The effect of anesthesia on the child. Types of general anesthesia in children, features of the implementation. Contraindications and possible complications

General anesthesia used in children can have many consequences. The child's body grows and develops very quickly, and any intervention in the work of the central nervous system can adversely affect the development of the child. This article discusses the main complications that can develop after surgical interventions using general anesthesia.

General anesthesia

General anesthesia is a state of deep sleep that is caused by medications. Thanks to anesthesia, doctors have the opportunity to perform long and complex operations. This is especially significant in pediatric surgery, because now children who are born with severe malformations of the cardiovascular system and other abnormalities have a chance to live.

But anesthesia itself is not a harmless procedure. Recently, doctors have conducted many studies that have been devoted to its complications and consequences. A special place in their work was given to the effect of general anesthesia on children. Speaking about adults, allergic reactions to administered drugs and complications from the heart are more relevant, in the case of children, problems associated with slowing down development and disruption of the central nervous system come to the fore.

Drugs used for general anesthesia in children under three years of age can affect the development and formation of nerve connections between neurons in the brain, the processes of myelination of nerves (the formation of a sheath around the nerve fiber). These changes in the central nervous system are the causes of negative consequences in the development of the child. Always, deciding on an operation, the doctor must compare the need for it with the harm to the child's body.

Early complications of general anesthesia

This group of complications is not much different from the same in adults. They usually develop during the child's stay under anesthesia, or in a short period after it. These complications are due to the direct effect of the drug on the child's body. These include:

  • Allergic reactions: anaphylactic shock, angioedema.
  • Sopor, coma.
  • Violation of the heart rhythm, in the form of atrioventricular arrhythmia, blockade of the bundle of His.

Anesthesiologists must deal with these acute and dangerous complications. Fortunately, they occur quite rarely.

The anesthesiologist constantly monitors the patient's condition during anesthesia

Late complications after anesthesia in children

Even if the operation was successful, without complications, and there was no reaction to the anesthetic, this does not at all guarantee that there was no negative effect on the child's body. Long-term effects do not occur immediately. They can become noticeable even after a few years.

Late complications include:

  1. Cognitive disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, described in detail below.
  2. Chronic and frequent headaches, sometimes in the form of migraines. The occurrence of a headache is usually not associated with any triggering factors. The whole head may hurt, or half of it. Pain is practically not relieved by analgesics.
  3. Slow disturbances in the work of the liver and kidneys.
  4. Frequent dizziness.
  5. Cramps of the muscles of the leg.

Most often, cognitive disorders develop. These include:

  • Memory disorders in children. It can be manifested by difficulty in memorizing educational material. For example, it can be difficult for children to learn foreign languages, poetry. Memory can also be impaired for other reasons, for example, with a lack of iodine in the body.

The child has difficulty remembering new material

  • Violation of logical thinking. It is difficult for children to draw conclusions, to look for connections between events.
  • Difficulty concentrating on one thing. Such children do not like to read books, it is difficult for them at school. Usually they are distracted during training, talking. And parents punish and scold them, instead of understanding the reason for such behavior of the child.

In addition to cognitive disorders, anesthesia is dangerous because of the possibility of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is manifested by impulsive behavior, impaired attention of the baby and hyperactivity. Such children cannot predict the consequences of their actions, which is why they are frequent guests of injury points. It is difficult for them to complete any task, or to adhere to the rules in the game. Hyperactivity is manifested by the difficulty of sitting in one place for a long time. In the classroom, they fidget, turn from side to side, chat with classmates.

hyperactive child

Consequences in young children

The central system in children under three years old develops very quickly. And at three years the weight of the brain is almost the same as that of an adult. Any intervention at this age can have serious consequences. General anesthesia at this age is especially harmful and dangerous.

In addition to attention deficit disorder and cognitive disorders, it can harm the formation of nerve pathways and fibers, connections between parts of the brain, which can lead to such consequences:

  1. Lag in physical development. The drugs can harm the parathyroid gland, which is responsible for the growth of the child. Such children may lag behind in growth, but as a rule, then they catch up with their peers.
  2. Slowdown of psychomotor development. It can be difficult for children who have undergone general anesthesia to learn to read, remember numbers, pronounce words correctly, and build sentences.
  3. Epilepsy. This complication is quite rare, but clinical cases are described when this disease started after surgical interventions.

Can complications be prevented?

It is difficult to say whether there will be a complication, when and how it will appear. But you can try to reduce the risk of developing negative consequences in the following ways:

  1. Carefully examine the body of the baby, if possible. With planned operations, it is better to do all the examinations proposed by the attending doctor.
  2. After the operation, use drugs that will improve cerebral circulation, vitamins. A neurologist will help you pick them up. It can be Piracetam, Cavinton, B vitamins and others.
  3. Closely monitor the condition and development of your child. It is better to once again seek the advice of a doctor in order to exclude harm from anesthetics.

Having learned about the existence of all these terrible complications, you should not refuse upcoming operations. The main thing is to be attentive to the health of the baby, not to self-medicate at home, and at the slightest deviation in his health, go to the pediatrician.

Surgery under general anesthesia in a person of any age is a concern. Adult people come out of anesthesia in different ways - someone moves away from the procedure easily, and someone badly, recovering for a very long time. Children, in addition to a general disturbance of well-being, are not aware of what is happening and cannot adequately assess the situation, so an operation under general anesthesia can become a lot of stress. Parents worry about the consequences of anesthesia, how it will affect the child's well-being and behavior, and what kind of care children will need after waking up.

Recovery period after surgery under general anesthesia

A little about drugs

Modern drugs for anesthesia practically do not have a negative effect on the child and are quickly excreted from the body, which provides an easy recovery period after general anesthesia. For anesthesia in children, in most cases, inhalation methods of administering an anesthetic are used - they are absorbed into the blood in a minimum concentration and excreted by the respiratory organs unchanged.

Helping a child recover from anesthesia

The exit from anesthesia occurs under the strict supervision of an anesthesiologist and begins immediately after the cessation of the administration of the anesthetic. The specialist closely monitors the child's vital signs, evaluating the effectiveness of respiratory movements, blood pressure levels and the number of heartbeats. After making sure that the patient's condition is stable, he is transferred to the general ward. It is advisable that parents wait in the ward for the child - an unpleasant condition after anesthesia, as a rule, scares children, and the presence of a loved one will help to calm down. In the first hours after waking up, the baby is lethargic, inhibited, his speech may be slurred.

Girl in the room after surgery

With the use of modern drugs, the period of their excretion lasts no more than 2 hours. At this stage, such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pain in the surgical area, and fever may disturb. Each of these symptoms can be alleviated by taking certain measures.

  • Nausea and vomiting are common side effects of general anesthesia. It has been noted that the likelihood of vomiting is associated with blood loss - with extensive bleeding, the patient vomits in very rare cases. With nausea, the child is not recommended to eat for the first 6-10 hours after the operation, the liquid can be taken in small quantities so as not to provoke a new attack of vomiting. As a rule, relief occurs within a few hours after recovery from anesthesia. In the event that the child's condition has deteriorated significantly and vomiting does not bring relief, you can ask the nurse to give an injection of an antiemetic drug.
  • Dizziness and weakness are the body's natural reaction to anesthesia in the first hours after waking up. Recovery takes some time, and it is best if the child gets a few hours of sleep. In the event that for one reason or another sleep is impossible, you can distract the baby with cartoons, a favorite toy, an interesting book or a fairy tale.
  • Trembling is a consequence of a violation of thermoregulation. It is recommended to take care of a warm blanket in advance, which will help the child to warm up.
  • An increase in temperature is usually observed on the first day after surgery. Such a reaction of the body is considered normal in the case when the values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not exceed subfebrile numbers. An elevated temperature a few days after the operation suggests the development of complications and requires an additional examination.

Nurse measures girl's temperature after surgery

General anesthesia has the greatest impact on babies up to a year. In infants, a clear diet and sleep pattern has been developed, which goes astray after anesthesia - children can confuse day and night, being awake at night. In this case, only patience will help - after a few days or weeks, the baby will return to his usual regime on his own.

In rare cases, parents observe that their child "fell into childhood", that is, he began to do things that are not typical for his age. You don't have to worry about it, it's most likely temporary and will go away on its own.

Some children after surgery with general anesthesia do not sleep well, are naughty, refuse to eat. To help your child fall asleep, there are some rituals that should be performed every day before bedtime. It can be a glass of warm milk, interesting fairy tales or a relaxing massage. Watching TV should be limited - frequent change of pictures provokes excitation of the nervous system, even the most familiar harmless cartoons can increase sleep disturbances.

Feeding a child after anesthesia

If the baby feels well, sleeps well, he is not bothered by fever, nausea or vomiting, then doctors advise returning to normal life as soon as possible. Early activation of the patient contributes to rapid recovery and prevention of postoperative complications. After 5-6 hours, doctors may allow your child to eat. Food should be light - it can be vegetable soup, jelly with crackers or toast, cereals on the water. Babies receive mother's breast or formula milk.

In the absence of vomiting, drinking plenty of fluids will help you recover quickly. Pure non-carbonated water, compotes, fruit drinks, teas are most suitable. Juices and sugary carbonated drinks are not recommended for frequent drinking, as they contain a large amount of sugar.

Proper psychological preparation, the presence of loved ones and compliance with all the doctor's recommendations will help the child to more easily survive the postoperative period. The child's body has the ability to recover quickly, and in a few days the baby will feel much better than on the first day after the operation.

Many medical procedures are so painful that even an adult, and even more so a child, cannot bear them without anesthesia. The pain, as well as the fear associated with the surgical operation, is a very serious stress for the baby. So, even a simple medical procedure can cause such neurotic disorders as urinary incontinence, sleep disturbance, nightmares, nervous tics, stuttering. Pain shock can even cause death.

The use of painkillers helps to avoid discomfort and reduce stress from medical procedures. Anesthesia is local - in this case, an anesthetic drug is injected into the tissues directly around the affected organ. In addition, the anesthesiologist can "turn off" the nerve endings that carry impulses from the part of the body on which the operation is performed to the child's brain.

In both cases, a certain part of the body loses sensitivity. In this case, the child remains fully conscious, although he does not feel pain. Local anesthesia acts locally and practically does not affect the general condition of the body. The only danger in this case may be associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the drug.

Actually anesthesia is called general anesthesia, which involves turning off the patient's consciousness. Under anesthesia, the child not only loses sensitivity to pain and falls into a deep sleep. The use of various drugs and their combinations gives physicians the opportunity, if necessary, to suppress the arising involuntary reflex reactions and reduce muscle tone. In addition, the use of general anesthesia causes complete amnesia - after medical intervention, the baby will not remember anything about the unpleasant sensations experienced on the operating table.

Why is anesthesia dangerous for a child?

Obviously, general anesthesia has a number of advantages, and in cases of complex operations, it is certainly necessary. However, parents often worry about the negative consequences that anesthesia can cause.

In fact, the use of anesthesia in children is associated with a number of difficulties. Thus, the child's body is less sensitive to certain drugs, and in order for anesthesia to work, their concentration in the child's blood must be an order of magnitude higher than in adults. Associated with this is the danger of an overdose of anesthetics, which can cause hypoxia and other complications in the child's nervous and cardiovascular systems, up to cardiac arrest.

Another danger is that it is more difficult for the child's body to maintain a stable body temperature: the thermoregulation function has not yet had time to develop properly. In this regard, in rare cases, it develops - a violation caused by hypothermia or overheating of the body. In order to prevent this, the anesthesiologist must carefully monitor the body temperature of a small patient.

Alas, there is a danger of an allergic reaction to the drug. In addition, a number of complications may be associated with certain diseases from which the child suffers. That is why it is so important before the operation to tell the anesthetist about all the features of the child's body, previously transferred diseases.

In general, modern anesthetics are safe, practically non-toxic, and by themselves do not cause any negative effects. With a well-chosen dosage, an experienced anesthesiologist will not allow any complications.

Currently, when performing surgical operations and complex diagnostic studies, anesthesia is indispensable. Anesthesia allows you to perform medical procedures with maximum comfort for the doctor and patient. With general anesthesia, a person’s consciousness is briefly turned off, which allows the doctor to calmly carry out the necessary medical actions. A morally adult person can independently prepare himself for the upcoming surgical events. Another thing is if the operation is for a small child. Therefore, such a phrase as anesthesia for children often shocks parents.

Local and general anesthesia

Anesthesia can be general and local. With local anesthesia, pain impulses are blocked in a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's body, which is chipped with special preparations. During treatment, the child does not feel pain, while being fully conscious. On the one hand, this type of anesthesia has an important advantage, since local anesthesia preparations do not affect the functioning of the brain. But on the other hand, there are significant drawbacks. First, local anesthesia is not always able to provide the desired effect of anesthesia. Secondly, the very preparation for the treatment procedure is the strongest stress for the child. The sight of people in special clothes and masks, laid out medical instruments cause fear in most children. Therefore, most often, doctors during surgical procedures use combined anesthesia for children, that is, they simultaneously perform general and local anesthesia.

When using general anesthesia, the child is unconscious, but for a limited time period. Medications introduced into his body ensure the complete absence of pain syndrome, followed by a gradual restoration of the normal state and consciousness of the child. General anesthesia can be carried out in different ways. There are inhalation, intramuscular and intravenous anesthesia. The choice of the method of general anesthesia is influenced by the volume of the upcoming operation, the recommendations of the surgeon and the qualifications of the anesthesiologist.

"Big" and "small" anesthesia

Depending on the combination of drugs administered and the amount of time required for pain relief, general anesthesia is conventionally divided by physicians into “large” and “small”. When it is necessary to turn off the child's consciousness for a short time, apply "small" anesthesia. It is used for short operations and low-traumatic diagnostic studies. "Small" anesthesia can be administered by inhalation or intramuscular method.

The inhalation method of anesthesia is commonly referred to by surgeons as apparatus-mask anesthesia. When it is used, the child inhales the inhalation mixture, after which his consciousness turns off. The most well-known inhalation anesthetics are Sevoflurane, Isoflurane, Ftorotan.

Another method of introducing "small" anesthesia, intramuscular anesthesia, is currently not used. According to the latest data, this type of anesthesia is not harmless to the child's body. With intramuscular anesthesia, the drug Ketamine is usually used, which is able to “turn off” memory for a long time, creating problems for the full development of the child.

In complex long-term operations, surgeons use "large" anesthesia for children, which is considered the most effective method of pain relief. Drugs are introduced into the child's body by inhalation or intravenously. "Great anesthesia" is a multicomponent effect of various pharmacological agents. General anesthesia may involve local anesthetics, sleeping pills, infusion solutions, muscle relaxants, analgesics, and even blood products. As a rule, during the surgical intervention, the child is given artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Of course, the correct emotional state of the child before the upcoming operation is of great importance. Parents are allowed to accompany the child to the operating room, to be nearby until he falls asleep. Upon awakening, the first thing the baby should see is the native face of loved ones.

Parents should not be afraid of using general anesthesia for children. Modern drugs used in anesthesiology allow for safe anesthesia even for newborn babies. And the main thing for any parent is to cure the child!

Often anesthesia scares people, sometimes even more than surgery. The most fearful thing is the unknown and possible discomfort when falling asleep and waking up. Do not tune in to the positive and numerous conversations that it is dangerous to health. It becomes especially alarming when it comes to the fact that the operation will be performed on a child, and in children it causes negative consequences.

Children's anesthesia - how safe is it for a young organism?

Operations under anesthesia in children are carried out according to the same rules as in adults, taking into account age characteristics. In children, due to anatomical and physiological characteristics, more often than in adults, there are critical conditions, the removal of which requires resuscitation and intensive care. However, in modern medicine, only sparing means are used that can put an adult and a child into an artificially induced deep sleep.

Anesthesia for children is a loss of consciousness caused by a set of special drugs. It may include many manipulations aimed at facilitating the process of falling asleep, surgery, and awakening. Among the activities carried out are:

    • Setting up drips.
    • Installation of a control system, compensation for blood loss.
    • Prevention of the consequences of the operation.

Parents should understand the essence and risk of anesthesia, the features of the types of anesthesia and contraindications to its use, be sure to tell the doctor:

      • How was the pregnancy and childbirth?
      • what was the type of feeding: breastfeeding (how long) or artificial;
      • what the child was sick with;
      • reactions to vaccinations;
      • whether he and his next of kin have allergies.

All this is especially important for young children, you need to ask the anesthesiologist questions if something is not clear, and the final decision on which anesthesia or anesthesia to carry out is up to the doctor!

Types of pain relief techniques used

In medical practice, there are several types of anesthesia:

      • Inhalation or hardware-mask - the patient receives a dose of painkillers in the form of an inhalation mixture. It is used when carrying out short simple operations.

See its action and main stages in this video:

      • Intramuscular anesthesia for children today is practically not used. Because he cannot control the duration of sleep. The drug Ketamine used is harmful to the body. It can turn off long-term memory for almost 6 months, which affects the full development.
      • Intravenous - has a multicomponent pharmacological effect on the body. Ventilation of the lungs is performed by a special apparatus. Anesthesia is used for children extremely rarely, only when absolutely necessary.

Are there contraindications?

Anesthesia for children can always be carried out, with the exception of the refusal of the patient or relatives from the procedure. However, before carrying out a planned operation, it is important to take into account all the nuances, features:

      • The presence of pathologies of a different nature that can negatively affect the condition during sleep and recovery.
      • If the patient has recently had ARVI or another viral infection, the operation should be postponed for several weeks until the body is fully restored.
      • The presence of allergies to drugs. The doctor examines the records in the card in detail. In case of finding out about the presence of an allergy to medicines, he immediately changes the tactics of action.
      • Health features - high fever, runny nose.

Before surgery, the anesthesiologist examines the patient's card in detail, noting all the points that may affect the method of anesthesia. In addition, a conversation is held with parents, in which important points are clarified.

How to prepare a child for anesthesia?

According to modern concepts, any surgical interventions, painful procedures, diagnostic studies in children (especially younger ones) should be carried out under anesthesia or sedation! Young children simply do not know what is ahead of them, and no premedication is needed.

Regardless of the type of anesthesia under which the operation is planned, the patient is preliminarily prepared for surgical intervention.
Age groups of children: newborns, up to 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years,
7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, over 12 years old.

The anesthesiologist takes an active part in preparing the child for surgery. During planned operations, all preparation can be divided into general medical and pre-anesthesia: psychological and pharmacological premedication. An obstetric history is important: how the pregnancy and childbirth went (on time or not), the anthropometric data of the child - the correspondence of body weight and height to his age, psychomotor development, visible disorders of the musculoskeletal system, behavioral reactions.

Psychological preparation: hospitalization for a child is a difficult moral test, he is frightened by separation from his mother, people in white coats, the environment, and so on. The anesthesiologist, the attending physician and the ward nurse help and explain to the mother how to behave.

Doctors recommend not always telling the baby about what is to come. The exceptions are cases when the disease interferes with him, and he wants to get rid of it. However, if the children are old enough, it is necessary to explain that a special children's will be carried out, as a result of which they will fall asleep and wake up when everything has already been done and there is no trace of the past illness.

It is desirable that the baby is calm and not afraid. It is necessary to provide rest both emotional and physical. The main thing that parents need to remember is that the baby should wake up after anesthesia and see the dearest and closest people to him.
Once again about the most important thing in this video:

General anesthesia: consequences for the child's body

Much depends on the professionalism of the anesthetist, since it is he who selects the necessary dosage of drugs used in anesthesia. The result of the work of a good specialist is the child's being in an unconscious state during the period necessary for surgical intervention, and a favorable recovery from this state after the operation.

Crane rarely happens intolerance to drugs or their components. It is possible to predict such a reaction only if the patient's blood relatives had it. Now we will list the consequences that may arise as a result of drug intolerance, but we note once again that this is an extremely rare case (only 1-2% probability):

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • malignant hyperemia. A sharp rise in temperature to 42-43 degrees.
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • respiratory failure;
  • aspiration. Ejection of stomach contents into the respiratory tract.

Some studies also suggest that anesthesia can damage the neurons in a child's brain, leading to cognitive impairment. At the same time, memory processes are disturbed: absent-mindedness, inattention, deterioration in learning and mental development appear for some period after the operation. These processes are opposed by a number of factors:

  1. the likelihood of such consequences is highest with intramuscular anesthesia using Ketamine. Now a similar method and drug is practically not used for children.
  2. children under two years of age are at greater risk. Therefore, operations under anesthesia, if possible, are postponed for a period after 2 years.
  3. the validity of the conclusions made by only a few studies has not been conclusively proven.
  4. these symptoms pass quite quickly, and operations are done in connection with real health problems of the child. It turns out that the need for anesthesia exceeds the possible temporary consequences of it.

Parents should understand that the condition of their baby throughout the operation and for 2 hours after it is monitored by modern medical equipment and staff. Even if there are any consequences, he will be provided with the necessary assistance in time.

Anesthesia is an ally that helps the child get rid of health problems in a painless way. Therefore, parents should not worry too much.

In modern medicine, anesthesia is a sparing tactical means, the use of which during an operation is a must.

If you have any questions - we will be happy to answer them. Health to your children!

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    Tatyana 10/16/2018 09:43

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    Alexander 05/28/2018 11:05

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    Lily 03/02/2018 14:50

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    Hello, a 2-year-old child was scheduled for an operation (general anesthesia), after 10 days the operation, but we caught a cold, we were prescribed the antibiotic cephalexin. Are there any contraindications to general anesthesia after its use?

    Julia 13.11.2017 20:01

    The dear doctor, I ask you prompt. Treatment of 2 front teeth for a son aged 1, 10 months, after a blow, a flux formed on the gum. Treatment options are available with or without anesthesia. Carry out under intravenous anesthesia so as not to injure the child's psyche, or treat in spite of fear - but refraining from anesthesia? Is it right not to resort to anesthesia in such a critical situation? Thanks in advance!

    Olga 09.11.2017 11:20

    Hello, the child is 2.2 years old, at 1.3 g, an operation was performed to remove the inguinal-scrotal hernia, at 1.5 g there was a relapse (they operated on at 1.9 g), now there is a relapse again, there will again be an operation under general anesthesia, what could be the consequences of general anesthesia so often?

    Fagana 03.11.2017 02:54

    Hello, my son is 2 months old, we want to have a circumcision, they will probably do it under anesthesia, please tell me whether it is worth subjecting the body of a small child to anesthesia at this age, or if there is no need to wait for it to grow up?

    Antonina 01.11.2017 22:14

    Hello. Daughter is exactly 2 years old. Found an inguinal hernia on the right. An operation is coming. We cannot decide between laparoscopy and abdominal method. The surgeon said that in the first case anesthesia will last 30-40 minutes, and in the second 10 minutes. Tell me, is the difference of 20-30 minutes under anesthesia so harmful, as the doctor claims? The first method is more gentle, as well as the postoperative period is easier, we see only pluses. The child is capricious and very mobile, therefore we do not want a cavity. It is only this difference in time under anesthesia that hinders the choice of laparoscopy. Thank you.

    Julia Prokhorova 10/19/2017 16:53

    Hello, we have an inguinal hernia confirmed at 2 months old, now our daughter is 6 months old. We are advised to wait with the operation for up to a year, but there is no strength to wait and suffer, the child tries to crawl and the hernia protrudes. We, the parents, are afraid that the infringement can be at any moment . The child's tests are good (blood and urine), she is mobile and develops on time, she was born at 39 weeks with hypoxia, according to Apgar scores 7-8, the diagnosis is perinatal damage to the central nervous system of hypoxic-inschemic origin, PVC on the right is 1-2 st, pseudocyst of the left vascular plexus .response to vaccination against pneumococcus-temperature 38°C. Is an operation possible with such diagnoses at 6 months?

    Eugene 10/17/2017 18:57

    Hello! A boil was cut out for a boy at 2.9, i.e. was general anesthesia. Now I discovered that we have an inguinal hernia, you can’t confuse it with anything. I don't think we can do without surgery. Tell the doctor how harmful anesthesia will be if the interval between operations is only 2-3 months? And what consequences can be after such operation. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Olga 13.08.2017 15:44

    The child is 2.6 years old. Laryngoscopy and cryodestruction of soft tissues were performed. Mask anesthesia, after 20 minutes the child woke up. After 8 days, they want to do laryngoscopy again under anesthesia. Is it often possible?

    Olga 08/09/2017 15:46

    The child is 1.10 months old and is going to have an operation under general anesthesia. The diagnosis is stenosing ligamentitis of the 1st left hand. Question: what kind of anesthesia is given to children at this age and is there any point in waiting until 2 years old

    Yana 08/07/2017 00:07

    My daughter (4.5 years old) has grade 3 adenoids and hypertrophied tonsils. Breathing is difficult, ENT recommends removal. BUT, because daughter is registered with a neurologist (absences), then the hospital asked for a conclusion from a neurologist that general anesthesia can be done. A neurologist does not give a conclusion without an examination in a hospital where you need to do an MRI under anesthesia. And it turns out a vicious circle. Is it possible to do an MRI under anesthesia for adenoids?

    Marina 05.08.2017 20:03

    Hello! My child is 5 years old, she broke 2 bones of her arm with a displacement, they tried to set them intravenously under anesthesia, but it didn’t work out. The needles were inserted under general anesthesia, after 1.5 months the needles were removed under anesthesia. Half a year later, the arm was again fractured with sciatica, it was set under anesthesia, after 2 weeks in the picture - displacement, the orthopedist suggests again under anesthesia to set the bone. Is such frequent administration of anesthesia 5 times in six months dangerous for the body, what are the consequences?

    Love 13.07.2017 11:48

    Hello, Doctor! My grandson had a papilloma removed from his cheek two days ago. They did it under anesthesia-mask, the whole procedure took about 20 minutes, I quickly and easily came to my senses. The wound is tiny. They were supposed to be discharged tomorrow, but the daughter wrote a refusal and took it today, because. there are many patients, every day they were transferred from ward to ward. He had a fever and vomited twice. Whether it is a consequence of an anesthesia. No one in our family had allergies or drug intolerance.

    Natalya 07/05/2017 19:00

    Good afternoon! Son 1.2. A month ago, on the back, closer to the right shoulder blade, I found a bump (not hard, painless, does not grow). The doctors said it was either a lipoma or another tumor. They told me to go in for surgery. That only after the operation they will say what it is. Scared of a malignant tumor. Is it possible to somehow determine what kind of cells these are before the operation? The child is only a year old, anesthesia scares me twice. Before the operation, CT under anesthesia and at the operation again anesthesia. Is there a chance that education will dissolve? Appeared sharply at once with a size of 2 * 3 cm.

    Ekaterina 06/22/2017 00:51

    Hello, Doctor! Son is 10 years old. Next week, a scheduled operation to remove the inguinal-scrotal hernia is due. Which anesthesia is better and safer at this age? Is anesthesia safe if the ECG showed the following: sinus arrhythmia heart rate 68-89 beats / min; vertical direction of the EOS; incomplete blockade of the right leg of the Hiss bundle. Is it possible to use general anesthesia with such an ECG? Unfortunately, we do not have a pediatric cardiologist in our city. Many thanks in advance for your reply!

    Eugene 14.06.2017 12:21

    Hello. A 6-year-old girl was prescribed cutting of the frenulums: under the tongue and upper lip. They offer general or local anesthesia. They advise a general one so that the child is not afraid. But is general anesthesia justified for such a minor operation, which will take no more than 10 minutes?

    Natalia 05/24/2017 13:45

    Hello. My baby is 2.5 months old. You will have a cystoscopy under general anesthesia. A week ago, a runny nose appeared, aquamaris dripped, saline solution, snot did not go away in a week. When he sucks through his nose, he breathes normally, otherwise he "grunts". The operation is planned. Should I go to bed for surgery or is it better to wait?

    Ekaterina 05/11/2017 09:48

    Hello! This coming Monday, a 9-month-old baby will have an operation with anesthesia. The diagnosis is hypospadias. The last few days the child has a runny nose. Washing and instillation of the Nose did not improve the situation significantly. Is it possible to give anesthesia with a cold or is it better to postpone the operation?

    Christina 09.05.2017 08:07

    Hello dear doctor. I have this question. Child 1.7 will have surgery for craniostenosis. I'm sooooo worried about long-term anesthesia. Since we were born at 30 weeks and at birth, we were diagnosed with PTCNS of hypoxic-ischemic genesis. From birth to this day, the child was treated so that there was no lag in psychomotor development. And now the first long-term anesthesia is coming. Tell me how to act later so that anesthesia does not affect psychomotor and speech development, does not start a delay or stop talking altogether?

    Victoria 05/08/2017 00:41

    Hello, Doctor! We really need your opinion! My child is 5 years old, they put adenoids of 2-3 degrees. He sleeps with his mouth open, does not snore, his mouth is also periodically open during the day, every month he has colds. They suggest an operation, but they did not ask about the characteristics of the child. We have minor anomalies of the heart, a functioning foramen ovale 2mm. , the cardiogram is normal, we are observed by a neurologist (sent to an encephalogram), during childbirth there were complications of asphyxia, a constantly bluish color of the bridge of the nose and nasolabial triangle, also an allergy to washing powder and some types of drugs. About two months ago I had otitis media. Adenoids were checked two weeks after a cold. Ketamine is offered intravenously for five to ten minutes. Is it possible to use anesthesia for my child with such indications, because I do not agree to local anesthesia, or is it better for us to do an encephalogram first? Or do you need to give up and wait?

    Anna 20.04.2017 12:39

    Hello! My daughter is 4 years old, she needs to do an SCT of the nose and sinuses, but she refuses to lie down! What tests do I need to pass for anesthesia?

    Ekaterina 04/20/2017 10:20

    Hello, the child is a year and 5 months old. We were diagnosed with ataxia. I want to do an MRI of the brain in order to clearly understand the whole picture of what this ataxia is, so that they can prescribe the right treatment. But the neurologist and osteopath dissuade that anesthesia is very dangerous. risk of MRI under anesthesia for ataxia?

    Anastasia 04/05/2017 19:39

    Dear doctor, my son is 1.5 years old, a month and a half ago, an inguinal hernia was discovered, the surgeon signed up for a planned operation to remove it, he is afraid of general anesthesia, the doctor says it is more dangerous not to have an operation. How dangerous is anesthesia, which method of anesthesia is safer, do you need any restorative drugs after anesthesia? Thanks in advance!

    Elena 03/27/2017 00:31

    Hello. My son is 2 years and 4 months old. Behind in the upper part of the thigh, a neoplasm was found. According to the conclusion of the ultrasound myoma, the dimensions are 40 mm by 20 mm. Doesn't bother, doesn't hurt. The ultrasound doctor advises not to operate, as he claims that this is a benign formation, the surgeon advises to operate ... What do you say? I'm very afraid of surgery, especially anesthesia, I'm afraid of any complications ... anything can happen ... What kind of anesthesia is acceptable in our case? Thank you in advance!

    Svetlana 25.03.2017 12:40

    Hello, Doctor. Daughter 10 months. On Tuesday, March 21, the child underwent an operation to remove a hemangioma (dermal-subcutaneous, diameter 5 cm) on the back. Indurated because the operation was performed in the side position. On Wednesday morning, after the dressing, the attending physician said that he would not be discharged yet, because the babies may have distant reactions to anesthesia, and swelling remained on the wound. On Wednesday, at 6 pm, the child began to vomit, which remained after the injection of cerucal, by night the temperature rose above 39, they knocked down analgin with diphenhydramine, it went down only to 38, by morning it began to rise. There was no vomiting on Thursday. There was no diarrhea, there was loose stools once or twice a day. Tell me, please, is such a reaction really possible a day after the operation? With the permission of the doctors, I fed the child with the usual diet, that is, cereals, vegetable, meat and fruit purees, although canned, industrial production. At home she supplemented with expressed breast milk, but in the hospital it was not possible to express, she supplemented with a mixture of nan1. Before the operation, we treated dysbacteriosis (Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus) for 8 months. The analysis before the operation was normal (Klebsiella was within the normal range, staphylococcus was not detected). Have you encountered such cases in your practice? Or is it an intestinal infection, or poor-quality puree, or teeth (only 1 grew, the second one swelled), or a reaction to medications, or did it all coincide and was aggravated by the operation? Now the child has no vomiting and no temperature, for three days he was put on drips with glucose and Ringer's solution, and yesterday they also did ceftreaxone intravenously once. I give Acipol with water. I started eating myself last night - oatmeal on the water and a small amount of breast milk. Since morning there was a liquid chair once.

    Alexandra 21.03.2017 12:51

    Hello, in January 2017 there was an operation with general anesthesia for my son (6 years old), in May another operation with general anesthesia was prescribed for a different diagnosis, is the gap between anesthesia small and how to minimize the consequences of complications.

    Angela 15.03.2017 16:55

    Hello, my 9-year-old daughter has a seal on her foot under her finger, a granuloma is questionable, we are going to cut it out. The doctor wants to do general anesthesia, but I doubt it is necessary, isn’t it already possible to do local anesthesia?

    Natalya 09.03.2017 04:47

    Hello. My child underwent angiography with embolization. There was a hemangioma on the cheek. After that, she was in intensive care for a day. Then they gave it to me. She ate and slept all day. The condition was lethargic. Now the third day after the procedure. Very capricious. Not so active. What I didn’t like so this crying for no reason is strong, it bends and rolls its eyes up. though this happened twice a day. we are 5 months old, they inject antibiotics. tomorrow bypass. but I would like to read your answer. I think we cannot do without a neuropathologist.

    Irina 03.03.2017 12:50

    Good afternoon! Three days ago, the child was treated for teeth under general anesthesia (intramuscularly). Thus we treat already the third time. Teeth decayed rapidly. 8 teeth were treated at once, the volume of destruction was large. The child was not given to doctors under any pretext, and therefore anesthesia was used. This time there were two removals and two fillings. The teeth that were removed were practically absent, therefore, again, anesthesia. For two nights the child wakes up and screams, for a short time, but very emotionally. During the day, too, unnecessarily excitable and anxious. Tell me, please, should we go to the doctors with this problem or is it the consequences of stress and over time the situation normalizes. Thank you in advance

    Hope 03.03.2017 06:05

    Hello! The child is 6 years old, diagnosed with Ecdodermal ahydroctic dysplasia, i.e. dryness of all mucous membranes, impaired thermoregulation of the body. We want to do otoplasty under general anesthesia, please tell me if general anesthesia is possible?

    27.02.2017 14:27

    Sergei, in the hands of an experienced pediatric anesthesiologist, everything will go well. It is necessary to examine the child, anesthesia will not have a significant side effect.

    Cyril 22.02.2017 10:37

    Hello! The child is 1 year and 10 months old. She has strabismus, the doctor says it is necessary to have an operation under general anesthesia, either now or at 4 years 6 months. We don’t know what to do, agree now or wait until 4 years ??? age to make it safer for the health of the child ???

    Tatiana 19.02.2017 00:04

    Hello! A 4-year-old child has residual encephalopathy with mental retardation. We want to treat and remove teeth under general ketamine anesthesia. There is also an allergy in the form of rashes to certain drugs. They said that perhaps the teeth will be treated in 2 stages with an interval of a week, i.e. anesthesia will be 2 times. Is it possible to do such anesthesia for an allergic person? Will anesthesia affect the development of a child who is already lagging behind? Thank you.

    Zebo 12.02.2017 15:09

    Hello. A 5-month-old child is scheduled for an operation under anesthesia. They will operate on his hand for a born constriction of the left forearm. And his leukocytes are 12.9. Why is it dangerous?

    Angelina 27.01.2017 09:41

    Dear doctor, hello. My daughter is 16 years old, she is going to have an ENT operation. The anesthesiologist offers to choose anesthesia, says that there is a good paid and free one. In addition, they also offer a good paid injection (3000-5000 rubles) after anesthesia, so that the child "easily" comes to his senses. I doubt very much whether there is something similar in medicine. Help, please, to understand.

    Ulyana 24.01.2017 23:53

    Sergey Evgenievich, what do you think if a child (5 years old) has allergic rhinitis, manifested by nasal congestion at night on the one hand, seasonal rhinitis, can it be dangerous or a ban on performing an operation under anesthesia? Thanks in advance.

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