Contraindications to photoepilation philips photoepilator. Is a photoepilator harmful to a woman's health. How is the process of photoepilation carried out

Salon procedures not cheap, in addition, they take away free time modern woman. Today, manufacturers offer to purchase home photoepilators for self use. But before you buy another new product, you need to study and learn about all the nuances of photoepilation at home.

Photoepilator: contraindications and consequences

Photoepilation is a method of getting rid of excess hair by exposure to high-frequency light pulses. The equipment with which photoepilation sessions are carried out in salons is designated by the abbreviation IPL, which means “Intense pulsed light”.

IPL system used in photoepilation salons

The principle of operation of the photoepilator

IPL devices simultaneously emit light waves of different lengths, resulting in an intense energy flow that affects the hair follicles. Household photoepilators for independent use work on a similar principle.

Home photoepilator is compact and convenient

Exposure to light rays causes heating and further destruction of the follicles, a process called photothermolysis. Light energy only affects the follicles in the stage active growth, this is up to 80% of all available follicles.

The remaining 20% ​​are in the inactive phase and are located in the depth skin. The photoepilator cannot act on sleeping follicles, which is why for complete removal vegetation will need several sessions of this procedure.

Initially, IPL systems were developed to treat age-related manifestations on the skin - age spots and dilated vessels. Women who regularly use photoepilation notice a noticeable rejuvenating effect after the procedure.

Photo flash destroys the follicle by affecting the melanin contained in the hair. Melanin is a pigment, the amount of which determines the saturation of the color. hairline. It turns out that the darker the hair and the lighter the skin, the more effective photoepilation.

In addition to photoepilation, it is popular.

The process of destruction of the follicle under the influence of photo flashes

The effectiveness of the photoepilator, its disadvantages and advantages

IPL systems have special settings for changing the length and intensity of light waves. So that photoepilation does not harm the health of a woman, the radiation intensity is adjusted individually in each case. All people have different skin type and hair color, respectively, the effect of the procedure will be different.

Photoepilation in the salon is carried out by an employee with medical education A that defines the client's color type. Household photoepilators are designed in such a way that the cells of the dermis do not lose their viability during the procedure. Simply put, a home photoepilator is safe for the skin, and strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions guarantees the result.

The effectiveness of a home photoepilator

The main question that worries women: will the self-performed procedure be effective? Should I buy a photoepilator for self-use at home?

The effectiveness of the photoepilator depends on the selected setting mode. After studying the instructions, you can determine your color type and set the optimal mode. But it should be noted that in different parts of the body the color of the skin and vegetation may differ, so the settings must be adjusted. And, of course, the manufacturers made sure that even at maximum power, a woman could not harm her own health.

Usually to remove unwanted vegetation a course of five to ten procedures is sufficient with an average interval between them of four to six weeks. After the first treatment, an immediate effect is usually not observed. Vegetation falls gradually, over a period of about a week.

With each subsequent procedure, the activity of hair growth will decrease. From session to session, the vegetation will become thinner and lighter. After the end of the course, in most cases, body hair disappears for several years, and in some - forever.

In order to completely get rid of vegetation by the summer, you need not start a course of photoepilation later than the end winters.

After a course of photoepilation, the hair disappears for several years.

Pros and cons of a photoepilator

Like any technique for maintaining beauty, photoepilators have certain pros and cons, but let's hurry to please women - there are much more advantages. These include:

  1. No pain during photoepilation.
  2. The transience of the procedure: the session takes on average from five to 30 minutes.
  3. The non-contact principle of exposure - the skin is not injured, the risk of infection and the likelihood of ingrown hairs are excluded.
  4. Removal of hair on any part of the body, as well as on the face.
  5. A side effect of rejuvenation: during photoepilation, collagen production is stimulated, the skin is smoothed.

The disadvantages include only the high cost of the device and the inability to remove vellus, blond or gray hair. It is better for blondes and women of elegant age to refuse photoepilation and choose another method of hair removal.

Good alternative to this case will be electrolysis. This method of getting rid of excess hair does not limit the use of the color type of hair and skin. In addition, this the only way which guarantees 100% results.

The disadvantages of a photoepilator often include the possible occurrence of burns, but such cases are rare, since the developers initially limited the intensity of exposure to light rays in household appliances. If burns appear on the skin, most likely, we are talking about improper use of the device and non-compliance with the instructions.

Consequences - burns after photoepilation

Photoepilator - contraindications and consequences

The photoepilator has contraindications for use, which must be taken into account:

As you can see, there are contraindications and consequences for the photoepilator, the risks of which must be minimized. To do this, before buying the device, consult your doctor.

Before the first session, a consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Improper use of the device may cause backfire: burns, skin irritation. Accurate adherence to the instructions of the photoepilator will help to avoid the consequences, as well as proper preparation before the procedure and care of the treated areas after it.

Preparation for photoepilation

Photoepilation begins long before the first session. Two weeks before the first treatment, you should stop visiting the beach or solarium, as flashlights can leave burns on tanned and swarthy skin.

Next, you need to make sure that the hairs on the treated area are from one to three millimeters long. It is at this length that the photoepilator works most effectively. If the vegetation is removed with wax, this should be done two weeks before the procedure. If a razor is used, it is enough to remove the hair in the intended treatment area in two to three days.

Photoepilation cannot be performed during a course of antibiotics, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. These groups of drugs increase the susceptibility of the dermis to UV rays, and burns may occur.

On the day when photoepilation is planned, cleanse the skin with gentle hygiene products, dry the skin well, and then apply a cooling gel to the hair removal area. This will prevent possible discomfort during epilation. During the procedure, put on special glasses, the availability of which must be taken care of in advance.

Professional cooling gel for all types of hardware hair removal

Setting up the photoepilator and carrying out the procedure

In the instructions for photoepilators, there is usually a color scale by which you can determine the color type of the skin and hair and set the appropriate mode of operation. In more expensive models, there is an automated detection system, and the device will automatically adjust, you just have to bring it to the skin and hair.

Comparative table of shades of hair and skin in the instructions for the photoepilator

In the process of processing, the device for photoepilation emits sound signals, announcing the beginning and end of light exposure. The process should not have pain, otherwise you can talk about the wrong setting of the device.

The absence of any sensations is also not a good sign, in this case we are talking about a weak impact and the futility of the session. During photoepilation, slight tingling and warmth are considered normal.

For getting best result in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, the skin must be leveled as much as possible. In the presence of birthmarks in the treatment area, you can protect them with any universal cream or stationery corrector.

After photoepilation

Skin care after photoepilation is simple. Lubricate the skin immediately after the procedure with any pharmacy ointment, which contains active substance dexpanthenol: Bepanten, Dexpanthen plus, Panthenol, Pantoderm. Dexpanthenol contains vitamin B5, which is responsible for tissue regeneration and will help the skin recover.

Apply after the procedure ointments containing dexpanthenol

During the week, you can not expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation, which means that visiting the solarium and the beach is prohibited. Also, any procedures and activities that entail increased sweating: sports, sauna, swimming pool.

Eliminate the use of alcohol for a week cosmetics and scrubs containing abrasive particles. After epilation on the face, try not to use heavy tonal products that clog pores.

According to reviews of women using a photoepilator, hair removal at home is no less effective than in a salon. The main thing is not to skip sessions and properly care for the skin before and after photoepilation.

Is it harmful to similar procedure? This question is of interest to many people who have decided once and for all to get rid of unwanted body hair. Of course, today the removal of vegetation with the help of light flashes is considered the most progressive and safe way.

But is it really so? What are the risks associated with the procedure?

Before asking the question and why photoepilation is harmful, it would be good to know what the essence of the technique is and how the procedure is carried out. As already mentioned, the main principle of this technology is the impact on the hair of a light flash, which completely destroys the hair follicle.

As a rule, the procedure lasts only a few minutes. First, the beautician covers the skin with a protective, cooling gel that absorbs all the heat generated. Then, using a special device, the doctor treats the surface of the skin. After the first session most of the hair is removed along with the gel. The same hairs that are still left fall out within a few next weeks. Several sessions are required to completely remove vegetation.

Most potential clients are wondering if the procedure is really painless? In fact, there is no pain and discomfort during hair removal - this is evidenced by the numerical reviews of consumers. Only when treating the most delicate skin areas, such as the armpits and inner thighs, a slight burning sensation is possible, which, however, does not last too long.

And one more important question- Is the procedure really that effective? Photoepilation - comparatively new technique, so it's impossible to say exactly how long the effect lasts. But patients who have full course note that the skin remains smooth for years.

Is it dangerous?

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy and discussion around this issue. Some people argue that the procedure causes irreparable harm to the body. On the other hand, researchers and cosmetologists are confident in the safety of this technique. However, some risk still exists.

So why is photoepilation dangerous? It is worth noting that exposure to intense light sources on the skin is fraught with burns. Do I need to worry about this?

In any case, remember that it is better to contact experienced doctor– a cosmetologist who will determine the condition of your skin, the presence of contraindications and help you choose best way removal of unwanted hair.

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The principle of human hair growth can be compared to perennial plant: no matter how much you cut it, it will sprout again and again, as long as the root is alive. The same thing happens with the hair growing on the human body.

None of the many ways helps to completely avoid the growth of new unwanted hair. To permanently get rid of body hair, it is necessary to destroy the source of their growth - the bulb and follicle.

In our time, a new device has been invented - a photoepilator. It is an efficient device that guarantees reliable results.

The principle of its operation is that by exposing the bulb to non-monochromatic light emitted by a special lamp, the gradual death of hair follicles occurs.

How is the process of photoepilation carried out

Radiated by the device, they affect both the blood that feeds the hair follicle and the hair itself. The blood cells coagulate, resulting in the death of the follicle responsible for the growth of a new hair. In addition, due to exposure to a light wave, the hair shaft is heated, and after the procedure it dies, weakens and falls out.

The action of this is the absorption of light by melanin, as a result of which not all hairs are removed, but only those in which this natural pigment is present. Gray and blond hair that does not have melanin cannot be removed by photoepilation. Depending on the hair color, the light from the flash is absorbed with varying degrees efficiency. If the hair is dark in color, the death of the bulb occurs more quickly, otherwise it is not destroyed, but only damaged, and hair growth can be continued (with varying degrees activity).

Photoepilation course

For complete hair removal, you need to undergo a course of photoepilation - this is about 7 sessions. This is primarily due to the phases of hair growth: the follicle dies only in the phase of their active growth. After the first session, you can not see the instant disappearance of hair, their partial loss will occur only the next day, due to natural death. However, after the first procedure, the hair that is in the phases of rest or cessation of growth also becomes thinner, brittle and powerless.

Photoepilators at home - which is better?

One of the most popular and sought-after methods of hair removal these days is photoepilation. Due to the ease of use of the device and painlessness, these procedures are very popular, especially among the female population. Many offer professional expensive services. One session in the salon will cost the visitor from 1000 to 7000 rubles. However, a cheaper way is a photoepilator for home use. He is able to successfully deal with unwanted hairs.

It is known that this device has a considerable cost, but, compared with attending a course in a professional salon, the use home appliance will cost many times less. For a more profitable purchase, you should definitely know everything about home photoepilators. “Which is better to choose? Which firm do you prefer? - such questions most often arise from buyers.

Characteristics of a home photoepilator

When buying a photoepilator, it should be selected according to certain criteria: technical characteristics, lamp life, its energy density, price category and others. In the modern market, you can find a fairly wide range of various devices for home hair removal. The most popular are such manufacturing companies as Philips, Remington, E-one, Silk "n" and others.

First of all, when buying a photoepilator, it is necessary to consider the effectiveness of the flash of the lamp, due to which the death of the hair follicle occurs. The maximum power of its radiation should be no more than 5 J/cm 2 . Otherwise, skin burns may occur. Some models are equipped with a special regulator for adjusting different parts of the body.

Secondly, you should pay attention to the area of ​​​​the light spot of the photoepilator: the larger it is, the more efficiently and quickly the destruction of unwanted hair will occur. The maximum area of ​​modern home photoepilators does not exceed 6 cm2.

The next important point is the lamp resource, that is maximum amount the flashes it can produce. Such devices are produced with a resource of 750 to 40,000 flashes, which directly affects the price of the product. If the lamp has expired, it can be replaced with a new one. It should be noted that spare replacement lamps are quite expensive, sometimes their price is comparable to a new photoepilator.

Prices for photoepilators

The cost of photoepilators directly depends on the following factors:

  • lamp life,
  • light spot volume
  • producer country.

In addition, some firms make a price markup for the brand: the more famous the manufacturer, the more expensive he sells his product. Currently, the most budgetary version of a home photoepilator can be purchased for 10,000 rubles. The most expensive photoepilators are offered by the French company E-one - the maximum price for such a unit can reach 120,000 rubles.

Rating of popular models

In order to answer the question about home photoepilators “Which is better?”, You should consider the consumer rating of the most popular companies and the models they produce. We repeat, the most famous manufacturers of these devices are such companies as Philips, Remington, E-one, Silk "n.

Firm Silk "n

These photoepilators are manufactured by the Israeli company Home Skinovations, Ltd. Thanks to extensive testing, the devices of this company are recommended by leading dermatologists as safe and effective devices for combating unwanted hair.

In the manufacture of photoepilators, proprietary patented HPL technology is used, which consists in the production of long pulsed light with a wavelength of 475-1200 nm. Periodic flashes (1 flash per second) with a power of 3 to 5 J / cm 2 directly affect the hair follicle, reliably destroying the cause of unwanted hair growth.

Silk "n glide photoepilator, reviews

Silk "n glide photoepilators are budgetary and effective for home hair removal. Many buyers are satisfied with the result, leaving positive comments.

According to consumers who used the Silk "n glide home photoepilator, reviews of this device note the following positive characteristics device.

  1. Do not leave burns or unwanted marks on the skin.
  2. The procedure is completely painless.
  3. The resource of one cartridge depends on specific model and comparable to the price range.
  4. The speed of the pulses can be adjusted independently, for this 5 modes are offered.
  5. The Glide epilator is easy to use as it does not require any flash protection goggles.
  6. The device is designed in such a way that the flash is produced only in close contact with the skin, which eliminates harmful effect on the eyes.
  • the Silk photoepilator works from the mains (220V);
  • the company guarantees a result of 50% after 3-4 procedures;
  • The compact size of the device makes it very convenient to use.

The most popular models of Silk "n glide photoepilators: Silk'n Glide 30K, Silk'n Glide 150K, Silk'n SensEpil XL 65.000 and others.


Photoepilators of the German company Remington also won the trust of consumers. They are reliable and modern. technical specifications. For example, one of the most popular these days is the Remington i-Light photoepilator. His stats:

  1. The intensity level is set independently, depending on individual features skin: on a scale of 1 to 5.
  2. For the treatment of small skin areas, a special mode of single pulses can be set.
  3. To treat larger areas, you can also set the multiple pulse mode.
  4. The device is equipped with a special paw resource indicator. If it lights up, it signals that there are no more than 150 pulses left. If the lamp needs to be replaced, the indicator will blink rapidly.
  5. The device is equipped with a skin contact sensor.
  6. The Remington i-Light can be used on any part of the body, except where there are tattoos.
  7. The procedure must be repeated after the hairs begin to grow back.

The Remington photoepilator does a great job main task- removal of unwanted hairs. According to consumer reviews, after 5 sessions, the hairs disappear and no longer appear.

Manufacturer E-one

The French company E-Swin produces high-quality and efficient E-one photoepilators. Most of the models of this company have very high cost which discourages most buyers. Despite the fact that many companies advertise their product, guaranteeing an unsurpassed result, customer reviews do not always confirm the effectiveness of certain models of photoepilators. Unlike other companies, E-one (photoepilator) is always positive reviews from independent users. First of all, buyers note the high efficiency and effectiveness of the device: quick disposal of unwanted hair.

The most popular models are: E-One Clinic R Multy, E-one No. 1 and others.

Technical characteristics of these photoepilators:

  1. Professional quality for home use.
  2. Checking against 20 safety criteria guarantees the consumer complete confidence in their use.
  3. Medical certificate of quality.
  4. Visible results after the first use.
  5. Guarantee of complete disposal of unwanted hair in the shortest possible time.
  6. Frequency: one procedure every 2 months.


Home photoepilators from the Dutch company Philips are quite popular among buyers. According to the consumer rating, the most purchased models are Lumea Precision Plus SC2003/00, Lumea Philips SC2001, PHILIPS SC1992/00 Lumea IPL. All models of Philips Lumea photoepilators have the following features:

  1. A high performance lamp with a long life span.
  2. The first noticeable results after 5 sessions: the hair becomes thinner, falls out and does not grow.
  3. 5 efficiency settings for different type skin cover.
  4. The Philips photoepilator is not suitable for people with red, white, light blond or ashy hair.
  5. The device is not intended for maximum epilation efficiency is noticeable on light shade skin.
  6. Careful use is recommended in the presence of a natural tan.
  7. If the instructions are followed, the complete disposal of unwanted hair is guaranteed.
  8. The Philips photoepilator has a number of advantages, thanks to which it has gained a well-deserved reputation. Many consumers recommend just such a home photoepilator. The price of this device is approximately 22,000 rubles.

Is the photoepilator harmful?

Most often, buyers are concerned about the dangers of light exposure that occurs during the flash of the device. Here the answer can be unequivocal: a photoepilator for home use does not pose any threat to health, since all models undergo rigorous quality control and medical testing for safety. The maximum depth of impact of the outbreak does not exceed the depth of growth hair bulb, therefore, this device does not pose any harm to health.


The main disadvantage of any photoepilators is their price. If we compare the cost of any model of photoepilators, we can conclude that everything depends on the lamp resource - the larger the resource, the more expensive it is. If you plan to use the photoepilator for a long time, as well as on large areas of the body, the most profitable purchase will be an expensive model with a long-life lamp. Otherwise, you can safely purchase a cheaper photoepilator.

When deciding to purchase this device, it is necessary to take into account the level of skin sensitivity, because this type of hair removal is considered the most gentle. During the procedure, the skin may turn red, and there may also be a slight burning sensation, but these symptoms are almost painless. In addition, photoepilation does not damage the integrity of the skin and does not leave traces of irritation. Also, each time the duration of the procedure will be reduced, due to a decrease in the number of hairs.

So, in order to answer the question about home photoepilators “Which is better?”, It is necessary to take into account factors such as price and efficiency. These criteria determine best quality home photoepilators.

Many women who dream of smooth skin, devoid of any flaws, are concerned about the question: is photoepilation harmful or is it just a delusion? As you know, photoepilation is modern technology hardware method removal of excess and unwanted body hair. Exposure to skin areas with the help of flashes of light of a certain length promotes heating and subsequent coagulation of blood vessels. After such a session, the follicles die and, after some time, usually very short, the hair falls off.

On the one hand, it is safe to say that the method of photoepilation is absolutely harmless. The device is equipped with special filters that protect the skin from damage, thanks to which the epilation procedure is possible on any part of your body:

  • belly,
  • feet,
  • hands,
  • chest,
  • face,
  • bikini area,
  • back,
  • armpits, etc.

It is very important to choose the right mode of exposure, since the safety of photoepilation largely depends on this. In this case, one should be guided by the type of skin undergoing this procedure, as well as the structure of the hair and some other individual characteristics.

Before the session, a cooling gel with an analgesic effect is necessarily applied to the skin. At the end of the session, the treatment sites are lubricated with a softening cream. During the procedure, it is necessary to take care of eye protection - for this, they are perfect sunglasses. Photoepilation does not cause discomfort and is carried out quickly enough. For one flash of light, an area is processed, the size of which is 4-6 square cm.

After the successful completion of the first procedure, it is possible to get rid of approximately 30% of the hair in the treated areas. After the second, approximately the same amount of hair is destroyed. Keep in mind that not all hair will fall out at the same time, but only after a few weeks.

In some cases, a sparse fluff of white short hairs may remain on the treated areas, but it is completely invisible.

Choose carefully beauty salon. For the effectiveness of photoepilation sessions, it is very important that the power of the light radiation of the device is high, and the duration and number of pulses are correctly calculated. The parameters of light flashes are adjusted individually - the type of skin and hair is taken into account.

Is there any proven harm?

Let's now talk about how photoepilation can be harmful for the average person. In fact, side and undesirable effects after the first and subsequent sessions of photoepilation appear quite rarely, mainly after using insufficiently high-quality equipment:

  1. slight peeling is possible,
  2. disruption of your natural skin pigmentation for a while,
  3. skin redness,
  4. extension blood vessels,
  5. swelling.

It should be noted that in women with a low threshold of sensitivity, pain is possible at the time of the session. All these consequences are not dangerous for human health and pass in a couple of days.

In order to be guaranteed to get the maximum effect from the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the areas for future treatment in advance. It is desirable to shave legs in 3 days, and armpits and, if necessary, the bikini area - 1 day before photoepilation. Areas on the face, chest, neck and abdomen will be treated by a specialist in the salon before the session.

In the first two to two and a half weeks after photoepilation, try to avoid exposure to the skin of aggressive sunlight. To do this, use a protective cream, exclude the use of self-tanning. At this time, refuse to visit the bath and pool.

So you prevent the possibility of pigmentation changes and avoid the formation of such a misfortune as ugly spots after epilation, which you can read about.

Photoepilation is contraindicated in:

  • varicose veins ( this disease also called varicose veins)
  • diabetes,
  • skin diseases,
  • infectious,
  • oncological,
  • cordial and vascular diseases,
  • pregnancy,
  • taking certain drugs.

For healthy people the harm of photoepilation has not been proven. On the contrary, this procedure not only helps to get rid of unwanted hair, but also launches rejuvenation processes: it accelerates the production of substances that promote accelerated regeneration skin - collagen and elastin.

Removing excess hair from the body is important for many women. But it's hard to find best option, which would keep the result obtained for a long time and at the same time would not deliver any pain. Using a photoepilator, you can not only absolutely painlessly say goodbye to excess hair, but also save the result for a long time.

What it is?

The photoepilator is special device, the impulse of which, under the influence of short-term, enhanced and precise exposure to pulsed light, penetrates the hair and accumulates in its main substance - melanin. Due to this, there is an active destruction of the structure of the hair itself and its root. As a result, the hairs become weaker, fall out, and with regular photoepilation, they stop growing altogether.

Such a device works almost silently and completely painlessly. After the invention of this device, it was possible to perform such hair removal only in expensive cosmetology clinics at a high cost. Now many manufacturers have begun to sell home photoepilators.

The home photoepilator has a compact and convenient size, it is easy and effective to use and even suitable for the face. Absolutely anyone can cope with its use, and you can get rid of excess vegetation on the whole body, even in the most inaccessible places: deep bikini and armpits. In the absence of contraindications, the photoepilator can also be used to remove excess vegetation from the face.

In such photoepilators for home use, batteries or accumulators are usually installed that keep the device working for a long time.

Features and Benefits

The main feature of this device is its principle of operation, that is, the direct effect on the hair and its follicle with bright and powerful short-term flashes of light. This procedure has many advantages:

  • Absolute painlessness. Using this device, you will feel absolutely no discomfort, itching, pain or tingling.
  • Almost complete silence. Only flashes of light will be accompanied by small clicks.
  • Fast procedure. Depending on the number of hairs on the skin area, processing about 10 square centimeters will take no more than 5 minutes.
  • Long lasting effect. If you follow all the recommendations for the operation of this device, as well as for skin care after the procedure, the result can be saved for life.

  • The ability to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body forever. With proper and regular use of this unit for epilation, the hairs completely stop growing over time.
  • Simplicity and ease of procedure. To carry out such hair removal at home, you do not need any special equipment, no skills
  • The device shows high efficiency in the removal of excess vegetation in all parts of the body and face.

Such advantages make the photoepilator a desirable acquisition for many women. But in addition to the principle of operation, it also has one more feature - it is necessary to treat the epilated skin areas with a special gel before the procedure. It is he who will act as conductors for light in the epidermis to the hair follicles.

However, the photoepilator also has a small minus - it cannot be used to remove blond or gray hair. It is effective only for the destruction of dark hairs on fair skin. Moreover, the stronger the color contrast between the vegetation and the epidermis, the more effective the effect of the photoepilator will be.

All these pros and cons big influence on the final result of epilation using this device. Therefore, when choosing and buying them, they must be taken into account.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other type of hair removal, photoepilation has its own recommendations for carrying out, as well as contraindications for using this device. Before you go to the store to purchase this device, you need to familiarize yourself with them in detail.

Using a photoepilator at home is recommended:

  • With an excess in women a large number male hormones that induce hair growth male type. Doctors call this phenomenon hirsutism.
  • With the regular appearance of severe irritation after other types of hair removal or depilation.
  • At increased hairiness in women and men both on the body and on the face. In medicine, this phenomenon is referred to as hypertrichosis.

Such an epilator is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • The presence of a large number of light or gray hairs. In this case, the effect of the procedure will simply not be visible even if it is performed regularly.
  • Increased photosensitivity.
  • Varicose veins veins.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Age less than 16 years.
  • Epilepsy.

  • Any type of cancer.
  • A pacemaker, or rather, its presence in the body is also a significant contraindication.
  • Some thyroid diseases. Before photoepilation for problems with the thyroid gland, you must first consult with an endocrinologist.
  • keloid disease.
  • The epilator is also harmful to health during antibiotic treatment or when taking choleretic and diuretic drugs.

If there are small burns, wounds and scratches on the surface of the epidermis, it is better to postpone this process epilation until they are all healed.

The harm and benefits of this device for human health will directly depend on compliance with contraindications and indications for its use. According to doctors, with the correct and reasonable use of this device, significant harm to health cannot be caused.


Photoepilators today are produced by many manufacturers. In order to purchase a really high-quality product that will help turn hair removal into a pleasant and productive procedure, we recommend that you pay attention to the following products:

  • Touch Permanent Hair Reduction System. It has high efficiency, is sold in a set with two nozzles. With proper use, after 8-9 procedures, almost all hair stops growing. It has a light weight, high power - 200000 flashes, works from connection to the power supply network. The kit also includes special safety goggles.
  • Gillette Venus Naked- Another household powerful photoepilator. It has a low cost, is sold complete with a special gel for such hair removal. It has a special sensor for reading skin tone, thanks to which the epilator itself selects the intensity of outbreaks. Quite bulky and consists of two parts: a stand and the photoepilator itself. Has high efficiency.
  • Hee HR Mini. Wireless high-performance photoepilator that acts on general principle operation of these devices. It has eight different modes of operation, which allows it to be used even on the most sensitive areas of the epidermis. Large stock of cartridge and complete absence ingrown hairs are the main advantages of this device.

  • Beurer 100- This is an epilator that allows you to permanently get rid of half of the existing hairs after only three procedures. Long-term cartridge supply, versatility in use, safe and easy operation are its features. It is light in weight and has proven effectiveness. Comes with a replacement cartridge.
  • Sminiker Showliss Pro is a compact effective photoepilator that allows you to get rid of excess hair both on the face and in the bikini area, not to mention other less sensitive parts of the body. The start module is designed for at least 100,000 flashes. It has an average power level and low cost.
  • Silk "n Glide infinity 400K- This is an innovative photoepilator from Israel, the high efficiency and speed of which are explained by the use of two types of energy at once for the operation of the device. The lamp has an endless charge of flashes, and most importantly, this particular photoepilator is approved even by doctors for hair removal in the deep bikini area.

  • Homedics DUO PRO IPL-HH170-EU allows not only to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body and face, but also contributes to the natural rejuvenation of the skin. That is why this photoepilator is in high demand among women over 40 years old. It has high power, a collagen nozzle is included in the kit, it retains the result for a long time after the procedure.
  • Remington IPL6250- This is a five-mode photoepilator that has two additional flash modes: one-time and reusable. Powered by an electrical connection, equipped with an additional sensor for determining the type and color of the skin. Sold in a set with a special cleaning cloth for glass. Visible result from use appears after the third procedure.

It is these photoepilators that are in high demand due to their high efficiency, stylish design and easy operation.

How to choose?

  • Safety. Such a device must be protected from children. Filter for ultraviolet radiation should have an orange color, which means its high power.
  • Work intensity settings, as well as sensors that block flashes on dark skin and helping to see the set settings will help you set the best option for the device and avoid burns.
  • The size of the coverage area also plays a big role. For hair removal on small parts of the body, such as bikini, underarms and hairs above upper lip it is necessary to choose a device with a small grip and vice versa.
  • Number of lamp flashes. The more the better, but not always. The efficiency of the device is influenced by many factors and all of them must be taken into account. Therefore, it is important what kind of efficiency the manufacturer himself speaks of (a month, two or three for complete hair removal), and whether parameters such as power, generation time and flash wavelengths are correlated. It is the ratio of these parameters that indicates how effective the device is in operation.

  • Whether the lamp needs to be replaced or not. This is very important factor, since if the lamp cannot be removed and replaced, then after consumption total The photoepilator must be recycled. It is better to give preference to devices in which the lamp can be changed if necessary.
  • Food. Photoepilators can run on batteries when connected directly to the mains or from a battery charge. The first and third options are the most preferable, as they allow you to use the device regardless of the availability of electricity. As practice shows, the most durable are battery-operated photoepilators.
  • Which areas are suitable for use? Not all photoepilators can be used in the bikini area and on the face. Therefore, if you plan to use the purchased device for hair removal in these areas of the body, you should find out if additional nozzles are included in the kit.

  • Durability. The photoepilator costs a lot, so it is important that it has a long service life. This device must be sold together with all the necessary components at once, and the number of flashes must not be less than two hundred thousand.
  • Ease of use. It is worth buying only the device that is light in weight and fits comfortably in your hand.
  • Price. There are photoepilators on sale both at exorbitant prices and at suspiciously low ones. It is better to choose the golden mean. Experts advise giving preference to those devices in which the cost of one flash is in the range of 20 to 25 kopecks.

Only by combining all the answers to these questions together, you can make the final choice of a photoepilator from our rating.

How to use?

Photoepilation at home does not require too much time and some specific skills. In order to get the desired effect from the procedure, it is necessary to perform it in the following sequence:

  • Solarium, antibiotics and diuretics are prohibited 14 days before hair removal.
  • The day before the procedure, the necessary areas must be shaved. The shorter the hair, the large quantity light will penetrate the follicle, which means that the procedure will be more effective. Attention! Some photoepilators work on hairs 3-4 mm long instead of the recommended 1 mm. Therefore, carefully study the instructions.
  • On the day of the procedure, it is necessary to carefully examine the epidermis to make sure that there is no damage to it.
  • Put on special glasses for your eyes. Conventional sunscreens do not provide the necessary protection, so you can only use those that are specifically designed for photoepilation.

  • On the skin, it is necessary to designate the primary treatment area. This can be done with a regular cosmetic pencil. Do not make the area too large - 10 square centimeters will be enough.
  • A special gel for photoepilation is applied to the prepared area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • The device with pre-set settings is brought to the skin and used according to the instructions.
  • When the entire area has been treated, the remains of the gel are removed from the skin with a damp cloth, the epidermis is moistened nourishing cream. If photoepilation is performed for the first time, it is better to use baneocin or similar creams.
  • If necessary, points 5 to 8 are repeated on the following parts of the body. This type of hair removal should be carried out regularly with a frequency of about 20 days.

When using a high-quality photoepilator, the hair completely stops growing after a maximum of 12-14 procedures. In order to enhance the effect of photoepilation, it is recommended to regularly use sunscreen for the first 7 days, do not visit the pool, solarium or sauna.

A professional photoepilator is used on the same principle. The only difference is that all the manipulations are carried out by the master.

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