How to properly prepare for a planned operation. What can you do on Holy Week? Holy Week, what not to do and signs

Any operation is a great stress for the body. In many ways, its result depends on the patient himself. That is why you should prepare for surgery. Everyone should know how to do it correctly, because even people with good health. What can not be done before the operation, and what doctors strongly recommend, read in our Question-Answer section.

Can I have surgery if I have a cold?

Before any planned operation, a thorough medical examination is carried out. The doctor must be informed of all his serious illnesses. Do not hide anything, because the outcome of the operation largely depends on this.

The patient's health condition is assessed by the surgeon and anesthesiologist, tests and ECG are prescribed. Based on all procedures, the doctor assesses the patient's readiness for anesthesia. The operation is postponed if the patient has ARVI, heat, exacerbation concomitant disease. You do not need to hide from the doctor if you feel that you are sick.

Should I shave before surgery?

Few people know that before the operation you can not shave, including the legs, notes The Daily Mail. A person can cause microscopic cuts. Any violation of the integrity of the cover increases the risk of infection. If you want to get rid of body hair, you need to do this in a week, microbiologists from London explain. But there are operations, preparation for which still involves shaving. In particular, this is the removal of the appendix and a caesarean section.

Do I need to go on a diet?

Causes risk and sudden weight loss before surgery. Although some fat people and recommend shedding a few pounds to avoid possible problems with anesthesia, thrombosis and infections. Ideally, you should stop restricting your calorie intake about a week before your surgery.

Can I take medication?

Another issue is drugs. Blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin should not be taken before surgery, otherwise the blood simply will not clot. The problem is with drugs that regulate blood pressure. On the contrary, they must be taken to the last. After all, pressure surges threaten either a stroke or uncontrolled bleeding. By the way, herbal remedies also needs to be taken into account. Garlic, ginseng and ginger are believed to increase the risk of bleeding.

Is it possible to drink and eat?

It is known that they lie down on the operating table with an empty stomach. It is forbidden to eat and drink six hours before anesthesia. By agreement with the doctor, you can take sedatives at night and in the morning to sleep and not worry too much. It is also necessary to exclude the use of alcohol.

Some patients deceive themselves by chewing chewing gum- it helps them cope with hunger. But this is not very good, because the stomach begins to produce additional acid. If this acid leaves the stomach in a state of complete relaxation during the operation, there will be big problems.

Is it true that you can not go to the operation with a manicure?

This is the absolute truth. Nail polish must be completely removed, as it can interfere with the analysis of a person's breath. Nails should be cut short. This will also reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and allow you to attach a sensor to your finger that reads the level of oxygen. Doctors also advise taking a shower on the day of surgery. Since microbes from the surface of the body can get inside during the operation.

Can I smoke before the operation?

Smokers should stop cigarettes a few days before surgery. In fact, even daily abstinence will help. Lungs damaged by tobacco are more susceptible to infections. Postoperative infections are quite common among smokers. In addition, smoking makes the blood more viscous. In turn, stress and anxiety cause no less damage to the body. It is known that anxious people are more difficult to put to sleep, they have reduced pain threshold and they are more likely to have side effects.

Surgery is extremely unpleasant procedure. It is quite natural that every person experiences excitement and even is in a state of shock before the operation. Even if the doctors say that for them this is a trifle, routine work and there is nothing complicated in the operation, normal person will still feel some fear.

Despite all the assurances from the doctors, they strictly observe signs and believe in omens. This is especially true for surgeons, who most often perform operations. Surgeons are generally considered the most superstitious people.

  1. One of the common signs concerns surgical instruments. It is believed that if any of them falls to the floor, then this bad sign. The operation in this case will take a long time, even if it is trifling. Another option is the difficulties that suddenly arise during the procedure. Also, fallen tools can warn that after the planned operation there will immediately be another one. In any case, this omen concerns the work of the surgeon and brings trouble to him. In order to get rid of unpleasant consequences, you need to quickly pick up the fallen tools and knock each of them on some object three times.
  2. Another sign concerns directly the doctors themselves. It is considered a bad omen to change places for surgeons. For example, requests for replacement surgery by surgeons are most often denied, as it portends a long and unsuccessful procedure.
  3. Another sign concerns the time of the operation. Perhaps patients have noticed that operations are never scheduled for Friday, as something will definitely go wrong on that day. Also do not perform operations on the full moon. In this case, abnormal phenomena are possible, for example, anesthesia may not affect the patient.

Patients have their own superstitions. For example, before going to surgery, many people like to go to the hairdresser. This is related to one of the signs. When you find out about the upcoming operation, you experience a shock. Haircut will help to remove negative effect, get a charge of good energy and distract from the upcoming procedure. A haircut, as it were, renews you and throws all the negativity into the past.

Another sign says that in no case should you thank the doctor until the patient moves from intensive care to a regular ward. Even if the operation was successful, do not say thank you ahead of time. It is better to thank the surgeon at the discharge. It is believed that gratitude expressed in advance always leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, even if there are no prerequisites for this.

And do not wish luck to the surgeon, as this capricious lady will certainly turn her back on him. This does not only apply to patients. Even colleagues, when communicating with each other before the operation, never want it to be successful.

All these superstitions may seem absurd. However, almost all surgeons follow them. To believe in omens or not is your business, but in order to avoid bad mood Doctors of good luck to him to wish, nevertheless, it is not necessary.

If you are going to do an operation in the post, whether or not such manipulations can be carried out from the point of view of the Charter, you need to clarify further. But in fact, in official church rules there are no restrictions on prohibitions related directly to health. You should take care of your health, regardless of whether it is fasting in the yard or not. But what does religion say about whether it is possible to do an operation in fasting, are such actions prohibited?

Is it possible to do the operation in the post

Our health is priceless, so we should not treat it thoughtlessly. Whether it is possible to do an operation in the post depends only on whether you urgently need it, or it can wait. The charter does not say anything about the fact that operations cannot be performed during fasting. Therefore, we can safely recommend and even urge to do fasting operations that are directly related to health care. As we know, there are several types of operations:

As for the latest cosmetic ones, we can say that you can do such operations in fasting only on an urgent doctor's prescription. For example, urgent rhinoplasty to restore the shape of the nose is a surgery recommended by specialists. Procrastination can become a process in which the bones do not heal properly. But rhinoplasty just because you wanted to, in fasting will not be considered a sin. But if for you belief has great importance reschedule the operation for another time.

Is it possible to do planned operations in the post? These include caesarean, for example. In this case, there is even no question of being tied to a date. The same applies to the removal of adenoids, as well as various operations, Related chronic diseases. They must be done without fail, regardless of whether they are in the post or not.

And, of course, with regard to urgent operations, then the question of whether they can be done in fasting should not even be faced by those who need surgical intervention. Just imagine that a patient needs urgent operable intervention: heart surgery or appendicitis, but he refuses it for religious reasons. And what should the doctor do in this case? Each patient has the right not to have surgery during fasting, you can write a refusal and go home.

According to the law, there is freedom of religion in our country. Each of the patients has the full right to write a refusal of the operation in the post, or reschedule it for another time. For doctors who perform operations, the refusal of the patient is the removal of responsibility for their actions, since they took the Hippocratic oath that they would help people.

Preparation for surgical intervention is a very significant stage and requires a serious approach from the patient. Based preliminary surveys, test results, the lifestyle that a person leads immediately before the operation, his psychological mood, the anesthesiologist chooses the method of anesthesia and drugs, and the surgeon builds a strategy and determines the method of the operation. And the preparatory activities should be treated very carefully and responsibly.

How to properly prepare for surgery

  • Lifestyle

A person for whom surgical intervention is a planned event will have to make adjustments to his lifestyle long before the day of the operation appointed by the surgeon and part, at least for a while, with some habits.

About three to four weeks before the scheduled date, it is worth quitting smoking or at least minimizing the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The limitation is due to the fact that the risk of complications from respiratory system(bronchitis, pneumonia) after surgery people who smoke much higher and diseases occur in more severe form than non-smokers.

Also, be careful with alcohol. At least two weeks in advance, it is necessary to give up strong drinks in order to exclude the effect of alcohol on the functioning of the liver and heart. Alcohol hinders normal functioning liver and reduces its ability to neutralize toxic substances and remove them from the body. From the side of the heart and vascular system unstable work of the heart, pressure jumps can be observed. Alcohol changes the functioning of the blood coagulation system: blood clots may form or, conversely, bleeding is provoked.

  • Food

Two or three weeks before planned operation, and if possible even earlier, it is necessary to abandon strict diets and make a diet in such a way that low-fat foods predominate on the table meat dishes, fish, fruits and vegetables. A few days before the operation, you need to exclude high-calorie, difficult to digest fatty foods, smoked meats, pickles and marinades. Fast food and alcohol before surgery are also prohibited. Should not be done before surgical intervention experiment with unfamiliar dishes or exotic fruits- it can cause allergic manifestations and the operation will have to be postponed.

On the eve of the operation, dinner should be no later than 19 hours, after which you should not take any food or drink water.

  • Physical form

A balanced diet helps the body mobilize resources for normal recovery after surgery. But it is important to strengthen as far as possible immune system and normalize metabolism, which will help increase the body's resistance, accelerate tissue regeneration. Apart from rational nutrition, the patient needs to include regular feasible physical exercise. There is no point in exhausting yourself with training in a stuffy gym, much great benefit for health will bring an hour walk at a fast pace through the park. But even ordinary daily exercise will help bring the body into full combat readiness before a tangible test. Pay special attention to your physical form patients should be treated with overweight. Losing weight will have a positive effect on the result of the operation, reduce the load on the heart and help you go through the rehabilitation period faster and easier.

  • Taking medications

At the consultation, the patient must tell the doctor about all the medicines that he takes. Under no circumstances should own initiative stop taking previously prescribed drugs or, conversely, uncontrollably drink anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs (such as ibuprofen, analgin, diclofenac; preparations containing aspirin).

Only after consulting with the doctor, the patient will know for sure which medicines to take further according to the usual scheme, and which ones will have to be abandoned. For example, aspirin can affect blood clotting and affect the effect of anesthetics, and if you yourself stop taking those prescribed before surgery antihypertensive drugs, a pressure surge may occur.

It is very important that the anesthesiologist, who will choose the type of anesthesia and drugs, knows if the patient has an allergy to the drugs. Your doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe antihistamines three to four days before surgery.

In some cases, a day or two before the intervention, doctors recommend taking sedatives at night.

  • Hygiene and appearance

Preparation for the operation includes a number of measures of a general hygienic nature.

  • Before the operation, you need to take a shower, it is advisable to wash your hair.
  • In order for the stomach and intestines to be empty during the operation, the doctor may prescribe intestinal cleansing tablets the day before. Immediately before abdominal operations an enema is done in the clinic.
  • Need to be removed contact lenses, all decorations, remove makeup.
  • No cosmetics should be worn on the day of the operation. Nail polish must be removed.
  • Even if clothes are provided at the clinic during hospitalization, comfortable underwear, soft, easy-to-wear shoes, and shoes for taking a shower should be provided.
  • If the operation is performed on a part of the body where there is hairline, it must be removed on the eve of the operation (shave).


  • On the day of the operation, no food or drink is allowed.
  • Can't for a while surgical procedures leave no jewelry on the body, varnish and makeup must be removed.
  • On the eve of the planned planned operation, it is necessary to have a good rest and sleep, and also try to avoid nervous and physical overstrain.
  • Psychological attitude

A state of excitement or anxiety before a surgical event - normal condition person. Even planned in advance, long-awaited Plastic surgery, on the result of which the patient places great hopes, is associated with natural experiences. And it is very important to come to her in good psychological shape, without excessive emotions and fears. After all, inner balance and calmness significantly improve the results of the operation, and the rehabilitation period is faster and easier.

The more the patient learns about the upcoming intervention, the more adequate the response to the event will be.

Since the operation is planned and the person himself is looking forward to it, sometimes for several years, it will not be difficult to gradually collect information from competent sources. A rational approach and possession of information, how exactly the operation takes place and the period of primary postoperative recovery, what types of anesthesia are possible, what painkillers will be given in case of discomfort at the end of the activities, it helps to get rid of experiences, and the body will definitely respond with increased resistance to the phenomena of the rehabilitation period.

If you feel increased anxiety, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it so that he explains everything challenging questions or doubt moments, and if necessary provided for the appointment sedatives or advised to have a conversation with the psychologist of the medical center.

In the foundation calm attitude to the upcoming changes and control over the situation and one's own emotions - trust in the doctor and understanding that after the surgical intervention, additional life opportunities will open up for the patient, a sense of self-confidence will strengthen and a feeling of inner harmony will appear.

  • Organizational moments

If inpatient stay is expected medical center, it is best to prepare a list ahead of time and, having coordinated it with medical institution without rushing to collect the necessary things.

The clinic will need:

  • Passport or other identification documents. The doctor should clarify in advance whether a medical policy is necessary.
  • The results of medical examinations and analyses.
  • Means and personal hygiene items ( Toothbrush, paste, comb, manicure accessories, shampoo, soap, etc.).
  • If the patient wears contact lenses, you will need a container and solution to store them.
  • Notepad or notebook, pen.
  • Mobile phone and a charger for it.
  • Medical examinations and analyzes

Before the patient arrives at the clinic for surgery, he must undergo medical examination in accordance with the list given by the doctor, and collect tests. The list of tests depends on the method of anesthesia, and they can be prepared in the district clinic to which the patient is assigned, or in a specialized laboratory.

For surgical intervention using general anesthesia

  • HIV (HIV)
  • RW (syphilis)
  • Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
  • Blood test (biochemical)
  • Protein total
  • Bilirubin total
  • Prothrombin
  • APTT.

For surgical intervention With application local anesthesia the patient needs to prepare:

  • Blood test (general clinical)
  • HIV (HIV)
  • RW (syphilis)
  • Hepatitis B, hepatitis C.

In addition to the listed mandatory studies, the surgeon or anesthesiologist may prescribe additional ones. Most often, the patient is recommended to have an ECG with a transcript to assess the work of the heart, and a coagulogram, which detects violations of blood coagulation.

The doctor of the clinic will tell you in detail about how to prepare for the operation at the preliminary consultation. It is important for the patient to remember that strict adherence to the instructions of the surgeon and anesthesiologist, compliance with the necessary before medical events daily routine and an optimistic attitude are the key to a successful result of the work of the medical center specialists.

Health issues are the most important in a person's life, although many people do not think about it until problems begin. There is a lot of incomprehensible information on the Internet. In fact, there are only two rules that you need to know in order to properly use the cycles of the moon in your life, in the field of health and personal care. Here you will find the answer to the questions: In what phase of the moon should the operation be performed? What to do on a growing moon, and what about a waning one? How to plan a cosmetic procedure?

First. The usefulness for a part of the body of any procedures increases dramatically when the Moon passes the sign of the Zodiac that controls this part.

There is ONE exception here - an operation on this organ of the body (surgical intervention).

For example, you should avoid surgery on your head or visit the dentist when the Moon is in Aries (Aries is responsible for the head). It is better to do this when the moon is in opposite sign- Libra (lower back, kidneys). On the other hand, this is a great time for facial massage and other wellness procedures. Quite the opposite, when it comes to kidney surgery, it is best to do it on days when the Moon is in Aries.

Second. Anything that aggravates the work of the organ will cause more damage to it when the Moon passes the sign of the Zodiac that controls this organ, so surgery should be avoided these days. Unless it's an emergency.

If it is possible to plan the date of the operation, then it is better to set the date for the phase of the waning moon and avoid the moon without a course (which is less important than the phase).

On the growing moon passing definite sign zodiac, useful material and procedures will be more effective for that part of the body for which this sign is responsible. And on the waning moon, all measures to unload (purify) this organ will be better than on the growing one.

Pairs of opposite zodiac signs:

Aries - Libra
Taurus - Scorpio
Gemini - Sagittarius
Cancer - Capricorn
Leo - Aquarius
Virgo - Pisces

All you need for planning is to understand what phase the moon is in. Is it growing or decreasing, which sign is passing, etc. And a calendar. You will find them on the website. You will also need a clear understanding of which body is responsible for what. You can find information about this in the material.

Waning moon

On the waning moon, it is better to do surgical interventions, remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, go on a diet, take drugs that cleanse the body (various herbal infusions), cleanse the blood, kidneys, remove calluses and warts, do manicures and pedicures. You can safely eat more than usual (within reason), because during the waning moon excretory system works better than during the growing period.

Waxing Crescent

On the growing moon, if possible, planned operations should be excluded, since the period of recovery and scarring of the sutures may be delayed. It is quite clear that the required emergency surgical intervention must occur regardless of the position of the Moon. During the period of the growing moon, digestibility increases nutrients- growing rapidly fat mass. It is very good to take vitamins and various nutritional supplements. You do not need any calendar of operations, a simple understanding of the fact that planned operations are best done on the waning moon is enough. What to do on the growing moon? Recommendations below:

Waxing Moon in Aries

Try not to surgical interventions on the neck, head, upper jaw. Exclude cosmetic cleansing of the face.

A suitable period for the treatment of kidneys, bladder. Make nourishing and moisturizing masks. Engage in physical education.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Do not operate on the nasopharynx, larynx, thyroid gland, neck, tongue, ears. Do not perform dental operations on the lower jaw.

It is best not to eat heavy food. good time for prevention genitourinary system. On the growing Moon in Taurus, it is good to eat vegetable and dairy products.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Do not operate on the arms, collarbones, lungs, stomach. Cut down on nicotine.

Do cosmetic procedures, walk on fresh air move more. Good time for curling and coloring hair.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

Postpone surgical interventions on the stomach, liver, chest, mammary glands.

Favorable visit to the bath. It is good to use cabbage, cucumbers, various dairy products.

Waxing Moon in Leo

Do not perform surgical interventions on the heart, spine, large veins. Don't do hard manual therapy.

good to do light massage in the back area, it is useful to consume milk and meat. A great time to color and cut hair that will grow lush and thick.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Operative interventions are unfavorable for duodenum, in the small and large intestines, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder.

It is good to cleanse the intestines. It is better to eat plant foods, cook cereals. A good time for a haircut, as it will turn out well and will hold its shape for a long time.

Waxing Moon in Libra

Do not perform operations on the kidneys, genitals and bladder. Do not do manual therapy in the lumbar region.

The right time to treat diseases in the head area. It is good to cleanse the kidneys with the help of special infusions. Curl, color and cut your hair.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

Operations on the genitals are contraindicated. Exceptionally unfavorable time for intervention in bladder and rectum.

Try not to take hormonal preparations don't eat meat. Engage in self-development, quit bad habits, clean the toilet.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Do not operate on hip joints, hips, coccyx. Exclude instrumental intervention in the groin and on intervertebral hernias.

This period is not suitable for blood transfusion. Good time for traditional Chinese medicine and conservative treatment diseases in the sciatic nerve.

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Do not carry out surgical interventions in the area of ​​the knees, ankles, bones and skin.

A great time to start treatment for cardiovascular disease. Any manual therapy will do you good. Drink soothing and herbal tea. commit hiking up the hill

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Do not perform operations on bones, veins, skin, especially on the legs and ankles.

It is good to start the treatment of heart failure and other diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels. Carry out procedures that increase blood flow in the back. Accept herbal tinctures and drug fees.

Waxing Moon in Pisces

Postpone surgery on the legs, especially on the feet.

During the growing Moon in Pisces, it is best to do a foot massage with various oils. Do therapeutic foot baths. Eat fish. Practice walking on a stepper. Swim in the pool.

Full moon

On the full moon, it is better not to do any surgical interventions in order to avoid complications and bleeding. You should also limit yourself in food and fluid intake. During the full moon, the body absorbs calories and saturates the tissues with deposits. However, the full moon is a great time to stage accurate diagnosis, since the energy full moon favors this. The full moon is the peak of energy, if you use it incorrectly, insomnia is possible.

New moon

On the new moon, the energy of all people decreases, depression often occurs, and various phobias and fears. Reduced immunity, many individuals feel apathy. During the period of the new moon, it is better not to do any operations, since the postoperative recovery period may be significantly delayed. It is not recommended to do examinations for the new moon, since there may be ambiguity in the picture of the disease.

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