But in reality he is. Psychologists told how to calculate an emotionally unstable person by behavior. Self-confidence = emotional peace

The expression "actually" with a comma can be separated from the rest of the sentence, but more often the comma is not needed. It depends on whether the combination is an introductory construction or an ordinary member of a sentence.

"Actually" is separated by commas

From two sides

The question of whether a comma is needed in the expression "in fact" rests on the question of whether this combination is introductory or not. If it can be replaced by the word "really", it can be rearranged or thrown away without loss of meaning, then we have introductory words; they are separated by commas on both sides.

  • What is a stupid job, really?
  • Have you actually read this book?

Before a phrase

  1. If the expression "actually" is at the end of the sentence, then only one comma is required - before these words.
  • What is happening, really!?
  • We're not kids anymore, really.
  1. We observe the same thing if this expression is at the beginning of a separate turnover: there is a comma before it, and not after it.
  • We drove along a dirt road, in fact, the road bears little resemblance.
  • We left the professor's, very disturbed, actually.
  1. Similar punctuation is also required if “actually” is at the beginning of a new part of a complex sentence.
  • We looked for him for half an hour, but in fact he had already left.
  • Peter assured that he was late, in fact he was not at school at all.

After the phrase

When combining “actually”, where to put commas if it is at the very beginning of the sentence or after the union? The answer is simple: only after the expression.

  • Actually, it's time to go home.
  • In fact, he does not know the solution to the problem.

"Actually" is not separated by commas

This expression is not isolated unless it is an introductory construct. In this case, the words from this combination can be questioned from other members of the sentence. Much more often, the expression “actually” is not introductory words, but is not distinguished by the usual circumstance and commas.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to last week's statistics, only 37% answered correctly)

- (Dohle), peculiar islands described by Dele (1912) in the body of neutrophilic leukocytes and found when stained according to Giemsa in the form of rounded, pear-shaped, angular, etc. grayish blue spots. When stained with methylene blue (Löfler ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

Businessman, businessman... Russian word stress

deed- (dividing, deeds) prynaz. zela … Old Belarusian lexicon

deed- Liability arising as a result of committed or planned offenses and (or) crimes, inaction. Notes 1 An example of these actions can be: refusal to execute an expression of will, refusal to fulfill social guarantees ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Cells are the process of forming two or more new daughter cells from one cell. Amitotic division, see Amitosis. Mitotic division, see Mitosis. Multiple division, see Shizogony. Division is indirect, see Mitosis. Direct division, see Amitosis. Division... Medical Encyclopedia

- (lat. deletio destruction) loss of a section of a chromosome or chromatid; a large number of cases of hereditary pathology in humans is associated with D.. Interstitial D. deletion as a result of two breaks and one reunion with the loss of a segment, ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

- (K. J. P. Dohle, 1855 1928, German pathologist; A. L. G. Heller, 1840 1913, German pathologist) see Syphilitic aortitis ... Big Medical Dictionary

- (J. P. L. Delay, b. 1907, French doctor; P. Deniker, b. 1917, French neuropathologist and psychiatrist) see Neuroleptic Syndrome ... Medical Encyclopedia

I, cf. 1. Action on verb. divide (in 1 value). 2. Action and state according to vb. share (in 1 value); disintegration, fragmentation. The division of society into classes. || biol. A form of asexual reproduction of organisms and cells that make up ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

Ltsa, m. An enterprising person, deftly and with great benefit for himself, conducts business, mainly commercial. Exchange dealers, □ Glafira Sergeevna insisted that he [Mitya] work in a private hospital, which some one opened on Tverskaya ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

DELE-HELLER SYNDROME- (by the names of German pathologists K. J. P. Dohle, 1855-1928, A. L. G. Heller, 1840-1913; obsolete name of syphilitic aortitis) - chronic aortitis with visceral syphilis. Clinically, it can be manifested by pain in the chest (aortalgia with ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy


  • , Vermeulen Frick , Have you ever seen a big difference between how companies actually make important strategic decisions and how they portray this process? The author shows that in fact ... Publisher: Pretext,
  • Business at gunpoint. The Naked Truth About What's Really Happening in the Business World, Vermeulen Frick, Have you ever seen a big difference between how companies actually make important strategic decisions and how they portray the process? The author shows that in fact ... Series: Publisher: Pretext,

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We are in website decided to talk about 9 typical signs of emotional instability, which are often based on self-doubt.

passion for popularity

In fact, this desire is inherent in the majority. But it all depends on the extent to which popularity is lacking. If you have a real friend and a group of buddies, ideally you should feel comfortable not worrying that one of them is more popular than you.

Nevertheless, the 21st century is in the yard, in which the Internet comes to the fore. Therefore, many want to be popular there too. If in pursuit of the likes of strangers you are ready for anything, it is worth considering what is the reason for such a desire, and maybe even seek professional help.

Doubt about your attractiveness

You will be surprised, but even the most beautiful, in your opinion, people often have doubts about this. And that's okay. You can't always be 100% sure that you look perfect. There are bad days, bad mood or other factors that can affect the appearance.

Try to find the positives in your appearance and emphasize them. This will add confidence.

Caring for others' opinions

If you are constantly worried about what people will think, how they will react to your actions or words, then calm down. The whole point is that the rest think exactly same way. They fear backlash their deeds and words . Your appearance and behavior are of interest to them less.

Try asking colleagues at work how you were dressed 2 days ago. We are sure that most of them will not be able to answer. Therefore, give up unnecessary worries and live the way you want.

Response to rejection

Nobody likes rejection and nobody wants to be rejected. But often in ordinary situations, when a person did not want to offend us, we feel just that he rejects us or our ideas. This can take a heavy toll on self-esteem. Especially if you are not a very confident person anyway.

But think about what others are experiencing in the same way. And you can become the person who rejects someone. Try to listen not only to your feelings in such situations, and you will understand that you are not alone.

high bar

It is good when a person sets the bar high for himself and achieves his goal. He feels uplifted and proud of himself. It makes you move on and reach new heights.

But it doesn't happen instantly. Success is the result of long and exhausting work, you should not expect quick results. Otherwise, it will lead to failure and disappointment, because of which many fall out of the race too quickly.

try do your best to the maximum , do not require from yourself and those around you impossibledon't quit what started.


Many people believe that others are much happier than themselves. And photos on social networks only confirm this opinion. But in reality it's not like that. Dissatisfaction with life and oneself is a common phenomenon, occurring all the time. And exceptionally happy Instagram photos are only one side of life.

Look around you, there are many people around you who have exactly the same problems. And someone probably thinks your life is perfect.


The reverse side of the coin is that a person is sure that no one can understand him. No one is able to feel the same and feel the same way. And this trait is common to many people. Their desires, which can and will do not match with yours, even yours mothers. And this is normal, because they are all separate people, and not your servants.

So the next time someone reasonably refuses to help you, instead of being offended, go and do it. on their own.

Self-confidence = emotional peace

One thing is clear: self-doubt can manifest itself even in small things. But it's the little things that make up our lives. Therefore, it makes sense to try to change something in yourself in order to find emotional peace.

Do you often get nervous over trifles? Share your answers in the comments!

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