Lentil properties and contraindications. Lentils are the empress of all legumes. Health Benefits of Lentils

Lentils is high protein product the legume family. It grows in pods and comes in several varieties: red, brown, black and green. Essentially, the varieties do not differ in their useful properties. Lentils cook quickly and easily. And the low cost makes it an affordable form highly quality protein for many people.

Lentil beans contain fiber and are the number 1 food in terms of fiber content. It ranks second in the world in terms of vitamin B9 content ( folic acid). This leguminous plant is the oldest agricultural crop. It is grown for human consumption or animal feed.

Lentils have a high nutritional value and is extremely beneficial to the health of the body. Numerous studies have shown that increasing consumption herbal products, similar to lentils, helps reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease. Lentils give a healthy complexion and hair, increase energy and reduce weight.

1. Helps lower cholesterol.
Cholesterol promotes the formation of bile acids that enter the intestines. Because of bile acids cannot be disposed of, they turn back into cholesterol and clog veins and arteries. Fiber can remove bile from the body, it absorbs bile like a sponge and utilizes it. Due to the fact that lentils are a rich source of fiber, they help reduce blood cholesterol levels. And its reduction, in turn, leads to a decrease in the risk of heart disease and the likelihood of a stroke.

2. Lentils can relieve heart disease.
As mentioned above, due to the fiber contained in lentils, the risk of heart disease is significantly reduced. In addition, lentils are a real storehouse of folic acid and magnesium, which make a great contribution to heart health.

Our bodies have a substance called homocysteine. It is formed from the amino acid methionine and lives in the body for a very short time. It is excreted by folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. If these vitamins are not enough in the body, then homocysteine ​​begins to damage the walls of blood vessels. Cholesterol begins to deposit on damaged walls of veins and arteries. And its excess, as we know, leads to heart attack and stroke. That is why folic acid is very important for proper functioning. of cardio-vascular system.

Magnesium improves blood circulation, so that oxygen and nutrients can easily enter all cells of the body. Eat lentils - it will protect you from heart disease.

3. Normalizes the work of the digestive system.
Fiber also helps prevent constipation and other digestive disorders (such as diverticulosis or irritable bowel syndrome). We already know how fiber works, it absorbs all toxins and wastes like a sponge. In addition, it contains a lot of water, and it saturates with it. stool facilitating their removal from the intestines.

Among legumes, lentils are the leader in coarse fiber, which contributes to normal digestion and removal of toxins from the body:

4. Stabilizes blood sugar levels.
And back to fiber again. This dietary fiber slows down the rate at which carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and thus keeps sugar levels constant without spikes. Lentils not only do not raise sugar, but also lower the level of glucose in the blood, if it has risen.

5. Lentils are a storehouse of protein.
Of all the legumes and nuts, lentils are in third place in terms of protein content. 26% of lentils' calories are protein, making them a great option for vegetarians and vegans.

6. Combats fatigue and energizes.
Iron deficiency is the main cause of fatigue. Women between the ages of 18 and 50 are particularly susceptible to iron deficiency. One cup of boiled lentils contains over a third of your daily iron requirement. This vitamin distributes oxygen throughout the body, stimulates energy production and speeds up metabolism.

7. Promotes weight loss.
Despite the fact that lentils include a huge amount of beneficial nutrients, such as fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, they still contain relatively few a large number of calories and contains virtually no fat (only 1.5 g, which is 2.3% of the daily requirement). One cup of cooked lentils contains about 295 calories, which is only a fifth of the daily calories needed. That is why eating lentils, you can get rid of extra pounds but stay full.

8. Lentils help flush out cancerous substances from the body.
Selenium is a mineral found in lentils. It is not found in most other products. Selenium prevents inflammation, reduces tumor growth, and improves the immune response to infection by stimulating the production of disease-killing T cells. This mineral also plays a role in enzymatic function liver and helps detoxify certain cancerous substances from the body.

9. Promotes muscle growth.
In order for our body and our internal organs function properly, we desperately need a constant, regular supply of quality protein from our diet. Lentils contain the necessary amount of protein for the proper functioning of the body, and its amino acid composition satisfies all the needs for protein nutrients.

10. Prevents atherosclerosis.
According to studies, eating lentils allows the body to accumulate enough antioxidants, which will help reduce the chances of developing atherosclerosis. Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals and thus prevent damage to cells and genes.

11. Improves electrolytic activity.
Lentils contain potassium, it is considered the best source replenishment of electrolytic activity. Indeed, many diseases are associated precisely with the fact that there is too much sodium and too little potassium in the body. In addition to its main action, potassium contributes to the correct, well-coordinated work of the kidneys, heart and brain.

Benefits for women

12. Rules out breast cancer.
Folic acid, contained in lentils in large quantities, eliminates the formation of malignant tumors in the mammary glands. It destroys cancer cells.

13. Blocks the symptoms of PMS.
AT PMS periods a woman is prone to mood swings, to apathy, depression and irritability. Lentils contain the amino acid tryptophan, which carries the hormones of happiness. Regular consumption of lentils helps good mood and adds vitality and also eliminates possible pain in the waist.

14. Relieves symptoms of menopause.
Lentils contain vitamins that promote nervous regulation (calcium, tryptophan, B vitamins). Thanks to these vitamins, women who have reached the stage of menopause will be able to endure its symptoms much easier.

15. Promotes the correct course of pregnancy.
Among other things, lentils have another major benefit for women: they are extremely beneficial during pregnancy. 100 grams of lentils contains 90% -120% daily rate for the body of folic acid (vitamin B9). This legume is necessary for pregnant women. Due to its properties, lentils will provide proper development and the formation of the nervous and cardiovascular system of the child.

Lentils have twice the amount of folic acid compared to peas:

Skin Benefits

16. Cleanses and gives the skin a glow.
For lentils to be beneficial for the skin, they must be used in face masks. The most popular variety for such masks is red lentils. It serves as an excellent base for masks with exfoliating effect, for cleansing masks and for masks that tighten pores. Thanks to such masks, a natural shine appears on the skin, the skin becomes soft and tender.

17. Eliminates acne and wrinkles.
Lentil promotes correct work sebaceous glands, which helps reduce the risk of acne, inflammation, blackheads. The number of wrinkles is reduced, and the risk of age spots is reduced several times.

Lentils are one of the leaders in the content of folic acid, which gives the skin youth:

Benefits for men

18. Relieves diseases of the prostate.
By eating red or brown lentils, men can get rid of inflammation in the prostate gland. When lentils are combined with medicines of the appropriate action, blood circulation in the inguinal region improves, and the risk of prostatitis decreases.

19. Leads to healthy potency.
Since lentils normalize the course of the blood flow and cleanse blood vessels, it will help men get rid of problems associated with erectile dysfunction.

Harm and contraindications

1. Breaks work digestive tract.
Do not abuse lentils. Out of habit, you can eat a lot of it, which naturally will affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Excessive consumption of beans can lead to an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach, bloating, gas, stomach cramps and the accumulation of toxins in the intestines. This is due to the excessive consumption of fiber, which is part of lentils. To avoid side effects, drink plenty of water, increase portions of lentils gradually.

2. Promotes the formation of kidney stones.
Lysine, which is part of lentils, has the ability to accumulate in the body. With the constant consumption of lentils, there is a risk of kidney stones. If you already have kidney stones, stop eating lentils.

3. Violates the function of the kidneys.
High protein intake has other side effects. It can put pressure on the kidneys with increased protein leaching from the body. Ultimately, this may affect common function kidneys.

4. Disrupts cardiac activity.
In addition, lentils are rich in potassium. This mineral can negatively affect the activity of the heart, which can lead to numbness of the limbs. Watch your daily portion of lentils, do not overeat it.

5. Can cause allergies.
Lentils are a potential allergen. Lentil groats are contraindicated for people who have problems with the intestines and bile ducts, as well as those suffering from gout.

Chemical composition

The nutritional value of one serving of lentils (100 g) and the percentage of the daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • trace elements
  • Calories 295 kcal - 21%;
  • Proteins 24 g - 29%;
  • Fats 1.5 g - 2.3%;
  • Carbohydrates 46.3 g - 36%;
  • Fiber 11.5 g - 57.5%;
  • Water 14 g - 0.55%.
  • B1 0.5 mg - 33%;
  • B2 0.2 mg - 11%
  • B5 1.3 mg - 13%;
  • B6 0.4 mg - 18%;
  • B9 358 mg - 90%;
  • PP 2.5 mg - 27%.
  • Potassium 731 mg - 21%;
  • Calcium 83 mg - 8%;
  • Silicon 80 mg - 266%;
  • Magnesium 71 mg - 18%;
  • Sodium 55 mg - 4%;
  • Sulfur 163 mg - 16%;
  • Phosphorus 356 mg - 36%;
  • Chlorine 75 mg - 3%.
  • Iron 6.6 mg - 37%;
  • Zinc 2.5 mg - 17%;
  • Copper 0.5 mg - 25%;
  • Selenium 0.2 mg - 35%;
  • Manganese 1 mg - 49%;
  • Chromium 1 mg - 21%.


Useful properties of lentils

  • helps lower cholesterol levels;
  • can alleviate heart disease;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • is a storehouse of protein;
  • fights fatigue and fills with energy;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • prevents cancer and atherosclerosis;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • improves electrolytic activity;
  • useful for men and women;
  • good for the skin.

Excessive consumption of lentils can lead to:

  • unpleasant heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • gas formation;
  • stomach cramps;
  • accumulation of toxins in the intestines;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • disruption of the heart;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • the occurrence of allergies.

This cereal has more advantages. And you won’t be able to cause harm to yourself if you eat this product correctly. The main thing is to know the measure in everything and follow the above recommendations.

Research sources

The main studies on the benefits and harms of lentils have been conducted foreign doctors. Below you can get acquainted with the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:


Additional useful information about lentils

How to use

Basically, lentils are eaten, like ordinary cereals (for example, peas). Therefore, the main and most popular way of its preparation is boiling.

Lentils can be boiled and eaten like lentil porridge. Cook the lentils on low heat for 15 minutes. It does not require pre-soaking. Lentils can be added to soup just like any other legume. With any method of preparation, it equally reveals all its beneficial features.

Lentils are perfectly digestible, so it can replace bread and any other cereal. When you cook lentils, add thyme spice to the dish. He is able to perfectly emphasize everything taste qualities this legume.

Add to salad.
Among other things, lentils can be added to salads. Before adding to the salad, it must first be boiled. Lentil salads are always tasty and satisfying.

Use canned.
To save time, you can buy canned lentils. However, if you are purchasing such a product, make sure the aluminum can is not made with BPA ( chemical, commonly found in the lining of aluminum cans). This can cause health problems.

You can also eat sprouted lentils. To do this, rinse the beans well, then soak them in water for two to three days, changing the water every 24 hours. Such a procedure will positively change the composition of lentils, increase the amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

How to choose

There are many different types of lentils available in the markets, ranging in color from brown to green to yellow to red. Lentils can also vary in size.

Some of the most popular types of lentils are:

  • brown(Spanish) - cooks quickly, goes well with meat and vegetables.
  • french green(with a dark red or blue-green color) - such lentils are sold underripe and boiled for about 1 hour. Great for adding to salads, as it retains its appearance after cooking.
  • Red(has an earthy aroma) - cooking time is minimal, suitable for mashed potatoes or cream soup.
  • Black(also called "beluga") - looks like black caviar, suitable for any dishes.

The type of lentils you want to buy depends on what you will be using them for. different types Lentils come in a variety of textures and flavors. Lentils with skins remain more whole when cooked compared to lentils without skins, which are mashed. But since all types taste similar and provide the same nutrients, you can easily switch between different types.

Distinctive signs of bad and good lentils:

Good lentils:

  • has a crumbly structure;
  • does not have condensation on its packaging;
  • does not differ in grain size and color;
  • does not contain foreign particles, mold, bugs;
  • fragrant;
  • has a smooth shape.

Bad lentils have:

  • low quality;
  • damaged packaging;
  • expired expiration date;
  • different colors of beans;
  • spots on beans;
  • crushed and damaged beans.

How to store

At proper care lentils can be stored for a long time. hallmark this culture is the ability to absorb moisture.

  • Do not store lentils in containers where condensation can form.
  • Store it in a dark, cool and dry place.
  • Throw away the product if it smells damp and rotten.
  • Cooked lentils should be stored strictly in the refrigerator and no longer than 6 days.
  • Cooked lentils can be frozen.
  • After defrosting, it can change its consistency, but it will not lose its beneficial properties.

History of occurrence

Lentil seeds have been found in archaeological sites of ancient settlements in the Middle East. Thanks to these excavations, it is possible to determine the age of the lentils. She is at least 8 thousand years old. As a result of the migration of the tribes of the Middle East, lentils were distributed throughout Africa, and then migrated to Europe. Historians have suggested that the slaves were fed lentil stew to be strong and hardy, and therefore efficient.

Historically, Indians have been among the largest consumers of lentils. About a quarter of the world's lentil production today comes from India, most of which is consumed and never exported. The Indian diet often includes a main dish called dhal (or lentils), which is an ancient recipe and part of the daily diet in India.

In other parts of the world, such as Israel and Ethiopia, lentils also provided high percent nutrients for a growing population. In the tradition of Jewish mourning, lentils were prepared for the mourners, along with boiled eggs, because they round form symbolizes life cycle from birth to death.

Ethiopians consumed lentils to provide for the body necessary quantity calories, fiber and protein. They especially fed lentils to babies for their rapid growth and development. And they used it during the famine.

In ancient Greece, flour was made from lentils, added to bread products. Lentil stew was the cheapest dish and was equal to food for the poor. Only in the 18th century noble people began to use lentils.

Lentils were brought to Russia in the 12th century. During a period of severe drought and a lean year (the end of the 19th century), only lentils were born, and it was she who saved many people from starvation. After this incident, Russia began to actively grow lentils, and the country took a leading position in the export of lentils in the world. But in the future, it became unprofitable to grow this crop due to the predominance of a cold climate in the country, and India began to take the first place.

At present, the traditions of lentil consumption are being restored in many countries. Dishes from it can be found on the menu of the world's best restaurants, but of course mainly in Asia, where it has found popularity.

How and where is grown

For many peoples of Asia, lentils are rightfully considered one of the most important sources of protein, which, due to its nutritional properties can replace bread, cereals and even meat. The technology for growing lentils is very similar to peas. However, this legume is more thermophilic.

Lentils can suffer from frost, but will endure drought with ease. On the this moment, the main countries growing lentils are: India, Canada, Turkey, USA, Nepal, Australia, etc. Lentils are also grown in Russia, in southern regions, for example, in the Rostov region.

  • Lentils were one of the first plants domesticated by man along with wheat, barley and peas.
  • Lentils were brought to Russia in the 11th and 12th centuries under the name sochevitsa.
  • Lentils are not able to accumulate harmful or toxic substances in themselves.
  • In ancient times, lentils were valued as a medicinal plant.
  • In France, lentils are considered "royal food".
  • In Brazil, lentils are a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • During World War II, the American government urged its citizens to eat lentils so as not to "undermine" the country's economy in a difficult time for her.
  • Mentions of lentils are found in books old testament. It was the main food of our ancestors.
  • At the end of the 19th century, there was a severe drought in our country, and only lentils were born to glory, thereby protecting our people from hunger.
  • Only 8% of Americans consume lentils.
  • Lentils have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs dating back to 2400 BC. e. Perhaps the ancient Egyptians used it as an aphrodisiac.
  • It is believed that lentils give children cheerfulness and diligence.

Amazing lentils are one of the food cultural old-timers.

The taste of the queen of legumes was appreciated by the ancient founders of the Neolithic sites discovered in the Middle East, and the biblical Noah sold his priceless birthright for lentil stew. Why, by the way, queen? Yes, because Russia in the pre-revolutionary years was the world's leading exporter of this wonderful product, it was loved and respected in Russia.

Red, green, yellow, brown and even black, lentils please with their variety of colors and ease of cooking. From it you can quickly and easily cook dozens of delicious dishes. In some countries, such as India, it is the basis of the national diet. And no wonder: the unique composition of lentil seeds allows it to successfully replace meat, potatoes, and bread.

Unfortunately, today in Russia lentils are not as common as in the old days. Lentil dishes are more likely to be found on restaurant menus than on dining table the average Russian. But those who care about their health are happy to eat lentil dishes. They are not only useful, but also wonderfully tasty.

Nutritionists sing the glory of lentils, the benefits and harms of which they have long appreciated. Looking ahead, we can say that a very small category of people should refrain from eating lentil dishes. Everyone else can not only enjoy their taste, but also improve health. As did, for example, the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.

It was believed that children from lentils become vigorous and diligent, and representatives strong half humanity strengthen their male power. During Roman times, lentils were a commodity in high demand on the international market. Not least because it was considered something like a panacea for many diseases. Revslenta arabica, an Arabian tonic, was made from it. His recipe is still popular in the East.

Medieval healers also believed in the miraculous power of lentils, the benefits and harms of which were estimated in much the same way as modern pharmacists. They actively used the beneficial properties of the plant, including it in most potions. With the help of lentil broth, they tried to cure the deadly black pox. Ancient healers quite rightly soldered them to people suffering from kidney stones and heart diseases.

Today, lentils are recommended for pregnant women, as they contain a huge amount of vegetable protein, fiber, iron and B vitamins. But there is almost no fat and cholesterol in it. Modern food industry uses lentil raw materials for the production of confectionery, sausages, coffee substitutes.

Useful properties of lentils

The love of fans of lentils, the benefits and harms of which have long haunted vegetarians, is quite understandable. According to the protein content, the culture can become complete meat substitute, but much easier to digest. In addition, this is a truly pure product, which, you see, is a rarity these days. The fact is that it does not absorb agricultural chemicals, radionuclides, and therefore is completely free from toxins and nitrates.

Amazing properties allow you to talk about lentils, its benefits and harms, in a positive way. She heals, strengthens various systems human body:

Increases immunity;

Helps to improve the function of hematopoiesis;

Protects the intestines;

Normalizes the work of the genitourinary system;

Is the prevention of tumor diseases;

Stimulates metabolic processes:

Prevents cardiovascular diseases.

beneficial effect lentils have on children's immune system. Pediatricians recommend that you definitely include lentil dishes in the diet of one-year-old babies and older children.

Due to the high content of fiber, folic acid and phytoestrogens - powerful antioxidants, lentils prevents cancer diseases intestines. This amount of isoflavones is extremely rare and has a beneficial effect on the body. If you eat three servings of lentils a week, then the risk of polyps appearing on the walls of the intestine will be significantly reduced. But it is polyps that most often degenerate into cancerous tumors.

Women who regularly eat lentils are much less likely to get sick breast cancer. Most importantly, heat treatment does not destroy isoflavones. You can enjoy delicious hot dishes, pastries, while strengthening your own health. Just one regular portion soup or lentil porridge for 90% replenishes the body's daily need for folic acid. it indispensable product for pregnant women. In addition, the ladies will certainly appreciate the "lentil bonuses": smoothing and cleansing of the skin, stable weight loss, healthy complexion.

Lentils are a real treasure trove of useful trace elements and vitamins that are not lost when heat treatment.

Lentil seed has an amazing composition:

Vitamins PP, A, B, E;

beta carotene;

Folic acid;

The most important macronutrients: magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus;

Basic trace elements: fluorine, chromium, selenium, boron, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, iodine, copper, titanium, manganese, iron, zinc, silicon;


Fatty acid;

Starch and sugar.

Unique composition lentil seeds, containing a huge amount of zinc and iron, contributes to increase efficiency, resistance to infectious and viral diseases . If at least twice a week children are fed with lentil cakes, soup, mashed lentils, they will not be afraid of any seasonal flu epidemics. In order for iron from lentils to be better absorbed, you need to eat legumes along with fresh vegetables.

Men who consume lentils very rarely complain about impotence. Strengthening the genitourinary system prevention of prostate diseases.

B vitamins, magnesium strengthen nervous system, so the mood of legume lovers is always good and even. Furthermore. Lentils contain tryptophan, and it is this amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin - the “hub of joy”. So lentil dishes allow get rid of depression, including chronic ones, improve mood. Some psychiatrists prescribe lentils as additional remedy treatment prolonged depressions. Green varieties contain the most tryptophan.

All this allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion regarding lentils, its benefits and harms. The beneficial properties of a leguminous plant are disproportionately higher than the unprofitable ones.

What diseases does lentils treat?

Porridge and lentil stew normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, reproductive and urinary organs, raises the level of hemoglobin, promotes the production of red blood cells. Certain varieties of lentils are indicated for diabetics to lower blood sugar levels. Lentil dishes are a must for people suffering from stomach ulcers.

Sprouted lentils are truly miraculous. It contains large amounts of vitamin C and potassium. If you take a tablespoon of this daily natural product, you can get rid of many ailments (in particular, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis), strengthen blood vessels, and raise the energy of the body.

miraculous decoction from lentil seed will relieve nervous breakdown, urolithiasis, liver disease. To prepare healing drink, you need to pour three tablespoons of lentils with half a liter clean water, boil at a slow boil for 20 minutes, then strain through a sieve. It should be taken before meals three times a day for half a glass. The results will be such that the question of lentils, its benefits and harms, will be decided by itself.

A gruel of their lentil flour and butter can be applied to burned or dermatitis-affected skin. The mixture will heal the affected areas.

In addition to protein, lentils contain a high content of fiber, and this is the main condition for the normal functioning of the intestines. Due to the dietary fiber of lentils, persistent constipation can be cured, and intestinal walls can be cleansed of toxic contents. Getting rid of waste and normal work intestines will solve many skin problems: acne will disappear, acne, inflamed areas.

Not the last place is given to lentils in complex treatment obesity. It is necessary to include lentil stew or soup in your diet and consume it daily.

Who shouldn't eat lentils?

Information about lentils, its benefits and harms cannot be complete without indicating the possible negative consequences of eating legumes. First of all, it is worth recalling that all sorts of excesses are only harmful. Therefore, you need to eat lentil dishes, but without fanaticism. Moderation in everything is the key to excellent health. If you daily wrap large spoons of lentil porridge for breakfast and dinner, lentil soup for lunch, and wash it all down with lentil broth, there will definitely not be any benefit.

Definitely decide for yourself about lentils, its benefits and harms aside complete failure should people suffering the following diseases:


Joint diseases;

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder;



Some unpleasant consequences after eating lentils may be associated with individual reaction organism. If you eat too much lentil protein, digestion will be disturbed. At propensity to increased gas formation the product must be handled with the utmost care. Flatulence in this case is guaranteed, as with the use of other legumes. They all call increased gas formation.

Lentils, due to the phytanes contained in it, reduce the degree of assimilation by the body of some useful substances. These include iron, calcium and zinc. However, this is not such a critical indicator for resolving the issue of lentils, the benefits and harms of this product. The fact is that other legumes contain phytanes. Moreover, in lentils these substances are much less than in the same peas, beans or beans.

Lentils are quite difficult to digest. It is not easy even to cope with such an amount of valuable protein and other micro and macro elements. healthy body what to say about the patient. To facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds. They certainly need to be soaked for several hours, drain the water, and then thoroughly boil the product.

What's in the dry matter? Lentils, its benefits and harms are very carefully studied by experts. They are known to doctors, psychiatrists, cosmetologists, pharmacists.

They are unanimous in their conclusions: useful qualities lentils, this wonderful gift of nature, far outweigh the negative ones.

For more than a decade, lentils have been sold in grocery stores in Russia. But until now, many people simply do not pay attention to it, mistakenly believing that this is the food of the poor. Unflattering literary references to "lentil stew" are to blame for this.

However, do not forget that "onion stew" is also "the food of poor students", if you read French novels...

In fact, this legendary plant from the legume family has always been a revered product among all segments of the population in those countries where it is known. And often lentils replaced, and unknown even in ancient times in the Old World.

It was first cultivated in ancient egypt. It was widespread in ancient greece Rome and Babylon. In Russia, before the advent of the potato, which the Russians learned to use only 150-160 years ago, it was the main product.

Before that, they made cakes, all kinds of cereals, stews, boiled it, used it in salads and okroshka, lentil flour used as the main component of bread. From the middle of the 19th century, Tsarist Russia ranked first in the export of lentils, which clearly indicates the popularity of this versatile product in Russia.

And it is very strange that today lentils have become not only some kind of exotic on our table - after all, you can always buy it in Russian stores, but it even causes some concern among citizens who are excessively “caring” about their own health.

Although there are sufficient grounds to consider it a product to which human digestive system for many millennia, it has adapted at the genetic level, therefore, it cannot in any way be dangerous to humans.

The composition and useful properties of lentils

The Latin name for lentils is Lens culinaris. It is from this word that the word “lens” came from, because the lens has a lenticular shape. The word culinaris is understandable without translation. This is a leguminous plant. And like any legume, it is quite high in calories. Despite this, it is classified as a dietary product.

With a poorer amino acid composition in it, there is more protein and essential amino acids than in:

  • It is incredibly rich in trace elements and vitamins of groups A, B, PP, folic and nicotinic acid, and in terms of iron content - 12 mg, exceeds all known edible plants.
  • It is also important that carbohydrates, which in its grains are about 50% in the human body, are not able to turn into fats and are used immediately as an energy source for the body. In a significant amount in their composition there are fats of the Omega-6 and Omega-3 groups.
  • In addition, isoflavones found in lentils are quite active anticancer drugs. They are able to suppress growth malignant neoplasms, and also work like prophylactic. One more thing interesting property has this plant.
  • Grown in almost any soil, lentils invariably turn out to be the most environmentally friendly of all plants, because they do not have the ability to accumulate harmful and toxic elements, such as nitrates and radionuclides.
  • One of its important properties is also the fact that during cooking or canning, it retains more than 50% of all vitamins and microelements. Thus, of all legumes, this plant is the most beneficial for the health of foods, ahead of soy and green peas in this.

Over several millennia of cultivation, mankind has created many varieties of this versatile plant.

All of them differ in composition within the following limits:

  • 24-35% protein;
  • 46-52% carbs;
  • 0.5–2% fatty acids;
  • 2–4.5% trace elements and minerals.

The energy value of lentils is considered to be 295 kcal per 100 g.

Types of lentils: photo of red, black, green and brown cereals

Different varieties have their own texture, taste and aroma from delicate nutty to mushroomy. All of them in one way or another are able to reduce blood sugar levels.

Depending on the variety, the grains can have a fairly large palette of colors, which is sometimes important for decorating the table and creating a festive look for dishes.

The most famous are the following colored varieties of lentils:

  • brown - the most common and largest type, requires 30-40 minutes of soaking before cooking, suitable for vegetable soups, cereals and salads, cooks for about 30 minutes;

For the recipe for Pardina lentil soup, this type of cereal is used:

  • green - unripe brown, cooked for about 10 minutes, bursts when digested, therefore it is necessary to monitor this process during cooking, used for soups and original salads;

  • red - cooked for about 15 minutes, does not have a shell, when boiled it acquires a golden hue, good for mashed potatoes and soups, when boiled, a good side dish is obtained;

  • white - cooked for about 25 minutes, taste is neutral, good as a secondary addition to soups and salads, often used to make flour;
  • dark green or Puy - French lentils, not boiled soft, used for salads, has a pronounced taste and spicy smell;
  • dish-shaped - in most suitable for diabetics;
  • black, or "Beluga" - small fruits similar to beluga caviar, you can cook without soaking for about 20 minutes.

Lentil Chowder

According to legend, it was a red dish, that is, from a small red variety. To make a “sales” stew, you first need to create a vegetable broth, consisting of a chopped onion, half and a few pieces or a root.

It will take about 20 minutes to prepare the broth in a 2-3-liter saucepan. All this time, a couple of glasses of lentils are soaked in warm water and then after washing cold water poured with the resulting broth already without vegetables.

  • Cook until cooked, but constantly monitor the process, because the cooking time for the same variety is very different, and it can be digested in just a minute, in addition, foam may form during cooking, which must be removed.
  • At this time, you need to grate the remaining half of the carrot and fresh celery on a fine grater, beat in a blender with half a teaspoon and load all this into boiling broth about halfway through cooking.
  • Carrots and celery are loaded first, then onions. Previously cooked vegetables are also loaded there.
  • After the broth boils again, after 10 minutes you can take care of and. Suitable for this

    Will definitely post in the future step by step recipe in our

Lentils are one of the oldest cultivated foods. The Bible tells that the birthright was sold for a stew of lentils. Its grains were found in the buildings of the Neolithic period in Switzerland. In Egypt, the time of the pharaohs, bread was made from her flour, in ancient Rome she was famous as a medicine.

Useful properties and composition

In a nutshell, you can’t say about them. The vitamins and various elements that make up lentils (which we will discuss below) have the most beneficial effect on the human body. So, protein is necessary for metabolism, and fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: it eliminates constipation, cleanses the intestinal walls of toxic waste, and is good for the skin. Potassium contributes to the work of cells, the normalization of water and acid-base balance.

For 100 grams of lentils you have:

  • Potassium - 940 mg
  • Calcium - 71 mg
  • Phosphorus - 350 mg
  • Iron - 11.1 mg
  • - 0.41 mg
  • - 0.27 mg
  • - 0.93 mg
  • Vitamin PP - 2.2 mg.
Raw lentils have 106 kilocalories, there are carbohydrates, but there is practically no fat. Boiled has 111 kilocalories, and fried has only 101 kilocalories.
If you take 100 grams of lentils, then the content of valuable food components will be distributed as follows:
  • Proteins - 25 grams
  • Fat - 1.6 grams
  • Carbohydrates - 46.5 grams
  • Ashes - 2.8 grams
  • Water - 15 grams
  • Total calorie content - 280 kilocalories
It is quite capable of replacing bread and cereals, and can also partially replace meat.

Did you know? Lentils hold the record for the content of boron, potassium, copper and iron.

When to use germinated

The benefits of sprouting are enormous. It strengthens the immune system and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, is beneficial for bleeding. It is simply necessary in the diet of both adults and children, especially if they are more prone to frequent illnesses than others. Lentils will also benefit those suffering from arrhythmia and atherosclerosis, since lentil sprouts contain a lot of potassium, and the iron they contain increases hemoglobin and forms red blood cells.
Generalized recommendations for eating sprouted lentils:

  • Anemia
  • Bleeding uterine
  • Increased tendency to bleed blood vessels
  • Protection against inflammation of the lungs and inflammation of the bronchi
  • Treatment and recovery after colds
  • Diseases of the digestive organs
  • Heart diseases
  • Bringing sugar levels back to normal
Another of its beneficial features is that it contains the most valuable amino acids - methionine and cysteine, which the human body is not able to synthesize on its own, but they are extremely important for the functioning of muscles.

Important! It is necessary to store sprouted lentils in the refrigerator in a glass container, but not more than five days.

Benefit for health

The health benefits can hardly be overestimated, judge for yourself:

  • For the most part, insoluble lentil fibers lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of serious clinical diseases (brain and heart muscle infarction).
  • Dissolving fibers slow down the penetration of carbohydrates and stabilize the level of sugar in the blood. Magnesium blocks calcium channels, relaxes the walls of blood vessels, which, in turn, improves the processes of blood transfer in the body.
  • Folic acid, or rather vitamin B9, converts homocysteine ​​into life-giving amino acids. With a lack of vitamin B9, the layer of cells lining the inner surface of the arteries is damaged. It also favors the healing of the nervous system and is needed for the synthesis of ribonucleic, deoxyribonucleic acid and red blood cells. With a deficiency of folic acid, cancer, heart disease, depression, age-related visual impairment, and hearing impairment are possible.
  • It is exceptionally curative for pregnant women, as well as during lactation to eliminate iron deficiency.
  • Excellent tool for weight loss. Lentil fiber, filling the stomach, reduces hunger, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood.

Now a few words about directly medicinal dishes. Lentil dishes should be eaten with a salad of tomatoes, fresh herbs and red pepper. In this case, magnesium, iron and molybdenum, which lentils are rich in, will be well absorbed by humans.
The main dish of lentils and rice is majadara. It will enrich the body with serotonin, and it, in turn, will drive away Bad mood and depression. All this is due to tryptophan - an amino acid, which is rich in lentils, it turns into serotonin in the body. Isoflavones, which can fight breast cancer, are preserved in canned and dried plants.

But lentil puree is good to use if you are worried about colic, ulcers duodenum or stomach. Lentil porridge is an excellent metabolism stimulant that can increase the protective properties of the body and is very favorable for the reproductive and urinary systems. True, you need to cook for 40 minutes (a little more than an hour), but it retains most of the beneficial minerals and vitamins, especially since lentil porridge tastes very pleasant.

Important! Pregnant women who consume 600 micrograms of folic acid daily reduce the chance of developing neural tube and digestive system pathologies in the fetus.

Harm and contraindications

This is generally a harmless product, but it also has its “downsides”. Lentils are not recommended for patients who have a history of gout, uric acid diathesis, diseases of the joints and the genitourinary system. It should not be eaten by those who have an abnormal gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, gallbladder.

Problems with the vascular-cardiac system. It should also be avoided by people suffering from hemorrhoids or having problems with urination. Caution with its use should be those who have skin diseases, it is better to consult with the doctor at first. And the main recommendation that applies to everyone - no need to use lentils.

Types of lentils

There are many of them, but the most common ones are black, brown, green and red.


Another name is black lentil "beluga". It is the smallest, but also the most expensive. Goes as an independent dish or in a salad. The black coloring substance has great antioxidant properties. It is recommended for inhibition of aging processes, prevention of cardiovascular and other dangerous ailments.


The most desired in the culinary arts. Very popular in America. There, vegetable soups are cooked from it with the addition of different herbs. Yes, this is actually a "soup" look. It is a bean that is already ripe (as opposed to still green) and combines everything best quality taken from other species. All-encompassing view. Doesn't melt.


Also called "French". Essentially unripe beans. Does not boil soft, good for salads and as a side dish. But at the same time, the most medicinal look. “Heals” with plant fiber, which she has a lot of, as well as the amino acid tryptophan. Therefore, it is very useful for people with problems in digestion and in the work of the intestines. In addition, it improves mood.


Or Egyptian. It tastes unusually thin. It cooks the fastest and is taken when there is little time for cooking - 15 minutes and it's ready, though if you digest it a little, the beneficial properties will only increase. They love this dish in the East: from India to Egypt. It is used without skin, mashed potatoes, cereals, sauces, pates and soups are prepared.

Did you know? 14 grams of lentil fiber reduces the amount necessary for the body calories by 10%.

How to cook

The fruits of the described plant have been eaten since time immemorial. Brown has a subtle nutty flavor when cooked; it goes as an additive to stews, casseroles, and is used in salads. Red - known in the cuisines of Asia, because of the light seductive aroma, it is used in the preparation of Indian dishes. Flour is used to make cakes and bread. Consider some of the most popular cooking options.

  • Pre-soaking is not required. The proportions are 3x1, where "3" is water, "1" is lentils.
  • Boil water and place lentils in it.
  • Then reduce the heat and continue cooking on a small one.
Feature: what would be dense and crumbly for soup or salad - remove from heat 5-10 minutes earlier; soft for sauce or porridge - leave for 10 minutes more.

  • Lentils - 250 grams, water - 4 cups, onions, carrots, sunflower oil, dill, salt, spices to taste.
  • Grate the carrots on a fine grater, just chop the onion, and chop the dill very finely.
  • Rinse the lentils and cover with water. After boiling, remove the foam and salt.
  • Grated carrots (with chopped onion) fry in vegetable oil, throw dill there. Then place on the boiled lentils. Cook for 60 minutes.

Lentils - 200 grams; water - 2 liters; onion - 1 head; carrots - 1 piece; vermicelli - 40 grams; tomato paste - 2 tablespoons; basil - to taste; seasoning - 1 tablespoon; salt, sugar, pepper - to taste; raisins - 1 tablespoon.

  • Soak lentils in cold water for 2-3 hours.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Then fry all this and add tomato paste, sugar and salt. Boil the lentils and place the “overcooking” on it. Then add "not thick" vermicelli and raisins. Let everything boil, after which it remains only to remove the foam, add basil, pepper, seasoning or bouillon cube. Boil for another seven to ten minutes.

Lentils - 200 grams; green onion- one bunch; cheese - 100 grams; garlic - 3 cloves; mayonnaise.

  • Grate the cheese, finely chop the onion, crush the garlic.
  • Boil lentils and stir together with cheese and onions, then add crushed garlic and season with mayonnaise.

Combination with other products

Good combination with sunflower oil and sour cream, herbs and starchy vegetables. Slightly worse compatibility with cream and butter, potatoes and cereals, with cereals, also with seeds and nuts.

Lentils are the most unique, most useful and undeservedly forgotten product. Probably, it was created by nature itself so that humanity could maintain health and longevity for as long as possible.

Many have heard of the mysterious lentils, but not everyone has tried them. The point here is not negative qualities these legumes, but in the ignorance of the people. Even before the revolution, a guest from South Asia appeared in Russia, and the first mention of her was seen in biblical legends.

Now the popularity of lentils is gaining momentum with new force, which is not surprising with such a number of useful substances in the composition.

There are many varieties of lentils, but only brown and red ones are widely used in cooking. The first, when cooked, gives a delicate smell, reminiscent of a nut.

It goes well with meat and all kinds of salads. Red lentils do not have a shell, so they cook much faster. The spicy aroma will perfectly fit into dishes with mashed potatoes or cream soups.

Beneficial features

Lentils are different high content vegetable protein, which makes it perfect food for those who collect muscle mass(or maintains current performance).

In addition, the protein in lentils is rich necessary for a person amino acids and is easily absorbed by the body. The composition of the seeds also includes soluble fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract, and lentil porridge significantly improves metabolism throughout the body.

Most of all, lentils differ in the content of folic acid (vitamin B9) - about 90% per 100 grams of the product. daily allowance. This vitamin affects brain activity and the nervous system, so lentil dishes are useful for nervous disorders and irritability. In addition to B vitamins, grains are rich in vitamins A and even C.

Experts believe that the seeds have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, as well as increasing the body's resistance to harmful bacteria. This merit huge amount useful trace elements in the composition of lentils: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc.

Lentils contribute to the process of hematopoiesis and the normalization of sugar levels in it - this makes it useful for people with diabetes.

The truly miraculous effect of the product on tumors is due to the isoflavones contained in lentils. These substances can inhibit the development malignant tumor. The healing abilities are preserved even after the grains are preserved or dried, so buying canned lentils will not disappoint you.

Nutritional value and calories

Lentils can be attributed to one of the most useful dietary products. In 100 grams of grains, there are 25 grams of protein, 47-54 grams of carbohydrates and 1-1.6 grams of fat. Sufficient quantity protein allows you to safely replace meat with lentils without harm to the body, vegetable protein is even better absorbed by the body.

A meager amount of fat will protect you from extra pounds, and carbohydrates in lentils will help satisfy your hunger for a long time, saving you from losing weight.

As for the calorie content, it depends on the variety of lentils and ranges from 280 to 315 Kcal. Ready-made grains are lighter - about 110 kcal per 100 grams.


Like many legumes, lentils have a number of contraindications:

Before including lentils in your diet, it is best to consult your doctor.

Application for weight loss

For those who want to lose weight, there is a so-called "lentil diet". There are two options: classic and hard. In the first case, you are invited to replace lunch and dinner with some kind of lentil dish.

The rest of the meals are not affected in any way, but the rejection of starchy foods, sweets (except honey) and fatty foods is mandatory. The diet lasts from 1 to 3 months, stable weight loss without harm to health is guaranteed.

The hard version of the diet resembles the famous "buckwheat", when all meals are replaced with lentils. This approach is less safe for health, but very effective. The duration of the diet is one week, during which on average it takes up to 3 kilograms.

You can also arrange lentil fasting days once a month or only after the holidays with lush feasts.

Recipes with lentils

Plain boiled

Suitable for a strict diet and fasting days.

Rinse the grits and leave to soak for several hours (red lentils can be left unsoaked). After boil in plain water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Remove cover.

warm salad

Suitable for classic diet and daily diet.

You will need 2 cups boiled lentils (green ones are especially great), 1 carrot, red pepper, garlic to taste, your favorite herbs (basil, dill, oregano and / or parsley), a little olive oil.

Fry the onion until golden brown, add crushed or finely chopped garlic. Grated carrots, diced peppers and herbs add to the lentils and fry with onions.

Lentil cutlets

Suitable for vegetarians.

Boil the lentils until soft - it is best to take the red variety, it is more likely to be cooked. Fry onion with garlic clove and pepper. Add to lentil porridge, salt/pepper and mash into a puree. Blind cutlets, roll in flour and fry on both sides.

Lentil tortillas

The recipe is similar to the meatball recipe. Mash the boiled lentils into a puree and combine with the egg, flour and finely fried onions. Add salt and spices to taste. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the cakes and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (depending on size). When serving, you can sprinkle with cheese or in company with vegetables.

Soup with meat and vegetables

Ingredients: 1 onion, carrots, 2 tomatoes, 100 grams of lentils, 2 potatoes, vegetable broth 0.5 l, cream 1 tbsp, chicken fillet 200 grams, vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

Boil the vegetables, add seasonings and use a blender to bring the vegetables to the state of mashed soup. Cut the chicken into pieces convenient for you, lightly fry and stew. Pour into soup and serve.

Summing up

Lentils are good both for losing weight and for a regular diet. It is worth remembering that lentils can be heavy for everyday use, but a couple of times a week is unlikely to hurt (and maybe heal).

Useful properties turn it into a vitamin bomb, and the variety of dishes acquired through centuries of history will undoubtedly delight hostesses of all ages and gastronomic beliefs.

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