Sanitation of the oral cavity and removal of non-viable teeth for cats and dogs. Features of sanitation of the oral cavity in dogs

You need to wash your face in the morning and in the evening! And brushing your teeth is not only for yourself, but also for your cats and dogs.

No time or skills? Use the service of veterinary clinics called "sanitation of the oral cavity."

Manipulation will keep the beast's teeth intact...

Sanitation of the oral cavity and removal of non-viable teeth for cats and dogs

Did you brush your teeth in the morning? What about your cat? And do not be surprised by such an unexpected question: animals, like human cubs, must be taught to brush their teeth from childhood.

The smaller brothers have exactly as many problems with teeth as we have. When there is a lack of solid particles in the feed, when the pet is fed from the table, when the enamel is experiencing an acute shortage of minerals, the teeth begin to deteriorate, “accumulating” with plaque that instantly turns into tartar - the deposit is much harder and more tenacious. Such an ailment is traumatic for a pet to graze. Hard deposits provoke caries, become a fertile environment for periodontal disease and other inflammatory processes. To prevent all this from happening, your pets should brush their teeth regularly. And since they are not capable of carrying out such manipulation on their own, you must provide them with regular sanitation of the pasture.

What is oral hygiene?

The term has Latin roots and is translated as "treatment" or "health". AT this case the use of this term means:

  • elimination of tartar and plaque removal,
  • cleansing the pockets that form in the gums of the animal,
  • detection of unhealthy, affected "inhabitants" of the pasture.

How regularly should treatment be carried out? There is no specific answer to this question: four-legged friends differ from each other exactly as much as their owners differ. Often, cats prefer to clean their mouths of unnecessary accumulations on their own, gnawing on sticks or bones. If the pet is active in this direction, then the mouth treatment procedure can be carried out once a year. If the pet does not have such aspirations, then it will be necessary to contact the veterinarian more often than once every twelve months.

If a four-legged friend there are exceptionally soft foods, then its mouth must be treated with special attention. There are cases when the patient has to carry out the improvement of fangs and gums on a monthly basis. It is easy to determine that it is time for the beast to go to the dentist: the teeth began to smell unpleasant - which means it's time.

Semi-professional cleaning

Full refurbishment is...

  • cleaning the fangs from two types of stone - subgingival and supragingival;
  • content polishing oral cavity using an ultrasonic scaler using solutions saturated with oxygen;
  • removal of solid deposits using ultrasound;
  • surgeries of jaw injuries;
  • clipping of fangs (if we are talking about rabbits);
  • elimination of non-viable and milk teeth.

Removal of non-viable teeth

Sometimes animal dentists have to deal with the need to eliminate completely damaged incisors and canines. These are teeth that cannot be treated. Rotten fangs terribly bother animals, cause unpleasant pain and provoke inflammatory processes in the body of our pets. Cat and dog teeth have the strongest enamel, so their loss is most often associated not with caries, as in humans, but with periodontitis - systemic lesion periodontal. This ailment most common in dogs dwarf breeds and older animals.

Modern equipment, which is available at the DobroVet Exhibition Center, allows you to remove tartar and plaque from cats and dogs, using a progressive, . The procedure is simple and painless so that the sanitation of the oral cavity can be carried out both planned and after other intervention in the animal's body.

The prevention of dental diseases in our smaller brothers is urgent, and acts as one of the most important tasks that should prevent diseases of soft tissues, oral cavity and teeth.

When an animal is admitted for a veterinary examination, the main obligatory event in the walls veterinary center, will be the prevention of the oral cavity. These rules are followed in many Western countries and here, in Russia.

Nowadays, planned rehabilitation mouth, is served as a regular event and includes the following items:

Examination of the oral cavity;

Elimination of intoxications and foci of oral infection;

Treatment of damaged mucosal tissues;

With the approval of the owner of the animal, extraction of decayed teeth if cardinal treatment is impossible;

With the help of modern ultrasonic equipment, removal of tartar and plaque.

Such a wellness treatment, you need to understand how necessary procedure conducted by a veterinarian for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity.

Pet owners often do not focus on the problem - the issue of brushing the teeth of cats or dogs. A sign of neglect of the condition of the teeth can be bad smell from mouth. Many pet owners often associate this with the onset of a disease such as gastritis.

What is the purpose of oral hygiene?

The appearance of tartar provokes: loosening of the teeth and their further loss, gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, an unpleasant odor.

When the negative process looks running, tartar is able to cause the animal severe pain, and as a result (anorexia) - they may not eat. There are also cases when animals, for other reasons, refuse to eat, up to exhaustion, especially for animals in the older age category, and this is not associated with the appearance of tartar. They may experience great salivation, accelerated development of ulcers, abscesses, bleeding in the oral cavity. All these phenomena are a good corridor for the penetration of infection into the body of an animal, and, as a continuation, the appearance of a threat of a permanent disease.

What is tartar?

In the absence of constant oral hygiene, in its hard-to-reach areas, in the interdental spaces, and then throughout the tooth, there is always an accumulation of food residues.

The so-called soft plaque is the first stage in the formation of tartar. Its composition is the remains of food, phosphorus and iron, calcium salts, bacteria and other compounds.

In cats and dogs, tartar is: formed mineralized plaque or in the stage of mineralization brown or yellow.

Causes of tartar formation?

Such unpleasant disease takes place not only from poor hygiene oral cavity, but, and improper operation gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, vitamin deficiency and improper closure teeth and their location, genetic or pedigree heredity.

Dwarf dog breeds are especially prone to tartar formation: toy terriers, chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers. Visitors of the DobroVet Exhibition Center who use the service - sanitation of the oral cavity in dogs, are mainly owners of decorative breeds.

Now it becomes clear that even with everyday hygiene, one cannot be immune from the appearance of tartar.

How often do you brush your teeth?

The number of planned activities for the healing process of the oral cavity in dogs depends on several points: the predisposition of the breed itself to odontogenic diseases, birth defects of the mouth, the age of the dog, the presence of parallel diseases, and so on.

It is usually worth checking twice a year.

How to brush your pet's teeth

To remove soft plaque, it is enough to use a special toothbrush. The best solution, of course, will accustom cats and dogs to such a procedure with early age. For prevention purposes, special rubber toys and tasty “treats” are often used to erase plaque. There are also high-quality animal feeds, with the regimen of which, the risk of tartar formation is reduced.

However, at home, it is practically impossible to completely remove tartar without damaging the enamel.

Important! Do not use iron tools when removing tartar. So in a dangerous way gums and tooth enamel can be damaged.

At modern achievements science, cleaning and removing tartar for a dog occurs in a different way - the ultrasonic method.

Animal scaler is a modern mobile dental device. It quickly and painlessly removes plaque and tartar.

Using ultrasound treatment, tartar is completely removed without damaging the even, smooth enamel, and on long period time, prevents the formation of subsequent dental deposits.

Important! Sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out under anesthesia!

Is anesthesia dangerous, and why use it?

Without anesthesia, it is simply impossible for a dog or a cat to carry out high-quality, health-improving treatment of the oral cavity.

Carrying out such a procedure using anesthesia, you can avoid:

Deep stress (for some dogs and cats, and in particular, brachiocephalic ones, stress can cause death);

Inconvenient fixation;

Unintentional damage (it is forbidden to touch soft tissues with an ultrasonic scalper in order to avoid their deformation).

As a rule, light anesthesia is used, and, as needed, anesthesia for dental extractions or painful, large accumulation of dental plaque.

To minimize the anesthetic risk during procedural operations, DobroVet provides:

Examination by an anesthesiologist, an animal. Clinical blood test and healthy patient aged one to four.

Clinically healthy dogs and cats over five years old. Biochemical analysis of blood, and in some cases - (as the results of the tests show) - ultrasound abdominal cavity examination by an anesthesiologist.

We offer the most modern method care for the teeth and oral cavity of your animals. Remember that your pet's health is the key to a long and happy life.

In most civilized countries, the sanitation of teeth in pets is considered the same mandatory planned event as going to the dentist for a person.

Moreover, often the owners do not pay special attention teeth cleaning for cats and dogs. If oral hygiene is not carried out at all, animals develop bad breath over time. This is the first warning sign, which indicates a problem with the teeth and gums.

Why sanitation is needed

If a cat or dog has an unpleasant smell from the mouth, then tartar has formed there, due to which inflammation of the gums occurs, loosening of one or more teeth and, as a result, their loss.

Tartar appears due to insufficient hygiene oral cavity. Food accumulates between the teeth, and then over their entire area, and brown or yellow coating. It subsequently mineralizes.

There are breeds of dogs that have genetic predisposition to the formation of tartar. These are Yorkshire Terriers, Toy Terriers, Chihuahuas and others. decorative rocks dogs. Thus, even when regular cleaning there is no 100% guarantee that this disease will not appear in the animal.

There are advanced cases when tartar causes severe pain. Because of this, the pet may lose its appetite and refuse to eat.

Animals with diseased teeth have increased salivation, later ulcers, abscesses, bleeding gums may develop. The painful oral cavity becomes a source of infection, which can provoke systemic disease the whole organism.

To avoid this, dental sanitation is used in veterinary practice. The doctor usually prescribes it no more than twice a year. The frequency of the procedure depends primarily on the predisposition of the breed, birth defects, the age of the pet and the presence of concomitant ailments.

What does dental hygiene include?

Before starting treatment, the animal may need a little anesthesia. It will allow the veterinarian to conduct a full-fledged high-quality procedure. With anesthesia, many negative factors can be avoided:

  • severe stress, which in some cases can even lead to cardiac arrest;
  • accidental gum injury;
  • rigid fixation of the animal on the veterinary table.

Modern veterinary clinics use a mild form of anesthesia. If necessary, the patient is also given anesthesia.

To minimize the risk of anesthesia, you need to conduct some examinations and consult with doctors:

  1. Healthy pets from 1 to 4 years old need to pass clinical analysis blood and be examined by an anesthesiologist.
  2. Healthy pets 5 years of age and older should be biochemical analysis blood and be examined by a cardiologist.
  3. Due to the use of muscle relaxation, it is mandatory for cats to undergo a heart screening before brushing their teeth.

Starting sanitation, the veterinarian performs the following procedures:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • tooth extraction, if it is not subject to treatment - only in agreement with the owner of the pet;
  • removal of plaque and tartar on the teeth using an ultrasonic scaler
  • brushing teeth with a special toothpaste.

Modern methods of sanitation

The main procedure for sanitation is the cleaning of teeth from tartar. Previously, veterinarians had to use exclusively mechanical way cleaning with special equipment. It had a rough effect on the tooth, and if handled carelessly, it could damage the enamel.

Modern methods are more gentle, effective and practically painless for animals. Ultrasonic equipment is now used to remove tartar. It is compact and has many handy attachments.

With the help of such a device, the tooth is exposed to ultrasound and a jet of water - they are able to destroy the densest layer of tartar. Only a healthy white tooth remains.

The ultrasound procedure will take an average of 20-30 minutes. advanced cases illness - 1.5 hours.

How to brush your pet's teeth

At home, you can take care of your pet's teeth with special toothbrushes, as well as rubber toys and tasty "treats" that erase plaque. There are also professional feed for dogs and cats, able to prevent the appearance of tartar.

If a specific smell from the mouth still appears, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Belanta Veterinary Clinic specializes in a variety of pet care. Including, doctors carry out sanitation of the oral cavity. The clinic provides treatment using modern equipment and the latest technologies. It allows you to cure ailments pet without causing pain or stress.

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, more than 85% of dogs and cats over the age of 4 have periodontitis. Periodontitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene. First, in the process of life, an animal develops soft plaque on the teeth (the substrate is attached), this is the starting point (beginning) of the formation of tartar, over time, soft plaque becomes larger, especially in the gingival region of the tooth, it becomes hard, there is a gradual pressure on the edge of the gum, the connection between the enamel shell is destroyed ( cuticle) and the inner epithelial lining of the gingival margin, all this is accompanied by an inflammatory process and leads to the formation of periodontal pockets. The formation of tartar depends on the composition of saliva, the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the condition internal organs, nature and composition of feed.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity in the animal. It is important that the owner of the animal himself brush his pet's teeth 2-3 times a week, constantly. Moreover, the animal must be accustomed to these procedures from an early age. It is also necessary to show every 6 months veterinarian , i.e. control the hygienic condition of the oral cavity.


Basically, the risk group includes miniature breeds of dogs: Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Terrier, Toy Poodle, Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Spitz, etc. When examining the oral cavity, even a 7-month-old dog can detect tartar. This is due to the predominance of soft food in the diet of such breeds, as a result of which, when taking food, the teeth are not cleaned from soft plaque. It also has to do with breed predisposition.


Usually, an animal is brought to the reception when the owners begin to feel an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, then there may be pain when eating, temperature sensitivity(soreness, irritation when taking hot or cold food), selective eating (eaten soft food, solid does not eat), and possibly even a refusal to feed, over time, a change in the color of saliva can be observed, since streaks of blood appear in the saliva.

When examining the oral cavity, odontoclastic deposits are visualized - tartar, veterinarian can see malocclusion, signs of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. These clinical signs are accompanied by pleasant smell from the oral cavity, and may also be present: soreness on palpation of the gums, jowls and pressure from any dental instrument on the tooth (for example, a trowel). The degree of periodontitis can be assessed by clinical signs, the depth of the periodontal pocket (determined instrumentally) and radiographically.

In addition to visual and instrumental diagnostics it is possible to use color tests.

Color test No. 1 - designed to detect inflammatory processes of soft tissues in the oral cavity (Schiller-Pisarev test). The test is used to determine the prevalence of inflammation, determine the effectiveness of the treatment, curettage of periodontal pockets, to identify subgingival dental deposits. Inflamed gum tinted from light brown to dark brown depending on the degree of inflammation. If staining does not occur - negative test, inflammatory process missing.

Color test No. 2 - designed to detect softened enamel and dentin, i.e. reveals the destruction of these tissues. The teeth are cleaned of hard and soft plaque, “color test No. 2” is evenly applied, for 1 minute, washed off with water, damaged areas of enamel and dentin are painted in red-violet color(picture 1).

Color test No. 3 - designed to detect soft and hard plaque, assess oral hygiene. After applying to the surface of the teeth and washing off the “color test No. 3”, the plaque turns blue.

Figure 1. After ultrasonic cleaning the teeth were stained with color test No. 2, a colored soft plaque is visualized.

X-ray of teeth dogs, cats and other animals

Radiography is necessary in cases where it is impossible to determine the degree of inflammation in the oral cavity or there are doubts about the removal of a particular tooth (teeth). Moreover, radiography is needed even in cases of indisputable extraction of a tooth (teeth), especially in miniature breeds, and especially if the teeth are located on mandible, since the roots of the teeth can be deep in the thickness of the lower jaw bone and, accordingly, when a tooth is removed, a fracture of the arch of the lower jaw (Figure 2, Figure 3) in which the removed tooth is located is possible.

Figure 2. Toy Terrier, male, 8 years old, was admitted to the veterinary clinic with a fracture of the left arch of the lower jaw after tooth extraction. BUT) X-ray in direct projection;

Figure 3 Yorkshire Terrier, female, 5 years old, inflammation in the apex of the root of the 1st molar of the lower jaw on the left. You can see how deep the roots of this tooth lie.


First of all, the oral cavity veterinarian sanitizes. begins with the removal of large layers of tartar with special forceps. After that, proceed to ultrasonic cleaning of the teeth. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the fissures of the teeth, from odontoclastic deposits, do not lose sight of the lingual side of the teeth, especially if there are even minor periodontal pockets. In cases of periodontitis, it is worth carefully sanitizing the periodontal pockets, sometimes they are so deep that it is necessary surgical intervention, i.e. a vertical incision is made in the gums, the gum flap is folded back, the neck of the tooth, the root part of the tooth is sanitized, then this part of the tooth is closed with a gum flap, sutures are applied. If odontoclastic deposits are removed only from the crown part of the tooth, then significant clinical changes in better side we can not see, or we will achieve temporary improvements, since tartar in periodontal pockets will have its pathological effect, i.e. soft plaque will be collected, it will turn out mechanical pressure on the tissue in the horizontal and vertical directions, the inflammatory process intensifies.

When sanitizing the oral cavity, it is necessary to clean off odontoclastic deposits with high quality, so at the end of the sanitation of the oral cavity with an ultrasonic scaler (Figure 4), veterinarian will see perfectly clean teeth (cleaned of tartar), but this is far from being the case. If, according to the instructions, teeth are stained with color test No. 2 or No. 3, after washing off the color test, some colored parts of the teeth will be visualized. Therefore, in order to really carry out the sanitation of the oral cavity with high quality, it is necessary to finish it by polishing the teeth (Figure 5) with special dental brushes, rubber bands, using a special dental abrasive paste (Figure 6).

During tooth polishing veterinarian soft plaque is removed, the tooth surface becomes smooth, which makes it difficult to attach the substrate and, accordingly, increases the time for the formation of soft plaque. After polishing, it is recommended to once again treat the teeth with a color test No. 2 or No. 3 in order to make sure that the manipulation was carried out qualitatively.

After sanitation of the oral cavity, it is recommended to prescribe the treatment of gums affected by mucous membranes with chlorhexedine 0.09%, Lugol's solution, cholisal or Metrogyl Dent ointment, after feeding, for 7-10 days. The above drugs are prescribed based on the specific pathology and the degree of spread and complication of the inflammatory process. AT severe cases antibiotic therapy is recommended.

B) After ultrasonic cleaning, staining with color test No. 2 (soft plaque is visualized);

C) After polishing with special brushes and abrasive paste, re-staining with color test No. 2, slight deposits of soft plaque are visualized;

D) After the final polishing, there is no soft coating.

Every person from an early age has heard about the need for oral care, regular and high-quality brushing of teeth. Compliance with the rules of hygiene allows you to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. Meanwhile, this statement is true not only for people, but also for our smaller brothers. Wrong care behind the animal's oral cavity can lead to various kinds troubles, in particular, or stomatitis. Periodontal disease in cats is a very common problem faced by many pets.

Characteristics of the disease

Periodontal disease is a disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms that actively multiply in the oral cavity. Pathology is a lesion of the periodontium ( ligamentous apparatus teeth). While eating, remains on the teeth of the animal a large number of food particles, which are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Microorganisms, together with food debris, form plaque that covers the surface of the tooth.

Over time, this plaque becomes more and more, it affects not only the tooth, but also the gum, damaging it. As a result, an inflammatory process develops - periodontal disease.

Attention! This disease cannot be ignored, because the disease can lead to significant deformation of the jaw, total loss teeth. And this negatively affects the process of eating food, and, consequently, on general development and well-being of the animal.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main reason that provokes the development of periodontal disease is a violation or complete absence pet oral hygiene. In addition, there are a number of other predisposing factors that increase the risk of the disease.

The most common cause of periodontal disease is food.

These reasons include:

  1. Inflammatory diseases localized in the oral cavity of the animal (for example, stomatitis). In this case, periodontal disease acts as a complication of these diseases;
  2. Injuries and damage to the oral mucosa;
  3. unbalanced diet, frequent use products that are poor in vitamins and essential trace elements;

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

The clinical picture of periodontal disease in cats develops gradually, the disease is characterized by the presence of the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Halitosis from the pet's mouth;
  2. Redness and swelling of the gums and oral mucosa,;
  3. The animal refuses to eat dry food, preferring softer dishes. In some cases, the pet completely loses its appetite;
  4. The gums of a cat bleed even with a slight impact on them;
  5. The animal experiences unpleasant and pain, which leads to a change in the behavior of the pet: it becomes more aggressive, even if used to be a cat behaved calmly;
  6. The inflammatory process increases, suppuration appears, which leads to loosening of the teeth and their loss.

Stages of development of the disease

Periodontal disease begins with a slight reddening of the gums, noticeable during yawning.

Periodontal disease in cats develops gradually. There are 4 stages in total:

  1. The bone tissue of the jaw and teeth of the pet are not damaged. The presence of pathology is evidenced by a strong bad breath of the animal, reddening of the gums, their swelling;
  2. The second stage is characterized by a slight violation bone tissue. The animal may refuse the usual food, as the consumption of solid food gives the cat discomfort;
  3. At the third stage of the development of the disease, deformation processes cover approximately 50% of the bone tissue, inflammation affects the deeper layers of the gums and periodontium (dental alveoli). There is significant bleeding of the gums;
  4. The final stage is characterized by almost complete destruction of the jaw bone tissue, the presence of deep purulent lesions gums and oral mucosa. The teeth of the animal become mobile, may fall out.


To make a diagnosis, the doctor carefully examines the oral cavity of the animal, assesses the condition of the gums and dentition. In addition, periodontal probing is often performed. For a more detailed examination, an x-ray is prescribed.

Methods of treatment

Cleaning teeth and gums is part of the treatment of periodontal disease.

Depending on the severity and stage of development of the disease, treatment of periodontal disease in cats can be carried out through conservative therapeutic measures, or with the help of surgical intervention. The question of how to treat an animal is decided by the doctor after making a diagnosis, determining the stage of the disease.

Traditional conservative treatment carried out in several stages:

  1. Oral sanitation, hygienic cleaning teeth, suggesting complete removal tartar;
  2. Treatment of gums with an antiseptic solution;
  3. Applying a special varnish enriched with fluorine to the teeth;
  4. Applying an anti-inflammatory gel to the gum area.

On the late stages the development of the disease most effective method therapy is considered surgery. Initially, the doctor sanitizes the oral cavity, after which he cleans the root of the tooth, strengthens the loose tooth in the gum. If the tooth is damaged, destroyed, it makes sense to remove it. All manipulations are performed under general anesthesia.

Traditional medicine

Instead of tincture of calendula, you can use a decoction.

Treatment at home is possible only if periodontitis is on early stage its development. Widely used tools such as:

  1. Tincture of calendula. The tool can be prepared independently, or purchased at a pharmacy. Cotton swab moisten with tincture, treat the gums of the cat 2-3 times a day. It helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  2. Echinacea decoction. 1-2 tbsp raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist. The method of application is the same as in the first case.

Attention! Treatment folk remedies should only be done after consultation with a veterinarian.

Prevention methods

In order to prevent the development of periodontal disease in a cat, it is necessary:

  1. Regular visits to the veterinarian for preventive purposes;
  2. Monitor your cat's diet
  3. Periodically give pets special foods that help clean teeth, remove tartar;
  4. Regularly brush your pet's teeth with a special brush;
  5. Keep the toys your cat uses safe and clean.

This video explains how to treat periodontitis in cats:

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