What eye color prevails in the world. Violet, amber, red: rare eye colors of extraordinary beauty. The most unusual eye color in the world. Top rare eye colors in humans

Exotic eye colors include such rare colors as amber, purple, emerald. Women and men with such irises can be seen infrequently, but still they are real. Black eye color is more likely to be found, but this color of the iris is also considered rare.

The iris of the black color scheme is saturated with melanin (coloring pigment). The dark color of the eyes indicates an excessive concentration of melanin in their owners. When light hits the iris, it absorbs it almost completely.

Usually black eye color is a feature of people who live in regions with a hot climate and need protection from ultraviolet radiation. The shade of the eyes is influenced by several factors, including the mood of a person.

Black eyes in humans usually have representatives of the equatorial race living near the equator. In these areas, babies are born already with a lot of melanin in the iris. Usually black eyes have a brownish or grayish tint to the eyeball.

Black eyes are associated with mystery and magic. Such eyes belong to people who are enterprising, restless, with powerful energy, loving. The dark color of the eyes endows their owners with amazing vitality and passion: nothing will stop black-eyed people if they decide to win their object of adoration. In ordinary life, this property not only contributes to victories, but also brings disappointments due to the results of haste.

The black color of a person's eyes has the following shades:

  • bluish black;
  • resinous;
  • eye color black-brown;
  • obsidian;
  • blue-black;
  • eye color is black-green;
  • dark almond-shaped;
  • coffee colored eyes.

coffee colored eyes

Representatives with coffee-colored eyes tend to be very impulsive. They are power leaders who crave constant praise and approval, which they take for granted. Coffee-colored eyes are people who are rather quick-tempered and gambling, amorous and charming. Being constantly on the move, they set goals that they almost always achieve, although the people around them consider such ideas utopian.

Despite their arrogant and quick-tempered disposition, the owners of coffee-colored eyes are very quick-witted and not at all vindictive. They instantly find common ground with any interlocutor. But you need to be careful, because people with coffee-colored eyes can go to extremes - if they like you, you will find a great friend, but if not, a terrible enemy.

Black brown eyes characterize funny, sensitive and beautiful people. They are distinguished by a stormy temperament, capriciousness, irascibility, but forbearance. The energy of Venus, the Sun and Saturn are an astrological explanation for the eyes of such a color scheme.

Eye color black-green characterizes people who quickly find common interests with others. They are distinguished by sociability, amorousness, but they are able to both instantly ignite and quickly cool down to their object of passion.

Black eyes in men

The black color of the eyes of men indicates: in front of you is a typical conqueror of women's hearts. Often he is able to flirt just for the sake of "sporting interest", but then he never regrets his act.

Ladies who have chosen a dark eye color for men will never be bored, because a seemingly calm representative of the stronger sex is raging in the depths of a real volcano of passions. If you prefer quiet family evenings, routine dinners with relatives and calm monotonous everyday life, then you better beware of black-eyed men.

The black color of the eyes in men characterizes conscientious and ambitious workers, but they do not tolerate an arrogant or rude attitude towards themselves. If the boss does not appreciate him or yells at the owner of black eyes without serious reasons, then most likely their owner will very quickly say goodbye to such a boss, and without the slightest regret.

The dark eye color of men is a guarantee that you certainly will not be bored.

Black eyes in women and girls

The black color of the eyes in women characterizes their owners as passionate and temperamental seductresses with high intelligence. As a rule, black-eyed ladies are effective leaders and natural-born leaders who want to be active in all areas of life.

Such ladies are very bright, often have charisma and outstanding abilities, feeling the slightest changes in human mood, see prophetic dreams. That is why the black color of the eyes in women, as a rule, indicates psychic abilities.

The dark eye color of women is an indicator of great will and endurance. Black-eyed people are able to achieve their goals, achieving their goals in completely unpredictable and incomprehensible ways for others. It is characteristic that black-eyed ladies always find the best way and way out of a seemingly insoluble situation.

Black-eyed women are active reformers of the world, but they prefer to carry out all their ideas with the wrong hands.

General portrait of a black-eyed lady:

  • selfless in love, possessing a strong will, determination;
  • jealous, although she tries to hide it carefully;
  • demanding of people and herself;
  • egoist "to the marrow of bones";
  • the desire and ability to succeed in everything in it is developed from early childhood;
  • intolerant of any kind of coercion.

The dark color of the eyes in women characterizes their owners as open and talkative ladies, able to speak on almost any topic.

Black-eyed people can show isolation and secrecy only towards people for whom they feel even a slight dislike.

Dark eye color in girls and boys

The black color of the eyes of girls is inherent in faithful and temperamental natures: they shower the sweetheart with gifts, sparing neither time nor money, and also strive to be with him all the time and are jealous of rivals. Prone to violent showdown.

But they don’t immediately open their hearts and far from every guy: they make applicants yearn, and they involuntarily begin to think how to win over a girl’s heart. But the young black-eyed woman is adamant: she will not succumb quickly even to the guy she likes.

The dark color of the eyes of the girls signals that their owners will also be in the lead in the kitchen: the household has the feeling that the girl knew by heart all the recipes and cookbooks of the world from the cradle. There is no dish that the black-eyed could not cook. Moreover, the girl herself is limited to a very modest diet, as she monitors her figure and her health.

Black-eyed girls are beautiful even without trips to beauty salons and cosmetic devices, because one of their smiles makes the whole world fall at their feet. Black-eyed women do not abuse this “magic” gift: this property of them instinctively manifests itself under difficult circumstances.

The black color of the eyes of girls is a guarantee that their owners will never work where they cannot achieve respect and well-deserved recognition from employees or superiors.

The dark color of the eyes of the girls testifies: such young ladies have been dreaming of opening their own business since childhood, but growing up, they begin to realize that not everyone is able to run a business.

If you meet a guy who has black eyes, know that it will be almost impossible to deceive him. Black-eyed guys feel people as if they have x-rays built into their brains. That is why psychics, astrologers and magicians are usually the owners of black eyes. However, they will not speculate on the trust of people - the black-eyed guys tell only the truth and are only occasionally capable of cunning, if they cannot do without it.

The black color of the eyes of the guys symbolizes that they conquer the girls at first glance, but they don’t let them get close to them right away - they keep a certain distance so as not to let unsuitable applicants “into their hearts”.

The dark color of the eyes of the guys signals: the guys listen to the opinions and new ideas of others, although from the outside it may seem that they listen only to their own opinion, which they always have and on all issues. Guys with dark eyes always have a lot of fans, but they usually cheat even on their regular girlfriends, without being tormented by remorse.

By choosing a dark eye color for guys, be sure: boredom and routine will definitely not threaten you!

What do psychologists and astrologers advise black-eyed people?

  1. If you have already set a goal for yourself, do not tune in in advance to exhausting work, but bet on your ability to win over people. With help, you will always achieve the most significant results.
  2. Do not try to rush into battle spontaneously, succumbing to emotions - take care of the safety net.
  3. If you suddenly feel that your energy resources are exhausted, remember your strengths - patience and charm. By learning how to use these qualities effectively, you will become successful very soon.
  4. Try to avoid negligence in actions and in appearance. Keep your wardrobe neat and tidy.
  5. Do not forget about your image, follow the speech. Do not use obscene expressions, swear words, thinking over your answers to sensitive questions from your opponents in advance.

The dark color of the eyes sets others in advance for interesting and unpredictable communication with their owners.

Black-eyed representatives of both sexes should not neglect, but develop the various talents with which nature has generously and fully endowed them.

Much has been written about beautiful eyes. People are impressed by their shape, cut, depth. Color is often discussed. Some like blue, some like brown. They write about green eyes that they have witchcraft power. And this is no accident.

The rarest color

The true green iris is present in only 2% of people on Earth. This is the rarest eye color. Green-eyed representatives of the human race live in Iceland, Scotland and, oddly enough, Turkey. Quite a lot of people with emerald eyes can be found among the Germans.

And yet there are more green-eyed people in the north of Europe. In Iceland, the green or greenish-gray color of the iris is almost 70% of the population. In Scotland, even more so. There is even a stereotype in the world about the Scots as fiery red people with green eyes. Among the Turks, green-eyed about 20%.

In Asia and South America, in the East and Africa, the green color of the eyes is so rare that it is considered some kind of special, exotic beauty. In Russia, it is also rare. More often you can see people with a mixed color: greenish-brown, gray-green. Such shades of the iris are due to a mixture of genes from different peoples: from the Slavs and the Baltic states to the nomadic Mongols and Tatars.

What's wrong with green eyes

Geneticists attribute different eye colors to the presence of more or less melanin pigment. Blue-eyed and gray-eyed people have very little of it, which is why the iris is so bright. Maximum melanin in brown and black eyes. The gene for these colors is even considered dominant (blue is recessive, that is, one that is usually suppressed).

The green shade of the iris does not exist in its pure form. It is a mixture of blue (blue) and light brown colors. In green-eyed, the stroma - the “supporting” tissue of the iris - is blue. A brown pigment lipofuscin is applied on top of it. At the same time, they simply distinguish between green and marsh tones. In the second case, more brown pigment is present in the tissues of the iris.

Why are there so few green-eyed

Such a complex play of pigments, resulting in a beautiful, rich marsh or green hue, is almost a jeweler's art, which nature rarely resorts to. For this reason, there are not so many green-eyed individuals in the human population. And although emerald eyes do not give their owner any obvious benefits, they are perceived by people as unique and beautiful.

There is an unproven theory that the genes for green eyes and red hair are somehow related. Allegedly, this explains the exotic appearance of purebred Scots. However, this theory is still only a theory.

Witch's eyes Green eyes are unique not only because of the unwillingness of nature to replicate such beauty. The people themselves made their contribution to the destruction of the green-eyed brothers in the Middle Ages. Mass terror then staged the Holy Inquisition. Most of all, beautiful and secret knowledge women with those same green eyes got it.

It is not known exactly when and why mankind began to consider such ladies as witches (perhaps due to the fact that they were rare and made a strong impression). For 300 years of the fury of the Inquisition, about 40-50 thousand people burned at the stake. The main part of them were green-eyed women and men corresponding to the description of the “true witch”.

All of them were carriers of those very unique genes. So before the start of the mass psychosis called "witch hunt" in Western and Eastern Europe, there were many more people with such rare and beautiful emerald eyes.

The message People with green eyes: what's wrong with them first appeared on Smart.

mystery gene

rare eye colors

Color geography


The psychology of color

Perception by others

There are no two people in the world with exactly the same eye color. All children have eyes that are dull blue at birth due to the lack of melanin, but in the future they acquire one of the few shades that will remain a person for life.

mystery gene

As early as the end of the 19th century, there was a hypothesis that human ancestors had exceptionally dark eyes. Hans Eiberg, a contemporary Danish scientist at the University of Copenhagen, has carried out scientific studies confirming and developing this idea. According to research results, the OSA2 gene responsible for light shades of the eyes, whose mutations turn off the standard color, appeared only during the Mesolithic period (10,000-6,000 BC). Hans has been collecting evidence since 1996 and concluded that OCA2 regulates the production of melanin in the body, and any changes in the gene reduce this ability and disrupt its functioning, making the eyes blue. The professor also claims that all the blue-eyed inhabitants of the Earth have common ancestors, tk. this gene is inherited.

However, different forms of the same gene, alleles, are always in a state of competition, and the darker color always “wins”, as a result of which parents with blue and brown eyes will have brown-eyed children, and only a blue-eyed couple can have a baby with cold eyes.

rare eye colors

There are only about 2% of truly green-eyed people in the world, and most of them live in the northern countries of Europe. On the territory of Russia, uneven green shades of the eyes are often found, with an admixture of brown or gray pigment. Also an incredible exception are black eyes, although they are much more common than others. The iris of such eyes is characterized by a high concentration of melanin, which almost completely absorbs light. Many people believe that red eyes are inherent in all albinos, although in reality this is the exception rather than the rule (most albinos have brown or blue eyes). Red eyes are the result of a lack of melanin in the ectodermal and mesodermal layers, when blood vessels and collagen fibers “shine through”, determining the color of the iris. A very rare color is a variety of the most common - we are talking about amber, sometimes yellow eyes.

This color appears as a result of the presence of the pigment lipochrome, which is also found in green-eyed people. This rare eye color is found in some animal species such as wolves, cats, owls and eagles.

Color geography

Professor Eiberg suggested the geographic coordinates where the mutational processes of the "blue-eyed" gene began. According to the scientist, it all began, oddly enough, in the northern regions of Afghanistan, between India and the Middle East. During the Mesolithic period, the Aryan tribes were located here. By the way, the division of the languages ​​of the Indo-European group also belongs to this period. At the moment, the most common eye color in the world is brown, with the exception of the Baltic countries. Blue and blue eyes are the most common among the European population.

For example, in Germany, 75% of the population can boast of such eyes, and in Estonia, all 99%. Blue and blue eyes are common among the population of Europe, especially in the Baltic states and Northern Europe, often found in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran). Among Ukrainian Jews, 53.7% have this eye color. Gray eye color is common in Eastern and Northern Europe, and in Russia there are about 50% of carriers of this color. Brown-eyed residents in our country are about 25%, blue-eyed of various shades - 20%, but carriers of rare green and dark, almost black color in total make up no more than 5% of Russians.


This amazing phenomenon is expressed in the different color of the eyes of one person or animal. Most often, heterochromia is genetically determined. For example, breeders and breeders intentionally breed cats and dogs with different eye colors. In humans, there are three types of this feature: complete, central and sectoral heterochromia. According to the names, in the first case, both eyes have their own, often contrasting shade. The most common color of one eye is brown and the other is blue. Central heterochromia is characterized by the presence of several full-fledged colored rings of the iris of one eye. Sector heterochromia - uneven color of one eye in several shades. There are three separate pigments that characterize eye color - blue, brown and yellow, the amount of which forms the mysterious shades in heterochromia, which occurs in about 10 out of 1000 people.

The psychology of color

Professor Joan Rob from Lowville University, USA, argues that blue-eyed people are more prone to strategic thinking and play golf better, while brown-eyed people have a good memory, are very reasonable and temperamental.

Astrologers and psychologists like to mention the relationship between eye color and a person’s character. Most often they say, for example, that blue-eyed people are persistent and sentimental, but they can be arrogant. The gray-eyed are smart, but powerless in matters that require a sensual approach, while the green-eyed, for example, are gentle and, at the same time, are too principled. Such conclusions are not always based on statistical studies and surveys. There is also a rational scientific grain here. For example, scientists have discovered the PAX6 gene, which plays a major role in iris pigmentation and personality type. It is involved in the development of the part of the frontal lobe that is responsible for empathy and self-control. Thus, it can be argued that the character of a person and the color of his eyes are biologically interconnected, but research in this area is still not enough to consider such statements scientific.

Perception by others

In the United States, a study was conducted with the participation of a thousand women from 16 to 35 years old. Its results are quite interesting: blue and gray eyes give the owner the image of a “sweet” (42%) and kind (10%) person, green eyes are associated with sexuality (29%) and cunning (20%), and brown eyes with a developed intellect ( 34%) and kindness (13%).

Researchers at Charles University in Prague conducted an unusual experiment to find out the degree of trust in people depending on the color of their eyes. The largest percentage of participants recognized the brown-eyed people in the photo as more trustworthy. During the experiment, scientists showed new photographs in which they changed the color of the eyes of the same people, as a result of which curious conclusions were drawn. It turned out that the facial features inherent in brown-eyed people rather than the eye color itself, as such, evokes trust. For example, brown-eyed men are more likely to have raised corners of the lips, wide chin and large eyes, while blue-eyed men have a narrow mouth, small eyes and lowered corners of the lips. Brown-eyed women appear to be considered more reliable, although statistically this is less pronounced than in the case of dark-eyed men.

Incredible Facts

Brown-eyed people are more trustworthy than blue-eyed people. scientists have found.

However, as researchers have found Charles University in Prague, it is not the color of the eyes that inspires confidence. When a group of volunteers were shown photographs of the same men whose eye color had been artificially altered in different photographs, they were considered more reliable.

This suggests that trust is not the color of the eyes itself, but the facial features inherent in brown-eyed people.

For example, brown-eyed men, as a rule, have a rounder face with a wide chin, a wider mouth with raised corners, large eyes and closer eyebrows. All these qualities indicate masculinity and therefore inspire confidence.

In contrast, blue-eyed representatives of the stronger sex often have facial features that are perceived as a sign of cunning and volatility. These are, as a rule, small eyes and a narrow mouth with lowered corners.

Brown-eyed women are also considered more reliable than blue-eyed women, but the difference is not as clear as men's.

One of the first features that attract us to a person is his eyes, and especially the color of his eyes. Did you know which eye color is considered the rarest, or why eyes can be red? Here are some interesting facts about human eye color.

Brown eye color is the most common eye color

© Kichigin

Brown eye color is the most common eye color in the world, except for the Baltic countries. It is the result of the presence of a large amount of melanin in the iris, due to which a lot of light is absorbed. People with very high concentrations of melanin may look like they have black eyes.

Blue eyes are a genetic mutation

© MariaBobrova

All people with blue eyes have one common ancestor. Scientists have traced the genetic mutation that led to the appearance of blue eyes and found that it appeared 6000 - 10000 years ago. Until that time, there were no blue-eyed people.

Most people with blue eyes are in the Baltic countries and the Nordic countries. In Estonia, 99 percent of people have blue eyes.

Yellow eyes - wolf eyes

© Catalin

Yellow or amber eyes have a golden, tan, or copper tint and are the result of the presence of the lipochrome pigment, which is also found in green eyes. Yellow eye color is also called "wolf eyes", as this rare eye color common among animals such as wolves, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish.

Green is the rarest eye color

© Zastavkin

Only 1-2% of people in the world have green eyes. Pure green eye color (which should not be confused with marsh color) is a very rare eye color, as it is often eradicated from the family by the dominant brown eye gene. In Iceland and Holland, green eyes are most common in women.

One person can have different color eyes

© Pio3

Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which one person can have a different eye color.. It is caused by an excess or deficiency of melanin and is the result of a genetic mutation, disease, or injury.

© ajr_images / Getty Images Pro

With complete heterochromia, a person has two different colors of the iris, for example, one eye is brown, the other is blue. With partial heterochromia, the color of the iris is divided into two parts of a different color.

Red eyes often found in albinos. Since they have almost no melanin, their iris is transparent but looks red because of the blood vessels.

© kasto

Eye color can change over the course of a person's life. African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are usually born with dark eyes that rarely change. Most Caucasian children are born with light-colored eyes: blue or blue. But over time, as the child develops, the cells of the iris of the eye begin to produce more melanin pigment. Usually, baby's eye color changes by one year, but it can be established later by the 3rd, and less often by 10-12 years.

In rare cases, a change in eye color during life can also indicate certain diseases, such as Horner's syndrome, some forms of glaucoma, and others.

The formation of eye color is a complex process that is genetically determined. There are many combinations of genes that we get from both parents that determine the eye color you will have. Here is the most simplified scheme that will help you find out the color of the eyes of the unborn child.

The reason for such a deficit of green eye color is the medieval Inquisition, which ruthlessly exterminated their owners. Girls with eyes of an unusual emerald color were persecuted in every possible way, convicted of witchcraft, and this was already a serious reason for ritual burning at the stake.

Most of the scientists working on the study of that time came to the conclusion that 90% of the burned women were at a young age and did not have children. And the men of that time, because of superstitious traditions, preferred to shun the charming green-eyed beauties, who became less and less over time. Therefore, the current rarity of this eye color is directly related to the actions of the Inquisition and medieval superstitious signs.

Green eyes possessed by people in whose body a very small amount of the melanin pigment is produced, which is responsible for the color saturation and shade of the eyes. Green refers to light colors, and a large amount of melanin contributes to darker shades.

Collective characteristic of green-eyed

How can eye color affect personality?

A common feature that people with green eyes have is a characteristic that can be called deep vulnerability and suspiciousness. Outwardly, they seem calm and restrained, but in fact there is a real hurricane of feelings and emotions inside them. These people are not inclined to flaunt their emotional state. Green-eyed people are excellent psychologists, they know how to listen, cheer up and calm down, they can be trusted with important secrets and mysteries. In such people, ambition, energy, as well as tenderness and dreaminess coexist perfectly. Among them there are a lot of creative personalities, artists, writers, actors and singers.

People with green eyes are great friends

In a situation of any complexity, such a person will always provide significant support to a friend, even if he himself has to sacrifice something in the name of this. They like to give more than to take, they are able to sincerely rejoice in the success and victories of their friends. In friendship, such people are very demanding, they want to be treated the same as they treat others. The betrayal of a close friend for the green-eyed is a terrible blow, which they will not forgive and in most cases will end the friendship.

Love relationship

This sphere of life can be characterized by the words "complete harmony". Green-eyed people feel great partner, and sometimes dissolve in it. They are able to experience strong emotions, deep sympathy and know how to love and care for real. For the sake of creating a strong family with his soul mate, a person with magical eyes is able to overcome the most difficult obstacles and endure difficult trials, but they expect the same actions from their chosen one. They will be good partners, diligent family men and loving parents for their children.


Due to a significant lack of melanin, owners of green eyes can have various ophthalmic diseases and pathologies. Problems with the nervous and digestive systems are also possible. Very often, changes in the emotional background are possible, which are associated with a lack of melanocyte production. Green-eyed people are characterized by frequent mood changes that may not be noticeable to others.

How many people with green eyes are there in the world?

Of the seven billion people, there are only 2% of people who have such a rare color of the iris. For the inhabitants of the Middle East, Asians and South Americans, this color is a complete rarity. The most "green-eyed" countries are Iceland (about 35%), and Turkey (almost 20% of the population). Also, emerald eyes are often found in Germans, Scots and residents of northern Europe. For Russia, this color is rare, so if you accidentally meet a green-eyed person on the street, consider it a good omen!

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