Where is chloroform used? Chloroform - effect on humans. Forensic Science Doesn't Magically Solve Crime

The used inhalation drugs chloroform (trichloromethane) and ether (diethyl ether) differ from each other in their physical and chemical properties, which is also reflected in the course of the anesthesia they cause. The features of these drugs are more clearly revealed by their comparative consideration.


diethyl ether

The presence of chlorine in the chloroform molecule makes it more toxic than ether. At the same time, ether is more volatile than chloroform, which creates a number of features during anesthesia with the use of ether.

Chloroform and ether are common cell poisons. When applied to tissues, they have an irritating effect, with prolonged contact with tissues, they can cause their necrosis (necrosis). When drugs get on the mucous membranes, hyperemia (vasodilation), lacrimation, increased secretion of saliva and mucus separation are observed. In equal concentrations, the irritating effect of chloroform is stronger than that of ether. However, when using ether for anesthesia, it is stronger than chloroform, it irritates the respiratory tract. This is due to the fact that the concentration of ether in the inhaled air, necessary to maintain anesthesia, is 3-4 times higher than the concentration of chloroform during chloroform anesthesia.

Ether is excreted from the body by the lungs faster than chloroform. In this regard, during ether anesthesia, it is more difficult to maintain a narcotic concentration in the blood, and since ether is also less active than chloroform, ether is consumed during the operation several times more than chloroform.

The stage of excitation with ether anesthesia is longer than with chloroform, i.e., the stage of anesthesia under the influence of chloroform comes faster.

The narcotic concentration of chloroform in the blood is 40 mg%, for ether - 140 mg%. At the same time, the narcotic latitude of chloroform is less than that of ether - depression of the medulla oblongata occurs when the blood contains 55 mg% of chloroform or 200 mg% of ether. Thus, the ratio of toxic and narcotic concentrations in the blood for chloroform is less than for ether, which is of great importance for the management of anesthesia: chloroform is easier to overdose.

When comparing the characteristics of ether and chloroform, it can also be noted that the period of awakening during ether anesthesia is shorter than with chloroform, since the ether is excreted from the body faster, mainly through the lungs; at the same time, its lower toxicity also plays a role.

Fig.2. Curve of contractions of an isolated heart of a rabbit. I - without chloroform; II - 2 minutes after perfusion of a 1:2500 solution of chloroform in Ringer-Locke fluid; III and IV - further action of chloroform; V - 4 minutes after washing with normal Ringer-Locke fluid (N.P. Kravkov)

The number of complications with chloroform anesthesia is much greater than with ether anesthesia. Chloroform is more likely than ether to cause complications in the cardiovascular system. The most formidable complication is cardiac arrest. It is possible in all stages of anesthesia. Sometimes cardiac arrest occurs when the first portions of chloroform are inhaled, when the surgeon has not yet begun the operation (reflex arrest). Toxic cardiac arrest is also observed in the stage of anesthesia. This is explained by the fact that blood saturated with chloroform from the lungs enters the left ventricle of the heart and then into the coronary vessels. Thus, during the entire anesthesia, the heart muscle is under the influence of high concentrations of the drug. Cardiac complications during chloroform anesthesia are also observed in the postoperative period.

The depression of the centers of the medulla oblongata with chloroform is stronger than with ether, so the blood pressure drops to lower numbers and respiratory depression is more pronounced.

Since chloroform has a toxic effect on parenchymal organs, it is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. Currently, chloroform is rarely used for anesthesia. Ether causes anesthesia of sufficient depth, with complete relaxation of the muscles. The negative properties of ether anesthesia include a long stage of excitation, accompanied by various pathological reflexes: excitation of the vomiting and cough centers, often spasm of the glottis, increased salivation, abundant mucus in the airways. Excitation of the centers of the vagus nerves is very dangerous, which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. It occurs in people who do not sleep well when they have to resort to high concentrations of ether.

Fig.3. Dog blood pressure and stages of chloroform anesthesia. I - before inhalation; II - the beginning of inhalation of chloroform (the period of excitation); III - the period of complete anesthesia; IV and V - inhalation of high concentrations of chloroform (weakening of the activity of the heart and respiration, a drop in blood pressure); VI - respiratory arrest, very weak heartbeats continue (N.P. Kravkov)

At present, ether is often used in combination with curarep-like drugs (see below), which makes it possible to reduce the amount of ether consumed per operation by about 2-3 times. Ether is also used for anesthesia with nitrous oxide to completely turn off the tone of skeletal muscles.

The inhibitory effect of ether on the cardiovascular system in narcotic concentrations is little pronounced. Ether is not recommended for use in respiratory diseases.

Chloroform (synonyms: Formyltetrachloride, Trichlormethane) is a clear, colorless liquid with a sweet smell.

Specific gravity 1.477. Decomposes in the light, forms halogen-containing acids, phosgene. The presence of acids is easily determined by the redness of litmus paper. To prevent chloroform from decomposing, it is kept in dark vials. For anesthesia, specially purified chloroform is used, to which 1% anhydrous alcohol is added. Chloroform vapors do not explode, do not ignite.

It is excreted from the body by the lungs, only a small part is destroyed, excreted in the urine.

Narcotic action

It has a powerful anesthetic effect on a person and surpasses ether several times in this respect. The first stage of anesthesia under the action of chloroform on a person occurs when 0.5 vol.% is inhaled, the second - at 0.7 vol.%, and the third, surgical stage - 5 minutes after giving 3-4 vol.% anesthetic. To maintain anesthesia, significantly lower concentrations of anesthetic (1 vol.%) are required. If lulling is done slowly, then there is no excitation or it is observed in physically developed patients. The third stage of anesthesia is characterized by calm, even breathing, satisfactory relaxation of the skeletal muscles. Pupils in this stage are narrow, react to light. Pulse, blood pressure do not change. Chloroform can be given with a simple open-drip mask and an anesthetic machine - in a half-open, half-closed, closed system.

Awakening occurs 5 minutes after the cessation of giving the anesthetic. Completely postanesthesia depression disappears after 15-20 minutes.

Chloroform overdose

The supply of 3-4 vol.% chloroform in the inhaled mixture for a long time (more than 10-12 minutes) leads to an overdose. With an overdose or with deepening anesthesia, intermittent twitches of the pectoral muscles appear, the pulse slows down, there is a sharp respiratory depression and apnea, and after this, if the anesthetic supply is not immediately stopped, cardiac arrest occurs.

Side effects of chloroform on humans

There is a toxic effect on the heart, liver and kidneys: adrenaline sensitizes the heart to chloroform. It should also be noted that complications associated with the use of chloroform have been described during anesthesia with the drug in its "pure form", when it was given even without oxygen. The use of it with oxygen through a specially calibrated chlorotec vaporizer outside the circulation system makes this anesthetic less dangerous.

Chloroform is a drug for anesthesia, which is several times superior to ether in terms of the strength of the narcotic effect on the body.

Pharmacological action Chloroform

The narcotic properties of the drug are manifested in the following, a person's sensitivity is dulled, a breakdown occurs, and vital activity slows down. These effects are manifested in the form of intoxication of the patient, or his stunning. As a result, a person has various illusions, delusions, strange body movements.

The action of Chloroform is the same for people, for bacteria, plants and even fungi. As a result, there is a suspension of their growth, as well as vital activity.

Complete loss of sensation under the influence of the drug - Chloroform anesthesia. In this case, the use of Chloroform is carried out in high doses.

Release form

According to the instructions, Chloroform is produced in the form of an emulsion, which should be used externally.

Indications for use Chloroform

Chloroform should only be used as directed by a specialist. The drug is prescribed to people who have neuralgia or myositis. Previously, Chloroform was used as a general anesthesia, but due to the occurrence of a large number of side effects, it was replaced with another drug.

Over time, experts have developed a method of anesthesia in which the harmful properties of Chloroform are reduced to an absolute minimum. In this case, Chloroform is prescribed with a large amount of oxygen, doctors must observe the exact dosage.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions, Chloroform can be used both externally and internally. For external use of Chloroform, the mixture should be rubbed with gentle movements over the body. If Chloroform is used orally, the drug helps with severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting, and also with severe bouts of hiccups. In this case, one tablespoon of Chloroform water should be prescribed 3-4 times a day.

Side effects of Chloroform

When using the drug to put the patient to sleep by inhalation, Chloroform causes a weakening of cardiac activity. As a result, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure, up to cardiac arrest or collapse. If a person inhales the vapors of the drug, he will irritate the gastric mucosa, and if there is direct exposure to the vapors, the person will irritate the eyes, as well as the respiratory tract.

The ability of Chloroform to penetrate intact skin leads to serious inflammation and irritation.

The drug in some cases causes serious drug addiction in patients. This addiction is called substance abuse, which is associated with the abuse of Chloroform orally.


Chloroform should not be used if hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is detected. With the local appointment of Chloroform, it is not recommended to use it if purulent inflammations were found on the patient's body.

special instructions

The drug under optimal conditions is a colorless volatile liquid that has an ethereal odor and a sweet taste. The drug is practically insoluble in water and mixes with a huge amount of organic solvents.

Chloroform is a non-flammable compound, however, it will burn if mixed with combustible substances.

Properties Chloroform: acts toxically on the metabolism, as well as on various internal organs, especially the liver.

The human odor threshold is 0.0003 milligrams per litre. A brightly perceptible sweet smell is observed at 0.02 mg / l.

The drug concentration, which causes a change in the rate of development of reflex muscle tension, is 0.25 - 0.5 ml / l. Such concentrations are close to those that specialists create in venous blood under anesthesia. The above concentrations of Chloroform contribute to the occurrence of significant changes in the metabolism in the body, gastrointestinal disorders, disorders of the cardiovascular activity (arrhythmia), which turn into oliguria, sugar appears in the urine.

Serious acute poisoning with Chloroform occurs most often in the pharmaceutical industry. In medicine, the following case is described, when a worker, after several days of work, could not go home on his own. He was found in a state of anesthesia followed by three days of sleep. Six months later, the worker still had shortness of breath.

With lighter intoxications with Chloroform, people experience vomiting, weakness throughout the body, and dizziness. Some people are diagnosed with stomach pain, excited states. In the blood there is leukopenia, leukocytosis.

The action of Chloroform, even in low concentrations, can cause significant poisoning with liver damage. The drug in some cases causes dermatitis on the skin, as well as eczema.

If the patient has acute inhalation poisoning with the drug, then he is shown fresh air and rest. As a result, the victim must inhale moistened oxygen using nasal catheters: continuous inhalation - 2-4 hours, then 30-40 minutes with breaks of 10-15 minutes.

Heart drugs: caffeine (10 percent), camphor (20 percent), cordiamine (25 percent), 1-2 milliliters subcutaneously. As a sedative, it is recommended to take strong sweet tea.

If the patient has taken Chloroform orally, it is necessary to carry out a thorough gastric lavage. The action of Chloroform in this case will be eliminated within a few days. In this case, the intestines are washed to clean washings. This procedure is called a siphon enema.

In addition, specialists perform bloodletting (150-300 milliliters) with further partial blood replacement. With the development of a collaptoid state in a patient, 0.5 milliliters of a 0.05% solution of strophanthin in 10-20 milliliters of glucose solution should be injected intravenously. According to the indications - mezaton.

Do not prescribe adrenaline, chlorine-containing hypnotics, sulfa drugs. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol and fats.

The discovery of many chemicals was not intentional, but accidental, during the synthesis or study of the properties of a substance. However, many of the accidentally discovered substances became very important, they were used not only in chemistry, but also in medicine, industry and other fields. Just such substances include chloroform, which will be discussed later.


The name of this substance has several varieties. After all, like all organic compounds, it obeys the laws of the general nomenclature of molecules, trivial names and names based on the composition of the molecule.

Therefore, there are several variants of the name for chloroform:

  • trichloride carbon;
  • chloroform;
  • trichloromethane.

Chloroform: what is it? You can understand from the names of the compound, or you can consider the geometric structure of the molecule.

The structure of the molecule

The chloroform molecule consists of three chlorine atoms and one hydrogen atom, each atom is connected to the central carbon. Essentially, a trichloromethane molecule is the product of hydrogen atoms for chlorine atoms in a methane molecule when exposed to certain conditions.

In this case, all C-CL bonds are completely equivalent, strongly polar. The C-H bond, against the background of other bonds that have appeared in the molecule, acquires even greater polarization and becomes extremely vulnerable. Therefore, during further processing of the molecule, the C-H bond easily breaks and hydrogen is replaced by other atoms (for example, also chlorine with the formation of carbon tetrachloride).

Consider what chloroform looks like. The formula looks like: CHCL 3. The structural formula will look like this:

Both structures reflect the chemical essence that chloroform carries. The formula shows that the molecule is sufficiently stable and that strict conditions must be applied to enter into the reaction.

Physical properties

The physical properties of trichloromethane can be characterized as follows:

  1. Under normal conditions (room temperature, normal atmospheric pressure 100 kPa, humidity not higher than 80%), this substance is a strongly odorous liquid that has no color. The smell of chloroform is quite sharp, heavy, enveloping, reminiscent of the smell of ether. The substance tastes sweet, but you can’t taste it, as it is extremely toxic.
  2. It does not dissolve in water, it is able to dissolve only in different types. With water, it can form low-concentration (0.23%) solutions.
  3. The boiling point of this compound is lower than that of water, approximately 62 0 C.
  4. The melting point is sharply negative, -63.5 0 C.
  5. The density of chloroform is greater than and is 1.483 g/cm 3 .
  6. The strong pronounced toxic nature of the substance in terms of its effect on the body belongs to the group of narcotic compounds.

When dissolved in water, carbon trichloride is able to form azeotropic mixtures. In this case, chloroform in the solution will be 97.5%, and water only 2.5%. The boiling point of such a solution decreases compared to that of pure trichloromethane and is 52 0 C.

Chemical properties

Like all methane chlorine derivatives, chloroform does not exhibit chemical activity. Therefore, there are few reactions characteristic of him. For example, treatment with chlorine molecules in the process of technological production of all methane derivatives by chlorination. For this, liquid chloroform is taken, the reactions proceed according to the type of a radical mechanism, they require the presence of ultraviolet radiation as a prerequisite and light quanta.

CHCL 3 + CL 2 = CCL 4 + HCL

According to the reaction equation, it can be seen that the product is completely chlorine-substituted methane - carbon tetrachloride. Such reactions are one of the ways to produce carbon tetrachloride in industry.

Also, the chemical properties include an azeotropic mixture with water, which chloroform is capable of producing. What it is? That is, one at the boiling of which the components of the solution do not undergo any changes. By boiling, such a mixture cannot be separated into fractions.

Another type of reaction that chloroform can enter into is the substitution of halogen atoms for other atoms or functional groups. For example, when interacting with an aqueous solution, it forms sodium acetate:

chloroform + NaOH (aqueous solution) = + sodium chloride + water

In addition, a practically significant reaction is the interaction of chloroform with ammonia and potassium hydroxide (concentrated solution), since as a result of such an interaction,

Chloroform + ammonia + potassium hydroxide = KCN + + water

Storage of chloroform

In the light, trichloromethane decomposes with the formation of dangerous, toxic products:

Chloroform \u003d phosgene + hydrochloric acid + molecular chlorine + carbonic anhydride

Therefore, the storage conditions for chloroform must be special - dark glass bottles with tight ground stoppers. The vial itself should be kept away from sunlight.


Chloroform is produced in several ways.

1. A multi-stage process of methane chlorination occurring by a radical mechanism under the action of ultraviolet light and high temperature. In this case, the result is not only chloroform, but also three other products: chloromethane, dichloromethane and carbon tetrachloride. The reaction looks like this:

CH 4 + CL 2 \u003d CH 3 CL + HCL - chloromethane and hydrogen chloride are formed

CH 3 CL + CL 2 \u003d CH 2 CL 2 + HCL - dichloromethane and hydrogen chloride are formed

CH 2 CL 2 + CL 2 = CHCL 3 + HCL - trichloromethane (chloroform) and hydrogen chloride are formed

CHCL 3 + CL 2 = CCL 4 + HCL - carbon tetrachloride and hydrogen chloride are formed

In this way, trichloromethane is synthesized in industry.

2. Interaction between bleach and ethyl alcohol. This is a laboratory method.

3. Obtaining chloroform by electrolysis (the action of an electric current) on alkali metal chlorides in an atmosphere of acetone or ethyl alcohol. Also a laboratory method for producing trichloromethane.


After chloroform is obtained, it needs to be purified. After all, if it is used for medical purposes, then the content of impurities in it is simply unacceptable. If the purpose of the application is technical, then the content of foreign substances should be limited.

There may be various impurities that chloroform contains. What it is? What are they?

  • Ethanol.
  • Hydrogen chloride.
  • Phosgene.
  • Chlorine.

There are two main ways to purify chloroform from these impurities:

  • abundant washing with water followed by drying (allows you to completely get rid of ethanol);
  • trichloromethane is washed with a strong acid, then a strong alkali, followed by water. Subsequent processing consists in drying using a dewatering agent - calcium chloride. The substance is then distilled on a fractionating column.

Discovery history

Since when is chloroform known? What is it and why was it used before? Let's try to figure it out.

The first mention of this substance dates back to 1831. It was then that trichloromethane was obtained by the chemist Guthrie from Harbor. However, this substance was not his goal at all, it was a successful by-product. The chemist, on the other hand, was looking for solvents for rubber, experimented and accidentally obtained chloroform.

In the same year and a year later, two more scientists independently obtained this substance as a result of experiments. These are Eustace Liebig (who made a huge contribution to the development of chemistry) and Eugen Suberein. Their task was to find an anesthetic, and they found it. True, they learned about this effect of chloroform and began to use it a little later, only from the 1840s.

The structural formula and the interaction of atoms within a molecule was able to be studied and built by the chemist Dumas in 1834. He also proposed and assigned to chloroform its name, which he gave in honor of the ants. In Latin, the ant is pronounced as formiata, and the content contained in these insects is capable of being formed from chloroform. Based on this, its name was determined.

Biological effect on humans

Chloroform fully justifies its use as an anesthetic. The effect on a person is very specific, covering several major organ systems.

The degree of impact depends on factors such as:

  • the concentration of the inhaled substance;
  • duration of use;
  • way to get inside.

If we are talking about pure, medical chloroform, then its use is strictly dosed, accurately and locally. Therefore, only a few of the possible contraindications are realized. If we are talking about evaporated chloroform in the composition of the air and its inhalation by a person, then here the effect is already much more serious and destructive.

So, when trichloromethane is inhaled for 10 minutes, swelling of the respiratory tract, lung spasms, cough, and sore throat may occur. If exposure is not stopped, poisoning will occur immediately. The nervous system (both the brain and the spinal cord) will be affected, and death is possible.

Also, chloroform has a detrimental effect on the liver, digestive organs and kidneys. Its action is especially destructive if the solution is taken orally. The following reactions of the body to the intake of chloroform are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • persistent headaches;
  • depression of the nervous system and, as a result, fatigue;
  • elevated temperature;
  • allergic rashes, redness of the skin.

Studies and experiments on different animals have shown the following results:

  1. Long-term intake of chloroform inside in the form of a liquid causes abortion, multiple pathologies and mutagenesis of future generations.
  2. When living in an atmosphere of chloroform, the animals were oppressed, lethargic, and their life span was significantly reduced.
  3. Based on experiments on mice, it was concluded that trichloromethane is carcinogenic.

Such results were obtained by chemists and physicians when studying the effects of chloroform on living organisms.

Application in medicine

The first mention of the use of this substance for medical purposes dates back to 1847. It was then that the scientist, doctor, chemist Holmes Kut was the first to suggest using chloroform as an anesthetic. This had a positive effect on the person for the period of the operation - a complete shutdown of consciousness, the absence of any sensations.

However, later, when the patient regained consciousness, it turned out that his nausea and vomiting did not stop. Later, more precise norms for the use of this substance were already established, which made it possible to avoid such consequences.

The English obstetrician James Simpson played a very important role in the introduction of chloroform into medicine. It was he who proved the positive value and effect of the compound during the process of childbirth.

However, over time, newer, safer, and more modern methods of anesthesia have emerged than chloroform. Its use in medicine has practically disappeared. Today it is used in the form:

  • ointment component for external use;
  • as an additional anesthetic in combination with other substances and only in very small concentrations;
  • as drops to relieve nausea and vomiting.

Application in industry

Chloroform is also used in industry. Its use refers to various chemical syntheses, where it plays the role of a solvent, degreaser, main or additional component for obtaining important substances used in all areas of human activity.

What is chloroform?

Chloroform is a fatty narcotic substance that has a stronger effect than anesthetic ether .

Unlike ether, it causes an offensive much faster and relaxes well. skeletal muscles . However, at the same time, it is characterized as a very toxic agent.

Formula and properties of the substance

Wikipedia about Chloroform says that under normal conditions this chemical compound is a mobile, volatile, colorless, transparent liquid with a characteristic ethereal odor. Chloroform is non-explosive and non-flammable.

The formula of Chloroform is CHCl3. The formula was established by the French chemist Dumas.

The substance is practically insoluble in water and is miscible in all proportions with fatty essential oils, alcohols and ether. It also dissolves well a large amount of organic substances (for example, paraffin, resins, rubber) and some inorganic substances (for example, sulfur or phosphorus).

Chloroform - the compound is enough unstable . Under the influence of light and air, it is oxidized by oxygen. The products of this reaction are chlorine, and carbonic acid dichloride (phosgene), a poisonous chemical that has an asphyxiating effect.

For this reason, open flame chloroforming should be avoided. poisoning phosgene - a fairly common occurrence when working with chloroform, which has been stored in a warm place for a long time.

To prevent decomposition of Chloroform, it must be stored in orange glass jars. For the same purpose, alcohol is added to chloroform or - sometimes -.

Hazard class Chloroform according to the degree of impact on humans - II (Highly hazardous substances).

Release form

Release form Chloroform is an emulsion for external use in 50 ml vials.

The substance is produced in accordance with the current standard GOST 20015-88.

The result of constant exposure to the body of this substance are liver disease and kidney .

According to statistics, almost every tenth inhabitant of the planet has Chloroform. It is expressed most often in the form of a strong increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees) and vomiting (after surgical operations in which the substance was used as anesthetic , vomiting was observed in approximately 70-85% of patients).

Animal studies have shown that inhalation of air containing as little as 0.03% Chloroform by pregnant female rats leads to spontaneous abortion. The same was observed in rats given Chloroform orally.

The next generations of experimental rats and mice, continuing to inhale air with Chloroform, gave birth to a greater number of cubs with various kinds of congenital pathologies than their healthy counterparts.

The effect of the substance on human reproductive function is not fully understood. It is only known that prolonged inhalation of its vapors (within 2-10 minutes) can provoke fatal outcome .

Presumably Chloroform can cause hereditary changes in the fetus and increases the likelihood of occurrence. These properties appear only in cases where the permissible concentration of a substance in the air is exceeded.

How to make Chloroform at home

On the forums, the questions “How to put a person to sleep with Chloroform?” are not uncommon. and “How to make Chloroform yourself?”.

If putting a person to sleep is the task of an experienced anesthesiologist, then almost everyone can get the substance at home if desired.

Chloroform is a chlorine derivative of methane. It is obtained by heating bleach with ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

Preparation from ethyl alcohol

To obtain a substance in this way, it is necessary to take 430 g of bleach, which contains 23.4% CaO2Cl2, and mix it with 1.5 liters of water. Then 100 g of caustic (slaked) lime and 100 cu. see alcohol 88.5%.

The resulting mixture is distilled, and milk of lime (a suspension of slaked lime in lime water) and calcium chloride CaCl₂ are added to the distillate. The released chloroform is separated, shaken several times with concentrated sulfuric acid and rectified (separated into practically pure components by repeated evaporation of the liquid and condensation of the vapors).

Getting from acetone

To get Chloroform from acetone, take 275 g of bleach, which contains 33.3% active chlorine, rub it with 800 cubic meters. cm of water and gradually pour in a mixture of acetone and water (for its preparation, acetone is taken 22 g, and water in the amount of 70 cubic cm).

Preparation from potassium (K) or sodium (Na) hypochlorites

This method involves the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of potassium chloride and alcohol. Instead of alcohol, the use of acetone or aldehyde is allowed.

Receiving from Whiteness

One of the easiest ways to get a substance is by mixing Whiteness and acetone. At the same time, 10 ml of acetone should be taken for 100 ml of Whiteness. This amount of ingredients allows you to get a fairly large (about 3 ml) drop of Chloroform. Probably, by distillation, a slightly larger amount of the required substance can be obtained.

Indications for use Chloroform

Chloroform is used as anesthetic during surgical interventions. In addition, the nomenclature of medicines also includes the drug “Chloroform for external use”.

Since one of the main properties of Chloroform is its ability to irritate the skin and mucous membranes, it is often used in combination with turpentine or salicylic acid methyl ester for rubbing with and inflammatory lesions of the skeletal muscles () .

In some cases, Chloroform in the form of drops (mixed with tincture ) is assigned at , vomiting and pain in the epigastric region .

To reduce sensitivity mucous membranes of the respiratory tract , affected by toxic substances of irritating and lachrymal action (in particular, arsenic hydrogen - one of the most powerful inorganic poisons that have blood-destroying action and provoking development malignant tumors ) Chloroform is prescribed in the form of a so-called anti-smoke mixture, which, in addition to it, includes Ethyl and , and also anesthetic ether .


Contraindications to the use of Chloroform as anesthetic are:

  • increased individual sensitivity to it;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system ;
  • liver disease ;
  • kidney disease ;
  • asthenic syndrome .

For external use Chloroform is contraindicated if the patient has purulent-inflammatory skin diseases . Contraindications for oral administration have not been established.

Side effects

Exceeding the recommended dose of Chloroform when putting a patient to sleep by, and in particular by inhaling concentrated vapors of this substance (when the concentration exceeds 2%), leads to a weakening cardiac activity , a sharp drop in indicators (up to the development collapse ) and cardiac arrest .

Chloroform vapors are irritating to mucous membranes of the eyes , respiratory tract , and when taken orally - also gastric mucosa . As a result of such an impact in a person:

  • mucous membranes redden;
  • there is a feeling burning sensation ;
  • copious separation begins slime, tears and saliva ;
  • seizures occur cough ;
  • there is a feeling nausea ;
  • arises vomit .

Increased secretion of mucus provokes breathing difficulties , and in some cases can be the cause.

As a result of the selection salivary glands a large amount of saliva in a person often begins vomit . Entry of vomit into lungs in turn leads to strangulation or development pneumonia .

Chloroform vapors are irritating and sensory nerve endings located in respiratory mucosa , which has a reflex effect on the function respiratory and vasomotor centers , as well as for activities vagus nerve center .

As a result, after the primary excitation, a person reflexively begins to slow down breathing and heartbeat (sometimes even to a complete stop).

Chloroform has the ability to penetrate intact skin , initially irritating her. Prolonged local exposure is accompanied by strong inflammation , and education . Sometimes they can develop or.

In some cases, the patient may develop an addiction to Chloroform, associated with the ingestion of the substance or its abuse in the form of inhalation. This species is called "chloroformomania".

Instructions for Chloroform (Method and dosage)

Outwardly Chloroform is used in the form of a complex chloroform liniment, in which it is included in equal parts with an oil extract of black henbane leaves or dope oil. The product is applied to the painful area and gently rubbed.

The drug for oral administration in the form of Chloroform on water is prescribed to take three to five drops 3-4 times a day. The drug in the form of chloroform water with a content of Chloroform 0.5% is taken in one tablespoon. Multiplicity of receptions - 3-4 per day.

The highest single oral dose for adult patients is 0.5 ml, the daily dose is 1 ml.


Chloroform renders toxic effect on the metabolism and function internal organs .
The odor perception threshold is 0.0003 mg per litre. A pronounced specific odor is observed when the concentration of Chloroform is 0.02 mg per liter.

The narcotic concentration of the substance is 0.25-0.5 mg / l. At this concentration, Chloroform provokes a change in the rate of development reflex muscle tension , change in the course of metabolic processes, gastric and intestinal disorders a decrease in the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys and appearance of sugar in the urine .

Serious substance poisonings are most often observed in people working in the pharmaceutical industry. They are accompanied by violation heart function and respiratory center , mucosal lesions (eye , stomach , respiratory tract ).

Milder forms of poisoning are accompanied vomiting , increased weakness throughout the body, dizziness. Some people may experience stomach pain and agitation.

Laboratory tests may show a change cellular composition of blood , characterized by high or low content.

Even low concentrations of Chloroform can provoke severe poisoning with liver damage .

Treatment of chloroform poisoning

If symptoms of poisoning occur during inhalation administration of Chloroform to a patient, the supply should be stopped immediately. anesthesia . Further measures are aimed at facilitating patency respiratory tract .

The patient is connected to a ventilator lungs , to eliminate oxygen starvation is used oxygen therapy (deliver humidified oxygen for inhalation) and provide hyperventilation lungs .

To ensure efficient oxygen transport and eliminate symptoms and consequences intoxication also resort to infusion-transfusion therapy .

The patient is warmed, administered intravenously and (in a dose equal to 1 mg per kilogram of body weight). To remove from blood toxic products carry out procedures and hemosorption . Prevention is also considered appropriate. pneumonia .

To normalize activities hearts given subcutaneous injections with caffeine (10%), camphor (20%) and (25%). The volume of one injection is 1-2 ml.

If symptoms of poisoning occur as a result of oral ingestion of a substance, first aid is reduced to lung intubation , gastric lavage , prescribing to the patient and laxatives - sodium salt of sulfuric acid (sodium sulfate) and vaseline oil .

The action of Chloroform is eliminated within a few days. Bowel lavage it is recommended to do to clean wash water (the so-called siphon enema ).

Also prescribed procedures aimed at the prevention of lesions kidney and liver . Specialists often resort to bloodletting (150-300 ml) with further partial blood replacement.

If the patient develops collaptoid state (light form collapse ), he is shown intravenous administration of 0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution in 10-20 ml of a solution glucose . According to indications it can be appointed.

Therapy using sympathomimetic amines (, norepinephrine , etc.) is contraindicated. In addition, sulfanilamide and chlorine-containing hypnotics should not be prescribed.

After poisoning with the drug, it is strictly forbidden to eat fatty foods and alcohol.


Drug interactions have not been described.

Terms of sale

By prescription or by lists for medical institutions.

Storage conditions

List B. Keep the drug in a well-corked vial in a cool, dry place. If stored incorrectly, the substance evaporates quickly.

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