What is human reproductive health - what factors influence, how to maintain and prevent violations. Reproductive health - what is it? What are its components and characteristics

reproductive health - this is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of human life.

reproductive system is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. In order for healthy children to be born, every modern person must know how to maintain their reproductive health.

The sex of a person is laid already in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. In the eighth week, when the fetus weighs about four grams, the genitals begin to form. The obvious external differences between boys and girls are the result of the work of sex hormones synthesized by the gonads. The male sex hormones are called androgens, and the female sex hormones are called estrogens. Androgens and estrogens are initially present in the body of opposite sexes, but the ability to reproduce is achieved only after the completion of the puberty process.

The predominance of estrogens in the female body causes cyclic processes that are carried out with the participation of the central nervous system. Even during puberty, due to hormones, the contours of the body are rounded in girls, the breasts increase, the pelvic bones become wider - in this way, their body is gradually preparing to perform the future function of reproduction.

The male body due to androgens is stronger than the female, although not always more enduring. It is no coincidence that nature assigned the most important mission of bearing a child to a woman.

The state of reproductive health largely depends on the lifestyle of a person, as well as on a responsible attitude to sexual life. Both affect the stability of family relationships, the general well-being of a person.

A negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function is an unwanted pregnancy. Often a woman faces a difficult choice: to give birth to a child or to have an abortion. It is especially difficult to solve this problem in adolescence. Abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible reproductive disorders. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies and other life plans, so each situation should be considered individually and carefully. In order for such situations to occur less often, adolescents need to have a mature understanding of the meaning of reproductive health and the concept of family planning.

Family planning is necessary for the implementation of the following tasks:

    the birth of desired healthy children;

    maintaining a woman's health;

    achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

    implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, it is ensuring the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words, family planning - this is the birth of children at will, and not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized human right.

Family planning helps spouses consciously choose the number of children in the family, the approximate dates of their birth, plan their lives, avoiding unnecessary worries and anxieties.

The optimal age for having children is 20-35 years. If pregnancy occurs earlier or later, then it usually proceeds with complications, and the likelihood of health problems in mother and child is higher. Intervals between births should be at least 2 - 2.5 years; this allows a woman to restore her strength, preserve her health and the health of her future children. In this regard, it should also be emphasized that abortion is by no means the best method of birth control, it can be avoided by using modern methods of contraception (prevention of unwanted pregnancy).

A teenager should not withdraw into himself with his problems. He should know that a wise and tactful adult is always ready to help him.

Reproductive function is negatively affected by stress, especially chronic stress, quality of nutrition, lifestyle. This happens not only under the influence of excessive factors, but also with toxicosis in pregnant women, when adaptation to changes during pregnancy becomes insufficient due to the low level of physical health of the mother.

Smoking affects sexual health, affects the exchange of sex hormones N Shirren found that people who smoke have half the sexual activity

Alcohol somewhat increases sexual desires, since it removes the inhibitory influence of upbringing and the external environment, but it breaks an erection. Shakespeare wrote in "Mac Beta": "Drinking promotes desire, but deprives me of the possibility of being able to."

The more a person drinks, the less her sexual strength, the quality of germ cells deteriorates Under the influence of large doses of alcohol, the manifestation of sexual reflexes changes

Human sexuality can bring not only joy and happiness, but also great suffering, since many infectious diseases are sexually transmitted. These diseases are called venereal diseases. Most of them are cured if diagnosed in time, but the damage caused by their pathogens affects reproductive health.

Sexually active people who often change partners should undergo periodic medical examinations, especially after changing sexual partners, and not self-medicate.

In short, in order to maintain reproductive health, one must follow a healthy lifestyle, eat well and properly, do not drink, do not smoke, do not get sexually transmitted infections (remember their consequences), use contraceptives (if you have an abortion, it is also not a fact, that everything will end well)



Human health is an interesting and complex phenomenon. It has always interested and will interest not only scientists, but also every person. All languages ​​of the world have the word "health", all the peoples of the world have sayings about health.

So everyone knows:

    health is the most valuable treasure;
    without health there is no happiness;
    healthy - everything is great.
What proverbs and sayings do you know about health?
When you meet acquaintances, relatives on the street or at home, you always say hello i.e. say: "Hello!". This means that you wish them well.

Everyone has their own ideas about health, although there are generalizations that briefly and fully reveal the content of this concept.

Remember what you learned about health at school? Give familiar definitions of health to you?
Health is…

    Try to formulate your own definition of "health"!
Health - this is a good physical form of a person. This means that all internal organs work harmoniously in the human body.
There is also such a thing as "reproductive health". Do you know what reproductive health is?

Reproductive health - it is not only the ability to conceive, give birth and raise a healthy child, but also a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

In this way, reproductive health means the possibility of a satisfactory and safe sex life, the ability to procreate and the ability to decide when and how often to do this. This provides for the right of a man and a woman to family planning.
This also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is to improve life and personal relationships, and not just counseling and treatment of diseases that are sexually transmitted.

In the history of mankind, interpersonal relationships are two independent lines - male and female, which constantly collide and influence each other. The activity of men has always had a leading character and was carried out as a common activity in groups. The initial male activities have always been wars, hunting, etc. Hence the traditionally male readiness to interact with other men, the orientation of men to comrades and their opinion. Whereas the activity of women has always been individual, and their communication with representatives of their own sex has been noticeably cautious.
Throughout the development of mankind, society for quite a long time enjoyed the separate education of boys and girls. The boys were prepared for the future role of a warrior, leader. They were sent for training. For this, there were special organizations where they were brought up, rested, and performed certain public affairs. There were only boys, under the supervision of exclusively male mentors.
The upbringing of girls was carried out within the walls of their own home. Girls were prepared for the future role of wife and mother, the keeper of the hearth. Therefore, the sexuality of boys (as future men) was different from the sexuality of girls (as future women).

Modern girls, as future women, have a clearer reproductive attitude than boys. They are more focused on traditional marriage and the birth of children in these conditions. In addition, (women) girls are more critical of their health, including reproductive health. Compared to boys, they demonstrate greater caution and responsibility regarding the use of contraception as a method of protection against AIDS and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, as well as a greater interest in information of this kind.

Different features has the relation of boys and girls to love. The need for love is one of the basic human needs. In the desire to be warmed by love feelings between people, there are practically no differences: not by gender, not by age, not by status. The need for love is equally strong in both boys and girls, but the forms of expression of these feelings are different.

There are different types of love, according to modern typology, there are six main styles, or “colors” of love:

    The first "color" - agape.Why first? Yes, because agape falls on a teenager of twelve or thirteen years old, captures his whole being, makes him suffer, live with the consciousness that he or she is the first and only person experiencing such a feeling. Agape is selfless, it is love - self-giving. There is an element of tender, devoted friendship in it and the first, yet timid, unconscious attraction to physical intimacy ... Fear of the thought of this intimacy makes teenagers run away from adults, from themselves and, of course, from the object of love ... To survive agape in time is a great success . It's like a vaccine that makes life easier during a period of other, stronger emotions.
    Eros- this love is a passion, it captures a person as a whole, deprives him of control over himself, criticism of what is happening, concentrates all his strength and attention on himself. In eros, three eternal sisters, as it were, united - Faith, Hope, Love. The only pity is that their mother Sophia, who, as you know, is called Wisdom in Russian, did not find a place. This often leads to ... no, no, I will not moralize boringly. You yourself or yourself, if you are not currently under the power of eros, will be able to reflect on the consequences.
    Ludus. That's really popular among today's youth "color". Not even a “color” - a coloring. What a fun sitter! Love is a game that easily allows betrayal, does not require depth of feelings. Today you are with me, tomorrow with him, the day after tomorrow we are together again. Without reproaches, tears and shocks. Unpretentious. The slogan is "We are modern people!" Are they modern? The fact is that the fashion for ludus in the entire civilized world is passing, but we have been delayed. Like shoes, fashionable in Paris yesterday, and here tomorrow.
    The fourth "color" - pragma. Reasonable love. By calculation, under the control of the mind. “And it’s not love at all,” someone will say. Allow, allow, quite love, for the pragma presupposes the desire for physical possession. The partner is interesting, he worries. His hands, eyes, smile, gait .. But the prospect of his career with pragma is always important. The owner of the pragma, as a rule, has already stepped over his youth.
    Another kind of love mania. A person possessed by such a “color” of love is a prisoner. Mania - love - obsession. The lover is not confident in himself, in his beloved, he is dependent in his feeling on every word, rustle and look. Love-torment-that's what mania is. understand and forgive
    And the last "color" of love in modern typology is storge. Warm, tender, calm love is friendship.
It has been proven that love experiences and attitudes of young men contain more "erotic" and especially "human" components, while women have more pronounced "pragmatic", "storgic" and "manic" features, that "manic" hobbies are more typical for adolescents and young men, rather than for adults, that male and female preferences in choosing partners do not coincide.

Very often, among young people, the concept of “love” is invested in satisfying the physiological needs of a person through sexual contacts, which cannot be called relationships. Now quite often you can meet young people who had sexual intercourse in adolescence.

According to a survey of schoolchildren conducted by the Health Center, the main reasons that push teenagers to have early sexual intercourse are:

    loss of girls in front of feelings associated with first love and unwillingness to offend a partner by refusing to have sex (self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, a service to him);
    the idea of ​​sex as a good way to relieve stress;
    a way to have fun (while you are young and unbound by marital obligations, love affairs are a good way to relax, have a great time);
    sex is like a pill for loneliness;
    desire to feel like an adult;
    inability to resist partner pressure;
    copying the behavior of adults;
    peer pressure.
Adolescence is a special age, in which childhood intersects with adulthood, puberty is gaining momentum, and sexuality is reaching the pinnacle of its development. Most of you are tempted to try what sex is. All this is so provocative that the question arises: “Why are sexual desires so strong, because you are not yet ready to satisfy them?”
    I want to tell you that these trials exist in order to learn to control your desires and resist temptation. You must understand that this is a test of strength, that it is very important to learn to control your sexual desires, and the power of the human mind is entirely adapted to suspend any feelings. This is not easy, especially for you boys, but it is necessary for you, as future men, because it is as worthy as self-control. Only you can decide when to start having sex, but this decision must be deliberate, conscious and balanced. In order to rejoice with your friends, achieve your goals and strive for your cherished dream, to be with someone who you really care about. You deserve more!
Nature created people of two sexes and gave them one of the basic instincts - procreation. But in human society, a man and a woman live together not only for this. Their relationship became deeper, spiritual, sensual. Intimate relationships are enriched with love, fidelity, respect. Thanks to such relationships, a man and a woman can start a family and have children.
Today, the relationship between a man and a woman has a slightly different character than 10 years ago. The problem of early sexual relations is one of the main ones for young people. But not everyone knows about the dangers of early sexual life and its possible consequences. Such as:

1. Early unwanted pregnancy, which leads to the fact that underage mothers abandon their children, as well as the birth of children with numerous deviations.
2. Infection with infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as infection with AIDS.

There are more than 20 types of sexually transmitted infections. Such as: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, etc. It is not easy to recover from these diseases and they have very serious consequences, such as infertility, cancer.

But the most dangerous disease, which is called the plague of the 20th century, is AIDS.
What do you know about AIDS?

Mankind learned about HIV-infection a few decades ago.
HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
A person with AIDS may look healthy and feel good for many years. The virus can be transmitted at all stages of the disease. Most often, HIV infection is transmitted sexually. Most of the patients are young people who use drugs, people who have promiscuity. HIV infection can also be transmitted through non-sterile instruments when doing piercings, tattoos and other manipulations in which there is contact with blood. HIV infection is not transmitted through shaking hands, using the toilet, swimming pool, bedding, kitchen utensils, mosquito bites.

Where do the troubles associated with infectious diseases come from:

1. When loyalty to a loved one is an empty phrase for you.

2. When you have a lot of sexual partners.

3. When the measures of safe sexual contact are ignored.

The concept of "healthy lifestyle", "reproductive health" also includes the rejection of bad habits, such as: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction.

For example, how does smoking affect reproductive health?
A cigarette is a chemical factory that produces 4,000 different chemical compounds, 40 of which are carcinogens.
- 40% of men suffering from impotence are smokers;

    Decreased ability to conceive: Smokers are 3-4 times more likely to take more than a year to become pregnant than non-smokers.
    the risk of miscarriage when smoking increases by 8-10 times;
    in 20-30% of cases, smoking is the cause of the birth of a child with a lack of body weight;
    in 10% of cases, smoking is the cause of infant mortality.
In conclusion, I would like you to think about your health. Including reproductive. After all, you still have your whole life ahead of you. And being healthy means:
do what you love;
to love and to be loved;
this is a strong family; healthy children;
a chance to become a long-liver;
do not spend money on medicines;
not have any more problems.


1. Is it possible to determine by appearance that a person has AIDS? Not really_
2. Is the causative agent of AIDS, the human immunodeficiency virus? Not really_
3. Can a blood test show that a person is infected with HIV? Not really_
4. Can only men get HIV infection? Not really_
5. If you kiss an AIDS patient, is it possible to get infected from him? Not really_
6. Are there AIDS pills today? Not really_
7. Can it be transmitted at the time of blood transfusion? Not really_

In order to avoid abortions, it is necessary to explain to the younger generation in a timely manner what is meant by the term sexual life, how to conduct it correctly. Such upbringing helps to avoid rash acts on the part of young people, protect the sexual sphere from pathologies, and exclude fatal events for their future.

What is reproduction

The Ministry of Health, in order to reduce the number of abortions performed, the risk of early, unwanted pregnancy, has introduced certain norms that have been distributed among the masses for more than a decade. Reproductivity is the ability to reproduce, to continue the human race. To maintain the health of the reproductive system, each person must know the existing methods of contraception, take a responsible approach to the issue of family planning, procreation.

Human Reproductive Health

The biggest threat to a person is diagnosed infertility. Such a disease develops equally in the female and male body, prevents the continuation of the family. More often it is an acquired condition, it is considered the result of abortions, pathologies and immoral sexual life. Everyone perceives the reproductive health of a person in their own way, however, according to WHO standards, this is the mental, physiological, social readiness of an individual to start sexual activity in order to procreate.

Women's reproductive health

The upbringing of girls affects their worldview already in adulthood. If parents instill modesty, decency and a selective attitude towards members of the opposite sex from early childhood, a woman's reproductive health does not cause concern. If children are not aware, then an unplanned pregnancy is not the only difficulty that arises in their path. Infections and sexually transmitted diseases that are diagnosed in today's youth are not ruled out. Statistics show that the consequences can be the most tragic for a woman and her family.

Reproductive health of men

Male factor infertility is no less common in modern medicine. If a woman's pregnancy does not occur within six months after giving up all methods of contraception, there is a serious health problem. Male reproductive health is determined by two factors - spermatogenesis and potency. The cause of the pathological process is stress, chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency in the body, poor lifestyle, bad habits, internal diseases.

Adolescent reproductive health

During adolescence, it is important to ensure the reproductive health of adolescents in order to protect them from rash acts in the future. This important period begins with the arrival of menstruation in girls and wet dreams in boys, but these are not the only changes in the reproductive system of the younger generation. Since teenagers do not adhere to body hygiene, enter into early marriages, choose drug addiction, smoking, alcohol in their lives, the reproductive function is reduced. The problem in modern society is becoming global.

Reproductive health of the population

In conditions of insufficient ecology, the reproductive health of the population noticeably suffers. This worldwide problem is being addressed at the state level in order to protect today's youth. A number of social programs have been developed, the main purpose of which is to explain to the population and all its social classes what health is at the reproductive level. In addition, tell about preventive measures aimed at ensuring the impeccable condition of the human sexual sphere. The organization of such a process guarantees the physical and moral well-being of the population.

Factors affecting reproductive health

Such a concept arises even during the pregnancy of a woman, who, even when carrying a fetus, must ensure its health at the level of reproduction. For this, modern gynecology has such a definition as pregnancy planning. It is required to examine future parents - a woman and a man, to exclude congenital diseases, genetic pathologies. If diseases are detected, then they need to be treated in a timely manner, to prevent complications for the intrauterine development of the fetus. Factors affecting reproductive health are studied separately by modern medicine.

Factors destroying reproductive health

The first sign that not everything is in order in a woman’s condition is a disturbed menstrual cycle. As a result, the lack of stable ovulation and the inability to safely conceive a child. Sexual activity is reduced, and the problem needs to be solved at the gynecological level. Other factors that destroy reproductive health can be divided into several categories:

  1. External causes: stress and chronic fatigue, bad habits and harmful production, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle, medication and psychosexual factor.
  2. Internal causes: infections, iodine deficiency and endocrine system dysfunction, hormonal failure and androgen deficiency, body exhaustion and immune imbalance, androgen deficiency and testosterone deficiency, folic acid deficiency.

Prevention of reproductive health disorders

To avoid an extremely undesirable deterioration in sexual function at any age of the patient, it is required to approach publicly available preventive measures with special responsibility. You need to know about them from the beginning of puberty, while adhering to the rest of your life, to convey to the consciousness of your own offspring. So, effective and reliable prevention of reproductive health focuses on such social and psychological complexes for each person:

  • development of measures for the productive treatment of the genital area from viral, infectious diseases;
  • treatment of psychological diseases of sexual dysfunction;
  • planning pregnancy, the beginning of the first sexual relationship;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • development of measures directed against infant and maternal mortality;
  • treatment of androgen deficiency, hormonal imbalance;
  • holding lectures, seminars on the topic of early sexual life;
  • explaining to the population the rights in relation to receiving assistance for young families;
  • lectures on early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, their symptoms.

Reproductive health

To exclude androgen deficiency and other problems of the genital area, it is necessary to preserve the reproductive system and not only. First of all, you need to avoid a large number of sexual partners, exclude unprotected sexual contacts with strangers from your daily life, treat diseases of the reproductive system in a timely manner, and eliminate the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. Other reproductive health interventions that apply equally to women and men are as follows:

  • preservation of the reproductive health of both sexual partners with the help of vitamin therapy;
  • the use of folic acid during gestation;
  • providing favorable environmental factors for planning, nursing pregnancy;
  • prevention of abortion at an early age;
  • study of social and domestic issues of family planning.

Video: women's reproductive health

Human reproductive health is an indicator of the national security of the state.

In Russia, this problem is quite acute: birth rates are at a low level. This indicates a decrease in the reproductive function of the population and lead to a demographic catastrophe.

What is reproductive health?

The definition of the international expert organization of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that reproductive health is complete well-being, social, physical and psychological in all matters related to reproductive function. WHO experts also believe that citizens who have sexual relations for the purpose of procreation must guarantee safety from infections that can be transmitted through intimate intercourse. The safety of the course of pregnancy, childbirth, the well-being of the mother and the health of the baby, the ability to plan pregnancy and prevent unwanted ones should be guaranteed.<./p>

What factors affect the reproductive health of the population?

The following factors affect the reproductive health of the population:

  • mental and somatic health of the population,
  • working conditions,
  • an increase in the number of infectious diseases and HIV infection (AIDS),
  • an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis,
  • alcoholism,
  • addiction and substance abuse.

What is the state of reproductive health of the Russian population?

Unfortunately, we have to state that in Russia there are negative trends in the reproductive health of the population in all regions.

Over the past ten years, the incidence has increased by only ten percent, but the number of chronic diseases has increased. The structure of morbidity has changed: there is a tendency towards an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and HIV infection (AIDS).

One and a half million Russian women work in unsatisfactory conditions, in heavy, dirty industries. Yes, and men are not in the best conditions. And hence - infertility, miscarriages and spontaneous abortions, male infertility and the birth of children with congenital malformations, mentally handicapped.

And alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse in adolescence? As a reproductologist from Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and the Far East states, the problems of adolescents develop into problems of pregnant women and those who want to get pregnant.

Let's analyze the health status of pregnant women. For ten years, the number of anemia in pregnant women has increased by 10%, the number of late pregnancy toxicosis has increased by 40%. Normal childbirth is becoming a rarity, as one of the reproductologists in Nizhny Novgorod testifies, only a third of them. The level of birth of immature and premature babies is high.

Reproductologists in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Khabarovsk and other cities note that there are a number of factors that prevent reproductive health. It:

  • excessively early onset of active sexual activity,
  • sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections,
  • hormonal imbalances
  • genetic diseases,
  • poor quality nutrition,
  • environmental pollution,
  • bad habits, both men and women,
  • low level of educational work with the population,
  • inability to plan pregnancy and inability to use hormonal contraceptives.

How to maintain the reproductive health of the nation?

The normative acts adopted by the state declare the right of a person to continue his kind. The following measures have been taken in this area;

  • free medical care,
  • prevention of pathology of the reproductive system,
  • mandatory medical preventive examinations,
  • improving the welfare of the population,
  • improving people's awareness.

A whole system of criteria has been created, with the help of which it is possible to assess whether a person is capable of performing a childbearing function:

  • deterioration in physical health,
  • changes in the study of biological materials and clinical trials,
  • violations of the organs and systems,
  • processing of statistical data on mortality and birth rates,
  • assessment of the state of the reproductive organs.

How to plan a future family?

Reproductologists who work in the centers for the rehabilitation of the reproductive function of the family help to plan the birth of a child. Reproductologists conduct appointments in all major cities of Russia: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod. What advice can be given to a family wishing to have a child?

For conception, the following conditions are needed:

  • the optimal age for pregnancy and childbirth is from 19 to 35 years,
  • it is desirable to observe an interval of about two and a half years between births,
  • if future parents were ill with infectious diseases, then you need to refrain from pregnancy for at least two months,
  • in spring and autumn, the likelihood of immune conflict and spontaneous mutations decreases, so it is advisable to plan the process of conception for this period,
  • if a woman works with harmful chemicals, two months before the planned conception, contact with such substances should be avoided if possible,
  • future parents should stop drinking and smoking,
  • in the presence of chronic pathology, pregnancy is possible with a stable remission for five years.

There are contraindications to the conception of a child:

  • habitual miscarriage, stillbirth, the birth of children with congenital defects or hereditary pathology,
  • hereditary diseases of spouses or close relatives,
  • availability of information about the possible influence of mutagenic factors,
  • incurable pathology of the reproductive organs in the expectant mother,
  • the woman's age is over 35 years.

How to form adequate reproductive behavior of adolescents?

It is worth emphasizing that WHO experts consider adolescence from 10 to 19 years old. In older adolescence, there are all the physiological prerequisites for the implementation of childbearing, or reproductive function. Modern young people are characterized by pronounced sexual hyperactivity with all the consequences: venereal infections, unplanned pregnancy. They have the full right to their intimate life, however, they must be informed both about the consequences of their behavior and about the responsibility in case of pregnancy or infection of a partner with infectious diseases that can be sexually transmitted.

Throughout the country, reproductive specialists provide effective support to people who wish to become parents. With their impact on society, reproductive health indicators can be significantly improved.

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reproductive health

reproductive health , according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in all respects related to the reproductive system at all stages of life.

Reproductive health is an essential part of overall health and concerns the personal aspects of life. Reproductive health implies that a person can lead a satisfactory and safe sexual life, that he is able to give birth to children and is free to choose under what conditions, where and how often to do so. This includes the right of men and women to be informed and have access to the safe, effective, affordable and acceptable family planning methods of their choice, as well as the right to appropriate health care services that enable women to safely experience pregnancy and childbirth. Reproductive health care is defined as a set of practices, methods, technologies and services that promote reproductive health and well-being by preventing and addressing reproductive problems.

sexual health

Reproductive health is closely related to sexual health , which, according to WHO, is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being associated with sexuality. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful attitude towards sexuality and sexual relationships and the ability to lead a fulfilling sex life free from coercion, discrimination and violence. Achieving and maintaining sexual health is inextricably linked to the respect, protection and observance of people's inherent sexual rights.

Reproductive and sexual health should be considered as an integral part of human health, which is influenced by lifestyle and habits that contribute to maintaining health or, conversely, leading to disease. Adolescence is a critical period for acquiring knowledge, skills and values ​​that can help maintain health throughout life.

Preservation and promotion of reproductive and sexual health is closely related to the implementation reproductive and sexual rights .

Socio-demographic significance

Preserving the reproductive health of adolescents and young people is of great social importance. The state of reproductive health of today's children and adolescents entering the fertile age will directly affect the demographic processes of the next 10-15 years . How the demographic situation will subsequently develop depends to a large extent on ideas about family and marriage relations, sexual behavior, and the reproductive attitudes of today's adolescents.

reproductive potential

This concept is broader than reproductive health itself. It means the possibility of boys and girls, upon entering the period of social maturity, to reproduce healthy full-fledged offspring. When assessing the reproductive potential, it is advisable to rely on the following components: somatic morbidity and its impact on reproductive function, the state of physical, sexual and psychosexual development, the incidence of the organs of the reproductive system (gynecological, andrological), the state of reproductive function in specific social and living conditions and lifestyle; the nature of sexual activity and behavior in young years, the level of sexual and sexual education of adolescents, the psychological readiness for motherhood (paternity), the level of reproductive attitudes, the education of responsible parenthood.

Ensuring proper development and prevention of disorders in the reproductive system

An important prerequisite for the full reproductive function of a teenager is the good reproductive health of his parents at the time of conception and subsequent pregnancy. Already in the maternity hospital, a specialist can detect abnormalities in the development of the external genital organs. In the first years of life, deviations in the development of the external genital organs can be noticed by parents when dressing and bathing the child. Parents should be alarmed by traces of blood and secretions from the genitals on underwear. In boys, the testicles should be palpable in the scrotum and the glans penis should be easily exposed. Mom must prepare the girl for menarche so that incomprehensible bleeding does not turn out to be a shock for her. It is very important that parents instill personal hygiene skills not only in girls, but also in boys. Mandatory preventive examinations by a gynecologist and andrologist are aimed at the timely detection of deviations in reproductive health and the assessment of the correctness of sexual development.

Sexual relations and pregnancy

From a purely medical point of view, sexual life in physiologically mature girls and boys does not harm their health. A clear physiological need for sex is really available only in adolescents with accelerated psychosexual development . For the rest, its onset can be relatively easily delayed until full psychological and social maturity has been reached.

The early debut of sexual activity causes a number of problems, one of which is teenage pregnancy . At the beginning of sexual activity, especially when it occurs at an early age (15-17 years), the risk of an unplanned pregnancy is quite high. As a rule, adolescents are not sufficiently aware of issues related to the prevention of pregnancy, do not always have access to condoms and other contraceptives.

Teenage pregnancy often ends with its artificial interruption. Abortion complications and maternal mortality are higher in adolescents than in women over 20 years of age. The immaturity and incompleteness of the formation of the teenage organism is the main cause of complications during pregnancy, anomalies in labor, maternal mortality and poor health of children born to young mothers.

Early marriages

According to WHO data for 2000-2009, 19% of women in Europe and Central Asia aged 20-24 years were in a civil or official marriage, which they entered before the age of 18 years. The highest child marriage rates are observed in the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Turkey and Tajikistan. The negative consequences of such marriages for the physical and psychological health of girls persist throughout life.

The sexual and reproductive health of girls in early marriages is often at risk as they are often forced to have sex against their will with an older man who has more sexual experience than they do. Young women often lack the status and knowledge to discuss safer sex practices and contraception, which increases the risk of contracting HIV or other sexually transmitted infections, as well as the likelihood of early pregnancy. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death among girls aged 15-19.

Early marriages also have a negative impact on the psychological well-being of girls: girls in such marriages are deprived of a normal childhood and youth, they are more susceptible to psychological and domestic violence, restriction of personal freedom, often cannot complete their education, get a job.

Sexually transmitted infections

Early initiation of sexual relations, frequent change of partners, poor awareness of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), irregular use of protective equipment (condoms) increase the risk of unintended pregnancy and contracting STIs, including HIV infection.

Sexually transmitted infections adversely affect reproductive health. Undetected and untreated in a timely manner, they can cause serious complications and chronic diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary systems and infertility in both girls and boys.

Adolescent reproductive and sexual health

Adolescents need information, life-skills education, and accessible and supportive health and social services that provide sexual and reproductive health and family planning services to maintain reproductive and sexual health.

Above all, adolescents need comprehensive preventive sexual and reproductive health education that will give them the knowledge and skills to make responsible decisions about their behavior and to build relationships that are free from violence and based on mutual respect and gender equality. The results of numerous studies in different countries have convincingly shown that the fear that sexuality education can lead to greater and earlier sexual activity in young people is not justified.

For the early detection and treatment of diseases that lead to the restriction of reproductive function, periodic examinations of children and adolescents by an obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist-andrologist and other specialists are necessary according to indications.

Comprehensive medical and socio-psychological assistance to adolescents to maintain reproductive and sexual health is provided on the principles of voluntariness, accessibility, friendliness and trust by specialized youth-friendly services (YFC).

Based on materials from WHO and UNESCO

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