Indoor dog breeds that get along with cats. What dogs get along with cats. How does the Brussels Griffon get along with cats?

Dog breeds that don't like cats.

Many owners of cats and dogs are asking a question that you cannot even imagine. For example, take the following message: I am a cat lover and my husband loves dogs. We already have two cats at home, whom we love very much, and my husband wants to get a dog as well. Our neighbor has a dog that recently attacked the neighbor's cat, after which it died. Now I'm wondering if there are dog breeds who do not accept and do not like cats?

So can certain dog breeds actually be particularly aggressive towards cats? To be honest, any dog can potentially get along well with a cat, or badly. Dogs that get along well with cats, these are dogs that are not carnivores and have been raised around cats, especially raised and bred with a lot of cats, including your house cats. Many dogs will love or at least be nice to cats they already know. If a dog grew up with your cats, then he will be more likely to love your cats.

However, what is important to know is that many dogs that really love your house cats and treat them well, may just be mean to other unfamiliar cats, viewing them as a victim (especially when the cat runs away from the dog).
If you have adopted a puppy, then you should devote enough time to raising and socializing the dog among your cats, and then the puppy will learn to live quietly and peacefully with pets under any circumstances. It is only necessary to gradually introduce the animals and always under control. When training a puppy, you may come across an unfamiliar or other non-domestic cat, carefully teach how to interact and praise her when the dog behaves well. If you have taken into the house and are training an adult dog, it will take a long time to understand how this adult dog will behave with a cat.
So what breeds of dogs are particularly bad-tempered towards cats?

  • It's believed that greyhounds especially bad for cats. Perhaps because they are trained to hunt rabbits, and at the sight of a fleeing cat, it is difficult for them to resist the "temptation". They have large jaws and long, sharp teeth; if bitten by such a dog, the outcome can be fatal. But this does not mean that all greyhounds do not like cats, but their instincts may not be the best choice as a good friend for a pet cat.
  • pit boules very bad with cats. Of course, dogs of this breed can be wonderful dogs, but more often it is from this breed of dog that cats get seriously injured and die.
  • Jack Russell Terrier(Parson Russell Terrier) seems to "enjoy" the chase, however he also has many prey cats.


Any dog ​​can be good or bad towards cats. Introduce new residents to domestic cats gradually and under control. Make sure your cats have a place to hide from or run away from the dog.


This small dog with an excellent sense of smell was bred specifically for hunting purposes, but gets along surprisingly well with felines. The Beagle, like other dogs, will chase cats in the yard, but will give a lot of affection and love to the cat that shares the living space with him. This breed may not be for everyone. This is a loyal watchman, but he easily makes friends, which is not very good for security activities. Beagles are not easy to train, and also differ in their love for vocals: they do not bark much, but, as a rule, they howl. A lot of.


Most dogs of this large breed are very playful and will do well in a neighborhood with a rather tough feline temperament to play with. He would rather fight the cat, not wanting to hurt him. In addition, the boxer will serve as an excellent watchdog, he is quite obedient and trainable.

Bichon Frize

Representatives of this breed are most often cheerful and perceives a domestic cat as his friend. However, in the neighborhood with a very affectionate cat, he can sometimes be too happy. Many sources recommend this breed as a family dog, however, he may yearn too much for the owner. This is a small dog with a snow-white coat that needs regular care: washing, combing and cutting. They won't bark much at familiar visitors and are also trainable.

Golden retriever

This is perhaps one of the best company options for a child, in addition, these dogs are tolerant of most pets. The Retriever will most likely not suppress the cat in the house, as he will consider him as a member of the family, especially if he entered the house as a puppy. Retrievers are not good guard dogs. However, they are one of the most obedient dogs, ready to execute commands sometimes to the point of exhaustion. This dog is good for families, children and cats of all sizes and ages.


This is the smallest dog that gets along well with cats. The Maltese are slackers who can lie on the couch and ignore what is happening around them, including the presence of a cat. These dogs do not so much love cats as they know how to negotiate with them. The Maltese prefer to spend time in the hands of the owner, not worrying about more. This dog is suitable even if there is an old cat in the house who prefers privacy.

The Toy Fox Terrier, unlike its larger and more militant counterpart, the Fox Terrier, gets along well with cats. However, the note of the hunter is still present in it. The Toy Fox Terrier is the owner, and therefore does not like it very much when another pet encroaches on his things and territory. Everyone should have their own corner.

How does a Scottish Terrier get along with cats?

Charlie Chaplin's dogs are funny, mischievous and funny. They are suitable for keeping with cats in the same apartment. But the Scottish Terrier is good only to his cat - he chases strangers.

How does a Shih Tzu get along with cats?

In general, the Shih Tzu is considered a normal cat breed. Moreover, they are approximately in the same weight category. Adaptation is individual: it depends on specific pets and the skill of the owner.

How does a beagle get along with cats?

Beagles are an extremely popular breed in recent times. Many get it in the apartment because of the appropriate size. However, the beagle is a hunting breed that needs to run. With cats from the same house, the breed gets along well. But if the beagle's energy has not been released for a long time, for example, with the help of an active walk with a run, the hunting instinct may wake up at home. In the course of its implementation, the beagle chases the cat, although it most likely will not cause harm to it. It will be just a game, but the cat may not like it.

How does a basset hound get along with cats?

The Basset Hound treats cats calmly, as well as the whole world around them. They are affectionate and gentle dogs without aggression. They are not at all interested in chasing the cat around the apartment. There should be no problems with keeping a Basset Hound and a cat at the same time. The only thing is that this breed has a somewhat phlegmatic character, and therefore clingy cats can strain it.

How do Spitz get along with cats

The Spitz is a large dog enclosed in a small body. Therefore, she will try to establish dominance over all family members. Of course, it won’t be possible to install it over people, but over cats it’s easy. If the cats do not encroach on the place of the Spitz in the pack, there will be no problems. But if they do not agree with this provision, conflicts may arise.

How a Newfoundland (diver) gets along with cats

In many ratings, the Newfoundland is called a dog suitable for keeping with cats in the same house. On the one hand, this is true: the character of the dog is measured and kind. But this is a large breed that can simply trample small pets during the game. Of course, he will not crush the cat, but he can cause damage.

How pugs get along with cats

The pug is another regular contributor to cat ratings. The friendliness of this dog allows you to get along with all family members. However, pugs have vulnerable bulging eyes that can be accidentally targeted by cat claws during play.

How does the Japanese Chin get along with cats?

The Japanese Chin has a friendly disposition, and therefore loves cats. But the Chin, like the Pug, has large bulging eyes that a cat can easily injure while playing.

How does the Boston Terrier get along with cats?

The Boston Terrier gets along well with cats and other pets. has a cheerful and friendly personality. At the same time, Boston has a rather soft character. The Boston Terrier is prone to dominance, so will definitely establish a hierarchy in which the cat will be below him. If the cat does not mind, then there should be no conflicts.

How does the Brussels Griffon get along with cats?

Despite its strange and predatory appearance, the Griffon gets along well with cats and other dogs. He is smart and decisive, balanced and calm, if not angry. No need to try to make a Griffon friends with a small kitten, because. this breed preys on small prey such as rabbits and mice. The cat must be older. Plus, the griffon always considers himself the boss, and therefore will build a cat that decides to challenge him.

How does a boxer get along with cats?

Oddly enough, the Boxer is one of the cat-friendly dog ​​breeds. This is a kind cheerful breed with great energy. The boxer loves games very much, so the cat will not be bored with such a friend. But a boxer is a large dog, so with its carcass it can cause damage to a cat that has not reacted to movement in time. They need to be taught to play carefully from childhood. True, they themselves try not to harm a friend.

How does the Chinese Crested get along with cats?

The Chinese Crested gets along well with cats, provided early socialization. Its weight is up to 5.5 kg, which is perfect for a cat's size. However, these dogs are not suitable for rough games, and therefore they can give in to the onslaught of a cat.

How does the Lhasa Apso get along with cats?

This is a very sociable breed that is great with cats - even better than other dogs. But Apso willingly chases other people's cats.

How does Sheltie get along with cats?

The Shetland Sheepdog looks like a collie, but it is small - up to 37 cm at the withers. This is a balanced and friendly dog ​​that is suitable for keeping in an apartment. Since this breed is a shepherd, sometimes she has an instinct to gather her four-legged friends into a herd. Although let him still try to do such a trick with independent cats.

How does a miniature schnauzer get along with cats

Miniature schnauzers were previously used to guard property and hunt small rodents. Cats are not among the interests of the miniature schnauzer. However, he can be friends with them if they recognize his advantage in the hierarchy. Tsvergs are assertive, fearless and dominant dogs. The miniature schnauzer can educate the cat a little so that he knows who is the boss in the house. However, this upbringing usually does not go beyond a light comic spanking for the ass or withers. But in general, tsvergs love cats.

How does a Kerry Blue Terrier get along with cats?

Perhaps someone will want to pair up with a cat such an interesting breed as the Kerry Blue Terrier. At least, people ask such questions on the Internet. Their idea can be realized, however, in order to achieve success, the socialization and accustoming of the Kerry Blue Terrier to a furry friend must be started as early as possible. Still, the Kerry Blue Terrier is a hunting breed, so it likes to chase everything that is smaller than it. He doesn't like other people's cats. But he can sympathize with his. Much depends on the compatibility of specific pets.

Please note that this list is indicative. The fact is that sometimes even the most incompatible breeds get along with this particular cat, because they like him or because they know him from childhood. It happens that a dog chases all the cats on the street, but loves his own cat and does not have a soul in her.

We've all heard the adage, "like a cat and a dog," but the truth is, cats and dogs aren't enemies at all. Often they get along with each other in the same way as other family members. Sometimes they quarrel, sometimes even fight, but most often they cooperate, in various games, entertainments and in a dream.

There are also many cat breeds that are especially fond of and get along with their canine counterparts. So if you're looking to get yourself a cat that will get along with your dog, we recommend that you check out a few breeds that are well known for being dog friendly. However, do not forget that each cat has its own unique personality and character.

american shorthair cat

The American Shorthair is a very smart and resourceful cat, which is also quite obedient and gets along well with dogs and other pets. Despite their calm nature, these cats love to play and socialize with dogs when the right boundaries are set for them.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians are very social and friendly cats that get along well with most pets. They are quite energetic and playful, and as such, they will be able to find pleasure interacting with dogs and people.

Maine Coon

The huge and surprisingly gentle Maine Coon is known not only for his love of dogs, but also for his "dog" character. These cats often follow their owner in the house and on the street, and at any moment they are ready to play with him.

Burmese cat

The Burmese cat is relatively quiet, but definitely not shy. She is known for her gentle nature and playfulness. That is why this cat will like to play not only with you, but also with your dog.

bombay cat

Active, playful and energetic, the Bombay cat can enjoy any game, even if she is required to bring you any items. Bombays are very affectionate and form strong bonds with their family, both human and dog.

japanese bobtail

The playful Japanese Bobtail is in many ways a special breed that, among other things, loves to walk on a leash. These cats are very affectionate and easily get along with a wide variety of animals, including dogs.

tonkinese cat

Affectionate, loving and sometimes overly active, Tonkinese cats love to be in the company of their family and friends. They are very fond of playing with their owners, who often comment that they even try to play with dogs!


The Ragdoll is without a doubt one of the most gentle cat breeds. These relatively large cats get along well with all types of pets, but it is important to remember that they are too soft or even "limp" in nature. Therefore, they may not be very comfortable cohabiting with an overly annoying or cocky dog.

Siberian cat

Energetic and playful, Siberian cats love to play with all members of their family, which can be both people and other animals. They are curious and affectionate cats that can keep your dog in pretty good company.

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children: better not worth it

allergy: the breed is hypoallergenic (hereinafter, it means that the dog very rarely causes allergies)


With rich bushy eyebrows, a protruding lower lip, a beard and a proudly raised head, this kid will suit people with a good sense of humor. The lap dog is the oldest of the small breeds bred. Initially, it was created for hunting rodents. She cannot be kept with cats, but for those who lack company, she is perfect.

Which dogs are best for kids? Border Terrier


great with children of all ages

allergy: hypoallergenic dog breed (rarely causes allergies)

flat: suitable for a small apartment

Very affectionate, affectionate, good dogs. Calm and balanced. Friendly with pets. They love to socialize and take long walks.

Yorkshire Terrier

children: great, especially for girls

allergy: the breed is hypoallergenic (rarely causes allergies)

flat: suitable for a small apartment (the dog tolerates trips, hotels, flights well)

Yorkies have been the most sought after breed for many years. They are like living toys that can be dressed up and worn under the armpit. They will give a sea of ​​tenderness and love to their owners. And despite their diminutive size, Yorkies are intelligent dogs. 6 reasons to get a dog.


children: dogs love kids

allergy: the breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies

flat: the best breed of dog for an apartment (room dog, easily tolerates travel).

The perfect dog for the home. It is unpretentious, easily adapts to changes and does not need constant training (the dog is able to learn the basic commands as early as 5 months). Very obedient and one of the smartest dog breeds. And with a haircut, she looks like a teddy bear.

shih tzu

children: best dogs for kids

allergy: the breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies, but does not have a characteristic dog smell

flat: suitable for a small apartment

Cheerful optimists, defenders and true friends who love to play. They will be ideal companions for those who lack communication and good company for children and teenagers. Also suitable for living in a large family. Shih Tzu, however, is important to properly educate, otherwise the dog will grow up wayward, it will be difficult to control it. The dog is easy to train and quickly learns to follow commands.

Bichon Frize


excellent contact with children

allergy: hypoallergenic dogs (almost do not shed and do not smell)

flat: suitable for a small apartment

White snowball, fun and playful. Bichons are smart, docile and fearless. They do not tolerate rudeness and punishment, you need to be patient with them. After all, dogs are not aggressive at all, but, on the contrary, are very affectionate and gentle. Bichons love to have their hair cut and photographed, they even know how to smile!

Coton de Tulear

children: very good with children

allergy: the breed does not shed, so it can be kept by people prone to allergies to wool


The Coton de Tulear was bred to create the perfect dog friend and companion. And its main features are good disposition, playfulness, friendliness. The dog is very attached to both its owner and his family. This is an extremely intelligent animal, the dog is so sociable that he is ready to spend his time wherever and however you like, just to be with the owners.


children: very good with children

allergy: dog rarely causes allergies

flat: suitable for a small apartment

A small fragile dog loves to communicate, sit on his hands and caress. She has no seasonal molt, and almost no dog smell. Dogs are very enthusiastic about the presence of small children, other dogs and even cats, especially if she was brought up with them. However, it is worth looking after the game with the child, because. the dog is very nimble, and some games for her may end in injury. She will never do anything wrong, but a child can accidentally harm her.


children: loves children very much

allergy: there is no allergy to wool

flat: suitable for a small apartment

This is the smallest dog in the world, so devoted to his master that sometimes he is jealous of everyone else. However, chihuahuas are not vicious and not intrusive, they adore their pets, including children, and are ready to endure anything from them. But strangers are wary. Chihuahuas are smart and accurate, have an excellent memory. They get along well with cats and other breeds of dogs, however, they often become leaders, despite their diminutive size.


allergy: tops the list of non-allergic dogs

flat: suitable for a small apartment, but needs frequent walks

The breed is energetic, independent and naturally intelligent. A close emotional bond quickly forms between dog and owner, and often the owner and dog become fast friends. But basenjis are suspicious and unfriendly to strangers, they also do not tolerate other pets. The dog is very interesting and unusual. So, one of the features is that the basenji does not know how to bark at all, but only makes a gurgling sound if something is not to your liking. Small size, lack of smell, falling hair and barking are its advantages over other breeds. Some basenjis can sing!

Petit Brabancon (griffon)

children: love very much

allergy: rarely causes allergies

flat: suitable for the conditions of a small apartment, you can accustom to a diaper and skip walks

Funny dogs with a cute muzzle, rich and expressive facial expressions, good-natured and playful character. They easily get along with other animals, including cats. They love to play and kiss. They are very attached to the owner, so they should not be left alone for a long time. Brabancikov is considered obedient, easily trainable intellectuals who perfectly understand the mood and intonation of the owner.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

children: excellent contact

allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers

flat: suitable for a small apartment

Cavaliers have a kind, shy and gentle character. They are affectionate, docile and easy to train, they understand everything perfectly and do not like aggression. They try to please everyone around them and are quite calm, patient and playful, so they will fit well into a large family.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan

children: loves children very much

allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers

flat: even in a small apartment feel quite comfortable

The oldest herding dog, which is generally not characterized by aggression. Therefore, you cannot shout at her, but you must treat her with the same respect as she treats you. Welsh Corgis are very smart, have a sense of humor, excellent intellect and even intuition. They do not bother the owners at the wrong time. Feel the intonation and mood, very tactful and patient.

Jack Russell Terrier

children: not suitable for toddlers, but likes to play with older children, so suitable for boys

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

flat: suitable for a small apartment

This is a battery powered dog that will never let you get bored. They are always ready to play and run, but at home they behave calmly. Dogs are attentive and intelligent, cunning and inquisitive. Jack Russell doesn't like strangers. He will protect you both on a walk and in an apartment, but he is not aggressive, but rather very active. Jack is a good watchdog despite his small size. Also, the dog cannot resist small animals, rodents and cats. They are prey. And, of course, the most charming feature of the breed is the ability to stand on its hind legs, begging for treats or apologizing for tricks.


children: very fond of children


flat: feel good in a small apartment

Charming, funny and touching pugs love both children and the elderly. Always ready to play, participate in all family activities, sleep and eat. Pugs, however, often snore and do not tolerate heat well, but they are able to give a lot of emotions and true love. Dogs are not aggressive at all, their intelligence is well developed, quite obedient and get along well with all the inhabitants of the house. By the way, pugs tend to accumulate in the apartment. Where they brought one, very often a second appears, and then a third.

Labrador retriever

children: no one loves kids like labradoodles

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

flat: large breed, but in a small apartment feels comfortable

They are real beauties, very smart and loyal. Labradors are optimists, they rejoice every minute, infecting everyone around with positive emotions. They are able to cheer up and support in difficult days. The dog is very sincere, not aggressive, so it will fit perfectly into a family of any composition.

French Bulldog

children: very fond of children

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

flat: feel good in a small apartment

Affectionate bulldogs love to play pranks and chase cats. They adore kids, they do not have a drop of anger and aggression. Frenchies, like pugs, snore and do not do well in the heat, but they are so charming that they can be forgiven for any shortcomings.

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