Exotic seafood: recipe, gourmet diet. Seafood for weight loss

Numerous observations suggest that people who love seafood are less susceptible to various diseases, and extra pounds bother only a few of them. For this reason, the seafood diet is very popular.

Briefly about the benefits of a seafood diet

Seafood brings to the body fatty acid Omega-3, complete proteins, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, potassium, copper and other elements necessary for the body. Seafood reduces the risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, increases vitality and adjust metabolic processes in the body.

What can you eat while on a diet?

Seafood includes all the inhabitants of the sea without a backbone, that is, they are crustaceans, algae, echinoderms and, of course, molluscs. The diet can include shrimp, trepang, kelp, mussels, squid and scallops. You are also allowed to eat sea ​​fish low-fat varieties, although it is not classified as a seafood.

seafood diet different people perceived differently. Someone adheres to this diet all their lives, replacing meat with seafood, someone does not like seafood at all, and someone uses seafood as short-term system food to fight overweight. In general, it should be said that the duration of the diet should depend on the diversity of the diet. If you can only get 2-3 types of seafood, then the diet can be followed for no more than three days, and if where you live, you can get seafood in great abundance, then the diet can last quite a long time.

The seafood diet allows you to completely independently approach the preparation of the diet. The main rule is that during such a diet you cannot limit yourself to liquids, and preference should be given to water without gas. Below we will consider two options for the menu, and if one of them suits you, then it is quite possible to comply with it, and if not, then in this way it will be possible to create your own menu. There are also a number of products that are under strict prohibition during the diet:

  • Fatty, smoked, salty foods
  • Confectionery
  • Alcohol and soda

Menu of a short-term diet on seafood

A seafood diet in this form can last 2-4 days, and weight loss will be 1-2 kilograms:

Long term seafood diet

A seafood diet in this version lasts a week, and makes it possible to lose 2-3 kilograms. The diet of this diet is more balanced by expanding the range of foods consumed. The basis of the diet is seafood soup, but the diet also includes hard cheese, fruits vegetables, fresh juices, yogurt, bran bread and unsweetened cereal. To achieve best effect, you will need to consume a minimum of sugar and salt, but it is better to completely abandon them for the duration of the diet

Contraindications to the seafood diet

The diet cannot be followed if there is an individual intolerance to seafood. It is very important to remember that those mussels, crustaceans and shrimp that are grown in artificial environments can be supplied with unwanted additives, including antibiotics.

A seafood diet will only be useful if you pay due attention to the choice of products. Also, do not constantly defrost and freeze the product, as they will lose all their useful qualities.

For winter weight loss fish diet fits optimally. First, her balanced menu meets the needs of the body in the cold season. Secondly, seafood is a rich source of especially valuable trace elements and polyunsaturated. Thirdly, such a diet effectively helps to lose unnecessary kilograms. And finally, seafood is delicious!

simple arithmetic

Diet on and seafood is designed for 7-10 days. And if you strictly adhere to it, then on the second day you will be able to rejoice at the first results. The weight will decrease so far only slightly (by 200-600 g) - depending on your diligence, the practiced physical activity and on the initial weight. But already these positive shifts will indicate that you are on the right track.

In the next few days, the weight should decrease by an average of 400-600 g daily - this is an indicator that you are doing everything correctly and this diet suits you. It is easy to calculate that after 10 days of dieting, you will get rid of three and a half and even more hated kilograms.

Diet Ration

Based on the name, it is easy to guess that the basis of this diet is fish of various (the less fatty, the better) varieties and any seafood (shrimp, crabs, squid, mussels, seaweed, edible algae, etc.). These seafood are low-calorie, but quite nutritious. Include in daily ration 2-3 products from the above.

Nutritionists recommend that, while following this diet, in addition to seafood, eat an orange, grapefruit, a few kiwis or one dragee in the morning ascorbic acid to replenish the body's need for vitamin C, which is especially important during the season of exacerbation of viral diseases.

During the day, drink 1.5-2 liters of pure room temperature, and most before noon: 1 glass immediately after waking up, 1 glass before or during lunch, 2 glasses between second breakfast and lunch. As an additional drink, sugar-free and citrus fresh juices are useful. For the duration of the diet, exclude confectionery, animal fats, alcohol, soda and drinks containing caffeine from the diet.

Dine no later than 18:00. If you feel very hungry in the evening, you can drink a glass of kefir or ginger tea(promotes weight loss and cleansing of the body).

Options daily ration diets

Breakfast: low-fat kefir or yogurt (200 ml) or 1-2 boiled eggs, green tea without sugar. 10-15 minutes after breakfast - any fruit with high content vitamin C.

Lunch: in 30 min. a glass before meals warm water. Then - 200 g of fish with a vegetable side dish or a seafood salad.

Between lunch and dinner you can eat any fruit or drink a glass of fresh juice.

Lunch and dinner(same menu): drink 400 ml of warm water between the second breakfast and lunch and 200 ml an hour and a half before dinner. Lunch and evening meals may include fish or seafood (250 g) with a vegetable side dish (you can use low-fat yogurt or lemon juice).

Afternoon snack: yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese.

How to lose weight if there are so many goodies around? Easily! Cook them for weight loss and enjoy delicious meals.

Eating your favorite foods and not gaining weight is the dream of every girl who is not endowed with accelerated metabolism, which allows you to digest any food in large quantities. In order not to expose your body to stress due to strict diet, you can choose a technique that allows you to eat your favorite foods. For those who are looking for a way to get rid of extra pounds, based on goodies, a meal where seafood is the main ingredient is perfect. The diet recipe is simple, everyone can apply it on themselves.

Essence and features

Parents tell their children from an early age that you need to eat fish to be healthy, strong, smart and strong. When children grow up and start taking care of their own food, wise instructions fly out of their heads until they are needed.

For example, the benefits of seafood for the body are most often remembered when you need to lose weight, and before that, their absence is unconsciously compensated by the usual meat.

A person needs fish and other gifts of the ocean not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to keep the body in good shape.

Important: Seafood supplies the body with iodine, phosphorus, vitamins, Omega-3 acids that prevent the formation of fatty tissues, and other useful substances.

Seafood is often included in diets, as it is a source of protein with a minimum proportion of fats and carbohydrates. The calorie content of boiled fish and seafood is especially pleasing per 100 g:

  • pink salmon - 168 kcal;
  • flounder - 103 kcal;
  • crucian carp - 102 kcal;
  • carp - 102 kcal;
  • bream - 126 kcal;
  • pollock - 79 kcal;
  • blue whiting - 72 kcal;
  • pike perch - 97 kcal;
  • cod - 78 kcal;
  • trout - 89 kcal;
  • squid - 110 kcal;
  • crab sticks - 88 kcal;
  • crabs - 96 kcal;
  • shrimp - 95 kcal;
  • mussels - 50 kcal;
  • seaweed - 5 kcal;
  • scallop - 92 kcal;
  • octopus - 73 kcal;
  • oysters - 95 kcal.

The calorie content of the products is indicated precisely in boiled form, since frying, smoking or salting is not suitable for the diet.

The calorie content of baked or steamed fish and seafood is about the same as boiled.

For comparison: in lean boiled beef 175 kcal, and in pork - 375. Eating only meat as a protein food, you should not be surprised that fat deposits appear.

If life is still missing physical exercise that compensate for the amount of calories consumed, then problems with overweight definitely not to be avoided.

Another advantage of fish and seafood is that they contain minimal amount carbohydrates, which are enough to meet the needs of the body.

Wherein glycemic index most seafood zero. This means that carbohydrates will be digested for a very long time, releasing glucose gradually. Consequently, the body will receive energy in portions, and not all at once. Excess will not be deposited in the form of adipose tissue, and the person will begin to lose weight.

Of course, you should not completely abandon meat in the direction of fish and seafood, but you can first sit down on marine diet, and then alternate these protein meals in your diet. This is especially true for those who live near the sea, since there will never be a shortage of quality ocean gifts.


The peculiarity of losing weight on fish and seafood is that there is no clearly regulated menu. Anyone who wants to lose weight can independently compose their own diet for the entire period of the diet and come up with new recipes.

The menu should include not only the gifts of the ocean, but also low calorie fruits and vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

A balanced diet will not allow the body to deplete, supplying it with all necessary components for correct operation all organs. At the same time, a losing weight person will not feel hunger, which means that there will be no breakdowns in harmful dishes, and the technique will be brought to completion.

The seafood diet involves the following principles:

  1. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. This principle allows you to quickly digest food without overloading the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in no fat deposits. At the same time, a person who is losing weight does not starve, since little time passes between meals.
  2. Carbohydrate foods are best eaten for breakfast, as this way you can recharge your batteries for the whole day. Moreover, carbohydrates should be complex, that is, digestible for a long time, then glucose will be released gradually, without forming excesses, which then turn into fat.
  3. It is advisable to include at least a glass in the menu every day. fermented milk drink with a low percentage of fat. Kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt help to improve digestion, they are especially useful as a second dinner.
  4. If you plan to extend the diet for a long time, then the diet must be diversified. low-fat varieties meat - veal and beef. It is also advisable to eat skinless chicken.
  5. Instead of sunflower oil for refueling vegetable salads it is better to use olive, linseed or coconut. Animal fats, including butter should be completely eliminated from the diet.
  6. All dishes are prepared without salt and sugar, as they stimulate the appetite and cause edema and fat deposits. So that the fish does not seem insipid, herbal spices and lemon juice can be added to it, and cereals can be eaten with fruits and berries.

Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water without gas. This is necessary to replenish the balance of fluid in the body, as it will be excreted due to the exclusion of salt from the diet. A few glasses of water can be replaced with unsweetened green tea.

Important: All fatty, fried, smoked, salty and pickled foods should be excluded from the diet. Do not eat food while on a diet fast food and semi-finished products, it is also desirable to completely eliminate alcohol.


The easiest option for losing weight with the help of fish and other gifts of the ocean is unloading for 1-3 days.

During this period, only boiled, baked or steamed seafood is allowed.

There are no clear restrictions on the volume of portions - you need to eat enough so that you can satisfy your hunger, but do not overeat. Continue unloading for more than 3 days is not worth it - an unbalanced diet will not benefit the body.

If you want to achieve impressive results for a short time, you can choose a diet on seafood, fruits and vegetables. The menu for the week looks like this:

  • 1 day - for breakfast cooked without salt (not previously peeled) and 1 green apple, steamed pollock fillet and 2 medium-sized ripe kiwis for lunch, 3 green apples for dinner;
  • Day 2 - breakfast salad seaweed and avocado with olive oil, steamed pikeperch fillet and 1 large grapefruit for lunch, 2 grapefruits or 3 oranges for dinner;
  • Day 3 - repetition of the menu of the first day;
  • Day 4 - repetition of the menu of the second day;
  • Day 5 - breakfast salad from boiled shrimp, fresh cucumber, lettuce and a large number greens under olive oil and lemon juice, for lunch baked in foil in the oven fillet of trout or other red fish, 1 green apple, for dinner 2 grapefruits or 3 apples;
  • Day 6 - repetition of the menu of the fifth day;
  • Day 7 - for breakfast, a salad of boiled pike perch, a boiled chicken egg and a green apple, for lunch, a salad of seaweed with crab sticks, for dinner, 2 grapefruits or 4 kiwis.

This menu is not too balanced and does not follow all the rules of the seafood diet, but allows you to quickly lose weight before an important event.

If you want to lose weight rationally, then it is better to choose this version of the weekly technique:

  • breakfast - 1-2 rice cakes or crackers from whole grain bread with slices of boiled fish with lemon juice;
  • second breakfast - a salad of seaweed, crab sticks and carrots with olive oil;
  • lunch - soup in a low-fat broth with white fish, any vegetables, except potatoes and large quantity greens;
  • afternoon snack - boiled or steamed broccoli with herbal spices;
  • dinner - a light salad of vegetables, herbs and any seafood, such as shrimp, mussels or squid;
  • the second dinner is a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

This menu continues throughout the week. Fish breakfast can be replaced with oatmeal or barley boiled in water with pieces of fruit. For lunch, you can cook not the first course, but, for example, boiled or steam fish with steamed buckwheat or boiled brown rice.

Important: If the diet is easily tolerated, and there are no ailments, you can extend it by replacing fish 2-3 times a week with lean meat.

Thus, you will quickly lose weight without feeling discomfort.

Results and reviews

The results of losing weight on seafood vary depending on individual features body, from the initial weight, as well as from the selected duration of the diet.

For example, in 3 days of unloading on fish and other gifts of the ocean, you can lose up to 3 kg, in a week on seafood and fruits - up to 5 kg, in a week balanced nutrition- up to 2 kg.

Depending on the effect obtained, everyone has their own opinion about how a seafood diet helps to lose weight. Reviews and results vary.

For example, a girl Tatyana writes: “I just fell in love with this diet. None unleavened dishes- all tasty, satisfying and low-calorie. Of course, I had to spend more money on food, but in 2 weeks I lost 3 kg without a hunger strike.

Another girl, Lyudmila, wrote this review: “But I didn’t really like the marine technique. Yes, at first it seems that eating some seafood is great, but then they get bored, and it takes more time to cook. I lost 1.5 kg in a week, I didn’t continue further. ”


There are few diets that allow you to lose weight without harm to the body and constant feeling hunger. The marine technique belongs to this group. The changed principle of nutrition allows you not only to lose extra pounds, but also to saturate your body with the substances that it needs to work properly.

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Seafood can help you lose weight!
Today, everyone has the opportunity to buy those seafood that their heart desires, and cooking them is not a problem at all. Exist thousands of recipes from seafood!

Fortunately most seafood are high in protein and diet food. And here we will analyze the most effective seafood that will help you lose weight.

TOP 10 seafood for weight loss

1. Salmon- great source omega 3 fatty acids.


This amazing fish, in addition to excellent amino acid composition, possesses biologically active additives, which restore and nourish articular cartilage , also positive action exerts on the gastrointestinal tract.

2. - 175 grams have only 350 calories and 10 grams of fat.

This is a fish of the mackerel family. Its meat is saturated with acids Omega 3 vitamins B12D. These elements slow down aging process, reduce the likelihood of heart attacks, prevent the formation of venous blood clots. Markel fat is akin to aspirin thins the blood and removes deposits from the walls of blood vessels making them flexible and youthful.

3. Tuna- Reduces the risk of heart disease.

Highly low calorie product With nutritional value 120kcal and 20g protein per 100g tuna. Tuna contains vitamins B12; AT 6; A, D and E. Tuna also contains selenium - a chemical trace element capable of cleansing the liver. Reduces allergic reactions improves immunity.

4. Rich source of vitamin B12. 90 grams of mussels contain 700 mg omega-3 fatty acids.

Proteins: 11.5g Fats: 2g Carbohydrates: 3.3g

mussels it excellent remedy for arthritis, positive affect thyroid gland, perfectly remove toxins from the body, improve the neuropsychic state of a person.

5. oysters- 90 grams of oysters contain only 130 calories and 3 grams of fat.

They have important minerals for our body: iodine, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt and zinc which is necessary to improve the male potency and reproductive function. Eating oysters is also great affects growth and healthy look hair and nails, rejuvenates the skin.

6. pink shrimps- rich in selenium, tryptophan and proteins.

Possess: zinc, calcium, vitamin B complex, sulfur which maintains oxygen balance in the body, which is vital affects the brain and thought processes. Shrimps remove allergens from the body, favorably affect the entire tone of the body, increasing immunity and are very dietary protein food.

7. Crabs- a rich source of zinc and vitamin B12.

Possess an incredible amount of iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, copper. These substances have a positive effect on nervous system human, contribute production of testosterone. Regular consumption of crab meat prevents the development of diseases thyroid gland.

8. - rich nutrients and are the best marine product suitable for diet.

9. Tilapia- also rich in nutrients and well absorbed.

Contains minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

Vitamins: Choline, B9, B12, PP, K, E.

Tilapia necessary for pregnant women and lactating women and children. It has a beneficial effect on the development and strengthening of the body, perfectly strengthens muscle tissues and bone connections the whole organism. Improves with regular use the cardiovascular system organism, the vessels are cleansed, which prevents thrombosis plaques and strokes any age.

10. Mahi mahi fish- not only very tasty, but also ideal for those who care about their figure.

Mahi-mahi contains minerals: omega-3 acids,

selenium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, copper.

Vitamins: B6, B5, IN 2, B1,PP, AT 12, AT 9.

This fish can be considered a champion in useful properties for our body. This fish can eat even raw lightly marinated before. It improves the tone of the whole organism, promotes intensive fat burning and waste removal, good for leading people active image life.

Seafood speed up fat burning and weight loss, since they contain omega 3 fatty acids, which regulate the growth of fat cells. In addition, seafood rich in fish protein

Source of easily digestible protein necessary for the body vitamins and minerals. Be sure to include them in your diet, especially if you follow your figure. Calories in the finished dish will be few, but very tasty and healthy! In addition, seafood is cooked quickly - you do not have to stand at the stove for a long time. Diversify diet menu salads, soups and second courses with seafood - there are many simple recipes.

Squid, shrimp, crab and mussel salads can be included in any diet. Many dishes are also added to Lenten menu. Seafood goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs, spices - it will turn out delicious, light dish with a minimum of calories. In order not to "overload" salads harmful products, season them with oil (such as olive oil) or a delicious lemon juice sauce, vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar.

Add a simple shrimp salad to your diet. We need such products - 200 g of unpeeled shrimp, 2 stalks of celery, 50 g of spinach, half a lemon, 50 g of cherry tomato, 1 tbsp. l olive oil. Prepare like this:

  • Boil the shrimp, remove the shell. If the shrimp are not large, you can not cut them, but add whole “carcasses” directly to the salad.
  • Wash, peel and cut celery. Cut tomatoes into halves. Rinse the spinach under running water, tear the leaves apart with your hands.
  • Mix the ingredients in a deep dish. As a dressing, make a mixture of oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Sit down to dinner!

Celery is often added to dietary seafood salad recipes. It will perfectly complement the taste of squid! Try to cook this diet dish. You will need the following ingredients - 4 carcasses of squid, 3 chicken eggs(you can take 6 quail), 3 stalks of celery, green apple, 1 tbsp. l olive oil. Cooking technology:

  • Peel the squids, wash, boil, cut into thin rings.
  • Boil eggs and cut into cubes (quail eggs can be cut into halves).
  • Wash celeriac, peel and cut. Remove cores from apples, cut into cubes.
  • Mix the ingredients in a salad bowl, pour over with olive oil. If the salad seems "bad" to you, salt it a little or add lemon juice. You can sit at the table!

Be sure to add soups to your diet menu - hot or cold, cream soups. Dishes quickly saturate and have a positive effect on work gastrointestinal tract. Seafood is very delicious soups! Moreover, they are cooked very quickly, since it does not require a long heat treatment products. In order to get a richer taste of the soup, it is better to take a mixture of seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus). You can also use one product - be guided by your taste preferences.

>Recipes for soups based on seafood are varied. In the first courses, they go well with mushrooms! cook mushroom soup with seafood. We need such products - 200 g of champignons, 300 g of seafood, onion, 2 liters of vegetable broth, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of skimmed cream, 2 potatoes. Prepare as follows:

  • In a saucepan, saute finely chopped onion and garlic - in water or in a small amount olive oil.
  • After 5-10 minutes put chopped potatoes and mushrooms here. Simmer, stirring constantly, for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour the products with broth, add seafood. Wait until the soup boils - simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Then add cream to the dish, stir, bring to a boil and remove the pan from the stove.
  • Let the soup infuse for 10-15 minutes. Now you can sit down at the table!

Add to diet food shrimp cream soup - you will definitely appreciate its delicate taste! You will need products - 500 g of unpeeled shrimp, 700 ml of water, 100 ml of low-fat cream, 2 tsp of flour. Cook according to the technology:

  • Fry the shrimp right in the skin a little in a pan. Then pour water here, simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Then this broth can be drained, and the shrimps can be transferred to cool in another container.
  • Peel the shrimps, fill them with the broth that remains after stewing. Add cream. Now you can grind everything with a blender.
  • Place the dish on the stove and bring to a boil. You can have lunch!

Seafood is usually served with rice, pasta or vegetables. But diet food can be made more "light" by cooking seafood as an independent dish! This will help diversify such a "boring" low-calorie diet.

Try to cook squid cutlets. All you need is 800 g of squid, 100 low-fat cheese, spices to taste. The recipe is this:

  • First, make minced squid. Wash and clean seafood, pass through a meat grinder. Add spices to the mass, mix well.
  • Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Now form cutlets from minced meat. Take a tablespoon of squid mass, put it on the palm of your hand, press it - you should get a flat cake. Put some cheese on it. The cake can be "closed".
  • Cutlets can be fried in a pan in olive oil- then it is better to “roll” them in breadcrumbs beforehand. But it would be even better to cook them in a double boiler or slow cooker. Cutlets can be served with vegetable salad.

It will take a little longer to cook stuffed squid. It turns out a low-calorie, but very satisfying dish! You will need such a set of products - 2 squids, a small carrot, 100 g of champignons, half an onion, bell pepper, 50 g of low-fat sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.

  • Clean, wash and boil the squid.
  • Grate carrots on a coarse grater. bell pepper, mushrooms and onion cut into cubes. Pass the mixture for 5-10 minutes in a pan, adding spices.
  • Stuff the squids with the resulting mass.
  • Place the squids in a deep frying pan, add a little water and sour cream here. Simmer the dish over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Serve the dish hot with the sauce in which it was stewed.
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