How to collect and dry lime blossom. How to collect and use lime blossom

The blooming linden is perhaps one of vivid impressions summer. A majestic spreading tree is suddenly covered with many small, unusually fragrant, fluffy flowers, the smell of which is familiar, it seems, from birth. The linden tree seen in childhood was vividly remembered. With frequent childhood colds, we remembered him when wise grandmothers instead of powders and tablets gave us tea from linden flowers. Growing up, we tried to buy Linden Blossom (Fiores Tiliae) in pharmacies or harvested linden flowers ourselves. It was widespread in central Russia"local" Linden heart-shaped(small-leaved, Tilia cordata, Tilia parvifolia) with small round-heart-shaped leaves and fluffy inflorescences consisting of many flowers. From some lindens, larger inflorescences were collected, with large, but rare flowers- they were going faster. It was large-leaved linden(broad-leaved, Tilia platyphyllos, Tilia grandifolia), cultivated and already "Russified".

In the photo: Inflorescences of the heart-shaped linden (small-leaved - Tilia cordata, Tilia parvifolia).

Lime tea. Benefit, application.

Folk remedies often turn out to be effective, because they have been tested for centuries and passed down from generation to generation. So and Linden blossom. He was honored by scientific medicine, it is sold in pharmacies and harvested industrial way(view Linden heart-shaped, or small-leaved, - Tilia cordata, Tilia parvifolia). Hot water infusion from linden flowers, or lime tea doctors prescribe for colds as a diaphoretic: a tablespoon of crushed dry inflorescences is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes in a thermos and drunk, strained, a glass or two in hot form. The same infusion in warm form gargle with stomatitis, gengivitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, drink it when coughing. In folk medicine lime color application much wider. It is believed that linden tea helps with pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney stones and gallbladder, gastritis, hypertension, irritability, infertility (with the addition goat milk), hormonal disorders among women. It is drunk to improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the body.

Linden. Contraindications. When to collect linden.

The only contraindication for treatment with linden flowers may be individual intolerance, that is allergic reactions. As a rule, it is observed in people suffering from hay fever, that is, pollen allergy, because linden is harvested at the time of flowering: for large-leaved linden it is mid-June, for heart-shaped linden, the end of June - the beginning of July. And although linden tea is very pleasant: it has a beautiful amber-reddish hue, a sweetish taste and a wonderful aroma, you can’t drink it all the time. Like many herbal infusions, linden tea is medicine and its overdose can cause side effects, for example, violations by of cardio-vascular system. AT small quantities You can always use lime blossom to flavor tea.

How to collect linden.

Linden inflorescences (“Linden Blossom”) are harvested as medicinal raw materials. This is a semi-umbrella on a long pedicel of 2-11 flowers with multiple stamens, with a large, half-grown, bract (light yellow bract, unlike the rest). At self-harvesting raw materials follow a number of rules:

Linden is harvested when most of flowers blossomed.

It is impossible to harvest raw materials after rain and in dew, it is better to do this at noon, when the flowers are most open.

You can not collect linden near roads and industrial enterprises.

Collect only healthy inflorescences, not affected by diseases and pests.

You can not cut linden branches, it harms the tree. Scissors cut off one inflorescence or with a knife (secateurs) small branches of 20-30 cm, from which the inflorescences are immediately pinched off.

Linden flowers are laid out thin layer, no more than 3 cm and dried in attics, under a canopy in the shade, in a ventilated room or in special dryers at a temperature of + 40-50 ° C.

Properly dried inflorescences are brittle, have yellow or yellowish color, slight smell. The taste of infusion from linden flowers is sweetish, slimy, astringent.

Store lime blossom in paper bags or boxes in a dry place for no more than 3 years.

For reference: Linden inflorescences contain glycosides, essential oil, bitter and tannins, flavonoids, coumarin, saponins, wax, sugar, glucose, carotene, vitamin C, mucus, micro and macro elements.

It is difficult to find an old Russian estate without linden alleys. Due to its unpretentiousness, linden is often used in landscaping the streets of large and small cities in central Russia. It is often found in wild nature. At favorable conditions linden can live for more than 500 years, and all this time, every year, it will give a person a valuable medicine - linden blossom.

Collection and storage of lime blossom

Each medicinal plant has its own collection time. The fact that it is time to collect linden flowers is reminiscent of a sweet aroma coming from the thick of the crown and dispersing for tens of meters around. This happens at the end of June or beginning of July. Yellowish flowers are collected in an inflorescence. Inflorescences are cut along with the legs, in which most of the flowers have already opened, but have not yet begun to fade. The day is chosen without rain, preferably clear and dry. It is best if it is in the morning (but not early morning) or in the afternoon.

Collection rules

No matter how dense and attractive the thickets of linden growing along the road may seem to you, you cannot pick flowers from these trees. Along with useful substances, you will receive many dangerous elements, including radioactive ones. Pluck lime blossom only from trees near which cars do not drive and there are no harmful industrial enterprises. In a big city, such a place is quite difficult to find. But if you really care about your health, then you can go out of town or go into a secluded park area.
No need to break branches, trying to speed up the work. AT last resort, you can cut small thin branches. Flowers are chosen only healthy, without traces of rust, without damage by pests. In this case, they will bring you maximum benefit. Do not delay the collection, because in nature time cannot be turned back. If you don't make it, you'll have to wait. whole year or buy ready-made flowers in a pharmacy.

Drying and storage

Dry lime blossom like most medicinal plants, in a shady and well-ventilated area. Previously, these were attics of houses, today you can use the space of balconies, an oven or a special dryer. The temperature should not exceed 45 degrees. Inflorescences are laid out in a not too dense layer on a tray or on a tray. If drying takes place outdoors, then the top is covered with a very thin cotton material (gauze).
When the flowers dry well, they are laid out in paper bags, cloth bags or tin cans. If there are not very many flowers, then you can sew one large bag of cotton fabric, pour all the lime blossom into it, and then take it out as needed. If for some reason you have not used the flowers for three years, then it is better to throw them away and prepare fresh raw materials.

Linden Blossom - Properties

Linden flowers have many medicinal properties, but the most famous of them are anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. That is why linden color has long been used for colds. A decoction of linden was always given to a patient who was in a feverish state. It was used to treat bronchitis. With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils, inflammation in oral cavity carried out rinsing with linden decoction.

As a diuretic, lime blossom is used to treat diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.
The next direction in which linden is used is the treatment of certain diseases of the stomach. The substances that make up its composition contribute to the secretion of gastric juice, and also affect the outflow of bile. When using a specially prepared decoction, spasms in the stomach are relieved, colic stops.

The sedative properties of linden lead to the fact that a decoction of it is drunk during insomnia and nervous disorders, with headaches, excruciating migraines. By using lime decoction, you can eliminate some of the symptoms of menopause. Apply baths prepared on the basis of linden decoction.

cosmetic effect

Widely known cosmetic effect lime color. In industrial cosmetology, its extract is used and fragrant shampoos and creams are produced. At home, you can make lotions and masks based on decoction, use ice cubes to rub the skin, just wash your face.
All these properties are due to the fact that linden flowers and perianths contain great amount useful substances. These are trace elements, polysaccharides, vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, tannins, saponins. The smell is created by essential oils. The healing properties of flowers provide bioflavonoids. Today, researchers continue to study some of the substances that make up the lime blossom.

Linden blossom - contraindications

It should be remembered that linden blossom well expels water from the body and increases the load on the heart, so you should not get carried away with drinking a drink from it. Apply flowers only when needed. Do not carry out long-term self-treatment, limited to a maximum of ten days of decoction. If you yourself do not dare to use the remedy, then it is better to ask an experienced person for advice or go to the hospital.

Folk recipes for lime blossom in medicine and cosmetology

It is impossible to list all recipes based on lime blossom. However, there are a few basic rules for its use.

Linden flower tea

The easiest remedy- this is tea. One tablespoon of crushed dried inflorescences is poured with a glass of boiling water. Initially, the drink has a clear, slightly yellowish color. When it stands for a while, it becomes more saturated, light brick color. If you suspect a cold, this tea is drunk with honey at night.
I must say that tea from linden inflorescences can be drunk during pregnancy. It will not affect the development of the fetus, and will help expectant mother maintain health, get rid of cough, calm the nervous system.

Lime blossom decoction

The second common use case medicinal flowers is a decoction. To make it, you should boil lime blossom in water over very low heat or in a water bath for several minutes (5-7). The ratio is the same as for tea, only the amount can be increased proportionally. The resulting decoction is useful as an expectorant, as well as for the treatment of kidney inflammation. Bladder, relieving stomach cramps.

Infusion for gargling and mouthwash is prepared as follows. Make a strong brew (1.5 tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water). Insist it for half an hour, and then filter. Thoroughly rinse the throat with infusion in the morning and evening, while adding half a teaspoon of soda.

Linden flower baths

For removal nervous tension lime baths are used. Take a glass of dried inflorescences and fill them with about two liters of water. Bring the water to a boil and boil for no more than 5 minutes. Then the broth is infused for about half an hour. Wash well before taking a bath. Then, clean, warm (about 37 ° C) water is drawn into the bath and the prepared broth is poured into it. Immerse the body in a bath with a decoction and lie or sit in it for no more than 20 minutes. There is no need to rinse after the procedure. Just pat your body dry with a towel.

Linden color in cosmetics

In order for the skin of the face not to be afraid of the cold, not to turn red, to become velvety and tender, rubbing with ice cubes can be used. To do this, brew linden tea, as usual. Cool it, strain and pour into ice molds, then placing in freezer. Rub the frozen decoction on the skin in the mornings and evenings. This is both a massage, and rubbing of nutrients, and hardening.

To prepare nourishing mask, you need to take a glass (approx. 50-80 ml) of fresh infused linden blossom broth, add the same amount of cream and one yolk to it. All this is mixed up. Next, you need to dip a clean napkin into the mixture and use it to apply a thin layer of the mixture on your face. Wash off after 15 minutes. For tangible effect make masks 3 times a week for a month.

It is good to rinse your hair with a filtered decoction of linden after you wash your hair. This rinse helps to get rid of dandruff, relieves inflammation and itching of the skin. In addition, the hair becomes more elastic and shiny.

Accept everything gratefully natural remedies, use them wisely. Only then will you feel beneficial action medicinal properties of lime blossom.

How to collect, dry and store lime blossom

One of the brightest impressions of summer is the blooming linden. A sweet honey aroma flows in the air, familiar, it seems, from childhood. How pleasant it is to sit cool in the summer heat, under the shade of this beautiful tree, to enjoy its healing, fragrant aroma and the beauty of delicate, pale yellow inflorescences. It is no coincidence that the people called July “lime tree”, and in Ukrainian the name of the second month of summer sounds like that - lime tree.

How to harvest lime blossom

- not only a beautiful plant, but also universal remedy. And not only its flowers are used as medicinal raw materials, but also buds, bracts (wings) and bark.

In the twentieth year of life, the tree blooms. This sweet time begins in June. And when most of the flowers have already opened, healing linden gifts can be prepared for the winter. This is the period from June to July, which lasts about 10 days, and in cool weather - about 2 weeks. Large-leaved linden blooms in mid-June, heart-shaped - at the turn of the first and second summer months.

Do not collect damaged inflorescences, with rust, yellowed or darkened bracts, affected by pests and diseases. Do not do this after rain or dew. Best time for harvesting raw materials - noon, when the flowers are open. For a small family, 1 kg of raw “crop” is enough for a whole year.

When the linden fades, its flowers are no longer suitable for harvesting, as they turn brown and crumble when dried.

Linden blossom should not be collected along highways, near industrial plants and roads. It is better to go out of town, to areas that are away from the highways, for example, into the forest.

It is forbidden to cut a tree, break its branches, collect flowers from lindens that grow near apiaries. Inflorescences can be plucked by hand or cut one at a time with scissors or a garden cutter, always with bracts.

Linden bark is stored in early spring, before flowering, or in late autumn, but only after permission from the forestry. And the kidneys so that they do not lose their beneficial features harvested in spring in dry weather.

How to dry linden

The collected inflorescences are laid out in a thin layer (no more than 3 cm) on paper or burlap, dried under sheds and in attics, in dryers and ovens. At the same time, the air temperature must be maintained at the level of 40-45 degrees. During drying, which takes an average of 2-3 days, you need to stir up the flowers so that they do not rot and dry on all sides. All this will keep the healing essential oil in the inflorescences, which gives them aroma and stickiness.

Flower stalks are properly dried when they become brittle, turn yellowish and have almost lost their pleasant scent.

Do not dry the linden in the sun, because under direct sunlight it discolors and loses its medicinal properties. 10 kg of raw flowers give 3 kg of dry raw materials.

How to properly store linden

It is better to fold the dried raw materials into paper bags: they provide good air access. You can also use ceramic pots or linen bags - this is how our grandmothers kept herbs. But glass and plastic containers are not suitable for this purpose: in such dishes, pollen fades and loses its healing effect. Proper storage allows you to save the beneficial properties of lime blossom for 2 years.

Now you know how to collect, dry and store medicinal lime flowers, and you can do it yourself in the summer. Linden blossom is sold in a pharmacy, but it is much more pleasant to harvest it with your own hands.

At the beginning of summer, it is difficult to find people who are indifferent to the amazing aroma of lime blossom. But the linden not only smells good, but is also a truly invaluable healer. Infusions and decoctions support vitality, and if you know how to brew linden tea, then you can not be afraid of seasonal viruses. Let's find out how to prepare linden tea, find out the beneficial properties and contraindications for taking it.

Useful properties of linden

Linden is a unique tree in the eyes of medicine. The fact is that for the preparation of various medicines are used:

  • tree leaves;
  • bark;
  • color.

Most wide range actions in lime color. Therefore, tea, decoctions, infusions are made from it, and linden honey considered one of the most healing varieties of this "sweet amber". Delicate yellow flowers contain:

  • vitamins A, C, which effectively fight viruses;
  • iron, potassium, calcium, which have a beneficial effect on blood flow and bone tissue;
  • magnesium that improves carbohydrate metabolism and blood supply to the vessels;
  • tiliacin, known for its bactericidal properties;
  • flavonoids responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • tannins that remove carcinogens;
  • essential substances that take care of the health of the nervous system.

How does linden tea help fight ailments and old age?

long time ago ethnoscience treated lime with special reverence. And the seasonal collection of her color was a traditional annual event. By the way, in Soviet times On subbotnik days, employees of various organizations were obliged to collect lime blossom for pharmacy needs. The medicinal properties of linden tea help with:

  • elevated body temperature due to viral infections;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis, contributing to the excretion of sputum;
  • angina, rendering astringent action on ulcers in the throat;
  • neuralgia, insomnia, migraines, calming and triggering the mechanisms for the production of the "hormone of happiness" - endorphin;
  • problems with gastrointestinal tract, synthesizing hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and adjusting the release to duodenum bile;
  • metabolic disorders, removing toxins from the body;
  • obesity - antioxidant effect improves digestion and contributes to weight stabilization;
  • burns and furunculosis, having a bactericidal effect on the lesions of the skin;
  • kidney stones, cystitis, as tea is a diuretic.

Phytohormones contained in the color of the plant are almost identical to female sex hormones. Therefore, in cosmetology, linden is used as a rejuvenating agent. Some women claim that a bath with linden decoction, in addition to relieving intestinal pain, relieves cellulite.

How to collect linden for tea?

In order to stock up on healing raw materials for making tea or decoctions for a year, you need to properly collect the lime blossom. There are several rules for collecting useful inflorescences:

  • harvesting must begin in the phase of active flowering - this is the end of May or the beginning-mid-June, depending on the climate of the area;
  • it is best to collect inflorescences when they have blossomed by two-thirds, and a third is still in buds;
  • it is better to collect before lunch at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, with variable cloudiness and moderate humidity (then there will be a lot of nectar in the flowers);
  • inflorescences must be carefully cut with scissors, capturing the wings of the leaves;
  • lime color should be without damage and yellowness;
  • 0.5-1 kg of inflorescences is enough for a small family for a year.

How to dry and store lime blossom

To on personal experience make sure of medicinal properties plants, no less important is how to dry linden for tea.

  • It is best to use a sheet of paper for drying (but not newspapers, otherwise the inflorescences will be saturated with lead) or a tray.
  • The inflorescences laid out in a thin layer are dried in a shady place, periodically turning over. You can also dry in the oven, but the temperature should not exceed 45 degrees.
  • After the linden has dried, it must be transferred to a paper bag or canvas bag. In addition, you can use ceramic dishes with a lid. Plastic for linden is contraindicated.

How to brew linden tea

The color can be brewed both separately and “in company” with herbs (chamomile, thyme, sage). Pure linden drink is "warm" and fragrant. In addition, you do not need to add sugar to it, since the color contains natural sucrose. Versatile tea is prepared quickly and easily.


  • 30 g linden;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • honey (optional)


  • Rinse a ceramic or faience teapot with boiling water.
  • We fall asleep linden, fill it with hot, but not boiling water.
  • We cover the teapot well, insist 20-30 minutes.
  • Add honey if desired.

By the way, if you have not drunk the entire portion of the drink at a time, the remaining linden tea can be poured into molds and frozen. After wiping the face with such cubes, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes velvety and smooth.

In what cases is linden tea contraindicated?

The benefits of linden tea are undeniable, but there are still a number of warnings:

  • color should be collected only in ecologically clean areas, because the trees are very active in absorbing environmental toxins. There will be no benefit from the inflorescences collected on the side of the highway - only harm, and such a drink is contraindicated for absolutely everyone .;
  • tea from linden blossoms is used only during the period of illness, as it is very effective remedy. Daily tea drinking can lead to an overabundance of certain substances in the body;
  • Linden tea is not recommended for people with heart disease, as the drink activates the body's natural defenses, leading to overexcitation, and this is stressful for the cardiovascular system.

How to prepare lime infusions and decoctions

If in autumn-winter period bronchitis has not passed you, then an infusion of linden blossom will relieve an exhausting cough in just a couple of days.

  • We take 1 tbsp. l. lime color and grind well.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. steep boil.
  • Let it brew for 40 minutes.
  • We filter.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink a decoction of lime blossom.

  • 1 st. l. linden pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • We put on a slow fire and boil for 20 minutes.
  • Let cool to room temperature.

You need to drink a decoction of 1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Linden decoctions are also used for the preparation of healing baths. In particular, they help to pacify the pain of colitis.

  • Pour 10 handfuls of flowers with a liter of cold water.
  • Boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Strain and pour into the bath.

Linden tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which undoubtedly have a significant preponderance towards the former, still needs a controlled intake. After all, he (as well as infusions and decoctions) is a medicine, and quite effective. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor about linden herbal medicine if you intend to be treated thoroughly.

by the materials

2015-10-26T03:55:35+00:00 admin food and health food and health, drinks, useful tips

At the beginning of summer, it is difficult to find people who are indifferent to the amazing aroma of lime blossom. But the linden not only smells good, but is also a truly invaluable healer. Infusions and decoctions support vitality, and if you know how to brew linden tea, you can not be afraid of seasonal viruses. Let's find out how to cook linden...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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Linden tea - fragrant and healthy drink familiar to everyone since childhood. This is the main remedy that mothers and grandmothers gave us at the first sign of a cold. What is the use of this fragrant flower how and when to collect it correctly and how to cook it healthy tea?

Linden tea properties

Linden flowers are the source essential oils, vitamins E, C, flavonoids, antioxidants, natural antimicrobial components. They contain effective phytoncides, tannins, antipyretic components. In folk and official medicine it is a recognized medicinal raw material, and very tasty and fragrant. How, why and when to collect linden for tea?

They collect it in order to use it in the autumn-winter period to fight colds, malaise, and strengthen immunity. A pleasant tea is prepared from it, which even children drink with pleasure.

Such a drink has the following properties:

  • removes headache;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • relieves swelling and relieves nasal breathing;
  • facilitates expectoration of sputum;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • relieves joint pain.

Linden blossom period - maximum 2 weeks

The combination of linden tea with honey is a classic of the genre. This company will perfectly cope with hypothermia, the first signs of a cold, alleviate the flu, migraine, while simultaneously stimulating the immune system to fight the virus. For one family of 3-4 people, 1 kg of dried lime blossom is enough for the cold season.

How to prepare raw materials

There are several varieties of linden, which differ in flowering time, flower size and crown volume. Early varieties begin the flowering season in mid-June, late varieties from July. It is not for nothing that in the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages ​​the month of July is called lipen. The collection of linden begins a few days after the start of flowering. By this time, most of the flowers will fully bloom, they will smell nice, filling many more meters around with their aroma. Linden blossom is the middle of summer, when grasses and trees have already gained strength after winter and delight the eye with a riot of greenery and aromas.

It's better to pick flowers with your hands

Linden is collected together with a yellow bract, it also has medicinal properties. Inflorescences can be plucked or cut with scissors. It is not permissible to break or cut branches. By the way, the tree is healing with its bark and buds, the gruel of which relieves inflammation on the skin, bruises, and heals wounds.

To collect, you need to choose a clear sunny day, wait until the dew comes down or the wind dries the raindrops on the tree. Linden is harvested away from roads, railways, cities or industrial enterprises. It is best to find a tree at the edge of the forest, in the garden, in the country, they will be less polluted, which means they will bring more benefit. It is not advisable to collect damaged flowers, with rust spots on the bracts, with traces of insects. Sick raw material in itself can no longer be good.

When collecting, you can pay attention to the abundance of insects on the tree, among which the main bees. You have to be careful that they don't sting. It is for this reason that it is impossible to collect linden near apiaries. If we clearly formulate the answer to the question of when to collect lime blossom, then this period stretches from the second half of June to the end of July.

How to dry and store

After harvesting, the linden must be dried in vivo. To do this, it is laid out on a horizontal surface on a cloth or newspaper and turned over daily for airing.

To properly dry the flowers, you need to provide them with air circulation and the absence of bright light. sunlight. It can be a table in the attic, a gazebo, a balcony. If drying is carried out in the oven, the temperature inside should not exceed 40 degrees.

Natural drying time 3-4 days. During this time, the flowers will partially lose their aroma, become crispy and brittle. After that, they can be packed in paper bags, ceramic jars, linen bags. Harvested and properly packaged lime blossom can be stored for 2 years.

It looks like a properly dried linden

From linden, you can prepare fragrant mono tea or add it to other herbs and flowers. It goes well with rose hips, sage, chamomile, clover. For brewing, take a thick-walled mug with a lid, pour 1 tsp into it. dried linden and pour hot boiled water. Close the lid with a hole and leave for 3-5 minutes. This tea can be drunk with honey and lemon.

You can drink 2-3 cups of linden tea per day. It is useful and safe rate. You can drink a cup of tea before going to bed, it will calm the nerves, stimulate muscle relaxation and fast falling asleep.

Linden tea is the most aromatic of all medicinal drinks.

Linden tea can be drunk as a diaphoretic at fever and intoxication. It is good for bloating, as it relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia. Since the flowers are rich in antioxidants such as coumarin and querticin, a tea or decoction of them can act as a preventive measure. oncological diseases.

There are no categorical contraindications to the use of tea. Pregnant women, people with allergies and heart problems take it with caution. Collect linden and drink fragrant tea the whole family can and should use it, it is pleasant, useful, because no one has yet canceled aromatherapy.

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