Is it possible to do the operation before Easter. Pairs of opposite zodiac signs. What should be fasting before the holiday

Often the operation is a significant event leading to changes in life.
Faced with this, patients are often disoriented, and in some cases do not turn to the surgeon with questions that would allow them to better understand the essence of the operation and make sure that the result will be positive.

Do you need an operation?

Before the operation, you should find out what your diagnosis is and whether there are treatments for the disease that do not involve surgery.
You need to determine if your condition is a common problem and if there is anything unusual associated with it.

Is the surgeon and facility where the operation is to be performed suitable for your case?

Ask the surgeon what kind of training he/she has received in performing these operations.
Where was he/she trained to perform such operations, and how comprehensive was the training? Physicians must be licensed to medical practice in the state where they practice. They are not required to have the highest category or belong to professional organizations, but it is usually desirable that they hold such certificates. Find out if the surgeon received the highest category, and if not, for what reason. Find out if the surgeon often treats patients with the same problem as you. How many times did he/she perform the operation that you were asked to perform as an attending surgeon (staff surgeon)?
What other doctors will the surgeon work with to treat your condition?
Depending on your condition, it is often best to work with a group. medical workers involved in your treatment than with one doctor.
If it will be used special operation or technology (such as laser or robotic surgery), find out why these techniques are better than traditional methods for solving your problem.
Find out from the surgeon what kind of training he (she) has received and what experience he/she has in traditional methods treatment of your problem and in the application of the proposed more modern methods.
Surgeons undergoing training in the application of new techniques may be trained in these techniques at very short courses- ask about it.
Find out if the medical institution special area and staff to care for your special medical condition. How many patients did they have with the same problem as you?

What can you do before surgery to increase your chances of achieving positive results?

Talk to your surgeon about what you can do before surgery to improve your chances of achieving good result. Physical exercises? To give up smoking? Diet? Better control of the course of your diabetes? Refusal to accept standard medicines?
Your surgeon may suggest that you use special detergents while taking a bath the night before surgery to reduce the risk of infection. He/she may also ask you to have a bowel movement before the operation.

What will happen to you after the operation is completed?

Find out from the surgeon how painful the procedure will be and how pain can be relieved.
Surgery often imposes short-term restrictions on activity and/or diet. Their degree depends on the type of operation and the level of your activity.
Find out how long you won't be able to work and make sure the surgeon knows what you're doing.
Will you need help after the operation?
Who can provide such assistance?
Where do you go for help if you need it after surgery?
What are the possible complications?
How often will they occur, and what happens if you experience such complications?
If you run into problems after leaving the hospital, who to call and where to go for help?
Will the surgeon himself be available all day, night or weekend to provide assistance if needed?
If not, who will emergency assistance, and what experience do these staff have in treating patients like you?

Before the operation, it is necessary to find out what the diagnosis is, and whether there are therapeutic or alternative methods treatments that do not involve surgery. Before the operation, be sure to get a so-called “second opinion” from an expert, even if it seems expensive. Ask a question about the prevalence of the disease, if there is anything unusual in it.

Is the clinic and the surgeon specialized for this operation?

Before the operation, ask the surgeon what kind of training he has received that suits the upcoming operation. Where and who trained him to carry out such operations? Does the surgeon have a certificate for this type of operation? When was the last specialization or improvement? Doctors are not required to hold the highest category or belong to any medical associations and surgical societies, but it would be desirable for surgeons to hold such certificates. Before the operation, ask why the surgeon did not receive the highest category. Find out how many such operations the surgeon performed? With which colleagues and physicians does the surgeon plan to collaborate on this particular case in the treatment of your disease?

Ask to tell what technology will be used during the operation and explain the better new and innovative methods(e.g. laparoscopy, laser or robotic surgery) compared to traditional methods. Ask your surgeon how experienced they are with traditional treatments for your problem and new technologies. Surgeons undergoing training in new techniques may learn these techniques in very short courses - ask about it.

Before your surgery, find out if the hospital has dedicated staff to care for your condition.

Before the operation, you need to discuss with the anesthesiologist various options anesthesia.

What will increase the achievement of positive results before operations?

What are your actions before the operation can increase its effectiveness? physical activity, reducing the intake of nicotine and tar from smoking, dietary measures, controlling blood sugar levels if you have diabetes, blood-thinning drugs, elastic stockings with varicose veins lower extremities? Refusal to take standard medications? Also, the surgeon may ask you to empty the intestines before the operation, or clean it with special preparations.

What will happen to you after the operation is completed?

Ask about painful sensations and how to reduce them. Is diet and restriction necessary? physical activity how long will you be unable to do your usual labor activity? Will I need care and assistance after the operation? Where do you go for help if you need it after surgery?

Are there any complications with such a planned surgical intervention? What are these complications and how common are they? What to expect in case of complications. What violations? If complications appear after discharge from the hospital, who should I contact for help? Is it possible to count on the help and advice of the surgeon himself, is he available by phone, at night and on weekends if necessary? Who else can provide emergency care, are these staff qualified for your illness?

To our deep regret, in our ossified materialistic world, the role of an astrologer in choosing a day and time necessary for a person surgical operation reduced to almost zero. The operation is already an expensive thing, and then some astrologer there with his recommendations complicates life. So many people argue, completely giving the situation into the hands of doctors. I do not argue that this is an absolutely correct position in case of extreme circumstances, when every minute is precious, when a person's life is at stake. But if we are talking about a planned operation, then this approach is absolutely unreasonable, especially on the part of the patient. After all, it is directly about his health and life.

Before going under the surgeon's knife, we always try to find out exactly who will operate on us, how competent this doctor is, how skillful and effective in his profession. And we are well aware that his professionalism does not always correspond to the available pile of certificates and the large amount of the fee. Especially in our time. For any of us, reviews of specific human patients will always be much more important, and not a pile of official papers.

In the same way, none of us will plan our operation for the holidays or after. holidays when there is always a possibility hangover action medical personnel and not only the surgeon. After all, someone calculates the dose of the drug, someone gives anesthesia, someone sterilizes instruments, someone is engaged in postoperative rehabilitation and care. All these procedures are performed, again, by ordinary people, and not by celestials, who also live with their everyday problems, worries, troubles and joys. Everyone has different level knowledge, skills, abilities, responsibility and attention to detail.

I will not convince you that astrology is able to change all these people for the better overnight. It is not true. People are what is called the subjective factor. And you will have to deal with it yourself. Which doctor and which clinic to operate on is up to you. Astrology can help in other ways.With its help, it is possible to eliminate negative objective factors, risk factors that no longer depend on the will and skill of the surgeon. No, astrology is not able to move the planets and change the sky map for your benefit. It is controlled by the Creator. But with the help of this science it is possible to choose best time for the operation, avoiding unsafe configurations of celestial mechanics and thereby reaching the maximum positive effect from the operation.

Each person is absolutely unique and unrepeatable. Therefore, the time for a planned operation is selected exclusively individually, taking into account the positions of the planets of the personal horoscope and their relationship with the transit positions of the planets in the sky during the operation. And there are no trifles here, everything is important here. Only an astrologer can correctly assess the real situation.

But there are also simple rules which you can take on board. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon and some other factors. My minimum recommendations are:

  • DO NOT perform operations on the days of solar and lunar eclipses;
  • DO NOT perform operations on your birthday, a day (or better - a week) before and after it;
  • SHOULD NOT be produced planned operations on a full moon (fraught heavy bleeding) and three days before and on the new moon (the operation will not be completed on time);
  • It is DESIRABLE to avoid operations when the Moon passes the signs of the Mutable Cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces;
  • It is BETTER to do operations on the waning moon. Complications and infections are more common with a young moon, the healing process is delayed. Also, scarring of wounds with a young Moon is more problematic, ugly scars are possible.

The last week before Easter is called Holy Week in memory of last days earthly life, death and burial of Jesus Christ. In 2019, it will last from April 22 to April 27 and end with Easter on the 28th.

What can not be done on Holy Week?

These days, believers observe strict fasting. These are not only certain restrictions in the diet, but, first of all, the purification of the soul.

At this time, you need to give up visiting the theater, cinema, watching entertainment programs on TV, otherwise fasting would be meaningless.

What should be done during Holy Week? Believers should be distracted from worldly, everyday affairs and devote themselves to spiritual concerns.

Spend more time in prayer, try to show more attention towards friends and loved ones, help the poor and sick people.

What is prohibited on Holy Week? One should not get angry, quarrel, show impatience towards people, swear, condemn people. The last week of fasting should be calm, peaceful, pass in prayers and communion with the Lord.

Also these days it is impossible to guess the future. As the priests say, it is not given to people to know what will happen to them in the future, but it is enough to know the past and live in the present. Believers must meet life circumstances With open heart and try to make in any situation a choice worthy of a Christian.

What can you do on Holy Week?

It is also called Clean or White Week, taking into account the observance of spiritual and bodily purity by believers. These days the believers refuse intimacy in marriage, and the wedding ceremony is not performed in temples.

On Monday, you can start cleaning the house, remembering that cleaning and laundry should be completed on Thursday. All the rituals of this day are aimed at clearing the house of the negativity that has accumulated over the winter and getting ready for Easter.

AT Maundy Thursday, which is also called Maundy Thursday, people arrange general cleaning in houses, wash themselves.

However, starting from Good Friday it is no longer possible to wash, cut your hair, do cleaning, sew, wash, knit, etc. culinary preparations by Easter after Thursday it will be possible to continue only on Saturday.

How is fasting observed during Holy Week by day?

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (April 22, 23 and 24, 2019, respectively), you must refrain from cooked food, that is, limit raw vegetables and fruits.

On Maundy Thursday, April 25, 2019, you can eat hot food, adding vegetable oil to it, and drink a little wine.

Saturday 27 April 2019, before the appearance of the first star, is also considered the time strict fast, then dry eating is recommended for the remainder of that day.

What can not be done in fasting on Holy Week? Eat animal products and break the fast before the set time, serving Easter cakes, Easter cakes and colored eggs to the table until Sunday.

We hope that our article on what is allowed and what is prohibited during Holy Week will help you spend these days following established traditions.

Surgery is extremely unpleasant procedure. It is quite natural that every person experiences excitement and even is in a state of shock before the operation. Even if the doctors say that for them this is a trifle, routine work and there is nothing complicated in the operation, normal person will still feel some fear.

Despite all the assurances from the doctors, they strictly observe signs and believe in omens. This is especially true for surgeons, who most often perform operations. Surgeons are generally considered the most superstitious people.

  1. One of the common signs concerns surgical instruments. It is believed that if any of them falls to the floor, then this bad sign. The operation in this case will take a long time, even if it is trifling. Another option is the difficulties that suddenly arise during the procedure. Also, fallen tools can warn that after the planned operation there will immediately be another one. In any case, this omen concerns the work of the surgeon and brings trouble to him. In order to get rid of unpleasant consequences, you need to quickly pick up the fallen tools and knock each of them on some object three times.
  2. Another sign concerns directly the doctors themselves. It is considered a bad omen to change places for surgeons. For example, requests for replacement surgery by surgeons are most often denied, as it portends a long and unsuccessful procedure.
  3. Another sign concerns the time of the operation. Perhaps patients have noticed that operations are never scheduled for Friday, as something will definitely go wrong on that day. Also do not perform operations on the full moon. In this case, abnormal phenomena are possible, for example, anesthesia may not affect the patient.

Patients have their own superstitions. For example, before going to surgery, many people like to go to the hairdresser. This is related to one of the signs. When you find out about the upcoming operation, you experience a shock. Haircut will help to remove negative effect, get a charge of good energy and distract from the upcoming procedure. A haircut, as it were, renews you and throws all the negativity into the past.

Another sign says that in no case should you thank the doctor until the patient moves from intensive care to a regular ward. Even if the operation was successful, do not say thank you ahead of time. It is better to thank the surgeon at the discharge. It is believed that gratitude expressed in advance always leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, even if there are no prerequisites for this.

And do not wish luck to the surgeon, as this capricious lady will certainly turn her back on him. This does not only apply to patients. Even colleagues, when communicating with each other before the operation, never want it to be successful.

All these superstitions may seem absurd. However, almost all surgeons follow them. To believe in omens or not is your business, but in order to avoid bad mood Doctors of good luck to him to wish, nevertheless, it is not necessary.

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