Blood type a 2 rhesus positive. Blood type (AB0): essence, definition in a child, compatibility, what affects

Characteristics of people with the 2nd positive group

The second blood group arose about 20 thousand years ago, when a person learned to cultivate the land and received a new source of nutrition - plant food. Therefore, representatives of the 2nd blood group are usually called "farmers".

People who have a positive Rh, with the 2nd blood group (A (II) Rh +), adapt well to any changes. They are communicative, organized, collected and responsible. Differ in high working capacity. The second positive blood group determines some of the health features of its owners:

  • sensitive digestive system;
  • weak immunity;
  • high susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • tendency to stress and neuroses;
  • increased risk of developing diabetes and cancer;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • predisposition to anemia;
  • high probability development of diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

With the 2nd positive blood group, a decrease in acidity is observed gastric juice. Because of this, the process of assimilation and digestion of protein foods is complicated. Your immune system and digestive system work best when you eat mostly food. plant origin.

Features of nutrition of people with the 2nd positive blood group

The diet for the 2nd positive blood type is vegetarian. Meat is excluded from the diet. It slows down the metabolism and transforms into body fat. They also limit the consumption of dairy products, replacing them with sour-milk and soy products.

Basic principles of nutrition:

  • exclude the use of meat products, dairy products and sweets;
  • with the 2nd blood group, the diet should include more vegetables and fruits;
  • limit the consumption of fried, fatty and salty foods;
  • eat often, in small portions;
  • try to eat regularly, at the same time;
  • food should be cooked in gentle ways (boiling, stewing, baking, steaming);
  • refrain from acidic foods (including acidic vegetables and fruits);
  • the diet should not include spicy foods and carbonated drinks.

What foods can you eat

Nutrition by blood type divides foods into three categories: healthy, harmful and neutral. Useful products have a positive effect on the state of the body, maintain health, improve metabolism and the work of all organs and systems. Prohibited foods complicate metabolism and negatively affect the body. Neutral products do no harm, but there is no significant benefit from them either.

With a diet for blood type 2 positive table products for women and men is as follows:

What foods can you eat Prohibited Products Products with a neutral effect
Meat and its derivatives (beef, pork, lamb, veal, rabbit, goose, duck, minced meat, offal, ham, bacon) Turkey, chicken meat, broiler chickens, eggs
Fish (carp, salmon, herring, mackerel, trout, cod, zander) Smoked and marinated fish, caviar River fish, seaweed
Whole milk, natural cheese Kefir, cottage cheese, processed cheese, natural yogurt
Olive and linseed oil Peanut, butter, corn, coconut oil Sunflower, soybean oil
pumpkin seeds, peanuts pistachios Walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts
Soy, soy products, lentils, spotted beans Navy bean variety Peas, asparagus
Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, rye bread Pasta, pastry products, biscuits, semolina, wholemeal bread, grain bread Barley, corn and barley grits, products with oats and barley
Carrots, spinach, turnips, onions, kale Tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower and Beijing cabbage, paprika Greens, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, beets
Grapefruit, lemons, apple, figs, pineapples, berries (lingonberries, blueberries, bright red berries except barberries), plums, cranberries Oranges, melon, barberry, bananas, tangerines Grapes, watermelon, dried fruits, avocado, pomegranate, pear, peach, strawberry, currant, raspberry, persimmon
Green tea red wine, black coffee, herbal tea(hawthorn, valerian, St. John's wort, chamomile, rose hips) Strong alcoholic drinks, tinctures for alcohol, carbonated drinks Herbal teas (mint, dandelion, yarrow, strawberry, raspberry, linden, licorice root leaves)

Examples of weight loss diets for owners of the 2nd positive blood group

To lose weight in blood type 2 with a positive Rh factor, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with strict diets and heavy physical exertion. A diet suitable for the second blood group, in itself, corresponds to the principles of a healthy diet and excludes the use of fatty, fried foods, sweets and products from wheat flour. Such a diet, combined with sports, will gradually ensure weight loss. Of the physical activities with the second positive blood type, it is better to choose yoga, swimming, walking, Pilates and aerobics.

The diet for the 2nd blood group may consist of the following menu:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
The first Green tea, boiled buckwheat, dried fruits A glass of kefir Vegetable soup, baked chicken breast, fresh cucumber salad A glass of cherry juice Vegetable salad, baked cod
Second Oatmeal with raisins, black coffee A glass of fresh apple juice Borscht, two hard-boiled eggs, cauliflower salad Low-fat cottage cheese Salad (kale seasoned with linseed oil), boiled spotted beans
Third Omelet (2 eggs and soy milk), rose hip tea Grated carrots, tofu cheese Boiled chicken, salad (cucumbers, green peas, rapeseed oil), lentil soup Glass of pineapple juice Fish baked with vegetables, rye bread
Fourth Buckwheat, green tea Low-fat cottage cheese Vegetable soup, baked fish Apple Baked fruit with hard cheese, green tea
Fifth Rice porridge with soy milk, a cup of black coffee Grapefruit Baked fish with stewed vegetables A glass of cherry juice Salad of fresh cucumbers and kale dressed with olive oil
Sixth Hard-boiled egg, fresh green salad, rosehip broth rye loaf Vegetable soup, pumpkin puree Apple Roasted turkey or chicken meat, steamed vegetables
Seventh Fruit salad with natural yogurt Green tea, rye bread Boiled spotted beans, baked fish Glass of pineapple juice Homemade cottage cheese, green tea

In the following week, the menu can be varied, repeated, or simply added something new. For diet meals select products from the list of permitted. You can also include in the diet products with a neutral effect on the body. List of suitable breakfast items:

  • eggs (omelet or hard-boiled);
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • homemade yogurt, goat cheese, soy milk;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • herbal tea.

For lunch, representatives of the 2nd blood group can eat:

  • neutral meat products (turkey, chicken);
  • baked or boiled fish (trout, sardine, silver perch, cod, pike perch);
  • vegetable soups;
  • soy and bean products;
  • eggs;
  • a fresh vegetable salad.

Dinner should be at least 4 hours before bedtime. A weight loss diet may include the following foods for dinner:

  • cereals;
  • baked or boiled fish;
  • rye bread;
  • vegetable stew;
  • salads;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

Nutritionist advice. Trying to follow the blood type diet is a step towards reducing the calorie content of the diet. All recommended products are dietary, which, in principle, will not harm health. In addition, it is important mental attitude man, his belief in a miracle. But such a diet must be approached sensibly. After all, the specifics of people's nutrition can be due to various factors (seasonal, national, family traditions, individual preferences). Do not forget that man is an omnivore. His metabolism can easily change from one type of food to another.

Eating a blood type 2 diet also involves the risk of cutting down on certain foods and creating a deficiency in important nutrients. In people of the 2nd blood group, the rejection of meat can cause anemia, and an abundance of carbohydrates in their diet can lead to pancreatic disorders. Refusal of dairy products can lead to calcium deficiency in the body and give impetus to the development of osteoporosis.

If proper nutrition and sports become a habit, then the problem excess weight soon stop worrying. Diets by blood type are not given negative effect, because they take into account the characteristics of the body and are based on the principles of a healthy diet.

People who have a positive Rh factor in the 2nd blood group (A (II) Rh +) are more likely to eat plant foods. Features of their digestion and metabolism complicate the process of digestibility of protein foods. Prohibited foods include meat and milk. Protein deficiency is replenished with the help of eggs. If giving up meat is difficult, then you can sometimes include turkey or chicken in your diet. If you want to lose weight, then lose weight through proper nutrition and exercise. You can learn more about blood type diets in the video below.

Blood is the main carrier of information about the human body. To date, there are 4 groups and 2 types of this substance. Each blood group has its own characteristics. In addition, it is this component that helps to lay in a person some character traits and preferences. Today we have to understand what a 2 positive blood type is. Characteristics, compatibility and nutritional features are the topics that will be covered next. All the information presented to your attention may pleasantly surprise you. Few people even think about how a person's blood affects his life.

common data

Blood is the most informative unit of the human body. Her group is a genetic trait that does not change throughout life. Regardless of the circumstances, the blood always remains the same. It is laid in a person in the womb, and then accompanies a citizen all his life.

Today, in science, as already mentioned, 4 blood groups are distinguished: the first, second, third and fourth. The 2nd blood group, according to statistics, is the most common. About 1/3 of the entire population of the Earth are its owners. Given blood often called the blood of the landowners. This group is considered the oldest, it existed even before the mixing of human races.

As already mentioned, there are 2 types of blood - positive or negative. The most common option is the first one. 2 positive blood group, the characteristics of which will be presented below, is available for more population of the whole world.

It is noted that this type of blood appeared only after the 1st. Some suggest that this is due to the development of mankind. Primitive people were able to eat carbohydrates. They began to engage in gathering and farming. In the course of this, the 2nd blood group was formed.

If you briefly describe people with such "substance", you can see that they are sociable and flexible. In addition, they tend to idealize the world. People with the 2nd blood group are excellent organizers.

About genetics

Now a little about the genetic properties of the studied information unit of the human body. The second blood group is designated as A (II). This is the interpretation proposed in the AB0 system. The only thing that distinguishes this blood type is the presence of A-antigens of erythrocytes.

In order for the properties of an information unit to be inherited by a child, one of the parents must have a similar antigen. Accordingly, the 2nd positive blood group, the characteristics of which are given below (and the negative one too) can be combined with other blood. There are 3 different combinations in total.

It is necessary to understand the genetic characteristics even at the stage of planning a child. The thing is that often problems with conception occur due to the characteristics of the blood of the parents. In addition, complicated pregnancy and health problems in a child can also be associated with blood. Especially with the Rh factor.

If the parents of the baby have the same antigens, then the child will definitely inherit them. Otherwise, the strongest component will "win". It can be either from the mother or from the father.

Blood type of parents and children

In order to correctly answer this question, it is necessary to study genetics thoroughly. But for ordinary people, scientists have come up with a variety of calculators and compatibility tables.

If the parents have a 2+ blood type, it is likely that the child will also have an A (II). But the Rh factor can be negative. In addition, it is possible that the baby will have the 1st blood group. This is normal, although very rare. It occurs in approximately 6% of cases.

To be able to give birth to a baby with the 2nd blood group, the following combinations of this substance must be present in the parents:

  • 2nd and 4th;
  • second or fourth + 1st (without antigen);
  • fourth or second + 3rd.

Parents with the 1st and 3rd blood groups will never have a child with the 2nd. All this is due to the absence of antigens. Such a combination is the reason for a medical examination. The thing is that if the mother and father have the 1st and 3rd blood groups, they cannot be the parents of a baby with the 2nd group.

Blood compatibility in transfusion

But this is not all interesting and important facts. 2 positive blood group, the characteristics of which will be fully studied further, has its own characteristics of compatibility during transfusion. It is at this point that the Rh factor must be taken into account. Any blood transfusion center specifies the donor's blood group before starting the process. Otherwise, you can lose the patient.

The 2nd positive blood group does not have too extensive compatibility. This means that not everyone can transfuse it. Such people can act as donors for patients with the 2nd or 4th positive blood groups. As a recipient, citizens with group 2+ can receive the 1st and 2nd blood groups. In this case, the Rh factor can be any - both positive and negative.

With the rest of the blood, A + does not combine in any way. As already mentioned, this blood type has very limited compatibility. This fact should be taken into account by all medical workers.

Blood and character

2 positive blood type, the characteristics of which are presented to our attention, endows its carriers with certain character traits. Some believe that it is blood that influences human behavior.

People with the 2nd positive blood group have a decent attitude towards relatives, friends and relatives, a tendency to group work, sympathy and care for those who are dear.

Such people are great leaders. Only in fact they usually give priority to others. People with A+ dream of recognition and leadership, but they carefully hide it. Such behavior often leads to internal feelings and stress.

On choosing a profession

And what is the best job for carriers of the 2nd positive blood type? To do this, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of a person's character. Nature has come up with many professions for such people.

All the features listed above should not be overlooked. People with blood type 2 (positive) are excellent teachers, doctors, social workers. They work wonderfully with personnel, they can help in election campaigns. It is in these areas that it is recommended to choose a profession for such citizens.

health risks

But this is not all interesting and important facts. Compatibility of 1 and 2 blood groups (positive) is now clear. Moreover, it is now clear what character traits the carriers of this informational genetic unit are endowed with. Extremely important point is the health status of a person with A+.

Some believe that blood type has a serious impact on the human body. In addition to character traits, people acquire certain vulnerabilities. For example, such citizens have the following features:

  • low immunity that occurs with infections, stress, malnutrition or physical exertion;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • impaired absorption of proteins and fats;
  • decreased acidity of the stomach.

Accordingly, the 2 positive blood type, the compatibility of which we already know, gives a person the following vulnerabilities:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased susceptibility to foodborne infections;
  • predisposition to gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • risk of developing malignant tumors.

Perhaps these are all the features of health that you need to remember. What else is important to know about people with the 2nd positive blood type?

About nutrition

For example, it is recommended to pay special attention to nutrition. It in the studied category of persons implies a sparing regimen. How should nutrition be organized by blood type? 2 positive (a table of allowed products will be presented later) blood is not only a tendency to leadership, but also an organization for the prevention of obesity.

Accordingly, you need to eat right. It is noted that many people with A+ tend to be vegetarian. Their main diet is vegetables and fruits. Vegetable oils are also beneficial. For example, linseed or olive. Cereals allowed for consumption are buckwheat, rice, millet, barley. Beans and lentils should not be forgotten either. Cereals for people with A+ are a great menu item.

Among vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to give preference to those that increase the formation of gastric juice. For example: cherries, oranges, apples, pineapples, beets, carrots, bell pepper, cucumbers. Spices are not recommended. You can leave only mustard.

Seafood and delicacies can be consumed, but in limited quantities. Garlic, ginger, soy sauce and drinks with malt are also not recommended. Despite this, they are not prohibited. Soy substitutes are allowed to be used without restrictions.

Results and conclusions

Now it is clear what constitutes Rh positive blood in the second group. In addition, from now on it is clear what character traits people possess - carriers of this informational genetic unit. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the 2nd positive blood type makes a person with leadership qualities, empathy, a tendency to stress and reduced immunity. Nutrition for such people should be balanced.

Any blood transfusion center will tell you that there may be problems with the transfusion. After all, the 2nd positive blood does not fit well with other genetic information units. This must be remembered by all people.

The blood group is usually called the presence or absence of certain agglutinogens on the erythrocyte membrane. This circumstance is used in transfusion medicine for blood transfusion or organ transplantation.


The AB0 system was developed by Karl Landsteiner at the beginning of the 20th century. When mixing blood samples, he noticed that some of them agglutinated, while others did not. A little later, he discovered glycoproteins called agglutinogens, which were located on the surface of red blood cells.


All mammals have antigen 0, a glycan bound to the plasma membrane, on their red blood cells. It consists of two glucid residues: N-acetylgalactosamine and galactose. To the latter, a fucose residue is added, leading to the formation of antigen H. This structure is further modified by glycosyltransferases, which leads to the addition of glucid residues with the formation of various antigens. Group 0 individuals lack enzymes and therefore possess the H antigen.

According to the AB0 system, 4 GCs were identified:

  • Type 0 - agglutinogen H present, no A/B;
  • Type A - only A antigens;
  • Type B - only B antigens;
  • Type AB contains both A and B antigens.

GC inheritance is controlled by a single gene with three alleles: 0, A, and B. People who inherit two 00 alleles are type 0; AA or A0 results in A types; and BB or B0 result in B types. AB individuals have both genotypes because the ratio between A and B alleles is codominant (husband and wife have both). Therefore, it is not possible for an AB parent to have a type 0 child, except for a rare genetic phenomenon − Bombay phenomenon. Alleles A and B are dominant (from both father and mother), and 0 is recessive.

Attention! It is worth noting that GK A and B have varieties: A1, A2 and B1, B2. Allocate A2B4, A2B and other subgroups.

What is blood compatibility?

Agglutinogens and agglutinins limit the ability to transfuse blood to other people with bleeding. Only in the following order is hemotransfusion possible:

  • Group 0 Rh-: In the absence of erythrocyte antigens and Rh factor, this blood type will suit almost all patients. The presence of both agglutinins in plasma causes people with this HA to receive only Rh- blood. It is generally accepted that group 0 Rh- "can be transmitted to everyone", but this is not always the case because - in the case of patients with polysaccharides - many other antigen systems (Lewis, MNS, P, I, Duffy and others) are potentially present in the donor's blood and the recipient may develop a reaction due to previous transfusions.
  • Group 0 Rh+: Rh positive limits the transfusion of this blood type to people with Rh+, regardless of GC. People with this GC are transfused with biomaterial only from group 0 (Rh + or Rh-).
  • A1- and A2- blood group: The A antigen allows this blood to be donated to the A or AB group of people. People with this group, given the presence of beta-agglutinin in plasma, can only receive blood from group A- or 0-;
  • A1+ and A2+ GCs: can transfuse A+ or AB+ people and receive them from 0 and A, regardless of Rh factor;
  • Group B Rh-: The presence of the B antigen causes this blood to only be passed on to the B and AB group of people. Plasma alpha agglutinin causes people with this type to only take blood from the 0- or B- group;
  • The B Rh+ group can donate B+ and AB+ blood and receive it from 0 and B, regardless of the Rh factor;
  • Group AB Rh- can only donate blood to group AB, given the presence of both antigens in red blood cells. The absence of agglutinin allows those with blood in this group to receive it from all Rh negative groups;
  • AB Rh+ can transmit blood to people with AB+ blood, but is capable of becoming a recipient of all groups, regardless of the Rh factor.

Based on the above blood values, we can say that the first group fits the description of a "universal" donor, and the latter has the feature of a "universal" recipient.


Important! Sometimes there is a condition called blood incompatibility. A similar phenomenon occurs during pregnancy in women with Rh-negative blood, while the man with whom conception occurred -Rh-positive, and passed this characteristic to the fetus. Therefore, future fathers and mothers must, even when planning, undergo an examination, take tests for compatibility.

Second positive GC: characteristic

Many non-scientific sources give the GC descriptive designations: "hunter" (I), "farmer" (ll), "nomad" (III) and "enigma" (IV). Depending on the type, they are assigned various characteristics. Blood type 2 (Rhesus positive) refers to the type of "farmer".

Such people are usually not very tall, and the lower limbs are shorter than the upper ones. Their genes inhibit the activity of insulin-like growth factors both in the womb and in early childhood. Growth factors are molecules that are involved in many key aspects of development. Among their many functions, they cause elongation of the bones of the lower extremities.

Farmer guys are endomorphic, which does not mean that they are predisposed to obesity. Endomorphic types have a larger percentage of endoderm tissue - the inner germ layer. Endomorphs can easily overeat, but this does not in itself lead to a state of obesity. Anyone can become fat with the wrong lifestyle - even an ectomorph, which is most often considered long and skinny.


Second GK (Rh-positive): characteristic of origin

Farmers come from African macrogroups A and B. Haplogroup B is found in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in the tropical forests of Western and Central Africa. It contains macrogroups C and F. Like Mu, Tau contains D and E groups with YAP polymorphism, although the E haplogroup is a significantly more common haplogroup in the genotypes of African farmers.


E3a is thought to be related to a group that spread agriculture across central and southern Africa over the past 3,000 years. Bantu culture was the spreading agent of this agricultural revolution. Another variant of the haplogroup of the genotype of farmers is the Y-haplogroup, which has the highest prevalence among Europeans.

GK 2 positive: characteristics of a person, single nucleotide polymorphisms and his health

These gene polymorphisms may be of particular interest in medical science:

  • LPL: Polymorphisms of this gene are associated with many disorders of lipoprotein metabolism;
  • PPAR: This gene may be involved in the control of blood pressure, the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis, and the development of obesity. It may also play a role in proper memory function;
  • ACE-11: This nucleotide sequence encodes an enzyme involved in the catalysis of the conversion of angiotensin I to the physiologically active peptide angiotensin II. Angiotensin II controls blood pressure and fluid electrolyte balance;
  • APOC3: This gene codes for Apolipoprotein C-III, a very low density lipoprotein protein. APOC3 inhibits lipoprotein lipase and liver lipase; it is believed to delay the catabolism of triglyceride-rich particles. plays important role in the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The metabolic economy of farmers is due to nutrient deficiencies in ancient times. It does not fit the lifestyle of the modern industrialized world with its rich and inexpensive carbohydrates and fats.

The vast majority of these excess carbohydrates and fats are removed from the bloodstream and stored as triglycerides and glycerol. However, individuals with the second group of Rh-positive quickly convert sugar into fat, which leads to long-term hypoglycemia. Therefore, they most often suffer from two problems: losing weight and enjoying food.


This eventually destroys the relationship between food and appetite to the point where the farmer starts eating just to feel better. This leads to chronic and serious disorders. Group 2 people with farmer characteristics can easily get dysregulation of carbohydrates and insulin sensitivity leading to metabolic syndrome X and prediabetes. After a certain time, this leads to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

What diet to follow

The key to a successful diet for people with a farming characteristic and 2 Rh-positive HA is to reduce the amount of fructose in the diet. Fructose is recommended for diabetics because it glycemic index significantly lower than glucose, sucrose and starch. But it has been suggested that excess fructose intake can cause insulin resistance, obesity, elevated LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, leading to metabolic syndrome.

A number of reports point to a link between fructose consumption and obesity, especially central obesity, which is generally considered the most dangerous type. Unlike glucose, fructose is almost completely metabolized in the liver. The addition of single sugar molecules (fructose, glucose) to proteins leads to the stimulation of tissue glycation and the formation of AGE, which becomes a possible cause of damage to the pancreas.

Fructose appears to be just as dangerous as glucose in this regard, and thus is not the best sugar substitute. So vegetarians are also advised to avoid taking this monosaccharide.


Advice! Most of fructose is consumed in the form of corn syrup, which is processed by glucose isomerase enzymes. This enzyme converts some of the glucose into fructose, thereby making it sweeter. Farmers should avoid daily menu food products containing corn syrup (ketchups, jams, confectionery).

health risks

People with a second positive GC may suffer from:

  • low immunity due to infections, stress, malnutrition and improper physical activity;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • impaired protein and fat absorption;
  • low stomach acid.

Thrombus risk

Given the above "side effects", it can be argued that the owners of such a HA are prone to:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergies;
  • food infections;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Compatibility at conception

The compatibility of HA and the Rh factor has a strong influence on the conception and successful bearing of a child. If both partners have a second GC, then the child can be born with the first. If one parent has a second, and the other has a third, then the child can have any group.

From this article, we will learn what is special about people who have the second positive group, what character traits these individuals have, and whether compatibility with other categories of blood is possible. No less important is what kind of diet a person follows, therefore, it is important to know which foods to avoid. Let's figure it out.

Origin of the second blood group

If you look a little into history, you can remember that the first group is considered the most ancient.

All types of blood in general differ in the content of a certain antigen in each of them. The peculiarity of the second blood group is the presence of alpha antigen.

Some researchers argue that the second blood type appeared simultaneously with the development of land ownership. In the meantime, as there were more and more people on earth, the burden on each inhabitant increased. This forced people to learn to endure certain stresses associated with living in densely populated regions. Particularly successful were those who learned to build relationships with neighboring tribes.

Gene combination for the birth of a child with this type of blood

In order for the second positive blood category to appear in a newborn child, at least one of the parents must be a representative of this group. If both parents have the first or third group, then the birth of a child from the second is impossible.

This fact is widely used in medicine and litigation. This moment plays an important role in confirming or refuting motherhood or fatherhood.

How important is the Rh factor?

The difference between blood groups is very significant to be neglected. However, for many people it remains a mystery why it is necessary to know the Rh factor and when its compatibility can play a vital role?

There are two main goals:

  • Rh factor compatibility is established before blood transfusion;
  • Knowing the Rh factor is important for the normal course of pregnancy.

The value of the Rh factor in blood transfusion

In addition to the fact that blood transfusion is associated with high risk infections various infections transmitted through the blood, so also a medical error associated with an incorrect definition of Rhesus can cost a life.

That is why, in the case of a transfusion appointment, before the procedure, additional research, designed to establish the Rh factor of both the donor and the recipient. This additional verification compatibility is very important for every person admitted to the hospital for treatment.

Transfusion to a person who has a second positive group is associated with special risks. Due to physiological characteristics, this type of blood has poor compatibility. Therefore, transfusion is considered possible only to a person with the same group and Rhesus.

Although some doctors insist that compatibility with the first positive group is possible, this statement is not appropriate in all cases and is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Rh value during pregnancy

Obstetricians and gynecologists give an important place to information about the blood group and the Rh factor. This is due to the fact that under some circumstances it is possible to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages. In what case can this happen? How can Rh affect the future of a small person? Is compatibility really that important?

In the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor must collect complete information about the blood type and Rh factor of both parents. In the event that it turns out that the father is Rh positive and the mother is negative, this may threaten a miscarriage.

When conception occurs, the child chooses one of the genes. If both the fetus and the future mother have the same Rh factor, the pregnancy will proceed successfully. In the case of a Rh conflict, the mother's antigens begin to fight, perceiving the child as a foreign body. As a result, a miscarriage occurs. Unfortunately, determine whose gene will take future child, mother or father, advance impossible.

Why does the risk increase with repeated pregnancies?

Most doctors agree that the compatibility of the blood group and the Rh factor plays a special role in re-pregnancy. What is it connected with?

The point is that at primary pregnancy antigens begin to be produced only at the end of the term. This facilitates the fight against the Rh conflict and reduces the risk of abortion. However, during repeated pregnancy, these antigens are actively working from the first weeks. That is why the first abortions are considered extremely dangerous.

How to prevent Rh conflict

A gynecologist who cares about the health of the expectant mother regularly appoints a special analysis for the content of antigens. Timely determination of the level of these elements in the blood can save the baby's life and protect the woman's health from danger.

Possible diseases in the second blood group

Through long experiments and observations, specialists in the field of blood still managed to establish the possible diseases characteristic of a particular category of blood. So, those who have a second positive group need to pay special attention to the health of such organs and systems:

  • the immune system;
  • vascular flexibility;
  • acidity in the stomach;
  • heart muscle.

People who have the second blood group are not protected from the effects of infectious diseases, as well as severe food poisoning. Development and manifestation of various allergic reactions is possible. Also, the development of oncological tumors is not excluded.

What is the best eating style?

It is very important that there is harmony and compatibility between what your body can accept and how you eat. Nutrition directly affects human life and health. What foods are considered the most useful for people with the second blood group?

It is worth noting that often this category of people becomes vegetarians. Often this is due to problems with the intestines and digestive system. Greatest Benefit plant food, that is, vegetables or fruits, brings such an organism. However, not all fruits will be well received by the human body.

If we recall that people with this blood type often hyperacidity, then the following vegetables and fruits are perceived most comfortably by the body:

Most spices should be avoided. Natural mustard is well accepted by the body.

There is a list of products that, although not prohibited, should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. Such goods include:

Caution should also be taken with seafood and fish. Fresh pastries, flour products, cakes and sour fruits. Poorly digested meat products.

Dairy products are allowed only in the form of hard cheeses, cottage cheese products. Kefir is also allowed, but any dairy products are not recommended for overweight people.

Character features

People with this blood type have an explosive temper. Nevertheless, they are more or less able to maintain peaceful relations with others and establish diplomatic relations. It is important to learn to keep your word. By following simple tips, you will improve your life and relationships with others!

© 2017–2018 – Everything you wanted to know about blood

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2 positive blood group: characteristics, food, compatibility features

According to the AB0 system, several blood groups are distinguished:

The difference between them is determined in the presence of specific antibodies and antigens.

Further, the groups are divided according to the Rh factor. This antigen is a special protein that is present in red blood cells. People who have this protein are Rh positive, if there is no protein in the blood, they are negative.

The blood type is inherited from parents to children and occurs even in the prenatal state. It is constant and does not change throughout life. It is believed that the blood type has an impact not only on human health, but also on temperament and character.

Blood is the liquid internal environment of a person. It continuously circulates through the blood vessels - veins, arteries, capillaries - providing oxygen and essential nutrients to all our organs and tissues. Blood is very important for the proper functioning of the body.


Initially, there was only one blood type on Earth - the first. The 2nd group appeared about-years before our era. It was formed at a time when humanity was moving from a hunting-gathering way of life to agriculture. A change in lifestyle also led to a change in nutrition - food became more varied, preference was given to a plant-based diet.


Owners of the 2nd blood group are born vegetarians. Studies have shown that people in this group have a delicate digestive system, low stomach acid.

Therefore, in order to avoid problems with excess weight and various diseases, people with the 2nd positive blood group are advised to reduce their consumption. meat products, from whole milk and wheat.

Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices. Replace meat with soy, eggs, sometimes white lean meat - chicken, turkey. It is advisable to limit the consumption of carbonated drinks, strong black tea and alcohol. But coffee has a beneficial effect on the body of people with the 2nd positive blood group.

Physical exercise

People with this blood type are not recommended to engage in heavy sports. It is better to choose something more relaxed, such as yoga, callanetics, Pilates. Very useful for both men and women with the 2nd blood group will be the usual unhurried walks in the fresh air.

Men with this blood type

Men with this blood type become wonderful family men. These are romances. By nature, they are gentle, faithful, caring, love children. This type is not prone to aggression. For them, such factors as stability, decency, reliability are important in life. The truth can be stubborn and somewhat conservative.

Rh factor does not have for men of this group special significance and has little effect on character or health.


The owners of the 2nd blood group are shy, suspicious and jealous. They make good wives - caring, faithful, love comfort and know how to lead household. The nature of these women is calm, they are balanced and patient. But their sexual temperament is poorly developed and the intimate side of marriage is not of much interest to them.

For a woman with the 2nd blood group, only a negative Rh factor is dangerous, since it can lead to problems with pregnancy and the health of the child. Women with a positive Rh in this regard should not be afraid.



Knowing your blood type and Rh factor is very important for every person. Previously, this was not taken into account during transfusion, but now doctors carefully look to ensure that the blood is compatible according to such criteria as:

  • blood group of the patient and donor,
  • everyone's Rh factor
  • individual compatibility,
  • make a biological test for compatibility.

A special scheme has been drawn up, which shows which blood groups are combined. According to this scheme, it is clear that the 1st and 2nd donor blood is suitable for the 2nd group, and the 2nd and 4th can accept the 2nd group.


When planning a baby, many couples think about the compatibility of their blood, because it depends on how the pregnancy will go, as well as the health of the child. Compatibility is considered ideal when the parents have the same blood type and Rh factor.

If a future mom has a negative Rh, and the father is positive, then a woman during pregnancy should be more attentive to her condition. This combination can threaten miscarriage or health problems for the child. But this happens only if there is a Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus.

It is believed that the baby will be born healthier if the future father has a higher group affiliation than the mother. For example, if a woman has the second blood group, then the child will be healthier when the father has the third or fourth group.


People with the 2nd positive blood group love harmony and order in everything. This is a man of duty. They are calm, reliable, can adapt to any situation. Sensitive, stubborn, unable to relax.

The most favorable relationship occurs between representatives of the same blood group and the Rh factor.

Relationships that are harmonious in terms of love will be between people with the second and first blood groups.

The relationship between the 2nd and 4th blood groups is more complicated. They cannot be together for a long time.

Also, conflicts can arise between the second and third blood groups - too different temperaments.


The blood type is inherited and this happens according to certain laws of genetics. Moreover, in a child, the blood type may differ from the group of the mother or father. This is because parents pass on only one gene to the child, which is responsible for its formation. As a result, there are three options for what type of blood the child will have: mother's, father's or the third, which turned out in combination.

Gregor Mendel made the laws by which you can calculate the inherited blood type. According to these principles, you can independently find out with which group the child will be born.

So, if both parents have the 2nd blood group, then the child is most likely to be born with the same group, although there is 25% of the birth of a child with the 1st blood group.

In the case when one of the parents has the 2nd and the other has the 1st blood group, then the probability is 50% to 50% - the child can inherit both the maternal blood group and the father.

If one of the parents has the 2nd and the other the 4th group, then the child cannot have the 1st blood group. 50% of what will be the second and 25% of the third or fourth group.

The most unexpected combination in terms of heredity is given by the 2nd and 3rd groups. In this case, a child with any of the four blood types can be born.

The legacy of the Rh factor is not so simple. Only if both parents are Rh-negative, we can say that the child will also have it. In all other cases, an unexpected result is possible. The Rh factor can also be passed down through generations.

14 years of experience in the clinical diagnostic service.

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Elena Anatolyevna, hello! My wife and I want to have a baby, we got pregnant, but the fetus died at 6 weeks. My wife has 2 positive, and I have 2 weakly positive. And I am very worried and worried about the question: do we have compatibility for conception or not? And how will this affect the child?

If I understood correctly, then both you and your wife have the same blood type and both are Rh positive.

“weakly positive” - this is how doctors could, talking among themselves, name the degree of reaction in the procedure for determining group membership or the Rh factor. The severity of the reaction largely depends on the quality of the reagents. If group sera were stored incorrectly, their properties are lost and the reaction is slightly blurred. The issue is quickly resolved when viewed through a microscope. If conglomerates of erythrocytes are visible, then there is a reaction.

As for the compatibility of group or Rhesus, then everything is normal with your wife. The ability to conceive and bear is a rather voluminous topic, in which Rhesus and the group are one of the parts.

Fetal fading occurs more often in early pregnancy in the first trimester. Calls her inflammatory processes female body and complications of a different nature, autoimmune diseases. Processes that are genetically determined.

Also, bad habits, medications, external stress factors (air travel, gravity, exposure, excessive sun exposure) have a significant impact. Sometimes the cause cannot be determined.

Fetal fading is not a sentence for a couple who dream of having a baby. In the early stages, the death of the embryo most often occurs due to a developmental anomaly that is incompatible with life. In the case of repeated pregnancy, the probability of fading is practically eliminated. Compliance with a healthy lifestyle by future parents, following the doctor's recommendations, a complete examination before planning a pregnancy and treating all existing diseases will prevent the development of this pathology.

Character according to the blood type of a person. Blood group 4th positive: character

Probably none of us will argue with the statement that all people are different. Each of us has our own habits, attachments, character traits that make up a unique individuality. As a rule, this is due to many factors. Surprisingly, it is now possible to determine the character by blood type (four are known today). Finding out which of them a particular person has, you can get information not only about his state of health, eating habits and other physiological characteristics, but also make a general psychological portrait.

Do you know what kind of people who at birth got, for example, a rare blood group 4 positive, character? Not? Today we will talk about this, as well as what features nature has awarded individuals with different types of blood.

First group (0): general characteristics

This group marked the beginning of the development and emergence of others, allowing man to rise to the top of the food chain.

Those in whose veins the 1st blood group flows have a truly purposeful and assertive character. Moreover, such people are the owners of a pronounced instinct for self-preservation, which is quite predictable. After all, its absence could lead to the fact that humanity would not be able to go through such a difficult path, changing and developing. In order to stay strong and hardy, people with the first blood type are recommended foods high in protein. If they are not enough in the diet, it is fraught with lethargy and weight gain. Such people do not adapt well to new nutritional conditions and changes in environment. Change can cause the immune system to become overactive.

Psychological picture

FROM psychological point vision, in people who have the first blood type, the character of a leader, strong and self-confident. If such a person has any goal, be sure: someone who, and he will definitely achieve what he wants and rise to the top, choosing the right direction. He is very emotional and completely confident in his abilities, ready to lay down his bones in order to achieve his goal. The main enemies for him are his own arrogance and some narcissism, but this person is resistant to neurosis and quickly restores his strength. His weaknesses are excessive jealousy, fussiness and painful ambition, which does not allow him to objectively perceive any criticism, even fair. However, this does not prevent him from being a good friend.

Determining the character of a person by blood type, we can safely call these people warriors. They are trendsetters, devoted, passionate, self-confident, independent, ambitious, vain, jealous, sometimes envious.

People with type I blood may suffer from stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis and severe forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various inflammatory diseases such as colitis or arthritis, bleeding disorders, dysfunction thyroid gland and various allergic reactions. Infants with this blood group are more likely than others to develop purulent-septic infections.

To maintain good physical shape, such people are advised to give preference to active sports, such as aerobics, running, and martial arts.

Famous personalities

Among famous people, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain had the first blood group; one of the founders of The Beatles, John Lennon; "King of Rock and Roll" - American singer and actor Elvis Presley; actor Paul Newman.

Second group (A): general characteristics

This blood type began to spread along with the transition to a more modern way of obtaining food. Its owners have always tried to adapt to living in a territory with high density population, to the stresses that are an integral part of life among their own kind. The organisms of these people, adjusting to the requirements of the environment, consisting of huge amount people, inevitably acquire peculiar physiological characteristics that determine the character of a person. By blood type, you can determine its various features.

One of the most important qualities of the people who inhabited the ancient cities was the ability to live in plain sight, in society. People with this blood type at that time had to be neat, tidy, modest, decent, disciplined, law-abiding and well-controlled. The existence of any society is impossible without a respectful attitude of its members both to each other and to other people's property. Any individual who is accustomed to a solitary lifestyle does not get along well with others and feels unsettled in the crowd. If the character of a person with the first blood group remained unchanged, not evolving to get used to life in an agrarian community, this would lead to general chaos, and the result would be the death of all people. Our ancestors, according to some scientists, managed to survive only thanks to the formation of the second blood group.

Determining the character by blood type, representatives of this type can be described as calm, patient, sensitive, responsible, overly prudent, overcautious, stubborn people who cannot relax.

Character features

From the first owners of blood of this type, it was required to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, as well as a subtle instinct when deciding various kinds problems that have become much greater over time. All these qualities existed and developed within a certain system, within certain limits. Perhaps this was the reason that a person with this blood type is still prone to a close relationship with others today.

Those who got blood group 2 have a secretive character: they are used to hiding their anxiety, anxieties and fears from others.

At first glance, it seems that such a person is ill-adapted to the tense, troublesome and stormy life of a leader, which is easily led by the owner of the I blood group. However, it cannot be said with certainty that he cannot become a leader, instinctively rejecting the principle that all modern leaders adhere to: "Man is a wolf to man."

Having climbed to the very top of the career ladder, these people, as a rule, tend to be patient in all situations and the desire to look for the right (peaceful) way out in case of any unpleasant situation. Another situation may also arise: they will be the main intriguers in the team, trying to take over everything and not considering it necessary to consult with someone regarding their actions. All this is nothing more than a manifestation of a reaction to stressful situations.

They are lovers of harmony, tranquility and order. They are comfortable working with other people, which is helped by their sensitivity, patience and goodwill. The weakness of people with the second blood group lies in stubbornness, inability to relax and excessive self-absorption. In addition, they may be prone to alcohol abuse and overeating.

A person who has a 2 positive blood type, character allows, without the slightest discomfort, to occupy a subordinate position, if there are like-minded people next to him. He is a connoisseur of comfort, both spiritual and domestic, a hater of conflicts. Deep down he incorrigible romantic who is sometimes stubborn and irritable.

Health problems

People with this blood type have a predisposition to rheumatic diseases, type 1 diabetes, bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease, allergies, leukemia, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and cancer.

Hatha yoga and various calming, contemplative and relaxation exercises are recommended in order to successfully withstand the terrible internal stresses that the body of a person with this type of blood experiences.


This type of blood in such famous people as the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, the 41st President of the United States George W. Bush, Japanese writer Soseki Natsume, The Beatles drummer Ringo Star, Princess of Pop Britney Spears.

Third group (B)

This type of blood appeared as a result of the migration of races living on the African continent to the countries of Europe, Asia, North and South America.

The first people with the third blood type, obeying the course of history, settled new lands, adapting to living conditions previously unknown to mankind, primarily to the peculiarities of the climate. In addition, they had to cope with the consequences of mixing different races, which required the manifestation of ingenuity and cunning. Over time, this skill has grown into creative and creative abilities, as well as psychological flexibility.

They were less in need of social harmony, did not seek to get along in the society of other people and were not ready to submit to the already established order. At the same time, such individuals did not have the hunting determination that is characteristic of the carriers of the first group.

However, those who got the 3rd blood group positive have the character of a true hunter. These people are real individualists, used to not sticking to established customs, strong, optimistic, capable of creativity and creative thinking, flexible, extravagant and unpredictable.

A little about psychological traits

The above characteristic is true for people with 3 blood groups today. They are psychologically more flexible and less prone to most common diseases than others.

Oddly enough, but such individuals with a high degree of probability can get all the best that is given to a person during his lifetime. And all this is due to their inherent mental activity and increased sensitivity.

Those who by nature got the 3rd blood group, the character allows them to show maximum tolerance. It is easier for them to establish contacts with other people because of their genetic balance, disinclination to a defiant style of behavior and confrontation, the ability to understand a point of view that is opposite to their own, natural sympathy and empathy.

Such a person is open to the world and optimistic, loves adventure. Among all people, he is more prone to philosophizing and asceticism than others, and is distinguished by individualism. He almost always does what he wants to do. Sometimes it is difficult for him to come into contact with people who are carriers of other types of blood. He is taciturn at times and secretly often suffers from depression.

As mentioned earlier, such people are psychologically flexible, they have a very developed imagination. However, the desire for independence can play a trick on them, making them weak and insecure.


A person with a third blood type is prone to the development of postoperative infections, pneumonia, sciatica, osteochondrosis and other joint diseases. He suffers more often than others from chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders, multiple and multiple sclerosis. Women with the third blood group often become victims of postpartum sepsis and purulent mastitis.

To maintain proper physical fitness, loads are recommended that take into account both physical exercises and mental balancing: these are cycling, swimming, tennis (big or table).

Famous personalities

With the third blood group, such famous people, like Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa, one of the founders of the legendary band The Beatles Paul McCartney, American actress Mia Farrow, as well as Hollywood actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson.

Fourth group (AB)

Those who were given the 4th blood group by nature have the calmest character among the representatives of all groups. This type appeared as a result of the merger of sensitive and irritable people with the second blood type, and balanced, focused, stable representatives of humanity with the third type.

As a result of this, a spiritualized, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered person who tries to embrace the immensity has turned out.

Determining the character by blood type, we can conditionally call people with this type humanists. They are manageable, rational, sociable, very popular in society, picky in everything, sometimes stiff, secretly indecisive.

Psychological picture

People with this type of blood are calm and balanced, it is always comfortable in their society, they enjoy the well-deserved love of others. They can masterfully entertain others, but at the same time they are very fair and tactful towards people who are next to them. Sometimes they are sharp, hesitate when making any kind of decisions and are in constant internal conflict with themselves.

Disease susceptibility and physical activity

People with this blood type are more likely to suffer from SARS, influenza and other infections, tonsillitis and sinusitis, heart disease, cancer and anemia. Probably more than for others exercise stress important for those who got the 4th blood group. The nature of a person of this type requires calming exercise such as tai chi chuan or yoga, which are recommended to be combined with moderate load in the form of walking and running, cycling and tennis.

Prominent figures

Celebrities with this rare blood type include Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan, Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe, 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy, lead singer of The Rolling Stones Mick Jagger, and French racing driver Alain Prost.

As you can see, it is quite possible to determine the character by blood type. It is not so important what race or gender a person is, even if he has a rare blood type 4 positive. The character is difficult to change, but if something does not suit you, you can try to cope with the shortcomings by working on yourself daily.

Blood type is a trait that is inherited. It is an individual set of specific substances for each person, called group antigens. It does not change throughout a person's life. Depending on the combination of antigens, the blood is divided into four groups. Blood type does not depend on race, gender, age.

Rh - factor refers to one of the indicators of the blood group and refers to the innate properties of human blood. It is inherited and does not change throughout life.

Their discovery helped distinguish Rh-positive organisms by the presence or absence of the Rh factor (

87% of people) and Rh negative (

When transfusing Rh-negative people with Rh-positive blood, immune complications are possible, up to the development of anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome.

In Rh-negative women, the first pregnancy proceeds without complications (without the development of Rh-conflict), with repeated pregnancies, the amount of antibodies reaches a critical level, they penetrate the placental barrier into the blood of the fetus and contribute to the development of Rh-conflict, manifested by hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Determination of Rh - antibodies in the blood, as a rule, is carried out at the 9th week of pregnancy. To prevent severe complications, anti-Rhesus gamma globulin is administered.

If we are asked in Russia: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - "What is your blood type?" According to the Japanese, blood determines the character and individual characteristics of a person to a greater extent than distant stars. Carrying out tests and recording blood types is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and is taken very seriously.

The oldest and most common, appeared years ago. Ancestors led a life of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or foe. The immune system is strong and resistant.

These people have a strong character. They are determined and confident. Their motto is: "Fight and seek, find and never give up." Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. Painfully tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and instantly carry out their orders.

MEN are very skillful in love. Most of all they are excited by inaccessible women.

WOMEN are greedy for sex, but very jealous.

Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with the achievement of goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve what he has planned at any cost, indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

Generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when it became necessary to switch to food from agriculture and, accordingly, change the way of life. Appeared between the years BC. Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

They are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.

WOMEN are also shy. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.

Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Appeared as a result of the merger of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than a year ago. It represents the desire of nature to strike a balance between increased mental activity and the demands of the immune system.

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

MEN are true don Juans: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

WOMEN are very extravagant. They can quickly win a man's heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to the family hearth. And absolutely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.

Think about it: maybe your weakness lies in individualism? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. Behind the reputation of a "womanizer" or "libertine" only the fear of love is masked. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because otherwise they are good family men.

It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago, not as a result of adaptation to changing living conditions, like other blood groups, but as a result of mixing Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.

People of this type like to boast that the blood of the AB group was in Jesus Christ. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is so has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

MEN attract with their intelligence and eccentricity. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean at all that they are filled with deep feelings.

WOMEN also have sexual attraction, but they are very demanding in their choice of men. And her chosen one will not be easy, because she requires a lot of attention.

You have a significant flaw: you are very indecisive. Maybe this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid to ruin your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.

In 1891, the Australian scientist Karl Landsteiner conducted a study of erythrocytes - red blood cells. And he discovered a curious pattern: in some people, they differ in sets of antigens - substances that cause an immune response and the formation of antibodies. The scientist designated the antigens found by the letters A and B. Some have only A antigens, others have only B. And the third have neither A nor B. Thus, Karl Landsteiner's research divided all of humanity into three parts, in accordance with the properties of blood : Group I (aka 0) - no A or B antigens; II group - there is A; III - with antigen B.

Your children are not yours!

Pregnancy and foreign sperm

The mother is not her child.

The doctor looked up from the sheet of paper with the conclusion.

According to University of Pennsylvania professor Peter Reid:

KOPR: - But where does the mistress get these strange cells?

We found them in a woman's uterus! Namely, inside the cervical canal. Previously, it was believed that only the so-called mucous plug is located in the cervix of women, but now it has become known that sticker cells also live in it. When the studies were completed, scientists were able to form an accurate picture of what was happening to Charles. During sex with a mistress, the penis was actively in contact with the partner's cervix. At that moment, sticker cells penetrated into it. Once in the navicular fossa, these cells temporarily lost their mobility and adhered tightly to the inner surface of the male urethra. (By the way, that's why they were not washed away by the wave of ejaculation.)

The doctors explained to Charles: it was betrayals that led his wife Margaret to bear the children of his mistresses. Deeply shocked, Charles repented to his wife the same day. “The world has turned upside down for me,” Margaret told Professor Reed. - At first I felt wild disgust! But then I decided: since I carried them and gave birth, then these are my children! And she forgave Charles - after all, we have a huge life behind us. »


I blood group

The most ancient. It appeared 0000 BC, when Neanderthals ate rough food - wild plants, insects, carrion left after the meal of predators. Alet ago, Cro-Magnons appeared - hunters who, after having eaten all the large animals, moved from Africa to Europe and Asia.

II blood group

Appears between the years BC. Our carnivorous ancestors are becoming omnivores. Over time, the people living on the territory of present-day Europe, agriculture becomes the main thing, wild animals are tamed. And now most people with type 2 blood live in Western Europe and Japan..

III blood group

It originated around BC, when some of Homo sapiens were forced out of the hot shrouds of East Africa into the cold, barren highlands of the Himalayas. The mutations that gave rise to blood type 3 began in response to climate change. This blood group first appeared in Mongoloid race. Over time, the carriers of the group began to move to the European continent. And today there are a lot of people with such blood in Eastern Europe.

IV blood group

The newest of the four groups human blood. It appeared less than 1000 years ago as a result of a mixture of Indo-Europeans, carriers of group 1 and Mongoloids, carriers of group 3. It is rare - only five percent of the population. Group 4 owners have inherited resistance to disease, their immune system is better at fighting germs. But carriers of this group are predisposed to serious illnesses.

People have 4 different blood groups, and this situation was not always. People who lived about 40 thousand years ago had only the first blood group. At the same time, they were engaged in hunting and ate only animal proteins. Thousands of years ago, people were already engaged in agriculture and the nature of human nutrition changed accordingly (in addition to animal proteins, people began to eat plant foods). Under the influence of a changed diet, a second blood group was formed. When 15 thousand years ago people tamed cattle and began to eat dairy products in addition to everything, a third blood type appeared. And the fourth blood group appeared relatively recently (1.5 thousand years ago) as a result of mixing the second and third blood groups.

The founder of the theory of nutrition based on human blood types, Dr. D'Amo, believes that since the owners of the first blood type have been meat eaters from time immemorial, then eating peas or wheat is simply contraindicated for them. And vice versa: for the "agrarian", the second blood group, some products of animal origin, such as milk, are harmful. And this is explained by the fact that in the products that we eat, there are different kinds lectin protein. The protein lectin found in milk is different from the lectin found in meat, and so on. Cells of one blood type are able to accept one lectin without harm and cause a rejection reaction when another lectin is received (blood cells stick together.

..Diet for the first blood group 0 (I)

WHEAT (GLUTEN). Reduces the effectiveness of insulin action. It worsens the intensity of metabolism.

CORN. Reduces the effectiveness of insulin action. It worsens the intensity of metabolism.

ORDINARY VEGETABLE BEANS. Prevents the utilization of calories.

BEANS DARK. Prevents the utilization of calories.

LENTILS. Slows down the metabolism of nutrients.

CABBAGE. Causes hypothyroidism.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Causes hypothyroidism.

CAULIFLOWER. Causes hypothyroidism.

YOUNG MUSTARD LEAVES. They inhibit the secretion of thyroid hormones.

KELP. Contains iodine. Stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.

SEAFOOD. Contains iodine. Stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones.

IODIZED SALT. Contains iodine. Stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.

LIVER. Source of B vitamins. Improves metabolic efficiency.

RED MEAT. Promotes efficient metabolism.

CABBAGE, ASPARAGUS (BROCCOLI), SPINACH. Promote efficient metabolism.

Particularly useful products

Mutton. Beef. Buffalo meat. Lamb meat. Venison. Heart. Liver. Veal.

Rabbit meat. Chicken meat breeds. Turkey meat. Partridge meat. Quail meat. Pheasant meat. Chicken meat. Duck.

Particularly useful products

White halibut. European hake. Yellow perch. Red beryx. Salmon fish. Lofolatilus. Lufar. Swordfish. Morone. Sole. Sturgeon. Striped bass. Rainbow trout. Light snapper. Herring. Seriola. Whitefish. Mackerel. Cod. Shed. Pike. South African sardine.

Shark. Anchovy. Beluga. Venerka, or terminals (mollusk). Slab. Scallop (shellfish). Grouper. Long flounder. Longfin tuna. Pufferfish. Squid. Flounder. Stone perch. Carp. Smelt. Crab. Shrimp. Kumzha (salmon-taimen). Mussel (shellfish). Abalone (shellfish). Sea angel (fish). Sea bass. Lobster. Haddock. Porgy. Crayfish. Ronca (silver perch). Sailboat fish. Solar fish. Edible frog. Edible snail. Acne. Oyster. Sea turtle. Squint.

Barracuda (sea pike). Caviar. Smoked salmon. Shellfish are different. Octopus. Striped catfish. Herring (salted or pickled).

Particularly useful products

Homemade cheese (Farmer variety). Butter. Soy milk. Soy cheese. Cheese from goat milk. Mozzarella cheese (from buffalo milk). Cheese "Feta" (Greek recipe, from the milk of a white goat).

Blue cheese. All varieties of yogurt. Food casein. Kefir. Goat milk. Ice cream. Munster cheese. Skimmed (2%) milk. Buttermilk. Melted cheese. Pressed curd. Cream cheese. Whey milk. Cheeses: American Brie Gouda Gruyère Camembert Colby Soft Monterrey Parmesan Cheddar Swiss Edamian Emmental. Whole milk.

Particularly useful products

Cod liver oil. Sesame oil. Rapeseed oil.

Peanut. Corn. Safflower. Cotton.

Particularly useful products

Walnuts. Pumpkin seeds.

Pine nuts. Almond paste and nuts. Hickory nuts. Macadamia nuts (kindal). Pecan nuts. Sesame seeds. Tahini (sesame paste), tahini halva. Sunflower seeds. Sweet (edible chestnuts). Hazelnut.

American nuts. Peanut butter and nuts. Poppy seed. Cashew nuts. Litchi (Chinese plum) nuts. Pistachios.

Particularly useful products

Adzuki (angular, or radiant beans). Cowpeas. Beans "pinto" (spotted).

White beans. Zhikama beans. Cannelini beans. Red soy beans. Fava beans. Green pea. Fodder beans. Red beans. Large northern beans. Lima beans. Chickpeas (mutton peas). Vegetable green string beans. Pea pods. String beans with fiber. Shelled beans. Black beans.

Copper beans. Tamarind beans. Beans are dark ("naval"). Common vegetable beans. Lentils.

Particularly useful products

Amaranth (amaranth). Buckwheat. Kamut. Rice. Spelled. Barley.

Corn. Oats. Wheat. Rye.

Particularly useful products

Bread from sprouted grains "Esseus" and "Ezekiel"

Wheat bread. Rye chips. Rice cakes. Bread without gluten. Brown rice bread. Spelled wheat bread. Rye bread. Bread made from soy flour. Crispbread.

Muffin. High protein bread. Wheat bran buns. Cereal bread made from several grains. Durum wheat products. Matzo. Sprouted wheat bread. Bread from rye meal.

Particularly useful products

Artichoke. Okra (edible hibiscus). Sweet potato. Brauncol. Broccoli. Jerusalem artichoke. Leaf cabbage. Kohlrabi. Red hot chilli pepper. Leafy vegetables. Beet leaves. Yellow bow. Spanish bow. Red onion. Leek. Chard (leaf beet). sea ​​vegetable(algae). Parsnip. Parsley. Roasted lettuce. Turnip (stern turnip). Pepo pumpkin. Horseradish. Chicory. Garlic. Spinach. Escarole (salad).

White peas. "Bok choy". Swede. Water chestnut (chilim). Mushrooms "Portobello". Daikon (Japanese radish). Oyster mushroom. "Enoki" (mushroom). Yellow pepper. Green onion (onion-feather). Green pepper. Ginger. Italian chicory. Kervel (kupyr). Coriander. Watercress. Lima beans. Bulbless onion. Shallot (charlotte). Olives are green. Carrot. Abalone (mushroom). Cucumbers. Fern (curls). Jalapeno pepper. Bamboo shoots. Shoots of golden bean (mung bean). Radish shoots. Rape. Radish. Rocket salad. Lettuce. Beet. Celery root. Asparagus. Tempex (soy product). Caraway. Tomatoes. Tofu (soy product). Pumpkin (other types). Dill. Fennel. Zucchini. Endive (salad chicory). Yam.

Avocado. Eggplant. Hothouse mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms. Cabbage: white and red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower. Potato. Corn. Olives: Greek, Spanish, black. Young mustard leaves. Alfalfa shoots.

Particularly useful products

Figs fresh and dried. Plums. Prunes.

Apricots. Pineapples. Watermelons. Bananas. Cowberry. Grapes "Concord". Cherries. Blueberry. Grenades. Grapefruits. Pears. Guava. Melon "Kanan". Melon Crenshaw. Starfruit. Raisin. Spanish melon. Carambol. Kassaba (winter melon). Kiwi. Cranberry. Red currants. Red grapes. Gooseberry. Kumquat (citrus fruit). Lime. Lemons. Loganberry. Raspberry. Mango. Cantaloupe. Nectarine (hairless peach). Papaya. Peaches. Prickly pear (Indian fig) fruits. Christmas melon. Dates are red. Persimmon. Black currant. Blueberry. Black grapes. Apples. Elderberries.

oranges. Melon "Cantaloupe". Muscat melon. Blackberry. Strawberry, strawberry. Coconuts. Tangerines. Rhubarb.

Particularly useful products

Pineapple. Plum. Black cherry.

Apricot. Grape. Grapefruit. Cranberry. Vegetables from the recommended vegetables. papaya.

Orange. Cabbage. Apple. Apple cider.

Particularly useful products

Cayenne pepper. Curry. Red algae. Turmeric. Parsley. The fruits of the carob tree. Fucus vesicularis (a type of brown algae).

Agar. Anise. Basil. Bergamot citrus. Dried peppercorns. Carnation. Mustard. Wintergreen. Allspice. Edible gelatin. Cardamom. Kervel (kupyr). Maple syrup. Coriander. Kremortartar (tartar). Bay leaf. Marjoram. Maranta (arrow). Honey. Molasses (black molasses). Miso (soy product). Mint. Paprika (red pepper). Rice syrup. Rosemary. Sugar sand. Soy sauce. Salt. Tamarind (Indian date). Tapioca. Thyme (thyme). Caraway. Dill. Horseradish. Savory garden. Garlic. Flakes (flakes) of red pepper. Sage. Saffron. Chives. Chocolate. Almond extract. Tarragon (a type of wormwood). Barley malt.

Balsamic vinegar. White, red (wine), apple cider vinegar. Vanilla. Capers. Cinnamon. Corn starch and syrup. Nutmeg. Pepper white, black ground.

Particularly useful products

Mustard. Jams and jellies from acceptable fruits. Mayonnaise. Salad dressing (made from acceptable low-fat ingredients). Spicy soy sauce. Apple paste.

Ketchup. Kosher pickles and marinades. Pickles in sour or sweet marinade or in dill vinegar. Relish (spicy side dish of pickled vegetables).

Particularly useful products

Alzina. Smooth elm. Ginger. Cayenne pepper. Linden. Peppermint. Dandelion. Fenugreek. Parsley. Sarsaparilla. Mulberry berries. Hop. Rosehip berries.

White birch (buds). Hawthorn. Elder. Valerian. Verbena. Dong quai (Chinese angelica). Ginseng. Green tea. White oak bark. Mullein. Catnip. Raspberry leaves. Curly mint. Chamomile. licorice root(liquorice). Thyme (thyme). Yarrow. Sage. Shandra. Skullcap.

Aloe. Hydrastis ("golden seal", Canadian goldenseal). Gentian. St. John's wort. Senna. Red clover (meadow). Corn silk ("stigmas"). Strawberry leaves. Burdock. Alfalfa. Coltsfoot. Shepherd's bag. Rhubarb. Curly sorrel. Echinacea.

Particularly useful products

Seltzer. Soda water.

Wine white and red. Green tea. Beer.

Diet soda. Other soda drinks. Coffee. Distilled drinks ethyl alcohol. Cola soda. Black tea (regular and decaffeinated).

..Diet for the second blood group A (II)

Foods that promote weight gain

MEAT. Badly digested. It is deposited as fat. Increases the content of food toxins.

DAIRY FOOD. Slows down metabolism.

ORDINARY VEGETABLE BEANS. Interacts with digestive enzymes, slowing down metabolism.

LIMA BEANS. Interacts with digestive enzymes, slowing down metabolism.

WHEAT Weakens the action of insulin. Impairs calorie utilization.

VEGETABLE OILS. Help efficient digestion. Prevent swelling.

SOY PRODUCTS. Help efficient digestion. They are quickly absorbed by the body.

VEGETABLES. Help efficient metabolism. Stimulates intestinal motility.

PINEAPPLES. Improve calorie utilization. Stimulates intestinal motility.

Particularly useful products

Chicken meat breeds. Turkey meat. Chicken meat.

Mutton. Pork. Beef. Goose. Rabbit meat. Buffalo meat. Partridge meat. Pheasant meat. Lamb meat. Venison. Liver. Heart. Veal. Duck.

Particularly useful products

Grouper. Yellow perch. Carp. Red beryx. Kumzha (salmon-taimen). Sea angel (fish). Rainbow trout. Ronca (silver perch). Whitefish. Mackerel. Edible snail. Cod. Squint. South African sardine.

Shark. Slab. Longfin tuna. Pufferfish. Stone perch. Smelt. Swordfish. Morone. Abalone (shellfish). Sea bass. Sturgeon. Porgy. Sailboat fish. Light snapper. Seriola (fish). Pike.

Anchovy. Barracuda. (ling). White halibut. Beluga. Venerka, or Clem (mollusk). Scallop (shellfish). Long flounder. European hake. Caviar. Squid. Flounder. Crab. Shrimp. Salmon (smoked). Lofolatilus. Lufar. Mussel (shellfish). Shellfish are different. Sole. Lobster. Octopus. Haddock. Striped catfish. Striped bass. Crayfish. Herring fresh, salted or pickled. Solar fish. Edible frog. Acne. Oyster (shellfish). Sea turtle. Shed (fish).

Particularly useful products

Soy milk and cheese.

Homemade cheese (Farmer variety). Yogurt. Kefir. Goat milk. Melted cheese. Goat milk cheese. Cheese "Mozzarella" (low-fat, from buffalo milk). Ricotta cheese (low fat). Cheese "Feta" (Greek, from the milk of a white goat).

Blue cheese. Casein (food). Butter. Ice cream. Munster cheese. Skimmed (2%) milk. Buttermilk. Pressed curd. Cream cheese. Whey milk. Cheeses: American Brie Gouda Gruyère Camembert Colby Soft Monterrey Neuchâtel Parmesan Provolone Cheddar Jarlsburg, Swiss, Edam, Emmental. Whole milk. Milk sherbet.

Particularly useful products

Linseed oil. Olive oil.

Cod liver oil. Rasp oil.

Peanut. Corn. Sesame. Safflower. Cotton.

Particularly useful products

Peanut. Peanut paste. Pumpkin seeds.

Walnuts. Pine nuts. Poppy seed. Almonds and paste. Hickory nuts. Litchi (Chinese plum) nuts. Macadamia nuts (kindal). Sesame (sesame) or tahini seed paste. Sunflower seed paste. Sesame seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sweet (edible chestnuts). Hazelnut.

American nuts. Cashew nuts. Pistachios.

Particularly useful products

Adzuki (angular, or radiant beans). Red soy beans. Cowpeas. Vegetable green string beans. Beans "pinto" (spotted). Black beans. Lentils.

White beans. White peas. Zhikama beans. Cannelini beans. Fava beans. Green pea. Fodder beans. Pea pods. String beans with fiber. Shelled beans.

Copper beans. Tamarind beans. Beans are dark ("naval"). Red beans. Lima beans. Chickpeas (mutton peas). Common beans.

Particularly useful products

Amaranth (amaranth). Buckwheat. Hasidic "porridge".

Kamut. Corn flakes (corn flakes). Corn flour(large grind). Oat groats or flour (oatmeal). Oat bran. Air millet (exploded). Puffed rice (exploded). Rice bran (rice flour). Spelled (a kind of wheat). Barley.

Sprouted wheat. Wheat.

Particularly useful products

Rice cakes. Sprouted wheat bread. Bread made from soy flour. Bread "Essene". Ezekiel bread.

Rice bread. Corn bread. Bread without gluten. Spelled wheat bread. Rye bread. Crispbread.

High protein snack. Cereal bread made from several grains. Wheat matza. Wheat bread. Rye bread. meal

Particularly useful products

Homemade artichoke. Okra (edible hibiscus). earthen pear(Jerusalem artichoke). Brauncol. Leaf cabbage. Asparagus cabbage (broccoli). Kohlrabi. Leafy vegetables. Beet leaves. Yellow bow. Spanish bow. Red onion. Leek. Chard (leaf beet). Carrot. Parsnip. Parsley. Alfalfa shoots. Romaine lettuce. Tempeh (soy product). Tofu (soy product). Turnip (stern turnip). Pepo pumpkin. Horseradish. Chicory. Garlic. Spinach. Escarole (salad).

Avocado. "Bok choy". Swede. Brussels sprouts. Water chestnut (chilim). Mushrooms "Portobello". Daikon (Japanese radish). Oyster mushroom. Green onion. Italian chicory. Kervel (kupyr). Coriander. Watercress. Corn is white and yellow grain. Bulbless onion. Shallot (charlotte). Olives are green. Young mustard leaves. Abalone (mushroom). Sea vegetable (algae). Cucumbers. Fern (curls). Bamboo shoots. Shoots of golden bean (mung bean). Radish shoots. Rape. Radish. Rocket salad. Lettuce. Beet. Celery. Asparagus. Caraway. Pumpkin. Fennel. Cauliflower. Zucchini. Endive (salad chicory).

Eggplant. Sweet potato. Hothouse mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms. Yellow pepper. Green pepper. Cabbage: White, Chinese, Red. Potatoes "white" and "red". Red hot (hot) capsicum. Lima beans (lima beans). Olives: Greek, Spanish, Black. Jalapeno pepper. Tomatoes. Yam.

Particularly useful products

Apricots. Pineapples. Cowberry. Cherries. Blueberry. Blackberry. Grapefruits. Raisin. Figs fresh and dried. Cranberry. Lemons. Plums. Blueberry. Prunes.

Watermelons. Grapes "Concorde." Grenades. Pears. Guava. Melon "Kanan". Melon Crenshaw. Starfruit. Green grapes. Strawberries (strawberries). Spanish melon. Carambol. Kassaba (winter melon). Kiwi. Red currants. Red grapes. Gooseberry. Kumquat. Lime. Loganberry. Raspberry. Cantaloupe. Nectarine. Peaches. Prickly pear (Indian fig) fruits. Christmas melon. Dates. Persimmon. Black currant. Black grapes. Apples. Elderberries.

oranges. Bananas. Melons "Cantaloupe" and "Honey dew" (nutmeg). Coconuts. Mango. Tangerines. Papaya. Rhubarb.

Particularly useful products

Water with lemon juice. Juices: apricot, pineapple, grapefruit, carrot, celery, plum, black cherry.

Juices: grape, cabbage, cranberry, cucumber and other recommended vegetables, apple. Apple cider.

Orange juice. Papaya juice. Tomato juice.

Particularly useful products

Ginger. Miso. Soy sauce. Tamari. Black molasses. Garlic. Barley malt.

Agar. Anise. Basil. Bergamot. Brown algae. Vanilla. Carnation. Mustard. Allspice (clove) pepper. Oregano. Cardamom. Curry. Kervel (kupyr). Maple syrup. Coriander. Cinnamon. Red algae. Kremortartar (tartar). Corn starch. Corn syrup. Turmeric. Bay leaf. Marjoram. Maranta (arrowroot). Honey. Nutmeg. Mint. Spearmint (curly). Peppermint. Paprika (red pepper). Parsley. Pimiento (Spanish paprika). The fruits (beans) of the carob tree. Rice syrup. Rosemary. White sugar. Brown sugar. Brown rice syrup. Salt. Tamarind (Indian date). Tapioca. Thyme (thyme). Caraway. Dill. Horseradish. Savory garden. Sage. Chives. Chocolate. Almond extract. Tarragon (a type of wormwood).

Balsamic vinegar. White vinegar. Dried peppercorns. Wintergreen. Edible gelatin. Cayenne pepper. Capers. Red grape (wine) vinegar. White pepper. Ground black pepper. Flakes (flakes) of red pepper. Apple vinegar.

Particularly useful products

Jam and jelly from acceptable fruits. Kosher pickles and marinades. Pickles (small vegetables) in a sour or sweet marinade or dill vinegar. Relish (a spicy side dish of pickled vegetables, usually very finely chopped; usually offered instead of mustard with sausage on a bun). Salad dressing (made from acceptable ingredients, low fat).

Ketchup. Mayonnaise. Spicy soy sauce.

Particularly useful products

Aloe. Hawthorn. Valerian. Smooth elm. Ginseng. St. John's wort. Green tea. Ginger. Burdock. Alfalfa. Fenugreek. Thistle is spotted. Chamomile. Echinacea. Rosehip berries.

Alzina. Elder. Verbena. Hydrastis ("golden seal", Canadian goldenseal). Gentian. Cassia (senna leaf). White oak bark. Mullein. Linden. Strawberry leaves. Raspberry leaves. Coltsfoot. Peppermint. Dandelion. Shepherd's bag. Parsley. Buds of white birch. Sarsaparilla. Licorice (licorice) root. Thyme (thyme). Mulberry berries. Yarrow. Hop. Sage. Shandra. Skullcap.

Cayenne pepper. Catnip. Red clover (meadow). Corn "silk" (stigmas). Rhubarb. Curly sorrel.

Particularly useful products

Green tea. Decaffeinated coffee ("decaf") and standard. Red wine.

..Diet for the third blood group B (III)

Foods that promote weight gain

CORN. Weakens the effectiveness of insulin. Slows down metabolism. Causes hypoglycemia.

LENTILS. Slows down the absorption of nutrients. Reduces metabolic efficiency. Causes hypoglycemia.

GROUND NUTS (PEANUTS). Reduces metabolic efficiency. Causes hypoglycemia. Slows down the work of the liver.

SESAME SEEDS. Reduces metabolic efficiency. Causes hypoglycemia.

BUCKWHEAT. Slows down the process of digestion. Reduces metabolic efficiency. Causes hypoglycemia.

WHEAT. Slows down the process of digestion. Slows down metabolism. Helps turn food into stored fat instead of energy. Weakens the effectiveness of insulin. Weight Loss ProductsGREEN VEGETABLES.

MEAT. Helps efficient metabolism.

EGGS. Help efficient metabolism.

DAIRY PRODUCTS (LOW FAT). Help efficient metabolism.

LIVER AND LIVER. Help efficient metabolism.

INfusion (TEA) OF LIQORICE ROOT (LICORICE). Prevents the development of hypoglycemia.

Particularly useful products

Mutton. Rabbit meat. Lamb meat. Venison.

Beef. Buffalo meat. Turkey. Pheasant. Liver. Veal.

Pork. Goose. Chickens of meat breeds. Partridge. Quail. Chick. Duck. Heart.

Particularly useful products

White halibut. Grouper. European hake. Pufferfish. Flounder. Kumzha (salmon-taimen). Salmon fish. Angelfish. Sea bass. Sturgeon. Sturgeon (black) caviar. Haddock. Porgy. Mackerel. Cod. Pike. Sardine.

Shark. Slab. Scallop. Longfin tuna. Yellow perch. Squid. Carp. Smelt. Striped catfish. Rainbow trout. Silver perch. Herring. Whitefish.

Anchovy. Barracuda (sea pike). Beluga. Stone perch. Crab. Shrimp. Salmon (smoked). Mussel and other shellfish. Lobster. Octopus. Striped bass. Crayfish. Edible frog. Edible snail. Acne. Sea turtle.

Particularly useful products

Homemade cheese. Kefir. Goat milk. Yogurt. Skimmed milk. Cottage cheese. Skimmed (2%) milk. Goat milk cheese. Sheep cheese.

Food casein. Butter. Buttermilk. Cream cheese. Soy milk. Soy cheese. Milk serum. Whole milk. Other cheeses (other than those listed under "Avoid").

Ice cream. Cheese "American". Blue cheese. Melted cheese.

Particularly useful products

Cod liver oil. Linseed oil.

Peanut. Corn. Sesame. Sunflower. Safflower. Cotton.

Particularly useful products

American nuts. Walnuts. Almond paste and nuts. Hickory nuts. Litchi (Chinese plum) nuts. Macadamia nuts (kindal). Pecan nuts. Sweet (edible chestnuts).

Peanut butter and nuts. Pine nuts. Poppy seed. Cashew nuts. Sunflower seeds. Sesame seeds. Tahini (sesame paste), tahini halva.

Particularly useful products

Red soy beans. Dark beans (navy). Lima beans (lima beans). Common vegetable beans.

White beans. Zhikama beans. Cannelini beans. Copper beans. Tamarind beans. Fava beans. Green pea. Red beans. Fodder beans. Large northern beans. Vegetable green string beans. Pea pods. String beans with fiber. Shelled beans.

Adzuki (angular, or radiant beans). Cowpeas. Chickpeas (mutton peas). Beans "pinto" (spotted). Black beans. Lentils.

Particularly useful products

Oats. Millet. Rice. Spelled.

Amaranth (amaranth). Buckwheat. Kamut. Corn. Wheat. Rye. Barley.

Particularly useful products

Millet bread. Rice cakes. Crispbread.

Oat bran muffins. Bread without gluten. Bread from rye meal. Bread made from soy flour. Spelled bread.

Wheat bread. Rye bread.

Particularly useful products

Eggplant. Sweet potato. White cabbage. Brussels sprouts. Yellow pepper. Green pepper. Brauncol. Leaf cabbage. Broccoli. Chinese cabbage. Red cabbage. Red (hot) capsicum. Lima beans. Beet leaves. Young mustard leaves. Carrot. Parsnip. Parsley. Beet. Cauliflower. Yams (all types).

Okra (edible hibiscus). White peas. Bok choy. Swede. Water chestnut (chilim). Mushrooms. Daikon (Japanese radish). Green onion. Ginger. Chicory. Potato. Kohlrabi. Watercress. Leafy vegetables. Bow (all types). Chard (leaf beet). Sea vegetable (algae). Cucumbers Fern (curls). Bamboo shoots. Alfalfa shoots. Rape. Salads. Celery. Asparagus. Turnip (stern turnip). Pumpkins (except pepo). Dill. Fennel. Horseradish. Zucchini. Garlic. Spinach.

Avocado. Artichoke. Jerusalem artichoke. Corn. Olives. Shoots of golden bean (mung bean). Radish (and shoots). Tempex (fermented boiled soy). Tomatoes. Soy. Pepo pumpkin.

Particularly useful products

A pineapple. Bananas. Grape. Cranberry. Papaya. Plums.

Apricots. oranges. Watermelons. Cowberry. Cherry. Blueberry. Grapefruit. Pear. Melon. Blackberry. Strawberry. Strawberry. Raisin. Figs. Kiwi. Currant. Lemons. Raspberry. Mango. Tangerines. Peaches. Dates. Blueberry. Prunes. Apples. Elder.

Grenades. Starfruit. Carambol. Coconut. Prickly pear. Rhubarb. Persimmon.

Particularly useful products

Pineapple. Grape. Cabbage. Cranberry. Papaya.

Water with lemon juice. Apricot. Orange. Grapefruit. Carrot. Vegetable juices.

Particularly useful products

Ginger. Cayenne pepper. Curry. Parsley. Horseradish.

Everything except "Avoid".

Allspice (clove) pepper. Edible gelatin. Cinnamon. Corn starch. Corn syrup. White pepper. Ground black pepper. Tapioca. Almond extract. Barley malt.

Particularly useful products

Everything but ketchup.

Particularly useful products

Ginseng. Ginger. Raspberry leaves. Peppermint. Parsley. Licorice (licorice) root. Sage. Rosehip berries.

Alzina. Birch buds. Hawthorn. Elder. Valerian. Verbena. Hydrastis. Smooth elm. St. John's wort. Strawberry leaves. Burdock. Alfalfa. Dandelion. Chamomile. Thyme (thyme). Mulberry berries. Yarrow. Shandra. Curly sorrel. Echinacea.

Aloe. Gentian. Senna. Clover red. Mullein. Corn silk. Linden. Coltsfoot. Fenugreek. Shepherd's bag. Rhubarb. Hop. Skullcap.

Particularly useful products

Wine white and red. Decaffeinated coffee. Regular coffee. Beer. Black tea.

Drinks with distilled alcohol. Seltzer. Soda drinks.

..Diet for the fourth blood group AB (IV)

Foods that promote weight gain

RED MEAT. Badly digested. It is deposited as fat. Toxic to the intestinal tract.

ORDINARY VEGETABLE BEANS. Weakens the effectiveness of insulin. Causes hypoglycemia. Slows down metabolism.

LIMA BEANS. Weakens the effectiveness of insulin. Causes hypoglycemia. Slows down metabolism.

SEEDS. Cause hypoglycemia.

CORN. Weakens the effectiveness of insulin.

BUCKWHEAT. Causes hypoglycemia.

WHEAT. Slows down metabolism. Inhibits calorie expenditure. Weakens the effectiveness of insulin.

TOFU. Promotes efficient metabolism.

SEAFOOD. Promote efficient metabolism.

DAIRY. Improve the secretion (production) of insulin by the pancreas.

GREEN VEGETABLES. Improve metabolic efficiency.

KELP. Improves insulin secretion.

PINEAPPLES. Help digestion. Stimulates intestinal motility.

Particularly useful products

Mutton. Rabbit meat. Turkey meat. Lamb meat.

Pheasant meat. Liver.

Pork. Beef. Goose. Chicken. Buffalo meat. Partridges. Quail. Venison. Veal. Heart. Duck.

Particularly useful products

Grouper. Longfin tuna. European hake. Pufferfish. Red beryx. Kumzha (salmon-taimen). Salmon fish. Sea angel (fish). Sea bass. Sturgeon. Porgy. Rainbow trout. Sailboat fish. Mackerel. Edible snail. Cod. Shed (fish). Pike. Squint. South African sardine.

Shark. Slab. Scallop (shellfish). Yellow perch. Caviar. Squid. Carp. Smelt. Lofolatilus. Lufar. Swordfish. Mussel (shellfish). Morone. Abalone (shellfish). Sole. Striped catfish. Ronca (silver perch). Light snapper. Fresh herring. Whitefish.

Anchovy. Barracuda (sea pike). White halibut. Beluga. Venerka, or Clem (mollusk). Long flounder. Flounder. Stone perch. Crab. Shrimp. Smoked salmon. Shellfish are different. Lobster. Octopus. Haddock. Striped bass. Crayfish. Salted or pickled herring. Seriola (fish). Solar fish. Edible frog. Acne. Oyster (shellfish). Turtle (sea).

Particularly useful products

Homemade cheese (Farmer variety). Yogurt. Kefir. Goat milk. Pressed curd. Sour cream is low fat. Goat milk cheese. Mozzarella cheese (from buffalo milk). Cheese "Ricotta". Cheese "Feta" (a special Greek recipe made from the milk of a white sheep or goat).

Food casein. Munster cheese. Gouda cheese. Gruyère cheese. Colby cheese. Cheese Monterrey soft. Neuchâtel cheese. Cheddar cheese. Jarlsburg Cheese. Swiss cheese. Edam cheese. Emmental cheese. Skimmed (2%) milk. Melted cheese. Soy milk. Soy cheese. Whey milk.

Butter. Cheese Blue. Cheese American. Brie cheese. Camembert cheese. Cheese Parmesan. Cheese Provolone. Whole milk. Milk sherbet.

Particularly useful products

Peanut butter. Linseed oil. Rapeseed oil. Cod liver oil.

Corn oil. Sesame oil. Sunflower oil. Safflower oil. Cottonseed oil.

Particularly useful products

Peanut. Peanut paste. Walnuts. Sweet (edible) chestnuts.

American nuts. Pine nuts. Almond paste. Almond nuts. Hickory nuts. Cashew nuts. Litchi (Chinese plum) nuts. Macadamia nuts (kindal). Pistachios.

Poppy seed. Sunflower seed paste. Sesame seeds (sesame). Sunflower seeds. Tahini. Pumpkin seeds. Hazelnut.

Particularly useful products

Red soy beans. Beans are dark ("naval"). Red beans. Beans "pinto" (spotted). Green lentils.

White beans. Zhikama beans. Cannelini beans. Copper beans. Tamarind beans. Green pea. Fodder beans. Large northern beans. Vegetable green string beans. Pea pods. String beans with fiber. Shelled beans. Homemade lentils. Red lentil.

Adzuki (angular, or radiant beans). Fava beans. Cowpeas. Lima beans (lima beans). Chickpeas (mutton peas). Common vegetable beans. Black beans.

Particularly useful products

Oatmeal or flour (oatmeal). Oat bran. Millet. Puffed rice (exploded). Rice bran. Spelled (a kind of wheat).

Amaranth (amaranth). Wheat germs. Wheat bran. Soy granules. Soy flakes. Wheat soup. Rice soup. Barley.

Buckwheat. Kamut. Corn flakes (corn flakes). Corn flour. Hasidic "porridge".

Particularly useful products

Wheat bread. Rye chips. Rice cakes. Brown rice bread. Sprouted wheat bread. Rye bread. Bread made from soy flour. Crispbread. Pure rye bread.

High protein bread. Hot wheat bran buns. Cereal bread made from several grains. Durum wheat products. Oat bran muffins. Wheat matza. Wheat bagel. Wheat bread made from whole grain flour or wholemeal flour. Bread without gluten. Spelled wheat bread. Bread from rye meal.

Sweet corn products.

Particularly useful products

Eggplant. Sweet potato. Brauncol. Leaf cabbage. Asparagus cabbage (broccoli). Leafy vegetables. Beet leaves. Young mustard leaves. Cucumbers. Parsnip. Parsley. Alfalfa shoots. Beet. Celery. Tempeh. Tofu. Cauliflower. Garlic. Yams (all types).

Okra (edible hibiscus). White cabbage. White peas. Swede. Water chestnut (chilim). Mushrooms "Portbello". Hothouse mushrooms. Daikon (Japanese radish). "Wood oyster" (oyster mushroom). Green onion. Ginger. Italian chicory. Potatoes "white" and "red". Kervel (kupyr). Chinese cabbage. Kohlrabi. Coriander. Red cabbage. Watercress. Bulbless onion. Yellow bow. Spanish bow. Leek. Shallots (charlotte.) Chard (charlotte). Greek olives. Olives are green. Spanish olives. Carrot. Sea vegetable (algae). Fern (curls). Bamboo shoots. Rape. Rocket salad. Romaine lettuce. Lettuce. Asparagus. Caraway. Tomatoes. Turnip (stern turnip). Pepo pumpkin. Pumpkin (other types). Fennel (Voloshsky dill). Horseradish. Chicory. Zucchini. Spinach. Endive (salad chicory). Escarole (salad).

Avocado. Homemade artichoke. Shiitake mushrooms. Yellow pepper. Ground pepper. Ground pear (Jerusalem artichoke). Red hot (hot) capsicum. Corn is white and yellow grain. Lima beans (lima beans). Black olives. Abalone (mushroom). Jalapeno pepper. Shoots of golden bean (mung bean). Radish shoots. Radish.

Particularly useful products

Pineapples. Grapes "Concord". Cherries. Grapefruits. Green grapes. Figs are fresh. Dried figs. Kiwi. Cranberry. Red grapes. Gooseberry. Lemons. Loganberry. Plums are green. Plums are red. Plums are dark blue. Black grapes.

Apricots. Watermelons. Cowberry. Blueberry. Pears. Melon "Kanan". Melon "Cantaloupe". Melon Crenshaw. Muscat melon. Blackberry. Strawberries (strawberries). Raisin. Spanish melon. Kassaba (winter melon). Red currants. Kumquat (citrus fruit). Lime. Raspberry. Tangerines. Nectarine (hairless peach). Papaya. Peaches. Dates. Black currant. Blueberry. Prunes. Apples. Elderberries.

oranges. Bananas. Grenades. Guava. Starfruit. Carambol. Coconuts. Mango. Prickly pear (Indian fig) fruits. Rhubarb. Persimmon.

Particularly useful products

Juices: Grape, Cabbage, Cranberry, Carrot, Papaya, Celery, Black Cherry.

Water with lemon juice. Juices: Apricot, Pineapple, Cucumber, and other recommended vegetables. Plum. Apple. Grapefruit. Apple cider.

Particularly useful products

Curry. Miso. Parsley. Horseradish. Garlic.

Agar. Basil. Bergamot. Brown algae. Vanilla. Carnation. Mustard. Wintergreen. Cardamom. Kervel (kupyr). Maple syrup. Coriander. Cinnamon. Red algae. Kremortartar (tartar). Turmeric. Bay leaf. Marjoram. Maranta (arrow). Molasses (black molasses). Honey. Nutmeg. Mint. Paprika. Rice syrup. Rosemary. White sugar. Brown sugar. Brown rice syrup. Soy sauce. Salt. Tamarind (Indian date). Tamari (fermented sauce). Thyme (thyme). Caraway. Dill. Savory garden. Sage. Saffron. Chives. Chocolate. Tarragon (a type of wormwood).

Anise. Balsamic vinegar. White vinegar. Dried peppercorns. Allspice (clove) pepper. Edible gelatin. Cayenne pepper. Capers. Red grape (wine) vinegar. Corn starch. Corn syrup. White pepper. Ground black pepper. Tapioca. Flakes (flakes) of red pepper. Almond extract. Apple vinegar. Barley malt.

Particularly useful products

Mustard. Jam (from acceptable fruits). Jelly (from acceptable fruits). Mayonnaise. Salad dressing (made from acceptable ingredients, low fat).

Ketchup. Kosher pickles and marinades.

Particularly useful products

Hawthorn. Ginseng. Green tea. Ginger. Strawberry leaves. Burdock. Alfalfa. Chamomile. Licorice root. Echinacea. Rosehip berries.

Alzina. White birch (buds). Elder. Valerian. Verbena. Hydrastis ("golden seal", Canadian goldenseal). Smooth elm. Dong quai (Chinese angelica). St. John's wort. Cayenne pepper. White oak bark. Catnip. Raspberry leaves. Spearmint (curly). Peppermint. Dandelion. Parsley. Sarsaparilla. Thyme (thyme). Mulberry berries. Yarrow. Sage. Shandra. Curly sorrel.

Aloe. Gentian. Cassia (Alexandrian leaf, Senna leaf). Mullein. Red clover (meadow). Corn silk (stigma). Linden. Coltsfoot. Fenugreek. Shepherd's bag. Rhubarb. Hop. Skullcap.

Particularly useful products

Green tea. The coffee is decaffeinated and standard.

Wine red and white. Beer. Seltzer and soda.

Diet soda. Cola soda and other soda drinks. Drinks with distilled ethyl alcohol. Tea black "decaf" and standard.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

What characterizes the second positive blood type? This is the presence in it of antigen A, antibodies b, and Rh antigen Rh. Its formula is documented as A(II) Rh+.

What characterizes the second positive blood type? This is the presence in it of antigen A, antibodies b, and Rh antigen Rh. Its formula is documented as A(II) Rh+. This is the second most common blood type, which is determined in 30-40% of the population of different countries. It can be inherited if at least one of the parents has antigen A in the blood, that is, the 2nd and 4th groups, except when both have the fourth group AB. The Rh antigen is inherited with an average probability of 50%.


Traditionally, people with the second positive blood type were considered "farmers", employed mainly in agriculture. There was such a stereotype of a person who has a high capacity for work, physical strength and patience. Such people are able to endure everyday difficulties, adapt well to climate change and new living conditions.

The men of this group are characterized by adherence to family values, care for children, parents, they often sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their loved ones. By nature, they are romantics, love nature and are somewhat naive. Women of this type are distinguished by shyness, modesty, they are wonderful wives, mothers and keepers of the hearth.

The disadvantage of this type of group affiliation is excessive patience, which is sometimes replaced by emotional breakdowns, hindsight and short-sightedness. Such people are good support and support, but they do not have leadership qualities. Excessive industriousness and frequent fatigue, the habit of denying yourself rest often lead to the development of a number of diseases. It is also believed that they are able to become addicted to alcohol.


In owners of the second positive blood group, subject to normal rhythm life, in principle, good health and they can be long-lived. Enough physical activity and healthy eating helps. There are 2 factors that lead to diseases: physical overwork and excessive nervous tension due to patience. All this sooner or later can “break through” into diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (vascular crises, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction);
  • diseases of the digestive system (dyskinesia of the biliary tract, gastritis, ulcers, colitis);
  • allergic diseases (urticaria, angioedema, allergic dermatitis, rhinitis);
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • neurotic-depressive states;
  • psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • the development of tumors, including malignant ones;
  • addiction to alcohol, drugs.

All this pathology is directly related to increased physical and psycho-emotional load, which ultimately leads to a general weakening of the body, impaired immunity, including anti-cancer, to emotional breakdowns and related problems.


The diet recommended for people with the second positive blood group is time-tested, it will help prevent many diseases. Its essence is as follows. Given the physiological characteristics, plant foods should prevail. A variety of vegetables and cereals and soups should prevail. Fats should also be of plant origin. It is better to use unrefined oils - olive, sunflower, linseed - in salads and cereals.

Fruits can be consumed in a variety of ways and without restrictions. The most useful will be apricots, citrus fruits, pineapples, bananas, rich in potassium and ascorbic acid necessary for the heart and blood vessels. Useful also chokeberry. A variety of drinks are also recommended, including tea and coffee, but in moderation. Dairy products must be low content fat.

Ideally, it would be good to exclude meat from the diet, replacing it with fish and seafood. But if you still cannot do without it, then you need to choose not fatty, not containing indigestible fats, from which cholesterol is then formed.

Foods that promote weight gain should be excluded:

  • fatty dairy products, butter;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms, eggplant, potatoes;
  • confectionery, sweet pastries;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.


Pregnant women with a second Rh-positive blood type should not be afraid of any immune conflict with the fetus. It is extremely rare for reactions to occur if the fetus has inherited B antigens from the father (3rd and 4th blood groups), but they usually do not occur in a severe form. In any case, the doctor observing the woman determines the group affiliation of both parents, monitors the tests and the state of her health, if necessary, directs her to an immunological study.

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