaigrette, buckwheat and fried turkey steak - is it possible?

Step 1. We lay out everything into ingredients: beets, carrots, pickles, sauerkraut, potatoes, green peas, butter, buckwheat, turkey.

Step 2. Cooking methods: boiling buckwheat, vegetables, frying a turkey.

Step 3. We check the products, are they all allowed. Vegetables can be any. Oil can be 1 tsp. Buckwheat is allowed. Turkey is allowed.

Step 4. Checking the cooking methods. You can cook, you can't fry. Okay, so let's boil the turkey.

Step 5. Checking the combination of products. We remembered one simple thing: a ban on the combination of potatoes, pasta, legumes, bread with meat and fish group. We have both potatoes and beans.

Conclusion: This lunch option is unacceptable. We will make adjustments: we cook the turkey, stew it, but do not fry it! Remove the potatoes, peas from the vinaigrette (or put it a little bit). Or we remove the turkey.

It may seem complicated at first, but once you try it, everything will turn out to be nowhere easier.

The most frequently asked questions about products

For lunch, you can eat rolls and sushi (except fried ones), without getting carried away with them, since they include white rice, which is not recommended for consumption by the system; jelly (removing fat); barbecue (marinated in a small amount of vinegar, and even better in kefir or pomegranate juice); canned fish only in its own juice.

All permitted cereals cannot be boiled in milk, because sweet or unsweetened cereals cooked in milk can contribute to weight gain. If you have normal digestion, allow yourself such a breakfast. If you don’t take my word for it, contact a nutritionist or check for yourself, only then, mind you, don’t ask questions “Why am I not losing weight?”. You can boil the cereal in water, then add milk.

The optimal percentage of fat content of dairy products is 5-6%. But if, for example, stuffing the breast with 9% cottage cheese, then this is also not scary, since its amount is small.

Last meal - dinner

It is necessary to try to postpone the last meal until "6 o'clock in the evening." I write this figure in quotation marks not by chance. Because if you go to bed at, say, 3 o'clock in the morning, you can have dinner for the last time after 6, but not later than 8 o'clock in the evening, even then. The earlier the last meal, the more effective.

But there is no need to bring it to the point of absurdity, eat at least something at least at 5 pm, then you will not have an acute feeling of hunger before going to bed and there will be no difficulty falling asleep and health problems.

You need to choose only one dinner option from the list for one day. You do not need to eat all the products listed in this option, you can choose several or even just one. During the week, dinner options can be alternated, that is, it is not necessary to eat constantly only meat or only vegetables.

When you, already tightly logged into the system, skip dinner, you will have to forget about it. Difficult? Set reminders on your phone, alarm clock and think over your day in advance: where and how you will eat. When you get used to it, your stomach itself will methodically remind you that it's time to eat!

For dinner, as well as for lunch, any processing method is allowed, except for frying in oil or fat. That is: grilling, boiling, steaming, stewing. Salted, pickled, smoked, pickled, lightly salted for dinner can not be eaten. For lunch, you can, but in small quantities.

Ekaterina Mirimanova


I still began to lose weight on the Japanese diet. Of course, I found a lot of pluses and one terrible minus for myself, this is a slight nausea in the morning. True, I sat on this diet for only three days, today is the third. On the scales, minus 1.5 kg ... For me, this is a significant figure for such a time.

In principle, I don’t see anything wrong with this diet. At least not as hungry as some. So you can lose weight and not stay hungry!

This is the diet I'm going to try.

Comment on the article "Slimming with a diet minus 60: what you can eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner"

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. What to eat to lose weight: the ability of calories to saturate. Diet for low blood sugar and aggressive calories.

I looked in my application, how much I eat. I'm severely malnourished for protein! Weekends are still back and forth, and weekdays are completely seams. On weekends, it comes out somewhere a little less than 90 g of protein per day. On weekdays - 30-40 g. And it should be, like, 218. But fat seems to be more than normal. The corners are ok. Or maybe it’s right, maybe I don’t need so much protein.
Although, all these programs and calorie content somehow do not count for me. They write from 1500 to 2200 kcal. And I have a little more than 1300, and then the weight goes off very slowly.

Where to begin?. Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight.


In terms of motivation, watching 3 seasons of "Weighted People" helped me. I watched to scare myself (gained 15 kg in 4 years). And at the same time I was imbued with a competitive spirit - since people with much more weight were able to lose weight, then I can do it too). Lost 7.5 kg in 4.5 months. The first 4 kg. left quickly, after 3 weeks of counting KBJU. I don't think so now, although I should. The weight is stable, I relaxed slightly with food) Stable, probably due to fitness (2 times a week, 2-3 hours). By the way, the calculation of KBJU is good because you quickly understand which products you can’t eat at all. When you see how much% it will take in the 1300 Kcal allotted to you, you quickly stop wanting it)

Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and People who watched Breen? So I want to listen to you, who and what thinks about his thoughts about: --- it doesn’t matter when and what to eat before or after training ...


It's simple, there is such a thing as the quality of the body. If you do not follow the foods you eat, well, for example. Instead of eating healthy foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the day, and eating cake, French fries with a Big Mac and going for a run or going to the gym, then you certainly won’t get fat, or maybe you will lose weight, but at the same time you won’t look beautiful. you will, everything will be flabby and saggy, but thin. And if you want to have a beautiful body, then no Big Macs and sweets.

A person is trying to convey the second law of thermodynamics. 1. Products can be arbitrarily useful, but if their calorie content is higher than you spent, you get fat. 2. if you eat only chocolate, but its calorie content is less than your costs, you lose weight. Here the usefulness of food for the body is not considered and how long you will last on chocolate, too.

Conference "Slimming and Dieting" "Slimming and Dieting". Section: Weight loss after childbirth (I'm looking here for half a conference from zero to a year) What do you eat to lose weight What is something to take on? Count calories? The child is still suffering from his stomach, so he eats vegetables to a minimum ...


Personally, I eat what I usually do, only without fat, as the Dukan diet bequeaths)) In general, you eat normally, in a normal mode, but according to his recipes, it’s tasty and you don’t starve.

IMHO it takes two things to succeed. firstly, set up your brain correctly :-) and secondly, choose a diet that suits you, or a way of eating. just feel like it fits. then there will be a result.

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. When I last started to lose weight, I had a goal to fit into an autumn jacket, that's exactly to fit into it, which actually I have ...


Every time I think about goals, I come to the conclusion that there is no need to lose weight. :))
Therefore, I prefer not to set any specific goals and generally consider this process as a kind of "hobby" ...

I’m probably a bit late with my wants, but I still want to lose weight in order to be beautiful firstly, and secondly healthy, so on Sunday I ran through the shops in high heels and thought if I were 10 kg less, how would it be easier for me ?! And in general, I want to change my attitude to food in my head and eat to live! not live to eat!

My husband was forced to leave, it doesn’t matter why it happened, we work together, we live together, we’ve been together for 1.5 years 24 hours a day, I’ve left, I’m going crazy, I don’t know how without him Over the past month, I’ve lost 7 kilograms from severe stress . Not happy, to be honest.


My husband was forced to leave, it doesn’t matter why it happened, we work together, we live together, we’ve been together for 1.5 years 24 hours a day, I left, I’m going crazy, I don’t know what to do without him. How to live, completely lost, at work Everyone asks where he is, I was tormented to answer. We call up 6 times a day, he almost cries, I roar out loud, but there is no way out, only time. How to get out - work seven days a week does not help, I sit in a minibus and cry, maybe we always went from work together. And to work too. Crazy on each other. I'm not losing weight by weight, but I'm losing a lot of volume.

09/20/2013 16:02:38, Anyutayka

If after stress you start to “thresh” everything in unlimited quantities, then quickly. If you eat rationally, then slowly.

My normal weight is 48-50 kg. After giving birth, I recovered to 56. Then, as a result of protracted troubles, I lost more than 10 kg in 8 months (moreover, the main 7 kg - in a week and a half, when I ate practically nothing, only drank water). And in this weight - 46-48 kg, I stayed for another year and a half, because. ate little and was still "coming out" of stress. Later, when from family happiness she began to eat everything in a row, she got the remaining 2-3 kg to her 50 ...

Medical procedures. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. I wanted to do such an analysis for 2 years, but it was not possible. Now I am in Moscow, I found out where such an analysis can be done.


Personally, it seems to me that all this is nonsense - I have never seen it written in these analyzes - you can have bread :))) and I don’t know why ... cabbage or something. they love to remove everything from which they get fat - fats - those mayonnaises and all sorts of sausages. Carbohydrates are harmful .. those are the same current diet for money

A friend of mine did this test. Received a list of prohibited, permitted and neutral products. I honestly followed the recommendations for 3 months, lost about 10 kg. The permitted foods included seafood, boiled meat, boiled vegetables... The forbidden foods included baked goods, pasta, fatty pork, canned food, sugar, and so on. Recommendations: eat 5 times a day in small portions, do not eat 4 hours before bedtime, more liquid, green tea. 2 years ago it cost $300, every 3 months it is necessary to repeat the procedure, paying the same money... A few months later she returned to her usual diet and with it the lost kilograms returned...

You will laugh, but I knit! even at work there is knitting, only everyone smokes, I knit! and every unfilled minute that I used to fill with a cigarette or chewing - I knit! I’ll just decide what to chew on, I promise myself to tie -3 rows to go to the kitchen .. but I get carried away and forget! and during the period of irresistible hunger, tea will save meyan! I brew myself a big mug of green tea with soursel and drink it straight hot! the smell of soursel and a hot drink will save me from gluttony!

Breakfast is an important meal, but not everyone feels hungry right after waking up. Someone prefers to have breakfast on the way to work with fast food, and for someone a sandwich with butter is enough - quickly and satisfying. But such a breakfast can not be called healthy.

If you are watching your figure and do not want to gain weight, take advantage of low-calorie breakfast recipes! They are simple, appetizing and you do not have to spend a lot of time preparing them.

In the morning, the body needs complex carbohydrates and proteins. Then during the day you will be cheerful and energetic.

  • An ideal option for breakfast is chicken and quail eggs. Boil them or make an oil-free omelet in the microwave or slow cooker. It will be delicious!
  • It is good to eat porridge in the morning. Boil them in water, without oil and milk. Porridge goes well with berries, fruits and dairy products - then it can be eaten without salt and sugar.
  • If porridge for breakfast does not make you hungry, replace it with a sandwich! Prepare it on the basis of wholemeal bread with the addition of lettuce, cream cheese or chicken breast. Refuse sausage, smoked meats and sausages. Try healthy breakfast recipes!
  • A good alternative for breakfast is muesli and cereal. But this option is allowed only if they do not contain high-calorie additives and sugar.

What to cook for breakfast if you are on a diet?

Healthy and low-calorie breakfasts will help you lose weight and not break your diet. They will energize you and relieve hunger for a long time. For cooking, you need to use only fresh and natural products.

Studies in the Journal of Obesity Research and Clinical Practice have proven that it is not the presence of breakfast that activates the metabolism, but the number of calories you eat during it.

In 100-150 ml of plain yogurt, put a teaspoon of natural honey, a few crushed pistachios and cinnamon to taste. Add a handful of fresh or frozen berries and sugar-free cereal.

Such a breakfast gives energy and a feeling of satiety, but does not overload the body. It saturates with vitamins and nutrients that are needed for the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Feta cheese sandwich

This breakfast is ideal for people who cannot imagine a morning without a cup of coffee or tea and a sandwich. Place lettuce leaves and a strip of feta cheese on a thin slice of brown bread with bran. You can decorate the sandwich with herbs, tomato or sesame seeds.

Feta cheese can be replaced with low-fat ricotta. Top with a peach wedge and sprinkle with chopped almonds.

Boil the rice so that it is viscous. Pour it with yogurt without additives and beat the mass with a blender until smooth. Sprinkle with cinnamon and crushed pistachios.

People who snack on pistachios do not experience the excruciating feeling of hunger. It is enough to eat a few pieces to replenish strength.

Classic: oatmeal with fruit and yogurt

Classic low-calorie breakfast - oatmeal. To make it as useful as possible, it must be prepared correctly. Pour two or three tablespoons of oatmeal with hot water and insist under the lid for several minutes.

Then pour low-fat yogurt, add fruit, cut into pieces. A pinch of cinnamon will complement the taste.

Experts from Northubia University came to the conclusion that you need to train on an empty stomach. People who don't eat breakfast before exercise burn a lot more calories.

Mix cottage cheese with a tablespoon of raspberries or strawberries (you can use a frozen product), add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of walnuts. Beat this mass with a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Pasta can be eaten as a dessert or spread as a dressing for wholemeal bread. Drink it with green tea or rosehip broth.

If you do not like the sour taste of cottage cheese, you can give it a sweetish cheese flavor. Mash the cottage cheese with the egg and put it in the microwave or preheated oven for a few minutes. This cooking method will retain the beneficial properties, but remove the specific sourness. After baking, cottage cheese can be served with berries or fruits.

Toast with salmon

Grease the bread with feta cheese, put a slice of salmon on top, garnish with herbs or green onions.

If the breakfast is rich in proteins, it helps to reduce the consumption of fat and sugar during the day - shows the experience of losing weight.

Eggs with greens

Whisk the eggs, add the sliced ​​bell peppers and make an omelet in the microwave or in the slow cooker. When the dish is almost ready, brush it on top with tomato paste and sweat for a few more minutes. Decorate with greenery.

Cut the sweet potato and lean meat into cubes, bake in the oven. In order not to waste time in the morning, it is better to do it the night before. For breakfast, serve sprinkled with red pepper.

According to the observations of nutritionists, people who often add red pepper to their meals consume fewer calories throughout the day.

Banana fritters

These pancakes are a great option for a low-calorie breakfast. Grind oatmeal in a blender or grind with your hands. Mash the banana with a fork, add to the cereal and mix. Beat the egg into the mass, form pancakes and place them on a baking sheet. Place in preheated oven and bake until done.

To stay on a diet and not succumb to temptations, you need to cook tasty and varied. Alternate between different low-calorie breakfast options and enjoy a variety of meals. Such dietary nutrition will help you hold out until the next meal without snacking.

In the field of nutrition, there are a bunch of diet recipes that contribute to the process of losing weight. And every day their number is constantly increasing. Today we will focus on dietary breakfasts, how to eat right, what foods are desirable to eat in the morning.

Diet breakfast. What's the use?

If your goal is to lose excess weight, then you need to normalize the entire amount of calories consumed and never exceed it. Ignoring breakfast does not contribute to this in any way, rest assured that the absence of breakfast will not affect the body positively. We'll explain why. After a long sleep, the body gave most of the resources to supply the body's systems, every cell of the body after waking up needs nutrients and energy for further life.

Starting the morning without breakfast, the body will begin to use the so-called "reserves", which feeds on nothing but muscle tissue. By skipping your morning meal, you run the risk of running into the following troubles:

  • a few hours after sleep, you will feel weakness throughout the body, signs of irritation will begin to appear;
  • glucose levels in the morning will be low, therefore, your productivity at work will be poor. Thoughts in the head will be focused only on one thing - “to eat”;
  • before lunch, you will definitely start looking for solutions to satisfy your hunger, as a rule, these will be fruits, buns, cookies, sausage sandwiches. And worst of all, if this list includes fast food, in which it is difficult to find anything other than harmfulness.

Without disputes, by simple mathematical calculations, you can find out that without eating in the morning, a person really protects himself from extra calories, but only until the moment of snacking. If you only knew how this affects the mood and performance of the body.

Importance of breakfast

Consequences of a healthy breakfast

In the morning, when food enters the stomach, a signal is immediately generated in the brain to wake up all body systems. All organs begin to work, the metabolic process also goes into the “active” status. Therefore, we list why it is so important to take breakfast:

  • in the morning, the body starts metabolism, which accompanies productive fat burning throughout the day;

  • having breakfast in the right form, as it should be, you can dull the feeling of hunger for a long time and, as a result, eliminate hearty snacks. This is how smart people cut calories;
  • breakfast will energize you for the whole day, after which you can set yourself up for active, productive activities.

Requirements for a healthy breakfast

In order for all the above advantages of breakfast to be observed, you need to eat only the right food. Otherwise, you won’t have to talk about any weight loss, you just “fill up” your stomach and don’t feel satisfied. Morning meal will be useful if you follow the following rules:

  • breakfast should consist mainly of complex carbohydrates, proteins. There should also be a minimum amount of fat. Without these elements, focusing on the full functioning of all the mechanisms of the body is unlikely to work. The most important in breakfast are complex carbohydrates, they are slowly digested and therefore allow you to feel full for a long time;

  • it is desirable to have breakfast at the end of the morning hygiene procedures;
  • do not rush when eating, so the food will be better absorbed. After a meal, you should be “touched” by a feeling of satiety, which will not disappear for a long time when you perform daily tasks;
  • breakfast with coffee is not recommended, but if you cannot refuse it, drink this invigorating drink when you come to work.

  • at first it may seem that you are not made for breakfast. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion, just that you have not yet developed such a habit in yourself. You just need to start small, at first you can limit breakfast to oatmeal with yogurt, a piece of toast, half a hard-boiled egg. After a couple of days, you will notice that after waking up you want to “throw something in your mouth”, and this indicates the formation of a habit;

  • breakfast should not include high-calorie foods, in particular such harmful foods as sausages, smoked meats, sweet flour, spicy, fried, too salty foods. Such a meal will bring you a number of troubles, including prolonged heaviness in the stomach, heartburn.

Options for healthy diet recipes

So what should you eat for breakfast in order to say goodbye to extra pounds in the future? Now we will provide concrete examples! The food with which you start the morning should please you, at the same time it should be healthy and comply with all the principles described above. To your attention is a list of dietary breakfasts, where you are sure to find the option that is combined with your taste preferences.

Each of the presented dishes will contribute to weight loss, provide all the mechanisms of the body with the necessary resources, and give energy for the whole day.

  • porridge cooked on water (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley). Consume with fruit or with a glass of natural yogurt;
  • a few tablespoons of natural sweets in the form of jam, honey are added to cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content;
  • smoothies from yogurt or kefir with berries (only natural ingredients), fruits (a banana is very useful in the morning);

  • boiled chicken meat, chopped into small pieces, mixed with vegetables and herbs, wrapped in pita bread;
  • a slice of whole grain bread, topped with a layer of low-fat cottage cheese. Washed down with fresh juice;
  • protein egg omelette mixed with frozen vegetables (takes on particular relevance in winter);
  • a few hard-boiled eggs with citrus fruit;

  • whole grain toast with jam (drink with natural yogurt);
  • egg white omelette with greens, mushrooms, spinach.

Look at these recipes and you will agree that diet food can be not only nutritious and healthy, but also tasty.

TOP 7 delicious breakfasts for weight loss


A proper breakfast is confidence in the coming day, a guarantee of a pleasant and useful pastime. Eating in the morning is more important than ever for a person who wants to lose weight. This will reduce the amount of calories consumed throughout the day, as well as start the metabolic process immediately after getting out of bed. Having breakfast, you will always be full of strength and energy, so do not be lazy to wake up early to cook yourself a tasty and healthy meal. Good luck to you! May any of your aspirations be sure to be marked by a positive result.

Weight loss can be beneficial to the body if you regularly cook diet cereals. Due to the wide variety of cereals, the diet will be very diverse. Simple recipes for diet cereals for weight loss will help you lose weight quickly and with health benefits. So that the menu is not too sparse, you can add both berries and any fruit that will make the taste of the dishes more interesting.

Why do people lose weight on cereals

Even the most dietary porridge helps to quickly get rid of a couple of extra pounds, and weight loss will be harmless. Adding this dish to the daily diet helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity, the body receives the necessary trace elements and vitamins, and all harmful substances are quickly and gently removed. The composition of cereals includes a large amount of fiber and "long" carbohydrates, so you will not feel hungry. If looking at photos of slender girls, you want to switch to some cereals, you can’t do this.

How to use porridge

The diet on cereals is one of the hypoallergenic, easily perceived by the digestive system. However, nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with experiments, you should not abuse this dish, you need to eat at least three times a day. It is important to know how to cook diet porridge so that it benefits the body. Breakfast is the perfect time to eat this dish.

If this technique is followed, it is recommended to minimize the amount of fatty foods consumed during the day. The dietary version of the dish is made without salt, sour cream, sugar, butter, meat. To prepare healthy porridge, add some dried seaweed, dried fruits, nuts, honey. It is useful to combine cereals with fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil is allowed.

In order for excess weight to go away, and not gain, the use of cereals should take place in small portions. They are very satisfying, and for several hours you will not be bothered by hunger. About 30 minutes before the start of the meal, drink a glass of plain water or half an hour after eating. Nutritionists do not advise to endure hunger, you just need to eat a couple of spoons of warm porridge.

The best cooking recipes

You need to cook any kind of cereals on water, but milk with a minimum percentage of fat content can also be used. Only diet sauces are suitable for dressing, but you can’t add a lot of them. A great alternative would be fresh fruit, which will supply vitamins to the body and improve the taste of the dish. It is allowed to add a little honey, dried fruits and nuts. The most useful diet cereals are buckwheat and oatmeal. They include the maximum amount of valuable trace elements and vitamins, and oatmeal will also contain protein.

Barley porridge


  • pearl barley - 200 g;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head.


  1. In the evening, you need to soak barley with 1 liter of water, and in the morning start cooking it. You can use a slow cooker to speed up the process.
  2. To make barley for breakfast, drain the old water, add 3 cups of fresh water.
  3. Barley must be boiled for 30 minutes over low heat.
  4. After half an hour, remove the saucepan from the stove and wrap it with a warm towel or blanket.
  5. You can diversify this recipe by adding vegetables. Peel onions and carrots, lightly fry in olive oil, mix with swollen cereals.

Pea porridge


  • water - 5 tbsp.;
  • peas - 3 tbsp.


  1. This delicious dish will help you lose weight quickly. First, the peas are carefully sorted, poured with a glass of water and left for 2 hours to better boil.
  2. Water drains. To cook peas quickly, use the slow cooker by setting the "soup" mode. If cooking in a simple saucepan, simmer the dish on the stove for at least an hour.
  3. It is useful to use both hot and cold versions of this porridge.

Milk rice porridge


  • round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • skimmed milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • dried fruits - 1-2 pinches.


  1. The rice version of the diet is very useful and valuable for the body. This recipe for a dietary dish has a positive effect on the entire body, perfectly cleanses the intestines and normalizes its work.
  2. Rinse the rice and cover with boiling water.
  3. Boil the mass for 6-7 minutes over low heat.
  4. After the specified time, drain all the liquid (if necessary, increase the cooking time).
  5. This is not the end of cooking - heat the milk separately by putting half-cooked rice in it, and boil for another 15 minutes.
  6. Then place the pot of rice in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  7. Add dry fruits before serving.



  • manna groats - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 pinch;
  • skimmed milk - 2 tbsp.


  1. Warm milk, lightly salt.
  2. Sprinkle semolina. Without ceasing to interfere, cook the dish until fully cooked (about 8-10 minutes).
  3. Before serving, add some dried fruit. The minimum number of calories and pleasant taste will make semolina an excellent option for breakfast, because it is the best source of energy. But during cooking it is strictly forbidden to add any fat.



  • buckwheat - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.


  1. Nutrition with the addition of buckwheat to the diet is very beneficial for health and figure. First, the cereal is carefully sorted out, washed with plenty of running water.
  2. All liquid is drained, buckwheat is transferred to a thermos.
  3. Groats are poured with boiling water.
  4. During the night, buckwheat is steamed, and in the morning you can use it. It is important to make a new portion every day.

Pumpkin porridge


  • pumpkin - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2-3 tbsp.;
  • cereals (oatmeal, millet or rice) - 1-2 tbsp. l.


  1. The pumpkin diet is very healthy and can be varied.
  2. First, the pumpkin is peeled, the seeds are removed, the pulp is cut into cubes.
  3. The pumpkin is stewed in water for about half an hour.
  4. A few tablespoons of cereal are introduced, and the dish is cooked for another 30 minutes at minimum heat.

Barley porridge


  • barley groats - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.


  1. To prepare a diet cell, pour water into a saucepan and boil.
  2. Throw out the barley. As soon as the water boils again, cook the dish over medium heat for about half an hour.
  3. If a coarse type of whole grain cereal is to be used, it must be soaked in water and left for several hours, and sometimes overnight, before cooking.

Hercules porridge


  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • hercules - 1 tbsp.


  1. Water is poured into a saucepan and boiled.
  2. Gradually, croup is introduced in small portions (it is important to constantly stir).
  3. On minimum heat, porridge is boiled for 15 minutes. If you do not interfere, the oatmeal can burn.
  4. The Herculean version of the diet is the most popular, because a microwave can be used to cook the dish. For this, 2.5 tbsp. water is poured 1 tbsp. cereals. It cooks for 10 minutes, then 5 minutes with the lid removed and the same amount with the glass, but slightly shifted so that steam can escape.

It's no secret that proper nutrition includes not only healthy food, but also the regularity of its use. A dietary breakfast is a necessary component of the daily diet of every person who monitors their health. In our article you will find some delicious, simple and very healthy morning meals for every day, containing the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Why should you eat breakfast?

“I don’t have time, I’m not used to it, I don’t want to ...” In order not to eat in the morning, there are a lot of different excuses, and in fact - why waste precious time of sweet morning sleep on a plate of porridge or fussing with scrambled eggs. But in order to truly wake up the body, it needs to be offered not a shake-up in the form of a cup of coffee, but a source of energy in the form of proteins and carbohydrates, which will be a complete dietary breakfast.

Regular eating in the morning allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • One and a half times increase efficiency and the ability to live quietly until dinner, without thinking about food
  • Improve attention and memory
  • Control your appetite throughout the day and especially at dinner
  • Normalize weight

Just imagine, if a person consistently skips breakfast, then 14-16 hours pass between the evening meal and the morning meal! While the maximum allowable time is no more than 12, and then only on the condition that we do not save on sleep.

The fact is that without receiving energy in the form of incoming calories in the morning, the body begins to draw it from the muscles, since it is much easier to do this from them than from fat. But during the day and, especially, in the evening, when you can afford to physically and psychologically relax after a hard day, we begin to “get” what we missed in the morning in abundance. Unfortunately, the body, remembering the stable morning "hunger strike", begins to store calories in reserve and, of course, sends them not to the muscles at all, but - alas - to fat.

As you can see, only the right, complete, but not too high-calorie or sweet dietary breakfast can make us not only more attractive, but healthy and energetic.

Egg breakfast options

Eggs are considered to be one of the best morning meals. Their nutritional and energy value is such that a couple of eggs eaten in the morning will provide strength until the afternoon.

Eggs do not give sharp jumps in blood sugar, like any sweet food, after which the appetite increases significantly after 1.5 - 2 hours. Despite all the talk about excess cholesterol, the appearance of which provokes the use of eggs, it has been proven that they contain much more unsaturated fatty acids than saturated ones, which makes eggs an ideal option for a dietary breakfast.

poached eggs

The recipe for this dish is simple, and the benefits are much higher than those of a regular soft-boiled egg. Due to the more cooked protein, it is easier to digest and better absorbed, and also has a choleretic effect and improves peristalsis.


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l per liter of water
  • Water - 1 - 1.5 l


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Do not add salt to the water, as the fresh protein will be able to better coagulate (curl) around the yolk.
  2. In barely boiling water, break the eggs one by one from the shell. The best way to do this is to break the eggs as close to the surface of the water as possible and, opening the shell wide, pour it out. If the protein begins to spill around, immediately twist the egg with a spatula or spoon to wrap it around the yolk.
  3. We let it boil over low heat so that the water barely boils, exactly 4 minutes. This time will allow the protein to "grab" and the yolk to remain liquid.
  4. Remove from boiling water with a slotted spoon and transfer to cold water. This is necessary in order to wash off the vinegar and cool the eggs - the hot protein continues to act on the yolk and boil it.
  5. We put the eggs on a plate, salt, pepper - you're done!

Poached eggs are a great companion to whole grain toast with natural jam or a banana with a cup of espresso. Such a dietary breakfast will charge you with vivacity of the body and clarity of thought for a long time.

* Cook's advice
- In order for the eggs to turn out to be beautifully rounded, despite the fact that they are boiled in “free flight” without a shell, it is necessary that they be as fresh as possible. It is easy to check this - break one egg on a saucer and see: if the protein spreads in a puddle, then the product is edible, but not fresh, but if it protrudes around the yolk in a compact "slide" - this is an excellent raw material for poached eggs.
- If you do not want to mess around like this every morning, cook a few pieces in the evening. Poached eggs are perfectly stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days in a container of water in the refrigerator. To warm them up, it is enough to dip them in hot salted water for a few minutes, but they are also very tasty cold.

Omelet with vegetables

An omelet with vegetables is also suitable for a dietary breakfast. You can use both fresh and frozen convenience foods: green peas, corn, broccoli, cauliflower or green beans - all together or separately.

Vegetables without any defrosting are fried in vegetable oil (actually stewed), and then poured with a mixture of beaten eggs with salt and milk. It is good to fry such an omelet under the lid, and serve sprinkled with herbs.

Diet breakfast options with cottage cheese

To restore our strength before the daily marathon, useful proteins again “rush”. Cottage cheese not higher than 8% fat will not overload the body with excess fat, but it will supply it with calcium - there is almost no calcium in skimmed dairy products.

Cheesecakes in the oven

A dish from childhood - fragrant, fried cheesecakes, poured with condensed milk or sour cream, are poorly presented as a dietary breakfast, but we will not even try, because our goal is not to feast, but to recharge our batteries!

The secret is that we make them in the oven and use stevia instead of sugar. This natural sweetener is suitable even for diabetics, as it does not contribute to the release of insulin. Sold in powder, tablets and syrup in pharmacies and specialized stores. Since stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar, the dosage is always written on the packaging, and you can't go wrong with the amount.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g
  • Chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • Natural yogurt without additives - 3 tbsp
  • Oat bran (flakes ground in a coffee grinder or blender are also suitable) - 1.5 tbsp
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • stevia


  1. In a blender bowl, mix cottage cheese, yolk, stevia and 1 tbsp. l. yogurt. Then add bran, vanillin and mix again.
  2. We spread the curd mass in the form of pancakes on a baking sheet or in a silicone mold for muffins, leaving 2/3 of the height free.
  3. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about half an hour.

Once completely cooled, serve sprinkled with cinnamon or drizzled with the remaining yogurt. Since cheesecakes need to be eaten completely chilled, they can also be successfully cooked in the evening and a nutritious diet breakfast will be waiting for you in the morning!

If you only want to mess around like this on weekends, then on weekdays with cottage cheese you can come up with a lot of simple, but no less tasty recipes for a quick breakfast. Usually it is recommended to mix it with berries, fruits and sweet yogurt, but bearing in mind that fast carbohydrates always give an “energy kickback”, we recommend that you try cottage cheese ... with salt. Yes, yes, it is very tasty!

Mix 100 - 150 g of cottage cheese in a deep plate, salt, add herbs and spread on whole grain or rye diet bread. If you want something spicier, before applying cottage cheese to bread, spread a thin layer of adjika or mustard - you will not only get a refreshment, but also shake yourself up before a working day!

Oatmeal breakfast options

The oatmeal porridge familiar to all of us can be much tastier and more interesting cooked without losing its beneficial properties.

Oatmeal fritters


  • Oatmeal or Hercules - 3-6 tbsp
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon (optional)
  • Flour (preferably peeled) - 1-2 tbsp
  1. Soak bran overnight in cold water so that it is completely covered. In the morning, add mashed banana, flour and cinnamon to them. Lightly salt.
  2. We fry in a pan with a non-stick coating, so it will be possible to avoid additional fat in the dish.

Instead of a banana, you can use any other fruit or berries, the main thing is to do it gradually so that the consistency does not turn out to be too liquid. In this case, add more flour.

Also, oatmeal can be soaked in the evening not in water, but in natural yogurt. Then in the morning we will have the perfect diet breakfast. They can be sweetened with a drop of honey or stevia, add nuts and dried fruits. Such food will be really tasty, nutritious and not too high in calories.

There are a lot of dietary breakfast recipes and they are very different. All of them are united by only one thing - quick digestibility, nutritional value and health that they give us. It doesn’t matter if you are losing weight or not, but if you care what you eat and when, pay attention to a healthy breakfast. The absence of excess fats and sugars just makes it dietary.

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