Can blow his head. Symptoms and causes of head colds. Inflammation of the maxillary or frontal sinuses

Hypothermia of the head is a fairly common phenomenon that a person encounters in Everyday life. This condition is associated with a number of unpleasant and even dangerous consequences for health.

Spasms of the vessels of the head, diseases of the ears and nasopharynx, neuritis and meningitis - this is far from complete list problems after hypothermia of the head.

Associated symptoms

Hypothermia causes the following symptoms, which should not be ignored by a frozen person:

  • an increase in body temperature, accompanied by fever or chills;
  • strong headache;
  • rise or fall blood pressure, its jumps often occur;
  • in a supercooled person, the gait often changes and thoughts are confused, which is associated with spasms of the vessels of the head.

Warm hat and human health

To wear or not to wear a hat winter time- Each person makes this decision independently. This may be due to its individual characteristics, own feelings cold or heat.

However, doctors warn that the lowest temperature limit at which you can do without a hat should not be lower than minus 5 degrees, given that it is dry and there is no wind outside.

And in the case of snowy or rainy weather, which is accompanied by gusts of wind, a hat should be worn even in positive weather.

The main danger that awaits a person with hypothermia of the head is a general decrease in its protective barrier.

As a result, there is an aggravation of many chronic pathologies, especially the nasopharynx, ears, eyes. In addition, the risk is greatly increased dangerous inflammation membranes of the brain and nervous system.

From hypothermia, the head hurts, weaken and become inflamed hair follicles, facial nerves are often affected and tooth enamel deteriorates.

Hypothermia of different areas of the head can cause in the body various problems, including:

  • the human nasopharynx suffers, arise or worsen infectious diseases, such as runny nose, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • most frequent complications after hypothermia, diseases of the ears become. Spasms of the head vessels affect the decrease in normal blood circulation auditory nerve resulting in hearing loss. Delayed treatment or regular chilling of the head will lead to sad consequences;
  • severe hypothermia of the head entails such consequences as neuralgia of the facial or trigeminal nerve. If this happens, a person can distort half of the face.

These and many other serious diseases that easily occur after hypothermia of the head are very difficult to treat, and some of them remain with a person forever.

First aid

Many signs of hypothermia in a person's head require medical care, especially if a child or an elderly person is cold.

At home, after a strong cooling of the head, you need to drink hot tea with lemon, honey or raspberries, all herbal teas are also good.

When febrile temperature or chills, you can take the drug "Nise". You should also warm your head - put on a hat or wrap it with a scarf. If possible, it is necessary to lie down in bed and keep warm under a warm blanket.

Well and quickly restores the body's thermoregulation hot foot baths, after which you need to put on warm socks and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

Attention should be paid to the area of ​​the head affected by pain as a result of hypothermia, as well as to the nature pain. Unpleasant sensations in the nose and forehead are characteristic of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.

“Shooting” pains in the ear passages may indicate otitis media, and pain in the jaw area may indicate lymphadenitis. The doctor's profile and treatment will depend on which part of the head was the weakest and most affected by the cold.

Of course, you should spare your body from hypothermia, especially your head. This is easy to do - bad weather always wear a hat, avoid drafts and temper yourself.

And if, nevertheless, hypothermia of the head gave its Negative consequences, do not neglect the treatment and recommendations of doctors.

Surely many people know firsthand about such an ailment as a cold of the head. The symptoms of this hypothermia are very unpleasant. In addition, they can cause serious complications, go into diseases leading to disability, and in some cases lead to lethal outcome. That is why, if your head is blown, you should immediately take action. Moreover, it is almost impossible to independently understand the causes of cephalgia. Must visit medical institution and seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor can deliver correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Many people think that this is only a winter disease, but this opinion is not true. You can catch a cold at any time of the year, and even in a warm room. Drafts are the main danger. Among the provoking factors are the following:

  • being on the street without a hat in the autumn and winter periods;
  • walking with wet hair in windy weather;
  • a long stay under the air conditioner or incorrect setting of the device (especially in extreme heat);
  • drafts in the apartment;
  • driving in summer by car with open windows;
  • swimming or diving in cold water;
  • the use of ice drinks and ice cream in large quantities.

This is an incomplete list of causes that cause inflammation in the head. However, if you expose yourself to such influences, unpleasant sensations will not keep you waiting long.


The first signs of hypothermia of the head appear after a few hours. First there is cephalgia, which is a symptom of many diseases. However, you should be wary if the following are added to this state:

  • shooting pain in temples;
  • pressure surges;
  • pain when turning the neck;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • chills;
  • photophobia;
  • noise in ears;
  • fever;
  • aching pain in the back of the head and frontal part of the head;
  • weakness.

Depending on where the source of infection is located, the inflammation can go to the throat, nose and ears. In this case, a runny nose and pain in the affected organs appear, sometimes nausea and vomiting are observed.

If at least one of the above symptoms is added to cephalalgia, treatment should begin immediately.

home therapy

We emphasize once again that when the head blew through, best solution going to see a doctor. If for some reason this is not possible, treatment at home should be started.

The first thing to do is to provide the patient bed rest. It is necessary to limit stay on the street, to exclude drafts, overwork. It is important to follow these guidelines:

  1. Drink a lot of liquid, for example, warm tea, fruit drinks and compotes, preferably with the addition of lemon or rose hips.
  2. Accept an aspirin tablet.
  3. Avoid fatty and fried foods.
  4. Don't overcool.
  5. Recommended inhalations with chamomile and sage, are also used essential oils eucalyptus and fir.
  6. If your throat hurts, spend herbal rinses.
  7. With a cold healing effect give vasoconstrictor drops.
  8. If it hurts in the cervical region, use warming ointments.
  9. Traditional medicine advises heating with a bag of heated salt; it must be applied to the place of maximum concentration of pain (keep no more than 15 minutes).
  10. Do light acupressure heads.
  11. At unpleasant sensations helps in the ears compress around the organ sink.
  12. It is advisable to drink vitamins for general strengthening immunity.
  13. For severe pain, buy at a pharmacy special patch.

The main thing is to keep your head warm: wrap a scarf or put on a hat (you can iron it with an iron).

Usually, relief occurs within a day, it will take up to 14 days for a full recovery.

Don't rely solely on folk remedies. It is better to resort to the help of traditional medicine.

Medical treatment

With the exception of the measures mentioned above, adults with hypothermia of the head are usually recommended to take the drug « Nimesil » , which in addition to anti-inflammatory also has analgesic and antipyretic properties. It is quite well tolerated and quickly affects the focus of inflammation. It is important to remember that the medicine has a number of contraindications, so it should not be given to a child!

In addition, depending on the location of the focus of inflammation, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • "Movalis" to relieve pain;
  • various ointments for rubbing into the muscles of the neck;
  • drops "Otinum" for pain in the ears.

It is important to remember that painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician.

If no manipulations have brought results, and the symptoms only intensify, call the doctor immediately. This may indicate the presence of a serious illness. In addition, there is a possibility of occurrence of such exacerbations as general poisoning body, an increase in the volume of fluid inside the skull and inflammation of the facial nerves.

Possible complications and methods of their treatment

In the absence of competent and timely therapy, hypothermia of the head threatens with very serious complications in the form of chronic diseases that are difficult to treat. Among them:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • tendonitis, which affects the tendons of the face and jaw.

These consequences can be avoided if you contact a specialist in time. Hypothermia of the head can turn into diseases with a high percentage mortality, which are very similar in symptoms to colds.

Infectious brain abscess

Brain abscess is the formation of purulent foci in the main organ of the central nervous system. a serious consequence This disease is a violation of the functions of the central nervous system. In addition, paralysis develops, vision, hearing and intellectual abilities of a person decrease.

An abscess appears different reasons: it can become a factor in inflammation or be caused by infection in the brain with advanced colds.

In this case, a headache is considered an alarm signal, which does not go away for more than 12 hours. But it is also worth being alert if, in addition to this, the patient has found:

  • weakness;
  • photophobia;
  • vomiting;
  • fever
  • increased sweating.

Less often there is a lack of coordination of movements or muscle weakness(or convulsions).

In addition, partial paralysis may occur.

If the abscess is started to heal on early stages, you can get by therapeutic method, which includes the use of antibacterial, tonic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the appeal to a specialist is delayed, only surgical intervention can help.


Among the main causes of the disease are being in a draft and walking on the street with a wet head. In meningitis, cephalgia is accompanied by constant nausea, there is pain in the forehead or back of the head, which becomes unbearable with any movement (it is even difficult to blink). However, there are:

  • burgundy rash;
  • cramps and muscle pain;
  • increase in body temperature to the limit level;
  • mood swings (from drowsiness and apathy to severe arousal);
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • confusion of speech.

Attention! If the headache is accompanied by at least one of the symptoms listed, immediately call ambulance. Meningitis - dangerous disease, which is fatal.

Treatment of pathology is carried out only in a hospital using strong antibiotics and antibacterial agents.


Neuritis of the occipital or facial nerve is another serious illness, which leads to hypothermia of the head. With this disease burning pain spreads along the line of passage of the nerve, accompanied by spasms of the muscles of the face and increased sweating.

Treatment requires antiviral and antibacterial drugs. At untimely appeal neuritis causes paralysis of one side of the face.

Other diseases

In addition to the above pathologies, characterized by a headache, there are several more common ailments. Among them:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • migraine;
  • myositis ( inflammatory process in neck muscles), in which the right eye waters and pain of a aching nature appears;
  • vegetative dystonia.

During pregnancy, cephalalgia causes serious discomfort. If a similar condition accompanied by weakness and sudden darkening of the eyes, this can be a symptom of diseases of the vessels, heart or kidneys, which is very dangerous for expectant mothers and their children.

During the period of gestation, the most gentle treatment is selected without potent means and alcohol-based drugs.

It is important to know that you can take any medication during pregnancy only as directed by your doctor!

In a word, there are quite a few causes of headaches. To accurately determine the onset of complications after hypothermia, it is necessary to conduct high-quality diagnostics and long-term treatment.


Measures to prevent inflammatory processes of the main organ of the central nervous system and their complications are quite simple. They do not require much effort and time: you only need attention to your health. There are several recommendations to help avoid negative consequences:

  • be sure to wear a hat in winter and autumn, especially in frost;
  • do not sit in a draft;
  • follow the rules of hygiene;
  • do not allow overheating and hypothermia of the head;
  • boil water before drinking;
  • be sure to dry your hair before going outside;
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly;
  • the baby should wear a cap even in the room.

In addition, you need to take care of strengthening the immune system. Do gymnastics and hardening, try to give up bad habits, and then even in the cold season, the likelihood of infectious and inflammatory processes will be minimized.


Summing up, it is important to emphasize once again the danger of hypothermia of the head. This problem entails dire consequences, such as disability and death. The causes of headaches are difficult to diagnose and treat, so you need to contact a medical facility as soon as possible. Timely assistance will help minimize risks and speed up the recovery process, and compliance with elementary preventive measures will avoid health problems altogether.

Probably, every person knows how unpleasant it is when the head is blown. The symptoms following neglect of this important part of the body are very painful, intrusive and terribly interfere with work, rest or study. In addition, the consequences of such a “purging” can be very annoying and entail dangerous diseases capable of making a person disabled, and even lead to death. So, if your head is blown, the symptoms should not be ignored. Be sure to determine the problem that has arisen and immediately begin to be treated.

Can blow his head? Symptoms caused by a cold

Many with mockery refer to the popular definition of "blown head". Symptoms, they say, indicate the presence of a disease that has a completely scientific name. Moreover, there are several such names, and all health disorders are treated in their own way. This is true. But the people are wise, and in their description of what happened, it clearly indicates its cause. Most colds, especially in summer heat, caused precisely by drafts. The risk factors are as follows:

  1. Air conditioning turned on to the max. Especially dangerous for those who are closest to him.
  2. Open doors-windows at opposite ends of the room.
  3. A wet head outside in a strong wind.
  4. Personal "ventilation" arranged in public transport, that is, sticking your head out of the windows of the same bus in order to cool off.
  5. Opening all the windows in your car. Here you will get a full bouquet of all kinds of colds. If anyone does not know, it is medically competent to lower the windows only on one side, and no more than half.

And if you add to such conditions in large quantities very cold drinks, and even with ice, or eat ice cream in kilograms, be sure that health problems will overtake you soon.

What do we pay attention to

If your head is blown out, the symptoms are by no means limited to pains in the indicated organ, although, of course, you cannot do without them. However, they also add:

  1. Jumps in blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, this matter can be said to be everyday, however, they should also pay attention to the “unscheduled” rise. People who do not suffer from hypertension should be alert immediately.
  2. dizziness, and slight violation coordination.
  3. Chills accompanied by fever.
  4. Silent buzzing in the ears. It feels like you hear blood flowing in your head.
  5. Often it seems that the roots of the hair hurt (although they seem to be unable to hurt).

It is clear that the signs are very vague and may correspond a large number diseases that occur when the head is blown. Only a doctor can decipher the symptoms, as well as make an accurate diagnosis, so you should not postpone a visit to him “for later”.

Where exactly does it hurt

It is very important to determine exactly where the person's head was blown. Symptoms in adults and children are approximately similar, but what to expect from a child, even if a respectable uncle with higher education sometimes can not pinpoint exactly where he is experiencing discomfort? But for the diagnosis is very important!

  1. Frontal pain. In most cases - above the eyebrow and on the right. This is a clear manifestation of the consequences of a draft.
  2. Shot in the temple. Also most often on the right side, and usually when touched. Here, obviously, it didn’t “blew its head” - the symptoms clearly indicate more serious problems.
  3. Aching pain in the temple, rising in peaks and subsiding sharply. Characteristic for osteochondrosis cervical. Temperature is not accompanied.
  4. "Shoots" in the crown. This is the so-called That is, something else hurts you, but it only gives off in the crown. A complete and thorough examination may be required.
  5. Shot in the back of the head. Another sign that your head is blown. Or, if observed in the morning and in the absence of drafts, during sleep you rarely turned, and your head was in a rather uncomfortable position.
  6. Increasing and falling pain, aggravated in lying position, can talk about a bad tooth.
  7. and from the same head - most likely otitis media. It is also caused by "blowing" and can give to the entire area of ​​​​the forehead and to the back of the head.

If you can more accurately describe your feelings (at least for yourself), and you yourself will know what to do until you get to the clinic, and the doctor will more accurately and quickly make a diagnosis.

Blown head: symptoms and treatment

If it so happened that you didn’t get to the doctor (often the signs appear in the evening or on the weekend), and the symptoms indicate exactly the pathology we are considering, you must be able to help yourself on your own until the hospital opens. First, take aspirin and drink tea - strong and with honey. If you have a sore throat, rinse it with decoctions of sage, oak or calendula (a spoonful of dry remedy in a glass of boiling water). Myositis in the neck, often accompanying a cold, is relieved by lubricating the diseased area with an anti-inflammatory ointment, followed by rubbing. At night, it is necessary to warm the head - at least with a hat. You can light an aroma lamp.

At ear pain a compress is made, but not on the sink itself, but around it. To do this, a hole is cut in a thick layer of gauze, the fabric is moistened with vodka and put on the aching organ. From above, everything is closed with polyethylene, then with cotton wool, and then fixed with a bandage or scarf. After two hours the pain subsides. But in the morning - run to the doctor: otitis media can give severe complications, up to hearing loss and inflammation of the brain.

Is your head cold?

In any case, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided if your head is blown. Symptoms may not only be indicative of a cold. Headaches, fever, jumping pressure and darkening of the eyes are also caused by very serious diseases:

  1. Infectious brain abscess. If the head persistently hurts for more than half a day, this is very alarm signal. And this problem is eliminated only surgically.
  2. Meningitis. It is also caused by drafts, especially if you walked in the wind with a wet head. But it can also be infectious. The disease is very dangerous, fraught

We have already talked about osteochondrosis. Migraines also cause headaches. However, both of these diseases are chronic. That is, people suffering from them know what to do in case of seizures.

Prevention - always!

To avoid becoming a regular visitor medical institutions, it is enough to perform simple rules do not sit under the window, wear a hat on windy days, know what the symptoms are if your head is blown, and if they appear, consult a doctor, and not drink painkillers in handfuls. Do not be ill!

When the head is blown, the symptoms and treatment are interrelated. Pathology occurs in humans different ages and gender. It is not always associated with winter frosts. There are a number of adverse factors that can cause it.


After blowing the head, the symptoms appear quickly. The clinic of the disease is bright, painful. She knocks out of the usual rhythm of life, interfering with work or study. The daily activities of a person are disrupted, which makes him short time apply for medical assistance. Ignoring pathology quickly leads to the development of severe complications.

Until now, there is no consensus on the essence of pathology. It cannot be attributed to a specific disease. If it blows out the head, the symptoms are similar to a cold. Often the disease under consideration is attributed to it, so they are treated according to a similar scheme.

If the head is blown out, the whole body hurts, what is the reason for this? Among the main causes of the development of the disease in the summer season, drafts are distinguished. Conditions under which they appear:

  • use of an air conditioner;
  • open window;
  • a trip to vehicle with an open window.

Cold ice cream and iced drinks increase the risk of developing a cold. Severe pain in any part of the head associated with general intoxication. In this case, fever occurs, damage to the middle ear (otitis media) or inflammation of the sinuses joins.

The pathogenesis of the disease

The phenomenon under consideration is a consequence of a long stay in the cold without a hat. It is the influence of cold, sharp air flow provokes an attack of soreness and colds. If the left or right side, that means there are problems with the immune system.

Hypothermia is accompanied by other manifestations of the common cold. This greatly complicates the decision of the question of how to treat the disease. When a person has a cold head, signs of pathology appear immediately. A few hours later, a headache suddenly appears. Headache symptoms include:

  • noise, buzzing in the ears;
  • pulsation;
  • fever
  • chills;
  • malaise;
  • aches in all muscles;
  • decreased concentration;
  • drop in performance.

If the head is blown out, there are inflammatory changes in the sinuses, throat, ears. Hypertension may occur. Some patients complain about painful roots hair on the head. The manifestations of the disease are very diverse. Therefore, in order to establish the correct and accurate diagnosis you need to consult a doctor.

It is difficult to make a diagnosis on your own. The pain of a cold affects either side of the head. It can be lumbago in the back of the head, in the forehead, in the temples. Shooting, debilitating, one-sided headaches are a sign of otitis media.

Fight against disease

An attack of the disease can occur at any time. How to treat the condition and what to do if there is no doctor nearby? If there are signs of a cold head, it is recommended to drink Aspirin and strong tea with honey. How to treat a patient? On the recommendation of a doctor, rinse with a decoction of sage, calendula, oak.

A cold can cause myositis. It manifests itself as severe pain in the neck, stiffness and limitation of movements. In such cases, it is recommended to treat the affected areas special ointment anti-inflammatory action. It is useful to rub painful areas of the body - this can improve well-being. Before going to bed, it is recommended to warm your head with a scarf or put on a hat.

The use of an aroma lamp often helps patients with a cold head. If discomfort or pain occurs in the ear area, you can put compresses around auricle. To do this, gauze is moistened with alcohol. But such funds can be used temporarily. If you suspect a cold head, it is better to consult a specialist.

Anyone can blow their heads. Experts advise patients to spend the first days of illness in bed. Proper Therapy and the implementation of all recommendations will quickly get rid of the disease. mild cold in adults it takes 5-7 days.

Therapy at home

If you have a headache, you can treat it yourself at home. Recommendations of doctors on what to do if the ear and head are blown out:

  1. Provide sufficient drinking regimen. Proven to be abundant warm drink(teas, decoctions, fruit drinks and compotes) helps to get rid of intoxication. All are washed away harmful substances minimizing pain.
  2. Immunity boost. For the purposes of prevention and treatment, tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, lemongrass are used. Such remedies quickly treat cold ears and neck. Means perfectly strengthen the immune system, helping to fight infection.
  3. The use of steam inhalation. Decoctions of sedative and anti-inflammatory herbs relieve acute attack ailment. It is enough to breathe over the remedy for a few minutes. Before treating an illness steam inhalation requires individual medical advice.
  4. Warm baths based on decoctions of herbs and sea ​​salt are able to quickly remove the signs of a cold and other consequences of hypothermia.
  5. Essential oils. Often used lemon, fir, pine, eucalyptus, lavender. They have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing it defensive forces. If your head is puffed up, you can add them to a warm bath, to inhalation products or to an aroma lamp.
  6. dry heat - effective remedy if it blew through the head. Heating pad with hot water or a bag of salt, sand is applied to the affected areas.
  7. If the right side hurts or left side head from the ear, you can use vasoconstrictor drops in the nose as a first aid. They effectively alleviate the condition, relieve swelling of the mucosa. As a result, the communication in the ears with the nasal cavity is restored.
  8. What do they do if they blow their heads? In such cases, onion juice is used. AT ear canal instill freshly squeezed onion juice and cover it with a cotton swab. To enhance the action, a warming scarf is tied on the head.
  9. Blowed out the head, what do they do if additional barley appears on the eye? It is forbidden to squeeze or pierce. Otherwise, the contents will spread to other eye shells.


If within a few days the condition only worsens, you need to contact a specialist for medical care. The head after being in drafts should be kept warm. But overheating it can hurt more than hypothermia. Do not recommend the use of heating pads, highly heated compresses. This can cause an increase in pressure, which will increase inflammation.

Both the adult and the child have a head cold. The symptoms of the disease are varied. They are confused with other pathologies or do not attach importance to them. Fever, headaches, pressure surges, or blackouts in the eyes can cause the following complications:

  • brain abscess;
  • meningitis;
  • chronic migraine.

You need to protect yourself from the wind. Walking without a headgear can lead to severe consequences listed above.

It means that leading role in their development is played not by the action of low temperature, but by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

The consequences affect its various organs. When the ear is damaged, otitis media develops, sinusitis develops in the sinuses, meningitis develops in the lining of the brain, etc.

separate group colds form states associated with spasm blood vessels and muscles.

Is it worth it to "keep your head in the cold"?

Everyone has heard the saying “keep your head cold, your feet warm, and your stomach hungry”. It can't be taken literally! No wonder caring parents from childhood forbade us to walk without a hat in cool weather. Indeed, to the question "is it possible to catch a cold head?" a positive answer can be given with certainty. Many are familiar with this situation - I stood in a draft, went out onto the balcony with a wet head after a shower, and the next day my head splits, it is impossible to concentrate. Often the ears, sinuses, eyes hurt. Such symptoms just indicate that the head has a cold.

How does cold affect our body, in particular, the tissues and organs of the head? Among pathological processes, the beginning of which gives hypothermia, the following can be distinguished:

Possible diseases

What diseases can be hidden behind the symptoms of a head cold? We can distinguish the following, the most common diseases associated with hypothermia of the head:

How to understand the reason?

What to do if you catch a cold in your head? First of all, you need to find out what disease you are facing. Accompanying symptoms will help to understand what is hidden behind the expression "a cold head":

Thus, listening to your feelings, you can draw some conclusions about the reasons feeling unwell after hypothermia of the head. However, in most cases, these are just guesses, and in order to make a correct diagnosis, a full-time consultation with a doctor is necessary, and sometimes laboratory diagnostics.

Which doctor should I contact?

Which doctor should go to a person who has a cold of the head? We all know that otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis are treated by an ear-throat-nose (otolaryngologist), nerve diseases are treated by a neuropathologist, and a therapist is treating ARVI. The only right decision would be to first contact a therapist, and he will already refer you for a consultation with a specific specialist, based on your complaints and his assumptions about the nature of the disease. This way you can find out what kind of treatment your cold head needs.


Head cold? Do not know how to treat? Treatment for the consequences of having a head cold varies depending on the symptoms and therefore the causes of the illness. So, if the cause is simple hypothermia and spasm, they will help antispasmodic drugs(for example, no-shpa), warming up, light acupressure, aromatherapy and other sparing methods of official and traditional medicine.
If a cold is associated with an infection, it is better not to experiment. For example, warming up can aggravate the inflammatory process, leading to its spread to nearby organs. That is why doctors forbid heating inflamed maxillary sinuses and ears, do hot inhalations.

Usually in the presence infectious process indicates heat body.

In this case, it is better to consult a doctor, because the consequences of a head cold can be quite severe.


To prevent the development of the above pathological conditions take the following preventive measures:

  • in cold weather, wear a hat or scarf;
  • do not overheat your head - a sweaty body gives off heat even faster and becomes supercooled;
  • do not sleep with wet hair;
  • avoid drafts;
  • do not go out with a wet head (after a shower or strenuous exercise);
  • temper yourself;
  • treat chronic diseases.

Take care of your health, take care of your head and be healthy!

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