The girl's hairiness has increased. Increased hairiness in a girl. What is it and what to do with it? Antiandrogenic drugs for hirsutism

A light velvety fluff on a woman's face gives it a special tenderness and charm. But if vellus hair suddenly begins to grow rapidly and cover the entire body, then women are worried. What is it - a sign of a dangerous disease or just a game of nature? And is it possible to get rid of ugly vegetation? Doctors say that the problem lies in the hormones.

vellus hair

Fluff on the body in women: the norm or deviation

Thin, translucent or colorless hairs are found even on the fetus in the womb. Their length is not more than two millimeters, and the follicles are not associated with the sebaceous glands. The fluff is on the body of all people, but is most noticeable in children and women. It is the body's natural covering and natural temperature regulator. Soft, barely noticeable hairline helps the sweat glands work. Thanks to him, a person feels when an insect crawls over the skin.

The fluff covers the back of the fingers and toes, back, chest and abdomen. Anatomically, women should not have fine hairs in the following areas of the body:

The area behind the ears



some parts of the external genitalia.

If fine hairs appear in these areas or begin to grow rapidly throughout the body of a woman, a hormonal disorder is observed in the body.

Fluffy hair all over the body: what causes it

Abnormal growth of the gun is associated with certain physical and mental illnesses. Among them:

Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Pathological release of adrenal hormones into the blood leads to an excess of body hair;

anorexia nervosa or starvation;

menopause. Hormonal imbalances can cause unwanted hair growth;

polycystic ovary syndrome.

All of these conditions are very serious and require medical attention. The problem can also cause heredity and emotional upheaval.

Women are especially worried if thick fluff grows on the cheeks, chin and above the upper lip. In this situation, you can not use a razor or tweezers, as the hairs will become longer and thicker when they grow back.

In the comments to my posts every day there are questions about excess vegetation on the body. The most interesting thing is that many readers sincerely believe that body hair should not be by nature and something is wrong with them, since they do not see them in other women. So how should it really be and what is hirsutism?

Heh, as it should ideally be, no one will answer you for sure - there are no uniform norms in endocrinology, or not all endocrinologists are familiar with them.

So, for example, quite recently, one of my readers was diagnosed with “hirsutism” only on the basis of the presence of a barely noticeable antennae ... And another doctor noticed a couple of hairs on her chest ... As a result, both OK and antiandrogens (not at all vegetable) and even dexamethasone were prescribed !! To prevent such horror from being done to you, I will try to explain a few important points about hirsutism that I myself found out:

one). Hirsutism is the growth of terminal (black, coarse) hair in androgen-dependent areas. They are the back, face, chest (between the breasts), lower back .... mainly the places where hair normally grows in men ... Light vellus hair is not hirsutism, most often the norm, but a ubiquitous fluff that has suddenly appeared can signal tumors ( even a simple FKM).

Hair growth on the arms and legs - does not depend on hormones!!! Even if you have fields there, it will be just your individual feature, a cosmetic defect that you can also eliminate exclusively by external, cosmetic methods. Do not look for a hormonal background - it is not here.

Hair growth in the bikini area, even the most violent, is also the norm.

2). Hair growth around the nipples and above the upper lip is now considered a sign of intersexuality, that is, it is normal for both women and men. In reasonable amounts (when you do not need to pluck your hair every day to exhaustion), this is normal, it does not speak of hormonal imbalance. But if the hair grows in the middle (they write that this place is called the sternum) - this is more like a deviation. We are talking only about dark, hard, terminal hair and far from single.

3). The degree of hairiness in endocrinology is determined by the Ferriman-Gallway scale, although some gynecologists are not familiar with it either. Previously, there were 11 zones in it, now they are increasingly looking at 7, since the arms and legs have long been withdrawn from androgen-dependent zones. Because of this, confusion arose with the normal hirsute number. Whether it is up to 7, or up to 11 ...

To enlarge the picture, you need to click on it.

Ferriman-Gallway scale

0 - if there is no hair in this area

1 - if a little and almost imperceptibly

2 - there is something to remove ... but it is still far from typically male vegetation

3 - wow, a lot of hair ..

4 - if there is so much hair that it is already scary.

The final sum will be the hirsute number.

If you are from Ukraine (brunette type of appearance) or Caucasian blood, then you are allowed to be much fluffier than the rest, you have a genetic predisposition to this.

But I want to note that I cite this truncated version of the Ferriman-Hollway scale purely for your reassurance. The table will not give particularly accurate data (although I found it in a serious medical study), but most of you will finally understand that a woman is a rather hairy creature by nature .... and if you don’t see anything extra on the skin of other women, this only says that they are taking good care of themselves.

four). There is such a thing as idiopathic hirsutism. This is when there is hair in the wrong places, and no doctor has found the reasons for their rapid growth. Most of these cases. No need to spend your nerves and money on further tests, to get to the bottom of someone with treatment, but you just need to choose the method of hair removal that is convenient for you. Yes, some part of your budget will be spent on eliminating this defect, but what can you do, men have to shave all their lives and nothing, no one has died from it yet.

5). It is believed that some drugs contribute to the development of hirsutism ... Surprise, but these include progesterone adored by many (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) and OK, phenytoin (formerly part of Citramon, Askofen, etc.), phenothiazine derivatives, Cyclosporine, all interferon drugs, Danazol , naturally, corticosteroids such as Dexamethasone, and drugs for estrogen - androgen replacement therapy.

Therefore, if you were once prescribed progesterone, progestogen OK for a cycle, you have an IUD of this type (Mirena, for example), then the appearance of excess hair in the wrong places should be expected for you. There is no need to run to the doctors with frantic eyes, they will not save you from excess hair. It remains only a beautician or home removal of vegetation.

6). When is a doctor needed?

It is believed that if hirsutism developed suddenly, with objective changes in well-being, problems with the cycle, a sharp weight gain, the appearance of black acanthosis, then it is still worth going to the doctor. You look, and the cause of all this disgrace will be found, and possibly cured. But the fact is that at the same time, excess vegetation will not go anywhere. With the elimination of the cause of hirsutism, new hair will gradually stop growing, but what has grown will not fall off, do not wait. Again, a beautician and all known methods of hair removal to help you.

And please don't settle for "cure" OK! This dead-end path, following which at first you will really notice a decrease in hair growth zones, epilation will be more effective, only the cancellation of OK will completely cancel out all your epilation efforts.

By the way, there are no drugs specifically for the treatment of hirsutism, treatment regimens and techniques, too.

7). How to remove excess vegetation? The most difficult question, because there are many opinions on this matter. Personally, I consider electrolysis to be optimal, plus the use of depilatory creams in small areas. For example, for mustaches and bikinis, many people like:

HairOff, Facial, Creme Hair Remover and Hair No More, Advanced Hair Vanishing Creme. You can already contrive and once a week gently apply the cream to especially delicate areas that do not recognize a razor and wax.

Electrolysis is the only method that kills the hair follicle and is the best for facial hair removal. In the same place, hair will never grow again, but if the cause of hirsutism is not eliminated, it will grow nearby. That is why some people think that electrolysis does not help them. In fact, something in the body continues to fail, and epilation does not have time to compensate for the growth of new hair.

Cons of electrolysis - soreness, possible traces of incorrect work of the master, prolonged healing ....

Photo - and laser hair removal are also not bad, but they will not radically get rid of hair. These techniques allow you to remove hair less painfully than in the case of electrolysis for a period of 1 to 4 years, in principle, from any area. The main thing is that the hair should be dark, and the skin should not be tanned.

Wax / sugar paste / caramel - hair removal with their help is endless (that is, until death separates you from them), although some note the growth of thinner hair after some time ... But if you switch, for example, to a razor, all achieved the effect disappears.

Cons - for some time you have to walk with thorns, and the technique itself leads to damage to blood vessels and stretching of the skin. Absolute madness to apply on the face, bikini area and in general on intimate places. Over the years, everything will stretch and sag there, and here you also significantly accelerate and aggravate this process.

Razor is the safest way, however, ineffective. We can say for sure that the growth of coarser hair after shaving is a delusion. The razor does not affect anything, this is already a scientific fact. You can supplement shaving with growth inhibitors, there are a lot of them even on iHerb!

Topical antiandrogens, that is, Vanika-type creams .... I can’t say anything about them and I will be glad to hear your feedback. As well as about other methods of hair removal ... I hope I reassured you?))

Excessive hairiness, or hypertrichosis, is not only an aesthetic problem. Perhaps there is a genetic failure in the human body or serious pathological processes are taking place.

The whole human body is covered with hair. The head and genitals are long, brightly colored and hard, the brow ridges and eyelids are bristly. On other parts of the body, the hairs are short, thin and very light, almost invisible, downy. However, it happens that on those parts of the body where there should be fluff, coarse dark hair begins to grow, sometimes even similar to wool. This condition is called hypertrichosis.

Signs and causes of hypertrichosis. Is hypertrichosis inherited?

The scientific term "hypertrichosis" is of Greek origin and means excessive (excessive) hairiness. Men are more susceptible to this phenomenon (the disease is sex-linked), but it also occurs in women (it is more often acquired).

  1. Hair on the head and body of a person was previously not too fairly called atavism. But it has been proven that even today they perform a protective function, protecting certain parts of the body and the head from overheating, hypothermia, injuries, etc.
  2. When a child goes through fetal development, his entire body is covered with primary hairs (germinal, or lanugo), which by 8-9 months of pregnancy, and sometimes shortly after birth, turn into secondary hairs (fluff). Hard long hair appears on the head of the baby during the first year of life, but it happens that the baby is born already with a hairstyle
  3. During puberty in men and women, hormone-dependent terminal hair appears on the genitals, under the armpits, less often on the inside of the thigh, legs, forearms, and abdomen. The fact is that the hair follicles of the cannon in these places react very violently even to a slight increase in testosterone production and are reborn

IMPORTANT: With hypertrichosis, terminal hair can appear anywhere on the body, even where the hair follicles are indifferent to testosterone.

According to the nature of the causes contributing to excessive hairiness, hypertrichosis is classified into:

  • congenital (universal, if the entire body is covered with hair, and local, if terminal hair has appeared on certain parts of the body)
  • acquired

According to where exactly the hair was reborn into terminal, the disease happens:

  • cannon
  • organic
  • lumbosacral
  • nevoid
  • symptomatic
  • iatrogenic

IMPORTANT: Previously, people with hypertrichosis were called "wolves" or "lions." They were feared and could be expelled from the villages. Hairy people often became artists of the "circus of freaks"

The causes of pathology are:

  1. Heredity and developmental disorders of the fetus. It is known that hypertrichosis is inherited through the male line (linked to the y chromosome). It can also be a symptom of the pathology of the development of the nervous and skeletal systems of the fetus, manifest itself in the syndrome of congenital deformity (for example, alcohol). The mutation can also occur due to intrauterine infection or due to the future mother taking drugs that are prohibited during pregnancy.
  2. Endocrine diseases and jumps in hormone levels. Hypertrichosis does not necessarily appear in newborns. "Unnecessary" hair can appear during puberty, during pregnancy, due to diseases of the endocrine glands
  3. Benign and malignant tumors of the endocrine glands, mammary glands and brain
  4. stress
  5. Taking certain medicines
  6. Infectious diseases, including venereal
  7. Injuries
  8. Frequent shaving and waxing
  9. Inflammatory processes on the skin

Congenital malformations, endocrine diseases, frequent shaving, stress are some of the causes of hairiness.

The main symptom of hypertrichosis is hair growth where it shouldn't be.

Hypertrichosis in children: boys and girls

In a newborn baby, especially if he is born prematurely, the body may be covered with lanugo hairs, which will soon roll out. But sometimes doctors observe in babies the transformation of epithelial tissue into tissue with hair follicles where hairiness should not be due to ethnic and age characteristics, as well as the laws of nature.

A premature baby can be born with lanugo. This is not a disease.

IMPORTANT: In this case, a genetic disorder in the child can be suspected. He needs to conduct appropriate tests to identify the appropriate pathology.

Acquired hairiness in older children may occur due to illness:

  • epidermolysis bullosa
  • brain injury
  • brain tumors
  • fungal skin disease
  • epilepsy
  • diseases of the endocrine glands

IMPORTANT: In girls and boys, the presence of hair under the arms, on the genitals, on the legs, forearms, abdomen, back and shoulders is not the norm. The same can be said about the hairs on the chin, cheeks, upper lip.

Having found signs of hypertrichosis in a child, parents should show it to a specialist:

  • genetics
  • dermatologist
  • endocrinologist
  • neurologist
  • pediatric gynecologist (for girls)

Treatment of hairiness in children depends on whether it is congenital or acquired:

  1. If hypertrichosis is hereditary, nothing can be done but to mechanically remove unwanted hairs by choosing the most appropriate method for the child, for example, electrolysis
  2. If the disease arose during life, it is necessary to eliminate its cause (treatment with hormones, for example)

IMPORTANT: Hypertrichosis gives rise to complexes and other psychological problems in a child: not like others, a boy or girl is teased at school. It is important for parents to behave as delicately as possible while searching for the cause of the pathology and treating hypertrichosis. In no case should you show your child your fear or excitement

Also, parents should not independently remove excess hairs from the baby by shaving or plucking them. Such mechanical procedures will only exacerbate the problem.

VIDEO: Increased hairiness in women and men - how to get rid of unwanted hair?

Hypertrichosis in men: on the face, auricle, on the body

Excessive hairiness in men can be due to one of the above reasons, as well as due to:

  • excess testosterone
  • alcoholism

Testosterone is a steroid hormone - androgen synthesized in men in the testicles and adrenal cortex. He is responsible for the functioning of the male reproductive system, muscle mass in men. Its increased production may be associated with:

  • diseases of the above endocrine glands
  • metabolic disorders
  • taking hormonal drugs
  • steroid use in athletes who are building muscle mass

This pathology is characterized by the appearance of unwanted hair on the body, in the ears, on the face. Wherein:

  • on the head, the hair, on the contrary, falls out
  • a man may have bouts of unreasonable aggression
  • he complains of a headache
  • he suffers from insomnia

The problem cannot be ignored. Necessary:

  • get tested for hormones
  • stop taking steroids
  • adjust the intake of hormonal drugs
  • consult an endocrinologist about the treatment of testicular or adrenal disease

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, 14 out of 100 men suffer from hypertrichosis

Hypertrichosis in women: on the face, auricle, on the body

If increased hairiness is not hereditary, it can occur in a woman in two very important periods of her life:

  1. In adolescence (from 12 to 17 years). Usually, the command of hair on the neck, back, chest, abdomen, shins and thighs of a girl is associated with a violation of the work of important endocrine glands - the adrenal cortex and ovaries
  2. In the climacteric. In the second half of a woman's life, a strong hormonal storm occurs in her body. All endocrine glands are rebuilt. The level of female hormones is constantly jumping. A couple of years after menopause, a woman's hair may appear above the upper lip (mustache), on the cheeks, in the chin area, in the nose or ears

IMPORTANT: If a woman of childbearing age has grown hair in unexpected places, she may have polycystic ovary syndrome. You need to do an ultrasound and get a consultation with a gynecologist

Increased hairiness in girls: hirsutism

Beard, mustache, hair on the chest and legs are a secondary sexual characteristic in men, which appears during their puberty under the influence of androgen hormones. This is how nature ordered that female and male hormones are synthesized in the bodies of people of both sexes. And if it suddenly happens that the concentration of male hormones in the blood of a woman rises, she may develop excessive hair growth. This phenomenon is called hirsutism.

In addition to hair growth where they should not be, a woman is worried about:

  • menstrual disorders up to amenorrhea
  • infertility
  • increase in muscle mass
  • dryness in the vagina
  • breast reduction
  • increased libido
  • voice changes (it gets lower and rougher)

IMPORTANT: Hair removal alone does not solve the problem of hirsutism. You should look for the cause in violations of the pituitary gland, ovaries or adrenal glands, taking hormonal drugs, and eliminate it

The girl should stop being ashamed of her hairiness and contact an endocrinologist, as well as take tests for the content in the blood serum:

  • testosterone
  • androstenedione (ovarian hormone)
  • dehydroepiandrosterone (adrenal hormone)
  • other male hormones

Usually, hirsutism is fairly easy to treat. It is necessary to treat diseases of the endocrine glands that provoked hair growth. The girl is also offered a course of treatment with oral contraceptives.

VIDEO: Hirsutism in women

Cannon hypertrichosis

Vellus hypertrichosis is diagnosed in the case of the degeneration of light and short vellus hair into dense and pigmented. In a few months, they are able to grow in length by 10-15 cm. Such "wool" covers the entire body and face of a person, except for his palms and feet.

IMPORTANT: Scientists have noticed a sad pattern - after a few months or years, a person with vellus hypertrichosis is diagnosed with cancer

The tumor most often affects:

  • lungs
  • colon
  • gallbladder
  • bladder
  • milk glands

Acquired hypertrichosis

Acquired hairiness, as mentioned above, is of several types:

  1. Traumatic. The most common example is frequent shaving or plucking, when terminal coarse hairs grow on the skin instead of fluff. This can also happen due to wearing a plaster or adhesive plaster, prolonged use of ointments and creams with an irritating effect. Hair sometimes overgrown with scars and scars
  2. Medicinal. Hair growth is provoked by the intake of glucocorticosteroids, anabolics, androgens. These are: psoralin, psoriasin, diazoxide, danazol, cyclosporine, others. Hypertrichosis can also be caused by anti-tuberculosis streptomycin.
  3. Symptomatic. In this case, hair growth in unnecessary places is not a separate disease, but a symptom of another pathology. For example, the appearance of hair between the shoulder blades can manifest tuberculosis in children. Excessive hair growth is also observed in diabetes mellitus, Ashard-Thier syndrome, porphyria, dermatomyositis, brain tumors, etc.
  4. Neurogenic. The cause of neurogenic hypertrichosis is an injury to the spinal cord or any nerve

Treatment of hypertrichosis

Unfortunately, congenital hypertrichosis in children, men and women is not treated. Only modern cosmetic methods help to get rid of unwanted hair: laser, photo and electrolysis.

IMPORTANT: An example of congenital hypertrichosis is the three Sangli sisters from India. All three were born hairy and had laser hair removal as adults.

Acquired hypertrichosis is treated by eliminating its cause and symptomatically.

VIDEO: Hypertrichosis or werewolf syndrome

- this is an excessive growth of rod hair in women, due to male sex hormones - androgens.

There are two types of hair in humans: vellus and rod. Cannon hair grow from the same type of hair follicles. By its structure, vellus hair is delicate, thin and short. rod hair they sprout from a different type of hair follicles. This type of hair is pigmented, the hairs are hard, coarse, thicker. Under the influence of male sex hormones, hair follicles (follicles) of the first type can turn into follicles of the second type, and, accordingly, stiff hair of the rod type will already grow from them.

Where does hair normally grow in women?

Where do adult normal women grow rod hair on the body? First of all, such rod hair is presented on the scalp and eyebrows. Associated with the action of androgens, such hair grows in the armpits and on the pubis. The growth of rod hair on the shins and forearms is considered to be unrelated to the effects of male sex hormones. The appearance of the growth of rod hair on other parts of the body can be regarded as hirsutism.

The difference between hirsutism and hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth)

It should be noted that hirsutism must be distinguished from excessive hair growth ( hypertrichosis). Hypertrichosis in contrast to hirsutism, it is characterized by increased growth of vellus hair. This growth of vellus hair is not associated with the action of androgens and may be the result of various metabolic and endocrine disorders (for example, with insufficient thyroid function), taking certain medications (minoxidil and others), and, finally, hereditary and constitutional features. The exception is the so-called idiopathic hirsutism, which is not related to hormonal imbalance. I must say that a slight growth of hair on the upper lip, around the nipples, along the midline of the abdomen from the pubis to the navel or just above the navel, is often noted in endocrinologically healthy women.

The relationship of hirsutism and hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood)
Hirsutism is one of the most persistent and often one of the earliest symptoms of hyperandrogenism.

Hyperandrogenism- This is a state of the body in which there is an increase in the level of concentration of male sex hormones (androgens). That is, the concept of hirsutism is closely related to the concept of hyperandrogenism. Hyperandrogenism is the result of significant disturbances in the complex system of regulation of sexual function, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and adrenal glands.

What can hyperandrogenism lead to?

This condition is usually accompanied by a number of consequences and complications, including, in addition to hirsutism, menstrual irregularities, metabolic disorders, miscarriage, and quite often infertility. The most common cause of non-ovulation in infertile women is hyperandrogenism. Depending on the age at which the factors leading to hyperandrogenism begin to act, various clinical manifestations of the disease develop. These manifestations vary from violation and lengthening of the second phase of the menstrual cycle to chronic absence of ovulation in combination with hirsutism, all kinds of metabolic disorders, miscarriage and infertility. In addition to violations of the sexual and reproductive functions, hyperandrogenism can lead to the development of pathologies of various, non-genital organs. This condition significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer, uterine mucosa (endometrium), diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction.

How common is hirsutism?
Among the adult population, the incidence of hirsutism is 25-30% (with the exception of Asians and residents of northern countries). Hirsutism is not always associated with androgenism. However, the presence of hair growth on the back, shoulders, chest, and upper abdomen may indicate that in this case, hirsutism is accompanied by hyperandrogenism.

The main causes of facial hair in women

Hormones are the main reason.
Since the increased growth of body hair is often accompanied by other skin changes, namely, an increase in its fat content, as well as the appearance of blackheads, pimples and seborrhea, women often turn to a dermatologist or cosmetologist for help. The described skin manifestations are regarded by these specialists as hyperandrogenic dermatopathy. However, many studies show that patients with hyperandrogenism are treated for a long time and often without effect by general practitioners, dermatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, pediatricians and neuropathologists. What is the reason for this state of affairs? It's all about a very large variety of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Types of hormones that cause facial hair in women
The fact is that determining the source of increased androgen production is rather difficult. The situation is complicated by the fact that androgens in the female body are produced by both the ovaries and the adrenal glands. And the hormones produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands have similar clinical effects.

What organs and under what diseases is an excess of hormones formed in hirsutism?

Why does such a failure occur and the ovaries or adrenal glands begin to produce androgens in an increased amount? In other words, what are the main causes of hyperandrogenism? There is a so-called adrenal androgenism and ovarian.

  1. - due to increased synthesis of androgens by the cortical layer of the adrenal glands, which occurs with congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. This state of hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex is observed in the following pathologies:
  • congenital adrenogenital syndrome
  • precocious puberty
  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex
  • hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal cortex
  1. Ovarian hyperandrogenism- due to increased production of androgens in various types of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as well as the synthesis of androgens by hormone-active ovarian tumors.
In addition to ovarian and adrenal androgenism, there are two more types of this pathological condition, which are also associated with increased androgen production. However, the increase in synthetic activity is not due to direct damage to the ovaries or adrenal glands. These types of hyperandrogenism include the following:
  1. Hyperproduction of androgens caused by damage to various central levels of regulation of the reproductive system. Such central regulators of the reproductive system, localized in the brain, include the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Due to damage to the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, such pathological conditions develop as: Itsenko-Cushing's disease, Morgagni-Stuart-Morel syndrome and others.
  2. Hyperandrogenism caused by a violation of the metabolism of male sex hormones in peripheral tissues (skin), as well as a violation of the androgen-hormone receptor interaction in the skin.

What are steroid hormones? Where and from what are steroids synthesized?

For a better understanding of the processes occurring in the body with an excess of androgens, we will consider the general concepts of what androgens are, the mechanism and sites of their synthesis, as well as the biological effects of male sex hormones.
Androgens are steroid hormones. Steroid hormones, in addition to androgens, include estrogens and corticosteroids (adrenal hormones). The main representatives of androgens are testosterone and androstenedione. Steroid hormones are produced by the testicles, ovaries and adrenal glands. These glands have a common embryonic origin. Subsequently, during embryonic development during pregnancy and complex stages of development, each of the mentioned glands (testicles, ovaries, adrenal glands) begins to specialize in the predominant synthesis of one of the types of steroid hormones - estrogens, androgens or corticosteroids. Estrogens and androgens are synthesized from a common precursor for all steroid hormones - cholesterol.

The entire process of formation of each steroid hormone in the whole chain of synthesis is controlled by a strictly defined set of enzymes. Due to this control, differences in the form of the synthesized steroid, which predominate in the ovaries, testicles, adrenal glands, begin to appear already at the stage of development of the gonads (testicles and ovaries) and adrenal glands during embryonic development in the womb.
Both the ovaries and adrenal glands, as well as peripheral tissues, contribute to the production of male sex hormones, producing androgens in various quantitative ratios.

Where and how are androgens formed in ovaries?

The main process of androgen synthesis occurs in the stromal tissue of the ovary, and in the cells of the thecal membrane of the follicles at certain stages of follicle development. Androgens are formed from progesterone, with subsequent transformation into cholesterol. From the androgens themselves, estrogens are synthesized, which enhance the growth of the follicle, and lead to the formation of a dominant follicle. The significance of androgen synthesis by the stromal component of the ovary is especially well manifested during the period of extinction of the menstrual function, when the so-called “cellular” component of the ovaries, a set of follicles at different stages of their development, is reduced.

With hyperplasia of the ovarian stroma or the occurrence of a hormone-forming tumor, testosterone begins to be synthesized in increased quantities.

Where and how are androgens produced in the adrenal glands?

The main adrenal androgens are dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. Adrenal androgens begin to form in the adrenal glands of the fetus during intrauterine development. The site of androgen synthesis is the reticular zone of the adrenal cortex. If before the period of puberty, this zone is poorly developed, then in the period from 5 to 10 years, its intensive development occurs with the production of androgens and the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics (armpit and pubic hair).

What effects do androgens produce on peripheral tissues?

Hormones exert their influence in those places where there are receptors for them. Androgen receptors are present in the structures of the central nervous system, the male reproductive tract, bones, muscles, sebaceous glands of the skin, hair follicles and the mammary gland.

It is believed that testosterone, together with estrogens at the level of the central nervous system, affects sexual desire (libido). Androgens have an effect on the mammary gland that is opposite to the action of estrogens, as a result of which the gland tissue does not develop enough. This picture is observed in women who had an excess of androgens at the beginning of puberty (for example, with hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex).
The influence of androgens leads to an increase in muscle mass, the growth of tubular bones in length, and an increase in bone density.

The target of androgens in women is the skin. As a result of exposure to hair follicles localized on the face and body, delicate vellus hair turns into coarse and coarse, pigmented hair.
As mentioned above, hyperandrogenism is not an independent disease. It is part of a complex of metabolic metabolic disorders, which is inherent in a particular pathological condition. And hirsutism, we repeat, is the most characteristic manifestation of increased production of androgens.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as a cause of hirsutism

The incidence of polycystic ovaries. Clinical symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. The triad of Stein-Leventhal syndrome

Consider the increased production of androgens by the ovaries, since this pathological condition occurs most often in the population compared to other hyperandrogenic syndromes.

The classic manifestation of this pathological condition is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This pathology is quite common in gynecological practice, mostly in women with infertility and menstrual irregularities. The phenomenon of the so-called "cystic degeneration of the ovaries" was noticed as early as 1845. Also at the end of the 19th century, the operation of wedge resection or removal of the ovaries was proposed to reduce the level of androgens produced by them. In 1935, a triad of symptoms was described, including obesity, polycystic ovaries, and lack of ovulation. This triad is called the Stein-Leventhal syndrome. The frequency of this syndrome among women of childbearing age is 3-11%, and among patients with infertility - 18-20%. In women suffering from various menstrual irregularities and having hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome is detected in more than 60% of cases.

Causes and mechanism of development of polycystic ovary syndrome

The basis of this syndrome is the primary lesion of the central structures (hypothalamic-pituitary system) that regulate menstrual function. A connection was found between the onset of the disease and the debut of sexual activity, a change of residence, physical and mental overload, childbirth, abortion, various intoxications - that is, various stressful influences. Violation of the central regulatory mechanisms can occur due to acute or chronic infection, poisoning in periods before and during puberty.

Of great importance is the increased level of androgen secretion several years before the onset of the first menstruation (menarche). Excess adrenal androgens are converted to estrogens, and their increased level eventually stimulates increased production of androgens in the ovaries, the overproduction of which becomes self-sustaining. That is, the so-called vicious circle closes.

The debut of the disease, as a rule, coincides with the onset of menstrual function (menarche) or in the nearest time to it. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) in the vast majority of patients with similar disorders in the system of regulation of sexual function, polycystic changes are detected in the ovaries. On the other hand, many authors attach importance to disorders of fat metabolism (obesity) in the occurrence of cystic changes in the ovaries, since androgens are transformed into estrogens in adipose tissue. And an excess of estrogens produced on the periphery leads to a violation of the hormone-producing function of the ovaries. Additional factors in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome are: increased insulin production and insulin resistance. This means that a significant increase in the amount of androgens occurs during a glucose loading test. An important role in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome is also assigned to defects in specific enzyme systems that ensure the normal synthesis of steroid hormones.

With such types of endocrine pathology as, for example, reduced thyroid function, the development of polycystic ovary syndrome may also occur.

How to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome?

In isolation, neither ultrasound (cystic ovaries according to ultrasound), nor a hormonal study, which determines the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) with the calculation of the LH / FSH ratio, can not be the only criteria for the diagnosis - "polycystic syndrome ovaries." The situation is such that this diagnosis is made much more often than it actually occurs. Criteria for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome are divided into clinical, hormonal, ultrasound and histological.

To clinical symptoms polycystic ovary syndrome should include menstrual irregularities with the absence of ovulation, the presence of hirsutism, an increase in body mass index of more than 25 points.

Ultrasound Criteria(ultrasound criteria) - a decrease in the size of the uterus in combination with an increase in the volume of the ovaries.

Hormonal criteria of this syndrome are as follows - hyperandrogenism (increased concentration of testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone in the blood), an increase in the LH / FSH ratio of more than 2.5, a reduced content of progesterone in the luteal phase (second) of the menstrual cycle.

Histological criteria polycystic ovary syndrome - a study of the state of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity after a separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal reveals atrophic or dysplastic changes in the endometrium, or, on the contrary, endometrial hyperplasia. Pathological criteria are thickening of capillaries in the ovarian tissue, thickening of the ovarian membrane, an abundance of maturing and atretic follicles (after surgical treatment).

Adrenal hyperandrogenism

Forms of adrenal hyperandrogenism

Consider now the increased production of androgens by the adrenal glands.
As a rule, it occurs in congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. This pathology is a hereditary disease and is associated with a congenital defect in the enzyme systems necessary for the synthesis of sex steroid hormones. This defect can be complete or partial. With a complete defect, the body is not viable. With incomplete blocking as a result of interaction in the system of the adrenal glands - hypothalamus - pituitary gland, excessive synthesis of androgens occurs with simultaneous hyperplasia (relatively speaking, an increase in volume) of the adrenal cortex. These violations form the clinical picture of this syndrome.

Distinguish viril, salt-losing and hypertonic forms hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. We will dwell in more detail on the viril form of the syndrome of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Viril form of adrenal hyperandrogenism

This form is diagnosed in 90-95% of cases. The diagnosis can be made immediately after birth after examining the girl's genitals (enlargement of the clitoris, underdevelopment of the labia, and others). However, in 43% of girls, the diagnosis is made with a significant delay. The reason for seeking medical attention in these cases is the manifestation of signs of precocious puberty, usually at the age of 4-5 years. The development of this syndrome at a later date indicates a latent or compensated violation of androgen synthesis. As a rule, the impetus for the manifestation of the disease are stressful effects, neuroinfections, various intoxications, traumatic brain injuries, hormonal stresses (abortions, spontaneous miscarriages), and sometimes childbirth.

There is a hereditary predisposition to congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Signs of aggravated heredity are the presence in the family of undersized women with menstrual dysfunction, infertility, impaired sexual development.

Principles of treatment hyperandrogenism

In the treatment of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, great importance is attached to the correction of endocrine disorders - weight loss and the use of insulin-lowering drugs. In the presence of hyperprolactinemia (increased concentration of prolactin in the blood) - drugs of dopamine agonists, drugs of glucocorticoids and antiandrogens.

First of all, to start the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, it is necessary to normalize body weight. This is the first and key step in the treatment of this pathological condition, since the normalization of body weight will indirectly lead to the normalization of all types of metabolism. When compiling a diet for weight correction, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the maximum calorie content of daily food should not exceed 2000 kcal. Moreover, the ratio of the main nutrients should be as follows: carbohydrates - 50%, proteins - 18%, fats - 32%. Moreover, 2/3 of the fats consumed should be represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6).
In the treatment of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, the main role belongs to hormone replacement therapy. Treatment is most effective if started before the age of 7 years. For this purpose, glucocorticoid preparations are used.

It must be remembered that all issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of hyperandrogenism often lie within the competence of doctors of various specialties (gynecologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, pediatricians), therefore, adequate therapy is the result of a comprehensive balanced approach to solving the diagnostic and therapeutic problem.

Or male pattern hair. All women have hair on the surface of the body and face, but they are usually thin and light. The main feature by which it is possible to distinguish the norm from the deviation is the structure of the hairline. A healthy girl has thin, short, light, soft, fluffy hairs. With hirsutism, coarse dark thick hair begins to grow on the face, arms, legs, as well as the hips, back, and abdomen. Increased hairiness in girls and women, as a rule, is associated with virilization, that is, with excessive activity of androgens and, as a result, the development of male characteristics.

Sometimes girls confuse hirsutism with manifestations, but these conditions are not the same thing. With hirsutism in girls, hair growth increases in places typical for men, but unusual for women: on the face, abdomen. With hypertrichosis, hairiness can increase anywhere on the body, and this process is usually not associated with hormonal disorders.

According to various sources, 5-10% of women have hirsutism. Often, increased hairiness becomes a family trait, so unwanted hair is especially common in girls whose mothers, sisters or other relatives have the same problem. Mediterranean, South Asian, and Middle Eastern women are also more prone to hirsutism due to ethnic differences.

Having excess body hair can make a girl feel inferior and insecure, but it's even worse when hirsutism is combined with hormonal imbalances that can lead to infertility, diabetes, and serious menstrual irregularities.


Excessive growth of coarse dark hair on the face and body of a woman is primarily associated with high levels of androgens (male hormones), including testosterone. The body of every healthy woman produces a small amount of androgens, but some disorders can lead to the fact that the production of male hormones is greatly increased. This can cause active hair growth and problems such as oily skin, acne, enlargement of the genitals.

All of the reasons below can affect how a girl's body produces androgens.

  1. polycystic ovary syndrome
  1. Increased hairiness: which doctor should I contact?

When diagnosing hirsutism, a doctor (gynecologist-endocrinologist) must study in detail the medical history and heredity of the girl, discuss the medications she has taken or is taking in order to determine the cause of the condition. Next, the doctor will most likely order blood tests to measure hormone levels. An ultrasound doctor will perform an ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands to check for tumors or cysts. In addition, an MRI of the brain may be required to rule out the presence of neoplasms.


  • hormone therapy

If a woman is overweight, her doctor will likely suggest shedding it first, as obesity affects how the body makes hormones. Maintaining a healthy body weight can bring androgen levels back to normal without the use of medication.

However, a girl may need medical treatment if excessive hair growth is a symptom of PCOS or adrenal disease. Birth control pills and anti-androgenic drugs can help balance hormones.

  • Antiandrogenic drugs

They can block androgen receptors and reduce the production of male hormones from the adrenal glands and ovaries. The most commonly used drugs that block the effect of testosterone on hair follicles are Spironolactone and Finasteride (blocks 5-alpha reductase).

  • Combined birth control pills, oral contraceptives

Pills (OCs, COCs) that contain estrogen and progesterone can help shrink cysts that occur due to PCOS. Estrogen is also able to reduce the amount of excess hair. These drugs are prescribed as long-term therapy for hirsutism. Improvements come not earlier than in three to six months.

  • Cream for excess hair

Vaniqa® (Vanica, eflornithine, eflornithine) is used to reduce excess facial hair in women. It is applied 2 times a day and works by slowing down the growth of hair follicles and lengthening the intervals between epilation sessions. Vaniqa cream can be combined with other medicines. Typically, facial hair growth in girls slows down after 1 to 2 months. Side effects of eflornithine include skin rash and irritation.

  • Depilation

This is a non-medical way to deal with unwanted hair. These are the same methods that many women use to remove hair on the legs, underarms and in the bikini area.

  • Waxing, shaving and depilators

Removing excess hair with wax, depilatory creams, shaving or sugaring is an effective, affordable and inexpensive method. These tools are easy to use, the result is visible immediately, but it does not last long. In addition, girls with hirsutism tend to have unwanted hair that is thick and coarse. Because of this, after removal, the skin becomes very sensitive and prone to irritation and ingrown hairs.

Removal of increased hairiness with a laser occurs due to damage to the follicles by light rays. Damaged bulbs cannot produce hair, and vegetation that is already present falls out. With the passage of the full course and proper treatment, laser hair removal can provide a stable positive result.

  • Electrolysis

This is hair removal using electric current. It treats each hair follicle individually, so sessions may take longer. Like laser hair removal, electrolysis is an expensive, time-consuming procedure that requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. Some women find these procedures uncomfortable or painful.


Treatment of increased hairiness on the face and body of a girl is a long-term task. Most women with a diagnosed hormonal imbalance respond well to therapy, but hair may regrow if it returns to its original values ​​and goes beyond the normal range.

Depending on the underlying cause and choice of therapy, treatment for hirsutism can be lifelong. Laser hair removal or electrolysis can provide more permanent results than shaving, waxing, sugaring, or depilators. If the cause of excessive hairiness is PCOS or problems with the adrenal glands, the girl may need lifelong treatment.

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