The implant did not take root. Dental implant rejection. How to understand that the implant did not take root

Engraftment procedure foreign body is a complex process, the success of which depends partly on the patient. The extent to which a person will observe precautionary measures and follow all the recommendations of a doctor plays a very important role. important role in rehabilitation period. How do you know if an implant has healed or not? This is the most frequently asked question, which are asked by patients who decide to conduct. You can find out about this on your own only if there are no complications or the very cherished period allotted for rehabilitation has ended.

How long does an implant last?

What determines the survival time of a foreign body? There are a lot of answers to this question, which directly depend on the factors of the patient's behavior, the occurrence of complications during the operation and the doctor's mistakes. The most fundamental factor is the place of implantation of the artificial root - i.e. layer bone tissue in which the structure is installed. In addition, the speed is influenced by which jaw, upper or lower, it is planned to implant an artificial root. Let's look at these features in a little more detail.

Lower jaw

Due to the fact that the vast majority of the load in the process of working capacity is applied to the lower jaw, it has a denser bone structure. In view of this, hard tissues endowed with less porosity and greater volume. When performing the chewing function, it is constantly in motion and receives a large load, which is why it needs less complex structure but high stability.

According to statistics, it takes two to four months for an implant to take root. Here an important role is played individual characteristics the body of each patient, and the period can be either less or more.

In addition, the correctness of the actions of the doctor, competent hygiene and the occurrence or absence of complications also affect the timing of the fusion of artificial and natural tissue.

upper jaw

Due to the more porous structure and lower density of hard tissue, it slows down. Since in the process of performing the chewing function, the load on upper jaw given is not large, then, accordingly, its stability and strength are noticeably less. Due to the small volume of bone tissue, it is more difficult for the structure to be fixed and the process of osseointegration slows down due to the small amount of bone. If, during the initial examination, the doctor finds out that the product is in such small amount hard tissues do not take root, then additional procedures are carried out, i.e. increasing bone tissue to the required volume.

Ideally, engraftment takes place within four to six months, depending on the individual patient and all sorts of factors that can slow down this process.


If it does not take root for any reason, then it will begin to be rejected. This situation does not occur asymptomatically and the patient, even without visiting a doctor, will be able to understand the problem that has arisen. Symptoms may appear in the short, medium, or long term. In other words, he various reasons can start both at the engraftment stage, and in the first years of operation, or even several years after the installation procedure has been carried out.

These symptoms may include:

  • pain syndrome (cutting, pulling, sharp, aching, etc.);
  • redness and;
  • swelling can pass to the cheek, from which it is implanted;
  • , more and more intensified over time;
  • appearance around the installed prosthesis;
  • increased body temperature and deterioration general condition organism;
  • headache;
  • discharge from the sinuses;
  • on the lower eyelid, on the side where the structure is installed;
  • release of air bubbles around the implant;
  • pain when chewing food;
  • the occurrence of diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, etc.

How do you know if a design has taken root or not?

Ideally, if there are no complications and symptoms of rejection, it is considered to be successfully engrafted. However, if during the process of engraftment or operation, the above symptoms occur, it means that something went wrong and you should immediately contact your prosthetist, and if this is not possible, then to the nearest dental office.

If the implant does not take root, you will have to conduct a course medical measures aimed at removing inflammation and foci of infection that got in the way of a successful engraftment process. In most cases, when the inflammatory process is not started, only drug treatment without surgical operations. But if, for some reason, the situation with rejection drags on, then the structure will have to be completely removed, undergo a restoration process, and then, at least six months later, it will be possible to think about re-implantation.

Causes of rejection or other diseases

When a design does not take root, there is always some factor that has Negative influence. In general, there are three aspects that affect these unpleasant factors:

  1. doctor's mistake in the process of installing the structure;
  2. poor-quality oral hygiene or its absence at all due to the fault of the patient;
  3. improperly selected products and materials from which they are made;
  4. individual intolerance to certain materials, which cannot be known in advance;
  5. incomplete study of the anamnesis or concealment of any features of the body by the patient;
  6. poor-quality primary examination, during which such nuances as the presence of contraindications and ailments that prevent successful engraftment were missed;
  7. allergic reactions to metal and other components of the implant.

All accompanying illnesses acquired as a result of the complications that have arisen for the above reasons, in advanced cases lead to inevitable loosening and, as a result, loss of the implanted implant, which indicates that it could not take root and treatment or rehabilitation will be required, as a result of which a decision will be made whether to treat the inflammation or remove the structure.

Where is the guarantee that the implants will take root? Is it true that implants last only five years, and then they have to be put in again? Can there be rejection not immediately, but after 2-3 years? These are the questions that come to the mind of anyone who is thinking about implantation. Most clinics are responsible - ask our implant dentist for advice. We answer - even though each clinical case individual, there are certain facts and technologies. In our article, we tried to clarify the situation with engraftment and rejection of implants.

First and foremost - in the absence of contraindications and following the recommendations of your doctor, any implants are guaranteed to take root. The bottom line is that the implant is not just placed in the jaw instead of a tooth, it grows together with your bone tissue in the jaw. How quickly and well the implant will take root, three factors influence - the quality of the implant itself (depending on the manufacturer), the quality of the implantation operation (depending on the doctor) and compliance with oral hygiene (depending on you). If these three magical factors are fulfilled on high level, you have nothing to fear.

  • Implant quality
  • Operation quality
  • Hygiene

Dental implant quality

Each manufacturer is trying to come up with their own technologies to improve the efficiency of the implant system. What does this mean for you? First of all, high quality standards. Even budget systems use technologies for engraftment in bone tissue, apply a special coating to implants, and come up with a specific thread to increase the stability of the system. You can read more about it here.

Implants are made from inert materials - most often it is titanium, from which pins, plates and prostheses used in other branches of medicine are also made. Titanium designs are perceived human body how their own and safely overgrown with bone and muscle tissue. In addition, titanium is lighter than other medical alloys, but despite this, it has high strength.

How to determine whether quality implants are offered to you or not? Take an interest in the manufacturer of implants, look for the name of this manufacturer on the Internet. Most of the reputable manufacturers - both budget and branded - are well-known and are used in many dentistry. Also, the manufacturer must have its own website, where you will find detailed information about the implant system.

Beware of fakes! It's very easy to navigate here. First, pay attention to the cost, implants for 10 thousand rubles do not exist in nature. The price of implants of a certain manufacturer in all clinics is approximately the same.

In the dental complex President-Prestige, we use MIS, Astra and Bicon implants. Only a specialist can choose a specific implant system for you, taking into account all the nuances of each manufacturer and your clinical picture.

Operation quality

The most important role in implantation and the postoperative period is played by your implantologist. Ask, consult, clarify - good doctor He will answer all your questions and tell you in detail about the preparation for the operation, its course and the postoperative period.

In our clinic, you will be consulted by a whole council of doctors - an implantologist, an orthopedist, and a therapist-parldontologist. Together you will choose the best convenient option, because we take into account not only physiological criteria, but also your financial wishes and possibilities. We always try to understand you and offer exactly what you need!

No one qualified specialist will not undertake implantation without a detailed diagnosis. The general state of your health, jaw structure, amount of bone tissue and much more depends on which implants are right for you. Therefore, be understanding when the dentist asks you about chronic diseases and sends you for an x-ray. After all, you need it first of all, so that the operation goes without complications and consequences, and the implants serve you as long as possible.

The President-Prestige clinic has its own X-ray room. In addition to panoramic and targeted images, we also make a full-fledged CT scan, that is, a 3D image of your jaw. Thus, the implant surgeon has the opportunity to study your case in detail and select the most suitable effective system implants.

Compliance with oral hygiene

And here the most interesting begins. You have been given a high-quality implant, the operation was performed by a highly qualified implant surgeon. It would seem that this is where the story ends. But poor oral hygiene can negate all the efforts of the dentist and implant manufacturers. Implants must be looked after like your own teeth, and even better. AT modern dentistry You will find everything you need - a special set of brushes for implants, and super-floss ( dental floss for implants), and irrigators (special irrigation devices with nozzles).

Do not forget that implants are still not natural teeth, but foreign bodies implanted into the tissue. And so they demand special attention, because it is easy to break the delicate balance of integration, but it is difficult to restore it. It is important to ensure that oral cavity everything was healed, there were no "holes", "stones" and cysts. That is why self-respecting dentists always invite you to preventive examinations.

Once every 3-6 months you should definitely carry out a professional hygienic cleaning teeth. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you brush your teeth, plaque will still form on them. This is our physiology. If the plaque is not removed, then an excellent environment is created for infections and germs, and this is a direct path to complications.

Sometimes on the Internet there are stories of patients about how a tooth was implanted, everything was fine, and after two years inflammation and rejection began. Dear patients, this is not the case! If the implant does not bother you for two years, it means that it has “grown” into the bone tissue for a long time. But microbes are constantly multiplying in our mouths, and if they are not stopped in time, they can penetrate anywhere and cause various complications. In normal situations, these are caries, pulpitis and periodontitis, and in the case of implants, this can be inflammation, and even rejection.

Thus, the success of dental implantation is influenced by you, your doctor, and the manufacturer of implants. In fact, there is nothing terrible or difficult. The dentist gives everything necessary recommendations, a good dentist She also takes care of her patients after surgery. in good dental clinic You have nothing to worry about, the doctors themselves will conduct a detailed diagnosis, and advise the implant system, and tell you about everything, and show all possible certificates. All you have to do is relax and enjoy your restored smile!

Dentistry does not stand still, and today the loss of one or more teeth is not an insoluble problem. Modern technologies allow you to restore lost dental units and their functions through implantation. However, implant placement is not final result. The process of its engraftment in the oral cavity is important, which can sometimes occur with complications. It is important to understand in time that something is going wrong and take appropriate measures.

How long does an implant last?

One of the first questions that patients planning to implant ask is how long it takes for the implant to fully heal. The average period of its survival is determined by the place of installation: on mandible complete healing of tissues occurs within 2-4 months, and on the upper - six months.

Such a difference in how much takes root installed implant, associated with physiological features jaw structures. In large and strong mandibular bones, the process of blood supply proceeds better, plus they have huge pressure when chewing. As for the maxillary bones, their proximity to maxillary sinuses significantly complicates implantation.

Other factors that affect how long an implant takes to heal include:

  • initial state of the maxillofacial system;
  • design model and quality of materials;
  • specifications.

Concerning unpleasant symptoms caused by the trauma of soft and bone tissues, they should disappear after 3-7 days. Maximum allowable period- 2 weeks.

How to understand that the process is going wrong?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

If there is a rejection of a dental implant, the signs of this process appear almost immediately, within a few days after the operation. However, to relax after installing a crown or even finishing recovery period not worth it either. Regardless of whether rejection occurred immediately or after a long time, there are signs that help to understand that the process is proceeding with disturbances. Causes of adverse effects and complications of implantation in different time their occurrence is due to various factors.

Signs of rejection

The implant procedure is surgical intervention, resulting in injury to nearby tissues, mucous membranes and, in some cases, crowns adjacent teeth. As a result, after the operation, during the healing process, symptoms appear that are considered normal. These include:

  • bleeding from a wound;
  • swelling of the gum tissue;
  • soreness of adjacent dental units.

However, sometimes designs do not take root. This does not happen often, but in such cases, the help of professionals is required. Rejection of a dental implant is evidenced by:

  • severe sharp pain;
  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • profuse and prolonged bleeding;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • mobility of the installed structure.

In case of rejection of implants, such symptoms do not go away for a week or more, and their severity does not decrease with time, but only increases. Against this background, the temperature may rise, chills will appear and bad smell from mouth. If you have these symptoms, you should not delay contacting your dentist.

Causes of Violation of Survival

Dental implant rejection occurs in only 1–2% of patients. Depending on the time of occurrence of the problem, three periods are distinguished:

  • short-term - 3-6 months after installation;
  • medium-term - up to 2 years;
  • long-term - when the implant is rejected after 2-5 years of operation.

As for the reasons for the rejection of dental implants, they are largely determined by the period when the complication occurred. In the short term, the dentist is most often responsible for implant failure. A medical error is possible due to the inexperience of a specialist or due to careless operation and installation of a titanium pin.

The product itself, including the crown, can also become a source of the problem. Inexpensive and low-quality materials cause fibrosis of bone tissue and lead to loss of the structure. Allergy is also one of the probable causes quick rejection.

Among the reasons for the rejection of the installed product in the medium term, it is worth noting:

  • incorrect design selection;
  • low-quality materials that oxidize over time;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the jaw, such as malocclusion;
  • jaw trauma leading to displacement of the product;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases such as allergies.

Why did the implant fall out in the long term? In this situation, the patient himself is most often to blame. The reason may be elementary non-compliance oral hygiene, bad habits, especially smoking, or failure to follow the recommendations of the dentist regarding the care of artificial teeth.

Re-implantation: indications and contraindications

In most cases, re-implantation is possible. It is allowed to implant the implant for the second time only 1-2 months after the removal of the non-engrafted structure. Sometimes before surgery, additional bone grafting and drug treatment may be required to restore injured tissues. It is also important to find out the cause of rejection in order to exclude its recurrence, whether it is a dentist's mistake, an allergy or improper care.

The main contraindication to re-implantation of the implant is a strong destruction of bone tissue. It occurs if the problem of rejection is not solved in a timely manner and the inflammatory process is not stopped.

If an implant falls out

An important point in preventing serious complications in case of rejection of the implant, it is necessary to take timely appropriate action. If the design suddenly fell out or the first suspicious signs appeared, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Based additional diagnostics condition of the jaw, the doctor draws up a further plan. Most often, bone restoration is required. It is also necessary to carry out therapeutic measures facilitating recovery immune system organism. Only then can the issue of re-implantation be considered.

How to prevent implant rejection?

The probability of a normal course of implantation and engraftment of the product is very high, however, it is possible to initially reduce the risk of rejection of the structure to a minimum. For this you should:

  • choose a highly qualified specialist and clinic where the procedure will be performed;
  • do not save on materials, choosing a quality, well-proven product, time-tested;
  • comply with all requirements for the care of implants and recommendations regarding oral hygiene;
  • regularly visit the dentist's office for preventive examination;
  • closely monitor the engraftment process and the subsequent condition of the implant and immediately consult a doctor at the first sign of a problem.

Today, implantation is the most advanced technology in dental prosthetics, gradually replacing such traditional methods, as the installation of crowns, and “false jaws”. In fact, the benefits of implant placement are more than obvious. If the implantation was successful, and they have taken root well, the patient feels them as if they were his own natural teeth. During the procedure of installing dental implants do not suffer adjacent teeth as is the case with traditional crowns and bridges. Unlike removable dentures, implants do not cause inconvenience to the patient. And cosmetically, implantation is best solution- only with the help of this method it is possible to achieve an almost perfect imitation of natural teeth.

At the same time, implantation is the surgical introduction of a foreign body into the tissues of the jawbone and gums. And therefore this procedure is associated with certain risks, the main one, perhaps, among which is the likelihood that the implants will not take root, and they will be rejected.

The probability of rejection depends on a number of factors, and may be greater, may be less, but it is never zero. And even implants of very high quality may not take root due to the dentist's mistakes, the patient's violation of the prescribed regimen, or the development of any pathologies in him.

Dental implant rejection process

In this regard, any patient who decides to install implanted teeth may have the following questions:

  • what are ?
  • when can the rejection process start?
  • How long does the implant healing process take?
  • What are the reasons for rejection?
  • what is normal after implant placement and what is cause for concern?
  • What should be done in the development of the inflammatory process?
  • if rejection did occur, is it possible to install the implants again?

X-ray signs of implant rejection

These questions will be considered in this article.

When Can Dental Implant Rejection Occur?

According to statistics, implants are rejected in no more than 5% of patients. Moreover, the better the implant, the lower the risk level. Expensive implants made in Germany or Switzerland are rejected only in 2-3% of cases. For budget models made in Russia or Israel, the risk of rejection is 5%.

Reasons for rejection of dental implants

Implants are usually rejected due to medical errors during the operation. A less common reason for rejection is the poor quality of the implant.

At the same time, often the responsibility for rejection may lie with the patient himself. Health problems, individual characteristics of the body, as well as ignoring medical prescriptions can also lead to rejection of implanted teeth.

Medical errors leading to rejection

In case of errors by the implantologist during the procedure, committed due to his insufficient professional level or due to inattention, rejection of the implants begins immediately after they are installed. Dentists usually make the following mistakes during implantation:

  • incorrect selection of the implant, due to which normal fixation of the artificial root in the jawbone tissue was not achieved;
  • poor disinfection of dental instruments or the operated area of ​​the oral cavity, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms got into the wound;
  • overheating of the bone during drilling of a hole for implant placement;
  • lack of awareness of the patient's pathologies.

Implantation is particularly difficult in cases of bone atrophy and inflammatory diseases periodontal. When there is a shortage of bone tissue, an artificial root is used to ensure the stability of the artificial root. bone grafting- artificial increase in bone volume. Alternative way The solution to this problem is basal implantation - the installation of implants in deep bone layers. The probability of rejection for basal structures is no less than for conventional implants.

In the case of periodontal pathologies, with the current level of development of implantation technology, the installation of implants is, in principle, possible. In this situation, one-stage implantation is used - the installation of prostheses immediately after the tooth is pulled out. After the operation, the patient is prescribed certain medications. At the same time, he must carefully observe oral hygiene. In case of acute inflammatory processes in the tissues of the jaw, it is not always possible to re-implant after the rejection of the implant occurs, since the bone is severely destroyed.

Rejection due to low quality implants

This usually happens in budget dental clinics with a low rating. When prosthetics in such clinics, there is a possibility that implants from low-quality materials, made in violation of technology, will be installed. In large clinics, this risk is reduced to almost zero.

Rejection due to the patient

This kind of rejection can occur at any time, regardless of the quality of the design and the professionalism of the dentist in performing the operation. To avoid problems after implantation, the patient must observe the following rules:

  1. AT postoperative period can't be given increased loads on an implanted tooth.
  2. During the engraftment of the implant, both overheating and hypothermia of the body should be avoided.
  3. It is necessary to inform the doctor about all problems of the general state of health.
  4. All drugs prescribed by the doctor should be taken strictly in accordance with the prescription.
  5. Must be strictly observed.
  6. It is advisable to refrain from smoking.

Rejection due to health problems

In this case, implants are usually rejected after several years from the moment of prosthetics. Most common cause such rejections are jaw injuries. Rejection can also be caused by common pathologies such as HIV infection and other disorders of the immune system, oncological diseases, heart disease, tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus.

Good hygiene minimizes implant rejection

In case of signs of rejection, you should immediately see a doctor. Based on the results of the external examination and x-ray, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, it may be necessary to open the gums to remove pus. When peri-implantitis is detected, as a rule, urgent is required, otherwise it can lead to the development of sepsis, threatening lethal outcome. In addition, the timely removal of an artificial root in peri-implantitis increases the chances of a successful re-prosthesis.

Re-implantation of implants is usually possible. At the same time, new implants should be placed no later than two months after the removal of the previous ones, otherwise the bone tissue may undergo dystrophy due to lack of load and for successful implantation will need bone grafting.

No matter how high-class the implantation procedure is, sometimes there may be moments with the rejection of dental implants, and the reasons for this can be very diverse.

Reasons for rejection

  • due to the characteristics of the body - this can be an exacerbation of any chronic diseases of the patient, anatomical differences in the structure of the jaw or the bone tissue itself. If the patient has a thin bone, then you can install;
  • medical error, when the restoration operation was performed by a low-qualified doctor or, due to inattention, he did not remove the inflammation of the periodontal tissues;
  • incorrect design selection;
  • any trauma to the jaw, which caused the displacement of the implant and caused inflammation;
  • inadequate oral hygiene;
  • failure to follow the doctor's recommendations for taking any medicines without consulting a specialist.

You can understand why the implant did not take root yourself, without resorting to medical help.


Signs of rejection may include:

  • strong pain;
  • the presence of bleeding or pus from the wound;
  • inflammation and discoloration of the gums;
  • Besides the small hypostasis, sometimes even a tumor is possible or probable.

But do not forget that rejection can occur some time after implantation. Sometimes it takes even a few years, and sometimes even decades.

However, it should be noted that such a phenomenon as rejection occurs in no more than two percent of patients who have undergone implantation. This can happen immediately after implantation or after some time.

There are three periodic stages:

  1. Short term.
  2. Medium term.
  3. Long term.

The result is rare in the short term, it occurs approximately 0.001-0.01% in all cases. This usually happens due to medical error. Basically, these are situations when the survival rate of dental structures leaves much to be desired, and already for more later dates there is a direct rejection itself or others.

There may be several reasons why implants do not take root:

  • low-quality tools or equipment that does not work properly;
  • in addition, there are also such cases when the doctor makes a mistake and installs the product in the wrong place;
  • if the rules of antisepsis and asepsis are not observed (for example, an inflamed focus is located next to the implant in this case, and it is not surprising that the survival rate is low);
  • an error in the preparation of a treatment plan, as well as inconsistency between specialists, can lead to the system not taking root;
  • ignoring on the part of the doctor the presence of diseases in the patient;
  • low-quality material in the manufacture of the implant and its components;
  • one should be wary of this type of recovery as one-time, it has a slight risk of rejection.

Having considered the question - how long the implant takes root, you can understand that after a year or two it can be argued whether it has taken root, what you feel is the symptoms of problems that have begun.

Errors in orthopedics and implantology are detected after a year or two and are the most common variant leading to this problem:

  • a problem in the connection of the implant and the abutment, as well as other troubles in the construct and design;
  • errors in positioning, which leads to inflammation, and subsequently to;
  • increased load, in addition, a similar problem can lead to bruxism;
  • errors in the manufacture of the implant, curvature and other violations, as a result, peri-implantitis may also occur;
  • poor oral care, poor hygiene;
  • Availability bad habits, smoking is especially dangerous in this case;
  • indifference of the client to the subsequent care and observation.

It is worth noting that, in principle, the size itself does not matter, the main thing is that it should be just right for you. If your dimensions are not taken into account during the manufacture, then the above-mentioned problems may begin.

We should not forget that no matter how well it was produced

operation, every year or two they must be observed. It is in this case that it is possible to notice all the signs of rejection of dental implants, because at this time all the main changes begin in the area of ​​​​the installed teeth. Moreover, their cost does not play any role. The price may be the highest, but no one can give a 100% guarantee.

If the installed structures are inspected in a timely manner, then there is a chance that the procedure will be 99% successful and all possible changes will be detected.

Problems with implants in the long term can only arise due to non-compliance necessary hygiene and regular doctor visits. Indeed, due to the characteristics of the tissues in the area, again installed prostheses very often plaque or tartar builds up. And here oral hygiene comes to the rescue, as well as specialists who will help in this situation. And despite the fact that the phenomenon of reimplantitis is nonsense in the long term, however, one should not neglect the generally accepted rules. Don't forget: an implant is a tooth, albeit an artificial one, and they need the same care as your own dental organs.

What to do if the implant does not take root?

Willy-nilly, the question arises: what to do if the implant does not take root? If you find its rejection, the symptoms of which were described above, then the first thing you should do is consult a doctor. Usually it has to be deleted and then other recovery tools come to the rescue. jaw row, such as , removable dentures and others. But you can also go the other way: remove the structure and, following the doctor's recommendations, wait for complete healing. Only then can you agree to re-implantation. But before installing new tooth, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the rejection of his predecessors and prevent similar situation henceforth. But it should be taken into account that repeated procedure- this is big risk and a repetition of the previous situation is possible if hygiene or structural features of the jaw are not observed.

In order to avoid the problem and not feel how the rejection of the implant occurs, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Before you visit a particular clinic, find out all possible information about it, and also read the reviews of their clients;
  2. Ask the doctor about his certification and ask a couple of questions about the upcoming procedure to determine his professionalism;
  3. Before proceeding with the procedure for installing an implant, the doctor must inquire about all the diseases you have and identify possible contraindications, as well as cure all diseases of the teeth and gums.
  4. Not the last role in the question of how long they take root modern implants, plays care after dental surgery for the oral cavity.
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