The exact time of the full moon in August. What Lunar astrology does not recommend doing when the full moon reigns in the sky

The full moon in August 2019 will begin on the 15th, at the exact time of 15:29. Many users in Russia are looking for this information, including date, exact hour and minute. The article will provide all the parameters of interest, we will additionally consider the related nuances.

A full moon is a day on which the moon appears as a fully illuminated circle. It arises as a result of the peculiarities of the orbits of the Earth and its satellite. Due to the rotation of this object around the planet, it does not always appear fully illuminated from the Earth's surface.

For this reason, the lunar phases appeared. There are four of them:

  • new moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

A full moon is a relatively rare occurrence that lasts only one day in a month. For this reason, since ancient times, mystical significance has been given to it. There are a huge number of beliefs associated with it.

When is the full moon in August 2019? But why is it necessary to find out this information and remember which moon is today? There are several reasons for this:

  1. It is necessary to coordinate your actions with the lunar calendar.
  2. Important changes in life are recommended to be carried out with the growing moon, before the onset of the full moon.
  3. You also need to know the phases when performing magical rites. It is not always possible to perform a ritual in the coming days, it is often necessary to wait for the best moment, to follow the moon.
  4. Some people adhere to certain rules of behavior during specific phases.
  5. Lunar cycles are often used by summer residents when planting and caring for them.

There are quite a few options for why this information may be required. We have outlined only the main situations, the most common cases. Now let's study the table of the phases of the moon for August.

The full moon in August 2019 will be on the 15th, at 15:29. On this day, the Earth's satellite is in the constellation of Aquarius. The moon will rise at 4:22 and set at 20:28. This is the basic information that users need to know about the full moon in August.

Rules of behavior

In many cultures, the full moon is considered an unfavorable sign. There is an increase in aggressiveness in humans, an increase in crime, more often cases of sleepwalking are recorded. Regarding the full moon, there are many beliefs that are transmitted between people.

Consider some rules of conduct:

  • on the full moon, you should control your emotions well;
  • this day is considered an auspicious time for meditation;
  • it is recommended to start cleansing the body, both physical and spiritual;
  • on the full moon, you can make a small pleasant purchase for yourself, conduct relaxing procedures;
  • it is recommended to start getting rid of bad habits, bad people who are pulling you down;
  • The full moon is a great opportunity to make your life a little better. To do this, you need to form your desire, write it down on a piece of paper and leave it in the moonlight. It is believed that it will come true before the next full moon.

What should not be done?

  1. Start and continue big things, on which a lot depends.
  2. Change place of work.
  3. Traveling is not recommended.
  4. It is not necessary to carry out cosmetic surgery.
  5. It is better not to agree on future large projects.
  6. It is not recommended to engage in monetary transactions.

The full moon is the time when you need to be as restrained as possible. It is better not to ask for help, not to start long conversations with colleagues and bosses, not to sort things out with ill-wishers or a soulmate. It is not easy to contain your emotions on a full moon. There is a high probability of provoking a serious conflict, which will bring a lot of problems in the future.

On this day, you need to be especially careful with money. You can make a major purchase that you have been planning for a long time and are sure of its necessity. But it is recommended to refrain from small purchases. In people on the full moon, emotions take over, so you can buy a lot of useless things, it's pointless to spend money.

On the day of the full moon, it is recommended to refrain from drinking tonic drinks - tea, coffee, energy drinks. They enhance the emotions of a person. In addition, it is necessary to take potent drugs with caution, since they are 100% absorbed into the blood.

positive action

What actions are considered auspicious on the full moon?

  • haircut;
  • body cleansing;
  • completing small tasks that will not take more than one day;
  • you can do small projects;
  • do housework.

The main thing is to make this day calm. Postpone big things until the growing moon, relax as much as possible, follow simple recommendations. Then you can be sure that nothing bad will happen.

The last summer month is rich in astrological events that have a direct impact on people's lives. The solar eclipse on August 11, which coincided with the new moon, opened a special portal of opportunity for people who had previously had a black streak in their lives. Representatives of the air element got the opportunity to develop their creative abilities, some people under the protection of the elements of Fire and Earth saw the "light at the end of the tunnel" and were able to adjust their actions, taking into account the development of the situation in real time. Today we will tell you when and what time the full moon will occur in August 2018 and what will be its effect on representatives of all zodiac signs. Opening the veil of secrecy, it should be noted that this particular day will become a significant date for people who decide to take stock of their own lives and choose a new course for themselves. So, first things first.

When is the full moon in August 2018?

The last summer full moon will occur on August 26, 2018 at 14:56 Moscow time under the auspices of the zodiac constellation Pisces. It will happen at a time when the planets Venus and Pluto will be in a quadratic position. And this means that the August full moon 2018 will be very difficult emotionally. Despite this, the full moon of August 2018 will bring into people's lives:

  • Favorable changes in personal life;
  • The ability to implement plans that for a long time could not be reflected in reality;
  • Set priorities and reveal for yourself the main thing hidden from the eyes in everyday life.

Astrologers warn that the main enemy of all representatives of the zodiac signs is laziness and inaction. That is why you should gather all the “will into a fist” and boldly move towards your own dream. Because the first five days after the full moon will be the most favorable for laying the foundation of stability, which will give impetus to the establishment of financial independence in the future.

Full moon in August 2018 - forecast for all zodiac signs

The horoscope for August 26, 2018 for all signs of the zodiac warns that all secret thoughts can become apparent. That is why in personal relationships with partners and your soulmate you should behave honestly, just like with yourself.

There may be changes in the career aspect, because issues of power and headship will come to the surface. The horoscope advises not to enter into conflicts with colleagues, and also to be very careful in your own statements.

The period, which includes a few days before the full moon of August 2018 and a few days after it, is dangerous by fraud, quarrelsome intrigues, dubious extortion, as well as various scams that will affect the aspect of financial well-being in the future. To avoid problems and rash risks, it is recommended to be vigilant and not agree to dubious cases that make you suspicious.

In addition, during the full moon period, the risk of traffic accidents, the number of thefts and crimes increases. On this day, it is recommended to spend more time at home, to be careful, attentive, not to quarrel with anyone and not to sort things out with a partner, even if the level of emotional tension between you reaches a maximum.

Mars retrograde and full moon in August 2018

August 26 will be a full moon, which will occur during the retrograde period of Mars. But already on the 27th, the planet will return to its usual position, which means that from August 28 it will be possible to start preparing for the launch of new cases and projects that have long remained only in the plans.

The full moon on August 26, 2018 will occur in the zodiac constellation Pisces. It will largely affect the state of mind of people, their secrets and hidden inner feelings. To maintain a balance of well-being, try not to dwell on the little things, and also devote more time to yourself.

In contact with

The August Full Moon will occur on Monday, the 7th of the month at 21:11 Moscow time. At this time, the Moon will be in the zodiac sign Aquarius. At the moment of the Full Moon in Moscow there will be the 16th Lunar day.

There will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon on August 7th, 2017 at 21:21.

Full moon in August 2017, from what date, when to make a wish.

Lunar cycle August 1 - 6, 2017 - the Moon is in a growing phase; August 7, 2017 - Full Moon; August 8 - 14, 2017 - The moon is in a waning phase; August 15, 2017 - third quarter; August 16 - 20, 2017 - continuation of the waning phase of the moon; August 21, 2017 - New Moon; August 22 - 28, 2017 - transition to the waning phase of the moon; August 29, 2017 - first quarter; August 30 - 31, 2017 - the continuation of the growing phase of the moon.

Full moon in August 2017.

The full moon is the phase of the moon when the difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the sun and the moon is 180°. This means that the plane through the Sun, Earth and Moon is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. If all three objects are on the same line, a lunar eclipse occurs. The moon in the full moon looks like a regular luminous disk.

In astronomy, the moment of a full moon is calculated to within a few minutes; in everyday life, the full moon is usually called the period of several days, during which the moon visually almost does not differ from the full one.

During a full moon, the so-called opposition effect can occur for several hours, in which the brightness of the disk noticeably increases, despite its unchanged size. The effect is explained by the complete disappearance (for a terrestrial observer) of the shadows on the surface of the Moon at the moment of opposition. The maximum brightness of the Moon during a full moon is −12.7m.

When is the full moon in August?

The full moon in August 2018 will occur on the 26th on Sunday. This is the last full moon this summer. The full moon will come on 08/26/2018 at 14:56:52 Moscow time.
At this time, Mother Moon will be in the zodiac signs of Pisces. From 08/25/2018 7:39 a.m. to 08/26/2018 8:32 a.m. Moscow time, the Moon will be on "autopilot" - without a course. A slight confusion in the head is possible and it is not worth starting grandiose deeds during this period.
At the time of the full moon, mother Moon will resist the Sun.
In a buzzword, the Full Moon will be in opposition to the daylight.

full moon august 2018

pros and cons of a full moon August 26, 2018
Dreams that come true on this day come true within a month.
The Full Moon in Pisces awakens feelings of love and light bliss in people. There will be notes of sentimentality, a desire to contemplate and reflect. The craving for the beautiful and the sublime encourages you to do something good for others.

But don't get too carried away.
At the moment of the full moon in August, the Sun will be in the sign of Virgo. The opposition of the Moon to the Sun will make its own amendments to the thought process.
Thus, the heart will strive for the sublime and deeds, perhaps stupid and sentimental.
The mind will try to bring a person back to the realities of life and cruel reality. Additional problems will opposition of the Moon to the Lot of Love.
This can make you fixate on some kind of thought, which over and over again will return you to the beginning of your thoughts. Most often, this thought will be the desire for carnal pleasures, love affairs and debauchery. The full moon will end, and it will not be possible to forget the stupid things done on this day right away.
Thus, on this full moon, conflicts between consciousness and the inner world of a person are possible.

The Moon in Pisces will bring notes of melancholy and a splitting of consciousness into this full moon.

full moon august 2018

tips for full moon in august
My mind obligingly slips memories from my youth. As one of my mentor, the grandson of Admiral Essen, Alexander Eduardovich Essen, said, “the main thing is not to piss, and food!” Briefly, succinctly, without sentimentality.
The full moon is the time of maximum energy of the moon.
It's time to sum up the intermediate results of the month, think about what needs to be corrected and where to move on. Be sure to thank the Higher powers for helping us in our affairs.
It can and should be done.
Sunday in magic is a neutral day (not feminine, not masculine), this day is patronized by the Sun. The maximum peak of magical powers falls at noon.

Favorable creative rituals for well-being, love, vitality.
Spend the day relaxing, don't overwork.
Good wine, good food, contribute to philosophical reasoning. If you are destined to work on this day, try to create the most comfortable conditions for fruitful work.
Watch your words and actions.
Do not throw words at the full moon. You can play pranks within reason. The desire for peace of mind will avoid aggression and reckless actions.
Have a good day!

Introducing the lunar calendar for 2018, for each month with days Full Moon (Full Moon) in August, with a change in the phases of the moon, favorable and unfavorable periods, which will help all those interested. The lunar calendar for the next year indicates the location of the Moon on a given day relative to the zodiacal constellations, as well as dates with the exact time of the main lunar phases, which, as you know, consist of a new moon, a full moon, the first quarter (the waxing moon) and the last quarter of the waning Moon.

The lunar calendar for the upcoming 2018 will tell us all, not only about the change in the cyclical phases of the moon and lunar days, but also about August full moons, tell about favorable and unfavorable days, give recommendations on doing business, fashionistas about cutting hair, tell and give recommendations to our summer residents - gardeners and gardeners, and much more.

In the modern world, it is not difficult to compile a lunar calendar; at present, all descriptions and characteristics of the lunar phases are very consistent with each other, as they have been verified more than once.

Our satellite, despite the fact that it is smaller in size than our planet, has a very great influence on the Earth and all life on it. “Thanks” to the Moon, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur on our planet.

It also influences a person, his natural rhythms in the body, as well as his subconscious, psychological state, plant growth, animal behavior and many other processes that occur on Earth.

Full moon in January 2018 - January 2 and 31

Full Moon in March 2018 - March 2 and 31

Full moon in April 2018 - April 30

Full Moon in May 2018 - May 29

Full moon in June 2018 - June 28

Full moon in July 2018 - July 27

Full moon in August 2018 - August 26

Full moon in September 2018 - September 25

Full moon in October 2018 - October 24

Full Moon in November 2018 - November 23

Full moon in December 2018 - December 22

Favorable lunar days 2018 with phases of the moon

Different lunar phases in their own way affect a person and the nature around us, which lunar days are favorable and which are unfavorable, find out below:

It is best to start new business during the period of the growing moon, preferably immediately after the new moon, and it is necessary to finish things during the waning moon, but they must be completed by the new moon.

The most favorable days are those lunar days when a sextile of 60 ° is formed in our sky, or a trine of 120 °, between the Sun and the Moon.

The time of intense interaction between the Sun and the Moon (unfavorable days) is the new moon, full moon, waning and waxing Moon (first and last quarter).

It is better not to plan something responsible for these lunar phases, to start a new business, including long trips - these are unfavorable days when you need to be especially careful.

The lunar calendar for the upcoming 2018 will help you navigate the lunar phases, and therefore August full moons, more optimally and rationally allocate your time, avoiding unnecessary problems.

Lunar calendar for 2018

New moon First quarter Full moon Last quarter
January 2, 2018
January 8, 2018
January 17, 2018
January 24, 2018
January 31, 2018
February 7, 2018
February 15, 2018
February 23, 2018
March 2, 2018
March 9, 2018
March 17, 2018
March 24, 2018
March 31, 2018
April 8, 2018
April 16, 2018
April 22, 2018
April 30, 2018
May 8, 2018
May 15, 2018
May 22, 2018
May 29, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 13, 2018
June 20, 2018
June 28, 2018
July 6, 2018
July 13, 2018
July 19, 2018
July 27, 2018
August 4, 2018
August 11, 2018
August 18, 2018
August 26, 2018
September 3, 2018
September 9, 2018
September 16, 2018
September 25, 2018
October 2, 2018
October 9, 2018
October 16, 2018
October 24, 2018
October 31, 2018
November 7, 2018
November 15, 2018
November 23, 2018
November 30, 2018
December 7, 2018
December 15, 2018
December 22, 2018
December 29, 2018

Lunar calendar dates and times in UTC (+4 hours)

Lunar calendar 2018 - for each month of the year ...

It is well known that the phases of the moon are very closely related to a variety of events and life cycles taking place on our planet. In its different phases, it changes, as does its effect on the human body. It has long been noted that during the waning phase of the moon, the number of born boys will sharply melt, respectively, the number of born girls will decrease.

Not only for people with problems, but also for healthy ones - the influence of the Moon has a tangible effect. The influence of the Moon on a person is expressed - an increase or decrease in his ability to work, excitement during the full moon, as well as a decrease in activity, increased fatigue during the new moon. site/node/3159

Known statistics that clearly indicate an increase in the number of crimes during the full moon. Therefore, we can conclude that there is definitely a direct connection between the lunar phases and the spiritual (psychological) state of people, which is expressed in a change in their state and mood.

To help those who respect and adhere to the traditions and signs that are associated with the change in the lunar phases, we present the lunar calendar for August 2018, which, as you know, will be “led” by the Dog.

Lunar days and phases of the moon (Full Moon of August) in 2018

In the lunar calendar with full moons in August 2018, you will find not only useful, but also necessary information that will help in the correct solution of many issues, for example, to prepare in advance for some upcoming events, events and travels.

Our ancestors believed that a person who knows the moon, the change of its phases, what effect it has, owns the secrets of moonlight. One can give such an example - on the growing moon, people always do good deeds, it was believed that with the growing moon, goodness increases, which means that health is added to a person. Also during this period, hair was cut so that it would grow faster after that.

But on the waning moon, a person seeks to get rid of all the bad, bad habits. A “general” cleaning was carried out on the waning moon in the house so that it was clean and the rubbish did not return. Conspiracies were also read in this lunar phase, from all sorts of diseases and thinness.

It is also worth knowing that there were different rituals on the new moon and on the full moon, it was impossible to perform a certain ceremony on the new moon and vice versa. And also on the new moon, in those distant times, however, as now, they made wishes for the future, started new business. It was believed that the new moon helps in the beginning of new business.

When the moon was young, the person who saw her opened the purse and asked her to replenish it. On the full moon, on the contrary, no one tried to resolve any issues, things were not resolved during this period, no matter how money was borrowed, it was believed that this was the time of dark power. Unnecessarily during the full moon, no one left the house, neither young nor old.

Changes are ahead of us, so we strongly recommend that you keep at hand the Lunar calendar with the full moons of August 2018, where you can find out about favorable and unfavorable days, monitor the change in the lunar phases. Without a doubt, he is your everyday assistant and will be useful both to you personally and to loved ones, friends, relatives, because you will agree that all of us, to one degree or another, are under the direct influence of the moon, namely the change of its phases

Moreover, quite a long time ago, scientists proved that our mood, like health and well-being, is subject to lunar influence. That is why it is so important to know what phase the Moon will be in today, tomorrow, or in the future, what should be prepared for, what should be abandoned so as not to encounter unnecessary problems, the consequences of which will require significant financial costs.

We hope that the proposed lunar calendar for next August 2018, with the phases of the moon and full moon days, favorable and unfavorable days, will help you all orient yourself, which means that you can build your schedule in the best possible way, rationally and safely allocate your time, and therefore protect yourself from extra problems.

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