Vitamins for nursing mothers: their main sources, consumption norms and rules for safe intake

The time of breastfeeding is also a very important time for a young mother, just like pregnancy. This is a period when a young mother is also very actively in need of nutrients, because not only her health, but also the health of her baby is on her conscience. That is why vitamins for nursing mothers are so important during this period.

It is very difficult to get all the necessary composition of vitamins from ordinary food. The body really needs to be fed with special vitamins. We will talk about which vitamins for a young mother will be the most useful.

First, let's decide which elements and vitamins are especially important for mothers who breastfeed their babies:

  1. An element such as calcium is extremely important for young mothers.
    The lack of this element can cause hair loss in a woman, poor health of teeth and nails. A sufficient intake of this element in the baby's body determines the normal development of his musculoskeletal system.
  2. Vitamin D is important for a mother who is breastfeeding, because calcium cannot be absorbed without it.
  3. Nursing mothers very often suffer from a lack of selenium in the body.
    The presence of this element keeps the immune system in good shape and saves the body from various inflammations.
  4. If a woman has enough vitamin E after childbirth, then she is not afraid of postpartum depression or muscle weakness.

Here are the nutrients that are essential to keep mom and baby healthy.

Vitamin complexes

There are special multivitamin complexes for young mothers. The range of these complexes in pharmacies is very wide, how to choose the best of them? Consider the most popular.

Some experts consider the Elevit multivitamin complex to be one of the best. It contains 12 vitamins and 7 trace elements. All these substances are actively involved in the restoration of the female body after childbirth, and also provide the baby with full breast milk.

Vitrum complexes for nursing mothers are of good quality. They contain 10 vitamins and 3 trace elements. This complex is highly recommended for those who are particularly deficient in calcium. These vitamins are very convenient to drink. Only once a day you need to drink one capsule.

The Alfavit brand also has complexes for young mothers. To properly drink these capsules will need more memory. The package contains three types of tablets that you need to drink separately from each other. The first group of tablets contains iron and elements that help it to be better absorbed. The second group of tablets are antioxidants (A, E, C, D). And the third group of tablets contains calcium and vitamin D.

Against hair loss

After a pregnant woman finally becomes a mother, changes begin to actively occur in her body. Natural weight loss begins, which a woman gained during pregnancy, unfortunately, the problem of hair loss very often arises. And if the first moment regarding weight loss makes a woman very happy, then the second moment regarding hair loss insanely upsets her.

In order not to get upset, it is important to understand why this happens. The fact of hair loss indicates that there is a change in the hormonal background in the body, and this is very good.

But in any case, this problem cannot be left to chance. The body needs help. Against hair loss, you need to take additional useful substances. Such additional vitamins against hair loss are D and F.

It is better to try to eat more food, which contains these elements. D is most found in chicken eggs, milk, sea fish, and hard cheeses. F most of all you will find vegetable unrefined oils. Corn oil, linseed, sunflower, soybean.

You can also take these elements in the form of special supplements.

Why not without vitamins?

As mentioned above, useful substances are needed not only for a young mother, but also for a baby. The fact is that the composition of breast milk is ideally balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and this is completely independent of the woman’s diet.

What can not be said about the nutrients that breast milk is enriched with. That is why it is so important for a mother to “supply” these useful elements into breast milk.

A nursing mother produces about 700-900 ml of milk per day. For each such portion of milk, the body consumes 150-250 mg of calcium. Just imagine how the reserves of useful substances in the body are depleted. Hence, all the problems with the health of mother and baby arise, if you do not constantly replenish the supply of useful substances.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

To further convince you of the importance of taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women, let's turn to the opinion of the now popular doctor - this is the pediatrician Komarovsky. Dr. Komarovsky, although rather controversial about taking vitamin complexes, for example, Komarovsky believes that schoolchildren do not need to use them at all.

But, as for the complexes for pregnant and lactating mothers, Komarovsky says that their reception is necessary. However, as a doctor, Komarovsky insists that the intake of these elements be agreed with the attending physician of the nursing mother. Komarovsky is also "for" taking vitamin formulations for pregnant women.

By the way, many experts believe that it is quite possible for a nursing mother to continue taking complexes for pregnant women. Nutrients for pregnant women are also very rich in composition, and in principle, they can solve the health problems that a nursing mother faces.

Complexes for pregnant women during breastfeeding can be taken in the same way as during pregnancy. If you have prenatal nutrients that are perfect for you, then this is the perfect option.

Getting vitamins while breastfeeding (that is, during lactation) is very important for a mother who cares both about her health and the well-being of her baby.

It's simple: breast milk is a product that is designed to provide the baby with everything necessary in the first months of life.

The benefits of natural feeding

Thanks to milk, the baby is protected for some time by the mother's immune cells.

In addition, the use is able to soothe the baby due to the content in it of substances that muffle pain and even cause falling asleep.

Breast milk can affect the formation of the intelligence of the baby at a very early age.

That is why clever nature, laying down the mechanism of feeding, first of all took care of the child.

What is it expressed in?

Scientists have proven that the composition of breast milk is relatively stable, regardless of the mother's diet. Otherwise, children in the poorest countries in the world would not be able to survive.

Milk always contains about the same amount of various nutrients and vitamins.

Only fat content changes during the day. For example, in the evening it becomes larger, because the baby should sleep at night and not feel hungry for as long as possible.

That is, the baby at any period of life is provided with high-quality natural nutrition, which it has thanks to the work of the mother's body and the fat reserves accumulated by her during pregnancy.

But the woman herself, one might say, is under attack during lactation.

After all, if something is missing in the “set” for the baby, then the body gives out from what may be vital for the mother herself.

The danger of beriberi

Unfortunately, in cases where a mother has vitamin deficiency for a long time during lactation, a child who suckles at the breast may also suffer.

It is not surprising, because the “set” of the necessary substances will simply have nowhere to take. In an infant with such feeding, growth may slow down, problems with neuropsychic development may begin.

  • The most dangerous is the absence in the child's body, which can lead to the development of rickets.

For this reason, pediatricians prescribe an additional intake of this element for breast-fed babies.

  • According to modern studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, most often mothers who breastfeed their babies do not receive enough B1.

And the figure characterizing its intake is really depressing: consumption is only half of the norm recommended by doctors.

  • Deficiency during lactation becomes.

The result of the shortage is a problem known to many mothers:

  • hair loss,
  • peeling nails,
  • caries.

Every second mother faced similar phenomena, and, in most cases, they were observed approximately six months after childbirth.

By that time, the lack of resources in the body of a woman becomes chronic, because the minimum that she received was all sent to the baby.

By the way, the reason for the active consumption of vitamins and macronutrients during lactation is not only the production of breast milk. Although, it is she who "eats" the bulk of the "usefulness", because a woman's body must "produce" almost a liter of valuable liquid per day.

Other causes of "leakage" of nutrients in the postpartum period:

  • vitamins are needed for enhanced work of the endocrine glands, which are activated due to the acceleration of metabolism;
  • recent childbirth will “eat up” a lot of vitamins that leave with amniotic fluid and the birth of the placenta - in any case, it will take more than one week to recover;
  • part is lost due to the active excretion of urine and feces: in this way a fairly large volume of them will go away.

What vitamins to take

To prevent the above from happening, during lactation it is important to monitor your diet, focusing primarily on:

  • biotin (group B),
  • zinc,

Doctors advise to take multivitamins throughout the entire period of feeding, periodically making small pauses between courses.

That is, every month when you take the drug, you need to take a week or two breaks.

Vitamins are really very important for mom and baby, because. provide not only good health for both. Studies have proven a direct dependence of the volume of breast milk on the presence of important components in the mother's body.

Women who took the necessary elements before and after childbirth had a greater volume of breast milk than those mothers who did without important and necessary trace elements, with a difference of 1.85 times!

Food or medications?

The way that a mother feeding with natural milk is going to stock up on vitamins depends only on her choice and desire.

And there are not so many options.

  1. Carefully select food during breastfeeding in order to get all the "usefulness" from food.

This is usually done by ardent supporters of a healthy lifestyle, who prefer to stay away from all sorts of synthetic products.

However, in the first days of a baby’s life, this will not be easy, because many products for a young mother are banned.

For example, almost all raw vegetables, a number of fruits and berries, which are the main sources of "usefulness".

If the crumbs begin to have an allergy, the mother's diet is narrowed by doctors to pasta, cereals and broths. But mom at this time just needs to restore the level of substances lost in large quantities during childbirth.

  1. Another option is to choose multivitamins for nursing and pregnant women (as a rule, these drugs are not shared).

An important nuance: ordinary vitamins will not work for a woman during breastfeeding, because. they can provoke allergic reactions in the baby.

In vitamins for the lactation period, special attention is paid to their safety.

Ideally, the above two options for obtaining “utilities” should be combined so that there is confidence that the body “took” everything in the right amount.

A strict rule has been established for a nursing mother: she must use them regularly, and the volume must be 30-40% more than the standard one.

And in the case of twins, it can be safely doubled!

Otherwise, not far from anemia and malnutrition, such diseases can really be acquired in a very short time.

A proper and balanced diet is essential for any living being. But for a nursing mother, it is vital. After all, the extent to which her body is provided with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements affects not only her appearance and well-being, but, more importantly, the health and development of the baby.

What vitamins and minerals are important during lactation

Try to make the diet of high quality and varied, include more healthy foods to provide the body with the recommended amount of essential minerals and vitamins. Refuse fast food, convenience foods and other products stuffed with preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings.

For the health of mother and baby, whom she breastfeeds, a balanced and varied diet rich in vitamins and trace elements is important.

Table: vitamins for nursing, effects on the body, daily dose

VitaminEffect on the bodyRecommended daily dose
A (retinol)
  • participates in the formation of bones and connective tissues;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • useful for the eyes, condition of the skin, hair and teeth of mother and baby.
1.5 mg
B1 (thiamine)
  • necessary for the functioning of the nervous system;
  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism.
15–20 mg
B2 (riboflavin)
  • participates in the exchange of iron and the formation of muscles, skeleton;
  • important for the full functioning of the liver and thyroid gland;
  • maintains hemoglobin balance.
2.2 mg
B6 (cyanocobalamin)useful for the nervous system, hematopoiesis and liver4 mcg
B9 (folic acid)
  • improves emotional state;
  • normalizes the work of hematopoietic organs;
  • useful for the development of the nervous system.
0.26 mg
B12 (cobalamin)
  • necessary for hematopoiesis;
  • forms nerve fibers;
  • improves appetite in children;
  • enhances concentration and reduces irritability;
  • beneficial effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
4 mcg
E (tocopherol)participates in the synthesis of lactation hormones.15 mg
C (ascorbic acid)
  • reduces inflammatory reactions;
  • necessary for the absorption of iron;
  • strengthens connective tissue;
  • increases resistance to infections, bacteria, viruses;
  • has an antioxidant effect on the cells of the body.
100 mcg
D (calciferol)
  • responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, i.e. forms bone tissue and teeth;
  • contributes to the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • prevents rickets.
500 IU

Essential Minerals

In addition to vitamins, the diet of a nursing mother should be enriched with the minerals necessary for her health and the proper development of the baby.

  • iron - carries oxygen to tissues, participates in the formation of hemoglobin, daily dose - 25 mg;
  • iodine - necessary for the thyroid gland and brain development - 200 mcg;
  • zinc - regulates the growth of the baby, prevents the development of dermatitis, participates in the production of insulin - 25 mg;
  • phosphorus - affects the formation of bone tissue, the functioning of the kidneys and heart - 1.8 g;
  • calcium - the most important mineral for the formation of teeth, skeleton, nerve cells and internal organs, is involved in the regulation of heart rate, with a lack of it, a woman's teeth deteriorate and her hair splits - 200 mg;
  • magnesium - useful for the nervous system, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and bone formation - up to 450 mcg.

What do omega 3 fatty acids do

It is important to get enough Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids during lactation. They ensure the proper development of the baby's nervous system, are necessary for heart health, and lower blood cholesterol levels. They are also involved in the formation of connective tissue, the formation of cell membranes and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Omega-3s are found in vegetable oils, fatty fish, seeds, and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty red fish, nuts and vegetable oil.

How to enrich the body with vitamins

The most physiological and safest way to get everything you need is a reasonable approach to nutrition. The menu of a nursing mother should be balanced and varied.

What foods to include in the diet during lactation

In fact, the diet of a nursing mother is, with very few exceptions, the usual healthy diet recommended by nutritionists to anyone who wants to live long and stay in good shape. It includes:

  1. Meat is a source of proteins and amino acids, which act as a building material for the child's body. It contains a lot of zinc and iron. It is advisable to choose calf, rabbit, poultry meat.
  2. Milk, eggs and liver are a source of vitamin A, cobalamin and riboflavin, Omega-3, magnesium and phosphorus.
  3. Sour-milk products contain lacto- and bifidobacteria necessary for normal digestion.
  4. Cereals and legumes - saturate the body with zinc, nicotinic acid and vitamin B1.
  5. Green vegetables (cabbage, celery, spinach) - contain calcium and phosphorus, vitamins B2, B6, C.
  6. Nuts are rich in vitamin B6, phosphorus and other trace elements, and also contain fats and carbohydrates that help mom always be active and cheerful.
  7. Vegetable oil is a source of vitamin E and calciferol, which is useful for babies.
  8. Fruits and vegetables are the main source of all vitamins in the diet of a nursing mother, and especially ascorbic acid.

It is important to remember that some healthy foods are the strongest allergens.. Use with caution:

  • chocolate;
  • red vegetables and fruits;
  • citrus;
  • peanut;
  • shrimps.

Red berries, fruits and vegetables are allergens, so during lactation they should be limited or excluded.

Table: nutritional value of the diet for nursing mothers

Photo gallery: products useful for nursing mothers

Meat is a source of protein and amino acids Cereals saturate the body with B vitamins Spinach is rich in vitamins B2, B6, C, contains a lot of calcium
The source of calcium is milk and sour-milk products. Nuts are rich in microelements, fats and carbohydrates. The diet of a nursing mother should be a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Eggs are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and phosphorus Vegetable oil contains a lot of vitamin E and D

Video: lactation diet

Vitamin complexes

Getting all the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts is difficult, even with a perfectly balanced diet. That is why doctors recommend taking special complexes for nursing mothers:

  • Femibin Natal Kea 2;
  • Solgar Prenatal Nutrients.

Let us consider in more detail the features of each drug.

Rating of vitamins for nursing

  1. Elevit Pronatal. The composition includes 12 essential vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 trace elements, there is no iodine, which will have to be taken separately. Another disadvantage is the high price, from 500 rubles for 30 capsules. One capsule per day is enough.

    Elevit Pronatal - a balanced vitamin complex for nursing mothers

  2. Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Contains 12 vitamins and all essential minerals including iodine. It is important to control the intake due to the large amount of iron. The price of the complex is quite high: from 540 rubles for 30 tablets. Take 1 tablet daily.

    Vitrum Prenatal Forte is fully balanced in terms of daily vitamin and mineral composition

  3. . It is balanced in composition, cheaper than the previous ones (from 300 rubles for 60 tablets, designed for 20 days), but differs in a complex intake pattern: the tablets are divided into three groups by color, they must be taken separately, with different meals, which guarantees complete assimilation each component.

    Alphabet - Mom's health is a competent combination of three groups of vitamins and microelements

  4. . The only drug that contains folic acid in active form (Metafolin). The composition also includes docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which belongs to the polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 class. This substance is indispensable for the formation of cell membranes, which is important for the development of the baby. The form of the drug - capsules in blisters: yellow - and pink - a complex of vitamins and minerals. Take 1 yellow and 1 pink capsule once a day. It costs an average of 1000 rubles per pack.

    Femibion ​​Natal Kea 2 - effective, easy to use, but expensive drug

  5. Compliment Mom. An inexpensive complex (about 250 rubles for 60 tablets), containing 11 essential vitamins and 7 trace elements. Take 1 tablet daily.

    Prenatal Nutrients promises 100% of the daily value of essential vitamins and minerals for pregnant and lactating women

    Features of taking vitamin and mineral complexes

    Any drug to a nursing woman should be used only after consulting a doctor and in strict accordance with his recommendations and instructions in the instructions.

    As a rule, any vitamin and mineral supplements, provided that the dosage is observed, do not cause side effects, but allergic reactions are sometimes possible:

    • in mom, they are manifested by swelling of the fingers, fatigue, skin rash, stool disorder;
    • in infants, manifestations of diathesis, the appearance or intensification of intestinal colic, worsening sleep, skin rashes, and tearfulness are possible.

    If there are negative consequences of taking supplements, you should refuse them.

    You can not take two drugs at the same time, as the risk of an overdose of the components increases.

    Danger of overdose

    The greatest danger for a young mother and newborn is an overdose of vitamins and minerals. It can slow down the growth of the baby, lead to developmental disorders and other serious complications.

    The consequence of a prolonged overdose of retinol is toxic liver damage, an excess of vitamin D causes early overgrowth of the fontanelle due to bone mineralization, and a lot of iron negatively affects the work of most organs of both mother and child.

    Therefore, it is extremely important to take supplements after consulting a doctor and strictly adhere to the daily allowance.

    Dr. Komarovsky about vitamins for nursing

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, taking balanced vitamin complexes is a necessity for a nursing mother if there is:

    • nutritional deficiencies for various reasons, including natural ones, for example, in the initial stages of lactation;
    • beriberi diagnosed in a woman by a specialist after laboratory tests, and not by the woman herself;
    • beriberi in a baby, also confirmed by tests.

    Komarovsky usually advises taking vitamins from October to March. It is important that the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes, and not to abuse their intake, but try to enrich the daily diet with useful products.

    If a child receives everything he needs with his mother's milk, then it is difficult to dispute the fact that this is the most physiological and rational. The advantages of prescribing vitamins specifically for a child (with completely natural feeding) are only one: 3 tablets of pregnavit per day for a mother are much more expensive than a drop of multitabs for a child. Hence the algorithm for making the right decision.

    Komarovsky E. O.

Breastfeeding is a difficult period for a woman's body. The baby receives the necessary nutrients from the mother's milk. And if a woman does not make up for the deficiency of all the elements given to the child, she develops hypovitaminosis.

To prevent this from happening, during breastfeeding you need to be very careful about your diet and, possibly, take vitamins for nursing mothers.

Common myths about vitamin complexes for mothers

Modern medical science has moved away from the opinion that every nursing mother needs to take synthetic vitamins. In the minds of ordinary people, breastfeeding is associated with the use of various mineral supplements. Some myths about lactating vitamins can be really harmful.

  1. Get as many vitamins as possible

A nursing mother needs many mineral and organic supplements and other useful substances, but only to the extent that her body lacks them. Few people know that most vitamins people get from food.

  1. Useful substances get to the child from the mother's food

Milk is not formed from the food consumed by the nursing mother, but from her blood. Therefore, if something is missing in a woman’s diet, the body will take the necessary substances from its own reserves and the child will not suffer. But if a nursing mother does not replenish her reserves, this can adversely affect her health.

  1. Vitamin complexes can not be harmful

An overabundance of vitamins is even more dangerous than their lack. If too much of a substance accumulates in the body, hypervitaminosis may begin, characterized by a violation of the function of the liver and kidneys, the development of osteoporosis.

  1. Need to take vitamins to prevent hypovitaminosis

Vitamins are also a medicine, and a doctor prescribes it. Various nutritional supplements should be taken only if the patient is diagnosed with a deficiency of any substance. Uncontrolled use of vitamins leads to hypervitaminosis.

  1. A woman should drink vitamin preparations all the time that she is breastfeeding.

Vitamins with HB are used in courses, the duration of one is 3-4 weeks. For the entire period of breastfeeding, the doctor may prescribe several courses to the nursing mother.

Vitamins on your table

All the necessary substances the body can get from food. What should a nursing mother eat in order to replenish the reserves of trace elements? These products contain all the necessary vitamins, while breastfeeding for the mother, their use is mandatory:

  • Meat. The main source of protein, which is actively consumed for the production of breast milk. Red meat contains a lot of iron, the amount of which directly affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Eggs . They contain vitamins B2, B3, B5, B12. Necessary for the correct functioning of the liver, the strength of the skeleton. Microelements of group B are important in hematopoiesis.
  • Beef liver . Source of vitamins A, H, B2, B3, B5, B12. Vitamin A is the “beauty vitamin”. Protects the skin, mucous membranes, cornea of ​​the eyes. It depends on him the condition of the hair and nails.
  • Fish . Contains unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine. The health of the heart and nervous system depends on these substances. Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Porridges, grain bread contain vitamin B1, which is important for the nervous system and metabolism.
  • is a source of calcium. This element is responsible for strong bones and teeth. It is also essential for healthy hair and nails.
  • Green vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C, it is also an additional source of B vitamins and phosphorus. Vitamin C is responsible for the immunity of a nursing mother. There is a lot of it in all fruits.
  • Vegetable oils contain vitamin E, which is necessary for the production of the hormone prolactin, which determines the amount of milk a mother has.
  • - a source of vitamin B6 and phosphorus.

It is quite difficult for a nursing mother to provide herself with a diet every day, in which the listed products are included in the right quantities. Here, multivitamin and mineral complexes come to her aid.

Choosing a vitamin complex

Today in the pharmacy you can find various vitamins for nursing mothers - which is better for a woman, the doctor must determine. The following are the most popular:

  • Vitrum.

Produced in the forms Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Vitrum Prenatal contains 13 vitamins, the composition also includes iron, calcium, zinc.

The Forte complex includes not 3, but 10 minerals. This drug contains a lot of iron, so it can be used for iron deficiency anemia. Take Vitrum one capsule once a day. This complex has a fairly high cost.

  • Elevit Pronatal.

Includes 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. This vitamin complex is prescribed for both pregnant and lactating women. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. Both medical workers and patients respond positively to the complex.

The drug can cause allergies, although very rarely. Elevit Pronatal refers to vitamins for nursing mothers of a high price category.

  • Alphabet - Mom's health.

The manufacturer focuses on the need for separate intake of substances of different groups. The package "Alphavit" contains 60 tablets of three colors - 20 tablets of each color. You need to take the drug one tablet of different colors three times a day.

This regimen is not very convenient, but it increases the level of absorption of nutrients into the blood by 50%. The drug is not too expensive.

  • Femibion ​​Natal Kea II.

Another complex in which trace elements are divided into groups. The pack contains tablets and soft capsules to be taken at the same time, once a day. The tablet contains 9 vitamins, folic acid, iodine.

The capsule contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids (equivalent to fish oil). These substances are better absorbed in liquid form, and therefore separated from other substances.

In accordance with the reviews of patients, this complex rarely causes side effects and allergies in both the mother and the baby. Femibion ​​Natal Kea II is the most expensive drug considered.

  • Compliment Mom.

Contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. Since most of the necessary vitamins are part of the complex, it can be prescribed for hypovitaminosis. This drug is not suitable for all women, sometimes patients note the lack of effect from taking vitamins.

The advantage of this complex is its low cost. Usually take Complivit one tablet per day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

When choosing vitamins for nursing mothers, decide which ones are best for you, read the reviews of other patients. Be sure to discuss your choice with your doctor.

How to take vitamin and mineral complexes?

Today, vitamins for nursing mothers are prescribed only according to indications, in the presence of hypovitaminosis. The doctor determines which substances are not enough in the woman's body, and prescribes a suitable drug. It may not be a multivitamin, but a separate element. For example, vitamin E or iron.

Important! You can not self-medicate - when choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, you need to consult a doctor.

The instructions for the drug always indicate the dosage and duration of administration. These data are approximate and can be adjusted according to the needs of each woman.

Usually vitamins are taken one tablet per day, after meals. The duration of the course is usually one month. The doctor may advise you to drink the drug for a shorter time or, conversely, to extend the intake. After completing the course, you need to give the body a "rest".

A few months later, a nursing mother should again contact a medical institution to monitor her health. If necessary, she will be prescribed a second course of the drug.

When not to take vitamins

When discussing with a doctor which vitamins a nursing mother can drink, it is imperative to mention existing chronic diseases and allergies. Do not take drugs to patients with disorders of the excretory system of the body. So if a woman has problems with the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, then it is better to refuse vitamins.

The doctor will definitely take into account hypervitaminosis for some individual vitamin or mineral and prescribe a drug that does not contain this component.

The region of residence of the patient is also taken into account. Residents of the sea coast are not suitable for preparations containing iodine, and in iodine-deficient regions they may prescribe an additional intake of this substance.

Important: When using food additives, allergic reactions are possible.

Most often, they appear as a rash or itching, but hay fever and swelling can also occur. If a woman knows the allergen, you need to carefully study the instructions in order to avoid taking an undesirable substance.

It happens that an allergy occurs not to the active substance, but to the auxiliary components that make up the tablet or capsule. This problem can be solved by changing the drug.

During the period of breastfeeding, take care not only of the child, but also of yourself: eat well, walk a lot, see a doctor regularly. If you are prescribed a multivitamin, take it as directed and you will soon notice that your health has changed for the better.

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