Which blood is better positive or negative. What is the best blood type

The table below shows the different nutritional needs of people with different group generalized blood.

Group 1 (0)

Group 0 is the oldest, all other groups developed from it. People of this blood type have a strong immune system, energetic, like the hunters and gatherers who inhabited our planet more than 40,000 years ago. Gathering and hunting provided enough food and meat was a constant source of nutrition.

The people of this group are meat lovers, because animal protein was in abundance and, under the influence of this circumstance, people developed this type of digestive system that coped well with protein.


  • Strong digestive system
  • Strong immune system

Weak sides:

  • Difficulty adapting to changing diet and conditions environment
  • Sometimes the immune system is overactive and acts against the body itself (allergies)

Group 2 (A)

Blood type A appeared in agricultural associations and communities. It is typical for a sedentary lifestyle. This type arose 15,000-25,000 years ago in the Middle East and Asia. People learned to cultivate crops and raise livestock. The transition from a hunter to a settled farmer and pastoralist was the reason for the transition to a predominantly plant-based diet, which affected digestive tract and immune system. People of this blood type are considered predominantly vegetarians. This blood type is the most common in Europe.


  • Adapts well to changing diet and environment
  • Immune and digestive systems are effective if an appropriate diet is followed (vegetarian)

Weak sides:

  • Delicate (sensitive) digestive tract
  • Weak immune system open to all infections

Group 3 (B)

Wanderings brought people from Africa to Europe, Asia and the American continent. Approximately 10,000-15,000 years ago, this blood type appeared. In humans, gene mutations occurred and group B was able to adapt better than others to a completely different climate. People of this group have a strong immune system, easily extracting energy from food.

Type B people have a particularly high adaptability inherited from their ancestors. In the nutrition of people with group B, dairy and agricultural products play an important role, so they absorb dairy products better than others.


  • Strong immune system
  • Flexible system of adaptation to changes in diet and environmental conditions
  • Balanced nervous system

Weak sides:

Group 4 (AB)

The youngest blood type historical point vision - group AB. It exists only 1000-1200 years. This blood type is very rare and occurs in only 5% of the world's population. In this blood group, many features of types A and B are combined. Thus, people of this type can combine in their diet the most different products nutrition.

People with group AB are largely protected from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and allergies. They have antibodies that protect well against diseases caused by bacteria. But they have a very sensitive digestive tract and are often prone to cancer.


  • The youngest blood type
  • Flexible, highly sensitive immune system
  • Combines the advantages of types A and B

Weak sides:

  • sensitive (gentle) digestive tract)
  • Too "open" immune system, unstable to microbial infections
  • Combines the cons of types A and B

There are many classifications that divide blood into groups. All of them are designed with different antigens and antibodies in mind - small particles that are either attached to the membrane of red blood cells or float freely in the plasma.

The first experiments on blood transfusion most often ended in the death of the patient. The thing is that then people did not have the slightest idea about blood types. To date, the most common classifications are the AB0 system and the Rh factor system.

According to the AB0 system, blood is classified as follows:

  • 0 - first;
  • A - the second;
  • B - the third;
  • AB is the fourth.

What determines the rarity of a blood type?

The rarity of blood groups, like many other features of our body, depends on natural selection. The fact is that throughout the two-million-year history of mankind, people had to adapt to new conditions of existence.

The climate changed, new diseases appeared, and our blood developed with them. The oldest and most common group is the first. Scientists believe that it was she who was the original, and all the groups known today went from her.

Rare groups appeared much later, so they are not so common in the population.

Which group is the least common?

The world leader in rarity is 4 negative group blood. Despite popular belief, 4 positive is about 3 times more common. There are more people with it than the owners of blood of the 3rd negative group.

Why is group 4 the least common?

The fact is that its very appearance can be considered a peculiar phenomenon. It combines the properties of two opposite types of blood - A and B.

People with blood group 4 have a strong immune system that easily adapts to environmental conditions. By the standards of biology, this group is the most complex.

This type of blood appeared only a couple of thousand years ago. On the this moment it is the most demanded at any blood transfusion station, since there are still not so many of its carriers.

The youngest and rare group- fourth

What is the most common blood type?

The most common blood of the first group (or zero according to the AB0 classification). The second is a little less common.

The third and fourth are considered rare. The total percentage of their carriers in the world does not exceed 13-15.

The most common types (1 and 2) arose at the dawn of mankind. Their carriers are considered the most prone to allergies of various origins, autoimmune processes and other diseases. The blood of this type has changed little over hundreds of thousands of years, therefore it is considered the least adapted to modern conditions.

The percentage of blood types also determines the Rh factor. Positive is much more common than negative. Even 1 negative group, which is the leader among negative blood types, occurs in 7% of people.

The distribution of blood into groups also depends on race. In man Mongoloid race blood will be Rh positive 99% of the time, while Europeans are about 85% Rh positive.

Europeans are the most common carriers of group 1, Africans are 2, among Asians 3 is the most common.

Blood types: percentage prevalence

As statistics show, different kinds blood types vary greatly in prevalence around the world. Type 0 people are easy to find, and type AB blood is unique in its own way.

The following table will help you finally understand which of the groups are the most common, and which are much less common:

Group and Rh factorHow widespread
0+ 40%
0- 7%

Who should donate blood?

Medical sources say that it is always preferable to transfuse a person with the blood of exactly the group of which he is a carrier. Therefore, it is very important that all types of blood are in the blood banks.

The main rule of blood transfusion is that people with positive negative blood can be transfused. If the opposite is done, the person who needs a transfusion will die. This is due biological features antigen-antibody systems.

Although 1 is considered rare, its uniqueness lies in the fact that in emergency cases such people can be transfused with any type of blood, provided that the Rh factors are compatible. At the same time, other types of blood are not so versatile.

Group AB can only be transfused to people with the same blood type.

No matter what kind of blood you have, by donating it for donation, you will help save a person's life. The most expensive and sought after blood is Rh negative. If you are one of the 15% of people who carry it, be sure to consider the possibility of becoming a donor. Periodic blood donation is not only charity, but also a way to improve functional state its hematopoietic system.

Video: The rarest blood type

Human blood groups have been known for a long time. The most common is the first group, the last, the fourth, is considered the most rare. The appearance of one or another blood type can be influenced by the parents of the unborn child and genetic predispositions. Already installed a long time ago dependence of human health on group affiliation, which allows you to determine which group is the best.

Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, carry specific antigens, which define a set of unique qualities of blood and plasma. The most popular group in the world is considered the first (indicated by 0) - about 50% of all inhabitants of the planet. The second group belongs to 40% of the population (denoted A).

The share of the third (B) and fourth (AB) accounts for 8% and 2%, respectively.

For each type of blood, there are two types of Rh factor: positive (+) and negative (-).

Rh positive is a sign of the presence of a special protein in the blood, so there are 8 types of blood in total.

Interestingly, a positive Rh factor is observed in 80% of people, and at the birth of a child, the maternal blood type and Rh are inherited.

Different combinations of proteins and genes in erythrocytes determine the advantages of one type of blood over others, increase the body's immunity and reduce the predisposition to chronic diseases.

Donation and compatibility

When transfusing blood and plasma, the compatibility of the group and Rh of the donor and recipient must be taken into account.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod medical academy(2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

Mismatch causes rejection of blood cells and severe consequences for the patient.

In this plan the best group recognized first. Her red blood cells do not contain any antigens in the composition, so she is suitable for transfusion to everyone with the same Rh factor. Together with its wide distribution, this makes it universal. First positive group is always in excess in all blood banks.

The choice of methods of treatment of many diseases, the tactics of actions during transfusion depends on the blood type. Many immediately after birth do an analysis to determine it. What is the rarest blood type in humans and what is its uniqueness?

What determines the rarity of the group

Each blood type has its own biochemical characteristics. When children are born, it can be determined immediately after birth - it depends on the blood types of the parents. By examining the biomaterial of mom and dad, you can predict the group in the future baby.

It is believed that blood different areas life, food preferences, susceptibility to certain diseases, the process of conception. Why is it important to know your group and its features? The human body contains a lot of fluid and about 8% of the total body weight is blood. Doctors take this into account when conducting any surgical intervention, because a loss of 2 liters can lead to lethal outcome. The surgeon will not undertake to carry out even a minor manipulation without first knowing the characteristics of the patient's blood.

Characteristics of blood groups:

  • 1 negative or positive - the most common in the world;
  • 2 negative, positive - common, in second place according to world statistics;
  • 3 negative, positive is less common than the previous ones;
  • Group 4 is the rarest.

The Rh factor also depends on the parental characteristics that are inherited.

Currently, the most common on earth is the first. Its uniqueness lies in its versatility, it is suitable for donation to any person. This is due to the absence of antigens on erythrocytes.

The first group with a positive Rh factor can only be transfused similar patient, with a negative - absolutely everything. This compatibility is valued in medical practice, people with the first group are often invited to become donors. But at present, only one-group blood transfusion is allowed.

Interesting! modern medicine in developed countries recognizes that blood transfusion is an unsafe method used in operations. It is connected with increased risk recipient infection various infections(hepatitis, HIV). There are many alternative ways avoid blood loss. But, nevertheless, transfusion is still widely used throughout the world.

People with the first group are prone to the appearance of such diseases:

  • ulcer;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • skin diseases;
  • cancer of the lungs, mammary glands;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergies.

In Russia, this blood type, together with the second, is the most common, according to statistics, about 80% of the total population has them.

The rarest group

4 blood group is the rarest. Doctors explain that the reason for this is her late education, she arose later than the others. Today it is possessed by no more than 3-7% of the population of the entire earth. A mixture of other groups led to its appearance, according to one theory.

The fourth is incompatible with the rest, so the main difficulty lies in the selection of a donor if necessary. Previously, when an operation required an urgent transfusion, it was necessary to resort to other groups. A person with the fourth blood group is a universal recipient.

Despite its low prevalence, blood, according to many doctors, has its own characteristics that make it unique:

  • a person is not stress-resistant, he may feel insecure, especially when faced with difficulties;
  • increased tendency to drug addiction, alcoholism, other addictions;
  • increased coagulability, which provokes frequent occurrence blood clots.

Knowing these features allows the owners of the 4th group to adapt to them, preventing the occurrence of problems. It is especially recommended to monitor nutrition, especially since it is easy to do this, there are no strict restrictions.

Interesting! For comparison, the owners of the second are not recommended to eat meat. Compared with this, the owners of the fourth group have it easy.

The basic principle of nutrition for owners of the 4th group is balanced diet, no special power supply system is needed. Use enough fresh vegetables, fruit will be a good prevention of various diseases. The only thing to consider is the tendency to be overweight, which is partly related to in a sedentary manner the lives of the owners of the 4th group, so you will have to limit yourself in the amount of servings.

World distribution statistics

Owner rating different groups blood percentage has not changed for a long time, for more than a dozen years the first place in ascending order is still the first, the last - the fourth. Below is a detailed table:

Interesting! As for the prevalence of the Rh factor, then 80% of the world's population is positive, the rest is negative.

The influence of rare and other types of blood on different areas

The question of determining your blood type sooner or later arises before everyone. Some are content with only superficial knowledge. In fact, many areas of human life depend on it. Doctors advise to expand their knowledge about the characteristics of blood composition in such areas:

  1. Pregnancy. Features of blood affect a woman's ability to conceive. Also for successful pregnancy it is important to consider the compatibility of both partners in the group and the Rh factor.
  2. Group of the future child. Geneticists have learned to recognize the characteristics of the blood of an unborn baby based on the study of parents. Family planning offices can provide this information with 98% accuracy.
  3. Stress tolerance. Reaction to external stimuli also depends on the group. The owners of the first recover longer in stressful situations due to their increased production of adrenaline.
  4. The number of antigens in the body. These substances are present not only in the blood itself, but also in the organs. digestive system, in the mouth, in the lungs, and other organs.

Everyone needs to know their blood type, its characteristics, features. The fourth is the rarest, it is possessed by no more than 7% of the total population of the earth. This is due to her recent appearance due to the mixing of other bands. You can determine the characteristics of the blood in a child immediately after birth and even before, based on the blood groups of the parents.

In Japan, you're more likely to be asked about your blood type than your zodiac sign. Accounting and blood type tests here they call it "ketsu-eki-gata" and take it very seriously. After all, each group has certain characteristics of character and health.


The blood group is a set of specific substances, individual for each person, called group antigens. It does not change throughout a person's life and can be inherited. The most common is the first blood type, it is possessed by about 40% of all inhabitants of the planet. But many consider it the worst.

Features of blood groups

The first blood group 0 (I) according to the AB0 system means that human erythrocytes are completely devoid of antigens. It is worth noting that the first positive can be used as universal blood for the transfusion procedure. If a person is injected with blood from Rh negative, then as a result, gluing of red cells, that is, erythrocytes, will occur, with a subsequent deterioration in the human condition. But despite this, you can often hear that people with the 1st blood group are more susceptible to various diseases.


And this is connected with the research of Japanese scientists: people with this group have worse blood clotting. But in many cases it is rather a merit. Because of this, they are much less likely to have thrombosis and all the diseases associated with them: thromboembolism, heart attacks, stroke ... The fact is that almost every blood type is associated with some problems and advantages, and it is wrong to say that one is worse than the other . Here are the diseases associated with each blood type.

How diseases are related to blood group

  1. I group

    Due to reduced clotting, thrombosis, vascular disease, myocardial infarction, and ischemic stroke are less common. Also, people with this blood type are less prone to pancreatic cancer, but more prone to developing stomach and duodenal ulcers than others. They also have a lower ability to conceive, especially after 30 years. Therefore, do not delay too much with the firstborn.


  2. II group

    People with this blood type are often distinguished by longevity and good immunity. They are less prone to colds and infectious diseases. But the second blood type increases the risk of gastritis with low acidity, the appearance of stones in bile ducts and chronic cholecystitis. Also, people with this blood type are more likely to acute leukemia and stomach cancer. Japanese scientists say that people with the second blood group are more important than the rest of quality rest to maintain health.

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