Photoepilator side effects. Is a photoepilator harmful to a woman's health. Advantages of photoepilation -

Depilation excess hair on the body is a sought-after and popular way of caring for female body. But such a significant drawback of depilation, as the need to constantly repeat the procedure, leads to the fact that women think about something else. reliable way removal of body hair, which is called epilation.

Epilation includes many various methods, but the most popular is the light hair removal option. This method in cosmetology is called photoepilation, which has a lot in common with laser hair removal.

But is the method of hair removal with a light flux so safe, as well as what consequences can occur after photoepilation, we will analyze in more detail.

Photoepilation is a removal technology unwanted hair on any part of the body. As is known, healthy person Hair covers almost 96% of the entire body. For a man, the presence of body hair does not negatively affect his appearance which cannot be said about women.

Women resort to body hair removal using photoepilation due to the absence of pain in the procedure and the preservation achieved result on the long years. Indeed, light hair removal on the body is practically painless, and the result obtained lasts for several years, which depends on individual features female body. The procedure for removing hair with a light flux is painless, since the technology is based on the impact of a light flux directly on the root system of the follicle.

With the intensity of light rays directed at the hair follicles, there is a supersaturation of the hair with melanin, which actually absorbs the light. As a result of intense exposure, not only hair loss occurs, but also the death of the follicle bulbs. At the same time, the hair falls out on its own, so the procedure is almost painless.

Photoepilation differs from laser hair removal in that a more diffused light beam is directed to the hair from a flash lamp with non-monochromatic radiation. Laser hair removal is based on a point light flux that acts directly on the follicles.

Photoepilation is mainly used to remove dark hair that has great content melanin. This procedure is not suitable for removing gray or white hair. Due to the scattering of the light beam from the photocell, it is possible to treat skin areas up to 5 cm in area. beauty salons is a rather expensive pleasure, so you can buy a home photoepilator, which will allow you to carry out the procedures yourself.

Cons of photoepilation

To identify the main disadvantages of the photoepilation procedure, one should consider what the technology of the method is. The luminous flux of rays from the photocell is absorbed by melanin, a substance contained in hair follicles. With the intensity of the light flux, the hair is heated up to high temperature which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle. As a result, the hair falls out on its own, and the woman is satisfied with the end result. But everything would be fine if this procedure was absolutely safe and had no contraindications.

Before proceeding with the procedure, the cosmetologist necessarily analyzes the patient's condition, and also identifies individual intolerances to the drugs used for hair removal. If the doctor overlooks any of these details, then the patient may experience an allergy or other unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Before the procedure, the skin must be treated with a special protective gel layer, which helps prevent such a negative consequence as the occurrence of irritation. It is thanks to this gel that it is possible to prevent the occurrence of burns, pain, and irritation on the skin. During the procedure, it is important for the patient and the doctor to wear special glasses with which to protect the eyes from radiation.

The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​​​the skin on which you want to remove the hair. Upon completion of the process, a special gel or cream should be applied to the body to soften the skin. Knowing the principle of performing photoepilation, you can list the existing disadvantages of this procedure. Before rushing to the cosmetology center, you need to learn about the disadvantages of photoepilation:

  1. The procedure is effective only for dark hair, so light or gray follicles will remain on the body.
  2. The high cost of the hair removal procedure with a light flux. One session will cost 1200 rubles.
  3. To get rid of all body hair, it will take 5-6 sessions for six months. Therefore, for complete removal hairline It will take a lot of time and even more money.
  4. In the presence of low pain threshold pain will be experienced. Therefore, often during the session, women are asked to take an anesthetic drug.
  5. The effectiveness of the procedure reaches maximum value in 76%.
  6. The occurrence of burns and skin irritations, which most often occurs if you perform the procedure at home.
  7. If the skin is sensitive enough, then photoepilation has such a property as the formation of traces in the form of scars.
  8. The disadvantages include the fact of the inexperience of the beautician. If the cosmetologist does not have experience, then the result of his work may be irritation, burns or age spots on the skin. Peeling of the skin at the end of the procedure is also not excluded, especially if you do not use moisturizing creams.

Of course, even such a number of minuses of photoepilation does not give a reason to carry it out both in the salon and at home. Knowing the main disadvantages of the procedure, you should deal with contraindications.


For photoepilation, as well as for other methods of hair removal, there are contraindications. In the presence of these contraindications, the procedure should be abandoned in order to avoid unintended consequences. Contraindications to photoepilation are due to the following factors:

  • Availability allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • hypertension and ischemic heart disease;
  • the presence of herpes or other negative formations on the skin;
  • varicose veins or keloid diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms on the skin;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of tattoos;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • with violations of the pigment background;
  • the presence of sunburn;
  • taking medications that affect the photosensitivity of the skin.

In addition, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure for removing body hair for girls under the age of 18, which may lead to age spots on the skin. If the day before you tried to shave your hair, perform a shugaring procedure, laser hair removal or other methods, then you need to wait until the skin recovers. You can resort to the procedure no earlier than a month later. It is impossible to carry out photoepilation if the skin was exposed the day before direct impact sunlight or ultraviolet light. It is forbidden to carry out hair removal by the method in question if there are wounds, abrasions, bruises, and inflammation on the body.


Before going to the salon, it is recommended to visit the hospital the day before and make sure that there are no any of the above contraindications. Only if the doctor gives approval, you can visit a beauty salon or carry out hair removal at home.

In the absence of contraindications at the end of the photoepilation procedure, the only consequence is the disappearance of body hair. If you do not undergo diagnostics the day before and carry out photoepilation, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. The main negative effects of photoepilation include:

  1. Formation of burns on the skin.
  2. Manifestations of allergic reactions.
  3. Swelling of the skin.
  4. Active expansion of capillaries and blood vessels.
  5. The appearance of pruritus.
  6. Redness and peeling of the skin.
  7. The appearance of pigment spots.

The reasons for such consequences can be very diverse: from the inexperience of a cosmetologist to neglect general requirements before performing the procedure. Upon completion of the photoepilation procedure, you should also follow these recommendations:

  • avoid direct sunlight on the skin for 2 weeks;
  • do not use cosmetics and antiperspirants, with the exception of creams for moisturizing and skin care;
  • be sure to refuse to visit saunas, swimming pools, baths and other public institutions for 5 days.

These simple recommendations avoid unpleasant consequences and complications. The duration of the positive effect of photoepilation reaches 2-3 years, which depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Therefore, if you decide on photoepilation, then you should first prepare for it, and make sure that there are no contraindications, and only after making an appointment at the salon. Photoepilation has contraindications and consequences that are very important to know before going to the salon.

Photoepilation has become one of the most popular procedures for removing unwanted body hair.

At all times, women have sought to get rid of excess hair, there are many ways today, but not all of them are able to get rid of hair forever.

Photoepilation affects the hair with pulsating light, which fills melanin with such energy that it can completely destroy the entire structure of the hair and prevent growth forever.

Photoepilation affects the hair with pulsating light, which fills the melanin with such energy that it can completely destroy the hair structure and prevent growth forever.

What is important to know about photoepilation at home

Salon procedures are very expensive, many women and men have already purchased a home photoepilator. It costs much less than salon services., reviews of doctors about such a device are quite loyal.

Before purchasing a photoepilator for your own use, be aware of the contraindications, reviews of doctors and people who already use this device.

Same way be aware of all side effects that may occur when using such a device.

Salon procedures are very expensive, although they are of high quality.

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What do radiologists think about flashguns?

Photoepilation affects only the hair and skin, such flashes do not penetrate deep under the skin.

Their power is not as strong as in the X-ray machine, so radiologists have absolutely no complaints about such a device, as a home photoepilator.

Reviews of doctors warn pregnant women to use this method of hair removal, because during the bearing of a child it is not necessary to expose the skin to any light exposure.

Radiologists have absolutely no complaints about such a device as a home photoepilator.

What is the opinion of the therapists

When asked about photoepilation, therapists tend to answer that the procedure is quite safe. One has only to carefully read the paragraph "contraindications" to avoid negative effects on the body.

Home photoepilator, according to the reviews of general practitioners, is not capable of provoking any diseases.

When this method of hair removal first appeared, a lot of rumors and myths began to circulate, supposedly photoepilation could provoke cancer, but the opinion of experts did not confirm such an effect.

When asked about photoepilation, therapists tend to answer that the procedure is quite safe.

The opinion of dermatologists on the effect on the skin

Before deciding to purchase a home photoepilator, you should visit a dermatologist. Reviews of doctors sometimes differ, and a dermatologist will be able to determine exactly whether such a procedure can be performed.

If the dermatologist does not recommend using a home photoepilator, then doctors' opinions should be the main factor influencing the decision using this technique. In any case, there are many other ways to get rid of body hair.

Most contraindications are related to the skin, so do not refuse to consult a doctor. Important. first of all, health.

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What trichologists say about using a home photoepilator

A trichologist is a specialist in the treatment of hair. According to their reviews, a home photoepilator is able to completely destroy the hair that is located on the treated area.

Many women are afraid that such hair removal can adversely affect all hair. Trichologists assure that this cannot happen. Flashlights only affect the areas to be treated., and those hairs that are located next to these areas are completely safe.

A home photoepilator, as confirmed by the reviews of trichologists, is absolutely safe. So, you can safely buy such a device without worrying about the hair that you need.

A trichologist is a specialist in the treatment of hair. According to their reviews, a home photoepilator is capable of completely destroying the hair located on the treated area.

The main thing from the reviews about using a home photoepilator on the network

Recently, a lot of reviews of doctors, ordinary women and men about a home photoepilator have appeared on the network.

Many write about the painlessness of the procedure. Indeed, there are many ways to get rid of hair, but many of them deliver discomfort and even pain. The use of photoepilation avoids these moments.

Many write about the painlessness of the procedure. Indeed, there are many ways to get rid of hair, but many of them cause discomfort, but there are ways to deprive yourself of this.

There are user recommendations for choosing a home photoepilator. Many advise to spend a little more money, but purchase a photoepilator with a skin color recognition sensor. This sensor determines by color whether epilation can be used in this area.

Important to remember! You should not trust completely such a sensor. Before using a photoepilator, you should consult a dermatologist. He understands the possibility of using the device better than sensors.

Also owners of home photoepilators note ease of use. They write that even a person, having encountered such a device for the first time, can easily use it.

Owners of home photoepilators note ease of use. They write that even a person, having encountered such a device for the first time, can easily use it.

There are also warning reviews: girls write that you need to carefully select the flash mode.

Some of them received small burns on their skin due to the fact that they chose the wrong mode.

It's important to know! If the photoepilator is set to high power in order to quickly get rid of hair, then this idea must be abandoned. The photoepilator can cause damage to the skin.

There are also negative feedback: Some women are not happy with the home photoepilator, as they hoped for a faster result of getting rid of hair permanently.

Manufacturers do not guarantee complete deliverance, because it all depends on the structure of the hair and the hormonal background.

They just write about the possibility of completely getting rid of hair. In any case, so that the hair never grows again, you will have to wait and carry out the procedure more than 1 time.

The girls write that it is necessary to carefully select the flash mode. Some of them received small burns on their skin due to the fact that they chose the wrong mode.

Basically, all the reviews about the home photoepilator are positive. Many who decided to purchase this device were based precisely on what they write about it on the net.

Pros and cons of home photoepilation

Like all devices, a home photoepilator has its positive and negative sides. Before purchasing this device, there is a need to carefully read these points.

There is no chance of ingrown hair after the procedure. Photoepilation removes even ingrown hairs.

Advantages of the photoepilator:

About the disadvantages of photoepilation at home:

  1. Many photoepilators are not able to remove gray hair and fluff.
  2. Choosing the wrong mode can leave burns or scars.
  3. The maximum efficiency of the apparatus is 76%.

The most revolutionary novelty for home depilation:

Contraindications for photoepilation

Carefully! Even such safe procedure there are contraindications. You must carefully read the list before buying, so as not to waste money and not harm your health.

Contraindications include pregnancy.

Contraindications include:

Also individual skin intolerance to flashlights is possible. If redness and itching appear steadily after the procedure, then it would be better to refuse photoepilation.

Possible negative consequences

After the photoepilation procedure there may be side effects, but they are not harmful to health.

Slight redness after using the device is normal. If this is not an allergy to flashlights, then such redness will disappear in a couple of hours.

After the photoepilation procedure, side effects may occur, but all of them are not harmful to health.

There may be slight swelling in the treated area. They also pass quickly.

Same way there is a possibility of pigmentation on the treated areas of the skin. Such the aftermath will pass only after 3-6 months.

The occurrence of negative consequences is rare. Basically, they apply to people with dark skin.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to prepare the skin, and after it - it will take several days. special care, a dermatologist can tell everyone about this.

To avoid the occurrence of side effects, you must correctly configure the device and follow strictly according to the instructions.

Were considered all the pros and cons of the acquisition of the device, good points turned out to be more. Home photoepilator is absolutely safe, if you follow the rules and tips, properly configure the device.

From this video you will learn all the necessary basic information about home photoepilation.

This video will acquaint you with how to get rid of excess hair with the help of home photopilation.

In this video, the girl will share with you her experience of using a home photoepilator.

Is it harmful to similar procedure? This question is of interest to many people who have decided once and for all to get rid of unwanted body hair. Of course, today the removal of vegetation with the help of light flashes is considered the most progressive and safe way.

But is it really so? What are the risks associated with the procedure?

Before asking the question and why photoepilation is harmful, it would be good to know what the essence of the technique is and how the procedure is carried out. As already mentioned, the main principle of this technology is the impact on the hair of a light flash, which completely destroys the hair follicle.

As a rule, the procedure lasts only a few minutes. First, the beautician covers the skin with a protective, cooling gel that absorbs all the heat generated. Then using special device the doctor treats the surface of the skin. After the first session most of the hair is removed along with the gel. The same hairs that are still left fall out within a few next weeks. Several sessions are required to completely remove vegetation.

Most potential clients are wondering if the procedure is really painless? In fact, there is no pain and discomfort during hair removal - this is evidenced by the numerical reviews of consumers. Only when treating the most delicate skin areas, such as armpits and inside thighs, perhaps a slight burning sensation, which, however, does not last too long.

And one more important question- Is the procedure really that effective? Photoepilation - comparatively new technique, so it's impossible to say exactly how long the effect lasts. But patients who have full course note that the skin remains smooth for years.

Is it dangerous?

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy and discussion around this issue. Some people argue that the procedure causes irreparable harm to the body. On the other hand, researchers and cosmetologists are confident in the safety of this technique. However, some risk still exists.

So why is photoepilation dangerous? It is worth noting that exposure to intense light sources on the skin is fraught with burns. Do I need to worry about this?

In any case, remember that it is better to contact experienced doctor– a cosmetologist who will determine the condition of your skin, the presence of contraindications and help you choose best way removal of unwanted hair.

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Photo: Photoepilation at home: reviews

Everyone who has ever been interested in the issue of removing “extra” vegetation on the body and face knows that the “magic pill” for hair has not yet been invented, and the methods of hair removal that exist today are also not able to solve the problem instantly, once and for all. Even the most modern technologies require patience and repeated procedures.

The course of hardware hair removal can drag on for a period of more than a year and a half and is able to "eat" from the family budget an amount commensurate with a vacation somewhere on exotic islands, and perhaps not even one.

That is why many women, the main consumers of cosmetic services, are increasingly thinking about replacing expensive salon procedures to "home-made", more sparing for the wallet. That is why they are looking for “tested” homeworkers: hairdressers, cosmetologists, nail servicers who will do everything “the same” as in the salon, only much cheaper.

Epilation is no exception. At home, today you can do not only shugaring, but also hardware hair removal using modern technologies such as photoepilation.

Moreover, manufacturers household appliances seriously attended to the growing demand for such services and immediately offered customers to purchase their own devices for personal use, "for home, for the family."

Portable photoepilators can now be bought at any store among other “beauty devices” and you can do your own photoepilation at the lowest possible price.

True, everything is not so simple here, and home procedures have their own “pitfalls”. We will understand all the pros and cons of photoepilation at home.

5 arguments "for"

The advantages of photoepilation procedures at home are quite obvious.

Of course, not everything is so rosy with home photoepilation. Just buying a device is not enough, you also need to learn how to use it correctly: taking into account all the nuances of the procedure, features own organism and possible contraindications. For a non-professional, if we are talking about self-photoepilation, this is not easy to do. What are the pitfalls you may encounter with photo hair removal at home?

If these moments do not bother you, perhaps your own photoepilator is what you need.

Professional photoepilation at home: many pros and one cons

When we are talking about photoepilation by the hands of a professional cosmetologist using salon equipment, but at home (that is, about a beauty parlor at home), all of the above disadvantages of independent procedures lose their significance. Photoepilation at home in this case is no different from the service provided in the aesthetic center.

Only "pros"

Epilation with scattered light flashes does not require the same high qualification of the operator as laser epilation, and compliance with asepsis and antisepsis, as in a session of electrolysis. Therefore, no side effects arising directly from the out-of-clinical procedure should not be feared.

Photoepilation by a private cosmetologist, if this method of hair removal is suitable for a particular client in principle, has all the advantages of the technique, plus, as a decisive factor, it differs in cost "in favor" of the patient.

As a rule, for private hair removal masters, the cost of one procedure does not depend on the number of outbreaks produced or the time spent working with the client. A beautician, interested in a constant influx of patients, sets a fixed price for the zone and processes it as much as necessary to obtain the best possible result.

Here is an example of prices for photoepilation by a private cosmetologist from Moscow, who receives clients at home:

  • armpits - 1500;
  • bikini classic - 2000;
  • bikini "total" - 3000;
  • legs - 4500;
  • hands - 2500;
  • upper lip - 800.

In beauty salons, such prices also occur, but usually they mean only the lower range of the cost of the “ideal patient” procedure. In reality though average price processing of one zone is 1.5 - 2 times higher, and in especially “neglected” cases, its upper limit is not limited by anything.

Of course, calling a beautician with a professional photoepilator to your house is problematic.

  • Firstly, the equipment is quite bulky and expensive for constant transportation from place to place.
  • Secondly, the technique requires not only careful handling, but also special conditions work: a well-ventilated area, grounded sockets, tinted windows.
  • Thirdly, the cosmetologist himself is uncomfortable working in uncomfortable conditions for him, because he needs a couch, a mobile stand for "improvised" materials, perhaps some of his cosmetic "reserves" will be needed.

Therefore, if you want to get high-quality photoepilation, but at the same time save money, you still have to leave your home sofa and move to the territory of a specialist.

And what's the catch?

In theory, everything turns out very wonderful and “beautiful”, in practice, the situation is the opposite. Find a “worthwhile” specialist who is ready to take you to convenient time, preferably, living nearby, and even for adequate money - it seems like a fantasy.

Turning directly to the cosmetologist, the client always acts at his own peril and risk. The absence of a contract, receipts and any, whatever documents confirming the fact of the procedure, puts the patient in a legally unprotected situation.

Photo: Photoepilation at home

A poor-quality service or, in the worst case, the occurrence of complications as a result of the manipulations of a “home beautician” without the appropriate papers is completely unprovable. It is not possible to return the money, receive a refund of the funds spent on eliminating complications, and bring to justice an unscrupulous specialist in modern realities is not possible.

The risk of running into a charlatan who bought himself a “crust” of a cosmetologist and a used device for photoepilation is quite large. You can not only waste a round sum of money, but also get health problems.

You can evaluate the professionalism of a cosmetologist only by passing through his hands. However, already at the stage of the first consultation, it may be clear that in front of you is not a doctor, but a home-grown "specialist". What signs can and should alert the patient?

  1. The photoepilation course should begin with a consultation: not by correspondence, not by phone, but during a visit, including an examination of the future “field of action”, a conversation about the client’s health status, and the identification of possible contraindications.
  2. The procedure is not carried out immediately after the first meeting. It is necessary to prepare for photoepilation, as well as conduct a test flash and test on the skin cosmetics, which will be applied during processing (for example, cooling gel).
  3. The doctor should not ignore contraindications, even if they are relative. It is non-professionals who are careless about the possible negative consequences of the procedure and often “turn a blind eye” to small, in their opinion, “nonsense” restrictions. For example, pregnancy, lactation, varicose veins and so on.
  4. A competent cosmetologist will not assure you of a 100% result, absolute painlessness and other “miracles” of the technique. He is obliged to warn honestly about all the troubles during and at the end of the procedures: burns, scars and scars, changes in skin pigmentation and even the absence of the effect “happen” to all cosmetologists practicing photoepilation, and often.
  5. Procedures are not done on skin with a fresh tan. Also, the specialist should inform you that if you are not the owner of coarse dark hair on pale skin, then the effect of the photoepilator on your body will be much worse than expected. By at least, the machine will have to spend more time and energy on you, and this can be unpleasant and painful.
  6. The master must tell in detail what can and cannot be done the day before and after the procedure. For example, tanning, the use of cosmetics, depilation in any way is prohibited. After photoepilation, you can not swim, take a bath, go to the bath, use scrubs. A couple of days before the session, it is necessary to shave the treatment site, and on the day of the procedure it is good to clean the skin of fat and cosmetic residues.
  7. Finally, universal advice: if, after talking on the phone with a beautician you don't know, he is ready to come to you at any time, anywhere, cheaply and "right now" to have a photoepilation session, don't waste your time and money. The maximum that you get is a mediocre procedure carried out by a budget household appliance sold in every second store. So you can do it yourself. And even better.
Overview of the most popular devices for photoepilation at home

This device uses the so-called IPL system, today it is considered the most effective in removing any type of hair from the body. In addition to removing hair from certain areas, this equipment performs special functions:

  1. neckline.
  2. Destruction of age spots on the skin, smoothing wrinkles.
  3. cleans up acne With skin.
  4. Removal of spider veins.
  5. Acne treatment.

All procedures can be carried out using special nozzles included in the kit. The program for a specific skin type can be selected automatically or manually adjusted. The settings language is English.

Device Me My ELOS

The ELOS device is used in expensive clinics, carrying out the procedure with the help of it is considered absolutely safe. You can also use it on your own at home. A device of this type gives a 100% guarantee of obtaining the desired effect from photoepilation, with the help of it you can completely remove unwanted hairs even on dark skin in all hard-to-reach places. The automated system of the device allows you to maintain a favorable temperature during the service.

During the first few uses of the device, it is possible pain. However, as the manufacturer assures, after several sessions, the discomfort will be much less, since the hairs previously processed by the device will begin to weaken.

Manorus 4S System E-Light

Manorus 4S System E-Light is a more functional and modern devices, the kit contains nozzles of a certain type, which are responsible for carrying out a certain procedure.

AT functionality this equipment includes:

  • Modern program for carrying out procedures.
  • High quality items.
  • Excellent cooling system;
  • The ability to remove a variety of tattoos or any kind of tattoo.
  • High-quality rejuvenation of the skin.

With this device you can do:

  1. Epilation (IPL + RF technology).
  2. Photoepilation and.
  3. RF lifting.
  4. Tattoo removal (this model has a neodymium laser on the so-called yttrium aluminum garnet).

It is distinguished by rather compact dimensions, its parameters are 23x23x13 cm, it is very convenient to use, for its operation it is necessary to connect it to a 220 V electrical outlet.

Exposure to this device for photoepilation occurs within 30 minutes, to achieve lasting effect after hair removal, 10 sessions are required.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: the device emits energy pulses, they are similar to a flash, it is thanks to them that destruction occurs hair follicles. Before the procedure, a special protective gel should be applied to the skin to prevent exposure to the skin. Dark hairs are best removed, light hairs are difficult to remove.

Watch the video: Review and feedback on home epilator philips Lumea Prestige

"Beauty requires sacrifice" - this statement is no longer for modern woman. Multiple injection innovative technologies in the field of cosmetology, health and beauty allows for painless manipulations that the fair sex had to endure earlier. One such common procedure is photoepilation, which is still surrounded by many questions. Is the photoepilator harmful? Can everyone use it? Let us consider in more detail the nuances of the procedure, and what are the contraindications for the use of a photoepilator.

Hair removal with a photoepilator is gaining momentum in beauty salons. Influencing the skin light energy, the destruction of the bulb is achieved, which allows you to get rid of unwanted hair. Of course, the main advantage is the painlessness of the procedure, and this factor beckons clients to beauty parlors. Cosmetologists, unfortunately, do not always have medical education and are often silent about the likelihood of harm to the body by carrying out this procedure. The result of manipulation with a photoepilator has its pros and cons. Positive effect from photoepilation, you can expect the following.

  1. The procedure does not call pain and no discomfort.
  2. The skin remains young and elastic due to the production of elastin and collagen during the manipulation.
  3. Non-contact exposure of the device does not injure the skin and is unable to cause infection.
  4. Hair removal can be carried out on any part of the skin.
  5. A great benefit of a photoepilator is the elimination of ingrown hair fragments.
  6. The short duration of the procedure is from 5 to 25 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the treated area.

Negative side photoepilator hair removal procedures include the following items:

  • high cost of manipulation;
  • not explored possible consequences in the future after such procedures, because the method of removing unwanted hair is quite new, without long-term practice and analysis.
  • if the device is set incorrectly, you can get a burn;
  • at hypersensitivity skin may be scarred;
  • does not allow to remove fluffy and gray hairs.
  • the presence of diseases does not allow this manipulation.

No matter what hazards a woman encounters, in pursuit of beauty and youth, it is still necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of procedures for the attractiveness of the body.

The main contraindications for photoepilation

Carrying out a cosmetic procedure, through which the natural functioning of the body is changed, can be harmful to a certain circle of people. It is difficult to independently determine the safety of a photoepilator. Armed with a medical card with a medical history, you need to apply for consultation with a doctor. The specialist will be able to make a comprehensive analysis and give a medical opinion regarding the application of this procedure.

There are many contraindications in the use of a photoepilator: the presence chronic diseases or features of the skin can have Negative consequences for good health. There are two groups of risk factors in the manipulation of photoepilation.

Absolute Factors

As medical contraindication all kinds of inflammatory processes skin, rashes and formations on its surface. Among the diseases in which hair removal by this method is not allowed, the following are noted:

  • varicose veins, even initial stage, with the appearance of a "vascular network";
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • hypertension and others vascular diseases, especially dangerous for pacemaker users;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • thyroid disease;
  • certain stages of diabetes;
  • skin cancers.

Relative Factors

There are also relative factors in the contraindications of the photoepilator. AT this group risks include cases not directly related to the woman's health, but affecting the possibility of using the device. These restrictive criteria include:

  • the presence of tattoos in the desired places of vegetation removal;
  • "fresh" tan;
  • individual intolerance;
  • age threshold - adolescents under 17 years of age are not recommended this manipulation;
  • it is undesirable to use a photoepilator during pregnancy and lactation.

Also, it is not allowed to carry out the photoepilation procedure, if in given period woman taking antibiotics and others medications having a photosensitizing property.

If there are no above violations in the body, you can think about getting rid of unwanted hair once and for all. The only choice that remains to be done is to carry out photoepilation on your own or contact a beautician. Everyone should evaluate their strengths and abilities individually, but in the absence of practice and skills, it is better, of course, to trust the masters of cosmetology centers.

Harm from a photoepilator can also be obtained when improper care behind the skin after the procedure. After exposure to a light beam on the skin, it must be protected from high temperature. For these purposes, it is worth limiting yourself from visiting the solarium and being less in the sun. It is forbidden to apply self-tanning products during the first two days. Long water procedures are also contraindicated, these include visiting the sauna and swimming pool. If photoepilation was performed on the face, you can not use decorative cosmetics 3-4 days.

Ignoring the conditions of skin rehabilitation after light manipulation can lead to the formation of skin pigmentation and the formation of traces in the form of scars.

Correct photoepilation

armed necessary information and having studied the instructions of the photoepilator, the procedure can be carried out at home. Also, knowledge will help to evaluate the professionalism of a cosmetologist, if you decide to visit a beauty salon for this manipulation.

So, to remove hair with a light apparatus, you must follow the following rules.

  1. Prepare the skin for the procedure: do not sunbathe 14 days before and after the procedure, take aggressive medications, ensure that there are no abrasions and irritations on the required skin area.
  2. Leave the length of the hair fiber no longer than 2mm. For proper epilation, you can shave the area with a regular razor 2-4 days before the procedure.
  3. Adjust the epilator according to skin color. The lighter the skin, the more power needed.
  4. Mark the area affected by the device with a pencil and apply a special cooling gel. The light pulse renders negative impact on the retina of the eye, so you need sunglasses.
  5. It is necessary to bring the device closer to the skin at such a distance that the light beam turns on, and then treat the next area. It is necessary to move the beam in such a way that the light spot does not cover the already treated area.
  6. After the procedure is completed, lubricate the area of ​​skin treated with light with panthenol.

It should be noted that after the treatment of the hairline with a photoepilator, the color of the hairs will first begin to change, and after 2 weeks they will fall out. You can repeat the procedure no earlier than after 1 month. The destruction of all bulbs in the treated area will occur within several procedures. Depending on the structure of the fiber, up to 10 sessions may be needed.

Given that the device will be in demand again after use, it is important to clean it in a timely and thorough manner with a special spray.

Get maximum effect and reduce the risk negative impact photoepilation on the skin, knowledge of the basic nuances of using the device will help.

  1. With the primary light exposure to the skin, it is better to try leg area.
  2. After the procedure, avoid hypothermia and exposure to high temperatures.
  3. When removing hair above the lip, it is necessary to stretch the skin as much as possible, squeezing the lips.
  4. The armpit area can only be effectively treated if the surface is leveled as much as possible.
  5. Moles must be protected from exposure to a photoepilator. To do this, you can use a cream or a regular clerical proofreader.

An alternative hair removal option is electrolysis. Unlike photoepilation, it does not leave fluff and does not depend on hair color. Also, there is no such list of diseases that limit the possibility of the procedure. Electrolysis is carried out only by a specialist and has a lower cost. The only drawback is the pain of manipulation.

A woman should be not only beautiful, but also healthy. before agreeing to any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue so as not to aggravate the situation. It should be noted that the profit of beauty salons grows in proportion to the attendance of customers. Therefore, different priorities appear on the scales. Take care of your health!

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