Symptoms and treatment of hydrogen chloride poisoning. Hydrochloric acid solution - safety precautions Hydrochloric acid was spilled what to do

In the national economy and in everyday life, various concentrated and

weak acids: nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric, acetic, oxalic, hydrofluoric and

a number of their mixtures ("royal vodka").

General symptoms. Inhalation of strong acid vapors causes irritation and burns.

eyes, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, nosebleeds, pain in

larynx and lungs.

When acids come into contact with the skin, chemical burns occur, depth and severity

which are determined by the concentration of acid and the area of ​​the burn.

When acid enters, the digestive tract is affected: the sharpest

pain in the oral cavity, along the esophagus and stomach. Repeated vomiting with an admixture

blood, esophageal-gastric bleeding. Significant salivation (profuse

salivation), leading to mechanical asphyxia (suffocation) due to

pain in the act of coughing and swelling of the larynx. By the end of the first day in

severe cases, especially in case of poisoning with vinegar essence, appears

yellowness of the skin. Urine becomes pink to

dark brown. The liver is enlarged and painful on palpation. Phenomenon

reactive peritonitis. For 2-3 days, abdominal pain increases, possibly

perforation of the stomach.

Frequent complications are purulent tracheobronchitis and pneumonia, burn

asthenia, cachexia, cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus and stomach. Death may come

in the first hours with the phenomena of burn shock.

First aid and treatment. If poisoning is due to inhalation of fumes,

the victim must be removed from the contaminated atmosphere, rinsed

a sip of water, soda solution (2%) or furacilin solution (1:5000).

Inside - warm milk with soda or alkaline mineral (Borjomi) water,

mustard plasters on the larynx. Rinse eyes and drip 1-2 drops of a 2% solution

novocaine or 0.5% dicaine solution.

If the poisoning occurred when the poison got inside, then immediate

gastric lavage with copious amounts of water through a tube or tubeless

way. Inside - milk, egg whites, starch, mucous decoctions, oxide

magnesium (burnt magnesia) -- 1 tablespoon per glass of water, swallow pieces

ice, drink vegetable oil (100 g).

The basic principles of symptomatic treatment after hospitalization are the fight against

pain shock. With the appearance of dark urine - the introduction of bicarbonate into the vein

sodium, cardiovascular agents, novocaine blockade. In cases

significant blood loss - repeated blood transfusions. Early application

massive doses of antibiotics, hydrocortisone or ACTH. Vitamin therapy.

Hemostatic agents - vikasol intramuscularly, calcium chloride in

With laryngeal edema, inhalation of penicillin aerosols with ephedrine. When

the failure of this event - a tracheotomy.

Fasting for 2-3 days, then diet N 1a up to 1.5 months.

Nitric acid. Symptoms: pain and burns of the lips, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus,

stomach. Yellow coloration of the oral mucosa. Vomiting of yellowish bloody masses.

Difficulty swallowing. Soreness and bloating. Urine contains protein and blood. AT

severe cases of collapse and loss of consciousness.

First aid: gastric lavage, burnt magnesia or lime water through

5 minutes for 1 tablespoon. Drink plenty of water, ice water, milk

(glasses), raw eggs, raw egg white, fats and oils, mucous decoctions.

Boric acid. Symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea. Headache. skin rashes,

starting with a face. Decline of cardiac activity, collapse.

First aid: gastric lavage, alkaline drink. In case of heart failure

exciting activities.

Sulfuric acid. Symptoms: burns of the lips are blackish in color, mucous membranes are white and

brown. Vomit brown, chocolate color. First aid - see

Nitric acid.

Hydrochloric acid. Symptoms: burns of the oral mucosa of a blackish color. First

help -- see Nitric acid.

Acetic acid, acetic essence.

Symptoms: bloody vomiting, grayish-white color of the oral mucosa, smell

vinegar from the mouth.

First aid - see Nitric acid.

Phenols (carbolic acid, lysol, guaiacol). lethal dose of carbolic

acids: 10 g.

Symptoms: dyspepsia, pain behind the sternum and in the abdomen, vomiting with

admixture of blood, loose stools. Mild poisoning is characterized by dizziness,

stupor, headache, severe weakness, cyanosis, increasing shortness of breath. At

severe poisoning quickly develops a coma, for which

characterized by constriction of the pupils, respiratory failure by the type of mechanical asphyxia

(aspiration of vomit, retraction of the tongue. The phenomena of narcotic

damage to the central nervous system. Development is possible after 2-3 days

acute renal failure, especially with extensive skin burns with Lysol or

carbolic acid solution. Dark urine is typical as a result of oxidation on

air of phenol products released with it. Death comes from paralysis

respiration and a drop in cardiovascular activity.

First aid. Restoration of disturbed breathing - toilet of the oral cavity, etc.

Careful gastric lavage through a tube with warm water with the addition of 2 tablespoons

spoons of activated carbon or burnt magnesia. Salt laxative. Fats in

including castor oil, are contraindicated! Skin contact with phenol

remove clothing in contact with the poison, wash the skin with olive (vegetable)

Treatment. Unitiol (10 ml of 5% solution) intramuscularly. Sodium thiosulfate (100 ml

30% solution) drip with glucose into a vein. Bilateral pararenal blockade

novocaine. Vitamin therapy: ascorbic acid (10 ml of 5% solution)

intramuscularly. Forced diuresis (urine alkalinization and water load).

Cardiovascular agents. Antibiotics.

Hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric acid) - an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride HCl, is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor of hydrogen chloride. Technical acid has a yellowish-green color due to impurities of chlorine and iron salts. The maximum concentration of hydrochloric acid is about 36% HCl; such a solution has a density of 1.18 g/cm3. Concentrated acid "smokes" in air, since the escaping gaseous HCl forms tiny droplets of hydrochloric acid with water vapor.

Hydrochloric acid is not flammable, not explosive. It is one of the strongest acids, dissolves (with the release of hydrogen and the formation of salts - chlorides) all metals in the series of voltages up to hydrogen. Chlorides are also formed during the interaction of hydrochloric acid with metal oxides and hydroxides. With strong oxidizing agents, it behaves like a reducing agent.

Salts of hydrochloric acid - chlorides, with the exception of AgCl, Hg2Cl2, are highly soluble in water. Glass, ceramics, porcelain, graphite, fluoroplast are resistant to it.

Hydrochloric acid is obtained by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water, which is synthesized either directly from hydrogen and chlorine or obtained by the action of sulfuric acid on sodium chloride.

Produced technical hydrochloric acid has a strength of at least 31% HCl (synthetic) and 27.5% HCl (from NaCI). Commercial acid is called concentrated if it contains 24% or more HCl, if the HCl content is less, then the acid is called dilute.

Hydrochloric acid is used to obtain chlorides of various metals, organic intermediates and synthetic dyes, acetic acid, activated carbon, various adhesives, hydrolytic alcohol, and in electroforming. It is used for etching metals, for cleaning various vessels, casing pipes of boreholes from carbonates, oxides and other sediments and contaminants. In metallurgy, ores are treated with acid, in the leather industry - leather before tanning and dyeing. Hydrochloric acid is used in the textile, food industry, medicine, etc.

Hydrochloric acid plays an important role in the processes of digestion, it is an integral part of gastric juice. Diluted hydrochloric acid is prescribed orally mainly for diseases associated with insufficient acidity of gastric juice.

Hydrochloric acid is transported in glass bottles or gummed (coated with a layer of rubber) metal vessels, as well as in plastic containers.

Hydrochloric acid very dangerous for human health. Causes severe burns on contact with skin. Eye contact is especially dangerous.

If hydrochloric acid gets on the skin, it must be washed off immediately with a plentiful stream of water.

The mist and vapors of hydrogen chloride formed when concentrated acid interacts with air are very dangerous. They irritate mucous membranes and the respiratory tract. Prolonged work in an atmosphere of HCl causes catarrh of the respiratory tract, tooth decay, clouding of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, ulceration of the nasal mucosa, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Acute poisoning is accompanied by hoarseness, suffocation, runny nose, cough.

In the event of a leak or spill, hydrochloric acid can cause significant environmental damage. Firstly, this leads to the release of vapors of the substance into the atmospheric air in quantities exceeding sanitary and hygienic standards, which can lead to poisoning of all living things, as well as the appearance of acid precipitation, which can lead to a change in the chemical properties of soil and water.

Secondly, it can seep into groundwater, resulting in pollution of inland waters.
Where the water in rivers and lakes has become quite acidic (pH less than 5), fish disappear. When trophic chains are disturbed, the number of aquatic animal species, algae and bacteria is reduced.

In cities, acid precipitation accelerates the destruction of marble and concrete structures, monuments and sculptures. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive to metals and reacts with substances such as bleach, manganese dioxide, or potassium permanganate to form toxic chlorine gas.

In the event of a spill, hydrochloric acid is washed off surfaces with plenty of water or an alkaline solution that neutralizes the acid.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Hydrochloric acid is a colorless liquid with a very pungent, peculiar odor. This substance is potent, it can dissolve various metals.

To obtain it, hydrogen chloride in the form of a gas is dissolved in water. How does poisoning occur with this substance? What symptoms indicate poisoning? How to provide first aid to an injured person?

Intoxication with this substance, or rather its vapors, usually occurs in industrial production, where they work with this component. Usually such poisoning is associated with an accident:

  • If ventilation was damaged at work;
  • If there is corrosion on the equipment;
  • If the integrity of the container where the acid is stored was violated during transportation;
  • If containers with a toxic substance are depressurized under production conditions.

It is especially dangerous in such situations to be on the lower floors of the enterprise, in the basement, because the vapors of this substance are heavier than air, they are below.

Also, poisoning can occur if a person, working with acid, does not use personal protective equipment, violates safety rules at work.

In everyday life, intoxication with this dangerous component is also possible. The reasons for such poisoning can be as follows:

  • When pouring hydrochloric acid, a person can inadvertently inhale its vapors.
  • A person can prepare a solution for external use for the purpose of self-treatment at home.
  • A person used a solution of strong concentration for cleaning plumbing and in other domestic conditions.

Hydrochloric acid intoxication can occur in an acute form, and maybe in a chronic form (when a person inhales low doses of acid for a long time).

Symptoms of acute intoxication:

  • Conjunctival hyperemia develops;
  • Soreness, burning and perspiration in the nasopharynx;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Photophobia also develops;
  • There is pain in the eyes;
  • The person begins to cough strongly, sneeze;
  • Respiratory function is disturbed;
  • The voice becomes hoarse, in some cases it may disappear altogether;
  • A mucous discharge appears from the nose.

If acid vapors enter the epidermis, then coagulative necrosis develops - ulcers and erosions appear on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

The systemic effect of poisons begins to appear 3-4 days after direct contact with the poison. Various diseases of the bronchopulmonary region appear, sometimes, if the poisoning is strong enough, asphyxia may occur.

The most dangerous consequence of such poisoning is pulmonary edema.

This dangerous condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The heartbeat is very fast;
  • There is a cough with frothy pinkish sputum;
  • Severe pain appears in the sternum;
  • The person becomes very weak;
  • There are wheezing in the lungs;
  • The skin becomes cyanotic;
  • There is a sharp shortness of breath.

Symptoms appear within 2 days, over the next 2-3 days it begins to develop in the opposite direction.

If the poisoning is chronic, then this causes a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, destruction of tooth enamel, and the development of non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

When the first signs of such poisoning appear, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Immediately remove the victim from the place of acid evaporation.
  2. Ensure the flow of fresh air - ventilate the room by opening doors, windows, if the victim has clothing that restricts movement, then it must be unbuttoned or removed.
  3. If the poisoned person has lost consciousness, then you need to turn him on his side. This is necessary so that in case of vomiting, he suddenly does not choke on vomit.
  4. The nasal cavity, as well as the skin that has been exposed to acid vapors, should be washed with a soda solution (2%), rinsed with water.
  5. For 20-25 (at least) minutes, you need to rinse your eyes with water, then drip with Novocain. Vaseline oil can also be used instead.
  6. Perform inhalation with soda solution.
  7. Give the patient milk or still water to drink.

In case of intoxication with vapors of the substance in question, it is necessary to contact physicians in absolutely all cases. After all, such poisoning is very dangerous for health, and sometimes for human life.

After providing first aid to the victim, you need to call a team of doctors as soon as possible.

Hydrochloric acid is a strong inorganic acid that is extremely toxic to the body. Any contact with hydrogen chloride, as this compound is also called, is dangerous to human health and life and is highly traumatic. Poisonous and vapors of hydrochloric acid, and the liquid itself, although the damaging effect in different ways of contact with it is different.

It is visually difficult to distinguish pure hydrochloric acid - HCl - from water, because it is transparent and colorless. However, it is impossible not to feel its sharp, strong smell, therefore, accidental poisoning can only occur in children who inadvertently sipped from an unidentified bottle during improper storage. Well, highly concentrated hydrochloric acid, when uncorked, forms a cloud of smoke ("fog"), smelling as pungent as it can be recognized. The acid that is used in industrial conditions is technical and has various impurities (for example, iron, which also give it a faint greenish or yellowish tint.

How does hydrochloric acid poisoning occur?

If we recall the school course of biology and chemistry, it turns out that hydrochloric acid is in the minimum, safe concentration in the stomach of each of us: it is the active component of gastric juice, due to which food is broken down. However, in industrial, laboratory and technical concentrations, hydrochloric acid is a powerful destructive factor.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning is possible not only in laboratories (you can get it by mixing water with hydrogen chloride) or in production (hydrochloric acid is used by the chemical and pharmacological industries, it is also used in food production). Household poisoning is also possible, because it is used, for example, to clean surfaces.

If poisoning occurs in production and in laboratories, the causes are usually negligence, violation of technology and safety when using the substance, or sudden leakage during accidents and depressurization of containers for storing or transporting acid, as well as ventilation failures. At the same time, it is most dangerous to be on the floor or in the lower floors and basements, since the evaporation of hydrochloric acid is heavier than air and sinks down.

Household vapor poisoning occurs if, when using acid (for cleaning), a person neglected the means of protecting the skin, respiratory organs and mucous eyes. Contact poisoning by contact with the skin most often occurs when it is poured into another container or used carelessly.

Symptoms of hydrochloric acid poisoning

How the acid interacts with the tissues and organs of the human body depends on the method of damage.

Hydrochloric acid vapors affect the body through the respiratory tract. It is they who become the "target" of the harmful effects, causing:

  • pain in the chest and throat,
  • epistaxis and vomiting of blood in case of high vapor concentrations,
  • painful cough.
  • hoarseness
  • feeling short of breath, suffocation,
  • pain in the eyes and a painful reaction to light,
  • redness of the conjunctiva
  • lacrimation,
  • asphyxia, swelling of the mucous membranes of the larynx, bronchi, and then the lungs, which can cause the death of the victim.

In order not to miss the signs of a formidable complication - pulmonary edema - it is important to know them. It:

  • chest pain,
  • severe shortness of breath
  • frothy cough with pinkish sputum
  • moist rales in the lungs,
  • lethargy and weakness
  • cyanosis of the skin,
  • frequent heartbeat.

Liquid acid can also come into contact with the skin and internal organs - depending on the situation. In any case, it necrotizes and cauterizes tissues, destroying proteins, coagulating them (causing the so-called coagulation necrosis: the appearance of ulcers and erosions on the mucous membranes).

Contact with acid on the skin causes a burn, which will be the stronger, the more concentrated the substance was the cause. A relatively mild burn will cause painful redness and burning, a more serious one will cause severe pain (up to painful shock), blisters, tissue death, yellow-gray skin coloration. Acid in the eyes is extremely traumatic - it is almost guaranteed partial or complete loss of vision.

Internal acid attacks almost always have the most serious consequences. What happens if you drink hydrochloric acid? The strongest burn of mucous membranes over the entire area of ​​​​contact with it: lips, tongue, teeth and the entire oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines are affected. Outwardly, the symptoms look like this:

  • burning pain inside, capable of causing pain shock,
  • gray-yellow shade of the affected mucous membranes,
  • bloody painful vomiting and sputum,
  • cough accompanied by severe pain
  • possible pulmonary edema and toxic pneumonia,
  • profuse salivation,
  • yellowing of the skin
  • brown spots on teeth
  • dark brown urine (a sign of kidney damage),
  • pain in the right side (a sign of development - severe liver damage),
  • at a high concentration of the substance, perforation of the stomach is possible - it is burned through.

A state of shock, in addition to pain, can also be caused by general intoxication of the body with damage to the liver and kidneys, caused by the destruction and death of body cells.

In a word, if this is a method of suicide, then it is extremely painful, painful, lengthy (an acute condition lasts up to 2 days), and most importantly, unreliable, since the modern level of medicine allows you to help even in such cases with timely assistance, but the health consequences will be extremely severe, up to lifelong disability.

How and what can you do to help before the doctors arrive?

The victim, regardless of the method of damage, in case of poisoning with hydrochloric acid, requires immediate medical attention and, as a rule, emergency hospitalization. Therefore, if you find a poisoned person with the presence of the above symptoms (adult or child), or if you yourself and are conscious, the first thing to do is call an ambulance or take you to the hospital.

The next steps are:

  • cessation of the damaging effects of acid:
    • if these are vapors, fresh air is needed (open windows or take the victim out of the room);
    • what to do if acid gets on the skin: abundant, prolonged washing with clean running water (including soapy water), followed by treatment with a weak soda solution (1 tsp per glass of water) and repeated washing;

Important: do not tear off the remnants of clothing if it is stuck to the skin!

    • if the substance gets into the eyes, they are washed with plenty of cool water for at least 15-20 minutes.
  • Inspection of the scene: if you manage to find a container with the remnants of the substance, give it to the doctors for analysis: as we already know, technical hydrochloric acid contains impurities, which themselves can be strong toxins.

What is the treatment process?

The actual treatment and removal of pain syndrome is as follows:

  • If the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, nose and mouth are affected, rinse with a two percent solution of soda, and also prescribe warm milk with soda or Borjomi water, when coughing -
  • In case of contact with the eyes, doctors will drip an antibiotic (for example, chloramphenicol) and painkillers (novocaine, dicaine), and then they will inject sterile peach or vaseline oil into the conjunctival sac. Further, it is recommended to wear dark glasses so that the eyes are not additionally irritated by bright light.
  • In case of skin burns, after washing, wet furatsilin dressings are applied to prevent the development of infection in the wounds. For mild (1st degree) burns, methylene blue can be used. With a more severe lesion (2nd degree burn), after alcohol treatment of the skin and removal of blisters, an anesthetic-impregnated bandage is applied.
  • If the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are affected, they are treated with a solution of dicaine (2%). Every 2 hours, the oral cavity is treated with a mixture of vegetable oil with an antibiotic and an anesthetic.
  • If the acid has got inside, into the esophagus and stomach, anesthesia with promedol or morphine is necessary, and then emergency washing with cold water with the addition of milk or egg white using an oil-treated probe. If it is not possible to wash the stomach with a probe, antiemetics are not used, but induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue after drinking at least 3-5 glasses of cool water (repeat 3-4 times). Also inside it is necessary to take enveloping mucous means: beaten egg white, milk, vegetable oil, mucous decoctions (for example, flaxseed). Small pieces of ice that are swallowed and an ice pack on the stomach also help. Next is forced diuresis.

Important: soda is not used internally, as it causes copious gas release when reacting with acid, which additionally injures the mucous membranes. Laxatives are also not used, so as not to provoke acid damage to the entire intestine.

  • Removal of the pain syndrome is necessary for the prevention of shock, so analgesics are required.
  • Symptomatic treatment is also prescribed: heart remedies for violations of the heart, detoxification to prevent damage to the kidneys and liver, antibiotics to prevent the development of infections, etc.

Prevention methods

  • Properly store acid: the container should be special, resistant to acids, and the storage place should not be accessible to children. The bottle should be marked, and in order to be clear even to a child - an expressive sticker with the symbols of mortal danger. Never pour acids into glass drink bottles to prevent babies from drinking them by mistake.
  • Strictly adhere to all safety rules before and during work with aggressive chemicals: wear gloves and overalls to protect the skin, use goggles and a respirator to protect the mucous membranes, always check the ventilation.
  1. Evacuate the victim from the contaminated site.
  2. Provide access to fresh air (open windows, doors, unfasten tight clothing).
  3. If the casualty is unconscious, lay him on his side or on his back with his head turned to one side to prevent aspiration of vomit if he vomits.
  4. Rinse the nose and exposed skin with a 2% soda solution (1 tsp of soda per 200 ml glass of water) and plenty of running water, rinse your mouth.
  5. For a long time (15-20 minutes) and abundantly, with a jet, rinse open eyes with running water, drip 1-2 drops of a 2% solution of Novocain, 1-2 drops of vaseline oil.
  6. Perform inhalation with a 2% soda solution.
  7. Give the victim an alkaline drink (mineral water without gas, milk).

Hydrochloric acid poisoning: symptoms and treatment

Hydrochloric acid poisoning through the oral cavity occurs when the poison is swallowed. As a rule, most often this happens in people who are prone to suicide and children who have drunk the substance as a result of carelessness of their parents. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • pain and burning in the mouth,
  • nausea, vomiting brown-black, often with an admixture of blood,
  • coughing,
  • profuse salivation,
  • pain in the esophagus, stomach, chest,
  • tongue turns black
  • skin may turn yellow
  • there are painful sensations in the right side due to a violation of the liver.

Hydrochloric acid technical

hydrochloric acid- a thing in many industries is simply irreplaceable. Metallurgy, food production, electroforming, medicine - these and many other areas today are hard to imagine without the use of acids. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what is hydrochloric acid technical how it is produced and where it is applied. We will try to correct this situation - we will consider these issues and note the most important points that relate to such an important and irreplaceable chemical product as hydrochloric acid.

Let's talk about the dangers of coffee. Coffee is like a drug for most of us. Consider how huge the number of people around the world start their day with a cup of coffee before going to work. Some people enjoy coffee and it doesn't seem to cause any health problems.

First aid for burns and hydrochloric acid poisoning

The poisonousness of a substance lies in the fact that in the air the liquid evaporates, releasing gas. It enters the human body through the mucous membranes and skin. If it comes into contact with the skin, the acid causes severe chemical burns. Every human stomach also contains hydrochloric acid. It helps the digestive process. People who have low acidity are prescribed drugs with this substance. Hydrogen chloride solution is also used as food additive E 507.

Hydrochloric acid: impact on the environment and human health

Hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric acid) - an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride HCl, is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor of hydrogen chloride. Technical acid has a yellowish-green color due to impurities of chlorine and iron salts. The maximum concentration of hydrochloric acid is about 36% HCl; such a solution has a density of 1.18 g/cm3. Concentrated acid “smokes” in air, since the escaping gaseous HCl forms tiny droplets of hydrochloric acid with water vapor.

Emissions of hydrochloric acid vapors harm the health of Dzerzhinsk residents

Yesterday it became known that in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, the norm for the content of hydrogen chloride in the air was four times exceeded. The measurements were taken not in the industrial zone, but in residential areas. While the regulatory authorities will find out which plant was responsible for the release, the situation may repeat itself.

The effect of hydrochloric acid vapor on the body of a pregnant woman and on the fetus

Hydrochloric acid is a solution of gaseous hydrogen chloride HCl in water. The latter is a hygroscopic colorless gas with a pungent odor. HCl is poisonous. Poisoning usually occurs by mist formed when the gas interacts with water vapor in the air. HCl is also absorbed on the mucous membranes with the formation of acid, which causes severe irritation.

health hazards hydrochloric acid

If the acid was inhaled for a short time, the person will feel irritation in the eyes, nose, and airways; inflammation and pulmonary edema may also develop. Even a slight inhalation of acid can be fatal. After inhaling acid, a person may experience the following symptoms: lips and nails become bluish, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid pulse, low blood pressure and weakness. Remove the victim to fresh air, keep him calm and warm, and if the person has stopped breathing, perform resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention.

Stabilizer E 507: why hydrochloric acid is added to candy fillings

Hydrochloric acid of high purity for the needs of medicine and the food industry is produced in a more expensive and labor-intensive way. At the first stage, hydrogen chloride is isolated by burning hydrogen in chlorine. Absorption of the substance with water allows obtaining hydrochloric acid of the highest grade. It is called "synthetic technical" (GOST 857-95).

What to do in case of hydrochloric acid poisoning

Internal acid attacks almost always have the most serious consequences. What happens if you drink hydrochloric acid? The strongest burn of mucous membranes over the entire area of ​​​​contact with it: lips, tongue, teeth and the entire oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines are affected. Outwardly, the symptoms look like this:


The probability of poisoning with hydrochloric acid (in its pure form or in the form of a chemical composition, where it is the main component) in a concentration that threatens life and health is quite high for a person. The following situations can serve as a reason for poisoning:

Symptoms and treatment of hydrogen chloride poisoning

Monitor the condition of the victim, control the presence of his breathing and heartbeat. If he has lost consciousness, lay him on a flat and hard surface, turn his head to one side. It is most convenient to control the pulse on the carotid artery, which runs under the skin on the anterolateral surface of the neck.

Smoke poisoning from concentrated acids and alkalis

You? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

Hydrochloric acid (E507)

However, since it is used in the food industry as a food additive to adjust pH, hydrochloric acid is neutralized or buffered by the food to which it is added. Thus, a person consumes not the acid itself, but the chloride ion in the salts that are formed during the neutralization reaction.

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