Compatibility of archers with archers in marriage. What does an ideal couple look like: Sagittarius woman - Sagittarius man? Unfavorable compatibility of Sagittarius with the signs of the elements of Earth and Water: with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

Two Sagittarius together is a truly explosive mixture of two representatives of the element of Fire. Between them there is a strong attraction and violent passion. But how long they will be with each other is a difficult question.

A magnificent and great love awaits this couple, which will remain in their memory for a lifetime. Compatibility in love between two Sagittarians is excellent, but this union is not very successful for a long-term relationship. For the relationship of a pair of Sagittarius, the following qualities are characteristic:

  • Brightness;
  • Originality;
  • Activity;
  • temperament;
  • adventurism;

Both partners have irrepressible energy and craving for new experiences. Therefore, their union will be full of interesting adventures, travels and surprises. Both partners strive to lead an active and hectic life filled with a variety of events.

Sagittarians immediately feel a kindred spirit in each other and easily converge from the very first minute of their acquaintance. Absolutely everything will attract them in a partner - external data, character, outlook on life. In addition, a strong sexual attraction immediately arises between them. Often, real feelings flare up between two Sagittarius.

But, despite the fact that partners are simply crazy about each other, they rarely succeed in creating a long and lasting alliance. Both partners are too freedom-loving and independent, do not seek to bind themselves with obligations and do not make long-term plans.

The Sagittarius man is repelled by the demonstrative behavior of the Sagittarius woman, her desire for independence. Therefore, he often abandons attempts to curb the proud disposition of this freedom-loving Amazon and is looking for someone more docile. The Sagittarius man is not used to seeking the location of his beloved for a long time, because there are so many beautiful ladies around ...

Two Sagittarians do not know what boredom is and will never let others get bored. They are so energetic and verbose that people get the impression that there are not two of them, but at least a dozen. Well, what did you expect? Two Sagittarius is fire squared...

Sagittarius compatibility largely depends on the duality of their nature. Do not expect constancy, calmness and prudence from Sagittarius. As a rule, this person is unbalanced, impulsive and spontaneous. But, at the same time, he is kind-hearted and compassionate, sympathetic and unforgiving.

The character of Sagittarius largely depends on the location of the planets at the time of birth. Among them there are frivolous adventurers, and super-responsible characters, and cheerful optimists, and gloomy pessimistic persons. It is simply amazing that they are all representatives of the same zodiac sign.

Why do two Sagittarians suit each other?

As a rule, at first sight, two Sagittarians feel closeness and spiritual kinship. This is due to several reasons.

  • Both partners have the same fiery temperament.
  • Sagittarians have exceptional sexual compatibility. They are always desirable for each other and understand the needs of a partner well.
  • They have the same interests and outlook on life. Often Sagittarians have a unique spiritual mission. Therefore, many Sagittarius couples develop esoteric, spiritual or psychological knowledge, and are engaged in educational activities.
  • They are tolerant and indulgent to each other's shortcomings.

The perfect pair of two Sagittarians

The ideal union of two Sagittarians is based on mutual understanding and deep respect. They make a strong impression on people, although they tire them a little. The fact is that Sagittarians are very noisy, hot, sociable, full of energy and plans for the future.

They do not like quiet gatherings in the home circle. They are constantly drawn to new adventures. This couple can be found on hikes and travels. They conquer mountain peaks and bask on the sea coast, go to theaters and museums, attend self-development seminars. In a word, a couple of two Sagittarians strive with all their might to diversify their lives, add bright colors to it and enrich themselves spiritually.

These are very sociable people who love noisy companies, attend fun events and parties with pleasure.

There is another type of Sagittarius: highly spiritual personalities who choose the path of religion, esotericism, pedagogy and philosophy. Such a couple becomes spiritual mentors and brings people the Truth as they understand it. In this case, the partners will be for each other not just lovers, but also faithful like-minded people.

What problems lie in wait for a pair of two Sagittarius?

Representatives of the sign are under the auspices of Jupiter. Under his influence, Sagittarians are constantly drawn to everything new and unknown, they are attracted by freedom and adventure. Having such aspirations, it is not easy for them to be with one person all their lives. To ensure a long-term relationship, Sagittarius must choose a stable and permanent partner. And what constancy can we talk about if the second partner is also Sagittarius?

The love of freedom and independence of two Sagittarians can play a cruel joke with them. Therefore, often the couple breaks up. At the same time, partners remain good friends for life and do not hold grudges against each other.

Another problem in the couple's relationship lies in the Sagittarians' desire for justice. But despite their truthfulness, they like to exaggerate and embellish any situation too much. A less truthful zodiac sign would turn a blind eye to what Sagittarius does "out of molehills", but in a pair of two Sagittarius this becomes a serious problem.

In addition, it would not hurt to add a little warmth and gentleness, patience and sensitivity, stability and common sense to the relationship of this couple. In this case, it is likely that this couple will do well.

How to keep love in a pair of two Sagittarius?

The main difficulties lie in wait for a couple of two Sagittarians in early youth, when both have “wind in their heads”, and the world offers so many interesting opportunities. Therefore, partners should not rush into marriage, even if they are sure that they have found their soul mate.

First, they should decide in which direction they should move on. Sagittarians must choose a path for their development - the achievement of material well-being, travel and knowledge of the world, spiritual improvement or enlightenment. And having decided on the choice, you can already move on to creating a family.

After 30 years, the compatibility of this couple improves, and their chances of creating a strong and happy family become higher.

Watch a video about the compatibility of a pair of two Sagittarius:

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Zodiac Compatibility Sagittarius - Sagittarius

Two Sagittarians perfectly understand each other's rebellious souls, the compatibility between them is very high. Everyone readily lets changes into their lives, longs for new emotions and impressions. They will not interfere with each other in the pursuit of personal growth, they have the same view of leisure, they will never lose mutual interest. There can be contradictions and conflicts between people of this zodiac sign, but the positive attitude and the famous optimism of Sagittarius increase the chances of a successful resolution of any contentious issues.

Sagittarius woman and Sagittarius man - compatibility in love and marriage

When two Sagittarians meet, they subconsciously feel a strong attraction to each other. A male Sagittarius will definitely pay attention to a cheerful, witty, humorous woman of his sign. Among other things, he will like it in her and the lack of desire to start a family at all costs. Both need easy, easy relationships with a fair degree of freedom. A Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man can have parallel hobbies, and at the same time they are far from platonic. This is especially true for young partners, who are horrified by the very idea of ​​the need or even the possibility of self-control and make them avoid more or less serious relationships. Not distinguished by reliability, constancy and rationality in monetary matters, such partners are suitable for each other, but ... are not created for living together.

The situation changes a little when Sagittarius grow up and become wiser - then their couple may well become permanent, but remain just as unusual, bright and thirsty for pleasure. Mature Sagittarius can give odds to many younger couples. They are able to make a holiday out of a weekday, even if they are not rich and cannot afford expensive entertainment.

If both are in a Sagittarius pair, then the basis of their relationship should be equality, an equal number of responsibilities and an equal weight of opinions when discussing pressing issues. However, such an equal marriage, although comfortable for them, does not contribute, although it does not prevent their personal growth. A man risks turning into an even more irresponsible and weak-willed person, and a woman - becoming even more like a militant Amazon.

The love between two Sagittarians can go out just as unexpectedly as it flared up at one time. If this happened and one of this couple fell out of love with the second, then both will come to the decision to divorce, without clinging to this relationship and regardless of children, even if they were born in this marriage. The prospect of starting a new family and starting all over again does not frighten them at all.

The compatibility of a male Sagittarius and a female Sagittarius horoscope makes it dependent on what priorities they choose for themselves. If a man or woman puts the achievement of certain goals at the forefront of their lives, the other half may be left out of work. For Sagittarius, such a form of cohabitation as a guest marriage is well suited, however, women are less ready for it.

Sagittarius man - Sagittarius woman: sexual compatibility

Sagittarians have a good sexual potential, they crave new sensations, including those of an erotic nature, they are always ready for experiments and, alas, a change of partner. Their union is quite unpredictable, and relationships can both fit within the framework of stereotypes and go very far from them. Each of the lovers can have connections on the side, and at the same time they will not try too hard to hide it. Representatives of this sign do not prioritize the quality of intimate relationships, very often replacing it with quantity.

Sagittarius compatibility horoscope in work and business

Creative, active, not lazy, not afraid of work and also lucky - two Sagittarians are able to become a good business duo, but on condition that they are in an equal official position. If one turns out to be subordinate to the other, then in the absence of due respect, the pride of the second Sagittarius can be hurt - and then you can forget about the satisfactory results of joint activities. In addition, Sagittarians are great debaters, they will argue even when their beliefs are fundamentally the same. Both are ready to bury their plans if they are faced with the impossibility of their quick implementation. At worst, they are able to turn business relationships into a constant struggle for power, and at best, they can turn into a close-knit mini-team that is sure to succeed, largely due to unconventional solutions and innate optimism.

Couple Sagittarius - Sagittarius: compatibility in friendship

Not bound by strict mutual obligations, Sagittarius will become great friends for each other. Their interests are often similar, the horoscope endows both with a desire for novelty, incredible curiosity, the same preferences in terms of leisure. Such friends can participate together in a political, social movement, be part of a club, or relax together. Both willingly share plans with each other and participate in their implementation. Friends of the same sex Sagittarius can have an affair with each other, but it will not put an end to their family life if they are not free, since a short-term relationship for them is a completely ordinary thing.

See Sagittarius compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Sagittarians attract attention with a radiant smile and infectious laughter, jokes and friendliness. They are independent, respectful of those who share the value of learning the great mysteries of life. Their character surprisingly combines carelessness and seriousness. Sagittarians have good compatibility in love and marriage with those zodiac signs that, like them, are open to the world. They like diversity, but they do not accept dullness, so a limited person is unlikely to be compatible with Sagittarius. They attract people who are in love with life.

The best compatibility in love and marriage for Sagittarius with the signs of the Zodiac of the fire element: Aries (March 21 - April 20), Leo (July 23 - August 23) and Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21). They are well compatible with Libra (September 24 - October 23) and Aquarius (January 21 - February 18).

Incompatible signs for Sagittarius are Virgo (August 24 - September 23) and Pisces (February 19 - March 20), although an alliance with Virgo can be good for a career, and with Pisces for emotional support. Union with Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) can be financially beneficial. When it comes to marriage compatibility, one of the best choices for marriage would be Gemini (May 21 - June 21). For spiritual development, a fruitful partnership with Scorpio (October 24 - November 22).

Read more about the love compatibility of Sagittarius with all twelve signs of the Zodiac in the articles below:

Sagittarius compatibility horoscope with zodiac signs

Sagittarius - Aries Sagittarius - Libra
Sagittarius - Taurus Sagittarius - Scorpio
Sagittarius - Gemini Sagittarius - Sagittarius
Sagittarius - Cancer Sagittarius - Capricorn
Sagittarius - Leo Sagittarius - Aquarius
Sagittarius - Virgo Sagittarius - Pisces

By nature, Sagittarius are wanderers and seekers, they do not enter into relationships as easily as others. If they fell in love, they need to feel the potential for development, the possibility of expanding their horizons through relationships. They would like to learn new things, get new experience together with their loved one. In love, they are idealists and want their beloved to share their ideals.

In love and relationships, they have something to offer their soulmate. They are warm, affectionate and caring partners. If a Sagittarius is next to you, you will never be bored. But they like change, so stability in love is in question. When the situation in the relationship does not suit them, they experience an urgent need to run away. This usually means just going away for a while to experience something new and then coming back, but sometimes it can be forever.

In the union of Sagittarius there is always a struggle for primacy. It often goes on for years and they like it very much.

They suit each other, as they enthusiastically demonstrate their ambitions to their partner and never get bored. They travel a lot, attend various events and spend a lot of time in active pursuits.

The beginning of a relationship

Sagittarius is a sweet and direct person. He likes to be in the community of his own kind. Sagittarius is almost constantly in high spirits, it is almost impossible to upset him. That is what brings the representatives of the sign together.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius suit each other, but they do not like assertiveness. Therefore, love relationships can develop very slowly. Before the friendship develops into something more, it will take a lot of time.

Sagittarius woman

This person is filled with optimism and cheerfulness. She will be oppressed by a man who often complains about life circumstances and is always dissatisfied with everything. The one who is difficult to budge will not do either.

For a Sagittarius woman, the best option would be a man of the same sign. He is also easy-going and extremely positive. Sagittarius and Sagittarius are perfect for each other in every way. Together they will be able to move mountains, especially if feelings arose between them - more than just friendship.

Sagittarius man

He constantly learns something new, expands his horizons. Such a woman will suit him, who will support all his undertakings, become a companion in social activities and be able to accompany him on travels and trips. A young lady who cares and thinks only about herself will oppress a man. If two Sagittarians form a couple, compatibility will be just perfect. A woman will always support her partner and they will bring the most incredible ideas to life.

Union of two Sagittarians. pros

The element of Fire, to which this sign belongs, is also reflected in the relationship of the couple. Two Sagittarians burn with passion, show unbridled feelings and do not hesitate to show them to others. They are friendly, cheerful and sincere. Such relationships are as trusting and transparent as possible.

Sagittarians are always open to new experiences, they are constantly exploring something unknown, and joint activities do not bother them at all. Sagittarians feel so comfortable in a couple that they can even ignore friends and relatives, giving themselves completely to each other and joint activities. inherent in both, and the unity of interests is capable of keeping the fire in the Sagittarius family hearth for as long as you like.

The couple is tuned to the same emotional wave. Sagittarians can always be sure of the support and understanding of a partner. In their union there is passionate love, friendship, and partnership. When they work together, their enthusiasm increases several times.

Union of two Sagittarians. Minuses

Although they fit each other in all respects, the idyll can be destroyed by some nuances.

Representatives of this sign are great truth-seekers, they will not tolerate hypocrisy and lies. During a quarrel, they say everything they think, although it would be possible to remain silent. Given the principled nature of both, it must be borne in mind that such a situation can lead to a break.

Relationships can also suffer from the daily routine. Sagittarians need constant nourishment in the form of new experiences, otherwise they start to get bored, which is categorically contraindicated for this sign. Vivid love feelings fade. To prevent this from happening, the Sagittarius man and the Sagittarius woman must learn something new, interesting, causing emotional experiences.

Another moment that can destroy an alliance is separation. If a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman spend time apart, then both he and she will quickly become interested in another person, which will inevitably lead to a break.

Common interests, joint activities and recreation will support and strengthen the relationship of this couple.


Most people born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by curiosity and high intelligence. A man and a woman will conduct friendly discussions on any topic, getting great pleasure from such communication.

She directs this sign with her power and rewards both men and women with an inquisitive mind, independence and directness. (Sagittarius and Sagittarius) is due to the main principle of their coexistence: do not bother your neighbor to live the way he wants. They give each other maximum freedom, and then happily share the discoveries that they managed to make not together.

In sports, a man is also likely to be supported by his girlfriend. She will not protect him from adventure and excitement. He will fill her life with amazing events and adventures. There is no more united union.

Sagittarians earn well, but also spend quickly. The Moon, present in the horoscope of one of them, will be able to save them from lack of money. The integrity and truthfulness of Streltsov may not please every boss. Therefore, they often change jobs, and can only work where they are interested. Sagittarians look forward optimistically, and fate is always favorable to them.

love horoscope

The ardent cheerfulness of one is reinforced by the emotions of the other. Therefore, the most tender and reverent erotic scene can begin with a playful battle. This is also noted by their horoscope. Sagittarius love feels comfortable if the Sun and Moon and in the sign of the partner do not oppose his planets. In any case, the feelings of people of the fiery sign cannot be sluggish and faded.

Misunderstanding between Sagittarius-lovers is impossible - for this they are very frank and open. Therefore, they tend to trust unconditionally. They appreciate these qualities very much, but excessive frankness often causes disagreement and calls into question the full compatibility of the two Sagittarians.

Each of the representatives of this sign cares about personal freedom. He is ready to lay a lot on the altar of love, but not everything. Therefore, you should not tell your partner about your past relationships, albeit fleeting ones. Jealousy in Sagittarius is stormy, like all other feelings.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to destroy this couple from the outside, but so that love and passion do not fade away, they cannot be completely and for a long time immersed in everyday problems and duties. You need to constantly look for new impressions and emotions that provide food for the heart and mind.

The life of two Sagittarians in the same house will not necessarily flow joyfully, smoothly and happily. But it certainly won't be boring!

Sexual horoscope of a man

Sagittarius is a magnificent, inventive lover who loves the sexual process itself. His erotic talent will help find the best relationship options in which the two parties will be most satisfied. This is what the horoscope says. Sagittarius is sexual at the level of intuition and feels that he will please his partner, regardless of the seriousness of the relationship.

Sex for a man born under this sign is a way to maintain a joyful perception of life and an opportunity to fence off indifference and fatigue.

From a woman, he expects the same looseness in sex. The technical side, which provides superficial satisfaction, is in the background for the Sagittarius man. The first place is given to the freshness of feelings and the sharpness of sensations.

He is especially sensitive to women's legs. And from stockings just loses his head. She loves if a woman is not completely naked during sex - for example, if she has not taken off her gloves or shoes. Sex for a Sagittarius man is life, and he experiences it in all its manifestations.

Sexual horoscope of a woman

A seductive coquette loves to flirt, reckless in love. The Sagittarius woman experiments in sex without plunging into serious feelings. Prefers to leave partners as friends. She likes light romantic moods. If a short-term relationship ends, she will not grieve for a long time - soon another man will appear in her life.

The Sagittarius woman is not against sex, but she is much more attracted to male friendship. By her behavior, it is not always possible to understand what she wants - whether she is playing a sexual game or looking for a friend.

In bed, the Sagittarius woman is selfish. She does not reject preludes, but prefers the process itself. Above all, for her, her own satisfaction through numerous, but dim orgasms.

Such a woman likes to lie down with a partner after sex, talk about the pleasure she experienced. For her, this is more of a friendly act, and men who act as if the world has turned upside down will push her away.

Sagittarius compatibility with other signs

Aries. Good compatibility of temperamental natures. Short periodic quarrels are possible, but they quickly fade. The couple is well together - both in bed and out of it. If the sex life develops, then the rest will be in order.

Taurus. This sign will strive for dominance, but Sagittarius will not tolerate this. In intimate relationships, the moderate passion of Taurus will most likely be unclaimed.

Twins. There can be no serious connection. Both the one and the other sign are too mobile and restless. Extraneous interests will quickly appear. A short-term relationship is possible, but Gemini will soon become critical of Sagittarius, which will lead to a break.

Crayfish. Friendship is possible, as the signs are very different. Cancer prefers stability and security. Sagittarius needs freedom and adventure.

A lion. Excellent compatibility in life and in bed. Feelings will be based on mutual respect and joint overcoming of difficulties.

Virgo. Short-lived connection. A calm and pedantic Virgo will be pissed off by the easy life of Sagittarius. And he will find it boring.

Scales. Good prospects for any relationship. Libra will enthusiastically watch the extravagant actions of Sagittarius.

Scorpion. He needs a reliable partner, and Sagittarius seems to him too frivolous and freedom-loving. Marriage will not seem like heaven to both.

Sagittarius. A great combination, but not for long.

Capricorn. A cautious and tight-fisted intriguer fears the recklessness of Sagittarius. Mutual dissatisfaction will lead to a break.

Aquarius. He will be able to keep Sagittarius for a long time. Sex will be varied. Both are not jealous and do not pretend to be superior. The marriage will be successful.

Fish. They are too shy for Sagittarius, whose energy will quickly drown in the despondency of a partner. The marriage is doomed.

Rida Khasanova June 24, 2018, 19:20

The union of a Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man turns out to be bright, because both partners positive and emotional people. In their life together there are always exciting trips, unexpected surprises and fun. There is always mutual attraction between a man and a woman of these signs. They are interested in spending time in each other's company, and often there is a great feeling of love between them. The union does not always turn out to be long and strong, since both partners are too value their freedom and independence.

Compatibility Chart for Capricorn and Capricorn

Compatibility Male Sagittarius and Female Sagittarius: pros and cons in a relationship

Pair of Sagittarius Man and Sagittarius Woman full understanding. They love the same things. They have similar interests, and both equally prefer to spend their free time. They can often be found in the theater or cinema, they like to visit fashion establishments or interest courses. Surrounding people like to communicate with Sagittarius, as they are kind, enterprising and pleasant. Sagittarians are often invited to visit, to parties and holidays..

But despite such a unity of souls, some disadvantages are also visible in the compatibility horoscope of a Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man. The main difficulty lies in the fact that both representatives of the sign highly value their own freedom and strive to learn new things.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so it is important for them to change the situation often, travel and expand their horizons.

Therefore, it can be difficult for both a Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man to be paired with the same person all their lives. If their union is destroyed, then usually this happens peacefully. Sagittarians maintain friendly relations and continue to communicate.

Another problem with compatibility is that Sagittarius is a sign that values ​​the truth in everything. At the same time, despite the fact that they are intolerant of lies and deceit, they themselves are sometimes not averse to exaggerating any information. But if the partner does the same, then they will be offended by him for a long time.

A pair of a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman is distinguished by complete mutual understanding.

Are they compatible in love?

The sign of Sagittarius is depicted as a Centaur, which looks half like a man, half like a fabulous animal. Thus, the versatility of the character of the representatives of this sign is conveyed. The love relationship between a Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man is formed due to the unique coincidence of their characters. Representatives of the sign understand each other perfectly and from the first meeting they feel a kindred spirit in a partner.

The Sagittarius man appreciates in the Sagittarius woman the qualities that he himself possesses: sociability, cheerful disposition, intelligence and quick wit. And a woman finds in him her soul mate and a reliable shoulder. They do not need to explain anything to each other, since they feel, think and react to external events in the same way. It is because of this combination of characters that the Sagittarius-Sagittarius pair has excellent compatibility in love. Relationships will be especially sincere if the Sagittarius woman does not strive too much for independence.

Representatives of the sign are comfortable with each other, their life together is filled with pleasant experiences. But these relationships do not always lead to the creation of a family, because Sagittarians easily start a romance and also easily end it.

Compared to others, in a relationship, Sagittarians are not like ordinary lovers who constantly enjoy each other. Each of them can afford to flirt on the side. He will not go beyond what is permitted, but if the partner finds out about this, he will be very offended.

Sagittarians find in each other their soul mate and a reliable shoulder

Sagittarius guy and Sagittarius girl in sex

If a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman meet, then they feel mutual sexual attraction at first sight. They subtly feel each other, they like the partner's appearance, his temperament. They have similar ideas about life, and they easily find a common language. Quite quickly after they met, they can find themselves in bed, as representatives of this sign adventurous.

Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman love to experiment. They have a violent temperament and no complexes, so in intimate relationships they give each other real pleasure.

The only problem is that Sagittarians strive for novelty in everything, and therefore betrayal may appear in their relationship. If the principles do not allow such liberty to be forgiven, then their union will immediately fall apart. But some representatives of the sign are calm about this and continue to stay together.

The intimacy of a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman is considered as an integral part of life together. They are able to give a partner everything that he expects, and receive inspiration from love intimacy. If intimate life seems boring to them, then they will feel dissatisfied and look for other relationships.

Sagittarians strive for novelty in everything

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

The ideal compatibility of two Sagittarius will be if they see in each other not only spouses, but also reliable partners. It is important that the marriage union is concluded between Sagittarius of the same type. If a relationship begins between Sagittarius, who loves a noisy, eventful life with Sagittarius, who prefers to be in solitude, then Strong relationships cannot be built..

A great chance to create a long marriage exists for those Sagittarius who have already reached the age of 30. In their youth, they are too frivolous, and in adulthood they take marriage more seriously. They already have their own goals and aspirations. An adult man and woman of this sign will become a real husband and wife who will look in the same direction. But if you dig deeper, then not a single Sagittarius will consider starting a family an important matter. Often the range of their interests goes beyond family life.

Marriage is possible if the partners agree that they will give each other a certain freedom and will not get hung up on everyday problems

If the husband in this family takes on some household responsibilities, and does not engage only in a career, social activities, does not show himself stronger than his wife, then the family will peaceful and friendly environment. The wife will not get bogged down in everyday life and will remain that cheerful and affectionate woman she was before marriage. So, life together will bring joy and satisfaction to both spouses.

Is there friendship if he is a Sagittarius and she is a Sagittarius?

A strong friendship develops between a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman. Even if they had an affair, they will definitely part as friends and will continue to communicate. Sagittarians have an easy character, so the partners of this sign are not vindictive. They appreciate the opportunity to get support from a friend. in a difficult life situation.

It is Sagittarius who is able to understand the representative of his sign and fully share his interests and emotions. Therefore, the Sagittarius girl and the Sagittarius guy are friends very harmoniously. From time to time they get into all sorts of adventures and adventures, create joint projects that do not differ in durability. But this fact in no way affects their relationship.

The friendship of a Sagittarius guy and a Sagittarius girl is the envy of many strong, they go through various trials together and are always ready to help a friend

Sagittarians zealously defend each other's rightness, without doubting it at all. According to reviews, only the habit of making fun of each other can upset their friendly relations. Representatives of the Sagittarius sign do not always choose expressions and have cynicism, despite the fact that they themselves react sensitively to criticism addressed to them. If the patience of one of them runs out, then a major quarrel will arise. But they will soon make up, because they do not like to hold a grudge for a long time.

Strong friendships develop between Sagittarians

Thus, a friendly union, where he is Sagittarius, and she is Sagittarius, turns out to be strong, despite some difficulties. They understand each other very well, and the people around them are drawn to them. Both representatives of the sign are energetic and emotional people, so they are comfortable being together.

How to win a Sagittarius man?

A woman does not have to put in much effort to win a Sagittarius man and build a relationship with him. The fact is that a man of this sign immediately feels the sympathy of a woman, and if he likes her in appearance and temperament, then a stormy romance will quickly arise.

To achieve complete reciprocity, a woman should not show her independence, since the Sagittarius man is not a hunter by nature. A woman who is accustomed to independence will only repel Sagittarius.

If a relationship with a Sagittarius man is dear to a woman, and she seeks to conquer him, then she needs to show sincerity and not hide from the man that she needs him. Honesty in a relationship with a Sagittarius is the best tactic of behavior.

The Sagittarius man is an excellent conversationalist. A woman does not have to think about how to strike up a conversation with him

A man himself will find a topic for communication and a woman will only have to listen carefully to him - and the heart of Sagittarius will be subdued. Sometimes he can get too carried away with the story, and the conversation will turn into a monologue. But a woman should not interrupt him. She should be his best listener. She should sincerely laugh at his jokes and ask questions.

You can’t limit the freedom of the Sagittarius man, you need to accept all his ideas and support him. It is not recommended to control his movements, but at the same time, you need to make sure that he feels that the woman is next to him and will support him in a difficult situation.

Sagittarius man is a great conversationalist

How to get the attention of a Sagittarius woman?

The Sagittarius woman attracts attention and is always surrounded by admirers. Therefore, in order to achieve its location, a man should become a worthy representative among other rivals. A Sagittarius woman is attracted to qualities such as:

  • Optimism;
  • Sociability;
  • Sense of humor;
  • Ease of character;
  • Placability;
  • Sensuality.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Sagittarius woman? Yes, but first of all, she will pay attention to a man who stands out among others with a bright appearance and will be an established personality.

The woman of this sign is energetic and mobile.. She will not appreciate the monotony, so she will not sit in one place for a long time. The Sagittarius woman likes outdoor activities. She loves to travel and visit unfamiliar places. Therefore, in order to win her, a man should share her hobbies, but not force himself to do this, since a woman of this sign is sensitive to falsehood.

The Sagittarius woman appreciates freedom, so you should not ask her to report. She perceives this attitude as an infringement on her personal freedom and quickly breaks the connection.

A man, in order to conquer a Sagittarius woman, needs to ask her opinion on various topics and ask for advice. This will surely attract her, and will not leave indifferent. A man who achieves love from a Sagittarius woman will not regret it a bit. She will become his best friend, wonderful lover and faithful wife.

Compatibility in the relationship of a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman will be truly happy. Their marriage can last a lifetime and for both spouses bring joy, harmony and satisfaction. In order to achieve such an understanding, Sagittarius should be more often distracted from everyday problems, not provoke each other into quarrels and not limit the freedom of a partner. It is important to constantly strive for new knowledge, explore the world, travel together and make new acquaintances with interesting people. Such behavior will bind the union of two Sagittarius with a strong thread.

A Sagittarius woman will pay attention to a man who stands out among others with a bright appearance.

A Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman need to learn how to compromise, understand each other's desires, give in and restrain emotionality. They should mutually respect the partner, take into account the interests and develop - then the marriage of Sagittarius will be long and happy.

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