What to do if the implant loosens? Cases of appointment of simultaneous implantation. Which implants are better: an overview

I got dental implants a few months ago, read my detailed review from augmentation of the jaw bone to the installation of a crown. Japanese scientists have made a sensational discovery: each lost tooth reduces the intelligence of a person and not only. People who have incomplete dentition notice themselves strange features: while moving, they are sometimes shaken, brought to the sides, collided with objects located on the right or left. And this is no coincidence: a person loses a stable position of the body while walking due to an imbalance in bone tissue.

Why I decided to get dental implants

Implants, artificial tooth roots, prevent loss bone mass jaws. And this is not their only advantage. Thanks to them, the oval of the face is not deformed, the intellect is preserved, and does not drift to the sides when walking. A person gets a chance to fully chew, enjoy a snow-white smile, speak without a speech defect, and not suffer from health problems.

A few years ago, I was sure that crowns and bridges were my only hope to save my dentition. Life has shown that it was not best solution. Grinding tooth enamel often leads to inflammation of the pulp and always leads to destruction, and later extraction of the tooth. The crown can stand for several years, but the bridge, in the worst cases, does not even last six months.

When I thus lost a few lower teeth, it became obvious that uncomfortable and unaesthetic prostheses would have to be worn. They turned out to be useless for me (I could not chew, food instantly clogged under them). They pressed, rubbed, rose while eating, created painful and uncomfortable sensations in the oral cavity. But their worst shortcoming turned out to be different: wearing them ended in atrophy (loss) of the bone mass of the jaw.

The facial features have changed (the oval has become haggard on the side where the lost teeth once were), the corners of the lips have drooped, the nasolabial folds have deepened. So, from my own experience, I was convinced that crowns are a temporary solution to the problem, and dentures (removable or clasp) are not more reliable than dental implants.

When are implants rejected?

Implantation has many advantages and only one disadvantage. It is not available to everyone. For this reason, at the first consultation, the specialist writes out a referral for a blood test, makes a thorough examination of the oral cavity and asks questions about the patient's chronic diseases.

What diseases are contraindications:

  1. Diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels, connective tissue, liver;
  2. Pathology of the thyroid gland;
  3. Oncological processes;
  4. Mental disorders;
  5. Allergy to drugs;
  6. Inflammation in the oral cavity;
  7. Poor hygiene as a habit;
  8. Taking drugs - bisphosphonates (they affect the structure of bone tissue).

For all other patients, free from contraindications, implants are not only possible, but necessary (and no later than three months after tooth extraction). If you miss this time, you will have to do an additional sinus lift (bone augmentation using your own or donor material).

Installation of dental implants: briefly about the main

Implantation is a long process. For several months, you have to go with visits to the surgeon:

  • take a blood test;
  • take a panoramic picture with recording to a disk;
  • drink antibiotics and lineks;
  • look at your twisted, swollen face with a hematoma for several days;
  • endure pain and obey food prohibitions.

The installation of the implant includes several stages common to all, but they all go through individually. Feelings and impressions are different, but the result is the same: an artificial tooth looks like your own and is no different from natural ones. It is reliable, aesthetic, not prone to caries.

For the sake of such beauty, it is worth spending money, time and a little of your nerves. Local anesthesia allows you to go through all the stages without tangible pain. If only during the screwing in of the implant the bone will ache a little, and when drilling, a slight vibration will be felt.

The sutures are removed after 10 days. Three months later, a gum former is installed, which is removed after a few days, and then casts are made and a crown is placed. This is the final stage and it takes place in the office of a specialist - an orthopedist.
Here everything happens the same way as with conventional prosthetics. You won't get away with one visit.

Which implants are better: an overview

Province, not Moscow. There is not a large selection of implants. At the first consultation, the specialist usually offers the ones they have in this moment. For this reason, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to ask questions about the brand of material, surface structure, shape, size and types of implant threads. Although such information can be useful in all other cases (when the choice is large).

Which implants are really better:

  • From titanium, the brand of which is not lower than degree 5;
  • With a microrelief of the surface, repeating the structure of natural bone;
  • Such a size that repeats the size of the bone section selected for implantation;
  • European and American manufacturer.
  • With conical shape or patented platform switching system.
  • With several types of thread (for dense and soft bone jaws).
  • With a three-channel type of connection.

Choose a reliable dental clinic with a good reputation for implantation, equipped with a digital orthopantomograph or computed tomography and a highly qualified specialist, then you will not have to ask incomprehensible questions during the consultation. Search online for reviews real people who used the services of the clinic you have chosen.

Varieties of dental implants

At one time, I was offered to put Astra Tech implants (Sweden) with a high-quality OsseoSpeed ​​TX system. I paid 84,000 rubles for two artificial roots. I was selected sizes that ideally repeated the size of the bone section selected for implantation. Implants manufactured by Astra Tech have many options for diameters and lengths of pins.

Also, high-quality implants have the names Nobe Biocare (40,000 - 70,000 rubles per pin), Straumann (40,000 - 50,000 rubles), Ankylos (20,000 - 30,000 rubles), Schutz, Zimmer (18,000 - 30,000 rubles ), Niko (23,000 - 28,000 rubles).

Budget implants that cost 7,000 - 17,000 rubles have one significant flaw. On such teeth, you will not be able to fully chew. They are not durable, like American or European ones (their quality is lame so that such implants do not last long).

Dental implant pros and cons

Despite 5% unsuccessful operations, implantation is becoming more popular every year than traditional prosthetics. Analyzing the feedback from patients, we concluded: a dental implant is better and more reliable for life than a bridge or prosthesis.

Only with them, and even with veneers, that Hollywood smile with dazzling snow-white teeth, which we all dream of. There is simply no other way. And this is one of the significant arguments in favor of implantation rather than prosthetics.

So, let's compare all the pros and cons of dental implants to finally make sure you make the right choice.

Advantages of quality implants:

  1. Durable (30+ years);
  2. Provide a high quality of life;
  3. They are installed autonomously, without grinding neighboring healthy teeth;
  4. Aesthetic (they also create a Hollywood smile);
  5. Easy to care for (like healthy natural teeth);
  6. Keep "working" taste buds;
  7. When there are not many teeth in the oral cavity, only implants help out (not prostheses that bring additional problems and discomfort).

Cons of implantation:

  • You have to endure fears, worries before surgery and pain, discomfort, cosmetic defects persons - during a short rehabilitation period;
  • Load on the body (taking antibiotics and other drugs);
  • Contraindications for some categories of people;
  • Big waste of money.

After examining the reviews of patients who have installed implants, I can safely say: there are no other pros and cons. With good hygiene, they have an unlimited service life. Dead teeth under crowns or bridges are destroyed within a short time. By the age of 50, a person is left without complete dentition (in best case) and with prostheses in a glass on a shelf (at worst).

Which choice to make is up to you. From my personal experience I know for sure that it is better to put dental implants.

Jaw bone augmentation, review

The augmentation of the jawbone for a dental implant is called a sinus lift. This operation is only necessary for exceptional cases when bone atrophy occurs. 70% of people face this problem.

Bone changes in the jaw begin after tooth extraction. After a few months, without sinus lifting, implant placement becomes impossible.

So, the causes of atrophy: lost teeth with a long statute of limitations, bridges and removable dentures. Through all these failures classical prosthetics I passed and regret that I did not put the implants earlier. I could do without a sinus lift. And he left terrible memories in my memory.

The beginning of this story did not bode well. Three days before the operation, she began to drink antibiotics, which greatly undermined the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. Dysbacteriosis was evident.

As it turned out later, along with antibiotics, it is necessary to drink Linex. Next was the operation local anesthesia. She passed without the slightest discomfort or pain.

What are the memories and impressions?

  • The first days I could not fully eat (only cereals, fruits and no solid food);
  • Half of the face was swollen and turned blue from a hematoma;
  • The lips were also partially blue, and their sensation did not return for several months. By the way, edge lower lip and remained frozen. The doctor said that this trouble would someday also pass.
  • In a month Blue colour changed to yellow. At work, she sat with a scarf tied around her head. My appearance was such that it would be better if I was on vacation and sat at home or guessed to do a sinus lift for Halloween. I would get all the prizes.

Fortunately, time heals and after 4 months my bone mass has grown.

Finally, I will give advice:

Take care of your teeth (use high-quality toothpaste, brush, irrigator);
do not put crowns or bridges (this idea always ends in tooth loss);
after removing the roots, do not pull, run to put the implant (it will be cheaper and without complications),
agree to donor material, then the operation will do with the use of only local anesthesia.

Jaw bone augmentation can also be performed using the patient's own bone mass. But this operation takes place under general anesthesia.

Dentures on implants price, reviews

The price of dentures on implants is individual for each particular case. It consists of the cost of the abutment (which is screwed into the implant) and the crown (metal-ceramic or all-ceramic zirconium).

For example, turnkey prosthetics with the installation of one implant costs 32,000 - 42,000 ( a budget option, which is not recommended), Root Form or Nebel 56,000 - 70,000 rubles. The first number refers to the metal-ceramic, and the second to the zirconia crown.

Prosthetics with the manufacture of a conditionally removable acrylic prosthesis for 4 implants costs 130,000 rubles. If you need a fixed prosthesis (horseshoe-shaped), which is fixed on 10 implants, then you will have to prepare about 280,000 rubles.

At first glance, it may seem that dentures on implants are expensive, but in reality the costs are lower than litigation with prosthetics the old fashioned way. In the first case, you gave a lot of money and live without worries with good hygiene. The second case is tragic (several times in your life you spend money on crowns, bridges, dental treatment, and as a result, in 50+ you are left without teeth).

Prostheses on high-quality implants are no different from natural dentition. All functions are 100% preserved. You can also chew, bite, taste food.

Types of dentures on implants:

  • removable with a latch (installed on 2+ implants);
  • removable with support on a beam structure;
  • fixed crowns and bridges.

I put a metal and plastic crown on my front tooth. In appearance, it does not differ from natural teeth. I bite, I chew solid food. For 7 years, nothing has broken off and the color has been preserved. Although the reputation of such crowns is not perfect and the service life is only 5 years, however, I have nothing to complain about.

The best crowns are made of zirconium dioxide or aluminum. They stand 20+ years unchanged under any load. Positive reviews mostly left by those who have installed fixed crowns and bridges. And their service life is longer than that of removable ones. The price is higher, but commensurate with the quality.

For me, jaw bone augmentation ended up with worse complications than dental implants (two per mandible).
What happened in the office during the operation?

  • They put me in a chair, covered me with a special sterile cape, put on a cap like for an operation, gave an anesthetic injection (everyone is familiar with the sensations);
  • When the doctor drilled the jaw bones, screwed in the implants and stitched up the gums, there was no pain.

On this, the installation of implants ended and the rehabilitation period began: she rinsed her mouth, drank antibiotics (as after the operation to build up the jaw bone, she did without painkillers).

The next day I expected to see a familiar disgrace on my face in the mirror, but everything turned out better. A little swollen, but not as blue as the first time. She walked for several days with yellow bruises. Banal story. Almost everyone who installed dental implants goes through such tests.

I had to suffer a little: diets, special enhanced oral care, problems with appearance faces. But for the beauty snow-white smile and the prospect of having a high quality of life, one can pass such tests.

Which dental implants are better: people's rating

There are no perfect dental implants. By studying patient reviews, we have compiled a rating of the most popular manufacturers. People believe that the most reliable are German and Swiss implants.

Trusted manufacturers include:

  • Nobel Biocare, Straumann (Switzerland);
  • Astra Tech (Sweden);
  • Ankylos, Xive Friadent (Germany).

Among the manufacturers of budget implants, the following are very popular:

  • MIS, Alpha Bio, Ards (Israel);
  • Implantium (Korea).

Low prices but quality products.

(Nobel Biocare) has a high percentage of implant survival, but Astra Tech is still one of the best in all respects (enough for 30+).

With German implants, they usually work only experienced doctors, and this is an additional plus.

The conclusion is obvious: it is better to pay more, but be sure of the quality, and therefore in your future. Although many people put inexpensive analogues(Belarusian, Russian) and do not regret. Reviews for these implants are also good, they take root well, there are no side effects. However, it must be admitted that the service life of such cheap analogues is short. Also, with them it is impossible to fully chew solid food. They are not reliable. Perhaps good impressions with such implants are only at the beginning, and then disappointment comes.

Reviewed by: Natalia S.

No matter how a smile brings moments of joy! Give it to your loved one or just laugh with the team without feeling embarrassed.
In life, an event can happen that will lead to the appearance of complexes. Caries, fighting and the like. But modern dentistry makes it possible to become more confident again and forget about the "holes" in the smile. The solution is a dental implant.

This is a kind of support for future crowns. The latter can be ceramic, gold, plastic or iron. It all depends on preferences. Such a denture may be removable or fixed. With proper care, it will comfortably replace a real tooth.

So, let's see what types are, is it worth putting them? Arguments for and against below.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, the doctor will select the appropriate option. There are many views and each has its own characteristics and purpose.

  1. Lamellar. Cheap and easy to install. They are used if the patient has very thin bone tissue that cannot withstand more durable structures. It remains above the forest, where the prosthesis is attached.
  2. rhizomatous. The most common. Very similar in appearance to the natural structure of the tooth. This is how the poet got its name. Installed by screwing. Live for several months. It is attached by a thread or a porous coating (into which the bones and tissue of the cavity grow). As a result, such an implant becomes one with the oral cavity.
  3. intramucosal. Attached to the gum itself. These are like fasteners that fix removable structures.
  4. Subperiosteal. The largest and most visible mesh construction that fits between the bone and the gum.
  5. Combined. Depend on the complexity of the case and can be compound. Can be quite large if the defects are severe.
  6. Mini implants. They are used as a support for either a removable structure, or as an addition to others. Not designed for long and durable use.
  7. Endodontically stabilized. Essential when you want to save a broken tooth. Install and heal quickly.

Reasons for restoring teeth

Already the absence of a tooth becomes an indication for the installation of a prosthesis. It just seems that nothing is happening in the body. But this affects the chewing of food, and, as a result, the deterioration of digestion.

The bite can change and lead to headaches. Increasing interdental gaps lead to the development of caries and periodontitis. If the implant is to be placed after a long tightening, it will require bone grafting. This is due to the fact that the tissue begins to decrease due to the lack of load.

Changing the position of the teeth relative to neighboring ones (the gap between the teeth increases, the teeth can turn around). At the same time, the smile deteriorates and the functions of the maxillofacial joint are disturbed.

So, the following consequences occur due to the absence of some teeth:

  • The taste has changed. Its incorrect shape will lead to erasure.
  • Curvature or ugly ends.
  • Snoring can be caused by retraction of the tongue of the palate. This happens when the fangs are lost.
  • The diction got worse.
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the face (corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds).

In addition to the reasons for recovery, there are very strict contraindications. They cannot be neglected. And if the doctor begins to insist, it is better to think about his qualifications. There are relative (such as pregnancy or age restrictions) and categorical prohibitions on implantation.

So, the latter includes:

  • Insufficient amount of bone tissue, in which the mandibular nerve is close to the intended site of implant screwing. In this case, the operation is prohibited. If this nerve is touched during it, then long-term numbness of the lower facial part may occur.
  • out of control diabetes second type. It takes a long time for wounds to heal.
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding. Installation is possible if special nozzles are put on every night.

Disadvantages of prosthetics

  • There are, of course, contraindications. tissue diseases, mental disorders, diabetes or acute diseases. The doctor will tell you in detail when it is not recommended to engage in dental restoration.
  • Relatively high cost of the service. Very necessary professional doctor versed in processes and technology. Therefore the price is high.
  • Prosthetic care required to avoid the appearance of bacteria or ulcers.
  • Short service life. Even with perfect care and compliance with all the doctor's recommendations, such a tooth will last no more than 10 years. Next, you will have to change it, because when it is worn out, it will begin to cause discomfort.

Arguments for"

Even having negative sides, the new dentition will cause only delight. Smiling and calmly chewing food will become one of your favorite activities. The installation age is limited by the recommendation to 22 years. And then a cosmetic "repair" will solve the impending problems.

  • Aesthetic restoration.
  • The service life is even longer than natural teeth.
  • Your teeth are not injured. They don't need to be sharpened.
  • Implantation can be performed even with total absence dentition.
  • You can eat any food. The difference will not be noticeable.
  • There is no pressure on the gums.
  • Dentures can be removable, which makes them cheaper to install.
  • Ease of use. Remove, remove and other actions are not needed. Forget about removing implants at night (if you remember, our grandmothers did this). Life will proceed as usual.
  • If the crown has deteriorated, it can always be replaced with another one.
  • The survival rate is very high.
  • Quick installation. It takes the same time as the treatment of caries - several sessions. It is performed under local anesthesia.

Arguments against"

  • A piece of food can get under the dentures. This can cause rot and bad smell from mouth.
  • The presence of severe contraindications for installation.
  • fragility. Whatever the manufacturer promises, the service life depends on the quality of the materials and the professionalism of the doctor.
  • Additional care costs.
  • How professionally the doctor worked, after a serious chewing load (not earlier than after 3 months). The implant may begin to be rejected by the body. There are discomfort and discomfort.

Whether or not to put implants is everyone's business. Some live quietly, not caring about their health and appearance. But sometimes, especially young people, they feel complexes about their smile. At work, where you need to be constantly in public, the absence of some teeth can cause aesthetic discomfort.

Fortunately, modern dentistry can help with this problem. Moreover, create beautiful smile older people can too. Problems with chewing food will cease to worry, digestion will improve.

One of the positive results will be correct bite, which can correct facial features for the better.

Video: is it worth it to put dental implants

The price for the installation of dental implants starts at an average of 15 thousand. It all depends on the type of implant and crown materials. If you follow the recommendations for care, then such a tooth will last a long time and the cost of its examination will decrease. You should not be afraid of the operation, as it takes place under anesthesia.

Cause of the loss natural teeth may be different - an accident, a fight, caries or heredity. It's not worth getting upset. "Fake" look natural. Prostheses will not be noticed even if you talk about them.

Napoleon Bonaparte said: "If you have courage, you can get involved in any business, but this alone is not enough for success." This statement quite accurately reflects the features of the process of dental implantation. To "get involved" in the installation of implants, you need to thoroughly understand the details.


Despite all the assurances of dentists about the safety and convenience of implants, patients often listen to a variety of "horror stories" about implantation, which stubbornly circulate among the population. So is it worth putting implants or is it better not to risk it? What to choose for a tooth replacement - a pin or implants? Let's try to figure it out.

Installation of dental implants

Dental implants - relatively new technique, which allows implantation of artificial roots in the form of implants into the gums. After that, a crown or artificial tooth is placed on the base, which looks almost the same as the real one.

There are two types of implantation according to the method and time of execution: one-stage and two-stage. Single stage dental implants takes only 1-2 weeks, it requires 2-4 visits to the dentist.

The decision to carry out one-stage implantation is made after the extraction of the tooth, for this the hole is examined. Positive result is guaranteed if the removal operation is carried out carefully and atraumatically, and the surrounding tissue is not destroyed by inflammation.


Two-stage dental implantation involves the installation of all elements of the implant design in stages. Let's look at these steps in more detail:

  1. Planning, panoramic shots and delivery of analyses.
    Preparatory stage- one of the most important when carrying out implantation of teeth. The patient should increase attention to oral hygiene, since sterility is the key to a successful operation. In addition, at the stage of preparation for treatment, the study of the jaw system is carried out.

    A three-dimensional computed tomography of the jaw is done to identify possible pathologies or contraindications for dental implantation. If necessary, sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out - removal of plaque and calculus, treatment or extraction of teeth.


  2. Surgical intervention
    At this stage, the bone bed is prepared for the installation of implants. To do this, an incision is made in the gum, it is stratified, a place is formed for a new artificial root.

    Then, an implant is installed in the resulting bed, which is protected by a screw-in plug. This allows you to protect it from tissue ingrowth and food ingress. After the implant is placed, the gum is sutured.


  3. The implant healing process
    Full healing takes 1.5 to 6 months. If the operation is performed on the lower jaw, it is enough for 2-3 months, on the upper - up to 6. A cosmetic tooth is temporarily placed for the period of implantation.
  4. Installation of the "gingiva former"
    After implantation of the teeth and engraftment of the implant, the gum is cut again and the "gingiva former" is installed. It is necessary in order to create a base for an artificial tooth. The duration of its formation is 1-2 weeks.

    After removal of the shaper, when the implant is fully engrafted, an abutment is placed. It is the link between the implant and the prosthesis. A week later, you can start prosthetics.

  5. Last step: prosthetics
    The orthopedic dentist makes casts, fabricates and installs a crown on the implant. The main goal of this stage is the installation of a denture. According to the principle of fixation artificial tooth distinguish between removable, combined, conditionally removable and fixed prostheses. They are made by an orthopedic doctor according to casts. The crown is placed on the implant.


With one-stage implantation, fewer surgical procedures are performed, a high cosmetic effect and no gingival plasty is required in the future (as with two-stage implantation). But with this technique, the risk of complications is higher, since it does not involve suturing the hole and isolating the implant.

Whatever type of implantation you choose, you need to understand that the osseointegration (engraftment) of the implant takes the same time: 6 months for the upper jaw and 3 for the lower.

Until the engraftment process is over, full chewing loads cannot be exerted on the implant, therefore permanent prosthetics in both cases is possible only after 3 or 6 months. Prior to this, in the one-stage method, an abutment is put on the implant, connecting the part to the crown, and a temporary crown.

Despite the fact that with one-stage implantation, the patient can immediately receive aesthetic effect, two-stage dental implantation much more frequently used because it a much smaller number of contraindications and a greater percentage of engraftment.

Most frequently asked questions about dental implants

  1. What to choose for a tooth replacement - a pin or dental implants?
    To make a decision, you need to know the difference between these orthopedic structures. The first and most important difference between a pin and an implant is its purpose and scope.

    A pin is a thin fiberglass, titanium or steel rod that is installed in the dental canals to strengthen the crown of a decayed tooth. Pins allow you to save the "native" tooth root and restore the crown part with the help of filling materials or artificial dental crowns.

    As for implants, these are titanium or zirconium "artificial roots" that are implanted into the jaw bone tissue or periosteum and serve as a support for future prosthetics (the same crown installation). In other words, a pin is an auxiliary restorative structure, an implant is already a denture structure.

    You will not be placed with a dental pin if there is severe destruction of the walls and root of the tooth, or if the wall thickness is not enough to place the pin. In addition, a pin in the tooth is not used for patients with caries, periodontal disease, granulomas or the presence of cysts.

  2. Is it possible to put an implant if it is possible to install a crown?
    In fact, there is no single answer to this question. Of course, the installation of a crown (prosthetics) is a more reliable and high-quality procedure.

    However, for a crown, it will be necessary, first of all, to grind off the enamel with adjacent teeth, which can hardly be called positive moment. As for the installation of implants, boring, as a rule, is not required for them.

  3. Are there many contraindications for dental implants?
    Dental implants, like any surgery, has certain contraindications. The absolute limits are malignant formations, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, disorders immune system(HIV, AIDS) and blood clotting, acute diseases nervous system, vessels or joints.

    In addition, implantation is not recommended or allowed after prior treatment in heavy smokers, if poor hygiene oral cavity. In general, there are few contraindications and the operation is contraindicated only in acute and serious stages of the disease.

All stages of dental implant installation are as safe and painless as possible for the patient, if the operation is carried out in a good dental clinic using quality equipment and modern materials. This type of prosthetics consists in restoring not only the crown, but also the root of the tooth. which helps all jaw system function normally. By resorting to implantation, you can save the jaw bone from atrophic changes without damaging the remaining healthy teeth.

How implants are made, their structure

Implant or implant (in English -implant) is a pin shaped like a tooth root. It is made of a medical metal alloy and is placed in the jawbone. Then an abutment is installed on the prosthesis, and a crown is placed on it, which can be changed without removing the implant.

Before prosthetics, the dentist evaluates the feasibility of installing an implant, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient's body, his state of health.

You can learn more about how implants are made from the video:

Indications and contraindications

The classic indications for implantation are:

  • terminal defects of the dentition;
  • complete and incomplete absence of teeth;
  • intolerance removable dentures due to allergies or gag reflex;
  • defect functional occlusion(jaw closure) after tooth extraction or improper dental treatment.

To absolute contraindications relate:

  • tumors (if implants are inserted, they will begin to grow);
  • increased tone of masticatory muscles;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pathologies of the nervous system and mental disorders;
  • childhood;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • diabetes mellitus (especially uncompensated type);
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • some forms of stomatitis;
  • allergy to anesthesia;
  • chronic forms of diseases of various internal organs;
  • rheumatism.

Relative contraindications for dental implant surgery:

  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pathological bite;
  • bruxism;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • carious cavities (the prosthesis is inserted only after complete treatment caries);
  • mucosal inflammation;
  • cachexia;
  • pathology of the temporomandibular joint;
  • smoking.
The patient must inform the doctor about all existing chronic diseases in order to exclude the possibility of complications.

How dental implants are placed

How many implants are needed depends on the number of dental units that need to be restored. If one tooth is missing, one implant is placed. If two or three molars are missing, then two or three prostheses are placed respectively. It is not advisable to be limited to one implant, since it may not withstand increased load when chewing. In the case of complete adentia, the number of prostheses is determined by the doctor, depending on the expected interdental distance.

Types of implantation:

  • For intraosseous installation dental implants characterized by the introduction of the prosthesis into the bone tissue. This technology is the most popular and in demand all over the world, because it has least amount possible complications. The dental implant is placed directly into the bone bed.
  • Basal implantation is indicated for bone deficiency and the absence of several consecutive teeth. Using this technique, implants are installed if it is impossible to build up bone tissue. But it is dangerous possible side effects and complications. In addition, made according to basal type designs are not very reliable, so the basal installation of dentures occupies a modest place in modern implantology.
  • Intramucosal technology is most often used in removable prosthetics for comfortable and secure fixation false teeth. In this case, the implant is inserted directly into the gum.

Dental implants can be divided into three types:

  1. One-stage implantation allows you to place an artificial root and crown in one visit to the dentist.
  2. A two-stage installation is done in 2 times:
    • At the first stage, a metal pin is implanted into the jaw.
    • At the second visit, a crown is placed.
  1. Mini-implantation is used to imitate premolars or in narrow parts of the jaw and is characterized by the installation of small prostheses.

Installation of a dental implant: stages and timing

The standard procedure for installing a dental implant is carried out in several stages. Their duration depends on many factors, including the state of health of the patient and the level of techniques used.

Preparatory stage

Installing a dental implant is a serious surgical procedure for implantation. foreign body in the jaw, so the doctor who performs the operation must be sure that the patient is ready for the procedure.

Prosthetics is a stress for the body, which activates diseases that were previously in a vegetative state. Before the operation, the dentist must make sure not only that the implant will take root, but also in the fact that the patient's body can withstand this load, so the process of dental implantation begins with a basic diagnosis. For this in planned the following procedures are carried out:

  • visual examination of the mouth;
  • examination by a cardiologist, allergist, neurologist and endocrinologist (the need and sequence of visits to doctors is determined by the therapist);
  • delivery of tests;
  • ENT examination (if you need to install an implant in the upper dentition);
  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • hardware research;
  • bone augmentation.


As part of dental implantation, a series of important research, they include general analysis blood with additional parameters:

  1. Coagulogram or blood coagulation test - determination of the level of fibrinogen, prothrombin and thrombin time.
  2. Determination of the level of glucose in the blood.
  3. Biochemistry or the study of blood composition for:
    • amylase;
    • total and direct bilirubin;
    • cholesterol;
    • transaminases;
    • electrolytes;
    • total protein;
    • alkaline phosphatase;
    • urea;
    • creatinine;
  4. HIV and hepatitis testing.
  5. Aticardiolipin test for syphilis.

You will also need to pass a general analysis of urine, and if there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, an analysis of feces. In the absence of chronic diseases, testing will take little time.

hardware research

The following types of examinations are necessary to determine the anatomical structure of the jaw, the quality of bone tissue and its pathologies:

  • Radiography. Allows you to make a detailed high-quality picture of the studied part of the jaw, due to which the state of the bone tissue and existing roots can be traced.
  • Orthopantomogram. Gives a detailed view of bone quality and possible pathologies due to the three-dimensional panoramic image.
  • CT scan. Helps to obtain a three-dimensional picture of the bone, which allows you to determine the structure and density of the jawbone.
Without these examinations, not a single implantation of teeth takes place, since when implanting a prosthesis into a bone, there is a high risk of hurting nerves and important blood vessels, and panoramic shots avoid such problems. This rule applies to all forms of prosthetics.

Bone augmentation

Dental implants are placed only if there is sufficient bone tissue. If, as a result of hardware studies, it is found that the volume of the jawbone is not enough for high-quality prosthetics, then in the absence of contraindications, bone tissue grafting is performed. Various methods are used for this:

  • Guided regeneration. It is characterized by an increase in bone volume due to the implantation of natural or artificial material.
  • Bone block grafting. It is carried out during bone resorption, within its framework, tissue is taken from another part of the body and transplanted into the jaw.
  • Sinus lifting. Elevation of the mucous membrane of the lower part maxillary sinuses, due to which the volume of the upper jaw increases.

Bone augmentation

Dental implantation does not occur immediately after bone augmentation, but several months after the completion of the dental operation.

Surgical stage

After complete preparation of the oral cavity, the operation itself takes place. The process of installing a dental implant does not take long. The time interval depends on the quality of the diagnostic work performed, the complexity of the technique used and physiological characteristics structure of the patient's jaw apparatus. A standard dental implant is placed in about 90 minutes.– as long as a regular dental appointment lasts.

Surgical intervention begins with a patchwork incision and exfoliation of the gingival and periosteal tissue, as a result, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone is exposed. A milling mark is installed on it to form an artificial root bed. Then, in this place, the doctor drills a thin channel along the length of the implant. After reaching the desired depth, the channel is expanded using special drills.

After obtaining the required width, a thread is made in the canal that matches the thread of the prosthesis. Due to it, dental implants are installed. That is, they are simply screwed into the resulting hole, after which they are closed with a screw-in plug. Then the mucous and periosteal tissue is placed on the implant and sutured with simple sutures adopted in surgery.

Postoperative period

Dental implants are placed quickly, but their engraftment takes a long time. During the first 5 days, swelling and soreness may be observed, then unpleasant symptoms should disappear. AT postoperative period should be avoided stressful situations, physical activity, visits to saunas and baths, as well as chewing on the side wound surface. needs to be processed oral cavity antiseptic preparations and do everything possible to ensure that the implant takes root. Otherwise, the material will be rejected.

Signs of rejection

Signs that the implant has not taken root:

  • redness of the gums;
  • swelling at the site of the prosthesis;
  • severe pain in the jaw (does not go away even after taking strong painkillers);
  • mobility of neighboring teeth;
  • temperature rise.

In the event of any unpleasant symptoms you should contact your dentist immediately.

Stage of gum formation

To form a natural contour of gum tissue, instead of the existing screw plug, a special screw titanium cylinder is installed, which is called a gum shaper. Its installation takes place 3-6 months after the introduction of the pin.

Within 15 days after the shaper is placed, a natural gingival fold will form around the implant, which plays a key role in holding the artificial root.

Abutment installation stage

The abutment is the intermediate part of the implant that connects the root to the crown. It is inserted instead of the gum shaper after the formation of a mucous roller around the future artificial tooth. The procedure lasts not a few hours, but only 15-20 minutes.

Stage of prosthetics

After engraftment of the implant, the tooth is placed artificial crown. First, casts will be taken from the jaws so that the manufactured prostheses have desired shape did not interfere with the patient's bite and helped restore chewing function. Then the resulting crown is placed on the abutment using an adhesive material.

Stage of rehabilitation

After all stages of dental implantation, the rehabilitation period begins. Its duration depends on the method of carrying out dental procedure and physiological characteristics of the organism. During this period you must:

  • gently and thoroughly clean the oral cavity;
  • use aseptic rinse aids;
  • visit the dentist regularly (at least once a month);
  • reduce the amount of solid food you eat.

The joint work of the dentist and the patient at all stages of the installation of a dental implant guarantees a good engraftment of the dental prosthesis and full recovery chewing function.

The method of restoring lost functions is rightfully in great demand among patients. However, before the operation, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. After all, you need to discuss all the points, starting with how the preparation will take place, and ending with a discussion of which crown will be installed on the implant. All this information will allow the patient to feel more comfortable during the procedure and plan their costs in advance.

Types of crowns on implants

The first design that is made for the implant is It is designed to fill the void in the dentition for the period during which the permanent prosthesis is made.

After the artificial root has taken root sufficiently, the specialist installs a permanent crown. In modern clinics, ceramics are usually used. Such prostheses are made in several versions. These can be metal-ceramic and

Often used for manufacturing and All these designs have their own characteristics, pros, cons and cost. In order to know which crown to install on the implant, we will consider them by type.

Temporary structure

What function does the prosthesis in question have, besides aesthetics? As we have already said, temporary crowns on implants are placed for the period while the permanent structure is being made. Of course, the aesthetic moment is very important. In addition, during this time, the formation of the gum edge after the operation is carried out. When the void in the jaw arch is filled, there is no displacement of neighboring units and malocclusion. Another plus is the uniform load on the entire chewing apparatus. Price temporary crowns small. Therefore, they are always used at a certain stage of implantation.

Metal-ceramic crown on the implant

The most common and popular prosthesis. It is characterized by good appearance and durability. Also, cermets have proven themselves well in accordance with price and quality. This type of construction is practically no different from a prosthesis that covers a turned tooth. The only difference is in the fixation method. Such crowns are placed only on metal abutments. What it is?

An abutment is a device screwed into an implant. It replaces the lost supragingival part of the tooth. And after its installation, the orthopedist makes an impression for the subsequent manufacture of the crown. At the end, the specialist invites the patient to try on and fix the prosthesis.

on the implant

Old technologies are being replaced by new methods of manufacturing prostheses. Pressed ceramics are produced We are accustomed to the fact that this material is characterized by fragility. To some extent, this is true. Therefore, it is used only for prosthetics of the frontal part of the teeth.

Also for the manufacture of crowns used alloy and aluminum. Designs are durable and incredibly similar to real teeth. But they are also priced accordingly. But in this case, the costs will be fully justified. With proper care for such crowns, they can last up to 20 years.

Features of installing a crown on an implant

The whole structure will consist of several parts.

1. Implant.

2. Abutment.

3. Crown.

During the classical procedure, after implantation of the artificial root, the specialist screws the abutment into it. This detail replaces the turned stump of the tooth. This adapter is made either from metal or from ceramics. A crown is placed over the abutment.

There are also basal implants. They are used for a one-time procedure for restoring a lost unit of dentition. Such an implant already has a supragingival part. So after implantation, there is no need to screw the abutment into it. You can immediately cover with a crown in 1-3 days. Sometimes the specialist needs a little more time (up to 7 days).

Installation process

There are two ways to place crowns on implants. There are two fixation methods.

The first method is called "cement". The crown is placed on a special glue.

The second fixation option is called "screw". Let's take a closer look at these two crown placement methods.

Using screw fixation, the specialist connects the prosthesis to the abutment outside the oral cavity. This prefabricated structure is then inserted into the artificial root. Then, with the help of a screw, the doctor fixes it with the implant. With this method, a small hole will be made on the crown (on its chewing part). After a screw is screwed through it, it will be closed with a special composite mixture. The specialist selects it by color, so that after all the manipulations with the naked eye it is impossible to determine the place where the hole was made.

With cement fixation, the specialist uses a screw to screw the abutment into the artificial root. After that, using composite glue, installs the crown on the adapter. The composition has some depreciation properties. This distinguishes it from conventional cement and allows for reliable adhesion of surfaces. This is how the crown is placed on the implant.

Which fixing method is better and why?

In all European countries, the screw method of fixing the crown to the implant is used. Experts consider it the most reliable, safe and convenient. If after installing the crown on the implant, any problems happen to it, then they can be easily solved. Filling material, which is above the screw, can be drilled out. This is how crowns are removed. This moment is especially important when the patient has an extended structure (bridge) fixed on several implants. The use of a screw fixation method will preserve the integrity of the entire bridge in the event that one unit requires adjustments.

Why was cement fixation invented?

Previously, when specialists were not armed with high-precision equipment, this method of fixation was necessary. An extended structure, made with errors, could simply not be in the right places. For example, if the bridge is fixed on 3-4 implants with a screw method, it must be made as accurately as possible.

Previously, the cement method of fastening smoothed out all the errors in the work of the orthopedist and dental technician. Today, having necessary equipment, only a specialist with insufficient qualifications puts structures on cement. This method does not allow further removal of crowns one at a time, if there is a need to make adjustments. So the patient must discuss with the doctor in advance all the nuances of the operation, up to how he plans to fix the structure.


With a one-stage operation, the crown is placed on the implant after 2-5 days. But such a procedure requires compliance certain conditions. The bone tissue must be sufficiently dense. This will allow the specialist to securely fix the artificial root. And the fact that already in the first days he is given a load when chewing food, allows him to integrate even faster. With this technique, both special basal implants and conventional ones, designed for a two-stage operation, are used.

Placement of the crown on the implant during the procedure the classic way expected 2-4 weeks after implantation of the artificial root. It takes up to 14 days to order from a supplier and wait for the delivery of the necessary abutments. The rest of the time is spent on making the crown.

The price of crowns from various materials

Of course, the total cost will depend on many factors. For example, it plays a big role which clinic the patient chooses and how the procedure will be carried out. The material from which the crowns are made and the type of abutment chosen will also affect the price. We will bring average figure for familiarization.

Metal ceramics on a metal abutment will cost the patient about 15 thousand rubles.

Dental crowns on porcelain implants cost about 25 thousand rubles.

Zirconium structures together with the abutment will cost the patient about 45 thousand rubles.

What determines the lifespan of implants?

Factors that affect the service life of the structure can be objective (not dependent on the patient) and subjective (human influence).

The first group includes the strength of materials and the qualifications of the doctor, the observance of technology during the operation.

Subjective factors that reduce the service life of implants include bad habits, weak immunity, chronic diseases, inadequate oral care.

Usually, when a crown is placed on an implant, a specialist advises the patient in detail. The first time a person is recommended soft warm food. The doctor may prescribe any antiseptic solution for bathtubs. Teeth cleaning should be carried out in a timely and correct manner. Some people mistakenly believe that artificial materials do not need maintenance. However, it is not. The patient must carefully monitor oral hygiene. Doctors definitely recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, giving Special attention border of gum and crown contact.

The use of dental floss increases the effectiveness of the hygiene procedure.

If a crown is placed on the implant, it is necessary to visit a doctor twice a year. Do it with preventive purpose even if the patient is not bothered by anything. It is worth noting that proper care will extend the service life. And even if there are any defects on the crown (chips, cracks), all this can be easily corrected in the dentist's office.

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