Dried apricots: useful properties and contraindications. What is dried apricots? A mixture of nuts, dried fruits and lemons

The concept of dried fruits, perhaps, is familiar to everyone. Dried apricots also belong to this category. It is made from ripe, juicy, fragrant apricots. And dried apricots are nothing but dried pitted apricots.

In order for the product to have a so-called marketable appearance, special technologies are used for the manufacture of dried apricots using chemicals. The most commonly used is sulfur dioxide. Dry in ovens or ovens.

There is also an old fashioned way. This will require a specially prepared place and a good sunny day, or rather a whole week, or even more, of such days. In some countries, they have adapted to dry apricots right where they grow. Usually near roads. Whole panels are spread out, where pre-washed and pitted apricots are placed.

Composition of dried apricots

Although dried apricots belong to the category of dried fruits, water still makes up most of it. 100 g of dried apricots contains about 70 g of water. The next step, in terms of quantitative composition, belongs to carbohydrates - 25.16 g.

Dietary fiber in dried apricots is a little more than 4 g. This is 20% of the daily requirement for an adult. There are proteins in dried apricots - 1.17 g and quite a bit of fat - 0.15 g. Ash substances take up about 1 g.

In the process of drying ripe, juicy, fragrant apricots, when they magically turn into dried fruits, of course, some useful substances are lost, with which nature has generously awarded fresh apricots. Mostly vitamins disappear. But the most persistent, nevertheless, remain.

Among them are very useful vitamin A. Moreover, in 100 g of dried apricots it is not so small - 107 mg. This is 12% of the daily requirement.

Preserved during drying and B group vitamins. There is a whole bunch of them in dried apricots. This is pyridoxine (B6), which is 0.1 mg per 100 g of the product, which is approximately 5% of the daily value. Vitamin B5 takes 0.19 mg per 100 g of dried apricots. There are thiamine (B6) and riboflavin (B2) in these dried fruits. Their share is small, but in combination with other components, they make dried apricots even more useful. The vitamin series continues with vitamin PP (0.85 mg), and C (1.4 mg).

The benefits of dried apricots are determined to a greater extent by its macro and microelement composition. So, in 100 g of dried apricots there are 443 mg of potassium. And this is almost a fifth of the recommended daily allowance. There are also calcium (15 mg), phosphorus (38 mg), magnesium (15 mg) in these dried fruits.

Trace elements are also represented by a number of useful substances. According to the quantitative composition, the first place can be given to copper. Its 100 g dried apricots 0.14 mg. This is approximately 14% daily allowance. 1.52 mg of iron in these dried fruits is 8% of the norm. There is also manganese (0.09 mg) and zinc (0.24 mg).

The amino acid series is quite extensively represented in dried apricots. Among essential amino acids, to a greater extent, tryptophan, isoleucine, lysine, threonine are expressed. In total, there are twelve essential amino acids in dried apricots, and seven replaceable ones.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Numerous number of vital important components make dried apricots very useful and in demand. Let's start with pectins. They are able to remove from the body, for example, heavy metals and radionuclides. Thanks to this, dried apricots can be attributed to a number of products with rather rare medicinal properties.

Vegetable fibers work great in terms of bowel cleansing. So if you need to clean this organ, it is not necessary to apply medicines. Buy high-quality dried apricots or make it yourself and combine, as they say, business with pleasure.

Reduces dried apricot and bad cholesterol levels. That is why, thanks to dried apricots, you can reduce the risk of dangerous cardiovascular diseases.

Cleanse dried apricots and kidneys. Especially if you make compote from it. Doctors recommend giving compotes from dry apricots to children. They will fill children's body useful components and no spring beriberi not terrible.

It turns out that dried apricots have an amazing effect on the blood, increasing the amount of so-called blood cells. Therefore, it is recommended for those who have low hemoglobin, and so-called anemia develops. By the way, pregnant women are often overcome. Delicious dried apricots will be able to provide a sufficient level of it.

Experiments show that even dried apricots cannot stand against cancer cells. Regular consumption of dried apricots slows down and even prevents the growth of these same cancer cells.

If you do not have the diseases listed above, then still do not give up dried apricots. It has a beneficial effect on the body and has a general strengthening effect.

Harm dried apricots

  1. Features of dried apricots to help lower blood pressure can turn into trouble for those who already have it lowered. Therefore, hypotensive patients should eat dried apricots with caution.
  2. You should not abuse dried apricots, especially their sweet varieties, for fat people and diabetics. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor.
  3. Healthy people also do not need to succumb to the temptation and eat more dried apricots than they should. Nutritionists believe the best option 100 g of this product for an adult. If you take it by the piece, then five medium-sized fruits will be just right. You can eat everything at once, or you can stretch the pleasure for the whole day.
  4. Since some producers use apricots during drying chemical substances, then such products simply become not only not useful, but also dangerous to health.
  5. Therefore, purchased dried apricots, especially those that have a bright, rich, orange color, must be properly processed. For this action, “just wash” will not be enough. Rinse the dried apricots, changing the water several times, and leave it soaked in water for ten minutes. And it is best to make dried apricots yourself. Then it will definitely be not only tasty, but also useful.

We make dried apricots ourselves (homemade dried apricots)

To enjoy delicious and healthy dried apricots all year round, it is not necessary to buy it in the market or in the store. With a few tips, you can make it yourself.

There are several recipes. Who loves sweet fruits, let's try recipe number 1. To do this, we will select large ripe apricots and wash them. Carefully separating the bone with a small incision in the middle of the fruit, immerse the blanks in water. In order for the beautiful orange color to be preserved even after drying, the water must be acidified by adding citric acid. After a few minutes, we take out the future dried apricots and dry them.

While the blanks are drying, prepare the syrup. It will take a liter of water and a kilogram of sugar. In syrup, apricots need to be boiled for five minutes, or even ten. To make dried apricots delicious, leave the boiled slices in syrup for a day.

The final step, of course, is drying. You can do this in the sun or in the oven. You can also use special dryers. Now that's good enough. You can choose for every taste.

Second recipe even easier. We wash the apricots, peel them, put them in a colander and boil for five minutes. Then we take it out and dry it on a pre-prepared cotton cloth.

We lay the dried fruits on a sheet and send them to the oven for eight hours. The temperature should not rise above 65 degrees. You can dry apricots in the sun. Only then this process will be delayed for a week, or even more. But the delicious dried apricots and the benefits it brings are worth it.

In this article, we will answer the question of how and for whom dried apricots are useful, we will learn the secrets correct use dried apricots, learn how to make dried fruits at home.

Dried fruits are a delicious and healthy hello to summer. When eaten, they stimulate digestion, normalize blood pressure are important for the functioning of the heart, brain, nervous system, muscles.

Dried fruits appeared in our diet thousands of years ago. During this time, the process of preparing dried fruits practically did not change: only open space, shade and dry warm air were needed.

All fruits were dried, but the most famous of them: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, figs. drying out naturally, dried fruits retained the taste, vitamins, nutrients and trace elements of fresh fruits. However, the time of transformation of apricot into dried apricots took several months.

Modern dried fruits are made using new technologies: using chemicals and dyes. That is why they not only got prettier, but also lost all the vitamins.

IMPORTANT: Before you buy dried fruits, smell them: quality product cannot smell of gasoline or rubber. The presence of a foreign pungent odor indicates the use of an express drying method.

  • The application of the express method assumes that the fruits are dried in ovens. At the same time, furnaces are heated not only with firewood, but also with waste rubber production, diesel fuel
  • For disinfection, dried fruits are fumigated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide ( food supplement E220)
  • Plums and grapes even dry in the oven for several days. Before drying, the fruits are placed in a solution of caustic soda. This treatment thins the skin of the berries, and they dry faster.
  • After express drying, the fruit looks shriveled and faded. To give them a marketable appearance, they are tinted, impregnated with sugar syrup, preservatives.
  • Now raisins, dried apricots, prunes look bright, attractive: they are ready to go to your table

IMPORTANT: Before eating, bright dried fruits should be put in hot water for 15 minutes, then rinsed with running water.

How to choose dried fruits correctly?

  • Natural dried fruits cannot be bright colors. Naturally dried fruits are unsightly and tough
  • Dark raisins retain the bluish bloom characteristic of fresh grapes
  • Light grapes in the process of drying becomes reddish or light brown.
  • Dried apricots are tough, brownish in color
  • Natural prunes with pit. Leaves no ink marks when kneaded between fingers

IMPORTANT: Natural dried fruits are matte, without oily sheen.

Recipes for dried apricots, prunes and raisins

Thanks to modern kitchen appliances, harvesting dried fruits at home has become quite easy process. Fruits or berries need to be sorted out, washed, pitted and placed in a special dryer. As a result: all winter you will enjoy homemade dried fruits.

Video: Drying plums - 16 kg. How to make prunes at home?

Video: How to cook raisins from sultana grapes?

Video: How to cook raisins from Moldova grapes?

Video: Drying apricot - 10 kg. How to make dried apricots at home?

What is dried apricots?

Dried apricots are not the only product from dried fruits apricot. There are such varieties of it as kaisa and apricots.

  • Kaisa- a whole dried apricot without a stone. This type of dried fruit is rich in iron, minerals, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It has a lot organic acids, pectins, glucose, sucrose, fructose. Unfortunately, there are not very many vitamins in kais
  • dried directly on the branches of a tree and retains all the vitamin and mineral composition fresh berries. Uryuk is always with a bone. Considered the most useful view dried apricots

Video: Dried apricots or apricots?

Dried apricots: vitamins and minerals

IMPORTANT: 100 g of dried apricots are equivalent to 40 mg of iron preparations or 250 g of beef liver.

Varieties of dried apricots and its calorie content per 100 g of product

Dried fruits are higher in calories than fresh fruits. This is explained simply: during drying, dried fruits turn into a kind of fruit concentrate.

  • Dried apricots - 232 kcal (977 kJ)
  • Apricot - 261 kcal (1095 kJ)
  • Kaisa - 275 kcal (1151 kJ)

For example: the calorie content of 100 g of fresh apricots is 45 kcal (185 kJ).

Daily rate and calorie content of dried apricots

The calorie content of 1 medium dried apricots is 23.2 kcal (97.7 kJ).

IMPORTANT: 4-5 pieces of dried apricots provide our body daily allowance potassium, iron, carotene, vitamin B group.

The glycemic index of dried apricots is within 30. And yet, use it better in the morning or in the afternoon until 16:00.

The use of dried apricots

Inhabitants Central Asia and the Middle East called dried apricots "a gift from Allah." It is difficult to argue with such a definition, because dried apricots are indispensable for the human body.

The benefits of consuming dried apricots are greater than those of consuming fresh apricots.

  • It's connected with high content nutrients and minerals
  • Beta-carotene in dried apricots helps improve vision, protects eyes from inflammation
  • The high content of potassium in dried apricots, among other things, prevents the loss of calcium by the body.

Dried apricots remove harmful substances

  • radionuclides
  • toxins
  • heavy metals
  • bad cholesterol
  • slag

Thanks to large quantities pectin and fiber in the composition, dried apricots improve intestinal motility with constipation, contribute to the normalization of activity beneficial microflora intestines.

Means for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body


  • Grind 200 g dried apricots, 200 g prunes, 100 g peeled walnuts
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. If you suffer from constipation - add 50 g to the mixture wheat bran. Such bowel cleansing with dried apricots will be mild and will not cause discomfort.
  • The resulting mass is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Use 2 tablespoons: in the morning - 30 minutes before. before breakfast, in the evening - before bedtime
  • The intake of the mixture can be combined with

Dried apricots and beriberi

One of the most common spring ailments is beriberi.
Its symptoms:

  • drowsiness
  • weakness
  • increased irritability
  • dry skin
  • hair loss

Helps fight disease vitamin blend from lemon and dried apricots.


  • Grind 1 medium lemon (with zest), 100 g dried apricots
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container
  • Take 1 teaspoon every morning before meals

The benefits of dried apricots for the heart

Cardiologists call dried apricots "food for the heart."

  • The high concentration of potassium and magnesium in dried apricots normalizes the work of the heart, increases the level of hemoglobin, and eliminates vascular blockages.
  • Dried apricots will help maintain normal blood pressure and thus become a reliable tool in the fight against hypertension.
  • With pathology of cardio-vascular system it is recommended to consume 100-150 g of dried apricots daily
  • With atherosclerosis, dried apricots are consumed in the form of a crushed mixture, 1 tablespoon three times a day
  • For heart diseases, it is recommended to take an infusion of dried apricots.


  • Pour 50 g of dried apricots with boiling water (200 ml)
  • Insist 4 hours
  • Take 0.5 cup every day 30 minutes before meals

IMPORTANT: Take only freshly prepared infusion!

You can also make compote from dried apricots, the benefits of which will be somewhat less than the benefits of the infusion.

IMPORTANT: For the first time dried fruit compote was prepared for the French king Louis XIV.

Video: Dried fruits benefits and harms. Dried fruits compote

A decoction of dried apricots for babies

Properly prepared compote, infusion or decoction of dried apricots is quite suitable for a fragile baby's body. The first acquaintance of the baby with a drink from dried apricots can take place at 6 months, when complementary foods begin to be introduced. However, if the child suffers from constipation, a drink of dried apricots and prunes (low concentration) can be administered from 3 months.

IMPORTANT: For children's drinks, only organic dried fruits (naturally dried) are used!


  • The correct proportion of the drink: 100 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water (boiling water)
  • It is better not to boil a children's drink, but to insist 5-6 hours
  • No sugar added to baby drink

IMPORTANT: Multi-component drinks are offered to children after 6 months if the baby is already familiar with each individual ingredient.

Is it possible to drink a decoction of dried apricots during fasting

A lot has been said about the benefits and harms of curative fasting. Those who have experienced healing hunger themselves know that the most difficult thing is to get out of fasting. Output errors are fraught with serious problems for the body.

IMPORTANT: Therapeutic fasting should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Dr. Ziganshin has developed his own method of therapeutic fasting, which is softer and more acceptable even for an elderly organism. During the "velvet starvation" of Ziganshin, the patient should drink an infusion of dried apricots (preferably apricots) and water.

At the end of the day, the patient eats soaked dry apricots from the decoction. It keeps the stomach from stopping. In addition, soaked dried apricots (apricots) consist of hard veins that perfectly cleanse the large intestine.

Fasting according to the Zingishin method

1 day: 5-7 dried apricots (dried apricots, apricots) are brewed with boiling water (repeatedly). A warm drink is drunk throughout the day. The berries are eaten at the end of the day. In addition to the infusion of dried apricots, it is drunk pure water. All liquid is consumed in small sips of 0.5-1 glass at a time. Total liquid per day 2.5-3 liters.
During the day you need to take:

  • 1 tsp powder seaweed. This allows you to provide the body with the necessary trace elements.
  • 1 clove of garlic. The slice is divided into tiny pieces, which are carefully chewed and swallowed, which allows to achieve an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

2 day: An infusion of dried apricots is taken. At the end of the day, the berries from the infusion are eaten. Drinking clean water. The total amount of liquid is 2.5-3 liters.
During the day you need to eat:

  • 1 tsp seaweed
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 orange. Eaten in slices throughout the day

3-4 days: only water in a volume of 2.5-3 liters
Day 5 to Day 14 the cycle repeats
Third week: way out of hunger

Dried apricots: diet for weight loss

If a curative fasting perceived by you as extreme way recovery, but you need to get in shape, try the “Monodiet of dried apricots and apricots”. The duration of the diet is 3-5 days. Such a diet is carried out 1 time in 2-3 months.

Daily menu:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh apricots and 0.3 kg of dried apricots. Fruits are divided into 5-6 meals
  • Before use, dried apricots must be crushed and diluted with freshly squeezed apricot juice to a puree state.
  • In addition, during the day you should drink up to 2-3 liters of liquid: water, herbal tea without sugar, infusion of dried apricots without sugar

CONTRAINDICATIONS: diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction, obesity, gastritis, ulcer. More than 5 days you can not use dried apricots! After a diet, you should strengthen your diet with protein-rich foods!

The benefits of dried apricots for women

Dried apricots are vital female body. The use of dry apricots normalizes the production female hormones. Antioxidants, which dried fruit is so famous for, prevent the development of fibroids, cysts, and oncological diseases.
Hercules porridge with dried apricots and nuts will not only improve the lactation of a nursing mother, but also compensate maternal organism trace elements given to the baby.

Hercules porridge recipe with dried apricots and nuts:

  • Pour into boiling water (1 l) cereals(1.5 tbsp). Add salt, sugar to taste
  • After 5 minutes, add finely chopped dried apricots (0.5 cups), peeled chopped walnuts to the flakes
  • Cook, stirring constantly, for another 10 minutes.

Dried apricots during pregnancy: benefits and harms

Pregnancy is a period in a woman's life that requires special attention. Each of the foods during pregnancy should be taken very carefully, especially dried apricots.

The benefits of dried apricots:

  • has a general strengthening effect due to the large number of trace elements and vitamins
  • fructose and glucose satisfy the need for sweets without raising blood insulin levels
  • prevents the appearance of anemia, alleviates the condition with it
  • saves from beriberi
  • relieves toxicosis
  • is prophylactic constipation
  • eliminates heartburn
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • has a diuretic effect and prevents the appearance of edema
  • preserves the condition of teeth, hair, nails


  • hypotension
  • allergies
  • diarrhea
  • bronchial asthma
  • individual intolerance

IMPORTANT: Eating dried apricots with diabetes requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor! The sugar content in dried apricots is 84%!

The benefits of dried apricots for men

Sailors, setting off for distant and long journeys always took with you great amount dried fruits.

In addition, doctors found that dried apricots - good remedy to improve potency. And the “Hippocratic Mixture”, known to the ancient Greeks, saved more than one male heart.

Video: The benefits and harms of dried fruits

Recipes with dried apricots: photo

Casserole with cottage cheese and dried apricots

1. Finely chop 1 cup dried apricots. Add to it 1 egg, 4 tablespoons of semolina, 0.5 teaspoon of salt
2. Add 0.5 kg of cottage cheese of any fat content to the mixture. If the cottage cheese is lumpy, it is advisable to pass it through a meat grinder
3. Stir the mass until completely homogeneous.
4. Put the curd mass in a rectangular shape (size 18x25). Grease the mold with butter or vegetable oil. Spread the mass carefully and evenly over the bottom of the mold.
5. Grease the top of the curd mass with sour cream of any fat content.
6. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes

Well, if for some reason you do not like dried apricots, take the advice and pamper your face with a mask of dried apricots. Your skin will thank you.


  • Take 1 cup dried apricots
  • Fill with water and let it swell
  • Grind in a blender, food processor or meat grinder
  • Mix with 2 teaspoons of powdered milk
  • Apply on face for 15 minutes
  • Gently clean your face with a tissue
  • Rinse your face with warm water

The mask is suitable for any type of skin, nourishes it, promotes regeneration. It should be done 2 times a week (especially in winter period).

Video: Sambuk from dried apricots. Very tasty

The benefits of dried apricots are well known. Only 5-6 fruits a day, and your cardiovascular system will work like clockwork, and hemoglobin will meet the required standards. Delicacy and medicine at the same time - dried apricots. Nothing exotic, dried sweet apricots, familiar from childhood, are an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement in the off-season, when the deficiency of nutrients is felt especially acutely.

Delicious, Affordable, Easy

Dried apricots are very popular among culinary specialists. Its discreet aroma and pronounced sweet and sour taste goes well with meat and complements desserts.

Dried fruits are the main delicacy of those who fast or prefer vegetarianism..

Women (and men too) often take dried apricots with them on the road or to work for a snack - a few berries will not settle on the waist, but from obsessive feeling hunger will be relieved for a long time.

Dried apricots are usually divided into dried apricots and apricots.. The latter has a more modest size and a bone. Dried apricots are made from large dessert apricot varieties, from which the stone is previously removed without violating the integrity of the halves of the berry.

There are several ways to dry an apricot. If this is an industrial scale, then the process cannot do without sulfur dioxide, although non-toxic, but still a chemical. It gives that unique golden and appetizing color that store-bought dried apricots have.

The oldest and easiest way, which is also the most environmentally friendly, is to dry peeled apricots in the sun and breeze. The main thing is to make sure that the workpiece is not spoiled by sudden rain or cloudiness. Apricots are dried for at least 8-10 days.

Modern housewives do not need to worry about the weather at all, since wonderful kitchen appliances for drying fruits and vegetables have been invented. Harvested homemade dried apricots or apricots will be much more useful and cheaper than imported dried apricots.

A bit of history

It is clear that the history of dried apricots goes in parallel with the history of the conquest of the world by the apricot plant. Mention of these trees appeared more than 4 thousand years ago. They were grown in northeast China.

Due to the certain closeness of this ancient power, the spread of apricot trees around the world was rather slow.

The first after the Chinese, the ancient Armenians and Mesopotamians tried the apricot fruits, and in 400 AD, the Arabs brought the seeds of the plant to the Mediterranean. England and Spain became aware of the existence of the apricot by the 16th century.

Western, or rather "overseas" "apricot apples", or "peach plums", came to the territory of Russia in the middle of the 17th century. Very soon, the plant became a favorite tree and decoration of the monastery and boyar gardens.

Later, in the 18th century, apricots were known everywhere, but they were still grown in greenhouse conditions and were just beginning to try to cultivate them in open field in the southern regions of the country.

Drying as a way of harvesting most food products has been familiar to mankind since the dawn of civilization, so it is not surprising that the history of dried apricots goes back several thousand years.

Chemical composition

Scientists claim that dried apricots are far from the champion in vitamin content, but its mineral composition can compete with any of the fruits.

More about the elements that make up 100 grams of dried apricots:

  • a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP) - 4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - up to 3.5 mg;
  • vitamin E - more than 5 mg;
  • retinol (vitamin A) - 580 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 4 mg;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1) - up to 0.1 mg;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2) - up to 0.2 mg;
  • protein - 5 g;
  • carbohydrates (including saccharides) - up to 50 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • fiber - up to 19 g;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g each;
  • organic acids - 1.5 g;
  • ash substances - 4 g;
  • starch - 3 g;
  • water - up to 18 g;
  • minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium (1717 mg!).

The calorie content of dried apricots is approximately 230 kcal.. Properly dried fruits have almost the same composition as fresh apricots, so keep your body tasty and beneficial fruits possible all year round.

Both adults and children know that dried apricots are useful. And why it is so important to use it every day, not everyone knows.

1. Do not be afraid of the high content of carbohydrates - in dried apricots they are practically harmless, since they serve only as a source of long-term energy, and contribute to increased efficiency.

2. Dried apricots prevent, improve intestinal motility, remove decay products - toxins.

3. The product helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and thrombi.

4. Due to the high content of iron, it increases the level of hemoglobin, so dried apricots are definitely recommended during pregnancy and during various types anemia, as well as before and after surgery.

5. Heavy metals will leave the body thanks to pectins and organic acids contained in dried apricots.

6. As a mild diuretic, the product is acceptable for kidney pathologies and urolithiasis.

7. Vitamin E and beta-carotene guard the beauty and youth of hair and skin.

8. Dried apricots slow down the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms.

9. Magnesium helps with high blood pressure, therefore, dried apricots are recommended for hypertensive patients.

10. This delicacy has a very high content of potassium, which is indispensable for the work of the heart muscle. Dried apricots effectively replenish potassium reserves if a person is forced to take diuretics.

11. Dried fruit is indicated for people suffering from diabetes, as it has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels..


As for the harm of dried apricots for the body, we cannot talk about any strict prohibitions on the use of this dried fruit - it will not lead to fatal consequences.

  • Rather, it is necessary to mention caution, moderation or temporary rejection of this product in some cases:
  • if there are suspicions of exceeding the norms of chemicals in the production of dried apricots;
  • if a person is hypotonic (dried fruit helps lower blood pressure);
  • with excessive use of dried apricots, indigestion may occur;
  • if a person is allergic to apricots.

When choosing dried apricots in a store or on the market, be guided by the one that was brought from Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) - it is often produced by traditional drying in the sun. But Turkish dried apricots undergo chemical processing. Be healthy.

Dried apricots are dried apricot halves. They began to dry these fruits a very long time ago - in those days when there were no other conditions for storing fruits. Dried apricots, like other dried fruits, have a long shelf life. It is important that the properties of dried apricots maximally correspond to the properties of fresh apricots, only some vitamins disappear during drying.

The best dried apricots are considered to be those that are dried in vivo in the sun. A high quality product should be large, clean, of medium firmness and firmness. As a rule, the eye falls on bright, juicy, orange-colored products. But most often, a rich orange color indicates the use of special chemicals in the processing of raw materials, which improves the presentation.

Natural product with natural drying fades and slightly grays. In case of violation of the processing and storage technology, the dried fruit becomes hard, a wine flavor appears. You shouldn't be using this kind of stuff. Products from Central Asia are in the greatest demand.

Healing properties of dried apricots

The main value of dried fruit is that when dried, it retains the lion's share of trace elements. Naturally, dried apricots cannot boast of a high content of vitamins. However minerals(magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron) in dried fruits is more than in fresh ones.

Dried apricot removes heavy metals, radionuclides and other harmful elements from the human body. Dried fruit strengthens the body, improves immunity, and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Dried apricots should be in the diet of people suffering from kidney disease, thyroid gland, diabetes.

When using antibiotics, you need to eat a small portion of dried fruits every day. This will help reduce harmful chemical exposure drug to the body.

Few people know that medicinal properties dried apricots help maintain sharpness and clarity of vision, improve the condition of the skin and hair. And the high content of fiber and pectin in the product helps to cleanse the intestines, remove cholesterol from the body.

for migraine and colds it is better to use dried apricots from sour varieties of apricots.

Dried fruit is prescribed to patients for recovery heart rate, with insufficient blood circulation, myocardial infarction. Eating daily 100-150 g of dried fruits, the regulation of the stool is ensured.

It is worth paying attention that when used, not only healing properties dried apricots, but negative impact product on the body. Due to the large amount of sugars, dried apricot is contraindicated in diabetes. fresh fruit not recommended for people with acute gastritis especially at high acidity. gastric juice. At ulcerative lesions duodenum and the stomach of dried apricots can also cause harm. Also, the use of dried apricots should be abandoned for certain liver diseases, as well as for pancreatitis.

It should be noted that the carotene (vitamin A) contained in the fruits of apricots is not absorbed if the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. In this case, patients are given medicinal vitamin A. Dried apricots, as well as fresh apricots, are not eaten on an empty stomach. Do not eat them after barbecue, pilaf and other indigestible food.

The chemical composition of dried apricots

The nutritional value of dried apricot halves is 214.8 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to such a high calorie content, it is recommended to eat no more than 3-4 pieces daily. This is quite enough to saturate the body with useful elements.

If you are interested in the exact chemical composition, dried apricots contains:

20 g water, 51 g carbohydrates, 5.2 g proteins, 3 g starch, 18 g dietary fiber, 0.3 g fat, 0.1 g unsaturated fatty acids, 1.5 g organic acids, 3.2 mg iron, 1717 mg potassium, 160 mg calcium, 17 mg sodium, 105 mg magnesium, 146 mg phosphorus.

The sweetness of dried apricots is due to the high content of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Their total share is about 80%. The product is rich in potassium salts, citric, salicylic, nicotinic and other organic acids.

What vitamins are in dried apricots?

The set of vitamins in dried apricot is not too large:

Vitamin A (retinol) is contained in the amount of 583 mcg. This vitamin takes an active part in redox processes. Without it, a person can develop blindness. It is also called the “growth vitamin”. He really helps healthy growth children.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.1 mg, delivers energy to the body, participates in the regulation of fat, carbohydrate, water and mineral metabolism. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.2 mg, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the synthesis of proteins, fats. Riboflabin improves visual acuity.

Vitamin C - 4 mg, participates in nitrogenous, carbohydrate metabolism, removes cholesterol from the body and takes part in the redox process.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 5.5 mg main function is protection against the oxidizing action of oxygen.

Vitamin PP (niacin or nicotinic acid) - 3 mg, participates in the regulation of protein, carbohydrate, water-salt exchanges normalizes cholesterol levels, etc.

Thus, dried apricot vitamins contain different, but equally necessary for the body.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Dried fruit is characterized by the predominance of potassium salts over sodium salts, which causes it dietary properties. No wonder nutritionists recommend sometimes to arrange fasting days by eating only dried fruits. Or you can just eat a couple of dried apricots before eating or add them to oatmeal, make a salad. Dried apricots are quite high in calories, therefore satisfying. But all her calories are carbohydrates, which are represented by fructose and glucose. No cholesterol or fat!

Wanting to get rid of excess weight With the help of dried apricots, it is recommended to follow a simple diet:

300 g of dried apricots and 500 g of peach or apricot juice are mixed daily. Dried apricots can be ground to a puree state. All this is eaten in 3-4 doses. Such a diet is easy to maintain, especially for sweet tooth and apricot lovers. So not only unloads the body, but also improves kidney function. However, with such a diet, the pancreas should function well.

How to choose dried apricots?

As a rule, all light fruits turn dark after drying. Apricot, not fumigated with sulfur dioxide, also turns out dark, and a bright saturated color is achieved with the help of dyes. Therefore, when choosing a dried fruit, you need to look at nondescript, dark brown or pale yellow fruits. In this case, there is a chance that they are not treated with chemistry. pale orange and yellowish color dried apricot may be due to the fact that it is a storehouse of carotene. And the bright orange color speaks of a storehouse of chemicals.

Since ancient times, dried apricots have been considered a very useful dried fruit. Its composition is saturated with vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the human body. She has not only great taste, but also a very impressive list of useful properties that provide preventive and healing effect.


Dried apricots benefits and harms have been known since ancient times. Dried apricots are considered dried fruits, but in their original form they are called apricots. It is from this sunny fruit that dried apricots are obtained by drying.

Dried apricots are rich in vitamins and microelements. Its composition is striking in its variety of useful substances, thanks to which it has a very favorable influence on the human body. Due to the content of pectins, dried apricots have the ability to remove heavy metals from the body.

The use of dried apricots helps to cleanse the intestines. Calorie content of dried apricots for healthy person is not such a big indicator, so it can be used in small quantities. It is especially effective in combination with other dried fruits, such as: raisins, prunes and figs. To do this, you need to eat 100 grams per day. this mixture, it is advisable to first pass the dried fruits through a meat grinder. You can add honey.

At cardiovascular diseases the use of dried apricots is a must. It not only serves as a prophylactic against these diseases, but also significantly lowers cholesterol levels. It also helps cleanse the kidneys. It has a diuretic effect, due to which cleansing occurs. For this purpose, it is necessary to take compote based on dried apricots.

Dried apricots are especially useful for children. The calorie content of dried apricots does not exceed the norm. It fills the teenage body with all beneficial substances, and also helps to cope with beriberi in the winter season. Serves as an excellent prevention of seasonal and viral diseases.

Dried apricots will help and raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This is especially true during pregnancy. Many of the fair sex during the period of bearing a baby suffer from a similar problem. Dried apricot will help not only to cope with it, but also have a positive effect on the development of the unborn baby.

Dried apricots have an antitumor effect. Recommended for use by people prone to oncological diseases. It serves both as a preventive and remedy. Slows down the development of oncology and facilitates its course.

Dried apricots help to cope with diseases such as anemia and anemia. It is rich in carotene - a trace element necessary for the eyes. It improves vision. Dried apricots, despite their high calorie content well absorbed in the body. The nutritional value of the product is able to give a feeling of satiety for the whole day.


In addition to what dried apricots have beneficial features, its excessive consumption can adversely affect general well-being person. Dried apricots despite their nutritional value and the whole spectrum useful qualities can cause harm human body. This may be due to its misuse, and more precisely people to which it is contraindicated.

Eating dried apricot is strictly prohibited for people with reduced pressure, it will contribute to its even greater decrease. But for hypertensive patients, dried apricots will help to feel better. Apricot is considered a fairly sweet fruit, so it raises blood glucose levels without any problems.

It is not the fruit itself that can bring harm to health, but the substances with which it is processed during the drying process to give it a presentable appearance. Often used chemicals that can provoke the appearance allergic manifestations both in adults and in children. Therefore, do not give children to use dried apricots under three years of age.

Dried apricots are only beneficial in small amounts. Excessive consumption of it can only cause harm. Daily dose dried apricots is equal to 100 gr. product. This is enough to saturate the body essential substances and vitamins.


Dried apricot contains a large number of sugar, so it can't be called dietary product. It is not recommended for people suffering from overweight and diabetes. Dried apricot calories per 100 gr. is 230 kcal. 100 gr. product is about 5-6 pieces of dried fruit.

Table: Calories per 100 gr.

For 100 gr. drying falls 70 gr. water. This is a fairly large indicator, given the fact that dried apricots are dried fruits.

Table: Measures


For all its usefulness, dried apricots also have contraindications for use.

  1. Hypotension.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Gastric ulcer.
  4. Diseases of the intestines.
  5. Obesity. Dried apricots have a fairly high calorie content, so you should not use it for overweight people.

Also, do not give it to children under 3 years old. You can not eat more than 100 - 150 gr. in a day. This can provoke an upset stomach and intestines.


Traditional medicine with the help of dried apricots and tinctures based on it has learned to solve numerous health problems. One of them is constipation. Dried fruits help to cope with this such an unpleasant situation in just a few days. To do this, it is enough to pour 100-150 gr. with boiling water. dried fruits and insist. You need to drink this decoction on an empty stomach.

It starts the work of the intestines, thereby resolving the problem with constipation. Steamed fruits can be eaten, despite the fact that they were infused in water, their nutritional value did not decrease from this, and all the vitamins were preserved in the fruits.

With the help of these dried fruits, seasonal colds and beriberi can be cured.


Proper storage of dried fruits is directly reflected in their palatability and appearance. Dried apricots are no exception and, if stored improperly, can quickly deteriorate.

Dried apricots can be dried and dried. The calorie content of products and the nutritional value of these two species are slightly different. Only dried can be stored, due to the lower liquid content in it, its shelf life is much longer than that of dried.

It is possible and desirable to store dried apricots at room temperature, in a dark dry place. Before sending dried fruits for storage, they must be placed in a bowl. It is better to opt for a glass with a tight lid to prevent oxygen from entering it. It is not recommended to use paper or cellophane products for this purpose. They will not be able to provide sealing and soon various bugs and insects can settle in dried fruits.

If storage is expected for more than 2-3 months, dried apricots can be frozen.

The nutritional value

Despite the fact that dried apricots are 70% liquid, and in particular water, it has a fairly high nutritional value. Its calorie content is 230 kcal. Even a small amount of it can satisfy hunger and saturate the body for a sufficiently long period of time.

Table: Nutritional component 100 gr. dried apricots in %

Vitamins and minerals

Dried apricots contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. According to its composition, it is recognized as one of the most useful and nutritious dried fruits.

Table: Vitamins, trace elements and macronutrients

Dried apricots benefits and harms are quite relative and have contradictions in scientific world. Dried apricots won their recognition among people not only because of the beautiful appearance but also incredible taste. This dried fruit has a large list of useful properties and qualities that have not only a preventive, but also a healing effect. Thanks to his rich and unique composition, dried apricots occupies one of the leading places in terms of usefulness and demand among the population.

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