The child is severely retarded. How to understand that a child is behind in development

21.02.2008, 23:29

My son, 2 years 1 month, noticeably lags behind his peers in development. According to the results of the examination (see below), a neuropathologist in the district clinic said that it is better not to treat him until the age of three, but only to observe him; perhaps the backlog is his feature, and later he will catch up. Prescribed Edas-306 to improve sleep and encephabol "for general development".

A few days later, the child was examined by a speech therapist, a psychologist and a neurologist from a speech therapy kindergarten. They confirmed that the boy's development was not appropriate for his age. The neurologist scolded us, said that the child was untreated and threatened mental retardation. She prescribed a course of 20 injections of cerebrolysin, 1 cube each, 10 injections of vitamin B6, 1 cube each, and classes with a speech therapist. The goal is to stimulate the development of the child.

After reading topics about encephabol and cerebrolysin here on the forum, my husband and I decided not to give them, but to limit ourselves to classes with a speech therapist. In addition, we would like to examine the child more carefully and try to find out the cause of the developmental delay. Perhaps it really needs to be treated, and we are simply wasting time. Where should we start? We would like to show the child to an experienced neurologist. Where is the best place to go? Maybe it makes sense to determine his karyotype? Just in case, we attach photos of the child: [Only registered and activated users can see links] What else can be done in our situation?
We will be very grateful to the forum members for their advice!

Pregnancy and childbirth:
pregnancy 1st, came at the age of 40 ("old maid"), her husband was 48 years old, there was no toxicosis, she took dexamethasone (hyperandrogenism mixed genesis), analysis for TORCH infection revealed IgG to HSV and toxoplasma (Viferon at week 23), at week 29 she was on preservation (the uterus was in good shape, IUGR was suspected, actovegin and magnesia were given intravenously, CTG was normal). Labor at 39 weeks, no stimulation, contractions began at midnight, gave birth at 10 am. Simple flat pelvis. Episiotomy. The child screamed after being spanked by the midwife, 8/9 on the Apgar scale. Discharged from the hospital on the 5th day.

Anthropometric data:
At birth: 3250 g, 50 cm, OG 35, OG 34
3 months: 5820 g, 61 cm, OG 41, OG 39
9 months: 9300 g, 70 cm, OG 44, OG 46
1 year: 9570 g, 77 cm, OG 46, OG 48
1 year 9 months: 11200 g, 86 cm

Child development:
He learned to sit at 8 months, crawl at 11 months, stand at 1 year, walk at 1 year 5 months, run at 2 years. He began to fix his eyes on bright toys - at 5 months, walk - at 6 months, respond to the name - at 1.5 years. The child is cheerful, mischievous, loves pranks, looks into the eyes, smiles in response to a smile. He babbles a lot in his own language, but very rarely turns "speech" to an adult. An exception - he comes up to me, pulls my sleeve and calls: "Mamamama." If he wants to drink, he gives me a bottle, if he swings, he pulls his leg to the swing. Very inquisitive, active, takes part in everything. Copies some actions of adults (tries to wash the floor with a mop, saw with a saw), recently began to repeat the words he heard (rarely). He fulfills many requests (come here, give me, you can’t, etc.), but he doesn’t understand many: for example, if you point a finger at something, he looks at the finger, and not at the object. He puts a cube on a cube, a bowl in a bowl, closes the jar with a lid, puts a pencil in the glass, takes small objects with two fingers, presses the buttons, opens the screw caps. He reacts animatedly to his own photographs and reflection in the mirror, but is indifferent to pictures in books. He does not show his nose-eyes-ears, does not wave his hand "bye-bye", does not collect a pyramid. In an excited state, he often "dances" on tiptoe and makes circular motions hands. Sleeps badly (sickness). Up to 1.8 years old, he slept all night, and now he wakes up at three o'clock, climbs into our bed and spins non-stop in half-sleep for another 2-3 hours. Sometimes he falls asleep on his own, but more often he diverges, laughs, cries; then we rock him. During the day he sleeps for an hour and a half. We give him daily 1 drop of aquadetrim.

The results of the examination in the clinic:
ENT: hearing is normal. Just in case, he sent me to an audiologist.
Optometrist: intermittent strabismus, the fundus is normal.
Orthopedist: X-shaped shins, flat-valgus foot.
Neurologist: delayed psychophysical development.
EchoEG results: No displacement of median structures was detected, mild hydrocephalic-hypertensive signs, width of the third ventricle 4.38 mm, pulsation no more than 50%.

22.02.2008, 20:55

From the preparations listed by you any child is not necessary - they "do not stimulate and do not treat". Active sessions with a speech therapist are necessary.
To show an experienced neurologist is reasonable. Moreover, in Moscow there are no problems with this.
Sincerely, Cherebillo V.Yu.

22.02.2008, 22:19

22.02.2008, 23:01

Thank you very much for the replies. We will not give bad things to a child. And what about vitamin B6, which was also prescribed by a doctor? Does it make sense to prick him or not?

Unfortunately, finding a neurologist is a problem for me. Perhaps, respected forum participants will advise where or even to whom we should apply in Moscow?

Does it make sense to also turn to genetics and determine the karyotype of the child? Or is this already redundant information?

22.02.2008, 23:05

There is no need to prick the child. It hurts.

22.02.2008, 23:26

By the way, my husband thinks that our son is less sensitive to pain.

22.02.2008, 23:30

There is no reason to inject a child with syringes with unnecessary drugs.

23.02.2008, 00:14

Of course, no reason. That's right, an observation. So you think that B6 is also useless? Okay, now we are at least we know what not to do: inject the child with cerebrolysin and B6 and give him encephabol to drink. We also know what to do: actively engage with a speech therapist (already agreed) and show it to an experienced neurologist (I hope the forum participants will help). Thanks a lot for these tips! But are these measures enough or can something else be done now? How do they usually begin the examination of such it is not clear why children who are lagging behind in development?

23.02.2008, 01:23

Olga, off topic, but by the way - remember, as a rule - you need to inject only those drugs that do not come in tablets (and there are only one, two, and counted).
An exception is situations where the patient cannot objectively take medicines by mouth.
But vitamin B is...

Painful doesn't mean good.

23.02.2008, 12:13

Are these measures enough or can something else be done now? Enough. Any clarifications and additions should be discussed at the reception and explained to you in an accessible way. Parents should understand the logic of the doctor's actions.

23.02.2008, 12:32

According to other sources, in Moscow there is a problem with pediatric neurologists who do not prescribe any nasty things like actovegin and cerebrolysin. :(Do you know such people? Are there many such people in St. Petersburg?
The main thing is not to fall into the clutches of the "neurologists" of the "Prognoz" center.

Both in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are many competent neurologists, and if you wish, finding them is not a problem. Of course, if you go to the first person you come across in the Central District Hospital, you may be lucky, or maybe not. It's better to have a clear idea of ​​who you're going to.

23.02.2008, 12:33

In St. Petersburg, polyclinic neuropathologists are sent to Prognoz. :(

23.02.2008, 12:35

Firstly, even outpatient clinics are absolutely not all and not always. And secondly, I say - it is better to clearly understand where and to whom you are going.

23.02.2008, 12:41

And how does the patient get the right idea?

23.02.2008, 13:25

23.02.2008, 13:40

Neuropathologists don't send us anywhere at all. In the clinic they say that since the EchoEG and the fundus of the eye are more or less normal, then the child is healthy. And in kindergarten - what needs to be treated urgently, but they don’t say what exactly. Well, what about the poor patient? (rhetorical question)

23.02.2008, 13:44

Unfortunately, in our country it will not work except through colleagues and on the recommendation. Partly it is possible on publications and works. All other criteria - name, title, sign, etc. won't go. Everything is very relative.
That's why I started this thread! Maybe the forum participants will advise a doctor in Moscow who deals with such children?

23.02.2008, 13:51

I'm not at all sure that you need a neurologist. Lagging behind in development may require correction, in Moscow there are many centers where they deal with this. See [Only registered and activated users can see links]

23.02.2008, 15:56

Thanks a lot!

12.03.2008, 18:47

We visited a face-to-face consultation with a neurologist (Dr. W.N.). He concluded that there were no focal disorders in the neurological status, and recommended that the child have his hearing checked (make an audiogram), constantly work with a speech therapist/defectologist, and go for a consultation with a geneticist at the Medical Genetic Center. We have already signed up everywhere, while we wait ...

12.03.2008, 19:34

The neurologist's name is Vasily Yurievich!

12.12.2008, 19:09

The child is already 2 years 11 months old. We checked the hearing in the audiology center on Vernadsky (normal). We are engaged in the Center for Curative Pedagogics.

Since my last post, the boy has grown up, got stronger, began to understand addressed speech much better, fulfill requests, learned to point fingers and generally ask (with gestures, facial expressions and voice), unfasten zippers, buttons and Velcro Velcro, take off mittens / socks / sandals / hat, put on glasses, fasten sandals with Velcro ... Easily climbs onto a chair, moves chairs to reach wall cabinets from them. Turns on / off TV, water, light. He began to imitate the actions of adults more often. I liked to watch cartoons (can withstand 15-20 minutes), listen to music. Goes to bed with a toy. He drinks from a straw, tries to eat with a spoon. Doesn't ask for a potty.
What is bad: A lot of stereotyped movements (when he worries, dances on tiptoe and waves his arms), there is no speech (babbles a lot and difficult, but there are almost no words: mom, dad, woman, give, na, hello), falls asleep with difficulty (we rock 1 -2 hours). And, most importantly, he lags far behind in mental development.

Now the question is: Angelman's syndrome is suspected in a child. As you know, he often has convulsions. Knowing how difficult it is to recognize the manifestations of epilepsy, I began to observe the child more carefully. And I woke up last night with sobs. The son lay next to him on his back, motionless, his hands on the blanket, his eyes open, his mouth in a bracket, tears flowed from his eyes, he softly sobbed. I started to calm him down, he calmed down a little, without changing his position, but after about three minutes again - a bracket, tears and sobs. I began to shake him up, and then he began to cry out loud, turned to me, snuggled up, twisted around for a while and fell asleep. Then I remembered that I had seen the same scene a few months ago. I woke up in the morning as if nothing had happened. Could this be a manifestation of epilepsy? If so, what research should we do?

22.01.2009, 13:39

Nobody answered. Apparently what I described strange behavior the baby doesn't seem to be having any kind of seizure. Well, thank God! Since then, it hasn't happened again, pah-pah-pah.

22.01.2009, 15:00

At the Medical Genetic Center on Kashirka, blood was taken from the child for a karyotype and Angelman's syndrome. The karyotype was found to be unremarkable (46XY), and no abnormal methylation at 15q11.2 was found in Angelman's syndrome. True, the mutation of the UBE3A gene was not determined. As far as I understand, with such a result, Angelman's syndrome in my son is unlikely. We want to do EEG and MRI to rule out this diagnosis (normal MRI and abnormal EEG - important criteria[Only registered and activated users can see links]).

But just for the sake of this, I would not want to torment the child. The main thing is to understand what is wrong with the child. Suddenly IT is treated! Therefore, we want to do an EEG and an MRI, and then go for a face-to-face consultation with a neurologist. Or first to a neurologist, and then an EEG / MRI? We visited Vasily Yuryevich Nogovitsyn last spring, and he wrote that "in a neurological status focal symptoms No".

22.01.2009, 18:46

I do not get the point of it. Whatever was on the EEG and MRI, on further tactics it won't affect. In the message I missed, the condition does not look like convulsions.

22.01.2009, 19:06

Thank you, Vasily Yurievich! For the sake of one Angelman syndrome, we will not do an EEG - at least not yet. Then what should we do next? Come to you for a consultation? If yes, what do you need to bring with you?

09.02.2009, 20:39

I'll try to reformulate the question. Our child (now he is 3 years old) is significantly behind in mental development, he does not speak. Not a single doctor to whom we turned in search of a cause (pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, geneticist) found in him obvious pathologies. Hearing is normal, vision is normal. AT physical development- slight motor awkwardness. What else can we do to make a diagnosis? Who can help us in determining the survey tactics?

And one more question. The child is now walking individual sessions with a psychologist and a speech therapist to a speech therapy kindergarten four times a week for 40 minutes. The trouble is that the boy cannot hold his attention for a long time, he is quickly distracted. If something doesn't work out, they quit right away. As far as I understood from the literature, in the West, in this case, stimulants like methylphenidate are used. Of these, in our pharmacies, I found only clonidine (clophelin). I read about it here: [Only registered and activated users can see links] On the same site ([Only registered and activated users can see links]) it is said to be used for the same purposes folic acid. Do our doctors have experience in using clonidine and folic acid for attention disorders?

11.02.2009, 15:34

Is nobody going to answer?

11.02.2009, 21:10

You must understand that doctors who consult on the forum are still working. They have families and a host of other concerns. Consulting is a kind of voluntary hobby. Therefore, they answer you when there is free time and demanding a quick response is incorrect.
Now, in fact, the child is shown developmental classes, classes with a speech therapist. And the patience of parents. It is impossible to give a child a "big red Kremlin pill" and immediately cure everything. If it were possible, we would all be happy. So be patient and keep busy.

11.02.2009, 21:29

11.02.2009, 22:15

The exact cause of developmental delay is not always possible to establish.
In any case, the treatment is a speech therapist, developing classes. I think you should not "rest" in the long-term search for possible explanations.

P.S. If I'm wrong, I think they'll correct me.

11.02.2009, 22:38

Thank you for your reply, Babulya! I am aware that it is not always possible to determine the cause of developmental delay. But often it still succeeds, and sometimes this allows you to cure the child or at least understand his prospects. What if this is just our case? Here I am leaning...

08.03.2009, 15:49

Good afternoon! We are registering our son (3 years, 1 month old) for classes at the lecotheque. During registration, the neurologist drew my attention to the fact that at 11 months a cyst was found in the child for NSG choroid plexus left. The size of the cyst is not indicated in the report. Tell me, please, could a choroid plexus cyst cause developmental delay? I read here on the forum a lot of topics about such cysts. Everywhere it is said: if the child develops normally, then ignore it. What if it's not normal? Thank you in advance.

08.03.2009, 16:38

Could a choroid plexus cyst cause developmental delay? ....

No, she couldn't.

08.09.2009, 19:44

I have questions again, if I may. My son is now 3 years 7 months old, he still does not speak and is significantly behind in development. We are engaged in a lecotheque. There is no diagnosis.

1. The four-year-old son of my friend, who has similar problems, was referred by a psychoneurologist in Semashko for an ultrasound scan of the cervical spine. Found stenosis vertebral arteries. The psychoneurologist said that this is the main reason for the child's developmental delay and lack of speech. She referred me to an insanely expensive neurologist at the Guta Clinic. Please tell me, can vertebral artery stenosis cause / aggravate ZPRR? Does it make sense to go the same way or is this another "honest money grab"?

2. Does neck zone massage make sense? We "prescribed" him ... a psychologist!

2. Perhaps not at the right address: I really want to find a specialist in ABA therapy (Applied Behavior Analysis) in Moscow. I try to apply its elements myself - I really like it! Do we practice this method somewhere? Or at least its accepted Russian name.

Thanks a lot in advance!

08.09.2009, 20:04

1. No. Taking money.
2. No.
3. I don't know about this. Perhaps one of my colleagues can advise.

23.09.2009, 18:10

Good afternoon, dear consultants! We again have to turn to you for help. Ilyusha (3 years, 8 months old, ZPRR, autistic features, speechless) with the beginning of the school year and after a recent visit to the polyclinic (all around squealing children) became more sensitive to sound. For a week now he has been covering his ears with his hands, crying from any noise. He used to be sensitive to sounds, but now he just goes into hysterics. It seems to me that he is not so much afraid of sounds as they are unpleasant to him, unbearable. This reaction is not necessarily loud sounds, but mostly high: the squeals of children and even children's voices, crackling when unwinding adhesive tape, the rumble of carts in a furniture store. He is afraid of sounds, not people, for example. He calmly behaves in large stores, subway, bus, train, plane ... until children squeak nearby.

The questions are:
1. Can "sound phobia" be considered a purely mental problem? Or could it be caused by some kind of ear disease? Or neurological disease? Who to contact with this problem?
2. If this is a mental problem, can it be corrected? This fear makes it very difficult for him to adapt to children's team, although with adults he willingly makes contact. In the West, as far as I understand, they use Auditory Integration Training. Do we have similar methods? Tomatis?
3. Will a sedative help a child in such a situation? If yes, what can be given?
4. We checked the hearing in the state audiology center on Vernadsky Avenue. They said it was the norm. But I heard from a friend that only gross pathology is determined there, and this is supposedly not enough. Does it make sense to additionally test your hearing, for example, at the Center for Audiology and Hearing Prosthetics at Leninsky Prospekt 123? I have a feeling that Ilyusha does not always understand the spoken word (sometimes he nods in response to a question, and then it turns out that he wanted something completely different). Maybe that's what's stopping him from speaking?

Thanks a lot in advance!

24.09.2009, 11:42

You need to see a child psychiatrist. neurological problems and hearing loss is unlikely.

30.09.2009, 12:09

Good afternoon, dear consultants! Today we went to a child psychiatrist at the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support on the street. Arch. Vlasov. The doctor confirmed our diagnosis (ZPRR, autistic traits), said that the child is very anxious, and to relieve this anxiety, she prescribed teraligen 1/2 tablet in the morning and evening. After reading the description of the drug at home, I found “children under 7 years old” in the contraindications, Ilyusha is now 3 years 8 months old! In addition, side effects include an increase in convulsive activity in children, and we have never even had an EEG done.

I really don't want to test the antipsychotic on my own son, so the question is: what should we do? Refuse this treatment regimen? But the psychiatrist said that the only way to reduce anxiety and hyperacusis in young children is to take medication. This is true? Before going to a psychiatrist, we thought about going to an audio-integrative training (Tomatis), because, it seems to me, all Ilyushin's fears stem from his hypersensitivity: he is afraid of unpleasant sensations associated with certain sounds.

And one more question. Throughout my pregnancy, I took dexamethasone (1 tablet per day). Unfortunately, I learned too late that it was pointless and even harmful, since dexamethasone crosses the placenta. Could dexamethasone disrupt the fetal adrenal glands and lead to anxiety and hyperacusis? Even during pregnancy, I read about this, if I'm not mistaken, on the CIR website. True, the article there was very emotional and without a single reference to the literature. So I don't know how to deal with her. Maybe we should still consult with an endocrinologist?

14.11.2009, 15:14

Dear moderators, is it possible to invite child psychiatrists to this topic? Or should I duplicate my last post in the Psychiatry section? Thank you!

14.11.2009, 23:59

Good evening!
About treatment: formally, I have to agree with you - once up to 7 years it is impossible, so it is impossible. The problem is that many antipsychotics, especially the latest, modern, so-called "atypical" ones (teraligen, by the way, are not one of them) are not approved in our country for use in childhood due to insufficient research. Abroad, these same drugs can be widely used in adults and children, they are objectively better tolerated, and therefore, understandably, they should be used primarily in childhood, but in Russian annotations it says “not recommended for use under 15 years old” period. Some kind of chlorpromazine (the first invented antipsychotic, often poorly tolerated) is possible from 6 months, and a safer new one, only from 15 years old ... This is about what is written about age.
About the teraligen itself. Active substance it contains Alimemazine. The drug under this name is allowed from 1 year of age. It is believed that this drug has a good anti-anxiety effect. This drug has been widely used abroad for the treatment of sleep disorders.

In one of the topics you wrote that you took your child to the Center for Curative Pedagogics. Are you continuing now?
Osin Elisey

15.11.2009, 16:59

Thanks a lot for your answer! About the age is understandable.

We do not go to the CLP now, because We only have one free day a week. Ilyusha simply will not pull such a load. We go to the lecotheque at the speech therapy kindergarten (these are classes with a psychologist, defectologist, game therapist and social pedagogue) and separately work with a speech therapist. In addition, they began to take my son to canis therapy at Sunny Dog (he is very interested in animals). But we plan to return to the CLP, because. Only there are group classes available to us.

And a few more questions, if I may:

1. Mothers of older children from our library unanimously say that their children have “outgrown” such fears. However, the psychiatrist told us that in young children, anxiety can only be "treated" with medication. Where lies the truth?

2. Are antipsychotics really used to reduce anxiety? For example, on the website of the American National Fragile X Foundation, antidepressants, primarily Prozac, are offered to reduce anxiety in children. And antipsychotics (Risperidone) are used to correct behavior in case of severe aggression, outbursts of rage, psychosis. But Ilyusha has none of this! We parents are even a little worried about his complete lack of aggression.

3. And, most importantly, will teraligen cause a decrease in cognitive activity? She's not very good with us.

Thanks a lot in advance!

15.11.2009, 17:55

Mothers of older children from our lekoteka unanimously say that their children have “outgrown” such fears. However, the psychiatrist told us that in young children, anxiety can only be "treated" with medication.

One does not contradict the other. Look, the diagnoses that your son makes do not actually speak of the disease with its beginning, course, and end. This is a changed, disturbed, unusual development, but it is development. With this development, some phenomena are observed, which, on the one hand, can be manifestations of normal age-related changes, on the other hand - manifestations of disturbed development.
That's why pharmacological treatment in this case, this is not the treatment of the root of the problem (as, for example, the appointment of antibiotics for pneumonia), but the treatment of external undesirable manifestations, symptoms.
As with any development, something new appears and will appear, and something will leave. For example, anxiety when parting with parents is a normal age-related phenomenon in the first year of life, in the third it already disappears. The desire to separate and do and think wrong parents - normal phenomenon adolescence. In adults, it passes, they say that an adult is someone who does something even if his mother wants it.

This is also observed in cases with a special development of children. So, for example, stereotyping in activity, "non-addressing" to another in speech, anxiety often significantly decreases with age and, if they manifest themselves, then in a different way, not at all like in childhood.

And here is another question - to give it or not to give it symptomatic treatment? The answer depends only on the severity of this symptom. If, for example, due to anxiety, shyness, a child cannot go to classes, cannot enter a new room, and each lesson turns into an attempt to calm the child, then yes.
If the symptom is not expressed, if it manifests itself precisely as a certain feature, then you need to think.
In other words, if a feature greatly interferes with the child and others, then it makes sense to influence it, if not, then no. Judging by what you write, it interferes.

Are Antipsychotics Really Used to Reduce Anxiety? For example, on the website of the American National Fragile X Foundation, antidepressants, primarily Prozac, are offered to reduce anxiety in children.

And neuroleptics too. Fluoxetine (Prozac) is usually not prescribed in Russia, it should not be given to young children either (according to the instructions).

And, most importantly, will teraligen cause a decrease in cognitive activity? She's not very good with us.

Theoretically, it could. Strongly dose dependent. In childhood, it is advisable not to quickly increase the dose of the drug.

15.11.2009, 17:59

We go to the lecotheque at the speech therapy kindergarten (these are classes with a psychologist, defectologist, game therapist and social pedagogue) and separately work with a speech therapist. In addition, they began to take my son to canis therapy at Sunny Dog (he is very interested in animals). But we plan to return to the CLP, because. Only there are group classes available to us.
I think that the psychiatrist had reason to recommend drug therapy to your child.
This is not heavy artillery, don't scare yourself. These are medicines.

17.11.2009, 15:03

Thanks a lot! It is unlikely that a psychiatrist could have such reasons. She saw the child for five minutes at most, four of which she talked to me. She just told me that the only way to correct anxiety in young children is medication. I doubted this and began to ask questions here. Now with this luggage I will go to her for clarification :)

Thanks again!

Dear readers, you will be interested in this article if you want to find out if a child is behind in development. We'll consider possible reasons and methods of correction, as well as ways to identify problems.

Types of developmental delay

Based on the causes and nature of the manifestations, there are four main types of developmental delay.

  1. Psychic infantilism. The kid often cries, quick-tempered noticeably mood swings.
  2. Delay of somatogenic origin. Such a lag is typical for children with hyperprotection or frequent chronic pathologies especially with colds.
  3. Neurogenic developmental delay. It is formed with a lack of attention or with excessive pressure, as well as with trauma. It is difficult for such a baby to behave correctly in relation to some phenomena or other people.
  4. Organically - cerebral. It is observed with deviations in the body of the baby, affecting the brain and the entire nervous system. This type is the most serious and much more difficult and takes longer to heal.

The reasons

The child begins to lag behind in development when parents do not deal with him, do not pay attention to him

In fact, there may be several factors that could affect the delay in the timely development of skills. And not always what seems to be a deviation from the norm is really so. Therefore, it is very important to identify the causes that contribute to developmental delay in order to make sure whether there is a reason for concern or not.

  1. Wrong system of education. There are cases when the lag occurs due to the fact that no one devotes time to the baby, does not work with him. Naturally, such a child will develop more slowly than peers to whom parents devote a lot of time. If you start practicing with a child deprived of attention, then everything will return to normal quite quickly.
  2. Factors social environment. Perhaps, as the baby grew older, situations arose in his environment that traumatized his psyche. It is possible that his parents took great care of him, did not allow him to be independent. Such a child at the age of 3 is completely unable to perform simple actions without the help of loved ones.
  3. biological reasons. It is possible that the baby was born with pathologies of brain development, which could affect his intellectual development. Such reasons may include:
  • incorrect embryonic laying of organs;
  • hereditary pathologies;
  • a woman taking drugs or alcohol during gestation;
  • transferred infections affecting the organs of the nervous system;
  • the use of strong sedatives by the mother of the baby during his gestation;
  • injury to the abdomen during a fall during pregnancy;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • birth trauma, in particular the head, hypoxia.

How to determine the backlog

Normally, the baby should be able to concentrate on the subject. If not, this is a warning sign of developmental delay.

In order for parents to be able to understand that a child is lagging behind in development per year, attention should be paid to manifestations of his character, actions, speech, emotional condition. In fact, you may start to notice anxiety symptoms even from the first months of the life of a peanut.

  1. The child is not able to concentrate his attention after two months of age.
  2. No response to sounds.
  3. The sucking reflex is preserved in children older than three months (the child sucks a sponge, finger or clothes).
  4. The baby is not able to observe moving objects.
  5. A toddler older than three months does not smile.
  6. The baby, who is four months old, does not make peculiar sounds, there is no “humming”.
  7. A child older than three years has no speech, at least in some of its manifestations.
  8. The little one cannot learn letters,.
  9. A preschooler has dysgraphia, dyscalculia.


Proper nutrition is an important component of successful therapy

In order to help the child, a specialist may prescribe:

  • recreational activities;
  • classes to correct certain skills;
  • drug therapy.

General wellness activities include:

  • healthy eating;
  • normalized physical activity.

Such children need more sleep, and the intervals between sleep, therapeutic measures and eating should be filled with active activities.

Drug therapy, as a rule, is prescribed along with speech therapy or pedagogical classes. Also, other narrow specialists, for example, a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, speech therapist, defectologist or orthopedist, may be involved for treatment.

Corrective exercises are exercises that develop proper coordination of movements, affect the improvement of balance, improve walking and spatial orientation skills. Exercises focused on training reaction speed, agility and strength, as well as endurance.

Which doctor to contact

Some parents start to panic when they realize that the child is behind in development, what to do in such a situation is the main question for them.

It is important not to be inactive, in time to seek help from a doctor. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the deviation and redirect to a specialist.

  1. To child psychologist you will get if the baby has somatic infantilism. With this pathology, the child is physically healthy, his lag is affected by a lack of attention during education. This diagnosis will be relevant at the age of over four years.
  2. You will need a psychiatrist if there is a deviation in mental activity, antisocial behavior is noticed, it is difficult for the baby to socialize. Such a child is most often quite aggressive, parents are unable to cope with it. In such situations, you can not do without special drug therapy.
  3. If the baby is diagnosed with a mild form of retardation, in particular, there are problems with concentration, speech delay, memory, then a defectologist will help you.
  4. You will go to a neurologist if the cause of developmental delay is a neurological problem. As a rule, pathologies from this category are diagnosed even before the onset of one year old. Such babies can not do without special therapy, medication and physiotherapy exercises.

Special Kindergarten

If your baby has a developmental delay, then do not immediately despair. In addition to a possible course of treatment, you will be advised to send the baby to a special program, or they will be sent to a correctional kindergarten, where most of the children will be able to catch up with their peers in development, and calmly go to school. Such preschool institutions recruit small groups, besides, there are more educators, nannies and speech pathologists than in the usual kindergarten.
Now you know how developmental delay can manifest itself and what to do about it. You see that in a child as early as 2 years old, such a diagnosis can be unmistakably established. Remember that in similar situation you can not hesitate, you need to seek qualified help in time.

In this article:

Sometimes the diagnosis of "developmental lag" appears quite suddenly during the planned medical examination of the baby. It can be delivered for various reasons even under the age of 1 year. The doctor notes the presence or absence of unconditioned reflexes at the crumb

All problems of developmental delay can be divided into physical and mental. If observed physical delay, then intelligence is often preserved. The heaviest are considered organic brain and CNS damage leading to a decrease in intelligence. If it is known that the child is lagging behind in development, then a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. Neurologists, psychologists, defectologists and psychiatrists work with various problems. They will help create a plan for the development and education of the baby. Then it all depends on the parents and their help.

developmental delay

Parents should remember that a developmental delay diagnosis does not mean that a child will never be able to do anything. Some of the types of lagging behind are easy, and the baby will be able to attend kindergarten, school, and continue his education. He just needs more time and attention. Special programs have been developed for such children, there are kindergartens and schools. correctional type. The kid is quite possible to develop and socialize. Falling behind doesn't mean he can't live. ordinary life child.

For heavy
forms of retardation of physical or mental development are much more complicated. Doctors and defectologists should help parents decide what to do. They will advise developing programs, centers for training. Such children should not be abandoned to their fate. They are taught simple rules behavior and personal hygiene. Here the task of education is to give the baby as much independence as possible.

Up to 1 year, serious lags can be easily identified, especially in physical development. Before entering school (5-7 years), mental developmental disorders are detected. Many observations can be made by parents themselves. If there is any doubt about the "control signs", immediately consult a doctor. Some of the forms of backlog can be corrected with an adequate pedagogical approach.

Physical retardation

We are talking about a significant lag in the main anthropometric parameters. For example, a child is born completely normal growth and weight, but over time, these indicators practically do not change. The baby eats well, but there is no increase in height and weight. This situation may be due to two reasons:

The main manifestations of this problem:

  • lag in growth, weight;
  • limb underdevelopment;
  • insufficient amount of muscle or adipose tissue;
  • baldness.

Premature babies often suffer from these problems. Then it is believed that in 1-2 years it is still impossible to talk about the degree of danger of lagging behind. Children only develop more slowly and gain weight. If after 2 years of age the problem persists, then a diagnosis of developmental delay is made.

There are cases
when physical and mental development are delayed at the same time. This is very serious situation. It often happens that the child retains a normal intellectual level. He develops in the same way as his peers, he can attend kindergarten, school, communicate normally. The degree of physical lag here plays a decisive role.

Such children should not be left without attention, education. The brain is working normally, which means that the child has a cognitive interest. He needs to learn, otherwise there will be personal changes. The baby has potential, which means that something needs to be done for his proper mental and emotional development.

Mental lag

There are a lot of options for how the lag in the mental development of the crumbs will manifest itself. Three main directions:

The behavior of such children is immature, very "childish": for example, a child is 10-12 years old, but he still does not show enough independence and interest. The development of children with mental retardation corresponds to the age of 1-1.5 years, as if it had stopped there. They suffer from severe brain dysfunction. There can be a lot of reasons - from improper intrauterine development to infections experienced in early childhood.

Main reasons

Let us consider in more detail the main causes of mental retardation in children. Most of them affect the functioning of the nervous system. Usually, violations are detected even before the child reaches 1 year. Others will be more noticeable after 3-4 years.

The wrong approach to learning

Unfortunately wrong pedagogical approach occurs quite often. This applies not only to educators and teachers, but also to the parents of the child. No one was engaged in his training, did not use developmental techniques. It happens that the baby does not even know how to play, because no one taught him how to do it.

The child stays without the attention of adults, they walk with him a little or he is in general all the time in the apartment. Then there is no incentive for the emergence of cognitive interest. The psyche of the beginning normal development , but in an important period of time (up to 1 year) fell into stagnation. The development of the psyche and intellect can no longer follow the right path.

If you start to deal with the baby in time, the psyche will again turn into active phase. Of course, if there are no other prerequisites for mental retardation. Such problems are identified by a psychologist, analyzing the behavioral reactions of the baby, his history and living environment.

Social environment

Here the reasons for the lag are traumatic factors for the psyche. So, parents can do too much to take care of the child, not allowing him to show his personality, limiting independence. Infantilism sets in. At 5-6 years old, the baby still cannot eat on his own, engage in personal hygiene.

Mental reactions to aggressive behavior are possible. The child is intimidated, closes, stops communicating with the outside world. This can happen from year to year - the child needs the help of a specialist to solve the problem.

Biological factors

Many children with psychological lag already born with brain defects. They greatly influenced the intelligence and reactions of the baby. The reasons may be different.

  • Neuro-cerebral character (incorrect laying of organs during the formation of the embryo)

These are strong deviations. work of the nervous system, misdevelopment brain. This type is the most difficult for further work. All thought and behavioral processes go the other way.

  • Pathologies during pregnancy

Here the reasons are both dependent on the mother and independent. For example, hereditary pathologies. A woman may not know that she is a carrier of a pathological gene. Or he knows, but consciously takes the risk.

Other the reasons pathological development fetus during pregnancy:

  • mother's use of alcohol and drugs;
  • transferred infections;
  • taking medications, antibiotics, strong sedatives (there is a huge list of drugs that should not be taken during pregnancy);
  • injuries to a pregnant woman, falls;
  • severe toxicity.

Bookmark Organs in this case it goes wrong. The brain and nervous system are most affected by chemical substances(drugs, alcohol, drugs).

These include:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • head injury;
  • hypoxia.

Sometimes initially healthy child may receive serious damage during childbirth (both mental and physical). It will cause developmental delay.

How to identify developmental delay

There are many indicators of lagging that parents themselves can notice. Or maybe
maybe the kindergarten teacher will identify the problem. Usually the brightest manifestations start after 2 years. What to do in such a situation, the pediatrician will tell the parents.

Some manifestations will be noticeable even at the age of several months. Will point you to them pediatrician or nurse that will test the child's reflexes.

The presence of several at once (from 3 signs) indicates serious violation mental activity and lag in intellectual development.

How to help a child

Parents should definitely consult a specialist. Only he will be able to draw up an individual treatment plan for the child. Sometimes a developmental lag can be “mitigated” and partially catch up with the school curriculum.

Go see a specialist

Different doctors work with developmental delays. It all depends on the kind of problem., the presence of organic changes. It is very dangerous to postpone a visit to a specialist, because the easiest way is to correct or treat the backlog at the initial stage.

  • Child psychologist

somatic infantilism. It's developmental delay
which is not organic in nature - from the point of view of physiology, the baby is healthy. Perhaps the child was raised incorrectly, did not pay enough attention to his upbringing. This makes him dependent, he has no interest in learning, life. Such diagnoses are made not earlier than 3-4 years of life.

  • Psychiatrist

Violations in mental activity, antisocial behavior. The kid is socialized with great difficulty, cannot be in society. Such children are often aggressive, not amenable to conventional methods of education. Often in need drug treatment and therapy.

  • Defectologist

Mild forms of developmental delay. For example, the delay speech development, memory, concentration. These problems can be corrected in whole or in part. He also works with abnormal social-behavioral reactions in children..

  • Neurologist

This specialist deals with neurological problems. He appoints complex treatment,
maintenance therapy
. Neurological problems are the most serious on this list. It is almost impossible to neutralize their impact. Most often, a baby with problems gets to a neurologist even before 1 year, a few months after birth. Such kids will need special therapy, medicines, physiotherapy exercises..

Correctional kindergarten

Parents often don't know what to do after being diagnosed with a developmental delay. Any of the experts can advise a further course of action. If possible, the baby is offered to be trained according to a special program. If the deviation is detected early, then this is a kindergarten with a defectological or corrective bias.

Correction class
helps children catch up with the program - they are shown how to learn. If there is a slight lag, then it is quite possible that after 2-4 years of correctional kindergarten, the baby will be able to go to school with other children.

Here, classes are not the same as in a regular garden. Groups are formed small, and there are more educators. So, in an ordinary kindergarten there is only 1 teacher and 2 nannies for 10-15 people. Here, every child needs attention. The staff is much wider: these are educators, defectologists, nannies and nurses.

Special schools for children with developmental problems

If identified serious defects development, after kindergarten, the child is sent to special educational institutions. Main areas of work with children:

  • socialization attempts;
  • self-care training.

Many of the children with serious neurological and cerebral disorders won't be able to study. They are given the basics of knowledge about the world, but more emphasis is placed on socialization, because such children may well play together, be in society. To kids with serious psychiatric problems this is important, otherwise they will treat people inadequately.

Children are taught the rules of personal hygiene so that they are able to take care of themselves at least minimally. Unfortunately they need constant attention and help from adults. A regular school cannot provide them with such an opportunity.

Each child develops at his own individual speed, someone at 8 months is already starting to walk, and someone is almost not, some children are already talking at 1.5 years, and someone is silent up to three years or even longer.

But, nevertheless, doctors have a number of standards, and if the child does not meet them, then a diagnosis can be made - developmental delay.

Parents of such children should understand that having a diagnosis is not a sentence at all.

Lags can be weak and do not affect the intelligence of the child. These children will be able to go to school and kindergarten in the same way, they just need more work and help to overcome difficulties.

A child develops according to the norm if:

  • the level of development corresponds to the level of most of his peers;
  • his behavior meets the requirements of society: the child is not asocial, not aggressive;
  • it develops according to individual inclinations.

Speaking about the norms of child development, you need to understand that they are of different types.

Average standard - average, obtained as a result of observation of healthy children, by the arithmetic mean. That is, the number of children with the same indicators is divided by total examined children. This norm is only a guide, the achievements of the child can vary greatly, both up and down. For example, children start walking at one year old.

To determine the dynamic rate of development, the same data are used, but they do not receive specific meaning, but the range within which the development of the child corresponds to the norm. For example, children begin to walk at the age of 9-15 months.

The proper norm is the ideal norm for the development of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics, heredity, average and dynamic norms. Calculate due quota Only a doctor can, guided by complex examinations.

Deviations in the development of the child

  1. Physical. This group includes children with hearing impairments and musculoskeletal system, difficulty in movement and performance of various activities.
  2. Mental. This group includes children with speech, mental and intellectual development disorders.
  3. Pedagogical. Probably the least common group of children who, for some reason, did not receive a secondary education.
  4. Social. This group consists of children who, in the process of upbringing, have not received the proper social function that affects the child's behavior in society. The complexity of such deviations lies in the fact that it is very difficult to distinguish social deviation(, fears, weakness of will) from manifestations of character.

It is worth noting that deviations from the norm do not always carry a negative value. Thus, gifted children make up separate group children with disabilities.

Causes of underdevelopment

Delays in mental and physical development can have several reasons:

  • Firstly This is the wrong pedagogical approach. Here, deviations from the norm do not depend on the work of the brain and physical features, but consist in or incorrect behavior of parents / teachers in this process. This problem is easily eliminated with regular classes with a teacher who can choose the right approach to the child. On the part of parents, it is required to pay more attention to their child, to motivate him to learning activities, praise any achievements of the child, encourage him to mental activity.
  • Secondly, biological factors can also lead to a child's developmental delay. These include disorders in the functioning of the body, alcohol consumption, smoking, infectious diseases mothers during pregnancy, birth trauma, infectious diseases in infancy, heredity, work problems endocrine system, hormonal disbalance.
  • Thirdly, do not forget about social factors. Total parental control, lack of attention, lack of communication, aggressive relationships and domestic violence, mental trauma transferred to early age, can lead to serious deviations in the development of the child.

Which specialists to contact?

First of all, if you suspect a delay in the development of your child, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

There are a number of doctors that you must visit:

  1. A neonatologist is a doctor who deals with control.
  2. A neurologist will help identify and cure pathologies of the central nervous system, check the reflex features of the child.
  3. Endocrinologist will check general state child, hormonal background and thyroid function.
  4. The psychologist will correct the undesirable behavior of the child, identify its causes, and help increase the level of learning.
  5. A defectologist deals with kids over two years old, helps to develop attention, memory, thinking and fine motor skills.
  6. A speech therapist works with children from the age of 4. He not only works out hard-to-pronounce sounds, but also conducts speech therapy massage of the speech muscles to improve diction, teaches how to correctly compose sentences.

What to do?

To draw conclusions on existing symptoms and to determine the level of development of the child, on the basis of all children's medical institutions, psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPC) are created, where highly specialized doctors in the field of child development work, who examine the child, explain the situation to parents and jointly draw up a correction plan.

If your child is still diagnosed with developmental delay, there is no need to despair and panic. Treatment should be started as early as possible and act comprehensively, that is, use a wide range of specialists in treatment, along with the constant work of parents.

Common treatments for developmental delay:

  • Microcurrent reflexology- the impact of minimal electrical impulses on biologically active points. These impulses restore the work of the central nervous system where it was disturbed. Such therapy is approved for use in children from 6 months.
  • Classes with a defectologist and a speech therapist. Their work is aimed at the development of memory, fine motor skills, thinking, correct articulation and stimulation of facial and chewing muscles of the face and neck.
  • Drug therapy. Medications for developmental delay can only be prescribed by a neurologist or neurologist. With the help of examinations (MRI, CT or EEG), he detects pathologies in the work of the central nervous system and selects an individual treatment plan. No self-treatment!

Additional methods of correcting developmental delays are also used:

  1. Working with a child psychologist It is extremely necessary when the delay is associated with social factors, psychological trauma.
  2. Alternative approaches to treatment, such as hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, art therapy and music therapy, development of motor skills - large and small, various developmental exercises.
  3. Osteopathy. This is a method of alternative therapy, but, nevertheless, showing good results. The osteopath manually influences the biologically active points of the child, regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

At timely treatment and qualified assistance can be obtained good results and significant progress in development, the main thing is to seek help from specialists at the first manifestations of symptoms.

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“Your child is inadequate. He is clearly behind in development. If you want him to learn at least something, hire tutors. Otherwise, he will finish school with a certificate, ”the teacher stunned me with such a statement, calling me to school.

Today my son came home from school very proud - there is a five in his diary. Moreover, he did not come alone - a school friend came to visit him. The boys played and fooled around merrily, speaking their own language, which I did not quite understand. Discussed some "bakugan", their strength, something else ...

Looking at the boys, I felt a single tear roll down my cheek...

A year ago…

“Your child is inadequate. He is clearly behind in development. If you want him to learn at least something, hire tutors. Otherwise, he will finish school with a certificate., – with such a statement, the teacher took me by surprise, calling me to school. I was shocked, this is not a statement about why the child is stunted.

At that time, the boy managed to study in the first grade two weeks.

“Your son does not listen to me in class, he can get up at any moment and stare stupidly out the window instead of studying. He absolutely does not know how to communicate with peers, shies away from children, sits on the sidelines during breaks, does not play with anyone. And yesterday he almost tore off the ruler: during the performance of the anthem, he plugged his ears and began to yell in a wild voice. I couldn't do anything with him. And check his hearing - he constantly asks me again ... "

To say I'm upset is an understatement. The world was covered with a black veil of cold sticky horror. Does this mean my child is not normal?

Why? After all, at the age of five, he taught himself to read. And at the age of six, he was already better than I understood the computer. And now - lagging behind in development?

As a mother with a medical background, I hoped that medicine would provide answers to my questions. Trying to find out why the child cannot adapt at school, why he refuses to work in the classroom, I took him to neurologists, psychologists and other specialists.

Going through everything possible examinations, I received a doctor's report in my hands, which stated that the child had no physiological abnormalities, but “behavioral disorders” were observed. Hearing is normal. The doctor even joked that my son hears too well. I didn't attach any importance to it.

That was also the first time I heard the term “autism spectrum disorder”.

Naturally, I wondered why these disorders arose, and what to do with them. I didn't get a clear answer to the first half of the question. The neurologist said that the child may have increased intracranial pressure, since the volume of his head exceeds the norm set for his age. However, the examination of the pathology did not reveal.

The psychologist noted that such behavioral deviations may be the result of birth injury but they don't always show up right away. She also asked me to draw a portrait of her son. Looking at the drawing (and I depicted her son in a suit and hat), she gently remarked that I want my child to become an adult as soon as possible, and I put undue pressure on him.

As for the question of what to do, I received an impressive list of drugs to improve the blood supply to the brain, which had to be taken in the form of tablets and injections. In addition, a massage of the collar zone and several physical procedures were prescribed.

There was a problem with the massage: at the slightest touch, the child would shrink so much that the entire effectiveness of the procedure was nullified.

The psychologist suggested taking a course of classes “for behavior correction”.

I conscientiously fulfilled all the assignments, at the same time additionally studying with my son - I had to make up for what he had not mastered at school. To my great amazement, we mastered the program, designed for a month of classes at school, at home in a week. Without much effort...

However, the problems have not disappeared. The teacher still complained that the boy refused to complete assignments, did not obey in class, and could not establish contact with classmates. I realized that I need to look for another solution, how to deal with a child who is lagging behind in development.

Once, when I came to school for my son, I saw that the desk at which he was sitting alone was moved away from the rest of the children, "because it interferes with studying." My son became an outcast...

Sound vector and autistic manifestations

The answers to the questions swarming in my head, I found where I did not expect at all. Accidentally got to the training on systems-vector psychology I learned how to help my child.

At the training, the topic of which was the sound vector, it dawned on me: my child is being described!

“About 5% of children are born with. Them erogenous zone- Oversensitive ear. The species role is the night guard of the flock ...

The sound vector in childhood can manifest itself in different ways.

A small sound engineer is distinguished from his peers by his look - not for his age, serious, attentive. You go to him, pushy, and the baby, sitting in his mother’s arms, answers with an attentive look, embarrassing with adult seriousness ...

Growing up, these silent children more often prefer the silence of their room than the noisy company of their peers. They quickly get tired of active games, but they calmly play alone. Such children love to hide in closets - they like to sit in silence and twilight ...

Often, sound engineers start talking late, although another picture is possible - they start talking early and immediately in coherent phrases ...

In children with a sound vector, the so-called sleep disturbance is often observed - they confuse day with night. However, looking at the root of the problem, one can understand that this is by no means a violation - these children are programmed by nature to stay awake at night. This allows them to fulfill their species role.

It should be borne in mind that such a child can sleep peacefully to loud music, but at the same time he will wake up instantly, as soon as the cat in the next room rustles with a piece of paper.Such a reaction is easily explained: music does not pose a danger, but an incomprehensible rustle in the dark instantly awakens the instincts of a night guard of the pack in the depths of the child's subconscious ...

Children with a sound vector often ask almost philosophical questions: “Mom, where does all this come from? Why is there me? What are stars? Mom, what is life? From early childhood they are interested in the meaning of life ... "

Listening to the lecture, I tried to get rid of intrusive thought that the leading clairvoyant. Otherwise, how can he so accurately describe a child he has never seen in his life?

We had a problem with sleep almost from birth, God only knows how many kilometers I wound, nursing around the room at night with a baby in my arms. He was not interested in lying in the crib, but we studied the environment with curiosity. But getting up in the morning is still a problem for us.

At a certain period, a new problem overtook us - in the evening we had a “shouting hour”. For an hour, the child began to scream, despite all my attempts to calm him down. I turned to specialists - but no deviations were found. The solution to the problem was found by chance: it was worth turning off the light and creating complete silence, as the baby calmed down and calmed down.

When my son grew up, I noticed another oddity: he expressed his emotions extremely sparingly. Where I would have already fought in hysterics or laughed, he is in best case could wince or smile.

Once, going home from the kindergarten, we had a fight, and I said that "since he does not obey me, it means that he is no longer my son, and I will leave him." I expected tears, apologies... But an oppressive silence hung behind me. After walking a dozen steps, I turned around - the boy was standing still and just looking after me. My heart sank painfully - well, what is it? He didn't even shed a tear...

If I knew what such "education" would turn out for my little sound player ...

My child learned to read at the age of five, and it was discovered by accident. I noticed that he easily navigates computer games that require reading the rules. At the same time, he reads exclusively encyclopedias. Other books are simply not interesting to him. He killed a kindergarten teacher with a statement that a brick can be made alive by adding carbon atoms to its composition. From the point of view of physics, he is absolutely right.

And at school lags behind in development ...

At the training, I understood what was the reason for my son's school problems. The ear is a particularly sensitive (erogenous) zone sound baby. Quiet harmonious sounds give sound engineers pleasure. However, they are able to experience true pleasure only by listening to absolute silence.

Children with a natural sound vector are potentially endowed with the greatest intellect. Concentrating in silence in search of disturbing sounds on the "sounds" of your inner world, small sound engineers develop their minds so that in the future brilliant ideas will be born in their heads.

School is for this child. Noise, screams, loud music - all this forced him to narrow his auditory perception. This, in turn, led to the fact that he could not absorb the information. The more the teacher tried to get a reaction out of him, the deeper the boy sank into his "shell".

To understand what a child with a sound vector is experiencing, who is daily afflicted by the cacophony inherent in school, try for a moment to imagine that you need clothes made of the finest silk. But instead of silk, you are offered to dress in prickly sackcloth, tearing your skin to the point of blood. Unpleasant sensations - you want to immediately throw off the sackcloth.

Cacophony, screams, scandals - all this plunges the sound engineer into the same superstress that a person with delicate skin, dressed in a prickly rag, experiences.

However, the sound engineer is unable to get rid of the "rags" - his super-sensitive hearing is always on guard. Loud screams, scandals in the family, sounds of repair coming from a neighboring construction site - constant noise with a red-hot nail bites into the sensitive ear of the sound engineer.

The child, trying to protect himself from sounds that traumatize his psyche, unconsciously reduces susceptibility to external stimuli, gradually withdrawing into himself and losing the ability to contact the outside world. If a small sound engineer is constantly in such an environment, the worst begins: the body turns on a self-defense system and neural connections brain gradually die off. As a result, psychologists are able to again fix the diagnosis of autism.

But loud sounds and screams are just one of the reasons that can lead to the development of such abnormalities in a sound child. Do not forget that its sensor sensitively captures not only the sound itself, but also its intonation.

Some words, even spoken in a whisper, have a detrimental effect on the psyche of the child.

Children with a sound vector are distinguished by some detachment from the world. They are thoughtful, sometimes seem slow and even inhibited. The mother, not understanding the reasons for such behavior, gets irritated and begins to urge the child. In this state, terrible words for the psyche of the sound engineer can sound: “Brake! Moron! Why did I give birth to you ... "

And the child, trying to hide from them, begins to go “outside” less and less, hiding on the other side. eardrumexternal world becomes more and more illusory for him. No wonder they say that there is nothing worse than a mother's curse. It is mothers who, out of the best of intentions, sometimes ruin their own children.

Not aware, no. Out of ignorance

The more terrible the numbers - over the past decade, the number of autists has increased by 4 times ...

Listening to Yuri Burlan, I became cold inside: when problems started at school, I took a very tough position and constantly pressed the child. Sometimes she breaks down and screams ...

Mom's impatience, the change from home to the noisy hubbub of the school, the activity of classmates, the teacher's peremptory attitude, the loud music on the rulers - all this made my son hide deep in himself.

And instead of creating a quiet, calm environment for the child in which he could develop perfectly, I hovered over him like a helicopter and impatiently urged: "Well, why are you frozen? This is a simple task - solve it quickly! How do you write? Can't you hold a straight wand? Rewrite!


I was able to rid my child of the label "developmental delay".

Understanding that many manifestations of my son's character are not symptoms of a disease or pathology, as modern psychology claims, but specific properties, which are unique to him and absent in children with a different set of vectors, helped me solve many problems.

I am firmly convinced of one thing, no matter how you ask yourself why a child is stunted or why there are adaptation problems, knowledge of human nature can shed light on any problem.

Yuri Burlan makes one strict requirement for his listeners: “Do not believe! Don't believe a single word of the training. Check everything in life!”

I checked

I began to talk to the child in a benevolent whisper - and he hears me! But not so long ago I could not shout to him, and the world was covered with a black veil from the realization of my own powerlessness. I turn on quiet music at night - and my son sleeps peacefully, without jumping up in the middle of the night.

We do homework in silence against the background of barely audible classical music - and the teacher states with amazement that my child confidently catches up with the best students in the class, and sometimes even surpasses them.

I explained to the household what our little sounder experiences with loud sounds and how it reacts to the quarrels of the parents - and now we strictly observe the ecology of sound, and all the showdowns are transferred to the time when the son is absent from home.

This rule turned out to be quite funny. side effect: it turned out that contentious issues It is quite possible to decide without raising your voice at all. Gradually, the quarrels almost disappeared.

I talked to the teacher, explained to her that the child has super-sensitive hearing, and loud sounds hurt him. In addition, I conveyed to her the idea that his lethargy is explained very simply - he needs time to get out of his inner world into our reality. Now the son sits on the first desk and is friends with the girl Lisa, and the teacher treats him in a completely different way. There is no more talk of any tutors.

Today my son came home from school very proud - there is a five in his diary. Moreover, he did not come alone - a school friend came to visit him. The boys played and fooled around merrily, speaking their own language, which I did not quite understand. Discussed some "bakugan", their strength, something else ...

Looking at them, I felt my breath catch with happiness.

The happiness of my child is my result from the training. And I think that for every mother, this is the biggest thing that can happen in life ... And I'm not alone. Over 600 parents share their unique . Therefore, I invite you to free online lectures by Yuri Burlan - a conscious approach is immeasurably better than blind education. You can register

The article was written using the training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»
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