Calcium chloride solution: indications and methods of use. Calcium chloride: complete instructions. Indications for the use of calcium chloride


"SOLUTION OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE 10%" ("Solutio Calcii chloride 10%"). In appearance, the drug is a clear, colorless liquid without mechanical inclusions. 1.0 cm 3 of the drug contains 0.1 g of calcium chloride. The drug is produced in vials of medical glass at 50.0; 100.0; 200.0; 400.0 cm3.

The drug is stored according to the list "B" in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 0 ° C to plus 25 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture, subject to the rules of storage and transportation.


Calcium chloride activates the reticuloendothelial system and the phagocytic function of leukocytes, increases the tone of sympathetic innervation, increases the release of adrenaline, and accelerates the production of many enzymes. Calcium ions are necessary for the contraction of skeletal muscles and heart muscles, the formation of bone tissue, and blood clotting. Calcium ions thicken the walls of blood vessels, thereby exhibiting an anti-inflammatory effect and preventing the development of edema. Calcium is involved in the process of blood clotting, promotes the conversion of protothrombin into thrombin.


Calcium chloride is used as:

- adjuvant for pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis, toxic liver damage, parenchymal hepatitis, nephritis; with radiation sickness, toxic pulmonary edema, hyperemia and pulmonary edema, laryngeal edema, edematous disease of piglets: a hemostatic agent for nasal, pulmonary, uterine and postoperative bleeding;

- a desensitizing agent for allergic diseases and allergic complications after the use of drugs;

- a calming and normalizing nervous system remedy for autonomic neuroses, eclampsia in dogs, acetonemia in cows, paralytic myoglobinuria in horses.

Calcium chloride is used in obstetric and gynecological practice, with endometritis, metritis, to stimulate labor, to accelerate the separation of a delayed placenta in animals, to prevent abortion, with puerperal paresis, postpartum hematuria in cows.

calcium chloride used for hypotension and atony of the proventriculus, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, as well as for tetany of young animals, to increase the level of calcium in the blood and relieve seizures.

Calcium chloride is prescribed as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid, soluble salts of fluoric and oxalic acids, table salt. Calcium chloride is a part of anti-shock and plasma-substituting solutions.

Calcium chloride is given orally and administered intravenously as a 10% solution. Intravenously, the drug should be administered slowly.

Depending on the severity of the disease and the weight of the animal, calcium chloride is used in the doses indicated in the table.

In chronic diseases, calcium chloride is recommended to be used in conjunction with antihistamines.


Solutions of calcium chloride should not be injected under the skin or intramuscularly, tk. they cause severe irritation and tissue necrosis. If the drug gets under the skin or intramuscularly at the injection site, a tenfold amount of isotonic sodium chloride solution should be injected.


The slaughter of animals for meat and the use of milk for human consumption does not require a waiting period.

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Compound: calcium chloride, water for injection.
Package: bottle, 100 ml.
Storage conditions: at t from 0 0С to 25 0С.
Best before date: 2 years.
Indications: in order to increase the calcium content in the blood, as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and desensitizing agent, to normalize the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Mode of application: injection.

INSTRUCTIONS for the use of calcium chloride 10% solution for injection in veterinary medicine


1.1. Calcium chloride 10% injection.
1.2. It is a clear, colorless, sterile liquid.
1.3. The drug is produced packaged in 100, 200, 250, 400, 450, 500 ml in sterile vials and bottles made of neutral glass, sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled in aluminum caps, or 10 and 20 ml in sealed ampoules.
Each package is labeled with the name of the manufacturer, its address and trademark, the name of the drug, the content of the active substance, the nominal volume, the batch number, the date of manufacture, the expiration date, storage conditions, the designation of specifications, the inscriptions "Sterile", "For animals" and provide the Instructions for Use.
Other types of packaging are allowed, agreed in the prescribed manner.
1.4. The drug is stored in the manufacturer's packaging, in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 0 0C to 25 0C.
The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions - in vials and bottles - 2 years, in ampoules - 10 years from the date of manufacture.


2.1. calcium chloride plays an important role in the life of the organism. It activates the reticuloendothelial system and the phagocytic function of leukocytes, increases the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, increases the release of adrenaline, reduces vascular permeability, exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the development of edema.
Calcium ions are necessary for the implementation of the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal muscles and heart muscles, bone formation and blood clotting.


3.1. Calcium chloride 10% injection is prescribed to increase the calcium content in the blood, as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and desensitizing agent, to normalize the activity of the sympathetic nervous system in the following pathological conditions:
- pneumonia, pleurisy, toxic liver damage, parenchymal hepatitis, nephritis, radiation sickness, pulmonary edema, larynx, edematous disease of piglets;
- allergic diseases (serum sickness, equine hemorrhagic disease, chronic urticaria in horses and cattle), allergic complications associated with the use of drugs;
- bleeding (uterine, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, postoperative) to reduce vascular permeability in hemorrhagic, inflammatory and exudative processes;
- skin diseases (itching, eczema, dermatoses, etc.);
- in obstetric and gynecological practice to stimulate labor activity, accelerate the separation of the delayed placenta, with endometritis, puerperal paresis, postpartum hematuria in cows;
- hypotension and atony of the proventriculus, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, tetany of young animals;
- with vegetative neurosis, eclampsia in dogs, acetonemia in cows, paralytic myoglobinuria in horses;
- in case of poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid, soluble salts of oxalic and fluoric acids, sodium chloride.
3.2. Calcium chloride solution 10% for injection is administered intravenously (slowly!) In the following single doses (depending on the weight of the animal):

3.3. The drug is administered only intravenously. Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration is unacceptable, due to the pronounced irritant effect of the drug, leading to tissue necrosis. In case of accidental ingestion of calcium chloride solution under the skin to prevent tissue necrosis, a large amount of 0.9% isotonic sodium chloride solution must be injected around the injection site.


When working with the drug, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with injectable drugs for animals.

The manual was developed by CJSC NPP "Agrofarm" (Voronezh) and CJSC "Mosagrogen" (Moscow).
With the approval of this instruction, consider the instruction on the use of a 10% calcium chloride solution for injection No. 13-5-2 / 318 dated 05/26/95 as invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The drug was recommended for registration in the Russian Federation at an extended meeting of methodological commissions for the control and standardization of vitamin preparations, feed and feed additives, chemotherapeutic and other drugs used in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, June 3, 2003 (minutes No. 1).
Number PVR-2-1.9/00126

Calcium chloride is a drug for replenishing calcium deficiency in the body.

Release form

Available as a solution for internal use, as well as for intravenous administration.

pharmachologic effect

Calcium chloride compensates for the lack of calcium in the human body. Calcium is an indispensable element, without which it is impossible to imagine the normal course of almost all processes in the body. It is necessary not only for the formation of bone tissue, but also to ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, including the work of the myocardium and the process of blood coagulation.

A solution of calcium chloride can significantly reduce the permeability of cells and vascular walls, it also increases resistance to various infections and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. In parallel, the secretion of epinephrine by the adrenal glands increases. When administered intravenously, this drug is able to stimulate the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system and have a moderate diuretic effect.


A solution of calcium chloride in ampoules is prescribed in situations in which there is an increased need for calcium, for example, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during periods of growth. Also, the use of this drug is effective for bleeding of various origins and localizations. It is also used for manifestations of allergic diseases, for example, with urticaria, serum sickness, itching, angioedema and fever.

Often the use of this drug is recommended for bronchial asthma, tetany, alimentary dystrophic edema, rickets, spasmophilia, osteomalacia, lead colic, hypocalcemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypoparathyroidism, hemorrhagic vasculitis, radiation sickness, toxic and parenchymal hepatitis, eclampsia, nephritis, paroxysmal myoplegia , psoriasis, eczema, as well as in inflammatory and exudative processes.

Calcium chloride is effective for weakness of labor activity, as well as for poisoning with fluoric and oxalic acids, magnesium salts.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

In cases where intravenous administration of this drug is recommended, the solution is administered slowly, 6-8 drops per minute. Usually 1-3 ampoules are administered, diluting a 10% solution with 100-200 milliliters of sodium chloride or a 5% dextrose solution.

Inside, a solution of calcium chloride is taken after meals two to three times a day. Most often take a 5 or 10 percent solution. Adults take 10-15 milliliters of the drug, and children are advised to take no more than 5-10 milliliters.

Very often in cosmetology calcium chloride is recommended for peeling oily skin. During the peeling procedure, apply to the skin of the face twice and wait for complete drying. The face is then cleansed with soap and water. At the same time, dead cells are washed off the skin. They roll into balls and are easily removed from the surface of the skin. It is necessary to continue washing until lumps remain on the skin.


Calcium chloride in ampoules is not prescribed for severe atherosclerosis, with an increased content of calcium in the blood, as well as for patients with a predisposition to the formation of blood clots. It is forbidden to use the drug simultaneously with phosphates and salicylates, as well as carbonates, sulfates.

drug interaction

During treatment, it must be remembered that this drug significantly reduces the absorption of tetracyclines, digoxin and oral iron preparations. If you take the drug simultaneously with thiazide diuretics, you can get increased hypercalcemia, as well as a decrease in the effectiveness of calcitonin and the bioavailability of phenytoin. After peeling with Calcium Chloride, it is necessary to refrain from exposure to sunlight for two to three days.

Side effects

When used internally, it can cause pain in the epigastric region, as well as heartburn. With intravenous administration of the drug, there may be a feeling of heat and a decrease in heart rate. If you inject the drug too quickly, you can get irregular contractions of the heart ventricles.

For normal functioning, our body must receive all the substances it needs in full.

Chronic lack of calcium can harm the body, for example, disorders in bone tissue, a decrease in the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, a violation of the heart rhythm and blood clotting processes, the development of osteoporosis.

In our daily diet, calcium is not enough, so doctors advise patients to take drugs based on it. Since in its pure form calcium is practically not absorbed by the human body either as an injection or orally, it must be taken in combination with soluble salts.

The most popular of these drugs is calcium chloride, in pharmacology called calcium chloride. The pharmaceutical industry produces it in the form of a solution that can be administered as an intravenous injection, and also, if necessary, taken by mouth. You don't need a prescription to buy calcium chloride from a pharmacy for home use.

The composition of the drug and the form of its release

Calcium chloride is available as a colorless, clear liquid for intravenous administration. The solution contains 100 mg of calcium chloride per 1 ml.

Indications for use

Calcium chloride not only has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems, its intake is also able to prevent tissue inflammation and increase resistance to various kinds of infections, which minimizes the harm that they can cause to the human body. So the possibilities of using this tool in medicine are very numerous.

Most often, calcium supplements are prescribed for the following indications:

  • Treatment of hepatitis and nephritis;
  • Various dermatological diseases;
  • Increased human need for calcium;
  • Poisoning with magnesium and fluorine salts, as well as oxalic acid;
  • Being immobilized for a long time;
  • Weakness of labor activity;
  • Allergies (eg, hay fever, hives, allergic dermatosis);
  • Acute blood loss with pulmonary, uterine, gastrointestinal and nasal bleeding;
  • postoperative period.

Calcium chloride is also used for washing at home wounds, mucous membranes of the eyes, and is part of the solvents for pharmacological preparations.

Contraindications for use

  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Tendency to thrombosis;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Severe atherosclerosis;
  • Simultaneous reception of cardiac glycosides with it (the use of a calcium chloride preparation is not recommended, the cardiotoxic effect of the drugs is enhanced);
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Pregnancy, as well as lactation - breastfeeding (if calcium chloride is necessary during lactation, breastfeeding is stopped).

The ability to drive vehicles is not affected by the intake of calcium chloride.

Ways to use

Instructions for use of calcium chloride indicate that the drug can be used in different ways. It can be administered intravenously (drip or jet) or taken orally, it is also possible to introduce it into the body using electrophoresis through the skin - a direct hit of the drug in the muscle or subcutaneous tissue can cause significant harm to health - severe local irritation and even necrosis of surrounding tissues.

In cases where intravenous drug administration is prescribed, calcium chloride must be diluted in 100–200 ml with a 5% dextrose (glucose) solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

The resulting solution is heated to body temperature before being injected into the blood. The injection is made slowly - no more than 0.75-1.5 ml (that is, a maximum of 8 drops) per minute. If you make an injection quickly, the state of the cardiovascular system can be significantly harmed, up to cardiac arrest.

With intravenous administration of calcium chloride, the patient feels heat throughout the body (popularly called a "hot injection") and a taste of chalk in the mouth. In this case, there will be a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, arrhythmia and fainting.

If during the procedure there is redness at the injection site or the patient feels pain, the drug should be stopped.

When the injection is made, the patient should remain for some time (no more than 20 minutes) under the supervision of a doctor in the supine position. Usually up to 3 ampoules are administered per injection. Intravenous calcium chloride is prescribed only for adults. The child should take a solution of calcium chloride exclusively inside.

A solution of calcium chloride should be drunk after meals, the maximum daily dose, which in no case should be exceeded, for children is 15 milliliters (0.3 ml per 1 kg of weight), so as not to harm an overdose of the drug, and for adults - 10–15 milliliters of funds. As a rule, a five or ten percent solution of the drug is prescribed for internal use.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

The shelf life of the calcium chloride preparation is 5 years with proper storage, including at home, in a dark place at an air temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

Although calcium chloride is freely sold in pharmacies, there is an instruction in each package with the drug, where all doses, contraindications, composition are indicated, possible harm is described if used incorrectly, and it is not recommended to take it for treatment at home on your own.

You can use a solution of calcium chloride for external use, so as not to harm your health.

active substance: 1 ml of the drug contains calcium chloride 100 mg;

excipient: water for injections.

Dosage form


Pharmacotherapeutic group

Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions. electrolyte solutions. ATC code B05X A07.


Cases of hypocalcemia requiring a rapid increase in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood plasma (tetany with functional parathyroid insufficiency, tetany with vitamin D deficiency, hypocalcemia with exchange transfusion and infusion of citrate blood, alkalosis). As part of complex therapy for acute lead colic. Cases of magnesium intoxication arising from an overdose of magnesium. Hyperkalemia registered on the ECG as a violation of cardiac function.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Hypercalcemia. Atherosclerosis with arterial occlusion. Tendency to thrombosis. Ventricular fibrillation. Children's age up to 1 year.

Dosage and administration

Calcium chloride is prescribed intravenously in a stream (very slowly) and intravenously drip (slowly).


Intravenous administration by jet: 5 ml of a 10% solution is injected at a rate of 1 ml / min.

Intravenous drip administration: 5-10 ml of a 10% solution of the drug is diluted in 100-200 ml of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution; administered at a rate of 6-8 drops / min.

Exchange transfusion and citrated blood transfusion: Adults and children: 30 mg (0.3 ml) for every 100 ml of blood.

Tetany in adults: 10 ml of a 10% solution (1 g) for 10-30 minutes, if necessary, repeat after 6 hours.


Hypocalcemia: administered slowly, at a rate of 0.5 ml / min, at a dose of 10-20 mg / kg body weight (0.1-0.2 ml / kg body weight), if necessary, repeat every 4-6 hours.

Tetany: 10 mg/kg body weight (0.1 ml/kg body weight) over 5-10 minutes, repeated if necessary after 6 hours or continued as an infusion. The maximum daily dose for children (regardless of age) is 10 ml (1000 mg).

Adverse reactions

Hypersensitivity reactions: a feeling of heat, first in the mouth, and then throughout the body; flushing of the skin of the face;

cardiovascular disorders: moderate and short-term decrease in blood pressure; bradycardia; rapid intravenous administration can cause vasodilation, ventricular fibrillation;

changes in the skin and its derivatives: soft tissue calcification;

general violations: chalky taste, hypercalcemia;

local reactions: tissue necrosis, pain and hyperemia at the injection site.


Overdose can cause depression of cardiac activity, the appearance of tachycardia and a sharp decrease in blood pressure, as well as acute hypercalcemic syndrome: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain; mental disorders, drowsiness, muscle weakness, polyuria, polydipsia, nephrolithiasis, in severe cases - cardiac arrhythmias, coma.

Treatment. Stop administering the drug. Therapy is symptomatic.

Use during pregnancy or lactation

Use during pregnancy is possible only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

It is possible to use the drug during breastfeeding.


Application to children is possible from the 1st year.

Application features

The injection needs to be wired through a thin needle into a large vein to minimize the damaging effect of the drug on the vessel wall. Calcium chloride should not be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly due to its strong irritant and necrotic effect. In the case of such an injection, it is necessary to suck it as far as possible with a syringe and inject 10 ml of sodium sulfate, injection 25%, or 5-10 ml of magnesium sulfate, injection 25% into the injection site. To eliminate the resorptive effect, diphenhydramine is prescribed, with hypercalcemia - EDTA.

With intravenous administration of the drug, the usual reaction to it appears - a feeling of heat in the mouth, and then throughout the body.

When using it is necessary to carefully monitor the level of calcium in the blood. Caution should be used in patients with kidney disease, nephrolithiasis or diseases accompanied by hypercalcemia (in particular with malignant neoplasms and sarcoidosis) and cardiovascular diseases.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms

During the period of treatment with the drug, driving and working with dangerous mechanisms are contraindicated.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions. Do not use with thiazide diuretics or vitamin D due to increased risk of hypercalcemia. Do not administer calcium chloride and ceftriaxone at the same time. Calcium chloride reduces the cardiotonic effects of dobutamine. Calcium salts reduce the absorption of drugs such as bisphosphonates, fluorides, and some fluoroquinolones. With simultaneous use reduces the effect of calcium channel blockers, with quinidine - it is possible to slow down intraventricular conduction and increase the toxicity of quinidine. During treatment with cardiac glycosides, parenteral use of calcium chloride is not recommended due to increased cardiotoxicity.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. The drug eliminates the deficiency of calcium ions. Calcium ions take part in the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles, in the functional activity of the myocardium, blood coagulation; necessary for the formation of bone tissue, the functioning of other systems and organs. The concentration of calcium ions in the blood decreases due to many pathological processes, severe hypocalcemia contributes to the appearance of tetany. Calcium chloride, in addition to eliminating hypocalcemia, reduces vascular permeability, exhibits a hemostatic effect.

Pharmacokinetics. In the blood, calcium is found in compounds and in an ionized state. Physiological activity is inherent in ionized calcium. deposited in bone tissue. Excreted from the body with urine, but mainly with feces.

Basic physical and chemical properties

clear colorless liquid.


Not compatible with tetracyclines. Do not administer calcium chloride and ceftriaxone at the same time.

Best before date

Storage conditions

Keep out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.


5 ml or 10 ml in an ampoule; 5 ampoules in a blister pack; 2 blisters in a pack; 5 ml or 10 ml in an ampoule; 10 ampoules in a box.

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