The dog does not drink water: why is it bad. Dog drinks little or no water at all

Dogs cannot notify the owner that their health has deteriorated. But it is still possible to notice a number of signs that signal that certain violations occur in the animal's body. The dog sometimes gives alarming signs, and consciously. One of these will be the rejection of water.

Root causes of failure

Every four-legged pet must systematically drink liquid. Water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Without it, the work of many systems is disrupted. Therefore, the refusal of water should alert the owner. Fluid deficiency threatens dehydration. This entails a number of serious health problems. Appetite worsens, the dog becomes lethargic, her eyes sink. In this case, it is advisable to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Sometimes failure has nothing to do with abnormalities in the body. But the root cause of this behavior still needs to be eliminated. The water in the dog's bowl should be fresh. It must not be allowed to stagnate. It is best to use filtered water.

It is important to pay attention directly to the dishes. Because of its change, the animal may stop drinking water. Dogs quickly get used to things. And changing the bowl for them can be a reason to refuse water. Dishes are uncomfortable, located too low or, conversely, high. And sometimes the animal simply consumes a lot of foods containing liquid. Then he will not want to drink additional water.


If the owner notices that the dog does not drink water for a long time, then it is necessary to examine its oral cavity. Sometimes pathological processes, such as inflammation of the gums or the presence of ulcers, prevent the dog from drinking.

You can roughly calculate how much water an animal needs per day. To do this, multiply twenty and seventy by the dog's body weight. For example, if a dog weighs ten kilograms, then every day she needs to drink from two hundred to seven hundred milliliters of water. Of course, everything is individual. It is necessary to take into account both humidity and air temperature, take into account the activity of the animal and the characteristics of its body.

The time of year also plays an important role. In winter, dogs drink less water, in summer - more. With great physical exertion, animals can drink up to two liters of water. If the dog eats liquid cereals, sour-milk products and soups, then she will need less liquid. In winter, the animal may not drink water and feel great. But if the pet's diet is made up exclusively of dry foods, then water is needed regularly.

Reasons for not drinking can be physiological or psychological. Among the latter is dirty water. It needs to be changed immediately. But if the dog still does not approach the bowl, then the matter is in the dishes. Perhaps the four-legged friend does not like her smell.

Among the physiological causes are infectious diseases, kidney diseases, pregnancy, chronic diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, somatic diseases, and old age.

Before finding out the root cause of the refusal, it is necessary to force the animal to drink water. For example, soak dry food in water, or put your favorite treat in a bowl of liquid. Some owners in such cases buy a drinking fountain. Dogs are curious creatures. Such a cunning unit will undoubtedly interest the animal.

If the methods described above are ineffective, then you will have to use a syringe from which you will need to drink the pet.

It does not hurt to measure the dog's body temperature. The presence of a high temperature is a sign of a viral infection in the body. In this case, the qualified help of a veterinarian is necessary. The dog will be prescribed tests and will identify the disease. Then the necessary treatment will be prescribed. It is important to contact the veterinarian in a timely manner.

Sometimes the dog's tests are normal, but she still does not want to drink water. Then you need to follow the animal during the day. Probably, it has found for itself another source of thirst quenching.

The water in the bowl needs to be changed after the animal drank after eating. Once a day, the bowl should be thoroughly washed without using household chemicals.

You can’t start atypical behavior of a pet, because often it can indicate violations in the dog’s body.

A dog needs to consume a certain amount of fluid every day, since water is at the heart of all biological processes: digestion, blood circulation, and the removal of harmful substances.

If your dog doesn't drink enough, they become dehydrated, which can lead to serious health problems.

When dehydrated, a dog loses its appetite, becomes lethargic, and has sunken eyes. These warning signs should make you seek urgent veterinary help.

How much should a dog drink?

To determine whether a dog drinks enough water per day, you need to multiply 20 and 70 mg by its weight. So, a dog weighing 20 kilograms per day should drink from 400 to 1400 milliliters of fluid. This difference depends on various factors:

  • air temperature and humidity,
  • animal exercise,
  • his individual characteristics.

For example, in winter he can drink a little less, in summer, especially during physical exertion - up to two liters. If the dog eats ready-made canned food or natural food: liquid porridge, kefir, broth, then she will need less pure water. And in winter, such a dog may not drink water at all and feel great. When you must drink for sure.

Why doesn't my dog ​​drink enough?

The reasons for this behavior can be both psychological and physiological. The first is dirty water. Some dogs do not want to drink water that has leftover food floating in it. Also, the dog may not like the smell of water from a bowl that has been washed with a strong-smelling detergent.

Physiological reasons for not drinking water include:

  1. inflammation in the mouth
  2. infectious diseases
  3. kidney disease, which is accompanied by edema,
  4. launched,
  5. pregnant women, as well as older dogs, can drink less.

What to do if the dog does not drink enough? Important Rules

  • The dog should always have access to clean water.
  • Water should be changed frequently, especially immediately after the dog has drunk after eating.
  • The bowl should be washed every day, but without the use of detergents.

If the dog’s menu didn’t change, and she suddenly began to drink less, you should first check if there are inflammations in her mouth, if not. The situation becomes especially dangerous if, against this background, the dog has vomiting or diarrhea. This means that the body is rapidly dehydrated and to save it, it is necessary

Very often, owners of four-legged dogs are faced with the fact that the dog does not drink water. Such a sign may be a clear cause of illness or poor condition of the pet. An alarm bell, which may indicate a possible illness, at this time it is very important to take care and visit a veterinarian.

Reasons why a dog does not drink water

There are many reasons why a dog may stop drinking water. Namely:

  • Dirty water in a bowl. Some dogs sense stale water and may refuse to drink it. Every day you need to change the container with water, pouring fresh. It is advisable to rinse the bowl well. In the summer, clean water should be poured every 3-4 hours.
  • Some animals may not like the utensils they drink from. They may smell unpleasant odors or odors from detergents.
  • Various injuries of the oral cavity in an animal. Due to discomfort when drinking, the dog may refuse water.
  • Incorrect nutrition. Often, pets refuse because of the intake of dry food, which may not be selected according to the breed of the animal.
  • Various viral diseases. In these cases, the pet may refuse to drink and eat, due to increased temperature.
  • Various diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, malignant tumors.

Specialists also talk about a separate category, namely, pregnant and old dogs. They may also refuse to drink water.

From this we can conclude that there are minor causes that can be eliminated very quickly, and there are hidden serious diseases that can cause poor health and refusal of water. For any symptoms, it is best to observe the four-legged seek the advice of a doctor.

The dog stopped drinking water - why is it bad

If you have figured out why your dog is refusing water, you should also be familiar with what it can turn into. After all, keeping the water balance normal is the key to a healthy body.
If your four-legged friend is dehydrated, it can cause loss of appetite, lethargy, and a severe decline in activity. These symptoms should be the reason for going to the veterinarian.

Important! The dog must drink a certain amount of liquid, according to a certain formula. For each individual, the norm is different, depending on the weight and breed of the animal.

This formula is very simple. Namely: 20-70 mg of liquid per 1 kilogram of the animal. And if your pet weighs about 10 kg, then the daily fluid intake is about 200-700 ml.
At the same time, in summer and winter, the amount of water you drink may differ. In the summer, a pet can drink two or three times as much liquid.

As for humans, for an animal a small amount of water in the body can cause many diseases and poor health. You need to keep a close eye on how much fluid your animal drinks throughout the day.

If the puppy does not drink water

Every animal must have constant access to water. You should always make sure that the water is clean and there is enough of it. In this case, the bowl must be washed with antibacterial agents and thoroughly wiped with a napkin.

For puppies, this rule also applies, especially for those who feed the animal with dry ready-made food. Eating food, the dog wants to drink a lot, so the water should always be clean and in plenty. If the puppy suddenly stopped drinking water, or began to noticeably drink less of it, then this may indicate the presence of various diseases. In such cases, you need to contact your veterinarian.
The main reasons for the refusal of a puppy from water are considered to be:

  1. Poisoning
  2. The ingress of various small objects into the body of an animal
  3. infections
  4. Difficulty passing the intestines
  5. Diseases of the internal organs.

If there was a refusal of water, you need to remember whether the puppy could have swallowed something on the street or at home, look at the room, perhaps the puppy had access to medicines or chemicals. In such cases, poisoning is the reason for refusing to drink water.
In this case, it is worth carefully examining the puppy for other possible symptoms, such as:

  • lack of appetite;
  • severe lethargy;
  • The puppy's eyes may be slightly reddened.

What should an owner do

To avoid dehydration, do not allow a long-term refusal of liquid in an animal, carefully examine and take it to a veterinarian.
If dehydration occurs, do not pour water into the puppy, this can cause vomiting. In such cases, the puppy should be placed on a drip with saline, or inject liquid directly under the withers. Such procedures should be carried out only by a doctor. Do such procedures in an extreme degree of dehydration.

If there is no way to quickly contact the veterinarian, you can use some ways to alleviate the condition of the animal: put the puppy in a cool place, but avoid drafts. This will delay the strong overheating of the body. Often moisten the oral cavity - moisturizing the mucosa will improve the condition.

Carefully monitor the puppy's diet, as well as what may interest him. Any entry of foreign bodies into the body is fraught with serious consequences. If you have problems with your pet's refusal of water, do not self-medicate!

Water for a dog is the key to health

To avoid health problems, the dog should drink a daily amount of water. In this case, the diet should be balanced. If the dog eats dry food, you need to additionally use fermented milk products and various fruits and vegetables.

Many owners wonder how to get a dog to drink water. In fact, there are only some tips that may attract the animal and want to drink water.
If the dog is sick, you can inject water with a syringe into the throat, in small doses. For healthy individuals, it is important to observe the correct mode of activity.

Physical activity and frequent walking in the fresh air will provoke the animal to drink a lot. To do this, you can use various portable drinkers and give water on walks. In the summer, this condition is mandatory for morning and evening walks, especially in hot weather.

At home, you can put a few frozen berries in the dog's bowl, which will attract the animal and the dog will involuntarily drink water. In modern pet stores there are special drinking fountains. Such a device attracts the animal, and because of the interest, the dog will drink enough water per day.

For those who cannot use liquid food in the animal's diet, it is recommended to soak dry food for 20-30 minutes before giving it to the dog. At the same time, food should be available only after walking.

If you notice that the animal is refusing water, it may mean that the bladder is full. The long stay of the animal in the house and rare walking can be the reasons for the refusal of water. You also need to follow the rule when the water container is in the same place all the time. The dog must be sure that at any time he can go for a drink. Animals that are outside should also have a container with a drink near the booth.

Important! In the hot season, you can throw a few ice cubes into a bowl of water, so the water will be cool, and the dog will be able to tolerate the increase in temperature more easily. No need to put a bowl of water in direct sunlight, dogs do not like to drink warm water.

Brief summary

If these methods fail to attract the animal to the water bowl, you can try to change the drinking bowl, different shapes and colors will arouse more interest in the animal.
If the dog stopped drinking water, this may indicate various diseases. You can independently examine the animal for various symptoms and consult a veterinarian. If there are no obvious symptoms of the disease, you can resort to various methods that will interest the dog and she will restore the water balance.

You should not use force and force an animal to drink. It is better to use tricks with an ice cube or a bowl change. At the same time, you should not let your dog drink water from a puddle on a walk, but it is better to use drinking bowls with clean water.
The normal balance of water in the body is very important for both the puppy and the adult dog. In addition, you need to visit the veterinarian regularly to avoid unpleasant situations and diseases.

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In the article I will talk about the reasons why dogs refuse to drink and eat. I will describe the dangers associated with insufficient food and fluid intake, the reasons why he does not drink water and what to do even if the nose is cold. Why the dog is lethargic and lies, has no appetite, is constantly sad and how to treat. I will explain when it is necessary to contact the veterinarian. I will give the norms of water consumption and how much to drink for the animal.

Water is a chemical element necessary and indispensable for the health and functioning of a living organism. Participates in all life processes: structure, development, metabolism, removal of toxins, etc.

Reasons why the dog began to refuse food and water

There are many reasons why an animal may suddenly stop drinking.

It should be noted that small dogs, in particular puppies, are more fragile and more susceptible to environmental influences.

Immunity in small dogs is weaker than in adults and large counterparts, interruptions in health and well-being occur more often.

The lack of water and nutrients in the body at the same time has the strongest effect.

Fluid intake for an animal

The daily rate of water intake for a dog depends on its weight, physical activity and time of year.

With a fairly active lifestyle in normal, not hot weather, 20-70 ml of pure water per day should be 20-70 ml of pure water per 1 kg of body weight of the dog.

In the case when the dog is subjected to intensive training, is in a hot climate or is ill with an increase in body temperature, the volume of fluid should be increased by two to three times.

The daily water intake does not include liquid food and other drinks, except for clean drinking water.

The animal needs to consume a certain amount of fluid every day.

Dangers associated with refusal to eat and drink

Exhaustion and dehydration are dangerous conditions for the health and life of animals.

The effect on the body is as follows:

  • intracellular and intercellular fluid decreases;
  • blood viscosity increases;
  • irreversible changes occur in the brain;
  • the process of removing toxins (waste products) from the body is disrupted;
  • immunity decreases;
  • metabolism is disturbed;
  • the nutrition of cells and tissues deteriorates;
  • the heart rate increases;
  • breathing quickens;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the activity of all organs and systems of the body is disrupted.

If the reason is related to health, then you need to show the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Signs of exhaustion and disease

In order to solve the problem of refusing to eat and drink a dog, it is necessary to establish the cause.

To begin with, it is advisable to try to do it yourself. First of all, check the quality of the water in the bowl and the material of the dishes from which the dog drinks. Dog food should always be fresh, clean and at room temperature. It is desirable to use dishes made of ceramics. Rinse thoroughly after washing with detergents.

If this is not the reason and there are symptoms of the dog not feeling well, illness, exhaustion, you should contact the veterinary clinic for advice. An experienced specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment for the dog. In the hospital, the pet will be given a dropper with glucose and saline, which will significantly improve the situation and give the animal strength.

Dehydration of the body leads to disruption of the work of all organ systems, the accumulation of toxins and other serious consequences.

It is impossible to postpone the solution of such a problem and let the situation take its course.

Exhaustion of the body can become poisoning, dehydration and a general deterioration in well-being during forced soldering can lead to vomiting. Which in turn will only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, do not pour water into it against the will of the dog.

When dehydrated, the dog loses appetite, becomes lethargic, her eyes sink

When to Go to the Doctor

Dogs cannot explain and show a person what and where they hurt, so each owner must be attentive to his four-legged friend.

It is necessary to be able to recognize by external signs that the pet needs help.

If the symptoms of the disease are bright, and you can’t help the dog on your own, do not postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

When do you need specialist help:

  • the dog does not drink or eat for a long time;
  • the dog becomes weak, sleeps a lot, is apathetic and lethargic;
  • refuses to go for a walk;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the animal loses weight;
  • convulsions appeared;
  • no urination and defecation for more than a day.

The reasons for such behavior are both psychological and physiological.

In the article, I talked about the reasons why dogs refuse to drink and eat. Described the dangers associated with inadequate intake of food and fluids. Explained when it is necessary to contact the veterinarian. Brought the norms of water consumption for the animal.

Polydipsia in dogs is a phenomenon expressed in the fact that the animal absorbs water in large quantities, significantly exceeding the body's daily need for fluid. Sometimes a similar phenomenon may be due to the fact that the female is in a state of pregnancy or during the feeding period, but in most cases, if she began to drink a lot of water, then this is a sign that pathogenic processes are taking place in her body. Therefore, the owner must be attentive to such a phenomenon, and if the dog's thirst becomes completely uncontrollable, he is obliged to take him to the veterinarian for an examination. The article will discuss the factors that influence why a dog drinks so much, the "background" diseases associated with this phenomenon, as well as treatment methods.

Naturally, if a dog drinks a lot of water, then this is not always associated with any ailments. It is necessary to consider such a symptom in a complex manner, taking into account all the reasons that can cause abnormal thirst in an animal. You do not need to take your dog to the veterinarian if thirst is provoked by factors such as:

  • active physical activity that the dog is exposed to during walking;
  • the dog’s menu has a lot of spicy and salty foods;
  • hot season, high temperature in the immediate place of residence of the dog;
  • the effect of pharmaceuticals prescribed to the animal;
  • dog treatment for worms and fleas.

The owner must be aware that if the dog, in order to maintain normal life, requires a lot of water, but at the same time he does not have free access to a drinker, then dehydration of the body is possible. Vivid symptoms of the development of such a malicious process are:

  • rapid breathing;
  • saliva becomes viscous, thick;
  • lethargy, desire to lie in a cool, shady place;
  • the dog's tongue dries up.

In advanced cases, dehydration in a dog is expressed in the fact that the pet stops getting up and vomits a lot. If prompt assistance is not provided to him, he will die. On the other hand, experts assure that if there are 1-2 symptoms and there is no vomiting, the problem can be dealt with at home.

Treating a dog is quite simple, give him a tablespoon of water every 10 minutes. When the condition is normalized, it is permissible to put a drinker next to the animal, but make sure that it does not lean heavily on the water, this can provoke vomiting and re-hydration. Dehydration, in the case when a puppy has been exposed to it, is best treated in a veterinary clinic, under the supervision of a veterinarian, since the risk of complications of the symptom is too great.

Diseases that cause thirst

Owners wondering why a dog drinks a lot of water but eats little or nothing should know that there is a 90% chance of having a disease. Sometimes the cause of this is taking alcohol-based drugs, but most often the root of the problem lies at the beginning of the course of pathogenic processes. Uncontrolled thirst indicates that the dog has dangerous diseases, each of which will be discussed below.

kidney disease

With kidney dysfunction, the dog drinks a lot of water and urinates. Renal failure, expressed in an acute form, can lead the animal to dehydration in just a day. However, in an older dog that is drinking heavily and frequently urinates, this symptom is indicative of chronic renal failure. This point is important to consider when making a diagnosis.

With the help of active urination, in veterinary medicine this phenomenon in dogs is called polyuria, the kidneys remove waste products from the body that occur during the metabolic process. In case of disease of these important organs, harmful toxins begin to accumulate in the body of the dog. That is why the pet actively drinks liquids in order to urinate frequently and thereby eliminate the toxic waste products of metabolism. However, in reality, this does not solve the problem that has arisen, but only exacerbates it. In advanced cases, pathology can lead the animal to death.


Another major reason why a dog drinks a lot of water is diabetes. The disease occurs due to the fact that the dog's pancreas undergoes destructive processes and ceases to produce such an important protein hormone for the body as insulin. It is with the help of it that carbohydrate metabolism is carried out.

Diagnosis of pathology is possible only in a veterinary clinic. The main procedure to differentiate the diagnosis is a general and biochemical blood test. There are no clear symptoms of this formidable disease, the only sign is frequent drinking of water. In older individuals, blindness sometimes acts as an aggravating symptom.

Cushing's disease

Veterinarians call this disease hyperadrenocorticism. Its course is due to the fact that the level of cortisol in the dog's body increases significantly. It occurs due to injuries to the adrenal glands and pituitary gland, or the growth of abnormal tissues in them. In healthy dogs, cortisol levels are consistently low and rise only in stressful situations.

In the presence of pathology, it is intensively released into the bloodstream, leading to an increase in glucose production, which provokes the animals to actively drink the liquid. Additional signs include: hair loss, frequent urination, apathy, and nocturia (need to urinate at night).

Behavioral deviations

This includes such an ailment as psychogenic polydipsia. It is formed against the background of experienced dehydration in a dog, or in a puppy who has recently stopped drinking mother's milk. The disease is difficult to treat and requires the intervention of a qualified veterinary neurologist who is able to develop an effective therapeutic regimen for influencing a sick animal.

Serious diseases, against the background of which it may manifest that the pet has uncontrolled thirst, include various poisonings, urolithiasis, pyometra (inflammation of the uterus with purulent etiology) and an ulcer in the open stage. The common symptomatology for all these pathological conditions is that the pet drinks a lot of water, runs around peeing profusely, vomits heavily, and breathes heavily. Signs vary depending on the factors that triggered the disease. If the thirst does not stop within 1-2 days, then the pet should be urgently taken to the doctor for an examination.

Treatment of the disease

Polydipsia from heat stroke in the summer is eliminated in a dog quite easily and at home. It is enough to move the animal to a dark, cool place and leave it to lie down there. Additionally, you can wrap your pet in a damp cloth, this will significantly alleviate the general condition of the dog.

If the owner noticed that the dog began to actively lean on the water, then you should remember if he has recently taken drugs that contain alcohol. If there are children in the family, see if they feed the dog with excessively spicy or salty foods. When the fears are confirmed, then try to balance the diet of the animal. Give him special food for 2-3 days, and the thirst will pass.

Uncontrolled absorption of fluid, lasting a week, requires a more serious attitude. The pet will have to be hospitalized. In the veterinary clinic, the doctor will conduct all the necessary diagnostic procedures for him to establish the exact pathogenesis of the phenomenon. So the analysis of the blood fluid is able to show:

  • with kidney dysfunction - high levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine;
  • in diabetes mellitus - an excess of glucose;
  • with hyperadrenocorticism - a reduced level of urea nitrogen and an increased value of serum phosphatase.

When it turns out that painful changes are found in the blood, an additional study will be required using ultrasound and x-rays. In some cases, the use of a biopsy is justified. Based on the data received, the doctor will provide appropriate therapy, which will allow the pet to quickly “get back on its feet”.

Finally, I would like to say that preventive measures in the case of polydipsia are quite simple. The owner should take the pet for examination to the veterinarian at least once a month, make sure that its physical activity is normalized and prevent the animal from overheating in the summer on the street, and in winter at home. Strong thirst is not the most dangerous symptom of all, but it should not be ignored.

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