Warning signs of deviations in the development of the child. Existing types of deviations. A victim of the environment

Published according to the publication: Mastyukova E. M. "A child with developmental disabilities: Early diagnosis and correction." - M .: Education, 1992, p. 5–26. The book summarizes the data of domestic and foreign studies on the diagnosis and correction of various forms of abnormal development in young children. The author considers abnormal development as a consequence of organic lesions of the central nervous system. Particular attention is paid to the early diagnosis and correction of deviations in the cognitive sphere of children.

Types of developmental disorders

Psychomotor development is a complex dialectical process, which is characterized by a certain sequence and uneven maturation of individual functions, their qualitative transformation at a new age stage. At the same time, each subsequent stage of development is inextricably linked with the previous one.

Psychomotor development is based on a genetic program, which is realized under the influence of various factors. environment. Therefore, if a child lags behind in development, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the role of hereditary factors in this lag.

Various adverse effects in the prenatal period of development, during childbirth ( birth injury, asphyxia), and also after birth can lead to impaired psychomotor development of the child.

For successful treatment, correctional and pedagogical work with children with developmental disabilities, importance has knowledge of the causes and nature of developmental disorders.

It is well known that children suffering from the same disease lag behind in development in different ways. This is due to the genotypic features of their central nervous system, various environmental influences, as well as how timely the correct diagnosis was made and treatment, correctional and pedagogical work was started.

Under cause developmental deviations understand the impact on the body of an external or internal adverse factor that determines the specifics defeat or developmental disorders psychomotor functions.

It is known that almost any more or less long-term adverse effect on the developing brain of a child can lead to deviations in psychomotor development. Their manifestations will be different depending on the time of the adverse effect, i.e., on what stage of brain development it took place, its duration, and on the hereditary structure;

organism and, above all, the central nervous system, as well as the social conditions in which the child is brought up. All these factors together determine leading defect which manifests itself in the form of insufficiency of intelligence, speech, vision, hearing, motor skills, disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior. In some cases, there may be several violations, then they talk about complicated or complex defect.

A complex defect is characterized by a combination of two or more disorders that equally determine the structure of abnormal development and the difficulties in teaching and raising a child. For example, a complex defect occurs in a child with simultaneous damage to vision and hearing, or hearing and motor skills, etc.

With a complicated defect, it is possible to single out the leading, or main, violation and complicating disorders. For example, a child with intellectual disabilities may experience mild defects in vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system, emotional and behavioral disorders.

Both a leading and a complicating defect can have the character of both damage, so underdevelopment. Often there is a combination of them.

feature child brain is that even a small lesion does not remain partial, local, as is the case in adult patients, but adversely affects the entire process of maturation of the central nervous system. Therefore, a child with impaired speech, hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, in the absence of early corrective measures, will lag behind in mental development.

The developmental disorders described above are primary. However, along with the primary ones, there are often so-called secondary violations, the structure of which depends on the nature of the leading defect. Yes, backlog mental development in children with general systemic underdevelopment of speech, it will primarily manifest itself in the weakness of verbal (verbal) memory and thinking, and in children with cerebral palsy- in the insufficiency of spatial representations and constructive activity.

In children with hearing impairments, the development of understanding of addressed speech is disturbed, an active vocabulary and coherent speech are hardly formed. With visual defects, the child has difficulty in correlating the word with the designated object, he can repeat many words without understanding their meaning enough, which delays the development of the semantic side of speech and thinking.

Secondary developmental disorders primarily affect those mental functions that develop most intensively in early and preschool age. These include speech, fine differentiated motor skills, spatial representations, voluntary regulation of activity.

A major role in the occurrence of secondary deviations in development is played by the insufficiency or absence of early treatment, correctional and pedagogical measures, and especially mental deprivation. For example, an immobilized child with cerebral palsy, who has no experience of communicating with peers, is distinguished by personal and emotional-volitional immaturity, infantilism, and increased dependence on others.

Undetected deviations in development, for example, mild defects in vision and hearing, primarily delay the pace of the child's mental development, and can also contribute to the formation of secondary emotional and personality abnormalities in children. Being in mass preschool institutions, not having a differentiated approach to themselves and not receiving treatment and correctional assistance, these children can be in a situation of failure for a long time. Under such conditions, they often develop low self-esteem, low level claims; they begin to avoid communication with their peers, and gradually secondary violations aggravate their social maladaptation more and more.

Thus, early diagnosis, medical and psychological and pedagogical correction can achieve significant success in shaping the personality of children with developmental disabilities.

It is believed that deviations in the mental development of the child can be distinguished in early age impossible, and any inappropriate behavior is regarded as a childish whim. However, today many mental disorders specialists can already notice in a newborn, which allows you to start treatment on time.

Neuropsychological signs of mental disorders in children

Doctors have identified a number of syndromes - mental characteristics children most commonly seen in different ages. The syndrome of functional deficiency of subcortical formations of the brain develops in the prenatal period. It is characterized by:

  • Emotional instability, expressed in frequent shift sentiments;
  • Increased fatigue and associated low work capacity;
  • Pathological stubbornness and laziness;
  • Sensitivity, capriciousness and uncontrollability in behavior;
  • Prolonged enuresis (often up to 10-12 years);
  • Underdevelopment of fine motor skills;
  • Manifestations of psoriasis or allergies;
  • Appetite and sleep disorders;
  • Slow formation of graphic activity (drawing, handwriting);
  • Tics, grimacing, screaming, uncontrollable laughter.

The syndrome is quite difficult to correct, because due to the fact that the frontal regions are not formed, most often deviations in the mental development of the child are accompanied by intellectual insufficiency.

Dysgenetic syndrome associated with functional deficiency of brain stem formations can manifest itself in childhood up to 1.5 years. Its main features are:

  • Disharmonious mental development with a shift in stages;
  • facial asymmetries, wrong growth teeth and violation of the formula of the body;
  • Difficulty falling asleep;
  • abundance age spots and moles;
  • Distortion of motor development;
  • Diathesis, allergies and disorders in the endocrine system;
  • Problems in the formation of neatness skills;
  • encopresis or enuresis;
  • Distorted pain threshold;
  • Violations of phonemic analysis, school maladaptation;
  • Memory selectivity.

The mental characteristics of children with this syndrome are difficult to correct. Teachers and parents should ensure the neurological health of the child and the development of his vestibular-motor coordination. It should also be taken into account that emotional disorders aggravated by fatigue and exhaustion.

The syndrome associated with the functional immaturity of the right hemisphere of the brain can manifest itself from 1.5 to 7-8 years. Deviations in the mental development of the child are manifested as:

  • Mosaic perception;
  • Violation of the differentiation of emotions;
  • Confabulations (fantasy, fiction);
  • color vision disorders;
  • Errors in assessing angles, distances and proportions;
  • Distortion of memories;
  • Feeling of multiple limbs;
  • Violations of the setting of stresses.

To correct the syndrome and reduce the severity of mental disorders in children, it is necessary to ensure the neurological health of the child and pay Special attention the development of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, spatial representation, visual perception and memory.

There are also a number of syndromes that develop from 7 to 15 years due to:

  • Birth injury cervical regions spinal cord;
  • General anesthesia;
  • concussions;
  • emotional stress;
  • intracranial pressure.

To correct deviations in the child's mental development, a set of measures is needed to develop interhemispheric interaction and ensure the child's neurological health.

Mental characteristics of children of different ages

most important in the development small child up to 3 years is communication with the mother. It is the lack of maternal attention, love and communication that many doctors consider the basis for the development of various mental disorders. Doctors call the second reason genetic predisposition transmitted to children from parents.

The period of early childhood is called somatic, when the development mental functions directly related to movement. To the most typical manifestations mental disorders in children include digestive and sleep disorders, startling harsh sounds monotonous crying. Therefore, if the baby is anxious for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will help either diagnose the problem or dispel the fears of the parents.

Children aged 3-6 years are developing quite actively. Psychologists characterize this period as psychomotor, when the reaction to stress can manifest itself in the form of stuttering, tics, nightmares, neuroticism, irritability, affective disorders and fears. As a rule, this period is quite stressful, since usually at this time the child begins to attend preschool educational institutions.

Ease of adaptation to children's team largely depends on the psychological, social and intellectual preparation. Mental disorders in children of this age may occur due to increased loads for which they are not prepared. It is quite difficult for hyperactive children to get used to the new rules that require perseverance and concentration.

At the age of 7-12 years, mental disorders in children can manifest as depressive disorders. Quite often, for self-affirmation, children choose friends with similar problems and way of self-expression. But even more often in our time, children replace real communication with virtual ones. in social networks. The impunity and anonymity of such communication contributes to even greater alienation, and existing disorders can progress rapidly. In addition, prolonged concentration in front of a screen affects the brain and can cause epileptic seizures.

Deviations in the mental development of a child at this age, in the absence of a reaction from adults, can lead to quite serious consequences including sexual development disorders and suicide. It is also important to monitor the behavior of girls, who often during this period begin to be dissatisfied with their appearance. This may develop anorexia nervosa, which is a severe psychosomatic disorder that can irreversibly disrupt metabolic processes in the body.

Doctors also note that at this time, mental abnormalities in children can develop into a manifest period of schizophrenia. If you do not respond in time, pathological fantasies and overvalued hobbies can develop into crazy ideas with hallucinations, changes in thinking and behavior.

Deviations in the mental development of a child can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, the parents' fears are not confirmed to their joy, and sometimes the help of a doctor is really needed. Treatment of mental disorders can and should be carried out only by a specialist who has sufficient experience to stage correct diagnosis, and success largely depends not only on the right medicines but also from family support.

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1. Kulagina I.Yu. Age psychology. - M., 2000

2. Craig G. Psychology of development.- M., 2000

3. Nemov R.S. Human psychology.- M., 1998.- V.2.

4. Obukhova L.F. Age psychology. - M., 1996

5. Troshin O.V. Crisis pedagogy and psychology. - N. Novgorod, 1998.

6. Troshin O.V. Age psychology. - N. Novgorod, 2000.

7. Troshin O.V. Syntogenetic psychology of development. - N. Novgorod, 2000.

Lecture 5 general characteristics children with handicapped

1. The concept of "children with developmental disabilities"

This concept has its own backstory. At the beginning of the 20th century. V.P. Kashchenko proposed the term "exceptional children", emphasizing their psychological originality and significant psychological potential, which can be realized with proper corrective work. After 1918, the term "defective children" began to be used, when the leading significance was attached to the defect itself, and all work was aimed at compensating for it. Defect (from the Latin "lack") reflects the insufficiency of certain functional systems.

In the 1950s, in special psychology research, the concept of "abnormal children" began to be used more often, in which the emphasis was not on the defect itself, but on the abnormal development caused by it. It is the main reason for the socio-psychological maladjustment of the child. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the anomaly disrupts the development of the child only when certain conditions. Their appearance is accompanied by the actualization of the defect with the occurrence of abnormal development in the form of certain psychological disorders. It is they who require special training, education and psycho-correction.

The last 20 years (in the 80s) began to give preference to the concept of "children with developmental disabilities", because. special training has also been extended to moderate developmental disorders that are well amenable to correction. Children with developmental disabilities - students whose physical and mental disabilities lead to a violation general development and socio-psychological maladaptation. At the same time, the following categories of children with developmental disabilities are distinguished:

1) children with hearing impairments (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

2) with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

3) with severe speech disorders (logopaths);

4) with violations intellectual development(mentally retarded children, children with mental retardation); the concept of intellectual insufficiency;

5) with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (ICP);

6) with deviant behavior;

7) with complex disorders psychophysical development(blind-deaf-mute, blind mentally retarded, deaf mentally retarded, etc.).

8) orphans;

9) disabled children;

10) children at risk (for school maladaptation);

11) with emotional-volitional disorders (accentuations, psychopathy, autism).

Currently, combined developmental deviations are becoming important. In this regard, ICD-10, which has a syndromological structure of diagnostics, is being introduced in special psychology.

Today, the concepts are widely used: "children with disabilities", "children with special needs» in accordance with the international approach in special psychology and further humanization of this field of knowledge.

Various deviations in development are reflected in the peculiarities of the formation of children's social ties, their cognitive abilities and restrictions in labor activity. Therefore, they differ as follows:

1. According to the degree of recovery. Depending on the nature of the disorders, some anomalies can be completely overcome in the process of the child's development, others can only be partially corrected, and some can only be temporarily compensated.

2. According to the educational level of children. Some children can only master self-service skills, others - elementary general educational knowledge, and others - full course secondary school.

3. According to professional suitability. Some children are compensated within the limits of social orientation, others - in conditions of low-skilled labor, and still others - are capable of fairly highly skilled work.

1. Deviations in the development of the child are characterized not only negative signs. Those. it is not so much a deviant as a peculiar development. Therefore, in modern conditions the concept of V.P. is very fair. Kashchenko - "exceptional children". It is noted that their mental development is subject to general laws formation of the psyche of normal children (V.I. Lubovsky).

2. Such disorders, for example, as blindness and deafness, etc., are mainly due to biological changes. And the more pronounced structural disturbances, the less effective pedagogical and psychological impact on the mental development of an abnormal child.

3. “The educator has to deal not so much with these biological factors as with their social consequences"(L.S. Vygotsky). Those. the correctional process is largely aimed at secondary violations using a psychological and pedagogical approach, and primary violations are rehabilitated mainly by medical means.

4. Currently, the theory of the complex structure of developmental deviations is being considered. It implies the presence of a primary defect caused by biological factors, and secondary disorders that occur during abnormal development. At the same time, several types of their interaction are distinguished.

A is a direct effect. For example, deafness as a primary anomaly causes dumbness - secondary disorders; in blind children, secondary is the insufficiency of spatial orientation, the mimicry of the face, the originality of character; with primary intellectual insufficiency, a secondary underdevelopment of personality traits is formed, characterized by high self-esteem, negativism, and neurotic behavior.

B - the opposite effect. Under certain conditions, secondary disturbances can have a negative feedback effect on the primary anomaly. So, a child with partial hearing loss will not use his preserved functions if oral speech does not develop.

B - corrective relations. The greater the difference between the root cause (primary disorders of biological origin) and secondary symptom(violation in the development of mental processes), the more effective is the special correction and compensation of the latter. The farther the symptom is from the root cause, the more it lends itself to educational and therapeutic effect"(L.S. Vygotsky). The development of higher psychological functions turns out to be less stable than lower, elementary mental processes. Thus, it is almost impossible to restore hearing, but speech disorders can be compensated.

5. In the study of secondary deviations, not only negative, but also positive components of the anomaly are noted. Its potential compensatory capabilities are supported during corrective work. The source of adaptation of abnormal children to the environment is preserved psychological functions. For example, a deaf child uses a visual and motor analyzer; a blind child actively uses auditory analyzer, touch; in mentally retarded children, practical thinking is activated.

6. Deviation in development is affected by the degree and quality of the structure of the primary defect. So, a slight hearing loss leads to minor impairments in the development of speech, and deep defeat hearing without special assistance is accompanied by the development of dumbness.

7. The originality of development is also determined by the period of occurrence of primary disorders. Thus, a blind-born person has no visual images; with loss of vision at primary school age, the child retains in memory certain visual representations of the world around him; in an older student, visual representations are characterized by sufficient completeness and stability.

8. The peculiarity of deviations in development is also influenced by environmental conditions, especially pedagogical and microsocial conditions. Therefore, early detection of violations and their timely correction is of particular importance, i.е. creation necessary conditions for the prevention of secondary disorders.

9. The process of learning and psycho-correction is based not only on the formed functions, but also on potential ones: "It is necessary to transfer the zone of proximal development to the zone of actual development."

The dream of all parents is to have healthy and happy children. To do this, many couples undergo thorough examinations before conceiving a child, conduct healthy lifestyle life, fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor. But… Human body not as predictable as I would like. Doctors are not always omnipotent. And now a child appeared in the family - sweet, beautiful, gentle, affectionate.

Does he have developmental disabilities? This is not easy to determine. Some defects appear immediately at birth. Well, there are those who begin to make themselves felt as the baby develops.

Causes of deviations in the development of children

What can influence the appearance of deviations in the development of the child? Experts identify two main factors that are considered the main causes of defects in the development of the child:

  • heredity;
  • environmental factors.

If hereditary pathologies medicine is trying to determine even more early stages, then it is more difficult with environmental factors, since it is very difficult to foresee them. They mean, firstly, various infectious diseases, injury and intoxication. According to the time of their impact on the body, specialists determine pathologies:

  • prenatal (intrauterine);
  • natal (during childbirth);
  • postnatal (after birth).

Secondly, The development of a child is significantly influenced by such a factor as the social environment in which he grows up. If it is unfavorable, then at a certain point one can state the following problems in the development of the child:

  • emotional deprivation;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • social neglect.

Types of deviations in the development of children

So what is a developmental disability? This is a violation of his psychomotor functions that occur when adverse effects various factors on his brain. As a result, the following types of deviations in the development of children are distinguished:

  1. Physical.
  2. Mental.
  3. Pedagogical.
  4. Social.

The group of children with physical disabilities includes those who have ailments that hinder their actions, as well as children with visual, hearing and musculoskeletal disorders.

to the group with mental disorders include children with mental retardation, mental retardation, speech disorders and emotional-volitional sphere.

The group with pedagogical deviations is made up of those children who, for certain reasons, have not received a secondary education.

The group with social deviations consists of those children who, as a result of upbringing, were not instilled with a function that significantly affects their entry into the social environment, which is very evident in behavior and consciousness during their stay in social group. Unlike the first three groups social deviations(anger, phobias, lack of will, hyperactivity, significant suggestibility) is difficult to distinguish from the natural manifestation of the child's character. It is in these cases great importance has not a therapeutic intervention on it, but the prevention of possible deviations from the rules and norms.

By the way, a gifted child is also a deviation from the norm, and such children constitute a separate group.

Determination of the norm in the development of the child

So what is the norm for a child? This is, first of all:

  1. His level of development corresponds to most of his peers, among whom he grows up.
  2. His behavior corresponds to the requirements of society: the child is not asocial.
  3. It develops according to individual inclinations, while clearly overcoming negative influences both on the part of your body and the environment.

So, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: not every child with developmental disabilities from birth is already not the norm and, conversely, healthy child at birth does not always reach the norm as a result of development.

The child develops according to the norm with:

  • proper functioning of the brain and its cortex;
  • normal mental development;
  • preservation of the sense organs;
  • sequential learning.

There may be a question about the appropriateness of these items for children with pre-existing disabilities. Let us immediately define such a moment that a child with a physical and mental defect must undergo full rehabilitation from the first days. This includes not only medical intervention but also pedagogical correction. Thanks to the joint efforts of parents (first of all!), physicians and correctional teachers, many pathologies in the development of the psyche can be bypassed thanks to compensatory processes that are possible in children with disabilities.

Not everything will go smoothly and smoothly. But a child with physical disabilities can and should develop according to age. To do this, he only needs the help of specialists and the boundless love and patience of his parents. Some success is possible in children with mental pathologies. Each case requires an individual approach.

What periods most clearly demonstrate possible deviations in the physical and mental development of the child?

Each sensitive period determines the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that the child must operate with. Most experts believe that special attention should be paid to children during periods of crisis in their lives, who fall at this age:

  • preschool;
  • junior school;
  • teenage.

What behavior of the child should alert in order to prevent deviations in his development?

AT preschool age:

  1. As a result of pathogenic effects on the brain and its cortex, normal ratios excitatory and inhibitory processes. If it is difficult for a child to control inhibitory reactions to prohibitions, he cannot organize his behavior even in play, then this may be one of the signals that the child has developmental disabilities.
  2. The child fantasizes excessively or, on the contrary, is rather primitive in his stories when he tries to get out of a difficult situation.
  3. The child is prone to imitation of incorrect forms of behavior, which may indicate easy suggestibility.
  4. Infantile (underdeveloped) emotional manifestations in the form of a loud cry, crying or movements that are not appropriate for age (poking with your feet).
  5. Short temper, impulsive behavior for any insignificant reason, which leads to a quarrel or even a fight.
  6. Complete negativism, disobedience to elders with pronounced aggression, anger at a remark, ban or punishment.

At primary school age:

  1. Low cognitive activity, which is combined with personal immaturity.
  2. Negative attitude to lessons, refusal to complete tasks with a desire to attract attention with the help of rudeness, disobedience.
  3. Availability by the end of the junior school age significant gaps in knowledge that are accompanied by a reluctance to learn.
  4. Craving and interest in what brings aggression and cruelty. antisocial behavior.
  5. To any prohibition or demand, the response is violent, carrying a conflict, escapes from home are possible.
  6. Committed to thrill as a result of increased sensory thirst.

During adolescence:

  1. Infantile judgments, weak functions of self-regulation and self-control, lack of volitional efforts.
  2. Complex behavior, which is accompanied by infantilism with affective excitability.
  3. Early sexual desires, tendency to alcoholism, vagrancy.
  4. A complete negative attitude towards learning.
  5. Antisocial behavior that mimics an inappropriate adult lifestyle.

Antisocial behavior in a child can be caused not only by congenital pathologies, but also improper upbringing, which is accompanied by lack of control, antisocial behavior of family members or their gross authoritarianism.

What to do if a child has developmental disabilities?

In order to determine whether there are deviations in the development of the child or whether this is just an age-related manifestation of character, it is necessary to conduct complete diagnostics. Diagnosis can only be made after complete examination starring different specialists, among which there must be a doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist.

It must be remembered that no one puts a conclusion about the mental development of a child behind one symptom.

In order to draw a conclusion and determine the level of opportunities little patient, there are psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPC), where narrow specialists work, whose duties include examining the child, consulting his parents and starting corrective work if necessary.

It must be remembered: firstly, only a specialist can make a diagnosis of mental development, and secondly, a doctor’s conclusion is not a sentence or a label for life. After the expiration of time at favorable influence on a child, the diagnosis can be changed.

Types of diagnosis of deviations in the development of the child

For a complete analysis of the state of health, diagnostics are carried out:

  • medical;
  • psychological.

medical examination

During medical diagnostics held:

  • general examination of the child;
  • analysis of the anamnesis (it is important that the information is provided by the mother);
  • assessment of the child's condition, both neurological and mental.

At the same time, much attention is paid to how the child’s emotional sphere is developed, what level of intelligence he has and whether he is age appropriate, it is of great importance speech development as well as mental. In this case, the doctor, if necessary, analyzes the results of the x-ray of the skull, computed tomography, encephalograms.

During a general examination, the doctor gives an opinion on the structure of the skull, the proportionality of the face, on the features of the limbs, body, etc., on the work sensory systems(hearing, sight). The data are both subjective and objective. The objective ones include those provided by an ophthalmologist and an otolaryngologist using special equipment.

Sometimes even visually, according to the structure of the skull and face, the growth of the child, eye movements, the doctor can already establish such congenital abnormalities:

  • micro- and macrocephaly;
  • Down syndrome;
  • nystagmus;
  • strabismus, etc.

The state of the nervous system is necessarily assessed, namely: the presence of paralysis, paresis, hyperkinesis, tremor, tics, etc. The structure of the articulatory apparatus is examined for the presence of such deviations as:

  • narrow gothic sky;
  • clefts of the hard and soft palate;
  • cleft lip;
  • shortened hyoid ligament.

In this case, the bite and placement of the teeth are analyzed.

Mental examination

An examination of mental functions begins with a study of the child's living conditions and how he was brought up. It is these circumstances that are leading in ontogeny. When diagnosing deviations in the development of a child, the characteristics of each age period. The following mental functions are subject to analysis and research:

  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • thinking;
  • perception;
  • intelligence;
  • emotional sphere, etc.

Best of all, the child opens up in the game, during which you can conduct diagnostic observations of his behavior, talk, and conduct a learning experiment. Communication with him will provide an opportunity to assess the level of his development, age compliance, what terms he operates, what sentences he makes, what kind of vocabulary the child has, whether he is active in the game, whether he can construct, whether he concentrates and for how long, whether he can switch to another type of activity whether it has a cognitive interest, how it conducts the analysis, whether its activity is productive, whether it brings the work begun to the end.

In this case, a variety of visual material is used. The emotional background should be comfortable for the child. The methods and techniques of work are selected according to the defect that the child has: for the deaf, they are allowed to respond with gestures, for the visually impaired, clear pictures are selected, for the mentally retarded, simple tasks are made up. The child should not refuse to play. it the main task who diagnoses.

It is most difficult to examine such patients: deaf-blind-mute, who do not understand anything, children with impaired behavior, who have a reduced level of motivation and are easily fatigued. It is also not easy to diagnose those who have multiple abnormalities, as it is difficult to determine the primary defect and what it pulled with it and how deep.

Only after careful medical and psychological diagnostics the diagnosis is determined, according to which corrective classes are prescribed. Their goal is to fill as much as possible, according to the intellectual and mental capabilities of the child, those gaps that have arisen as a result of his improper upbringing and development.

Have you ever wondered where children with developmental disabilities come from: deaf, blind, children with mental retardation, children with cerebral palsy, autistic children?..

I think that if you are happy parents healthy child, then such thoughts do not visit you. Each of us is sure that this can happen to anyone, but not to me, anywhere, but not in my family.

Or maybe you think that children with disabilities are born only to drug addicts and alcoholics? If yes, then you are deeply mistaken.

  • The tragedy of the situation is that children with developmental disabilities are mostly born to ordinary, normal, healthy parents.
  • The tragedy of the situation is that there are a lot of reasons for the birth of children with developmental disabilities, both social and purely physiological. And if we have no control over genetic failures (Such as, for example, Down's syndrome. Although the relationship between the age of the parents and the manifestation of this anomaly in the development of the child has now been proven.), then at least it is possible and necessary to fight the rest of the risks.
  • The tragedy of the situation is that more and more children are born with developmental disabilities every year.

The body of the child is formed mainly in the first 3-4 months prenatal development, it is at this time that the nervous system. From 3 to 9 weeks - the heart is formed; 5 to 9 weeks - arms and legs; from 8 to 12 weeks - face, eyes, ears, nose; from 5 to 16 weeks - kidneys. Any "harm" in initial period fetal development can cause congenital anomalies development. Moreover, it has been established that the earlier the fetus is damaged, the more severe and irreversible the consequences are.

Physiological causes of deviations in the development of the child

Everyone knows that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol (and even more so narcotic substances) and smoke that you can not continue to work on hazardous industries that you need to be very careful with drugs, as they can accumulate in the body of the fetus, causing mental retardation.

Increased arterial pressure during pregnancy cardiovascular failure, kidney disease, diabetes may also cause mental retardation The child has. Infectious diseases suffered by a future mother are very dangerous, some of them (for example, rubella) can even become an indication for abortion in order to avoid the birth of mentally and physically handicapped children.

Another one common cause deviations in development - pathologies labor activity, for example, fast, rapid labor or, conversely, prolonged labor with stimulation. The result of rapid labor may be hemorrhage due to the rapid change in intrauterine pressure to atmospheric; entwining the child with the umbilical cord leads to birth in asphyxia (suffocation, respiratory arrest); at prolonged labor caused by wrong position fetus, possible damage to the shoulder nerve plexus and as a consequence - paralysis of the hand.

Social causes of deviations in the development of the child

No less dangerous and adverse social influences during pregnancy. Any negative social situations in which it is future mom, or thoughts and actions directed against the child himself (the desire to terminate the pregnancy, doubts or anxiety associated with future motherhood) lay the basic matrix of emotional experience that can become instead full-fledged basis for the normal mental development of the child - a pathogenic base.

The most harmful are prolonged negative experiences of the mother. At this time, anxiety hormones are produced and released into the amniotic fluid, they contribute to fetal vasoconstriction, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the brain cells, the fetus develops under conditions of hypoxia, placental abruption and premature birth may begin.

No less dangerous are the strong short-term stress- shocks, fears, experiences. At the 5th month, the fetus feels an increase in the heart rate of the excited mother. He tenses when the mother is restless, relaxes when the mother is calm. At 6-7 months, the fetus reacts to any abrupt change mother's body position. As a result, there is a risk of the birth of a child with congenital childhood nervousness.

Neuropathy is diagnosed already in the first year of life. It manifests itself in frequent regurgitation, temperature fluctuations, restless sleep, "rolling" when crying. If the child is helped in time (general strengthening massage, hardening, close communication with parents, etc.), then with age, the signs of neuropathy may decrease; and under adverse circumstances, if for some reason the child is left without parents and their care, then neuropathy becomes the basis for development chronic disorders and somatic diseases.

And in conclusion - a small fairy tale about "special" children. Try reading and discussing it with your child. Kindness, tolerance, understanding also need to be learned.

What happened to the crocodile? (M. Moskvina)

Well, it's hot today! yawned the crocodile. - Even out of the water to get out of reluctance. But you must!
And he swam to the shore. There, in the sand, a few days ago, he buried an egg and kept running around to watch when a crocodile son would hatch from it. But as time went on, other crocodiles had babies swimming in the river, and with him ... And now the crocodile dug up a whole egg, turned it in his paws in a distressed way, and raised it to his ear. Suddenly he hears: knock-knock!
- Someone is! - the crocodile was delighted. - Yes Yes! Come in! Oh, I mean, get out!
- Help, right? - crawled grandmother-crocodile.
- Knock Knock! - as if someone from within was knocking with a hammer.
The shell cracked and a head popped out of the hole. The crocodile froze.

Here! - and a wet yellow-mouthed chick fell onto the grass from a split egg.
- Pf-f! - hissed the grandmother crocodile. - What is this news?
Crocodile shrugged. And the chick looked around with curiosity and galloped, at first quietly, and then more and more cheerfully and confidently - to the crocodile.

Listen, - the green toothy old woman came to her senses. I lived long life I've seen a lot, but never like this. Do you want to know my opinion? Pretend like no one was born to you.
- And he? - the crocodile asked confused.
- He needs to be eaten. Am! And no. And then the crocodiles will laugh at you.
“Perhaps, indeed, I’ll eat it, and that’s it, otherwise you won’t get into trouble!” thought the crocodile. But he could not even open his mouth, the yellow-mouthed one was so trusting.
- Swallow like a pill, then drink it! - hissed the crocodile.
But when the chick rubbed itself against the rough cheek of the crocodile and squeaked “Paaa-pa!” , he suddenly realized: he could not eat it. Can't, that's all.
After all, it was HIS baby.

Ah well?! - and the crocodile blabbed about the chick to all the crocodiles in the river.
And although there was a terrible heat, the crocodiles all got out of the water, surrounded the crocodile, graze their own and let's laugh! The chick got scared and hid behind the crocodile. Then the crocodile said:
- Listen, well, you were born according to all the rules, as expected. What if someone doesn't look like you? So let's laugh at him, tease him, and even better - swallow him! Is that how it works?
Everyone fell silent.
- And I warn you: this crocodile ... um ... or whatever it is ... will live with me. If anyone touches him, blame yourself.

So they lived together. The crocodile built a house for the chick, dragged worms and midges there for him. If the chick disappeared somewhere, the crocodile got worried, looked for it everywhere, asked its relatives:
Have you seen my chick? Did the chick run?
And they almost burst with the desire to burst out laughing, but, remembering the threat of the crocodile, they restrained themselves. But behind the eyes of the grandmother-crocodile gossip:
- Think, the pigalitsa was covered with fluff! ..
- And on the wings of this scumbag, you see, feathers have grown ...
- Did you hear the news? Pigalitsa jumped over the bush! Ah, what an event! The crocodile did not sleep all night from happiness! Nuts! Look at him!!!

The crocodile stood with his head up and watched his chick fly over the forest.
- Where are you going? Don't you dare fly! You will fall! Come back! - the excited crocodile shouted that there is urine.
And heard in response:
- I won't fall! I'm a bird! Real bird! I'm no longer a chick!
- Be careful! That is ... careful, - the crocodile shouted again.

Teach you to fly, dad? - rang in the air.
- Yes! Yes! - the crocodile was delighted, and he thought: “Then I can protect you everywhere, even in the sky. But how can I fly? I don't have wings..."
- Crazy! - lamented the crocodile. - There was a normal crocodile. And suddenly - bang-bang! - wanted to fly.
“Yes, he won’t succeed,” the young crocodiles clamored enviously.

The bird landed on the head of the crocodile and whispered something in his ear.
The crocodiles pricked up their ears too, but she spoke very quietly.
- Hey! Can't it be louder there? - someone could not stand it.
"No," replied the bird. - This is our family secret. OK, try! she smiled at her crocodile.
- Try! Try! - gaped mouths laughed from the river.

They certainly did not believe that the crocodile could fly. And he ran up, pushed his tail off the ground and - floated through the air like a balloon. At first he was surprised, then delighted, and when he soared too high, he was frightened. But at that very moment I heard a voice:
- It's all right, dad! Move, move your paws, as if you are swimming in water...

No one else in those parts saw a small gray bird and a flying crocodile. And the story about them has long turned into a fairy tale that animals in the jungle tell their kids.

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