How to determine which eyelid you have. What are the shapes of the eyes? Asian eye type

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Eyes are the main weapon of any girl. But many people sometimes forget that different types of eyes need an individual approach - this is the only way to create an impeccable look that will be remembered for a long time by all men on your way.

website prepared for you a small cheat sheet that will help you figure out which arrows to choose for you and how to draw them.

almond eyes

How do you know that you have almond-shaped eyes? All corners of the eye, namely the inner and outer corners, are located at the same level, and the distance between the inner corners is equal to the length of the eye.

To draw attention to the beautiful curve of the shape of the eye, draw a thin line from the inner corner and extend it to the outer, but do not go beyond it. So the eyes will visually expand and the look will become more expressive.

Hanging upper eyelid

In this type of eye, an extra layer of skin descends on the crease of the eyelid, which makes the eye appear smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to add as much volume as possible.

The ideal arrows for such eyes are wide, covering the entire lower region of the eyelid to the very eyelashes. And in this case, the darker the eyeliner, the better.

Wide-set eyes

If the distance between the eyes exceeds the width of one eye, then this is a wide-set type.

To visually reduce the distance, you need to bring the entire upper eyelid and lower eyelid, starting from the middle of the eye. In this case, it is not necessary to display the arrow for the outer corner. Also, tinting the upper and lower cilia, it is better to comb them towards the bridge of the nose.

big eyes

The large (round) eyes are quite expressive, but they lack the almond shape. The main task here is to lengthen them.

To do this, bring the upper eyelid, drawing (about a centimeter) the line of the arrow along the crease in the corner of the eye. By the way, for this shape of the eye is ideal.

oblong eyes

Close-set eyes are those that are less than the width of one eye between them. The main function of makeup for this eye shape is to make the look visually more open.

To do this, you need to make a transition from light shades to dark ones on the outer corners. Start guiding the arrow, stepping back a little from the inner corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow must be brought out of the eyelids, slightly raising it.

Eye section

The appearance of a person is very much determined by the shape of the eyes. And it directly depends on the location of the axis on which the “mirrors of the soul” are located. This axis can only pass through the inner or outer corners of the eye, or it can be straight. Usually distinguished: almond-shaped, slanting, oriental and lobed eyes.

The brightest representative of the fair sex, who has eyes with an almond-shaped slit, is Nefertiti. The eyes of this beautiful ancient ruler are similar in shape to the kernels of an almond. Hence the name appeared - almond-shaped.

The outer and inner corners of the described eyes are on the same axis, and they themselves are wide open. At the same time, the upper eyelid is quite heavy and covers the eye a little to the very iris. Almond-shaped eyes usually have a dark iris, i.e. they are black or brown. But the light iris in combination with the almond-shaped section of the eyes is a rare and unique phenomenon.

Oriental eye cut

Oriental beauties stand out from the crowd due to their unusual specific appearance. The most striking sign of belonging to the eastern race is the characteristic cut of the eyes. The eyes of the inhabitants of China, Japan and other eastern countries are distinguished by thin, slightly protruding eyelids, and the eyes themselves narrow to the inner and outer corners. In this case, the corners of the eye with an eastern incision are located on the same horizontal axis, as in the case of the almond-shaped one.

Slanted eye slit

Slanted eyes have a rather specific shape: they narrow towards the outer corner, but at the same time expand towards the inner corner of the eye. At the same time, the corners of the eyes themselves do not lie on the same axis, which is why such eyes got their name - slanting. The inner corner of the eye is lower than the outer corner by about 10-12 degrees.

Some women seek to radically get rid of slanting and turn to plastic surgeons, while other representatives of the weaker sex, on the contrary, emphasize and turn them into their own zest with makeup.

Lobular incision of the eyes

This is a rather rare section of the eyes, which is characterized by the fact that the outer corners are lower than the inner ones.

The eyes of any cut are very beautiful and unique. A properly applied makeup is able to emphasize the expressiveness, attractiveness and clarity of the look.

The debate about the ideal shape of the eyes of makeup artists and cosmetologists continues to this day. However, finally, it is worth recognizing that there is no answer to this question, because this factor is exclusively individual, and each person has the shape and size of the eyes inherent exclusively to him.

Many argue that the types of eyes even affect the character of a person. Such a concept is often used in physiognomy, a method for determining the type of personality. However, all these categories are only approximate.

This point of view is supported even by psychologists who claim that by the shape and type of eyes alone they can draw some conclusions about the character of a particular person. But you should not run to psychologists or try to determine the nature of each acquaintance by the shape of the eyes, all these assumptions are only general in nature, and you should not take such information seriously.

What are the sizes?

On this basis, people's eyes are usually divided into large and small. Often the shape of the eyes does not depend on their size. It is generally accepted that large eyes are ideal for both men and women. However, both forms have their own charm and merit. As for psychology, experts believe that usually people with large eyes are prone to excessive sensitivity and emotionality. They are distinguished by a fine mental organization and often have a creative beginning. But even here there are reservations, for example, the eyes can only appear large due to small facial features, such people are distinguished by rigidity in character, which can even go beyond and overflow into cruelty.

But the owners of small eyes are distinguished by purposefulness, self-sufficiency, stubbornness and perseverance, firmness in character. How to determine the type of eyes? To do this, pay attention not only to the shape, but also to the distance between the eyes.

Eye shapes

In addition to the size of the eyes, the shape is also important, the varieties of which are slightly larger. What are the shapes of the eyes?


This type is not considered ideal, but is considered the most common. Psychologists are firmly convinced that most owners of round eyes are determined and successful. But, despite the firmness in character, such people do not like to take responsibility, and it is difficult for them to make decisions that will entail serious changes. That is why often great goals remain unfulfilled due to the fear of acting.


This form of human eyes is considered a truly rare species, especially in our area. Psychologists attribute the following character traits to the owners of such eyes: talent, which is accompanied by excessive talkativeness and a frivolous attitude to events. Such people easily survive any troubles and treat life simply and calmly, while they have a certain worldly wisdom and creative abilities. It can be drawing, music and so on.

Slanted (narrow)

It is a big mistake to attribute this form only to Asians; the slanting form is also found among many Europeans. And psychologists note that owners of this type are distinguished by tolerance, sentimentality and sensitivity to even the most frivolous events, kindness and love to take care of others.


The shape that is considered ideal is almond. Perhaps it happened because this form is quite common among models and Hollywood actors and is considered the most beautiful. People who are lucky enough to have that very correct form are distinguished by the presence of creativity, often among them there are great art lovers. It is noted that such people are very attached to loved ones, cannot imagine their life without friends and family, and also easily accept someone else's point of view.

The shape got its name due to the fact that the eyelid incision visually resembles an almond nut and is considered oblong.

If this type is found in owners of large and round eyes, then the incision takes a rounded shape and is distinguished by a wide palpebral fissure. While in owners of narrow eyes, the width of the palpebral fissure is several times smaller. It is believed that the ideal almond-shaped form is inherent in the representatives of the East. And makeup artists advise when applying makeup to strive to visually create exactly the almond-shaped shape, especially for owners of round and narrow eyes. The type is corrected due to the competent application of different light and dark shades of shadows, as well as the correct arrow. And in the photo, this form looks especially impressive.

Plastic surgery

One of the most popular operations in plastic surgery is the reshaping of human eyes. This procedure is most popular among Asians. The most famous procedure is blepharoplasty. This operation is performed on the eyelids and deep-lying tissues to change their shape.

Plastic is not cosmetic and refers to a full-fledged operation that is performed under anesthesia.

Before the operation, it is mandatory to undergo an examination and make sure that the body is ready for such a load.

The procedure goes as follows: the surgeon makes two incisions, the first in the fold of skin on the upper eyelid, which separates the movable part from the fixed part of the eyelid. The second incision is made just below the lash line. Scars after surgery are virtually invisible. Often, the operation is performed through the fornix of the conjunctiva, and there are no traces of the procedure at all.

After the incisions are made in the right places, the surgeon proceeds to the main steps. With an overhanging eyelid, the doctor makes a strip 3 to 10 mm wide according to the form previously marked by the surgeon. Next, the doctor proceeds to the excision of the fibers of the circular muscle of the eye, which is located under the skin of the eyelids. If fatty tissue protrudes under the eyelid, then the surgeon also removes excess fatty tissue by dissecting the septum. All incisions are closed with absorbable sutures. As a result, you can forget about the impending century, the eyes become larger, and the look acquires clarity, freshness and openness.

In order to determine the need for an operation, you should get the advice of a specialist who can, using computer technology, simulate the ideal shape for absolutely any person.

What are the types of eyes according to other criteria?

Another characteristic of the shape depends on the distance between the inner corners. The eyes are wide and close apart.

Planting depth:

  • If the eyeball is located in the depth of the orbit, such eyes are called deep-set.
  • If the eyeballs protrude, creating the effect of bulging eyes, we are dealing with bulging eyes.
  • If no deviations are found, this is the normal form.

According to the location of the axis of the eye:

  • Classic cut - the inner and outer corners are exactly opposite each other, thereby creating a straight line.
  • European cut - outer corners look down.
  • Eastern section - the outer corners look up. According to the location of the axis of the eye (a conditional straight line passing through the outer and inner corners), a Caucasoid, Asian (Mongoloid) or classical incision is distinguished.

Based on all these characteristics, you can adjust your type and shape through competent makeup and without surgical intervention. And such a concept as an ideal form should be abandoned altogether. They simply do not exist, often it is mixed, and harmony is easily achieved through the play of shadow colors. The main thing is to take care of your health, because beautiful eyes are, first of all, healthy, and not “correct”.

The appearance of people largely depends on the type of eye cut.

Appearance largely depends on how the eyes look. Classically it is considered beautiful when the eyes are large, mysterious - a feline cut of the eyes. Many women, mostly of Asian appearance, undergo surgery to make the typically narrow slit of the eyes European.

They even guess by the type of eyes. Cosmetic surgery helps to change the appearance, but the character remains the same.

The types of section of the eyes depend on the axis on which the eyes are directly located.

Classic cut - inner and outer corners are at the same height.

If the upper eyelid is heavy and closes the eye to the very iris, then such eyes are called almond-shaped. Such eyes in most cases are brown or black.

European cut - the inner corners are higher than the outer ones.

Eastern section - the outer corners are located above. Asian look - if the angle of inclination is 10-12º. Such eyes usually narrow towards the outer corners, they are called slanting.

Very rarely there are eyes with a lobed incision, when the inner corners are 10-12º higher than the outer ones.

The depth of the look depends not only on the type of cut of the eyes, but also on their fit.

Large eyes are most often convex, voluminous, eyelids protrude above the surface of the face. It is difficult to hide from such a look, it seems that they are constantly watching.

Forever gloomy or dissatisfied with something seem to be people whose eyes are deeply hidden in the eye sockets. Eyebrows hang over the eyes, and if they are thick, they give the appearance additional severity.

For women, the crease of the eyelid spoils life if it floats on the eye.

Correcting the incision of such an eye with makeup is difficult.

Dissatisfied with the appearance go to drastic measures - cosmetic surgery. During the surgical intervention, a change in the shape of the eyes, an increase in the shape, a decrease in the overhanging eyelid, and its lifting are carried out. From Asian eyes you can make European ones and vice versa. This operation is called canthopexy. Crow's feet are not removed with it.

Most surgeries are performed on women who turn to plastic surgery to slow down age-related changes. With age, the face “flows”, the corners of the eyelids fall, the skin gathers in folds.

The method of changing the incision and cutting of the skin fold on the eyelid is chosen by the doctor in each case individually.

Most often, an incision up to 1 cm in size is made along the line of the upper eyelid in a natural skin fold, and in this limited area, the incision is simultaneously “cut” and the fold is lifted.

Due to the natural location of the suture, it is almost invisible, and the risk of postoperative complications is reduced. Penetration to the tendon - in order to fix it on the bone tissue of the outer corner - also occurs through the section.

Operations are performed under general anesthesia or with the use of local anesthesia - the decision is made by the surgeon, depending on the complexity of the work and the patient's condition.

After a surgical intervention of this type, a rehabilitation period is necessary, as after any operation:

  1. The bandage is removed no earlier than on the 3rd day, and before that it is necessary to stay in the hospital, under constant medical supervision;
  2. The bandage needs to be changed, the stitches need to be processed;
  3. The swelling lasts for about a month, the seams can be noticeable for another 3. At first they are purple, then brighten and visually merge in color with the surrounding tissues.

During the operation to increase the incision of the eyes, the difference before and after the surgical intervention will be visible as soon as the traces of the stitches disappear. However, after 7-8 years, the correction will have to be done again - the eyelids may lose their shape, the tone will weaken, and the eyes will begin to return to the place intended by nature.

You can definitely recognize your character “by the eyes” only at the age of 42 to 45 years. It is at this time that a person is considered to be finally formed.

Big eyes with a lively brilliance are inherent in people who have power over others - sometimes invisible to those around them.

A refined nature is given out by almond-shaped eyes with long straight eyelashes.

You should not try to resist the pressure of people whose eyes of a European type and large shape are covered with heavy upper eyelids. Their leadership qualities are undeniable.

It is difficult to disturb people with Asian eyes and a double fold of the eyelid. At the same time, they have a tenacious memory and the ability to manipulate others.

Brave people have small bulging eyes; narrow, with a dull iris - depressed, timid.

Large eyes, with the outer corner lowered down, are often found in physically strong people who meekly follow orders.

You should not get up on the road with those who have a piercing look, round eyes with sharply tapering theft on both sides. Swept away.

What kind of eye shape, color and shape - it is impossible to say right away. The muscles of the eyelids are so mobile that the gaze escapes. Only the iris is visible - the pupil is not fixed. Such a person is dangerous - it is better to stay away from him.

Even if you treat this information without humor, you should not agree to surgery just to hide your character.

Like any surgery, cosmetic surgery can cause unpleasant side effects, and not always due to medical error.

There is a risk of infection of the postoperative scar, its thickening. The seam does not always heal quickly. As an individual reaction to surgery, a colloidal scar may occur. In addition, the new appearance does not always meet the patient's expectations.

Therefore, before deciding on such a delicate operation, you should think about the consequences and choose a proven clinic.

what are the types and types of human eyes?

The appearance of a person largely depends on the eyes. The classic standard of beauty is a feline cut of the eyes with a mysterious expression.

By the appearance of the eyes, one can judge the state of mind of a person, his thoughts and his whole nature. With just a glance, you can attract the attention of the opposite sex or interrupt a conversation. You can even guess by the shape of the eyes. Thus, the cut and shape of the human visual organ should not be underestimated.

Types of eyes differ according to the following criteria: shape, distance between them, fit and location of the axis. The incision of the eyes can be almond-shaped, round and slit-shaped.

The almond-shaped look is the standard and standard of beauty. They try to achieve this form with the help of plastic surgery or correct it with makeup. In people with an almond-shaped type, the outer and inner corners are in a straight line, and the shape of the eye is similar to an almond.

The round shape of the eyes is very easy to recognize. These people have round eyes. If the shape of the incision is narrow and low, we are talking about a slit-like form.

The distance between the eyes divides them into wide, close and normal setting:

  • If the distance between the inner corners of the eyes is greater than the length of the visual organ itself, these are wide-set eyes.
  • If the distance is less than the length, these are close-set eyes.
  • If the distance is equal to the length, it is a normal view.

By planting, the eyes are deep-set, protruding and normal.

If they are deeply planted, when looking at a person, it seems that the eyeball is located in the cavity. With bulging eyes, the eyeballs, on the contrary, look out beyond the eye socket. Because of this, the eyelids seem massive and very noticeable on the face. In the normal type, there are no deviations, both in one direction and in the other.

The axis is understood as a conditional straight line that passes through the outer and inner corners of the eye. According to the location of the axis, the form can be European, Asian (Eastern) or classical.

With a classic incision, the inner and outer corners of the eye are located on the same axis.

With an Asian (Eastern) section, the outer corner of the eye is located slightly higher than the inner. In this case, the deviation angle is 8-10 degrees. The shape of the eyes usually becomes narrower towards the nose.

With a European cut, the inner corner is higher than the outer.

Knowing the features of each of the forms, you can hide all the flaws. This can be done by choosing the right makeup. Also, by the look of the eyes, you can read a person like a book and determine his character.

Types of eyes are the subject of close attention for psychologists. Having studied the typology, experts found that the shape and shape of the eyes affect the character.

Psychologists have identified portraits of people with the main characteristic features.

They divided people into types:

  • "Expansive";
  • "Cold";
  • "Heroic";
  • "Sensual";
  • "Incredulous".

People with "expansive" type of character they have a wide eye shape, an overhanging eyelid and a white squirrel.

At the same time, they are distinguished by a direct look, shyness, politeness and courtesy. character "expansive" kind of optimistic, peace-loving, not stingy and not ambitious.

"Expansionists" they reason cautiously, they have stable views on life and current events, they do not like to change something. People of this type in their lives strive for stability in everything.

"Cold" the type is distinguished by large, bulging eyes. They also have an eastern cut, a close or normal fit. The shade of the eyes is blue, the eyelids are dense, massive. Look at "cold" type wanders, does not differ in hardness and interest. In character, one can distinguish such traits as detachment, indifference to everything, passivity. Surrounding people treat such people as timid, weak-willed and indecisive.

"Cold" type is not distinguished by envy, ambition and jealousy. It is difficult for such people to cope with difficulties, they are ready to put up with any situation, put off all things for tomorrow, just not to take responsibility. They don't know how to get angry. "Cold" the type is not distinguished by an active lifestyle and leadership in the family and at work. In family life, they prefer gray everyday life.

"Heroic" the type is distinguished by deep set eyes, a sharp and piercing look. "Heroic" people are very brave, they like to fantasize, they are distinguished by energy, solidity, reliability, and the ability to do extraordinary things. They are not afraid of fire or water, they are the first to run to help in extreme conditions.

"Heroic" the species is not afraid of difficulties, strives to become leaders, loves to travel. Such people are distinguished by a strong and proud character. Eye color is usually dark. However, there are also disadvantages - unpredictability, quarrelsomeness, rage and anger, which manifest themselves in a quarrel.

"Sensual" the type is distinguished by a close or normal fit of the eyes, a slight bulge, massive eyelids. The shades of the eyes can be blue, gray, sometimes brown. Representatives of this type greatly appreciate and cherish the system of moral values. They are famous for delicacy, nobility, empathy, increased "sensuality" to those around you. Their actions are controlled by emotions, sensuality, and not by the head.

"Sensual" the type is swift in movements and reasoning, depends on the mood, is inconsistent, quickly lights up and also quickly fades away.

"Incredulous" the type is distinguished by deep-set, almond-shaped eyes with slightly yellow whites. The shade of the eyes is gray or greenish. "Distrustful" people are silent, gloomy, cautious, anxious and ambitious.

They do not like to forgive insults, often experience hatred and can be quick-tempered. Most often, they prefer loneliness and do not bind themselves with family ties. The advantages of this type include a strong will and a strong life position.

People who are dissatisfied with their appearance sometimes decide on extreme measures - changing the shape of the eyes in an operative way.

During surgery, the incision of the eyes changes and its shape increases, the overhanging eyelid decreases or tightens.

With the help of the operation, you can change the Asian type to European and vice versa. This procedure is called canthopexy.

Also during it you can get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes.

The operation process and methods for changing the incision are individual in each case. It usually goes like this: a plastic surgeon makes an incision in the skin fold above the eyelid and "reshapes" eye at the request of the patient. Due to the fact that the seam is located in the area of ​​​​the folds on the eyelids, it is almost imperceptible. Plastic surgery of this type is performed under local or general anesthesia. It depends on the complexity and consent of the patient.

The bandage is removed after three days after the operation. Stitches need to be processed under the supervision of a doctor.

After about a month, the swelling subsides completely and the person receives the desired shape and shape of the eyes. However, there are also disadvantages: such an operation will have to be repeated every 5-6 years, since with age the eyelid will begin to sink and change its shape to its original state.

what character traits are inherent in people with different eye shapes, the most ideal and most common type of human eye

Eyes make each person's appearance unique. More specifically, their shape, size and color. What, for example, the shape of the eyes can tell about the character of a person? In our article we will talk about what kind of eyes people have.

Eyes set deep

This form gives the impression that a person has a strongly hanging upper eyelid and a highly developed superciliary bone. Due to the deep fit, it seems to others that their owner has a thoughtful and serious look.

Almond shaped eyes

The section of the eyes has an elongated shape, and their size is quite large. They were given such a name because they resemble this nut. The form is considered perfect. Perhaps this opinion has been established because a large number of famous models and Hollywood stars have it.
It is believed that people who have such a happy eye shape from birth are endowed with creativity. There are many true connoisseurs and art lovers among them. Their bond with family is so strong that they cannot imagine living away from their loved ones. They easily accept someone else's point of view.

Asian eye type

The slanting section of the eyes is most often found in people of the Mongoloid race. They have such a structure of their skull that there is no pronounced frontal bone. Because of this, there is no crease of the upper eyelid. However, it would be wrong to argue that this form is unique to Asians, since you can find a large number of Europeans with the same cut.

According to psychologists, the hallmarks of people with such a cut of the eyes are tolerance, kindness, sentimentality and the desire to take care of others. They are so sensitive that even seemingly frivolous events touch them.

round eyes

This type is considered the most common. Psychologists talk about the determination and success of the owners of such eyes.
However, with all the firmness of character, these people do not like to burden themselves with responsibility. If there is a need to make a decision that will entail significant changes in life, then it will be very difficult to make. Therefore, they did not realize many great goals.

Eyes that are close together

This shape of the eye is inherent in a person about whom folk wisdom says: "If you want it to be done well, take on the job yourself." Perfectionism is in their blood, and therefore they can only trust themselves and believe exclusively in their own strengths. People who cannot be completely and completely controlled cause fear in them.
Close planting of the eyes indicates stubbornness and intolerance. If such a person entrusts someone to do the work, he will control the impeccability of its implementation. A difficult character makes such people intimidating to others, and therefore it is difficult for them to make friends or build relationships.

If you need to improve relations with a person who has such an eye shape, then you should be patient and get ready to try to build everything in your own way. But such people are well in control of themselves and endure stress.

Widely spaced eyes

People with similar eyes are attracted to the big picture, and they are not interested in small details and nuances. Extra fuss, sudden movements or presentation of an ultimatum is not their style. It takes a lot of effort to get this guy out of his mind. Regardless of age, it tends to always remain a child.
In the family, he draws a sense of reliability and security. With such support behind him, the “wide-eyed” takes risks without looking back, and is ready for any adventure. These types of eyes are inherent in natures cheerful and optimistic. They know how to enjoy life and enjoy the feeling of freedom.

Expressive and big eyes

Emotionality and impulsiveness are character traits that distinguish individuals with this eye shape. It is normal for them to act depending on their mood, succumbing to a momentary desire. It is easy to anger or anger them, which is explained by the complex of an excellent student, who is used to winning always and in everything.
In society, they are born leaders, at home, on the contrary, they are soft and affectionate. Falling in love is not able to push them to a reckless step. Being in the spotlight, basking in the rays of universal adoration is the norm for them.

Little "piggy" eyes

Eyes a la cat

In people with such eyes, generosity and stubbornness are surprisingly combined. They cannot be forced to admit their mistakes or show their weakness in public. If such a person is plagued by problems in his personal life, then he will pretend “to the stop” that everything is fine with him, while at the same time taking all measures to preserve his own family happiness. At the same time, he will not bother with questions of the correctness and correctness of these measures.

If it was necessary to break off business relations with a partner who has cat's eyes, then you need to prepare for a heated battle, the outcome of which will be impossible to predict. They are pragmatists and skeptics, which often drives them into a state of depression. They tend to get carried away very quickly, but the fuse, as a rule, also disappears quickly. They are quite capable of neglecting old friendships for the sake of a new acquaintance.

What are the shapes of the human eye

Healthy, shining eyes are the main decoration of any person. The beauty of the eyes is given by a unique color, expression and, of course, their cut. In this article, you will learn what are the shapes of the eyes, what can break their natural outlines and how to fix it.

What is the shape of the eyes?

There are almond-shaped, round and narrow eyes. The almond-shaped eyes are the most common, the cut of the eyelids at the same time resembles the outlines of an almond nut. With a round shape, the incision of the eyelids is more rounded, the palpebral fissure is wide. Those with narrow eyes have a narrow palpebral fissure. Such eyes are usually found among representatives of eastern peoples: Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and many others.

Almond-shaped eyes are considered the most beautiful. Owners of round and narrow eyes should strive for it when applying makeup. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the eyes, the direction of the longitudinal axis of the eye and its position in the orbit. Correction of broken proportions is achieved by the correct application of light and dark shades, by the competent arrangement of color accents.

But beauty is not always achieved by striving for the "golden mean". If you have a rare eye shape, then perhaps it should be highlighted with makeup.

However, the possibilities of cosmetics are not unlimited. For example, with age, noticeable bags under the eyes often appear, the outer corner of the eye drops. Or loses its tone and the skin of the upper eyelid begins to hang. Because of this, the palpebral fissure becomes narrower, and the face acquires a gloomy and tired expression.

Weakly amenable to correction with decorative cosmetics and the Asian shape of the eye. The palpebral fissure can be narrowed due to previous neurological diseases or after eye surgery. In all these cases, a method that really changes the shape of the eyes will help - plastic surgery.


This is a plastic surgery on the eyelids and underlying tissues to change their shape. Indications for blepharoplasty are pronounced “bags” under the eyes, an overhanging upper eyelid, deep wrinkles in this area.

Blepharoplasty is a complete surgical operation performed under general or local anesthesia. Before it, it is necessary to undergo certain examinations and tests that reflect the general condition of the body.

The incision is made along the fold of skin on the upper eyelid, which separates the movable part of the eyelid from the fixed part of the eyelid. On the lower eyelid, the incision is made just below the lash line. In this case, the postoperative scar is almost invisible. Sometimes surgical access is performed through the conjunctiva, where it passes from the inner surface of the eyelid to the eyeball. In this case, no traces remain on the skin at all.

Then the doctor performs the necessary manipulations. So, with an overhanging upper eyelid, a strip of skin is excised according to the shape marked out by the surgeon before the operation. Its width is usually from 3 to 10 mm. Then the fibers of the circular muscle of the eye, which lie under the skin of the eyelids, are excised. Sometimes fatty tissue protrudes under the eyelid, which fills the eye socket. In this case, the surgeon dissects the septum, which limits the orbit from the outside and cuts off excess adipose tissue. The incision is sutured with a cosmetic suture, often absorbable sutures are used.

This operation is called upper blepharoplasty. As a result of the operation, the upper eyelid is lifted, its sagging is eliminated. Due to the change in the shape of the palpebral fissure, the eyes appear larger, the fields of vision expand. The look becomes younger, clearer and more open.

Lower eyelid plasty is used in the presence of age-related changes in the lower eyelid, pronounced "bags" under the eyes, lowered outer corner of the eye. Lower and upper blepharoplasty are often combined.

Eyelid reshaping surgery does not affect vision in any way. The cosmetic effect of eyelid surgery is permanent.

Small eyes

Often women are worried about whether it is possible to enlarge small eyes with the help of plastic surgery. The size of the eyeball cannot be changed, you can only slightly correct the shape of the eyes. Upper blepharoplasty increases the width of the palpebral fissure, the length can be increased by a small incision between the upper and lower eyelids. However, its size should not exceed 5 mm, because eyelids without eyelashes look unnatural.

To understand whether small eyes can be enlarged in your case, you need to seek the advice of a plastic surgeon. He will suggest how to change the shape of the eyes so that they appear larger. The doctor can simulate the expected result on a computer.

Correction of the eastern section of the eyes

The Asian section of the eyes is distinguished by a small width of the palpebral fissure, dense skin of the eyelids and a smoothed fold of the upper eyelid. Often there is an epicanthus - a dense skin fold in the inner corner of the eye, covering the lacrimal caruncle.

This is the ideal eye shape for life among the steppes and deserts. For many centuries, the ancestors of modern Asians lived in conditions of strong winds and sandstorms. The narrow palpebral fissure and dense eyelids helped better protect the eyes from dust and sand, and the brown color of the iris protected the retina well from excess light.

However, many owners of such eyes are unhappy with their appearance. Plastic surgery to correct the incision of the eyes is in demand in China and Japan, and the number of such operations is also growing in Russia. Interestingly, there are quite a lot of men among the patients.

Changing the shape of the eyes is achieved by eliminating the epicanthus and forming a fold of the upper eyelid. It is formed by creating an artificial scar between the skin and the broad tendon of the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid.

After the operation, the upper eyelid is lifted, the palpebral fissure becomes wider, the shape of the eyes approaches Caucasoid. In addition, the direction of eyelash growth changes and the field of view expands.

Many women note that the correction of the shape of the eyes has led to a rejuvenation of the look, a more youthful expression of the entire face. They say that they got rid of worries about their appearance, became more self-confident. These changes are noted by their close people. And this is natural, because every woman needs to know that she is the most beautiful!

Eye section

The eyes of different people differ significantly in the location of the axis, which gives them a number of features and makes them unique. It can be conditionally straight, passing through the outer or through the inner corners of the eyes. Depending on this, almond-shaped, slanting, oriental and lobed eyes are distinguished. Each type is characterized by a number of special features.

The most common incision of the eyes is almond-shaped, in which they are shaped like an almond kernel. They are wide open, do not taper to the corners that are on the same line (horizontal). With this incision, the upper eyelid covers the eye to the beginning of the iris.

The almond-shaped eye section is considered ideal in terms of external attractiveness. Nefertiti and many other recognized beauties of all times possessed such eyes. The oblong shape of this type is combined with a rather pronounced transition from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one, which makes it look like an almond kernel. The upper eyelid is slightly heavy. Usually such eyes are dark in color: black or brown. The combination of such a cut of the eyes with a light color is not just beautiful, but truly unique. For this type, it is easiest to choose makeup.

The eastern incision of the eyes is characterized by narrowing of the palpebral fissures to the corners and a rather weak expression of the eyelids. It has similarities with the almond-shaped in that the corners of the eyes in it are also located at the same level. The owners of such eyes, living in Europe, often seek to correct their shape through cosmetics, sometimes resorting to a more radical means - plastic surgery.

Slanted eyes widen slightly towards the inner corner and narrow towards the outer. At the same time, the corners themselves are not located on the same level: the inner one is slightly lower than the outer one. The line connecting the corners of the eyes with the horizontal form an angle of up to 12 degrees, due to which the effect of obliqueness is created.

The lobular section of the eyes is the opposite of the eastern. Such eyes are distinguished by cut lines directed outward (the outer corners are lower than the inner ones).

On the basis of physiological typology, psychologists have identified such characteristic groups that have a number of features inherent only to them, which are determined by the shape of the eyes. Their types are distinguished by the following: eyes “expansive” (wide-open, with massive eyelids), “cold” (large, convex with an eastern cut, close-set and prone to watering), “heroic” (deep-set, with a sharp penetrating look), “ sensual” (located close, somewhat “bulging out”) and “incredulous people” (deep-set, almond-shaped or slanting).

The "expansive" type characterizes the owners of such eyes as shy, courteous, polite, optimistic in character, not ambitious and not stingy, cautious in actions and judgments, conservative and gravitating towards stability in life.

People of the “cold” type are distinguished by indifference, lethargy, coldness, they seem indecisive, they are not characterized by ambition, jealousy and envy, they give in to difficulties, are balanced.

The “heroic” eye shape is characteristic of daredevils and dreamers, reliable, energetic, risky, not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Such people strive to be leaders, seek adventure, while they are quarrelsome and often unpredictable.

The “sensual” type speaks of a well-developed system of spiritual values, delicacy, nobility, empathy for their owners. Such people are guided in their actions by emotions, they depend on their own mood, and are inconsistent.

People of the "incredulous" type are silent, cautious, ambitious, do not forgive insults, quick-tempered, gravitate towards loneliness. These are strong personalities with a stable life position.

about the eyes - absolutely feminine reading

Eyes are perhaps the most interesting part of makeup. Their nature makes them so different, interesting. There is practically no single version for everyone. what where and how. principle and technique remain the same. And the application lines must be adapted to themselves.

European makeup tends to make any eyes almond-shaped.
this is when the cat's cut is moderately round, long, the outer corners are up

but not everything is so simple)))

let's introduce a small classification, consider, so to speak, the mat part

and yes, I will use the term “normal” here in the sense - without features, and not because others are somehow abnormal. And I will specially show small pictures so that there is a general perception from afar.

so, in relation to the bridge

regular, close-set, far-set

I don’t show the usual ones, they don’t catch the eye and don’t stand out in any way. far seated ones are usually perceived as slightly slanted. And closely planted - heap.
determined by a banal measurement. we put a pencil to the reflection in the mirror or photograph and measure the section of the eyes and the distance between the inner corners of the eyes. For normal (ordinary) these distances are equal.

it happens that the distances are equal, and facial features give a visually close-set (for example, a narrow bridge of the nose) or far-seated (small eyes on a wide face). But if visually we do not notice anything behind ourselves, then we are not wiser.

orientation in space - deep-set or convex

if deep, then it is usually perceived that the forehead is directly prominent, the superciliary arch is serious and formidable. Well, the convex ones, respectively, are slightly protruding and seem to always be a little inflamed, because compared to the rest, all the capillaries are closer visible.

According to the cut of the eyes
almond-shaped, round, slotted

almond-shaped - regular

slightly rounded in the middle, normally elongated, the inner corner is slightly lower than the outer corner, or at the same level.

round - more round (the eyes of Indian women as a good example). slit-like - narrow, without roundness in the middle

Visually, all this is determined, there are no mathematical measurements here. It is more pronounced and less pronounced.

Along the cut, there are still original forms, somewhere non-standard roundings, somewhere flat lines, etc.

Towards- ascending and descending

focus on the direction of the outer corner of the eye compared to the inner. In general, a normal eye has an outer angle slightly higher than the inner. If it is noticeably higher, and the eyes are diagonally located like BE, then these are ascending

descending vice versa - the outer corner of the eye is lower than the inner one (the eyes visually stand like a house)

descending is sometimes also called falling or sad.

We have already counted 4 big features - in relation to the bridge of the nose, in orientation in space, in section, in direction. and smoothly move to the century. Because eye makeup is basically “coloring” the eyelids, to be honest.

There is an “open” eye format. And an eyelid with features.

open eye

I drew it here and signed it. The upper eyelid is divided by a fold into mobile and fixed. Such fully open eyes are more characteristic of young girls, to be honest. But everything happens. In fact, both the movable and fixed eyelids are completely visible. The fold is formal.

the most common feature is a hanging eyelid. It can be overhanging in itself, and is also characteristic of the age age.
this is when the motionless eyelid hangs over the mobile one, driving the intended fold inwards by nature, and forming a new one.

and there is a format like BE slightly swollen eyelids. And the movable eyelid is visible, and the motionless. Just more immobile.

I wouldn't even call it a rip-off. Such is the metric.

but there is an overhang

such an overhang is characteristic of age, the skin loses its elasticity, and the fold hangs.

There are times when the moving eyelid is almost invisible. (I cropped the picture here, because it was scary in the original, so you can’t see the whole eyelid)

With this format, eyelashes can lie on the impending eyelid.

Another feature is a flat eyelid. Especially often in Asian types of faces.

Here the moving century is not visible at all, but the motionless is flat, without the bends and creases characteristic of Europeans. Essentially the same eyelid, only the crease is actually on the lash line, the entire moving eyelid is hidden when the eyes are open

There are also different formats of overhangs, when the eyelid hangs like a thread figuratively, even affecting the visible shape of the eyes.

Well, there are twisted eyelids. This is when the mucous part of the eyelid is not facing the eye ... umm .. ball. It is visible upon closer inspection. It looks like the eyes are bulging.

I probably forgot something else, but in a general sense, these are the varieties.

at the same time, for each feature there is asymmetry. Those. one eye is like this, and the other is not. Very common.

it happens that everything is together, but the eyes are still small or, on the contrary, large. Well, the traits themselves are like that.

At the same time, it is clear that each person can carry in himself in general all the features in a row. And widely seated and deep, and round in cut, and with an overhang, and some kind of falling corners. Easily. Moreover, for each item, there may also be an asymmetry of one relative to the other.

there are two approaches
- or eye makeup emphasizes features. For example, there are girls with “sad eyes” who are not spoiled by this at all. Round eyes are incredibly beautiful. Overhang can be easily beaten. Emphasize asymmetry and consider it your chip. etc. It all depends on the canons of beauty and personal preferences.

- either eye makeup corrects features and brings the eyes into an almond-shaped incision, raises the corners, visually eliminates overhanging, etc. etc. Again, this is personal preference.

It is important here to understand this thing - the same for everyone and every make-up does not exist, because there are no identical eyes in everything. Any tricks and lines should be tried on yourself and look for your points. It is necessary, of course, to use general schemes, principles and techniques. But the eye makeup is a complete fantasy. Just don't break the basic principles, that's all. However, if there is a task to enter a specific image, you can draw anything.

The second important thing is that if you are trying to learn on your own, for example, from video tutorials, choose bloggers with the same eye and eyelid metrics as yours. Many girls on YouTube do beautiful things, but they don’t explain why they do it, for whom it’s all right, and for whom it’s generally contraindicated. Because it is clear that when correcting bulging and deep-set eyes, diametrically different techniques are used. It is possible to round and slit-like, but not to round round. Far-seated visually bring together, and close-set, on the contrary, push apart. And here again different methods are used. For example, it is very popular among the population to highlight the inner corner of the eye. This is supposed to be refreshing. WELL, yes, it is refreshing, only if the eyes are small and scattered far from each other, then such a technique will push them apart even more and maybe reduce them even more. Or the features of oriental techniques - a bold stroke. Indian women are round-eyed, they make long arrows for themselves, and a historical thing. Accordingly, slit-like close-set eyes with the same technique will generally rest against the nose and turn into two stripes.

The debate about the ideal shape of the eyes of makeup artists and cosmetologists continues to this day. However, finally, it is worth recognizing that there is no answer to this question, because this factor is exclusively individual, and each person has the shape and size of the eyes inherent exclusively to him.

Many argue that the types of eyes even affect the character of a person. Such a concept is often used in physiognomy, a method for determining the type of personality. However, all these categories are only approximate.

This point of view is supported even by psychologists who claim that by the shape and type of eyes alone they can draw some conclusions about the character of a particular person. But you should not run to psychologists or try to determine the nature of each acquaintance by the shape of the eyes, all these assumptions are only general in nature, and you should not take such information seriously.

What are the sizes?

On this basis, people's eyes are usually divided into large and small. Often the shape of the eyes does not depend on their size. It is generally accepted that large eyes are ideal for both men and women. However, both forms have their own charm and merit. As for psychology, experts believe that usually people with large eyes are prone to excessive sensitivity and emotionality. They are distinguished by a fine mental organization and often have a creative beginning. But even here there are reservations, for example, the eyes can only appear large due to small facial features, such people are distinguished by rigidity in character, which can even go beyond and overflow into cruelty.

But the owners of small eyes are distinguished by purposefulness, self-sufficiency, stubbornness and perseverance, firmness in character. How to determine the type of eyes? To do this, pay attention not only to the shape, but also to the distance between the eyes.

Eye shapes

In addition to the size of the eyes, the shape is also important, the varieties of which are slightly larger. What are the shapes of the eyes?


This type is not considered ideal, but is considered the most common. Psychologists are firmly convinced that most owners of round eyes are determined and successful. But, despite the firmness in character, such people do not like to take responsibility, and it is difficult for them to make decisions that will entail serious changes. That is why often great goals remain unfulfilled due to the fear of acting.


This form of human eyes is considered a truly rare species, especially in our area. Psychologists attribute the following character traits to the owners of such eyes: talent, which is accompanied by excessive talkativeness and a frivolous attitude to events. Such people easily survive any troubles and treat life simply and calmly, while they have a certain worldly wisdom and creative abilities. It can be drawing, music and so on.

Slanted (narrow)

It is a big mistake to attribute this form only to Asians; the slanting form is also found among many Europeans. And psychologists note that owners of this type are distinguished by tolerance, sentimentality and sensitivity to even the most frivolous events, kindness and love to take care of others.


The shape that is considered ideal is almond. Perhaps it happened because this form is quite common among models and Hollywood actors and is considered the most beautiful. People who are lucky enough to have that very correct form are distinguished by the presence of creativity, often among them there are great art lovers. It is noted that such people are very attached to loved ones, cannot imagine their life without friends and family, and also easily accept someone else's point of view.

The shape got its name due to the fact that the eyelid incision visually resembles an almond nut and is considered oblong.

If this type is found in owners of large and round eyes, then the incision takes a rounded shape and is distinguished by a wide palpebral fissure. While in owners of narrow eyes, the width of the palpebral fissure is several times smaller. It is believed that the ideal almond-shaped form is inherent in the representatives of the East. And makeup artists advise when applying makeup to strive to visually create exactly the almond-shaped shape, especially for owners of round and narrow eyes. The type is corrected due to the competent application of different light and dark shades of shadows, as well as the correct arrow. And in the photo, this form looks especially impressive.

Plastic surgery

One of the most popular operations in plastic surgery is the reshaping of human eyes. This procedure is most popular among Asians. The most famous procedure is blepharoplasty. This operation is performed on the eyelids and deep-lying tissues to change their shape.

Plastic is not cosmetic and refers to a full-fledged operation that is performed under anesthesia.

Before the operation, it is mandatory to undergo an examination and make sure that the body is ready for such a load.

The procedure goes as follows: the surgeon makes two incisions, the first in the fold of skin on the upper eyelid, which separates the movable part from the fixed part of the eyelid. The second incision is made just below the lash line. Scars after surgery are virtually invisible. Often, the operation is performed through the fornix of the conjunctiva, and there are no traces of the procedure at all.

After the incisions are made in the right places, the surgeon proceeds to the main steps. With an overhanging eyelid, the doctor makes a strip 3 to 10 mm wide according to the form previously marked by the surgeon. Next, the doctor proceeds to the excision of the fibers of the circular muscle of the eye, which is located under the skin of the eyelids. If fatty tissue protrudes under the eyelid, then the surgeon also removes excess fatty tissue by dissecting the septum. All incisions are closed with absorbable sutures. As a result, you can forget about the impending century, the eyes become larger, and the look acquires clarity, freshness and openness.

In order to determine the need for an operation, you should get the advice of a specialist who can, using computer technology, simulate the ideal shape for absolutely any person.

What are the types of eyes according to other criteria?

Another characteristic of the shape depends on the distance between the inner corners. The eyes are wide and close apart.

Planting depth:

  • If the eyeball is located in the depth of the orbit, such eyes are called deep-set.
  • If the eyeballs protrude, creating the effect of bulging eyes, we are dealing with bulging eyes.
  • If no deviations are found, this is the normal form.

According to the location of the axis of the eye:

  • Classic cut - the inner and outer corners are exactly opposite each other, thereby creating a straight line.
  • European cut - outer corners look down.
  • Eastern section - the outer corners look up. According to the location of the axis of the eye (a conditional straight line passing through the outer and inner corners), a Caucasoid, Asian (Mongoloid) or classical incision is distinguished.

Based on all these characteristics, you can adjust your type and shape through competent makeup and without surgical intervention. And such a concept as an ideal form should be abandoned altogether. They simply do not exist, often it is mixed, and harmony is easily achieved through the play of shadow colors. The main thing is to take care of your health, because beautiful eyes are, first of all, healthy, and not “correct”.

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Determining the shape of the eyes plays an important role in applying makeup. It has long been known that with the help of make-up, you can correct the appearance of the face and its parts by removing all imperfections.

Thus, if there are features in your eyes that you would like to hide or change, knowing your exact eye shape will help you do this.

In addition to makeup, noticing the nuances of the eyes can tell a lot about the character of a person, his habits, strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to do a few things.

The form

Almond-shaped is recognized as the ideal form of the organ of vision. Many of the fair sex strive to find it with the application of a special make-up and even plastic surgery.

The name itself tells about which eyes correspond to a similar shape: their cut resembles an amygdala. Both their outer and inner ends are on the same line, which is their difference.

The advantage of the owners of almond-shaped organs of vision is that almost any kind of make-up is suitable for them, they do not need to bother with shadows, the thickness of the eyeliner.

In owners of round eyes, the organs of vision are very reminiscent of a circle.

The slit-like eyes are somewhat narrower than the almond and smaller.


The eyes can be set normally, close and far.

To do this, you will need good lighting and a magnifying mirror. Look closely at the face. To know the exact results, you can use a centimeter tape.

  • In normally placed eyes, the distance between the eyes is exactly the width of one eye. For such eyes, any make-up will be relevant.
  • In the case when this distance exceeds the width of your organ of vision, then they are far away. Women with similar eyes should highlight them with eyeliner or a pencil to the end of the inner corner.
  • If the length of the gap between the inner corners of the eyes is less than the length of the organ of vision, then you are the owner of closely spaced eyes. Such girls are recommended to apply light shadows on their inner side.


  • The organs of vision, which are located in a certain recess, are called deep-set. They can be visually advanced if you use warm shades of shadows on the upper eyelid, and dark ones a little higher.
  • The eyeballs, which clearly show spherical contours, are convex. Sometimes it seems that a person is surprised or looking at you, but in fact, for the owners of bulging eyes, this is a normal facial expression. Their owners should use dark and medium shades of shadows for both eyelids.
  • If a person does not have signs of deep-set and bulging eyes, then he has normal eyes.

Type of

Representatives european eye type the outer ends point downwards.

Asian organs of vision look like this: the corners of the eyes of the eye of the temples look up.
Classic type
covers owners of eyes in which the outer and inner ends of the eyes lie on the same line.

The size

Take a closer look at your eyes. Then examine the parts of the face: lips, nose. Compare the size of the organs of vision with others placed on the face.

  • If their proportions are more or less the same, then you have medium eyes.
  • If the lips, cheeks, nose are more pronounced, the first to catch the eye, then you have small eyes. They can be made visually larger if you use light shadows and do not overdo it with eyeliner.

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