Water aid in weight loss - hydromassage: indications and contraindications, result. Hot tubs: contraindications, indications, harm and benefits

Hydromassage is a complex massage treatments, which is performed by the flow of water while the patient's body is immersed in water. Very often, now this concept mainly means underwater hydromassage, which is most popular among people in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Hydromassage combines the influence of all chemical, physical and mechanical. During this procedure, water jets with massage properties with an elastic and vibrating effect deeply and completely painlessly affect the muscle complex relaxed in water.

During the procedure, due to the activation of lymph and blood circulation, eliminated stagnant processes in organs and their tissues. Metabolism also increases, muscle tension decreases, the functions of the spine and joint mobility are restored, and overall well-being increases.

Today, underwater hydromassage with the addition of air to the water flow is gaining great popularity, which makes it possible to form a large number of bubbles.

With the help of special devices equipped with nozzles, a large number of microbubbles are formed, which are under a controlled flow of directional movement. This device also provides the shape and intensity of the flow, due to which from the procedure.

What effect does hydromassage have?

One of the first positive effects from the implementation of this procedure is a complete relaxation of the human body. Even if you lie down in the most comfortable position, the person is not able to completely relax. What happens in the water? In the water, his body is in a state similar to weightlessness, while relaxing everything. muscular systems. There is a decrease in the tendency to spasms and some

Since the muscle fibers are completely relaxed, this procedure improves the movement of blood in general and boosts its movement in the skin in particular. As a result, there is an improvement in metabolism, activation of trophic functions, the speedy resorption of edema and hematomas.

Hydromassage procedures have a positive various pathologies joints and spine, as they make it possible to remove the load from them. The usefulness of hydromassage, in this case, is especially important because this technique allows you to accelerate the resumption of motor functions, increase joint mobility, etc.

None of the methods of spinal traction will allow you to relieve pressure from a pinched nerve root in an intervertebral hernia so effectively and painlessly. Performing the right actions on the part of the specialist during the procedure ensures that pain syndrome, the cause of which was the occurrence of spasm in the muscles.

Generally speaking, hydromassage is almost identical to classical massage in terms of its qualitative effect. The only difference is that classical massage does not provide such a complete relaxation for the human body as a whole, which means a decrease in its effectiveness.

Indications and contraindications for hydromassage procedures

The main indications and contraindications of hydromassage can be presented in the following table:

Indications Contraindications
Diseases and Venous Insufficiency Acute infectious diseases
Circulatory disorders Infectious diseases of the skin
Metabolic disorders Oncological diseases
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Urolithiasis disease
Deviations in the work of the peripheral nervous system Thrombophlebitis
Immunological abnormalities Cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, post-stroke condition, severe forms angina pectoris, cardiac aneurysm, hypertension of the second and third degrees)
Sleep disturbance Bleeding
Depression, stress
Syndrome chronic fatigue
Diseases during periods of exacerbation

Thus, it can be noted that the available indications and contraindications for hydromassage procedures are almost the same as for the classical version. However, the effectiveness of the massage performed by the flow of water is higher.

How is the procedure carried out

The hydromassage procedure is carried out using a special installation under water. In this case, the temperature of the water in the bath should be 35-37 C0.

At the beginning of the procedure, the patient just needs to lie quietly, experiencing the whirlpool of the undercurrent. Further, when you roll over on your stomach, the specialist begins to influence the water jets from the hose to the massage sites.

As a rule, ascending, circular and water jets are produced. In order not to provide negative impact from the strength of the water jet, in cases of specific diseases, a certain normative pressure of the jet is established. It can be quite strong, but should have a comfortable impact.

The direction of the water jet to different parts of the body should be at an angle of 30 to 40 degrees at a distance that is from 10 to 30 centimeters.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia with hydromassage

One of the ways to treat intervertebral hernia is the use of hydromassage procedures. When this occurs, the following positive impacts on the body:

Hot tubs. Indications and contraindications for hydromassage March 11th, 2012

What are hot tubs? This is a hydromassage system with jets integrated into the architecture of the bath. Daily diving is the most basic form of hydrotherapy. More effective method recovery - immersion in hydromassage baths with active massaging with a jet from a hose at a pressure of 1-4 atmospheres, which is carried out by an experienced massage therapist. As the main advantage of hydromassage (jacuzzi), I would like to note its deeper effect compared to a conventional hot tub, and even manual massage(impact by hands) precisely due to the deep and intense effect of warm water.

Hydromassage serves to solve many problems. The action of powerful jets stimulates and tones tissues and muscles, causes expansion blood vessels skin and the body as a whole, which contributes to the activation of the process of blood circulation, metabolism, weight loss. Whirlpool baths are a panacea for stress, tension and the best armor against adverse environment. Underwater massage promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages and accelerates recovery processes. It is especially important to take a hydromassage course in spring and autumn, during the most stressful periods of restructuring for the body, in order to cheer up and strengthen it, to help it easier to endure adversity.

Each produced model of a hydromassage bathtub differs in high reliability and the highest operational qualities. All whirlpool tubs produced are thoroughly tested and each product that leaves the factory's assembly lines is issued a personal certificate, signed by those responsible for testing, and giving an absolute guarantee for it.

The capacity of the hot tub is deeper than that of a regular bath. Form and function are designed to achieve maximum relaxation. Everything is thought out in such a way as to make the massaging jets of water truly effective: the location of the nozzles, their orientation, the lines of the sides of the tub that promote water circulation. The jets affect exactly those parts of the body that need it most: the sacro-lumbar region, legs, sides, always performing only a comfortable massage at an inclined, and not at a right angle. The intensity of the jets and the temperature of the water are adjusted according to the desired level of tissue stimulation. Hot tub must-haves special system disinfecting treatment of all equipment to prevent anti-hygienic stagnation. A complete and thorough treatment procedure is performed after each session of hydromassage (Jacuzzi).

Hot tubs in the cabin - how does it work?

During the first 10 minutes you just lie in the whirlpool of undercurrents. Then you roll over onto your back and the massage therapist starts to drive a water jet from a hose over your body. The movements are ascending, stroking, circular, from the feet to the lower back. You are completely in the water and meet the flow from the hose in the aquatic environment. Then you roll over onto your back, and the same process is repeated: from legs to arms, from bottom to top, clockwise. After the end of the procedure, it is better not to get up abruptly, but to lie down calmly both in the bathroom and after you have left it, in a comfortable couch. Otherwise, it is almost impossible - the effect of relaxation is too strong. Lying down after the end of intensive massaging, you feel how defenselessness, relaxation turn into cheerfulness and freshness, energy, desire for activity.

Whirlpool baths for the benefit of the human body

People took the best from nature, having learned to use the healing effect of warm streams. Immersion in a hot tub is like bathing in thermal springs. Jets of artificial geysers massage deeply muscle tissue, and your body relaxes serenely under the influence of water vibrations. The tension disappears. Hydromassage - excellent remedy for your body's receptors. At the moment of supplying water jets, there is a feeling of weightlessness, flight in outer space. healing power underwater massage and the impact of the aquatic environment will help you get rid of the burden of earthly burdens and troubles. The pleasure of hydromassage is enormous. Swimming under a waterfall is probably the only way to call being in a bubbling bath.

What to take with you to the salon for a hydromassage session?

All you need for the session is a towel and slippers. And a bathing suit if you don't like to get naked.

What are hot tubs (underwater massage) for?

it fast way weight loss and body shaping by reducing body fat and cellulite, restoring the correct water balance in tissues. Serves to stimulate the breakdown of fats and improve skin and muscle tone. Hydromassage improves the structure and color of the skin, increases the intake of nutrients into it, saturates the skin cells with oxygen, removes toxins from the body, activates defensive forces organism. Underwater massage removes dead skin cells, polishing it, making the skin soft, supple and youthful.

In warm water, tissue relaxation occurs, which minimizes muscle tension during a massage session and increases its effectiveness. Underwater massage reduces reflex excitability, reduces the tendency to spasms, and has an analgesic effect.

Hydromassage enhances blood circulation skin and hemodynamics in general, increases diuresis and metabolism, activates trophic functions, promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages and edematous fluid in tissues. Water massage accelerates the recovery of motor functions, increases mobility in the joints of the limbs and spine. Scars and adhesions soften and become more mobile, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

The work of venous and lymphatic circulation is activated. Hydromassage strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restoring their elasticity, stimulates the reabsorption of excess fluid and drains it towards natural filters. Stagnation is effectively removed, metabolism is increased. Underwater massage improves general state body, improves mood. There is a feeling of softness, freshness and cheerfulness.

Indications for hydromassage (underwater massage):

    chronic fatigue syndrome

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    diseases peripheral department nervous system

    violation of fat metabolism (obesity)

    sleep disorders, insomnia


    muscle weakness, loose skin

    recovery after plastic surgery

    edema due to impaired lymph flow, venous congestion, feeling of "tired" legs

    swelling after injury

    trophic disorders due to poor microcirculation

    bowel dysfunction


Contraindications for hydromassage (underwater massage):

    acute infections


    diseases in the acute stage

    skin infections


    urolithiasis disease

    hypertension grade 3

    ischemic disease of 2-3 degrees

    myocardial infarction

    oncological diseases

Pre-registration by tel. 36-38-58 and 62-20-25

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Hot tubs are not new. At the dawn of the last century, the Italian brothers Jacuzzi invented to use active movement water in the bathroom in order to massage the body. The impact of bubbling water, which was achieved with the help of a pump installed in the bath, had a beneficial effect on the general well-being of a person, fatigue disappeared, the skin became elastic and healthier. Noticing these phenomena, physicians and cosmetologists began to study its nature and use it purposefully for treatment. certain diseases and improved appearance.

How hot tubs work

The principle of operation of a hot tub is to install a pump, a water intake and jets for hydromassage in a regular bath. The water intake exists for pumping out water, which is pumped through the hose system and enters the hydromassage jets with pressure. Water is supplied through nozzles, which are equipped with nozzles. Filling the jacuzzi with various elements depends on the design of the bathroom, the nozzle is designed so that the water in it mixes with the air at the outlet, which makes the effect of the jets moving in the bathroom more effective.

Nozzles can be different and are designed to massage separately the back, lower back, legs, and so on. Additionally, jacuzzis are supplied with:

  • aerocompressors, to obtain turbulent movement and air bubble massage in order to increase the tone of the muscular system;
  • backlights are installed in them, which contribute to the emergence of electromagnetic waves that affect various organs of the human body. At the same time, the color of the backlight is of great importance, since different colors affect the body in different ways;
  • there are mechanisms by which ozone therapy, aromatherapy, light music and so on can be applied.

The bathroom control system is simple, all manipulations come down to turning buttons and switches on and off. Thus, in the hot tub you can relax completely, take any relaxation and healing procedures. Therefore, hot tubs are becoming more and more popular and interest in them is constantly growing.

The benefits of hydromassage

The benefits of hydromassage are not only pleasant sensations, hydromassage brings health to a person and relieves him of many problems. One of them is the problem of excess weight, which today 80% of the world's population has.

  1. Weight loss, and quite fast, occurs because the active influence of water jets and air bubbles, the use of the geyser effect stimulates the breakdown of fats in tissues, activates metabolic processes, which helps to remove excess fats from the body.
  2. Getting rid of cellulite is based on the same effect: splitting fat bumps and smoothing the skin with water jets.
  3. Hydromassage helps to restore the mobility of the limbs, as it relieves heaviness, fatigue and spasms.
  4. For vessels, hydromassage is also necessary, it restores their elastic properties and strengthens the walls, lymph exchange and blood supply to body tissues are more active, and cardiac activity improves. Thanks to the stimulation of metabolism, the body's defense systems are activated, including immunity.
  5. For rejuvenation, you also need to do hydromassage. It promotes the removal of expired epidermal cells, improves blood flow in the skin, enhances turgor and has a tonic effect on the skin. In addition, hydromassage stimulates the removal of toxins and harmful toxins from the body.

The harm of hydromassage lies only in the fact that in the water that circulates through additional hose systems there are more bacteria and microbes from the fact that these hoses, like the pipe system, have their own bacterial environment, which is added to that coming from the water supply. Some scientists believe that the increase in the number of microorganisms is influenced by the vibrations of water: they also feel good in these streams, like a person, why not multiply? The fact that there are more microbes in the water used in a jacuzzi than in a regular bath is proved by analyzes, the reason for this phenomenon is not yet clear.

The second aspect of the harmfulness of hydromassage procedures lies in the plane medical contraindications which you will read about below.

Hot tubs: indications and contraindications

How hot tubs affect the body, indications and contraindications for their use are ultimately given by the doctor to each individual person. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the recommendations of doctors; you need to listen to them and follow them. General indications for use are reduced to a specific list that everyone who decides to install a jacuzzi at home should be familiar with.

  • in the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome, including leg fatigue;
  • in menopause;
  • with a disease of the peripheral nervous system;
  • with edema, venous congestion and violation of the lymph flow;
  • with post-traumatic edema;
  • for recovery after plastic surgery;
  • to eliminate sagging skin and muscle weakness, to improve trophism and regenerate elasticity;
  • with bowel dysfunction;
  • to get rid of harmful deposits and toxins.


  • infectious diseases in acute stage
  • feverish conditions;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • the presence of urolithiasis;
  • hypertension and ischemia of 2-3 degrees;
  • transferred heart attack;
  • oncology.

Doctors warn that a hot tub for legs has contraindications too, it lies in the presence of such a common disease as thrombophlebitis. In any case, if you have health problems, start by consulting a doctor about the admissibility of using hydromassage procedures in order not to harm your health and get the most out of the SPA complex, which will provide you with a Jacuzzi.

One of effective methodologies physiotherapy, used both in cosmetology and in traditional medicine, is underwater massage shower. About what kind of procedure it is, what effects it has on the human body, what are the indications and contraindications for its use, as well as the technique of conducting a shower massage and will be discussed in our article. Let's start...

Underwater shower massage - what is it? Effects of the procedure

Underwater massage shower beneficial effect on the body, the procedure stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and improves immunity.

Underwater shower-massage is one of the methods of hydrotherapy, which combines several therapeutic factors at once: fresh, herbal, salt or with the addition of essential oils bath, the massage effect of a pressurized water jet and the contrast between the temperature of the water in the bath and in the shower.

The action of the underwater shower-massage is in principle similar to that of the classical therapeutic massage. However, it is more pronounced due to the fact that the patient's body is in the water in the most relaxed state, which means that the massage is deeper and completely painless.

The intensity of the massage depends on the diameter of the tip, its distance from the skin surface, the angle of the jet and the pressure under which it is released. All these parameters during the session can be repeatedly changed by a specialist as needed.

A jet of water hitting the surface of the skin under pressure has a comprehensive effect on the body:

  • improves blood and lymph flow;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • increases overall immunity, tones;
  • hot water increases the tone of blood vessels and skeletal muscles, increases blood pressure values;
  • cool water reduces arterial pressure, activates the processes of local immunity in the skin;
  • a combination of cold and hot shower stimulates functions endocrine system and contributes to the improvement of trophism (nutrition) internal organs;
  • cool and warm showers reduce the intensity of pain and the excitability of the nervous system as a whole.

So, the effects of an underwater shower-massage are:

  • trophic;
  • tonic;
  • calming;
  • vasoactive;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antispasmodic (pain reliever).

After completing a course of such procedures, patients notice a significant improvement. general well-being. They become calmer, better tolerate mental and physical stress, less likely to suffer from infectious diseases and complain less about headaches, muscle and bone and joint pain. The manifestations of cellulite are reduced, the skin becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic, scars on the skin and adhesions in abdominal cavity soften, edema becomes less pronounced on lower limbs. The level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases. Many patients lose weight by 3-5 kg ​​during the course of treatment.

It is worth noting that the procedure can be both general (the whole body is massaged with the exception of prohibited areas (to be indicated below)), and local (only one area of ​​the patient’s body is massaged, depending on the indications (for example, the lower back or the abdomen)).

Indications and contraindications for underwater shower-massage

This physiotherapy is useful for almost everyone, however, in some diseases, its use will have the most pronounced positive effect. Such diseases are:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, scoliosis and others);
  • metabolic diseases, in particular, gout and 1st degree of obesity;
  • pathology of the muscular apparatus (myopathy, myositis, traumatic injuries);
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system without exacerbation (neuritis, plexitis, polyneuropathy);
  • post-traumatic disorders of the peripheral nervous system;
  • muscle paresis as a result of previous poliomyelitis;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • hypertension at the initial stage;
  • tendency to low blood pressure;
  • ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease);
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • chronic gastritis, colitis and functional disorders intestines;
  • violations of the lymph flow;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • chronic venous diseases(varicose veins, chronic trophic ulcers, haemorrhoids);
  • chronic salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes among women);
  • skin pathology (hyperkeratosis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis);
  • depressive states;
  • neurasthenia;
  • sexual neurosis;
  • cellulite;
  • local fat deposits that the patient would like to get rid of;
  • decrease in firmness and elasticity of the skin and muscles.

Also, underwater shower-massage can be useful for increased physical exertion and during the rehabilitation period after operations, including plastic ones.

In some cases, this physiotherapy not only will not bring the desired benefit to the patient, but can even harm his health. So, contraindications to underwater shower-massage procedures are:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • early childhood (up to 5 years) and senile (65-70 years and above) age;
  • acute infectious diseases with or without fever;
  • any noncommunicable diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature (for example, systemic diseases connective tissue in the active phase);
  • recent injuries (up to 10 days) and injuries requiring immobilization;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • sharp and chronic disorders cerebral circulation;
  • a history of myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension II-III stages;
  • ischemic heart disease of 2-3 degrees;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases associated with increased risk thrombus formation;
  • diseases with an increased risk of bleeding;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • benign tumors with a tendency to grow.

Equipment and technique for the procedure

To carry out underwater shower-massage procedures, a special bathtub of a sufficiently large size (2 m long and 1 m wide, containing 1.6 m 3 of water) is required, equipped with a flexible hose and a set of nozzles of different diameters.

The medical staff prepares a bath, the water temperature in which is 30-37 ° C. The bath may contain just fresh water, but more often decoctions are added to enhance the desired effect medicinal herbs, sea ​​salt or a few drops of a mixture of essential oils.

The patient is immersed in water and just lies in it for 5-7 minutes, getting used to the temperature of the water and gradually relaxing. After this time, the massage begins directly. It is produced using a flexible hose connected to a pump. Through this hose, under pressure from 1 to 3-4 atmospheres, water comes out in a jet, which has a massage effect. The specialist constantly changes the angle of the jet and the distance from the end of the nozzle to the skin (as a rule, it ranges from 3 to 15 cm).

The impact is carried out similarly to the methods of classical therapeutic massage.

  1. Stroking. The specialist takes the shower tip 10-15 cm from the surface of the patient's skin. The angle of inclination of the jet in this case is approximately 30°. The jet is moved along the massage lines on the body, as if pressing it with the left hand, folded in a groove. If necessary, air can be sucked into the hose to create so-called pearl bubbles.
  2. Kneading. The specialist places the tip at a distance of 3-5 cm from the patient's body, changes the angle of incidence of the jet to a straight line (equal to 90 °) and performs circular movements with it (the jet).
  3. Kneading. With his left hand, the doctor grabs the skin into a fold, pulls it back and sends a jet of water there in a circular motion, gradually changing the angle of its inclination from perpendicular to the surface of the body to an almost horizontal position.
  4. Vibration. With a hand with a hose, the specialist makes oscillatory movements in the direction from the periphery to the center, from the distal to the proximal parts of the body. Such movements contribute to the outflow of blood from the veins and improve lymph flow. Avoid exposure to the area of ​​the heart, mammary glands in women and genitals. The abdominal area is massaged exclusively in a clockwise direction, since it is in this direction that the peristaltic movements of the intestine are carried out, through which food masses move along it. Counterclockwise movements of the massage jet will disrupt this mechanism, impairing peristalsis.

After the massage is completed, the patient is in the bathroom for another 5-7 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, some reddening of the skin is possible (due to the activation of local blood flow) - this phenomenon is not dangerous, is not a complication and does not require medical attention.

The total duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30, less often up to 45 minutes daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15-20 baths, it is recommended to repeat it every six months.

Underwater shower-massage can be carried out in medical institutions, in beauty salons, massage parlors and sanatoriums, if these organizations are equipped with a special bathroom and have qualified personnel in this field.

Concluding the article, I would like to note that despite the many positive effects, underwater shower-massage can cause irreparable harm to the health of certain categories of patients. For this reason, the question of the advisability of prescribing this physiotherapy should be decided solely by the doctor. It can be carried out by a specialist who thoroughly owns the relevant knowledge. By observing these conditions, you will get the maximum benefit from the underwater massage procedure, and the risk of development adverse reactions, on the contrary, reduce to zero. Do not be ill!

Video about what an underwater shower-massage is:

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