The life of a Sevastopol marine: hot spots, forced marches and hand-to-hand combat. Sevastopol marines received the Guards banner (photo report)

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  • 810 ObrMP

810 Separate brigade of marines with a location in the city of Sevastopol was formed in November 1979 as a result of the reorganization of the 810th regiment of marines.

It can rightly be called a real military formation. On the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, a difficult situation developed in the Georgian SSR, whose government attempted to nationalize the property of military bases. His protection was entrusted to the unit.

The next military operation of the marines of military unit 13140 falls on August 1992, when military units of by then independent Georgia invaded the territory of Abkhazia with the aim of annexing it. The fighting in the republic continued until October 1992.

The final defeat of the Georgian troops in Abkhazia dates back to the autumn of 1993, but at the same time, the civil war in Georgia sharply escalated, and its president, Eduard Shevardnadze, turned to the Russian government for help. As a result of the agreement reached on Russian military bases on the territory of Georgia, a detachment of several ships of the marines and a battalion of marines of the Black Sea Fleet advanced to Poti.

6 years after the landing in Georgia, the units of the 810th Marine Brigade again had to fight, this time in 1999, in Chechnya. The reconnaissance of the Marine Corps of the Black Sea Fleet was in the combat area for 9 months, took part in many operations.

Units of experienced field commanders, Basayev, acted against the fighters. Raduev, Khottaba... According to the recollections of the participants in the Chechen events, there were many well-trained foreign mercenaries among the militants. In 2000, the marines returned to the location of military unit 13140 in Sevastopol.

2008, and again an armed conflict in the North Caucasus, this time Georgian troops invaded the territory of South Ossetia. During the conflict, two units of the Marine Corps of the Black Sea Fleet took part in the hostilities - 431 naval reconnaissance points based in Tuapse and 382 OBMP stationed in Temryuk. Parts of the 810th Marine Brigade and the 7th Airborne Division carried out a landing operation, during which Russian units captured the city of Poti.

After the capture of the city by the special forces of the Black Sea Fleet, an operation was carried out during which all warships of the Georgian Navy, which were in the port of the city of Poti, were destroyed (they were blown up and flooded).

Marine Corps combat tactics have been developed over many decades, and it is to her that, for the most part, the Marines owe their success in military operations. The annual exercise, during which the Marines hone their martial arts, is held several times a year in mobile tent camps.

During the exercises, tactics are being developed for conducting military operations in cooperation with artillery and aviation units of the Navy.

A significant role is also given to physical training, mastery of edged weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques, which increases the chances of winning in direct contact with the enemy.

I was not at the very location of the brigade in Sevastopol, I limited myself to visiting the Opuk training ground. On it, soldiers live in tents, which are put up for the period of training.


Tents USB-56 (in the foreground) and UST-56 (rear) are used for living.

The main disadvantage of USB-56 is fluidity at the seams. Therefore, the seams regularly have to be coated with either salidol or painted over with paint. In summer, this tent is very stuffy, because it is rubberized and does not let air through. Saves only the opening of windows and rolling curtains. In the non-rubberized version, this tent does not leak at the seams, but it is afraid of sparks from the pipe, which eventually "eat" many small holes in the canopy and the tent begins to leak.
In the center of the camp there are pillars with flags raised daily: Russia and St. Andrew's. When the national flag is raised, the servicemen sing the national anthem


The first time I saw that the beds were without shackles. The red box contains sand to extinguish a possible fire, the green box contains coal.


The stove is a little non-standard, they usually give out round "potbelly stoves", but it is this one that heats well. Above the stove on the pipe is a spark arrestor that traps most sparks and small coals, preventing them from falling onto the tent

I think that once such camps were good, but now they are already outdated, so I think it is reasonable to purchase such camps, which the Ministry of Defense conducted on a trial basis a few months ago.

It is clear that we are getting closer to nature, our soldier, living a truly field life, will be able to survive in much more difficult conditions, but improvements are simply necessary.

Food. The food in the brigade is good, which is noted by all the soldiers, although the military prepares it. According to some guys, it is even better at the training ground than in the unit. But here, I think, fresh air and constant training, both sports and combat, most likely affect. Charging, for example, has not been canceled.
Return from a run

Monetary allowance is paid to servicemen in Ukrainian hryvnias. The exchange rate of the hryvnia against the ruble upon payment is strictly regulated by a special intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Ukraine, which causes obvious inconvenience. If a few years ago, the course was in favor of the military and they received more in terms of rubles than in similar positions in Russia, now the hryvnia has fallen in price, and there has been no recalculation. So it turns out that somewhere in Volgograd a conscript receives 430 rubles, and the same marine, whom fate brought to serve in the Crimea - about 350. The same is true with contract soldiers and officers.
The allowance of a contractor on average is 2,500-3,000 hryvnias (in rubles, about 8,700-10,500), which is about a thousand rubles less than in Russia. Renting a house in Feodosiya costs 1500 hryvnias, in Sevastopol it is even more expensive.
There are some problems with corporate housing, because construction on the territory of another state is more difficult to carry out.
In 2008-2009, the officers in the brigade were paid a monthly bonus under the 400th order, this year there has not yet been a decision. For those who did not fall under this payment, a quarterly bonus was intended according to order No. 1010. But there were some problems with its payment, then once they gave 70 thousand, then in the last one - 9-11 thousand rubles.
There are few contractors left; according to the new requirements, they were moved to the positions of squad commanders, which is not always for the better. For example, there is a person who is an excellent driver, but a mediocre commander. Officers expect that the expected increase in the number of contract soldiers in the army will give more room for maneuver in the staffing table and be able to recruit the right people for key positions.

In conclusion, I will post a video where the sailors talk about their service. There will be many. Don't be lazy, check them all out. You can clearly see the ways in which each guy came to the army: someone mowed, someone walked purposefully, someone serves because it is necessary for future work. I was very pleased that in many speeches it slips that “we are a team”, “like one family”, “we live together”. This means that the officers are seriously working on team building, instilling an attitude towards colleagues as a single whole. There is no hazing here. The entire airborne assault battalion of one call - autumn 2010, and the entire battalion of marines - spring 2010. The decision is controversial, because. during demobilization, one of the battalions is very heavily bled, but on the other side there is always another fully combat-ready.
In general see
All the guys who were filmed in uniform had been at the field exit for several days already, and they are the ones in the photographs taken in the previous report on the company tactical exercise.

This guy asked me to say hello home. I am happy to do

You have already seen this guy in talking about his colleague Jan Avril. He's from Moscow, by the way.

These videos were filmed in the communications tent. It was raining and there was no work. I'm asking almost everyone here about combat training. Hear what these sailors say about "automatic only on oath"

If for some reason your browser does not want to play videos, then all of them are available on my YouTube channel at

Volunteers of the international The InformNapalm intelligence community has collected new data on the Russian military of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, who took part in the occupation of Crimea.

InformNapalm’s investigations repeatedly featured the 810th Separate Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation (military unit 13140, permanent station in Sevastopol, temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine). , 2, in the Crimea - 1, 2) and Syria. In this material, we disclose the data of several more military personnel of the 810th Marine Brigade, whose participation in the occupation of Crimea was established through open sources. We also draw your attention to the fact that in the list of officers of the Armed Forces and government officials Russian Federation, who was informed of suspicion by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, only the deputy commander of the 810th Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Colonel Karpushenko V.V. appears, but, in our opinion, this list should be supplemented by the name of the commander of military unit 13140, Colonel V. Belyavsky it was he who signed the award certificates for medals for the occupation of Crimea by the servicemen identified in this investigation.

Colonel Belyavsky signed certificates for awards for the occupation of Crimea

The defendants in the investigation published their certificates for medals for the occupation of Crimea on social networks. The certificate was signed by the commander of the 810th Marine Brigade (military unit 13140), Colonel Vladimir Anatolyevich Belyavsky. It has been established from open sources that Colonel V. Belyavsky served as commander of the 810th Marine Brigade from January 2010 to September 2014. From September 2014 to 2016 he studied at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, from June 2016 to September 2017 he was the commander of the 40th Brigade of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation (military unit 10103), and since September 2017 he has been the commander of the 212th Guards District Training training center for junior specialists of tank troops (military unit 21250).
He took part in the fighting in the North Caucasus. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 860 of August 8, 2006, V. Belyavsky was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of a special distinction - the Gold Star medal. Has several photos of different periods with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Probably, this experienced professional soldier not only signed certificates for the awards of his subordinates for participation in the occupation of Crimea, but he himself took an active part in the management of units of the 810th Marine Brigade, which performed special tasks as part of the operation to seize military facilities of the Ukrainian Navy in Crimea.

1. Goncharov Ilya Igorevich

Born on January 14, 1994, Taganrog, Russia. In 2013-2014, he served in the 810th separate marine brigade of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol. He took part in the occupation of the Ukrainian Crimea, for which he was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For the Return of Crimea", the certificate for the award was signed by the commander of military unit No. 13140, Colonel Belyavsky.


    Skype: TRXRUS61

    Photo archives:

2. Bryazgunov Valery Nikolaevich

Born on May 15, 1993, Rossosh, Russia. He served in the 810th Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. He also published online an award certificate for the medal for the occupation of Crimea.

  • Social media pages and photo archives (, (

    Photo archives:

3. Tekuchev Alexander

Born on January 24, 1995, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. He served in the 810th Marine Corps.

Tekuchev is also identified in several group photographs of the service period in V. Bryazgunov's album.

The same photo is in his own album.

Tekuchev did not publish a photo of the certificate for the medal for the occupation of Crimea, but his social network album contains his own photos with this medal.

In addition, he has a photo dated March 2014 near the KShM. Based on the caption to the photo, it was taken in Sevastopol during the period of the fake "referendum" during the occupation of Crimea.


  • Social media pages and photo archives


    Photo archives:

The above photographic evidence confirms the participation of servicemen of the 810th Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the occupation of Crimea. Recall that according to the radio interception of Ukrainian intelligence, the military personnel of the 810th Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, having changed into civilian clothes obtained from military warehouses in Sevastopol, together with the special forces of the Russian Federation blocked and seized administrative buildings in Crimea in March 2014. The materials of our investigation confirm this fact and provide information about specific servicemen who carried out the criminal orders of the command of the 810th Brigade. The InformNapalm international volunteer community continues to collect and document evidence of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, which is used in lawsuits against the aggressor country.
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All units of the Russian Armed Forces, whose participation in the aggression against Ukraine, Georgia and Syria was proven by InformNapalm volunteers using OSINT intelligence, are in the Russian Aggression database.

The material was prepared specifically for the InformNapalm website.
(Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0 )

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November 18, 1966 on the basis of the directive of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of April 30, 1966 on the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet from units of the 1st Battalion of the 336th Separate Guards Bialystok Orders of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment of Marine Corps of the Baltic Fleet and personnel of the 135th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Transcaucasian Military district, the 309th separate battalion of the Marine Corps of the Black Sea Fleet was formed.
The first commander of the battalion was Lieutenant Colonel I.I. Sisolyatin.
From November 15 to December 22, 1966, the 1st company of the battalion under the command of senior lieutenant A.I. Melnikova (platoon commanders lieutenants K. Veresovy, V. Rudenko, L. Tskhai, V. Yakovlev - now Colonel General, President of the Interregional Public Organization of Marines), reinforced by a reconnaissance platoon of the battalion, departed on board the cruiser Slava of the Black Sea Fleet to the Middle East zone Mediterranean Sea to perform combat missions.
In August 1967, the 309th Separate Marine Battalion of the KChF conducted a joint landing exercise with the armed forces of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. During the exercise, for the first time, a 15-kilometer transition of floating equipment afloat to the landing site, a 300-kilometer march through the territory of Bulgaria was made. In the final part of the exercise, the battalion arrived at the place of review of the troops participating in the exercise in the city of Rhodopi and was highly appreciated by the leaders of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact.
And from September to December 1967, a battalion of marines in the amount of 231 people under the command of Major N.I. Dobrynina served in combat service in the Mediterranean Sea. In the course of this combat service, visits were made to Port Said (Egypt), Latakia (Syria). Thus, the first combat experience of military service by the Marine Corps of the Navy was obtained.
The aggravation of the situation in the Middle East zone in connection with the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1967 required the strengthening of the personnel of the combat service forces, primarily the amphibious assault forces and marines of the Black Sea Fleet.
On December 15, 1967, on the basis of the 309th separate battalion of the marines of the Black Sea Fleet, the 1st BMP and the 336th Guards Opmp BF and a company of amphibious tanks of the 61st separate regiment of the marines of the Northern Fleet, the 810th separate regiment of marines was formed Black Sea Fleet with deployment in the Cossack Bay, Sevastopol. This date is currently considered the birthday of the regiment.
The first commander of the regiment was Colonel I.I. Sisolyatin.
On December 17, 1967, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.G. Gorshkov visited the regiment. and noted with pleasure the high quality of the work done by all the officials who took part in the creation of the new part of the Marine Corps.
During its existence, the regiment has repeatedly taken part in combat service in the regions of Egypt, Syria, Guinea, Angola. All the tasks of the combat service of the landing forces, formed on the basis of the regiment, were carried out with high results.
In addition to fulfilling government tasks in combat service, the regiment's personnel participated more than once in various exercises of the USSR Armed Forces and the Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. Exercises and maneuvers "Rhodope" (on the territory of the People's Republic of Bulgaria), naval exercises "Dawn", "Ocean", "South", "Coast-77", "Coast-79", "West-81", "Shield-82 ”, “Autumn-88” joint exercises of the Navy of the Syrian Republic and the United Arab Republic “Armor”, other major events on the scale of the fleet could not do without amphibious landings.

In 1967, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1979, 1982, the marines of the Black Sea Fleet took part in glory parades on Red Square in Moscow. It was the marines of the Black Sea Fleet who were the first to take off their pea jackets at the parade in honor of Victory Day. Since then, the marines have been entering Red Square without jackets in any weather.

In 1970, the 810th Opmp took 1st place in the Navy in tactical and fire training, the regiment was declared the best unit in the Navy.
In 1971, the personnel of the regiment participated in extinguishing a fire near the city of Yalta. The regiment was declared the best in the Navy. The Main Inspectorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense worked.
In 1973, the 1st BMP took 2nd place in the competition for the Navy championship in tactical and fire training.
On October 31, 1974, the 810th OPMP was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense "For courage and military prowess." The Pennant was presented by the Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union Grechko A.A. and the head of the main political department of the Soviet Army and Navy, General of the Army Epishev A.A.
In 1976, the 2nd infantry fighting vehicle became the winner of the competition for the prize of the Civil Code of the Navy for fire and tactical training.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy dated October 30, 1978, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Caesar Lvovich Kunikov, was permanently enrolled in the lists of the 1st company of the 810th separate marine regiment.

In November 1979, the regiment was reorganized into the 810th Separate Marine Brigade.
The brigade included:

881st Separate Marine Battalion;
882nd separate battalion of marines;
885th separate battalion of marines (framed);

113th separate tank battalion;
1613th separate artillery battalion (military unit 70124);
1616th separate jet division;

1622nd separate anti-tank division.

On November 20, 1979, the formation of a brigade was finally completed, the commander of which was Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Viktorovich Rublev.
In 1979, the 2nd infantry fighting vehicle became the winner of the competition for the prize of the Civil Code of the Navy for fire and tactical training.
In 1981, the 882nd Marine Corps became the winner of the competition for the prize of the Civil Code of the Navy for fire and tactical training.
In 1982, the brigade was declared the best in the Navy.
In September 1982, the 881st Separate Marine Battalion was reorganized into the 881st Separate Air Assault Battalion.
In December 1982, the 810th separate brigade of the Marine Corps was given the name "named after the 60th anniversary of the formation of the USSR."
In 1983, the personnel of the brigade participated in the rescue of 38 schoolchildren during a snow storm in the Crimean mountains, in extinguishing a fire near the city of Yalta. The brigade confirmed the rank of advanced.
In June 1983, for the first time in the USSR Navy, the KChF hosted an exercise of amphibious assault forces, during which the brigade landed at night with live firing from all types of weapons. The exercise involved 1,987 people and 381 pieces of equipment.
In 1988, the 810th Marine Brigade, during the "Autumn-88" exercises, landed in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Grigorievka, Odessa Region.

From July 10 to September 9, 1989 and from June 20 to August 16, 1990, 881 ODSHB under the command of Major P.G. Vaulina carried out a special task for the protection and defense of military facilities in the region of the city of Poti, Georgian SSR.
From January to April 1990, the 880th and 882nd Marine Battalions (battalion commanders Captains S. Lyamin and A. Zezyulya) and the RDR (company commander Captain Shashkov A.V.) of the 888th Orb Brigade assisted in maintaining order in Baku.
In the RDR, according to the list, there were 24 sailors and sergeants, 3 platoon commanders, 1 company commander, 1 foreman and 1 deputy commander of a company. Plus, the company was accompanied by the political officer of the 888th orb and the company's technician, Ensign Inalyev (2-3 days later he left for Sevastopol).
The units of the brigade carried out a special task for the protection of the military facilities of the Caspian Flotilla, government facilities of Azerbaijan in Baku (detachment commander Lieutenant Colonel Polosin V.P., deputy for political affairs - Lieutenant Colonel Saltan I.A., chief of staff - Lieutenant Colonel Timoshenko A.I. , since March 20 - captain 3rd rank Shtembirg A.S.).
Major General V.I. Romanenko was directly in charge.
On August 20-21, 1991, the personnel of the 810th OBRMP, numbering about 500 people, with full gear, was withdrawn to the Belbek airfield. The prudent actions of the Marine Corps did much to prevent a civil war.
In October 1992, to ensure the negotiations between the Presidents of Russia and Georgia, troops landed in Sochi, Sukhumi and Gudauta as part of the combined airborne assault company of the 881st airborne assault brigade and the special-purpose reconnaissance company of the 888th ORB.
The operational group of the UBV of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, headed by Colonel Chernomurov V.M. worked in cooperation with the operational group of the RF Ministry of Defense in the conditions of hostilities with the use of heavy artillery and aviation (landing commander - Lieutenant Colonel Smolyak A.E.).
General management was carried out by the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral I.V. Kasatonov.
From September 23 to October 7, 1993, the personnel of the brigade carried out a special task to evacuate refugees from the area of ​​hostilities between Abkhazia and Georgia. 15,000 refugees were evacuated from Sukhumi and Poti to the BDK "Konstantin Olshansky" and BDK - 69 (the commander of the landing force was Lieutenant Colonel Shcherbinin S.P.).
From September 27 to October 10, 1993, the amphibious assault as part of a reinforced platoon formed on the basis of 888 ORB, on the Zubr DKVP, carried out a combat mission in Georgia. The mission was carried out under fire from unidentified surface targets and from the shore. DKVP fire weapons and troops fired back. The task was completed successfully (In the history of the MP, the largest landing on the DKVP). Colonel Korneev V.S. was senior from the UBV. (commander of the reinforced platoon - senior lieutenant Belyavsky A.V.).
From November 2 to November 20 (according to other sources, from November 4 to November 30), 1993, the reinforced 882 OBMP carried out a peacekeeping mission to assist the government of Georgia in restoring constitutional order in Poti and nearby settlements (landing commander - Lieutenant Colonel Smolyak A.E., commander battalion - Major Novikov V.V.). The battalion took part in the disarmament of illegal armed groups in various regions of Georgia.
On December 2, 1993, the 882nd Marine Corps returned to Sevastopol.
In June 1994, the marines at the BDK took part in the Russian-Georgian exercises conducted under the flag of Colonel General Reut F.I. near the city of Batumi.
Colonel Chernomurov V.M. was the senior from the coastal troops.

In June 1994, the head of the administration of the Saratov region, Yuri Belykh, signed an order to establish patronage relations with the region over the marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, stationed in Sevastopol. The administration proposed to the command of the fleet to staff a separate reconnaissance battalion with conscripts from the region and give it the name "Saratov". The appendix to the order provides that servicemen who have expressed a desire to live in the Saratov region will be assisted in acquiring housing or joining a housing cooperative.
In March-April 1996, due to the aggravation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict at the Nikolai Filchenkov large landing ship, the landing force, as part of the reinforced marine corps company 882 OBMP, carried out patrols in the Sukhumi region in readiness to interact with the forces of Abkhazia. Colonel Zapopadny S.E. was the senior from the UBV. and Lieutenant Colonel Ivankin A.P.

In 1998, the brigade included:
brigade management (military unit 13140);
880th separate battalion of marines (military unit 99732);
888th separate reconnaissance battalion (military unit 63963);
881st separate airborne assault battalion;
1619th Separate Anti-Aircraft Rocket and Artillery Battalion;
1613th separate self-propelled artillery battalion;
1622nd separate anti-tank artillery battalion.
R-142BM - 7 (reconnaissance vehicles);
1B119 - 6 (staff vehicles);
BMP-3 - 2;
PU-12 - 4 (mobile control points);
BMP-2 - 42 (from the disbanded 126th dbo);
MTLB-40 (bridge layers);
BTR-60 - 4;
BRM-1 - 6 (from the disbanded 126th dbo);
BTR-80 - 131.
D-30 - 36 (was not, from the armament of the 126th dbo);
2S-9 - 18 (according to other sources, there were 12, 6 of them were given to Ukraine along with the 880th military unit);
MT-55 - 2;
2C-1 - 18;
MT-12 "Rapier" - about 20.
Personnel (by state) - 1934 people.

On April 30, 1998, the 810th Separate Marine Brigade was reorganized into the 264th Separate Marine Regiment.
On February 1, 1999, the 264th Separate Marine Regiment, thanks to the veterans of the brigade, was renamed the 810th Separate Marine Regiment (military unit 13140).

When the brigade was reorganized into the regiment Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Caesar Kunikov was included in the lists of personnel of the 2nd company of the regiment.

In October-November 1998, the regiment's personnel took part in the Sea Breeze-98 exercises.
The exercises "Sea Breeze - 98" began in Odessa, where on October 25 the ships of 11 participating countries moored from the maneuvers. Russia was represented by the patrol ship "Ladny" and a large landing ship, on board of which there was a platoon of marines of the Black Sea Fleet. According to the scenario of the exercise, which was conceived as peacekeeping, some coastal republic was supposed to suffer disaster as a result of an earthquake. And ask for help from the United Nations, which sent warships, a submarine, about five hundred marines and an American special forces to combat terrorism to the disaster area.
The exercises "Sea Breeze - 98" were held in combat. All assigned tasks, from minesweeping fairways to artillery firing, were completed. And the marines, having landed near Odessa, made a march near Nikolaev, where the coastal phase of the exercises ended at the Shiroky Lan training ground.

From September 10, 1999 to July 2000, units of the regiment participated in the counter-terrorist operation in the Chechen Republic.
For courage and heroism shown in the performance of combat missions in the North Caucasus were awarded:
1 person was awarded the title of Hero of Russia - Captain (now Lieutenant Colonel) Karpushenko V.V.
24 people - the Order of Courage,
10 people - a medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd degree,
50 people - the medal "For Courage",
55 people - the medal "Suvorov",
48 people - the medal "For military valor",
29 people - the Zhukov medal.
The commander of the regiment's group in Chechnya, Vadim Klimenko, was awarded the Order of Courage, a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree with swords, personalized weapons from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and several combat medals.
8 servicemen died a heroic death on the battlefield.
On November 25, 2000, a monument to the Marines who died in Chechnya was unveiled on the territory of the Marine Corps Regiment.

During the 40-year history, the regiment was visited three times by the Minister of Defense of the USSR.
11 times the formation of the Black Sea marines was declared the foremost in the Navy of the USSR and the Russian Federation and the same number of times was awarded the challenge prizes of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the USSR and the Russian Federation "For fire and tactical training."
Following the results of the 2005 academic year, the 810th infantry fighting regiment was declared the foremost in the Russian Navy.

The servicemen of the regiment participated in many international and all major exercises of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.
On the warships of the fleet, the warriors of the three elements carried out military service more than 60 times in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Mediterranean, Red, Black and Baltic Seas.
A dozen and a half times the “black berets” of the Black Sea Fleet participated in parades on Red Square.
216 marines were awarded orders and medals for their courage and heroism. 45 of them - twice, 15 officers - three times.
Over the past years, the personnel of the regiment has repeatedly taken part in company and battalion tactical exercises with live fire, both at the point of permanent deployment and at the amphibious assault range near the town of Opuk. In addition, the personnel of the regiment, as part of inspection and anti-terrorist groups, took part in combat services on ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the Black and Mediterranean Seas, demonstrating high professionalism and combat skills during joint exercises with the NATO Navy, maritime culture and discipline when visiting Italian ports, Turkey, Syria, Greece.

The regiment (brigade) was commanded by:
Colonel Sysolyatin Ivan Ivanovich (1966 - 1971);
Colonel Zaitsev Lev Mikhailovich (1971 - 1974);
lieutenant colonel Yakovlev Valentin Alekseevich (1974 - 1978);
Colonel Rublev Vladimir Viktorovich (1978 - 1984);
lieutenant colonel Kovtunenko Anatoly Nikolaevich (1984 - 1987);
colonel Domnenko Anatoly Fedorovich (1987 - 1989);
Colonel Kocheshkov Anatoly Nikolaevich (1989 - 1993);
Colonel Smolyak Alexander Evgenievich (1993 - 1998);
Colonel Roslyakov Oleg Yurievich (1998 - 2003);
Colonel Kraev Dmitry Vladimirovich (2003 - 2006);
Lieutenant Colonel Zhivaev Eduard Aleksandrovich (since July 2006).

December 15 - celebrates the Day of the 810th Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet. The history of military unit 13140, the stay of the brigade in Chechnya, Syria and other hot spots, as well as service in the 810th Brigade of MPs today in the review from the Military Pro.

History of military unit 13140

In 1966, on November 18, the 309th OBtMP of the Black Sea Fleet was formed. Until December 22, the personnel served on the cruiser Slava, which cruised in the Mediterranean region. In August 1967, joint exercises were held with the army of the People's Republic of Bulgaria.

The purpose of the training was to coordinate actions in ensuring the collective security of the countries of the socialist camp. The fighters made a 15-kilometer throw on floating means for landing ashore, after which they carried out a 300-kilometer raid through the territory of the IRB.

From September to December 1967, the formation was on combat duty in the Mediterranean Sea, calling at the ports of Egypt and Syria and strengthening the defense of powers friendly to the Soviet regime during the "War of Attrition" for the Sinai Peninsula. At the same time, the main assistance of the USSR consisted in the supply of weapons and the training of Arab specialists.

Officially, the battalions of the 810th Brigade were formed on December 15, 1967, immediately after returning from combat duty. This day is considered the moment of foundation of the unit. Two days later, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.G. visited the location of the new formation. Gorshkov. He was pleasantly surprised by the training and skills of the foot soldiers. However, there is nothing surprising in this fact, because the brigade was formed from experienced fighters who had repeatedly participated in local conflicts.

The history of the 810th Marine Brigade is very eventful. The period of the 1970s and 1980s was characterized by a large number of conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. The Soviet command was forced to support regimes loyal to it, since the world was tacitly divided into two parts. Therefore, it was impossible to turn away from the allies, since America would certainly take advantage of its chance. "Sworn friends" constantly tried to seize the initiative from each other.

Military unit 13140 of the Marine Corps from Sevastopol took part in numerous all-Union exercises, as well as in joint events with the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries. And the fighters always showed high results, every year, taking prizes in competitions. For the achievements of the infantrymen, the military unit was awarded the Pennant of the Ministry of Defense "For courage and military prowess".

The presentation took place on October 31, 1974. The fighters annually took part in festive events on Red Square on the occasion of Victory Day. It was with them that the tradition began, according to which the Marines stopped going out in pea coats, regardless of weather conditions.

The 810th Marine Brigade actively participated in the peaceful life of the Crimean peninsula, repeatedly saving people from storms and taking part in the elimination of man-made disasters and extinguishing fires. When unrest began in the Soviet Union, leading to an uprising of nationalist forces in the Caucasus, the fighter was sent to the region to protect strategic facilities on the coasts of the Georgian and Azerbaijan SSR. All operations were successful and without loss.

810th Brigade in Sevastopol after the liquidation of the USSR

When the Union ceased to exist and all the republics gained independence, the question arose about the status of the 810th Brigade in Sevastopol (military unit 13140). Crimea became part of Ukraine, and it turned out that the Russian military unit turned out to be an enclave. The leaders of the countries managed to find a compromise, so that the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation got the opportunity to deploy in Sevastopol for a long time.

Relations between the countries were at an excellent level, therefore, in the video of the 810th separate marine brigade of the 90-00s, one can repeatedly observe joint Russian-Ukrainian exercises in the Crimea, Odessa and other ports. The interaction was established at a high level, so that in the event of a possible aggression from the west, there was an opportunity to quickly take up defense and prepare to meet the enemy.

The 810th Separate Marine Brigade took part in rescue operations in the Caucasus, evacuating more than 15,000 refugees from the combat zone during military conflicts. I also had a chance to fight with the militants in the territories of Georgia and Abkhazia, who could not peacefully determine the borders.

The 810th Marine Brigade distinguished itself in Chechnya, where it was sent on September 10, 1999. During the clashes with illegal armed groups, 8 infantrymen were killed, and the enemies left more than a hundred of their accomplices on the battlefields. On November 25, 2000, a memorial obelisk to the fallen comrades was erected on the territory of the military unit.

The 810th Separate Marine Brigade in Syria carried out tasks to protect strategic facilities. During the operation to rescue the crew of the SU-24 shot down by the Turkish Air Force, Alexander Pozynich, a contract soldier of the airborne assault company, died. This was the only loss of foot soldiers during their stay in the SAR. On June 16, 2016, the military unit was awarded the Order of Zhukov for the successful completion of the assigned task. The award was presented personally by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

The composition and armament of the brigade

The 810th Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet has been repeatedly recognized as the best formation in its eastern district. In addition, it is the only order-bearing formation on the Crimean peninsula. From the very moment of its inception, the fighters have taken part in various conflicts throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. Therefore, it is not surprising that they managed to accumulate rich experience and harden in battles.

The 810th Naval Infantry Brigade in Sevastopol consists of the following units:

  • 557th OBMP;
  • 382nd OBMP;
  • 542nd separate DShB;
  • reconnaissance and landing company;
  • OSADn;
  • airborne engineering company;
  • communications company;
  • a company of landing craft;
  • ATGM battery.

In service with the 810th Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation are:

  1. R-142BM "Chaika" in the amount of 7 units.
  2. 1V119 "Rheostat" in the amount of 6 units.
  3. BMP-3 in the amount of 2 units.
  4. PU-12 in the amount of 4 units.
  5. BMP-2 in the amount of 42 units.
  6. MTLB in the amount of 40 units.
  7. BTR-60 in the amount of 4 units.
  8. BRM-1 in the amount of 6 units.
  9. BTR-80 in the amount of 131 units.
  10. D-30 in the amount of 36 units.
  11. 2S9 "Nona-S" in the amount of 18 units.
  12. MT-55 in the amount of 2 units.
  13. 2S1 "Carnation" in the amount of 18 units.
  14. MT-12 "Rapier" in the amount of 20 units.
  15. ZU-23 - about 20 units.

So military unit 13140 in the Cossack Bay is a serious combat unit capable of performing the most difficult tasks. It can effectively conduct land, sea and air defense of the coast until the main forces arrive from the mainland.

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