Electrophoresis: home appliance. Electrophoresis - what is this treatment method

Today, one of the most common and effective medical procedures is electrophoresis. Treatment of various neurological, surgical and dental pathologies is carried out with the help of this procedure, which is distinguished by its high tolerability and ease of implementation. Such treatment does not require any special medical skills, so electrophoresis at home can be performed on almost every patient.

Many patients are distrustful of electrophoresis and doubt that such a simple procedure can get rid of severe pathologies and complications. Increasingly, patients are wondering whether such treatment is worth it and whether it will have a negative impact on the state of the whole organism.

Features of the procedure

Medicinal electrophoresis is a specific type of treatment, which is based on the introduction of medications through the patient's skin under the influence of a weak electric current. The apparatus intended for carrying out such a procedure has two types of electrodes, under each of which pads soaked in the drug are placed. Such gaskets can be made from:

  • soft tissue;
  • flannels;
  • filter paper.

From the course of school physics it is known that the ingress of substances into such a solution leads to their decay into charged particles-ions. The effect of electricity on ions causes them to move from one pole of the apparatus to another. It is this mechanism of movement that underlies the work of electrophoresis, that is, the human body conducts electricity through itself. This process is accompanied by the penetration of ions into the tissues to a certain depth and their accumulation at the site of the application of the apparatus for electrophoresis.

In the event that the amount of a substance in the cells and intercellular fluid reaches a high level, the process of distributing the drug through the bloodstream throughout the body begins. Despite the use of current to treat diseases, electrophoresis is a completely safe procedure. This is due to the fact that the special settings of the device allow you to adjust the characteristics of the current and this allows you to avoid the development of unpleasant sensations.

Procedure safety

Electrophoresis is not accompanied by any damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the human body. In addition, there is no danger of infection of patients and penetration into the body of various microorganisms. This is due to the fact that disposable pads are used for electrophoresis, and after each use of the drug, the spent filter paper is discarded and replaced with a new one.

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether exposure to electric current can adversely affect the state of the whole organism. It turns out that the active substance is not subjected to partial destruction in the digestive organs and the possibility of its concentration is completely excluded. This avoids the negative impact of electric current on the state of internal organs and tissues.

Ions are among the most active forms of a substance, therefore even their entry into the body in a small amount allows you to achieve a positive result in the treatment of diseases. A large number of ions avoids the development of side effects, and the method of their removal is completely painless.

All this allows us to rightfully consider electrophoresis one of the safest and most effective medical procedures that you can safely perform on your own. Electrophoresis at home can be carried out under certain conditions:

  • careful study of the material on the features of the procedure;
  • the presence of a portable device;
  • purchase of filter paper or disposable fabric pads;
  • installation of electrodes according to all the rules; self-preparation of solutions according to specific instructions;
  • no contraindications to the procedure;
  • implementation of all recommendations of the attending physician.

Contraindications for the procedure

Many experts call electrophoresis one of the most effective and safe methods of treatment, which allows you to achieve positive results in a short period of time. However, for some types of diseases and complications, treatment in this way will have to be abandoned.

In what cases is the use of electrophoresis contraindicated?

Treatment is not recommended when there are various injuries and damages on the skin at the points of contact with the device. This is due to the fact that the combination of a pad soaked in a medicinal solution and an electric current can provoke the development of an inflammatory process. Electrophoresis is a complete contraindication for skin pathologies such as dermatitis and eczema.

Such drug treatment will have to be abandoned in the case when the patient has inflammatory diseases. A complete contraindication to the behavior of electrophoresis is an increase in body temperature in a patient. Doctors do not advise using electrophoresis when diagnosing such pathologies in the patient's body as:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • malfunctions of the kidneys;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • increased chance of bleeding.

It will be necessary to refuse the use of electrophoresis in the case when the patient suffers from an individual intolerance to electric current or a drug.

It is worthwhile to carry out such a treatment procedure with increased attention during pregnancy, menstruation and in childhood, since many doctors consider such conditions to be contraindications to treatment.

Features of the procedure at home

To achieve a positive result of electrophoresis treatment, five or ten sessions are recommended, and in some cases it may be necessary to perform the procedure with a certain frequency. Electrophoresis at home in this case will be a real solution to the problem, since this procedure does not cause any difficulties and problems.

If there is an instruction or manual for using the device, such treatment can be carried out even without a special medical education. The only thing you need to know is the location of the electrodes and the preparation of the drug solution of the required concentration.

Despite the fact that electrophoresis at home is a simple procedure, it involves the introduction of drugs into the human body. For this reason, it is necessary to start such treatment only after consulting with your doctor. Only he should prescribe the procedure and the active substance, indicating its dosage and duration of treatment. The technique of conducting electrophoresis at home is practically no different from its implementation in medical institutions.

Basic safety during the procedure

Electrophoresis involves the use of an apparatus through which an electric current will pass. For this reason, it is important to follow certain safety rules:

  • it is necessary to purchase a medical device only in a specialized store;
  • the purchased device must be accompanied by instructions;
  • before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully study the rules for using an electrical appliance;
  • the medicinal solution must be prepared immediately before the procedure;
  • with the correct choice of current strength, no discomfort should be observed except for a slight tingling;
  • the duration of the procedure should vary between 15-20 minutes.

Electrophoresis, carried out at home, in its effectiveness is no different from the procedure in a medical institution. The use of such a procedure allows you to get rid of various types of diseases in a fairly short period of time and completely restore the human body. To obtain a quick and positive result, it is important to carry out such treatment only as directed by a doctor and in compliance with all recommendations.

Electrophoresis is a method of physiotherapy, which can be performed not only in a hospital, but also at home. To carry it out, you will need a special apparatus, which can be purchased at any medical equipment store. Due to the effect of electric current on the problem area, there is an anti-inflammatory effect, the effect of drugs is enhanced.

The peculiarity of this method of therapy lies precisely in the current that the device generates. Electrophoresis completely eliminates irritating effects on the skin and mucous membranes. Thanks to specifically directed discharges of current, the medicine gets exactly to a specific area of ​​​​the body. That is, the chemicals contained in the medication bypass organs such as the kidneys and liver, which helps protect them from toxins. This physiotherapy can be prescribed even for the smallest children, but only if there are no contraindications.

To conduct current, liquid solutions are needed, these can be:

  • Distilled water.
  • Saline.
  • Dimexide.
  • Karipazim.
  • Papaverine.

Medicines and other liquid conductors are selected only by the attending physician, depending on the affected area and the degree of inflammation.

To conduct electrophoresis of the skin of the face, it is necessary to use special labile electrodes of various shapes, designed specifically for this technique. They are selected strictly individually, it all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse. To facilitate the passage of current through the skin, a doctor or cosmetologist applies a special gel to the face or a specific area, which makes it easier to move the electrodes over the skin.

One session lasts 10-25 minutes. After such a manipulation, the beautician should moisturize the skin well and enrich it with nutrients by applying a mask or cream.

The course of facial skin therapy depends on the severity of the problem, but generally no more than 10 procedures. If there are sharp problems with the epidermis in the form of dermatitis or other skin diseases, it is worth temporarily stopping electrophoresis.

Therapeutic action

This physiotherapy has the following effects:

  • Actively fights inflammatory processes.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Stabilizes metabolic processes in the body.
  • Increases the pharmacokinetic properties of medications by creating an ionized state.
  • Improves nutritional processes and cell regeneration.
  • Sedative and analgesic.
  • Expands blood vessels.

Electrophoresis is good because medicines enter the body without damage to the skin. Constant incessant electric current helps to activate metabolic processes in cells, rejuvenating and restoring their structure. Due to the small amount of medication applied to the surface of the skin, the risk of adverse reactions is minimized.

Basic apparatus

For home use, the following devices are most often used:

  • Elfor-prof.
  • Stream-1, Stream-2.
  • Elan.
  • Sun.
  • Aesculapius.

These devices are convenient to use due to their compact size and ease of operation. Most often, the surface of the device has a screen with an indicator of time, current supply power and other important functions, for example, a timer that sounds an audible signal when it is finished.

It is possible to select the intensity and duration of the current exposure only after consulting a doctor, with his permission to perform a physiotherapy.

Indications for use of the device

Treatment with electric current has been used for a long time and this approach can cure a person from many diseases, including ENT organs. Medicinal electrophoresis (endonasal and endoaural methods) is widely used for diseases of the ears, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Physiotherapy is prescribed the required number of times, there are no restrictions on its implementation.

Indications from the respiratory system:

  • Asthma is bronchial.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis (acute, chronic).
  • Pleurisy.
  • Tracheitis.

Diseases of the ENT organs:

  • Rhinitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Frontit.

Treatment of otitis with electrophoresis helps to quickly cope with the pathology and prevent relapse. The impact of electric current helps not only to cure the disease itself, but also pathologies in other organs, since the focus of infection can affect the lungs, joints, lead to sepsis or meningitis.

In the acute course of the disease, the electrode is placed in the nose, i.e., endonasal electrophoresis is performed, which has many therapeutic effects (irritates tissues and leads to an increase in their permeability, increases metabolism, creates a prolonged effect). In diseases of the ears, electrophoresis helps to prevent the occurrence of adhesions that lead to the development of hearing loss.


Treatment with ions may have the following contraindications:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • The presence of acute inflammatory and purulent processes.
  • Oncology.
  • Eczema, dermatitis.
  • Bleeding.
  • Allergic reactions to the medications used.
  • Asthma.
  • Heart failure.
  • Damage and trauma to the skin.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Mental illness.

In the event of an acute allergic reaction, the manipulation should be stopped immediately. To avoid such complications, you should carefully study the history and find out if there is any allergy to medications or their components.

With the correct use of a special device, electrophoresis will bring a lot of benefits. In order to know how to use it, you should carefully study the instructions for use and ask a physiotherapist about the correct operation of the device.


If the procedure is performed correctly, side effects are extremely rare and can be expressed in:

  • Allergy to the drug that is being used.
  • Swelling in places where the electrodes were applied.
  • Slight redness of the skin.
  • The appearance of a rash.

After using antigastamines and canceling the procedure, negative manifestations quickly disappear.

Use at home

Electrophoresis can be easily performed at home, for this you should:

  • Buy the apparatus and medications necessary for the manipulation.
  • Listen to instructions from a physiotherapist on how to use the device.
  • Call a nurse at home for a training session.

If an effect on the mucous membranes is required, it is desirable to carry out such manipulation within the walls of the hospital.

Procedure sequence:

  • Take a towel or cloth of a suitable size (under the electrode).
  • Prepare medicine. Some drugs need to be dissolved, dimethyl sulfoxide is suitable for this purpose.
  • During the manipulation, the patient should take a horizontal position, lying on a couch or bed. The area to be treated should be free from clothing.
  • Moisten the tissue in the drug mixture, attach it to the desired area of ​​the body, apply electrodes on top. It is best to place them between strips of fabric.
  • Plug in the device and set it up. The strength of the electric current and its duration are set by the doctor. The session usually takes 20 minutes. The course of therapy is from 5 to 10 sessions.

During the procedure, the patient may experience a slight tingling at the electrode location, but this reaction is normal. You should beware of allergic reactions to the medications used. Also, with prolonged use of electric current at the site of the electrodes, the skin may turn red.

This cosmetic method of facial skin therapy has earned a lot of positive feedback not only from medical institutions, but also from beauty salons. It is worth remembering that there will be no side effects only if there are no contraindications and if the manipulation is carried out correctly. It is for this reason that it is important to consult with your doctor before using the electrophoresis device on your own.

Need advice on choosing a device - call our specialists or leave a "Callback" (see above). We will be happy to answer your questions.

There are such methods of introduction:

  • electrophoresis;
  • Injectable;
  • Oral.

All of these methods have their pros and cons.


With the help of electrophoresis, the administration of drugs is painless for a person, basically, there are never side effects and allergies, the electrotherapeutic effect lasts up to fifteen days, the administration of drugs is carried out precisely in the painful zone of the body and does not enter the intestine, thereby not harming the microflora.

Injection of drugs also does not irritate the stomach, allows you to enter the desired dosage, getting into the bloodstream immediately and has a quick effect.

Oral drug administration is self-administered, without anyone's assistance, and is also a convenient and painless method.


With the help of electrophoresis, not all medications can be administered, and there are also some contraindications.

During the injection, a person feels pain, and is also at risk of developing complications such as thromboembolism.

The oral route is the slowest therapeutic effect, and also has a negative effect on the stomach, intestines and liver.

Electrophoresis treatment is performed using various preparations, the most popular being Potok. Doctors have been using this device for about fifty years. The Flow Analog has digital indicators that show the time of the procedure and the given strength of the electrical impulses. Before the procedure, a mandatory examination by a doctor is required. You should study the medical history and make sure that there are no contraindications for electric shock treatment.

Before starting the procedure, the patient's body is carefully examined, there should not be any wounds, ulcers or suppuration. Initially, electrophoresis pads are soaked in a solvent, and then drugs are applied to them. After that, the pads are applied to the painful areas and electrodes are connected to them.

There are such methods of electrophoresis:

  • Bath. The solution and the required medicine are poured into the prepared container, in which the electrodes are built-in, after which the patient lowers the diseased part of his body into it.
  • Interstitial. Orally or by injection, the patient is given a medicine, and electrodes are attached to the affected area of ​​​​the body. This method is mainly used during respiratory diseases.
  • Strip. During this method, a solution and medicine is injected into the rectum or vagina, then an electrode is inserted there. This method is used for the treatment of the small pelvis.

The device for electrophoresis is a professional device designed for galvanization and electrophoresis in diseases of various etiologies.

Mechanism of action, indications and contraindications

Electrophoresis is most commonly used in dermatology. Initially, the patient either applies the substance to the affected area and then applies electrodes, or the affected skin area is immersed in an electrolyte solution containing the active ingredient.

If the active substance is present in the form of electrically charged particles, it can penetrate the skin into the tissues or blood of the patient more efficiently. The current is applied in the range from 10 to 50 mA. During treatment, it is important to slowly increase the current from 0 to the final value, and after the end of treatment, return it to its previous state in the same way.

The effectiveness of iontophoresis has been studied in several systematic reviews. Meta-analyses showed that iontophoresis in 20% led to the desired result, and in 80% it did not have a significant effect on the body. The published studies of 1993 and 1995 also note that the mechanism of action of iontophoresis at the scientific level has not yet been fully explained.

Description of indications for the use of electrophoresis:

  • excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • warts;
  • degenerative diseases of the joints;
  • myalgia of unknown etiology;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • cellulite;
  • postoperative pain.

The following groups of people should not use electrophoretic devices:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with metal parts in the body or a pacemaker;
  • people with open wounds;
  • people with very sensitive skin.

Pregnant women should not have iontophoresis as it is not well understood and may have unpredictable effects on the baby. If there are metal parts in the body or if there is a pacemaker, iontophoresis therapy should be avoided. Metal parts have a good effect on the flow of electric current in the body.

The effectiveness of magnetic therapy and iontophoresis has not been proven, therefore, if serious symptoms occur, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist. The exact action of iontophoresis has not yet been established.

Model overview

Electrophoresis accelerates the absorption of drugs through the skin into the body. With a pulsed current, electrophoresis is interrupted at certain intervals. With direct current, the patient may experience a tingling sensation during treatment. When using pulsed current, this side effect usually does not occur, so it is recommended for very sensitive patients.

The session takes from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the patient. Up to 5 sessions per week. Patients with severe symptoms may require long-term treatment.


The Elfor electrophoresis apparatus is a portable physiotherapy device that can be used both at home and in medical institutions. The device has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, according to manufacturers, but the effectiveness has not been studied in any clinical study.

"Elfor" generates a constant galvanic current, which, according to the manufacturer's information, improves regional blood circulation, reduces pain and relieves swelling. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 8 to 12 times.

The therapeutic effect directly depends on the drug used. If electrophoresis with procaine is used, a strong local analgesic effect occurs due to the blockade of sodium channels.


  • electrode voltage: no more than 55;
  • current strength: no more than 10 mA;
  • weight: 160 g.

The package includes a reusable rubber electrode, power supply, packaging, warranty card and instruction manual. The average cost is 3200 Russian rubles.


"POTOK-1" is a portable electrophoretic device, which is used mainly in rehabilitation institutions. The device can be combined with other physiotherapy procedures.


  • weight: 2.5 kg;
  • voltage: 220V;
  • maximum current: no more than 50 mA.

The package includes carbon or lead electrodes, power supply, 2-year warranty, rubber bandage, certificate and instruction manual. The average cost of the device is 20,000 rubles.


"Refton-01-FS" is a multifunctional device that combines 5 physiotherapeutic functions: electrophoresis, diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy, electrical stimulation, fluctuorization. The device is used in medical institutions, as well as in outpatient settings. Therapy can be done at the patient's bedside or at home.


  • voltage: 220V;
  • frequency: 50 Hz;
  • operating time: 9-10 hours;
  • the function of automatic shutdown of the "current" after the procedure;
  • current adjustment from 0 to the maximum required values;
  • LCD display;
  • weight: 1.5-2 kg.

The package includes a power supply unit, warranty card, instructions for using the device, packaging, technical data sheet and rubber electrodes.


"Radius-01" is a portable single-channel physiotherapy device that combines 4 physiotherapy methods: amplipulse therapy, diadynamic therapy, galvanization and drug electrophoresis. "Radius-01" is used in sanatoriums, dentistry, cosmetology, as well as at home. Sometimes the device is used in sports medicine. The patient or operator (medical specialist) can program the main parameters of the procedures.


  • timer function;
  • automatic power off;
  • LCD display with backlight;
  • operating time: 9 hours;
  • warranty: 1 year;
  • weight: about 2500 g;
  • current: up to 80 milliamps.

The package includes a network cable, warranty document, technical data sheet, disposable electrodes and instructions for use. The average cost of a therapeutic device is 30,000 rubles.


Nevoton AK-201 is a portable physiotherapy device that combines 3 cosmetic functions: iontophoresis, lifting and disincrustation. The device is used both in outpatient settings and in spa salons to improve skin elasticity, moisturize, eliminate excess oil and acne. The effectiveness of the cosmetic device has not been proven in clinical trials. It is not recommended to use the device as a remedy for dermatological disorders.

Basic specifications:

  • voltage on the electrode: no more than 42 V;
  • pulse duration: 1000 µs;
  • weight: no more than 150 g;
  • power supply: 220 V, 50 Hz.

The package includes a network cable, 3 wipes, user manual, 2-year warranty, packaging, rubber electrodes. The average market value of Nevoton is 3,000 rubles.


"ERETON" is an electrophoretic device designed for the treatment of urological diseases of various etiologies. The device combines four procedures: iontophoresis, microvibration, permanent magnetotherapy and pulsed electrotherapy. The device can be used both at home and in stationary conditions.


  • voltage: 220 V, 50 Hz;
  • oscillation frequency: from 130 to 200 Hz;
  • weight: no more than 90 g.

The package of the physiotherapeutic medical device includes a power supply, a probe, an electrode, a battery and an instruction manual. Average cost: 400 rubles.

The final cost of physiotherapy devices is recommended to be checked with the retailer. The price of devices can vary greatly. The above price is not final.

The course of the procedure

One treatment session lasts an average of 10 to 15 minutes. Before the procedure, the electrodes are covered with a special mesh to avoid direct contact with the skin. Bathtubs are three to four inches high and filled with tap water. To achieve the desired medical effect, treatment should be carried out regularly at least three times a week. As a rule, one session per week is sufficient. Since supportive care must be continued continuously, a home device for the patient is recommended. Before treatment, the relevant areas of the skin must be disinfected (just wash with plain soap).

Before treatment with iontophoresis, metal objects in the area of ​​treated skin (bracelets, rings) must be removed. Epithelial defects should be covered with Vaseline to protect them from excessive current density. The water must not deionize. It is not recommended to add other additives to the liquid, otherwise the effectiveness of the procedure can be significantly reduced.

After each treatment, it is important to thoroughly disinfect baths and electrodes. The rest of the ointment must be removed. For reasons of hygiene, isolation nets should only be used on one patient. During therapy, the use of creams and oils should be avoided.

Side effects

Electric current is not harmful to the body. In some cases, electrical skin lesions may occur, which disappear after a certain time - 2-3 weeks. However, with careful and proper use, adverse reactions do not occur.

In extreme cases, severe pain and blisters all over the body bother. This can be prevented by careful monitoring of the skin during treatment. Some patients experience a slight tingling or burning sensation in the area of ​​the procedure, but the symptoms usually disappear spontaneously. Immediately after treatment, the affected areas of the skin may be red. With very strong redness, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory ointments.

In the worst case, specific areas of the epithelium can be damaged by chemicals. Any chemical burns must be reported to the physician to prevent further complications.

Long and frequent electrophoresis increases the likelihood of dangerous dermatological damage. The procedure is recommended to be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physiotherapist or medical specialist. Independent and incorrect use can lead to serious and unpredictable consequences.

Electrophoresis at home - useful tips

Electrophoresis (otherwise called electrotherapy or ionotherapy) is one of the methods of physiotherapeutic treatment based on the complex effect on the human body of direct current of low strength and voltage and medicines.

The principle of operation of drug electrophoresis

The effect of this procedure is that drugs are applied externally, and under the influence of an electric field, the active substances in the composition of the drug dissociate, that is, they are divided into ions and begin to move through the human body from one electrode to another.

This procedure has an expanding effect on blood vessels and lymphatic ducts, activates metabolic processes, stimulates the production of biologically active substances with immunomodulatory properties.

Also, as a result of electrophoresis, excess fluid is removed from the body, inflammation and pain are reduced.

Therapeutic effects and advantages over other forms of drug use

The advantages of electrophoresis as an invasive treatment method are the following:

  • delivery of active substances in the most active form directly to the affected areas and ensuring their maximum concentration without entering the blood and lymphatic ducts;
  • the introduction of drugs by the method of galvanization ensures their long-term effect;
  • during the physiotherapy, the minimum dose of the drug enters the body;
  • drugs are introduced into the body through the skin and mucous membranes, which eliminates the harmful effects on the digestive system and the destruction of active substances in the stomach cavity;
  • reflex effect of electric current;
  • a slight effect of the drug on the body as a whole, a decrease in the number of side effects;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • no need for sterilization of drugs and equipment.

What diseases is electrophoresis effective for?

Electrophoresis is one of the most popular physiotherapy procedures, as it produces a good therapeutic effect in diseases of various systems of the human body.

Neurological diseases

Migraine headaches, neurotic phenomena, inflammation of the organs of the peripheral nervous system and other organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Surgical diseases

Scars and adhesions in tissues, burns, etc.

Dermatological diseases

Seborrhea, acne on the skin and their consequences.

Rheumatological, orthopedic diseases

Diseases of the joints, which are the consequences of injuries, inflammation of the organs of movement, etc.

Dental diseases

Inflammation in the oral cavity (etc.), dental fluorosis.

Gynecological diseases

Inflammation of a chronic nature, adhesions, erosion of the cervix, increased uterine tone or impaired placental circulation in pregnant women (in the absence of individual contraindications).

Urological diseases

Inflammation of the excretory organs, adhesions.

Children's diseases

Consequences of birth injuries (dislocations or stiffness, etc.), acute respiratory diseases, etc.

Video: How to do electrophoresis yourself

Electrophoresis techniques

Techniques The galvanic technique is represented by two main varieties:

  1. long-acting galvanization, based on long-term (twenty-thirty procedures) application of a low current, producing a calming effect, relieving pain;
  2. labile galvanization, suggesting a fixed fixation of one electrode and a mobile state of the second, quickly moving along the skin surface, enhancing metabolic processes, improving blood circulation.

The bath technique involves immersing a part of the patient's body in a special container with a solution of the drug and mounted electrodes.

The cavity technique is based on the introduction of a drug and one electrode into the cavity of the rectum or vagina, with the second electrode fixed outside the pelvic region.

Interstitial requires intravenous (drip or jet) administration or oral administration of the drug and the application of electrodes to the area of ​​the disease.

Solutions for electrophoresis


Eliminates pain, reduces muscle tone in gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the organs of vision.


Promotes scarring of damaged collagen fibers, softens the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs, reduces inflammation in osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, arthritis.


It has an anti-allergic effect, stops bleeding, reduces inflammation in lesions of the musculoskeletal system, bleeding disorders, allergies, etc.


It has an antispasmodic effect, improves blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, eliminates bronchospasm in asthma, hypertension, disorders of cerebral and renal circulation, osteochondrosis, etc.

Vitamin B1

Reduces inflammation, pain, allergies, paresis, diseases of the digestive organs, skin diseases (etc.).



Eliminates spasm, lowers the tone of muscle tissue, dilates blood vessels and reduces pressure during spasms of the bronchi, urinary tract.

Ampicillin: destroys pathogens of infectious diseases of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems, skin, as well as otitis, sinusitis.

A nicotinic acid

It improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, angina pectoris, wounds, ulcers, spasms, etc.

Conducting electrophoresis at home

Electrophoresis treatment can be carried out at home by buying a special device at a pharmacy and consulting a doctor.

Electrophoresis is carried out at home for the treatment of young children, bedridden patients. It is not recommended to do electrophoresis at home if exposure to mucous membranes is required.

Brief instruction

The first two or three procedures are best performed under the supervision of a nurse, then carry out treatment, strictly adhering to the instructions for the purchased device.

Using the device is not difficult:

  • moisten a clean (preferably sterile) cloth (flannel, gauze) folded in several layers with a solution of the medicine;
  • put on the skin;
  • an electrode is attached from above;
  • connect it to the device and carry out the procedure according to the instructions.

Electrophoresis devices for home use

For home electrotherapy, models with different physiotherapeutic functions are produced and sold at affordable prices:

  • "Elfor";
  • "MAG-30";
  • "Flow";
  • "Sun";
  • "Elan";
  • "MIT (EF1, EF2)";
  • "Esculapius" and others.

The Elfor device is a device with several functions for home use registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It is used for pain, bruises, sprains, inflammatory processes

"Elfor" is used to treat bedridden patients or patients with restrictions on motor activity, as well as the treatment of young children.

Due to its small size and weight, the device can be used on the road, when moving, on trips to sports competitions.

  1. arthrosis;
  2. arthritis;
  3. soft tissue damage;
  4. dislocations;
  5. stretching;
  6. dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system (osteochondrosis, neuralgia, radiculitis, etc.);
  7. diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, etc.);
  8. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  9. inflammation of the respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma).

"Elfor" is used for galvanization and electrophoresis.

The function of galvanization allows you to enhance the biosynthesis of vital substances in the body, improve the blood supply to organs and tissues, and also reduce inflammation and pain.

The function of electrophoresis, due to the complex effect of electric current and drugs in small doses in the form of solutions (analgin, papaverine, caripazim, fermenkol, therapeutic mud, etc.), provides a noticeable therapeutic effect.


Electrophoresis is not prescribed for:

  • fever
  • acute processes accompanied by suppuration;
  • when ;
  • at ;
  • low levels of blood clotting.


The effectiveness of electrophoresis and its preventive properties increase with complex use in parallel with other physiotherapy (, ultrasound treatment, laser therapy, etc.).

Video: Electrophoresis

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