Herbs that improve cerebral circulation. Nutrition that improves blood circulation in the brain. You should be concerned if

In our difficult time chronic diseases have become the norm, not the exception. To the inevitable age-related changes added negative factors chronic fatigue, depression, forced sedentary image life and nutrition of unsuitable products. The top three most common diseases are stroke. Therefore, the first priority was the question of how to improve the blood circulation of the brain.

Causes and signs of the disease

The most important continuous process in the human body is blood circulation, due to which the exchange of nutrients and gases takes place. Violation of this process in the area of ​​the brain often leads to death, the few survivors can no longer fully work and live.

The basis for circulatory disorders can be various factors: constant stress, excessive physical and psychological stress, chronic fatigue, head injuries, hypertension, blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques (atherosclerosis), chronic diseases of the spine, systemic diseases.

The state of health of a sick person remains stable for a long time and does not cause concern. But gradually the situation worsens, a person can no longer cope with the problems on his own. In the presence of certain conditions, it is necessary to immediately pass full examination: frequent attacks of headache, eye pain, dizziness, vomiting and nausea. Finger numbness, tinnitus, memory loss, fast fatiguability, pressure surges, irritability, apathy, wobbly gait, bad dream- all these symptoms clearly indicate problems with the head vessels. Do not expect the body to cope with ailments on its own. Oxygen enters the brain with blood nutrients. If the supply is insufficient, there may develop pathological processes leading to irreversible results.

Important! Some of the listed signs of the disease can be caused by other diseases.

Chronic insufficient blood circulation of the brain is called dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Its cause is pinching and squeezing of blood vessels. In order to make recommendations for treatment, it is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis and find out the causes of the onset of the disease. This is what a neurologist does.

Expert advice on normalizing cerebral circulation is simple and accessible to everyone. To achieve an impressive effect, you need to put a little effort and patience. Help to get back to work vascular system following activities: performing aerobic exercise, consuming certain products nutrition, weight normalization, smoking cessation, memory training, positive emotions.

Circulation is one of the most vital important processes in our body. Thanks to him, our nutrition and respiration, as well as the excretion harmful substances thanks to it many systems function. Poor circulation entails various diseases that can lead to disruption of the body, disability and death.

The population of our planet is inevitably aging - the development of medicine and an increase in the standard of living has led to the fact that people live longer and health protection is on the rise. new level. It is necessary to protect the rapidly aging humanity so that each individual person can maintain their working capacity and quality of life at the proper level for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the main reason early mortality are diseases of the vessels of the brain or related to their work systems of the body. The final “blow” to health most often inflicts - about 90% of those who have undergone it are no longer able-bodied, some can no longer even serve themselves and need outside care. Successful treatment consequences cerebral stroke practically unattainable, but disease prevention can significantly reduce the risk.

Among natural factors risks that increase the chances of developing the disease are commonly referred to as:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Insufficient blood supply to the brain
  • genetic predisposition
  • Excess weight
  • Constant stress
  • Use of alcohol and tobacco, drugs

But in order to improve the blood circulation of the brain, it is not enough to fight these factors, it is necessary to establish the causes of the development of the disease.

Causes of circulatory disorders

Why do blood vessels cease to perform their function in the brain

  • Constant stress has a negative effect on work of cardio-vascular system organism.
  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels (blockage with cholesterol plaques) appears due to excess cholesterol.
  • does not allow blood circulation to function normally due to pressure drops and blood concentration in a certain part of the body.
  • Head injuries disrupt blood circulation due to hemorrhages.
  • Constant physical activity or even an uncomfortable posture can significantly reduce blood flow through the vessels.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome negatively affects the work of blood vessels and the heart.
  • Scoliosis and osteochondrosis provide physical pinching and.

Symptoms of circulatory disorders

At first, the symptoms are invisible to a person, but their progression leads to discomfort first, and then pain and pathologies. They should not be taken lightly, but how do you know that there is a violation of cerebral circulation in the body?

  • Constant headache - regular relief of an attack of pain not only does not alleviate the patient's condition, but can also lead to the development of abuse syndrome - a headache due to excessive regular medication.
  • - signals both a problem with blood vessels and comorbidities.
  • - Increasing in the evening and aggravated by moving the eyes.
  • Vomiting and nausea - against the background of other symptoms.
  • Numbness and cramps - without objective reasons.
  • Loss of consciousness, change in consciousness and perception of the surrounding reality, as well as oneself - development is possible mental disorders against the background of a violation of the work of cerebral vessels.
  • Congestion - their frequency and strength signal the level of development of pathology.
  • Chills, fever, racing - consequences and indirect signs violations.


The normal functioning of the brain is ensured only by the constant nutrition received from the blood. Four arteries supply it to the brain - two carotid and two vertebral. They are so wisely thought out by nature that a person, even if the activity of three of them is disturbed, will only complain of a slight malaise. However, it cannot be said that this allows you to let the disease take its course without thinking about the consequences - the appearance of a headache, fatigue and memory loss, regular dizziness should serve alarm signal to see a doctor.

Circulatory insufficiency recognized as chronic is called the term. It causes brain damage and various pathologies, often irreversible. Doctors believe that most often it develops against the background of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Osteochondrosis is also sometimes called the cause of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, but the reason for it then lies in mechanical pinching and squeezing of the vessels.

In a patient with hypertension, the walls of the vessels are sealed, which provokes the appearance of strongly narrowed areas (stenosis) and severe tortuosity of the vessels, which makes it difficult for blood to flow through them. As a result, the probable complete closure of blood vessels and serious breach blood supply to the brain.

Atherosclerosis occurs due to a violation of the metabolism of fats in the body. Cholesterol in the blood rises, spots of fat first appear on the walls of blood vessels, then they grow into plaques and can clog the vessel. Even with their decay, individual particles can spread throughout the body and clog more small vessels, which also does not improve the patient's condition.

But why is a violation of the blood supply to the brain so dangerous? In the absence of nutrition, the neurons of the brain are not able to function and gradually die off. As a result, a person first weakens, becomes irritable, sleeps poorly. Then he develops depression, he experiences headaches, dizziness. He changes psycho-emotional state, he may behave inappropriately, experience causeless excitement. On final stages the development of pathology, these symptoms also disappear, leaving only dementia and apathy. But the main danger of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is that it greatly increases the risk of stroke.

Drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain

Those medicines, which affect the functions of metabolism in the nervous system, also stimulate cerebral circulation. They enhance the transmission of impulse along nerve fibers, increased attention and memory, improved glucose uptake and recovery different kind brain damage.

Most often, doctors prescribe piracetam, but its use is limited to a maximum of 4 calendar months, as it has side effects in addition, it should not be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and by babies themselves.

Other effective medicine, aminolon, contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which inhibits the processes of the central nervous system without disturbing sleep (unlike the same piracetam). Aminolone is prescribed if the patient has impaired speech and memory, it is difficult to fix attention, there are complaints about headache and dizziness, as well as after suffering a brain injury or stroke.

It also improves cerebral circulation, increases concentration, mood and memory of Phenotropil. However, this drug big list contraindications, including arterial hypertension. Often accompanied by encephalopathy, liver and kidney disease. It should not be taken by patients whose work requires increased concentration attention (for example, to drivers), as this medicine has a sedative effect.

Another common remedy is picamilon. It stimulates blood circulation in the central nervous system, restores efficiency, and helps fight overwork. It owes most of its effectiveness to gamma-aminobutyric acid, which contributes to a more fast action drug.

Pain-relieving medications are also widely available, such as phenibut. It helps fight mood swings and irritability, calms the patient and helps during training.

Of the drugs with a mild effect, glycine can be mentioned, it calms and helps resist depression. It is often recommended to students and school students during exams, as side effects it improves memory.

Among other drugs to improve blood circulation, doctors usually mention pantogam, glutamic acid, gliatilin, memoplant, actovegin, istenon and others. They are prescribed in the case when the patient has problems with high blood pressure, head injury, fatigue and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Also used various medicines based on plant alkaloids, such as periwinkle extract and ginkgo biloba. Sometimes, to combat cholesterol, drugs from nicotinic acid derivatives are prescribed.

Prevention of circulatory disorders

It is quite logical to assume that a person who eats right and does not neglect exercise, the risk of getting discirculatory encephalopathy is minimal. But what exactly needs to be done to improve blood circulation?

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition: the body needs vegetable oils, seafood, berries. No need to neglect bitter chocolate, nuts, seeds different cultures. In small doses, both coffee and green tea, but their abuse can provoke a headache.

Sauna and bath, with a reasonable approach, greatly heals, since warming up the body has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Violation of cerebral circulation belongs to the group of diseases of cardio-vascular system(code according to MBK-10 IX 110-115). Treatment of such diseases should be strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Usage folk methods, especially in the acute phase of the course of the disease, is not recommended.

However, in chronic stage, as well as during the rehabilitation period, treatment with folk remedies for cerebrovascular accident is simply necessary. It is part of the complex for the restoration of the body.

Folk remedies - The best way problem prevention.

Cerebral circulation is an ideal system that works on the principle of communicating vessels. If more blood is needed in a part of the brain, the vessels transfer blood there from other parts. When the demand decreases, blood volumes return to standard parameters.

This allows you to optimally supply all departments of the head and spinal cord blood in needed by the body quantities and solve the problem of blood supply, for example, during physical activity or playing sports.

However, this ideal system fails if blood flow is impeded in any of the vessels.

Imagine what happens if a stream is blocked with a stone. The water will begin to erode the channel and eventually spill over the floodplain. The same thing happens with vessels.

If in any of the vessels obstructions are formed in the form of blood clots, embolisms, cholesterol plaques, then the blood begins to circulate poorly, the pressure on the walls of the vessels increases, and this can end with a stroke, cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction ( acute insufficiency blood supply to individual parts of the brain).

Why are these obstructions in the vessels formed? There are many reasons, here are the main ones:

  1. Metabolic and lipid imbalance.
  2. Smoking and alcohol.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle, work in one position, especially if the head is in the same position.
  4. Osteochondrosis (salt deposition) of the cervical spine.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Age-related changes in blood vessels - atherosclerosis.
  7. Chronic fatigue.
  8. Diabetes.

These reasons can work in a complex or individually, and this is a signal that it is urgent to deal with the prevention of cerebrovascular accidents.

Initial disorders of cerebral circulation


You should be concerned if:

  1. You have been dizzy for three consecutive days or more.
  2. If you suddenly began to lose sight.
  3. If you begin to tire quickly, it is difficult to remember information, to forget the recent past.
  4. If you suffer from frequent headaches.
  5. If you see that you are losing coordination of movements.
  6. If your gait has changed, it's hard to get your feet off the ground.
  7. If from time to time you have numbness in different parts of the body.

These symptoms may appear all at once or partially, but even one of them should be a signal to urgently see a doctor and take preventive measures. acute stage diseases.


Doctors distinguish three stages:

  1. Chronic. Develops slowly. Symptoms of the disease do not manifest themselves for a long time. The appearance of the first symptoms is also often ignored. However, if the disease is not treated, it can lead to a stroke and complete degradation of the personality.
  2. transient. develops against the background chronic disorders. May start suddenly epileptic seizure, sharp numbness of body parts, severe sharp headaches. However, such conditions usually last no more than a day.
  3. Acute phase of the disease. Occurs suddenly and develops in two types. According to the ischemic type - there is a cerebral infarction, according to the hemorrhagic type - a stroke.

How to treat cerebrovascular accident folk remedies

Folk remedies can be very effective in the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents (CVD). You just need to decide what exactly you want to fight - with the causes or with the consequences of the disease.

If you have not yet experienced the acute stage of the course of the disease, then you need to actively join the fight for your health.

Preventive methods

Prevention of NMK includes herbal preparations of three directions of action:

  1. Vessel cleaning.
  2. Lowering blood pressure.

Lemons, oranges and honey. Take just two - 2 lemons, 2 oranges and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Twist the citrus fruits in a meat grinder, removing the bones from them first (the skin does not need to be peeled), mix with honey and leave to knock in a warm place, then transfer to a glass dish and store in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Hop. It is good for them to clean the vessels with a diagnosis of thrombophlebitis. Pour one tablespoon of hop cones (crushed) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and drink immediately. Do this procedure three times a day for a month.

Garlic with horseradish and lemon. This remedy perfectly cleanses blood vessels in elderly people suffering from atherosclerosis, relieves spasms, shortness of breath. Mix crushed garlic and horseradish in any equal proportions.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Before use, mix 1 teaspoon of the composition with freshly squeezed lemon juice also in the amount of 1 tsp. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You drink for 2 months - then a month break, and you can repeat the course.

Mulberry. 10 fresh leaves Mulberry pour boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters and boil for several minutes. After that put it on the sludge. Drink throughout the day instead of tea. Every day you need to make a fresh decoction.

Orchis. fresh root cut plants (8-10 tubers) in half and soak with medical alcohol (200 ml) for two weeks. Insist in a dark place. Drink the finished tincture in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp.

Apply within one and a half months. After a month break, the course can be repeated. Tincture strengthens the thinned walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, improves memory.

Periwinkle and Hawthorn. Take one part of fresh periwinkle leaves, grind them and boil them in 0.5 liters of water for 4-5 minutes. Then add two parts of leaves and fruits of hawthorn and boil for another 5 minutes.

Then you need to let the broth stand for three hours. Strain, and take half a glass of liquid before meals three times a day. You need to regularly drink such a decoction for at least a month. The tool effectively restores the blood supply to the brain.

Metabolic disorders lead to fatty deposits that interfere with normal blood flow, to the deposition of salts.

Salts not only interfere with the work of the musculoskeletal system, but also lead to squeezing of blood vessels. And this is a direct path to hypertension and stroke.

Therefore, normalization metabolic processes - milestone prevention of cerebrovascular accident.

Diet for cerebrovascular accident: Avoid fatty meats fatty foods, fried. Reduce the intake of sweets, give up chocolate. Reduce salt intake. Better, of course, to abandon it altogether, if possible.

What you can not drink is alcohol. And if hard liquor is still allowed in minimum quantities beer is strictly prohibited.

Massage. Massage the cervical spine, shoulders, skin head light in a circular motion, stroking. Comb your hair with a massage comb more often. All this contributes to the flow of blood to the head.

. Therapeutic exercise includes whole complex exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Smooth tilts of the head back, forward, left, right and circular movements.
  2. Exercise 2. Stand straight, bend your arms at the elbows with clenched fists, while lowering your head down, then stand straight again.
  3. Exercise 3. Hold your breath as much as possible, note the time, divide the result by 2. This number is the time from which you should start breathing exercises, gradually increasing to the maximum possible result for you.

This complex must be done daily. Each of the exercises - at least 10 times.

Well, a few general preventive tips:

  1. It is important to choose the right position, how to sleep when cervical osteochondrosis with cerebrovascular accident. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Choose a small rectangular pillow that will only touch your head and neck.
  2. Lead healthy lifestyle life and take up swimming, jogging.
  3. Quit smoking.
  4. Get more rest.

If you missed the period preventive actions could significantly improve your condition, and launched the disease to an acute stage, then folk remedies you'd better put it off until after the crisis.

Immediately call an ambulance, and while it rushes, you need to take some steps to provide first aid.

Emergency care for acute disorder cerebral circulation:

  1. Observe bed rest. Don't move.
  2. Accept your conventional drugs reducing pressure.
  3. Drink a rosehip tincture. It is a diuretic that will help relieve pressure.
  4. Use an alcohol tincture of valerian to inhale its vapors. It is a powerful sedative. It will help relieve stress during the acute phase of the disease and alleviate suffering.

After a stroke or cerebral infarction, it is important to take measures to restore the blood supply to the brain.

Celandine. Decoction of this healing herb help restore broken functions. 1 st. l dry grass pour a glass of boiling water. Let's insist. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for three weeks. You can repeat the course only after 3 weeks.

herbal balm with paralysis after a stroke. Buy a heart collection at the pharmacy. In this herb, add dry plantain, chaga mushroom, succession, immortelle, yellow celandine - only 2 tbsp. l., 100 g of green buckwheat, 100 g of millet, 100 g of soy and 100 g of millet.

Scroll everything through a meat grinder and pour vegetable oil(2/3 mixture, 1/3 oil). Insist 2 months in a dark place. After that, strain the tincture and heat it up to 60 degrees. Again put to infuse for another 30 days.

Balm is ready. Rub it at night on paralyzed places for a month and a half. After a break of 10 days, repeat the course.

These folk remedies, along with a set of exercises physiotherapy exercises help you restore your health. Remember, the maximum of lost functions after a stroke or heart attack is restored within the first three months.

But, of course, it’s better if you don’t bring it to a stroke. Be attentive to yourself and at the first symptoms of cerebrovascular accident, consult a doctor. Folk remedies will help you return to prevent relapses and significantly improve the quality of life.

The causes of narrowing and poor patency of cerebral vessels can be not only atherosclerotic plaques, but also a spasm of the vessel itself in arteriosclerosis or the formation of a blood clot in thick blood. Vascular spasms can cause nervous stress, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.

The blood supply to the brain in osteochondrosis is also significantly disrupted when the vessels passing through the neck to the head are pinched. But the symptoms of vasoconstriction of the brain, which arose different reasons may be very similar.

Symptoms of vasoconstriction in the brain

Symptoms of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (the so-called chronic vascular diseases of the brain) develop slowly and are not always noticeable not only to others, but also to the patient himself.

The onset of the disease is frequent paroxysmal headaches. Dizziness, fainting, or even momentary loss of consciousness.

Another consequence of chronic vascular disease of the brain is a violation motor activity, coordination and above all walking. Minced and shuffling gait is not at all a prerogative old age. It can also appear in a fairly young person if cerebral circulation is impaired. Such a gait gives the diagnosis.

There is noise in the ears. There is a violation or loss of memory. There is an increase in fatigue and a decrease in working capacity, including mental. It starts with absent-mindedness and a decrease in interest, and then can lead to a premature decline in intelligence, which can progress rapidly, up to a state of helplessness.

When these symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition. It is with these symptoms that paralysis develops, vision falls, coordination is lost, movement is disturbed, and a stroke occurs.

Causes of narrowing and damage to blood vessels

  • Increased mental and physical stress. stressful situations.
  • Violation of the whole body due to chronic diseases: gastrointestinal tract, urinary-genital system, nervous and endocrine system.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Rare walks, and as a conclusion - the lack of fresh air.
  • defective or malnutrition - a large number of high-calorie, fatty and fried foods. Lack of vegetables, seafood and fruits in the diet.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, especially beer, which leads to hormonal imbalance and obesity.
  • Living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions.

Most effective means traditional medicine for vasoconstriction


IN medical purposes cranberries are often used to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques (prevention of atherosclerosis). Cranberry juice and cranberry juice remove toxins and salts from the body heavy metals, dissolve calcifications, including on the walls of blood vessels.

This berry contributes to the normalization of metabolism, and also has amazing property calm the frizzy nerves, which also has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain.

For medicinal purposes, both fresh and frozen berries are used, even cranberries rubbed with sugar. You can eat it at any time of the day, but as practice shows, it is eaten at night that it has a special effect. beneficial action on the body.

Recipes with cranberries to strengthen blood vessels, restore memory, restore cerebral circulation

√ Grind: 500 g cranberries (can be frozen), mix with 350 g. good honey, add 1 small (about 150 g) finely grated horseradish root.

Beat everything with a mixer, pour into jars and refrigerate. Take 3 times a day after meals with hot tea, 2-3 teaspoons as a dessert. If you like it sweeter and there are no contraindications, the dose of honey when preparing the mixture can be increased to 500 grams.

√ Scroll a kilogram of cranberries through a meat grinder with 200 g of garlic cloves. Add to the resulting mixture natural honey in the amount of 100 g. The mixture should be mixed properly and left for 3 days - let it infuse.

It is necessary to take the drug in a tablespoon twice a day before meals. Such a tool is also used to restore the patient after a heart attack.


The most beneficial effect on cerebral circulation is exerted by alkaloids of the usual garden plant- periwinkle. The alkaloids of this plant improve metabolism in the brain tissues, arterial blood flow and microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, and also prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels, while preventing platelets from sticking together.

All these medicinal properties help restore normal blood flow in the vessels of the brain, which provides nerve cells adequate nutrition. Therefore, periwinkle and preparations from it are recommended not only for hypertension and vasoconstriction of the brain, but also for Parkinson's disease, the consequences of encephalitis, headaches and dizziness.

Vinca preparations containing alkaloids (for example, vincamine, reserpine, isovincamine) are used in official medicine in the treatment of these diseases.

Recipes with periwinkle to restore cerebral vessels

√ From periwinkle at home, you can prepare drops for alcohol: pour 100 g of chopped grass into 1 liter of 70% alcohol. Infuse for 20 days in a dark place at room temperature. Drink 10 drops in the morning and afternoon with 1/3 glass of water in courses of 5-6 months.

√ Infusion (in a water bath or in a thermos) is prepared based on the ratio of 10 g of dry raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, drink 1 table. spoon 3 times a day.

√ The use of a decoction of periwinkle leaves is more common: for hypertension, 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves is boiled in a glass of boiling water for 20-30 minutes, or 40-50 minutes in a water bath, then take 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.

Baikal skullcap

This plant has the ability to expand blood vessels, slow down the rhythm of heart contractions, normalize arterial pressure eliminate feelings of anxiety. It is used for headaches (migraines), pain in the heart area, to improve memory, performance and general well-being.

Both a ready-made alcohol tincture of the Baikal skullcap and a dried plant can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Baikal skullcap infusion.

Pour 1 teaspoon of roots and rhizomes into a thermos or glassware and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, it is advisable to strain before use. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times daily before meals.

Alcoholic tincture of skullcap Baikal.

To prepare the tincture, 1 part of the rhizomes and roots of the Baikal skullcap and pour 5 parts of 70% medical alcohol. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. Store in a place protected from light.

Collection No. 1 with Baikal skullcap

Indications for use: myocarditis and hypertension

  • 3 parts of five-lobed motherwort;
  • 2 parts each of Baikal skullcap, birch leaf, Ivan-tea;
  • 1 part Baikal chistetsa, or calendula officinalis, or lavender.

Infusion on water: 3 tablespoons of the collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse at room temperature. Take 1/3 cup 5-6 times a day. Course of treatment: 1 month of admission, and then take a 3-day break and drink again for a month in the same dosage.

Alcohol tincture: pour 6 tablespoons of the collection into 800 ml of 70% (medical) alcohol. Infuse for 10 days in a warm place without access to sunlight. Filter before use. Take 25 drops 4 times a day. Course of treatment: 3-4 weeks of admission, breaks 1-2 weeks, repeat the course.

Collection No. 2 with Baikal skullcap

It is used for: arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

  • 3 tablespoons each of five-lobed motherwort and prickly hawthorn;
  • 2 tablespoons of Baikal skullcap, spike lavender and officinalis rosemary.

Infusion on water: pour 3 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs into 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave to cool completely. Take 1/3-1/2 cup up to 6 times a day. Course of treatment: 1 month of admission, and then take a 3-day break and drink again for a month in the same dosage.

Vodka tincture: pour 3 tablespoons of the collection into 500 ml of medical alcohol and insist in a dark, warm place for 10 days. Take 25 drops 4 times a day. Course of treatment: 3-4 weeks of admission, a break of 1-2 weeks, repeat the course.


Most recipes for the treatment of hypertension from viburnum consist of the same ingredients, but differ from each other in the methods of preparation. The main thing is that each of the recipes listed below retains the medicinal properties of viburnum, so you just need to choose the most convenient and suitable for your needs. taste characteristics cooking method.

Viburnum berries are used for edema of cardiac and renal origin, hypertension.

Infusion of viburnum berries on water with honey.

  • fresh viburnum berries - 3 cups;
  • honey - 0.5 l.

Berries pour 2 liters of boiling water and insist in a warm place for 8 hours. We filter the broth. Grind the berries through a sieve. Add 0.5 l of honey to the resulting infusion. Must be stored in a cool place. It is recommended to take within a month 3 times a day for 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals.

Kalina steamed in the oven.

Place viburnum berries in the oven for 2 hours. Rub through a sieve, add honey, a little water and place again in a heated oven. Take the mixture half an hour before meals, 3 tbsp.

Morse from viburnum.

Pour crushed viburnum berries boiled water and insist. Drink the drink like tea, adding sugar or honey to it if desired.

Infusion of viburnum berries, berries and dried apricots.

  • viburnum (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • wild rose (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • mountain ash (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • hawthorn (crushed fruits) - 1 tbsp;
  • dried apricots - 1 tbsp.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water over everything and insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Drink a glass like compote or tea.

Viburnum bark

It has a beneficial effect on hypertension, since when it is used, the content of cholesterol in the blood decreases, a diuretic effect is noted, renal blood circulation improves, and fat metabolism is activated.

To prepare a decoction, pour the bark (10-20 g) with 2 cups of boiling water and boil for half an hour. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Infusion of viburnum shoots with medicinal plants.

  • shredded viburnum shoots - 0.7 tbsp;
  • chopped motherwort grass - 0.7 tbsp;
  • ground valerian root - 0.7 tbsp.

Pour the resulting mixture with 1 cup boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes over very low heat. Take during the day in small portions.



This plant is indispensable in the treatment of hypertension, to improve cerebral circulation and even recovery after a stroke, as it lowers blood cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolism, tones up the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

It cleanses blood vessels in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, removes cholesterol, toxins and slags from the body, as it has choleretic properties and the ability to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Infusion of dandelion leaves.

1 st. l. pour 1 glass of boiling water, stand for 2 hours and strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day shortly before meals.

Powder from crushed dry dandelion roots drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Medicinal balls of dandelion root powder: grind 50 g of dried roots in a coffee grinder to a powder state and mix with flower honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Then use a teaspoon to make balls out of this mixture. Keep refrigerated. Take these balls 3 times a day before meals, slowly dissolving them after taking dandelion infusion.


Thyme is often used in herbal preparations from hypertension, so for people suffering from high blood pressure and cerebrovascular accident it is useful to drink tea with thyme. It dilates and cleanses the blood vessels.


Pour one tablespoon of thyme or herbs into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for several hours and drink three to four times a day before meals. After drinking, you need to lie down and apply a warm heating pad to your legs.

Oil with thyme for external use in hypertension and for recovery after a stroke.

Take 1 liter olive oil warm up a little, pour 50 g of thyme, put on water bath for 2 hours. Leave for 12 hours and then strain. Keep refrigerated.

Every evening, rub the composition into the spine, starting from the coccyx and ending cervical vertebrae and also rub into numb parts of the body. The pressure gradually returns to normal.

Use the recipes of traditional medicine and be!

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ABOUT timely prevention cardiovascular diseases many people know, but not everyone knows how to properly “cleanse” the vessels. Wrong image life, addiction to tobacco and alcohol, lack of adequate physical activity - all this leads to circulatory disorders, thrombosis and sclerotic damage to blood vessels. Market pharmaceuticals offers its own solution to the problem - the range of products with anti-sclerotic action is huge, but are they really good for health? Proponents of herbal medicine are confident that heart disease can be prevented in a safer way.

Symptoms such as numbness of the limbs, vision problems, decreased coordination of movements, and memory impairment can indicate a deterioration in blood circulation. More often similar symptoms occur in people of mature and old age, but every day the disease vascular nature"getting younger". This is due to poor ecology, unfavorable heredity and passion harmful products nutrition.

Phytotherapy is suitable for almost everyone, which cannot be said about the possibility of using synthetic drugs. Complex medicinal herbs will help to make blood circulation better and normalize the work of blood vessels even in adolescence and childhood. True, few people know about herbs that help to make the blood circulation of the brain more intense. In addition, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of individual herbs. Most often, it is necessary to refrain from treatment with individual intolerance to the components of the collection. But here you will find proven recipes for all occasions. And at least one or more of them will be appropriate in a particular case.

The effect of herbs on blood circulation

Vascular problems often occur against the background high cholesterol and stagnation. Herbal preparations are aimed at stimulating blood circulation, comprehensive strengthening of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity. Many herbal remedies have anti-sclerotic properties, improve liver function and help lower cholesterol. At high blood pressure phytopreparations with hypotensive and diuretic properties will be useful. Detoxifying and blood-thinning agents will help reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Before using certain herbs, you need to make sure they are safe. So, sage is not recommended for use by women planning a pregnancy. Men should refrain from long-term use of mint, which can reduce sexual activity. With congestion, one should not only take herbs, but also do not forget about drugs to normalize the functioning of the intestines, kidneys, and gallbladder.

After effective cleansing blood vessels, a person experiences a surge of strength, gets less tired during the day, sleeps better. When circulatory system works in optimal mode, then there are no problems with tissue nutrition, which means that all organs work smoothly.

Means for vessels

What exactly available herbs are able to clean the blood vessels from cholesterol well and additionally restore the blood circulation of the brain? The leader for restoring the "purity" of the vessels is the bay leaf. It has detoxifying properties, normalizes the digestive tract and has a great effect on the state of the nervous system. For the prevention of atherosclerosis, it is useful to drink a decoction bay leaf short courses. For half a liter of water, take 7-10 g of leaves. Boil for 10 minutes, insist at least three hours, preferably in a thermos. During the day, you need to drink the entire volume. The duration of the course is 3-4 days.

Among herbal remedies, garlic deserves special attention. Many people know about its benefits. It helps to strengthen the body, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, breaks down cholesterol plaques. Garlic works best with lemon. Lemon contains a large amount ascorbic acid necessary to maintain vascular tone. For cooking remedy you need to take one lemon and a head of garlic. Peel and chop the garlic, and pass the lemon through a meat grinder along with the peel. Mix all ingredients. Add 100 ml of boiled water and store in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon before meals, seizing a small amount honey.

There are a lot of recipes based on garlic. Here are the main ones:

  • mince 2 heads of garlic and lemon through a meat grinder, add 500 ml of vodka and a pinch of bay leaves. Infuse for a month in a cool place, preferably in a dark bottle. Take a 30-day course of 10 ml after each meal.
  • chop in a blender or meat grinder onion, 200 g of garlic, 3 lemons. Add a glass of honey to the mixture, mix. Eat before meals 20 g;
  • take horseradish, lemon and garlic in equal proportions, grind with a blender, add a little water and honey, insist for a day in a cool place. Take half an hour before meals.

Garlic is incredibly popular in traditional medicine. Barberry has proven itself well. It is poured and twigs are poured with boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 4 hours. Drink 300-400 ml during the day for 1.5 months.

Vessels will benefit from the following fees:

  • white mistletoe and Japanese sophora - taken in equal proportions, pour 200 g of the mixture with a liter of vodka, insist for a month, take 5 ml before each meal;
  • geranium, Japanese sophora and sweet clover - 40 g of the mixture is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, insisted in a thermos. Take 350-400 ml during the day;
  • wild rose, meadowsweet, motherwort and cudweed - take a liter of boiling water per 100 g of the mixture, insist overnight in a thermos. Take 3-4 times a day for a third of a glass.

Stimulation of blood circulation in the brain

For improvement brain activity and stimulation of blood circulation is useful next collection: for two parts of hawthorn and birch leaves, take one part of mint, oregano, immortelle and flax seeds. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass cold water, bring to a boil and leave for 2 hours. Drink during the day. The duration of therapy is a month.

Alcohol tincture based on valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and peony will help normalize blood circulation. It is better to take ready alcohol tinctures individual components that are offered at the pharmacy, and mix them in equal proportions. Corvalol and clove inflorescences will help enhance the effect of the remedy. For 400 ml of finished tincture, take 30 ml of Corvalol and 10 pcs. carnations. Insist at least 2 weeks. 30 drops of the product are diluted in 100 ml of water and taken daily for 2-3 months.

In order to increase brain dynamics, the following collection will be useful: mix a tablespoon of hawthorn leaves and inflorescences with a teaspoon of crushed periwinkle leaves. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, keep on fire for 5 minutes. Insist and take half a glass before meals. The duration of therapy is determined by the degree of damage to the cerebral vessels. Usually improvements occur after 1-2 weeks of treatment. IN preventive purposes the course is repeated every quarter.

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