How to treat with aluminum foil. Treatment with aluminum food foil

The use of food foil to eliminate joint lesions is an alternative treatment method that is gaining more and more popularity today. Despite the fact that this method of therapy belongs to alternative medicine, many doctors also confirm that it is effective and, with regular use, really helps to improve the condition of cartilage tissue. Most patients who have tried the technique speak of the treatment of joints with foil only in a positive way.

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that the use of foil to combat various pathologies is indeed very effective. Representatives of alternative medicine claim that the positive effect of this product on the body is due to the fact that it protects the human energy shell and strengthens it several times, which favorably affects not only the psychological, but also the physical condition of the person.

During foil wrapping, for pain in the joints, biocurrents return to the areas from which they left. This effect has a positive effect on cells and membranes. Healers also claim that screening of biocurrents helps to regulate pulsations in internal organs and systems.

Foil treatment of knee joints and other joints is recommended only as an adjunct therapy. In order to achieve the effect and prevent the progression of the lesion, the patient in any case must take the medication prescribed by the doctor and, if necessary, attend physiotherapy.

Almost all patients who have used this method of treatment claim that it really helps to reduce pain and eliminates all types of pain (not only joint, but also headache). Foil can be used to treat the following types of pain syndromes:

  • the occurrence of pain in the internal organs;
  • soft tissue damage;
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system;

Representatives of alternative medicine also claim that the foil helps to speed up the healing process of the skin in case of various injuries or after surgery.

Doctors believe that foil treatment of the hip joint and other joints is extremely effective due to such effects:

  1. The product helps to remove salt deposits.
  2. Foil minimizes pain.
  3. Elimination of puffiness.
  4. Breakdown of excess urea and salts.

Reference! Thanks to such a complex effect, such therapy is used to eliminate a variety of pathologies; the treatment of gout and arthrosis with foil has proven itself very well.

How to use foil for joint treatment

There are many ways to treat joints with food foil, and most of them can be done at home. If you use this technique regularly, the pain will decrease after 7-10 days.

The following methods have the greatest number of positive reviews:

  • the use of silver compresses;
  • applications in circular sheets (often prescribed to restore the spinal column);
  • application of bridges;
  • wrapping the affected areas.

Regardless of the chosen treatment tactics, it is recommended to wrap the foil in several layers (at least 2-3) and apply it to the body with a shiny side, and then fix it with a patch or adhesive tape.

To achieve the maximum effect from above, such a “compress” is recommended to be wrapped with a cotton cloth.

How much to apply aluminum foil in the treatment of joints depends on the affected area. If the patient needs to cure the knee joint, the foil should be left to act for 30 minutes, but if it is necessary to restore the hip joint, the compress should be left to act for up to 2 hours.

Silver bridge

This method of treatment is considered the most popular, most patients prefer it. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that when a healthy part of the body is attached to the affected “bridge”, energy is transferred, due to which, after a few days, the affected area stops hurting and causing discomfort to the patient.

Action algorithm:

  • it is necessary to cut off a wide strip of adhesive tape (the width should not be less than 6 cm). In this case, it must be borne in mind that the strip should completely cover the affected area;
  • sheets of foil should be glued onto the patch (matte side to the sticky layer), the distance between the strips should be equal to their width.

After that, the "bridge" needs to be glued to the affected area ( it is very important that it is vertical to the spine) and leave it to act for 3 days. If the patch starts to come off, it needs to be replaced with a new one. When the treatment is completed, the patch is peeled off, and the epidermis underneath is wiped with herbal decoction (alternatively, olive oil can be used).

Treatment of finger joints

More than 60% of the population suffers from recurrent pain in the fingers caused by monotonous work. In this case, food foil can also help.

All that needs to be done is to take a sheet of foil, cut off pieces of the required length and wrap them around each finger (matte side to the sore limbs).

The sheets must be left to act for 60-90 minutes, after which they can be removed. After 2 hours, the procedure must be repeated again.

To achieve the best effect, the procedure is recommended to be carried out 3 times a day, this will help to fully normalize the energy flow.


It is necessary to use foil, like any other folk remedies, with caution, since illiterate use can also provoke side effects. The main contraindications to the use of foil:

  • high blood pressure;
  • bearing a child;
  • lactation period;
  • severe forms of damage to the cardiovascular system;

Patient opinions

Below are testimonials from patients who have used foil for the treatment and restoration of joints.

Victoria, 38 years old: “I have been suffering from knee problems since I was 34, my joints are constantly sore, regardless of physical exertion. I found information about the beneficial properties of the foil quite by accident, and decided to try it, despite the fact that I was sure that the method was useless.

I wrapped my knee in foil every evening and left it to work for about 2 hours. About a week later, I noticed that the pain really became less pronounced, and I can afford longer walks.

Anton, 32 years old: “I am a programmer by profession, so I know perfectly well what pain is in my fingers. A few months ago, my grandmother suggested that I try using foil for pain relief.

Since then, I have been doing this treatment almost daily, because the foil really helps. Now I advise all colleagues to use this technique, since foil is really the best tool that I have used.


Despite the fact that many patients are skeptical about this method of treatment, numerous positive patient reviews confirm that the therapy is indeed effective and helps to alleviate the condition of destructive changes and inflammatory processes in the cartilage tissue. But you need to understand that the method is auxiliary and it is not recommended to ignore drug treatment in any case.

There are methods that are not subject to reason. Foil treatment is one of them. I am quite cautious about various folk "grandmother's" ways. Most often, to test the method, I turn on the inner critic and skeptic, but sometimes, intuitively, I turn on "trust, but verify" and try it on myself or my loved ones (it's good that they don't mind). It happened this time as well. Two years ago, one nautropathic doctor, very authoritative for me, shared her secret of foil treatment. She explained the scientific nature of the method at length and in detail. But, at that moment, I was not ready for this method and “postponed” it until the right times. And when, a year ago, I had a rather strong pain symptom, and I applied the foil to the sore spot, my surprise after a short time knew no bounds. From such an unexpected effect, I had the so-called "pattern break". After that, I started to search everything about this method, and found a huge number of testimonials and beautiful healing stories. If you are interested, you, with the same success, can find it on the Internet. But the main thing is that after a while, I successfully use this method in practice with my patients and enjoy positive results.

Where did the recipe come from

The method of treatment with aluminum and bronze foil has been known for a long time. In the times of our ancestors, such treatment was used as the main thing, in modern times, as an additional remedy to the main therapy. But the improvement of this method and the invention of a new method of using foil, namely the "Silver Bridges", belongs to Vasilyeva I.A.

Vasilyeva I.A. - Scientific Director of the Ecological Center "Your own healer", Doctor of Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Academician of the International Academy for the Integration of Science and Business (MAINB).

Silver bridges are a recipe beyond the mind. Most skeptics who try this addition to their therapy are amazed at the surprisingly fast effect of getting rid of various ailments, especially in relieving pain symptoms.

Scientific or anti-scientific

We, the people of technogenic time, of course, like our minds to be satisfied with the scientific nature and scientific evidence. The phenomenon of how aluminum foil works so effectively, scientists continue to look for an explanation. On the Internet, I re-read a huge amount of information about the mechanism of action of aluminum foil in the treatment of diseases from different authors. Here are some opinions and hypotheses.

  1. “The surface of the foil reflects the matrix field of the Earth and, like a huge focusing lens, amplifies it several times, which makes it possible to restore the disturbed interaction between cells and the matrix field. In addition, the shiny surface of the foil prevents the penetration of external inharmonious radiation into the human body, and also precipitates its internal inharmonious radiation.”
  2. There is also an opinion that the body lacks metals and the therapeutic effect is due to the influence of their molecules, which are absorbed through the skin. This happens under the influence of the acidic environment of the skin, which can be very strong in painful areas of the skin. When the foil interacts with acids, a chemical reaction occurs with the formation of salts, which can enter the body and the lymphatic system through the pores of the skin.
  3. But the most common opinion about the therapeutic effect of the foil is explained by bioresonance. The biocurrents emitted by our body at a biologically active point will be reflected from the foil and return back to the meridian, from where they left. This has a very beneficial effect on the diseased organ with which this meridian is associated. In this case, therapy takes place with electromagnetic oscillations, with which the structures of the body enter into resonance. The impact is possible both at the cellular level, the level of membranes, and at the level of an organ, organ system and the whole organism.

How do silver bridges work?

In the simplest language, "silver bridges" restore the flow of energy along the meridians of the human body. That is, energy holes and cuts are formed in places of illness. The free flow of energy is disrupted and healing is delayed. When such “bridges” are superimposed, the energy overcomes the sore spot, and with its flow quickly removes the disease.

This is an improved analogue of copper plates used by Chinese doctors to restore weak points at the expense of neighboring ones. A copper plate was fixed along the meridian at the problem point, with overlapping at neighboring points. Thus, the normal movement of energy along the meridian is gradually restored. Due to this, blood capillaries are restored, the movement of blood in damaged tissues, internal damage and, finally, the skin at the site of a scar or scar are restored.

Technique for making "silver bridges"

Making a silver bridge is easy. We need a wide high-quality adhesive plaster (I advise anti-allergic) and foil. Take a band-aid and cut a strip long enough to cover the affected area. Stick strips of foil on the adhesive plaster (shiny side to the sore spot). The width of the foil strips is 0.5 - 0.7 cm, the length is slightly shorter than the length of the adhesive plaster. Glue the silver bridges vertically, as the meridians go, so look at the diseased area that way. Stick the strips vertically on the sore spot or according to the scheme. Do not shoot for 3 days. When washing in the shower, do not remove the adhesive plaster, or change it to new ones. After three days, change the bridge to a new one until complete recovery. Change the bridges on the tumor every day.

Action of "silver bridges":

  • carry out the correction of energy in the meridians;
  • restore integrity in the areas of seams, scars, wrinkles and points of scoliosis;
  • contribute to the resorption of tumors and the cessation of chronic inflammation;
  • strengthen weak points in the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • eliminate venous congestion and tissue ischemia in the head, heart, kidneys;
  • with inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, tonsillitis, diseases of the throat and thyroid gland, heart failure, fractures.

For resorption of postoperative sutures and scars

The length of the bridge should be sufficient to cover the seam from bare skin to bare skin. If you have a long stitch along your spine on your back or belly, you can stick a patch from bare skin to bare skin along the stitch itself. And preferably - two more parallel bridges, to the right and left of the central one, retreating to the width of the index finger.

If your seam is horizontal or oblique, bridges should be taken about three centimeters long. At the same time, attach the first bridge where the seam begins, the second - stepping back from the first to the width of your index finger (the minimum distance between adjacent meridians), and further: the finger is a bridge, and so on until the seam ends.

For the treatment of joints

Foil is used in the treatment of diseases of the joints, it helps especially well with the deposition of salts and arthritis. You can not make a bridge, but simply wrap the diseased joint with foil. Be sure to apply the foil with a shiny surface to the sore spot. In order for it to hold on, you need to fix or bandage it with something. This method is suitable for the treatment of joints, bones on the feet. You need to keep until the complete disappearance of pain or inflammation, periodically changing.

In the treatment of sciatica

You need to make a belt from several layers of foil with paper pads and lie on it three times a day for 40 minutes. As a result, after a few days of procedures, pain disappears, muscle tension decreases, they relax, and after 1.5 - 2 weeks, attacks of sciatica disappear without a trace.

For the treatment of colds

They make a kind of compress, consisting of several layers of cotton fabric, or paper and foil. Both feet are wrapped in this way for two hours. Then they take a short break and repeat the procedure again several times a day. This treatment can be repeated for a week until a complete cure for the common cold.

Other situations

Bridges on the arms and legs are glued along the meridians - parallel to the main bones of the arms or legs, and on the body
located along the spine.
To restore the blood flow of the artery, stick along the artery.
To eliminate venous congestion and blood clots, stick a bridge along the vein in which blood circulation is disturbed.
To improve blood circulation in the heart between the ventricles and atria, they are glued to the sternum obliquely from right to left (4).
To improve the blood supply to the head, thymus and thyroid gland are glued to the neck and collarbone (1, 2).
To improve the blood supply to the liver, stomach, 12 PCs and kidneys are glued in the form of a cross above the navel (6),
To improve the nutrition of the pelvic organs, they are glued with a cross below the navel (7).
To improve the elasticity of the ligaments, relieve pain in the knees and swelling of the legs, they are glued to the inguinal folds (8).
To improve the innervation of the head, skin turgor, smoothing wrinkles, they are glued to the face and neck.

  1. with angina, decreased immunity, diseases of the thyroid gland and throat (1);
  2. with rapid fatigue, headache, dizziness, cerebrovascular accident (2);
  3. with diseases of the lungs, bronchi, trachea or mammary glands, with swelling of the hand (3);
  4. in heart failure (4);
  5. in diseases of the esophagus and anemia (5);
  6. with erosions and ulcers of the stomach or 12PK, with pancreatitis, hepatic-renal failure, with weakness of the adrenal glands and high renal renin (and narrowing of the capillary bed), with enteritis and dropsy (6);
  7. with enteritis, colitis, stagnation of blood in the venous reservoirs of the pelvis, inflammation of the bladder, ureters, ovaries in women (prostate in men), tumors of the pelvic organs, pain in the lower abdomen (7);
  8. with swelling of the legs, narrowing of the femoral artery, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, pain in the knees, inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, obliterating endarteritis, pain in the lower abdomen, osteoporosis, tumors of the pelvic organs (8);
  9. with cervicothoracic scoliosis, insufficient blood supply to the occipital zone of the head, impaired venous outflow, weakness of the vagus nerve branches, heart failure, otitis media, coughing, sweating (9, 10);
  10. with scoliosis in the zone of the 6–8th gr. vertebrae, diseases of the lungs and mammary glands, esophagus and stomach, pain in the arms, back, weakness of the central nervous system and autonomic system (11);
  11. with scoliosis in the zone of the 10–12th gr. vertebrae, diseases of 12 PCs, liver (12);
  12. with scoliosis in the zone of the 1st–4th explanation. vertebrae, diseases of the small intestine, kidneys, weakness of the adrenal glands, diseases of the pelvic organs (13);
  13. with scoliosis in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx, diseases of the pelvic organs and legs (14, 15).

Hello dear friends!

Have you heard of aluminum foil treatment?

The same ordinary food foil in rolls that we use for baking various dishes or for wrapping and storing food can serve as an amazing remedy for relieving all kinds of pain and even treating diseases.

That's true, this is such a miracle that heals everything or almost everything! It's a pity that few people know about it.

First, I will tell you about my feedback on foil treatment and how I came to this, and then I will dwell on the indications for foil treatment, how to properly treat with aluminum foil and what silver bridges are.

foil treatment. My experience

If it is more convenient for you to listen, you can immediately watch the video that I have prepared especially for you at the end of the post.

Once upon a time, an employee had a backache that ached for a day or two. And then someone at work remembered that foil perfectly relieves back pain. A chocolate bar was bought, the foil from the chocolate bar was applied to a sore spot on the back. The pain began to subside literally before our eyes, and after two or three days it completely disappeared.

Everyone forgot about this incident.

And about two years ago, something happened to my heel, I could not step on it in the morning. I tried to treat with some folk remedies, ointments, compresses, but to no avail. And then she remembered all the same about the miraculous foil, began to wrap the heel with foil, put on an elastic bandage and left everything until the morning. It is not convenient to walk all day in this form, as the foil is torn and crumbled. But even during the night, in a state of almost rest, she was torn. So there was a healing process, the foil pulled the pain into itself.

Slowly, imperceptibly, I forgot about the pain in my heel.

It is especially good for relieving any pain.

I woke up in the morning with a headache, I make a bandage of foil. From a roll of aluminum foil I roll a strip about 7 cm wide in several layers. I put it on my forehead and tie it with a scarf. By the time I get to work, the pain goes away.

You can make such a foil headband by fastening the edges of the foil with a stapler and put it on your head. Then you don't even need a scarf.

It also happens that in the evening after a hard day your head will ache, again foil comes to the rescue.

My mother once fell on the street and badly hurt her leg. She made a compress, but all night she suffered from pain. And in the morning I advised her to attach the foil. Miracle - the method did its job pretty quickly. The pain subsided within an hour, and the swelling and bruising quickly disappeared.

Foil also helps me to relieve fatigue. I just take a large sheet of foil, namely a foil sunshade, which we sell everywhere, and cover it like a blanket, lying on the couch for 15 minutes, and fatigue is gone.

For my mother, I made such a rug to relieve leg fatigue: I cut out 7 sheets of foil 21x29 cm in size, i.e. the same as printed paper. She laid sheets of paper between the foil and fastened the edges with a stapler. We throw the rug on the floor, put our feet on it and relax by the TV. A foil mat perfectly relieves fatigue of the legs, and therefore of the whole body, acting through reflex zones.

And for the prevention and treatment of diseases by internal massage of organs through the reflex zones on the foot, it is useful to do foot massage. I have special massage rollers and use them regularly every day. If interested, read on. I recommend!

Foil treatment indications

Treating pain with foil

Foil surprisingly acts on biologically active points, warming them up, therefore, as you already understood, foil perfectly relieves any pain, be it a headache, joint pain, pain in the spine, pain in the liver or stomach, etc. We simply apply a piece of foil with the shiny side to the sore spot and fix it with either a bandage or adhesive tape.

Fatigue Foil

The foil relieves fatigue, how to apply it in this case, I just described above.

Folk treatment with foil is gaining momentum more and more, it is used more and more often. People treat everything in a row and quite successfully. How to properly treat with foil, read below.

foil treatment. Silver bridges

It is not always, of course, convenient to apply a large piece of foil to a sore spot, and simply to relieve pain is one thing that happens quite quickly. And it takes time to treat various chronic diseases.

The greatest effect in foil treatment is achieved by using the so-called silver bridges.

This innovative product was developed by Doctor of Sciences, Academician Irina Alexandrovna Vasilyeva.

The essence of the silver bridges treatment method is as follows: usually, the free flow of energy is disturbed in places of illness, energy holes are created, and silver bridges help the energy overcome the sore spot and remove the disease.

What are silver bridges? These are just strips of foil glued to a band-aid according to certain rules. It is very easy to make such a bridge yourself.

We will need food foil, adhesive tape and scissors.

It is better to use a wide hypoallergenic adhesive plaster so that there is no irritation on the skin from it.

It is necessary to cut out narrow strips of foil 1 cm wide and a little longer than the diseased area. From the adhesive plaster cut off a strip 2 cm longer than the length of the foil strips.

We glue strips of foil on the adhesive plaster at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other.

The silver bridge should always be glued to the sore spot (with rare exceptions) only in the vertical direction.

If the diseased area is large and one bridge is not enough to close it, make another one or two, glue next to the first.

  • angina,
  • Headache, dizziness
  • Diseases of the lungs, bronchi
  • Diseases of the esophagus, stomach ulcers, colitis, kidney and liver failure, inflammation of the ovaries and bladder
  • heart failure
  • Leg edema, varicose veins, knee pain, osteoporosis, scoliosis
  • Pain in the joints, spine, sciatica,
  • Otitis and cough
  • Mastopathy
  • Tumors
  • Seams, scars
  • To correct blood pressure

And this is not the whole list. Bridges can be applied to any place where it hurts, and you will see the result very soon.

I recently cured a huge hematoma on my leg after gluing a silver bridge.

Silver bridges can even smooth out wrinkles, for this they are glued to the face at night.

Silver bridges, except for cases of use against wrinkles and tumors, must be worn for three days without removing. And it is desirable to swim with them. And after three days, it is necessary to change the bridges for new ones, since they have already worked out their own.

In the treatment of tumors, the bridges are changed every other day.

It is not always enough to put a bridge on a sore spot, you need to know the different points on the body that are associated with a particular organ and their functions.

For example, for blood pressure correction, bridges are glued behind the ears, on the back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beginning of the thoracic region and on the stomach just above the navel.

If you stick bridges on your back, then you efficiency will increase, there will be such a surge of energy, and even in the evening you will not get tired.

I recorded my case on video and how silver bridges helped me.

Treatment of colds and throats with aluminum foil

Silver bridges will help you quickly cope with a cold, you need to stick them on your heels and put on socks. Better yet, wrap the heels with 5-7 layers of foil, laying paper between the layers. It acts with its warmth like mustard plasters, while there is no heat. You can keep the foil on your feet from 40 minutes to 2 hours. After a 2-hour break, the procedure can be repeated.

And for the prevention of colds and flu, I use it quite successfully, which I strongly advise you.

If your throat hurts, put a strip of foil on it and tie it with a scarf. Such a compress can be kept for at least an hour, at least for the night. By the morning you will feel relief.

Heel spur treatment with foil

Back in Soviet times, we bought Indian tea with an elephant. Remember?

Even back then, people used foil tea bags with a velvety paper backing to treat spurs. They folded it four times and put it in a sock under the heel.

Now you will not find such tea, but we also have food foil in a roll. A strip of it must be folded four times and laid with paper.

But keep in mind that one foil is not enough. Treatment must be comprehensive.

Foil treatment for sciatica

For the treatment of sciatica, we use the same method as for the treatment of spurs, colds with aluminum foil and for the manufacture of a rug for fatigue.

Those. we make a belt from several layers of foil with paper pads.

You need to lie in such a belt every day for forty minutes. Within a few days, the pain will disappear, and after two or three weeks, attacks of sciatica will leave you.

You can read about other non-traditional methods of treating sciatica at home.

Treatment of joints with foil

Painful joints can be wrapped in foil and secured with a bandage. But the use of silver bridges is still more effective.

They need to be applied not only to the sore spot, but also in the groin and buttocks.

I will share recent results and personal experience, or rather the experience of my 75-year-old mother.

Recently, she could barely walk with a cane and was crying from pain in her knees. Whatever she did not try to be treated: she drank medicines, and made various compresses (from clay, a golden mustache, from salt, and others). Although, my mother did not have the patience to conduct full courses of treatment, she felt a little better, she already forgot that the compress should be applied.

I kept telling her to try foil. Apparently, that time has come.

Mom listened to me, the severe pain went away almost immediately, and three days later, mom threw her stick away and is almost running. But here's another interesting observation: the left knee still hurts and mom continues to glue the bridges. And the right one no longer hurts at all, while the bridges do not want to stay on the knee, it repels them, apparently says that they are no longer needed.

Modern medicine includes a huge number of methods and methods for the treatment of various diseases and ailments. They can also include such a type of alternative medicine as foil treatment. We will consider the indications and contraindications for such therapy in detail, since any treatment requires an individual and careful approach.

What is the uniqueness of the treatment method?

According to scientists, each person is, to a certain extent, a source of a force energy field, which, due to different states of the body, can constantly change and collapse. To avoid this, some adherents of non-traditional treatment use foil, which, due to its physical properties, reflects the biofield thus protecting it from destruction.

Traditional healers claim that a one-time treatment will not give good results, so such a folk remedy should be used daily. In their opinion, aluminum foil can fully replace drug treatment and can more effectively restore immunity, unlike classical therapy.

According to numerous reviews of those who have experienced this method of therapy, foil treatment can relieve almost all ailments, from headaches to diseases of the joints and muscles.

How to start foil therapy?

Most patients carry out therapy at home on their own, without seeking help from medical institutions. To get started you need:

  1. Take the foil and cut out of it a square or rectangle of the required size, depending on the part of the body on which it will be applied;
  2. Fasten the already cut part with adhesive tape or a patch;
  3. Wrap the body with foil in just one or two layers.

Proponents of such medicine claim that they feel the result after two or three uses of such metal sheets. The duration of the session varies from 10 minutes to half an hour.

At the moment, the following options for using foil for treatment are practiced:

  • Overlapping aluminum circles;
  • Small rectangular compresses;
  • Joint wrap;
  • Full body wrap.

Body wrapping is becoming more and more popular. Those who want to experience the miraculous properties of aluminum are recommended to wrap themselves with three to five layers of thin-film aluminum, alternating with natural cotton fabrics.

Is aluminum foil treatment dangerous?

By itself, the foil, like the treatment, does not pose a significant threat to human health. However, it is worth considering that when heated, the metal begins to interact with the contacting surface. In our case, the surface is a part of the human body that will absorb harmful elements into itself.

Speaking of aluminum, it can accumulate in vital organs such as the kidneys, lungs and thyroid gland and negatively affect the growth of healthy cells. If the disease is started, it can lead to very serious diseases.

As for wrapping with foil, there will be harm only in case of strong heating of the metal, and also if special oils are applied to the body. Most often, patients experience an allergic reaction to these same oils in the form of dermatitis and irritation.

Foil treatment: indications and contraindications

As with any type of therapeutic complex measures, this method of therapy also has certain indications and precautions. Thin aluminum is used to overcome the following ailments:

  • Radiculitis;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • Periodic back pain;
  • Heel spur;
  • Varicose veins in the legs;
  • Accelerated healing of wounds and scars;
  • Migraines and frequent headaches;
  • Otitis media:
  • Angina;
  • Cold.

Each of the above diseases requires separate care and duration of treatment. For example, if your knees hurt, then a special compress can be applied for an hour or two and the procedure repeated every few hours. In case of a sore throat, be sure to wrap a warm scarf around your neck.

Despite the safety of traditional medicine, it is extremely it is undesirable to use foil in combination with fabric in such cases:

  1. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  2. High blood pressure;
  3. Venereal diseases and skin dermatitis.

In case of any health problems, it is not recommended to attempt to cure yourself, as this can significantly harm the body.

Popularization of folk recipes

It is easy to see that more and more people are interested in non-standard ways to overcome ailments. This is due to many reasons. One of them is the high cost of drugs and the course of treatment in clinics, the other is the mass distribution of self-treatment options.

It is also worth noting that the main target audience of such methods are pensioners and the elderly, who, unlike the working population, have more free time for alternative medicine.

From the point of view of professional medicine, most of the non-traditional methods are either quackery or self-hypnosis and self-deception, including foil treatment. Indications and contraindications may be made up for the hype because do not have medical evidence. Doctors advise not to waste time, not to endanger your own health and seek help from medical institutions.

Video about getting rid of pain with foil

In this video, Elena Ovsyannikova will show an excellent technique that will help you forget about pain in a short time. All you need is food grade aluminum foil:

Trying to get rid of diseases and their painful symptoms, people try on themselves almost all available methods of treatment, both traditional and folk. Patients who have experienced all the “charms” of joint pathologies claim that their well-being has improved significantly after several courses of treatment with aluminum sheets.

Although it sounds simply unbelievable, but the usual food foil used for domestic purposes can be medicinal. It will be truly indispensable for arthritis and salt deposition. For treatment, it is enough to wrap the affected joint with the shiny side of the foil. It should be treated daily until the pain disappears completely.

Due to the high temperature required for the production of this material, its sterility and complete safety in contact with the skin is ensured. The procedure can be carried out not only with sheets of culinary aluminum foil, but also with copper or gold plating. Often, after all, aluminum composition is used for medical purposes.

The principle of influence on the body

Recent studies have clearly shown that the therapeutic effect of this method was more than positive. Doctors explain the effectiveness by the fact that each person has his own energy field.

If the body is subject to frequent stresses and nervous strains, then this destroys the energy shell and causes the development of diseases.

If you use the shiny side of aluminum foil, then it:

  • reflects a person's own energy;
  • can amplify it several times.

Such a physiological effect is bioresonance. During foil treatment, biocurrents return to the point from which they came out. The procedure has a beneficial effect on cells and membranes. With the help of screening of biocurrents, it is possible to restore their normal pulsation in systems and organs. In addition, the treatment of joints with foil is characterized by the effect of enhancing positive energy.

Patients firmly declare that an aluminum sheet can save a person from almost any pain: from headache to joint pain.

Thanks to the directed positive energy, the diseased organ is able to heal, but with the obligatory condition that foil treatment will be an addition to traditional methods of therapy. Depending on the type of pathology and its severity, the doctor recommends the duration of the course.

Foil treatment can relieve pain:

  1. internal organs;
  2. soft tissues;
  3. get rid of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

If you apply it on scars after surgery, it will help restore the skin as quickly as possible.

Aluminum foil is especially indicated for the treatment of articular pathologies, because it will help relieve pain.

Ways to use foil

Many patients prefer to perform foil treatment on their own, without going to medical clinics. They noted that the disappearance or reduction of joint pain occurs quickly, and regardless of the place of application of the sheets.

Foil can be used in a variety of ways. The following methods have become the most popular today:

  • silver compresses;
  • applications in circular sheets (usually used to treat the spine);
  • bridging;
  • wrapping joints with sheets of any size;
  • whole body wrap.

Fix the foil with adhesive tape, adhesive tape, a piece of cotton fabric. It is enough to wrap the surface of the affected area in 1 layer. To wrap the whole body, you can apply layer-by-layer application of a thin sheet with the obligatory alternation of paper sheets or fabric. You will need to make from 3 to 7 layers.

The duration of therapy for each area of ​​the body will be different. If the patient suffers from pain in the joints of the legs and their joints, pathology of internal organs, then the session of metal exposure will last 10-40 minutes. In some cases, this period is increased to 2 hours.

The foil is applied with the shiny side towards the body, and the matte side can be used to regulate the energy frequencies. In addition, the foil can increase the effectiveness of compresses in the treatment of joints.

To do this, it is enough to wrap the affected area, previously lubricated with ointment, and then put on a special bandage.

"Silver Bridge"

The most popular method of joint treatment can be called the so-called "silver bridge". It is most often used at home. The essence of the treatment is that by attaching a “bridge” a healthy part of the body to the affected one, information and energy are transferred. As a result, after some time, the diseased area ceases to disturb, and the inflammatory process fades.

To make a bridge, you need:

  1. cut off a strip of wide adhesive tape. Its width should be at least 5-6 cm, and the length should completely cover the affected area;
  2. stick strips of aluminum foil on the patch with a matte side (depart from the edges by 1 cm). The width will be 5-6 mm. The distance between the stripes is equal to their width.

Stick "bridges" on the sore spot vertically to the spine and do not remove for 3 days. If the discomfort does not go away, then you can keep it longer. As necessary, the adhesive plaster is replaced with a new one.

As soon as the treatment is completed, the "silver bridge" is removed, and the skin is gently wiped with vegetable oil, herbal decoction or mineral water. This will help improve trophism and additionally relieve inflammation.

Treatment of the joints of the legs and hands

If the patient is tormented by pain in the fingers, then aluminum sheet wraps will help him relieve discomfort. Wrap it with a matte side to the affected finger and leave for 60 minutes.

After this time, the foil should be removed, and after 2 hours, repeat the procedure. Thus, the treatment is carried out three times a day. The course will be 7 days. If necessary, if the doctor does not prohibit, it can be repeated. Thanks to this method, energy flows are affected.

If the knee or elbow joint hurts, then to relieve it, a sheet of foil is applied to it and fixed with an elastic or medical bandage. Doctors recommend applying a similar bandage for 10 hours. It is best to do this at night. Between the procedures should pass from 7 to 14 days, and then repeat the treatment.

An equally effective method will be for other problems of the musculoskeletal system:

  • lumbosacral sciatica;
  • gout.

A patient suffering from gout can relieve pain by holding a leaf on his feet.

On average, the procedure lasts 40 minutes, and after 2 hours it is repeated. After 10-12 days of such therapy, the patient will feel a noticeable relief of well-being.

To whom is treatment contraindicated?

The amazing method of treatment with food foil has practically no contraindications. However, sometimes during the procedure it is necessary to achieve an increase in the temperature of individual areas of the skin.

In this case, an additional piece of cotton fabric is used, moistened with hot water, and the patient must be wrapped in a warm blanket. This creates the effect of a sauna. This method execution is prohibited:

  1. during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. with a high level of blood pressure;
  3. if the patient suffers from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  4. in diseases and ulcerative lesions of the skin of any etiology.

It is important not to self-medicate and, before using the foil, still consult with your doctor and make sure that the procedure is safe.

This seemingly primitive method of therapy is currently quite in demand in many modern domestic and foreign clinics. It can be used both as an additional treatment to the main therapeutic measures, and independently.

The method is quite simple, affordable, low-cost and has a wide range of applications. Patients often note the high effectiveness of foil treatment. After the procedure, the pain disappears, and the person feels a surge of strength.

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